Mexico gangs. Mexican mafia

La Eme (Spanish - La eMe) - Mexican criminal organization, which originated in the late 50s of the last century in the Deuel prison in the Californian city of Tricy. The Founding Fathers were thirteen Mexicans who grew up in East Los Angeles and were part of the Marawila gang. The newly formed criminal association was headed by Luis “Huero Buffalo” Flores from the Hawaiian Gardens gang.

Flores and other founders of this mafia They set themselves several goals: to instill in others respect for the ancestors of the May and the Aztecs, to protect their like-minded people from other prisoners and correctional facility guards.

Recruiting new fighters, honing the skills of fighting, running a drug business and creating weapons, Luis Flores set out to bring the entire black business of the Deuel prison under the control of his structure. For the most part, he succeeded. However, observing the increased power of the daring Mexicans, the Department of Prisons decided to transfer some of the leaders of this group to other correctional facilities. But this step by the authorities, on the contrary, allowed the Mexicans to develop their criminal network even more - they recruited new members in other institutions. Gradually mexican mafia won the devotion and unquestioning obedience of its supporters, both in prisons and in cities in southern California: Los Angeles and San Diego. Later there were branches of this mafia in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

In its structure, La Eme is similar to. She has bosses, advisors, henchmen, fighters and "carnales". "Сarnales" the lowest level - members mafia who do the most “dirty work”.

As you know, the new candidate was brought into the ranks of La Eme by old members of this mafia. If the newcomer was guilty, then the person who offered him had to kill the one who stumbled. People in this mafia are also killed for snitching, cowardice, sodomy, failure to follow orders and disrespect for “colleagues.”

The guys from La Eme follow several commandments: they give preference to their criminal group rather than their family; deny the existence of the structure in communication with government officials and civilians who are not members of this criminal organization.

Throughout its existence, La Eme fought for turf with the northern California Mexican-American prison organization Nuestra Familia and the African-American Black Guerrilla Family. The enemies differed not only in skin color and outlook on life, but also in tattoos. The amigos discussed in the article pricked themselves with a black hand - their main symbol. Along with him are the heroes of the national emblem of Mexico - an eagle and a snake. The guys used the number “13” as the identification number of the brigades. It stands for the 13th letter of the English alphabet - “M”, which is included in the name of the mafia - “La eMe”.

What's interesting is that the bosses of this mafia, who were sitting in the zone, managed to keep civilians and competitors in the wild at bay. By tapping codes on the prison drainage pipes or passing “babies,” they intimidated uncooperative opponents.

According to the FBI, the main type of detail Mexican mafia – extortion, drug trafficking, robberies, kidnappings and murders. In the latter, they received significant assistance from the white Nazi group, the Aryan Brotherhood. Also Mexican mafiosi They were involved in racketeering and were taking over some public groups. With the help of bribed civil society activists, Mexican mafiosi stole money that should have been spent on anti-alcohol and anti-drug programs.

All this was charged to the detainees mafia at high-profile trials in 1995 and 2006.
Today, La Eme includes about 30 thousand people who are based in prisons in the United States, especially in Southern California.

Criminal activity drug trafficking, murder, arms trafficking, racketeering, extortion, gambling, witness intimidation.

Mexican mafia, also known as La Eme(Russian: La Eme) is a Mexican criminal organization, one of the oldest and most powerful prison gangs in the United States.


The Mexican Mafia was created in the late 50s by members of a Mexican street gang incarcerated in Deuel Prison, located in Trici, California. The gang was founded by thirteen Mexican-Americans from East Los Angeles, several of whom were members of the Marawila gang. They called themselves Mexicanemi, which translates from the Nahuatl language as “the one who walks with God in the heart.” The founder of the gangs was Luis "Huero Buffalo" Flores, formerly a member of the Hawaiian Garden Gang.

Although the Mexican Mafia was created in part to show respect to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, its main purpose was to protect its members from other prisoners, as well as from guards. Dewel Prison was considered a "university" for inmates where they could develop their skills in fighting, drug dealing, and weapons making.

Initially, Luis Flores began recruiting the most violent gangsters in order to create a fearsome organization capable of seizing control of the prison's black market. In response to the increasing violence, the Department of Prisons transferred some members of the Mexican Mafia to other prisons, including San Quentin. This government move inadvertently helped the Mexican Mafia recruit new members in prisons and juvenile facilities.

Criminal activity

The Mexican Mafia is an organization involved in extortion, drug trafficking and murder, both inside and outside of prisons. According to the FBI, the Mexican Mafia often hires members of the Aryan Brotherhood (a white Nazi group) to carry out contract killings. LaEme and the Aryan Brotherhood are common enemies of the African-American gang Black Guerrilla Family. The first murder on the loose was by the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles in 1971. The person responsible for the murder was white Marawila gang member Joe "Pegleg" Morgan. Morgan was widely respected within the Mexican Mafia and later became one of its leaders. His connections with cocaine and heroin suppliers from Mexico helped the Mexican Mafia begin a widespread drug operation in California. In the 70s, under the leadership of Rudy Cadena, the gang seized control of some community groups and managed, with their participation, to steal money intended to finance programs to combat alcohol and drugs. In 1995, federal authorities convicted 22 members of the Mexican Mafia on RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) charges including extortion, murder and kidnapping. One of those arrested, Benjamin "Topo" Peters, was allegedly one of the leaders of the organization and was embroiled in a power struggle with Ruben "Tupi" Hernandez. In 2006, charges were brought against members of the Mexican Mafia on 36 counts. The arrests stemmed from alleged acts of violence, drug trafficking and extortion against smaller Latino street gangs. Federal indictments allege the Mexican Mafia has strong influence in both state and federal prisons. Gang members and supporters remain extremely loyal to the organization both inside and outside of prison, especially in southern California cities such as Los Angeles and San Diego. The gang is gaining influence over the gangs of southern California by threatening violence against their members if they ever go to jail. Gangs and drug traffickers who refuse to pay the Mexican Mafia for protection are often subject to attacks and death threats. High-ranking members of LaEme, locked in their cells for 23 hours a day, still manage to transmit orders, either by tapping codes on drainpipes or through secret letters.


Although the Mexican Mafia is a structured criminal organization, it appears to be controlled by a single leader. About 150 members of the organization have the power to order assassinations, and at least 1000 carry out their orders. The total number of LaEme members in the United States is approximately 30,000. Modeled after the Sicilian Mafia, the Mexican Mafia has a paramilitary structure that includes the ranks of generals, captains, lieutenants and sergeants. Below the sergeants are the soldiers, often referred to as "carnales" ("meat").

Members of the Mexican Mafia must show loyalty to the gang, that is, participate in its tests, often committing robberies and murders. The penalty for refusing or failing to carry out orders is often death. According to gang regulations, gang members can also be killed or punished for committing the following four offenses: snitching, sodomy, cowardice and disrespect for other gang members. According to Mexican Mafia policy, a member cannot be killed without the approval of three members, but killing non-members does not require formal approval.

In San Quentin prison in the 1960s, Luis Flores and Rudy "Cheyenne" Cadena formed a blood oath upon joining the Mexican Mafia. Before the blood oath rule, Mexican Mafia members were allowed to rejoin street gangs after being released from prison. The new oath clearly stated that the only way out of the gang was death. Flores and Cadena also established a number of rules. These included: a new member must be proposed by an old member; unanimous consent of all members for the entry of a newcomer (no longer valid); preference for gang over family; denial of the existence of the Mexican Mafia when communicating with representatives of the law and non-members; forget about the street conflicts that existed before the imprisonment. Killing a gang member for breaking the rules must be committed by the gang member who proposed it.

Along with California (the main base of activity), the Mexican Mafia is also present in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.

Allies and enemies

The main ally of the Mexican Mafia is the Aryan Brotherhood. The main enemies of the Mexican Mafia are the Nuestra Familia and the Black Guerrilla Family.


The black hand is the main symbol of the Mexican Mafia. One of the gang symbols often used in tattoos is the national symbol of Mexico (an eagle and a snake) on top of a burning circle above crossed knives. Members of the Mexican Mafia use the number 13 as gang identification, as the letter "M" for the name La eMe is the thirteenth letter in the English alphabet. Mexican mafiosi also wear black clothing.

See also


  1. Modern Prison Gangs (undefined) . Retrieved March 22, 2008. Archived March 27, 2012.

Mafia and gangster groups around the world carefully observe their laws and customs - after all, this is their calling card, which distinguishes them from ordinary street robbers and helps them remain known in certain circles, which means fear, respect, and therefore money. When threats and intimidation do not work, the mafia immediately executes the person, reminding him that there is nothing personal - “just business.” Types of executions also have a peculiar style, it can inform both the criminal group that ordered it and the identity of the killer, and sometimes it will be easy for an initiated person to understand by whom and for what the unfortunate person who dared to somehow harm the criminal clans was killed.

Italian mafia

The sultry Sicilians, Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta, and their American followers went down in history as the most inventive "classic" criminals in dealing with their enemies.

Their championship is held by strangulation with a garotte - a special noose with handles, made in the form of a very thin rope, most often a string. It is interesting that such an execution was not applicable to everyone, but only to family members, or those who were previously respected, but had lost this attitude.

For ill-wishers, “cement boots” were simpler. As a rule, the mafiosi always protected a couple of construction unions they knew, so it was not difficult for them to get a basin and cement. The victim was placed in a basin, filled with cement, waited until it hardened, and sent to the nearest pond “to the fish.”

A rat in the mouth is a terrible type of execution that was carried out on “informers.” Anyone who violated the law of “omerta” was tied to a chair, a rat was stuffed into his mouth, and then his mouth was sealed with tape. The victim suffered terribly, and if she did not die from painful shock, then she was finished off with a firearm.


Influential Japanese mafiosi, as a rule, do not create chaos at first, but chop off the tip of the little finger for a minor offense. If a member of the clan has committed another offense, the phalanx is cut off, and so on in an ascending manner, until the poor fellow realizes that the next severed piece may be his head.

As for instant executions, the Yakuza have a wide variety: sepukku is still in use among high-ranking members of the clan, beating with bamboo sticks, and even execution with a historical touch: strangulation with a silk cord.


In the Triad, the most exotic method of execution is considered to be “Ling Shi” - continuous death or “death by a thousand cuts.” The essence of the method is small cuts throughout the body, like from a sheet of paper. The executioner must have a special skill, and not allow the victim to die quickly from painful shock or make a cut too deep and allow the victim to bleed.

By the way, Confucian teachings suggest that if a person’s body was severely cut before death, then in the afterlife he will no longer be able to be whole - so for believers in China this type of execution was considered the most terrible.

Brazilian and South African mafia

The African necklace is a horrific torture that is still used in executions in Brazil and South Africa. A rubber tire filled with gasoline was placed on a person's chest, after which the gasoline was set on fire. The burning rubber of a tire, which burns for a long time, hotly, and besides, due to gasoline, melts at twice the speed, turned the human body into a molten mass.

Painful death and a terrible sight are exactly the effect that brutal black gangs are counting on.

Russian, American mafia

Burial alive is an execution that dates back to ancient times, and was widely used even at the beginning of the 20th century. The Russian and American mafia have adopted this experience, and if the former goes and buries its competitors in forest plantations, the American mafia takes its enemies to the desert, throws a shovel at their feet and orders them to dig at gunpoint.

They still argue: putting a flashlight and a flask of water in a boarded-up coffin is considered mercy or cruelty, because this only prolongs the torment, while not everyone can refuse the last sip of water that is at hand.

Colombian mafia

It is extremely difficult to find traitors and informers among members of the Colombian mafia, because in the case of “leaking” information, the victim’s throat is cut and the tongue is pulled out, which is called a “Colombian tie”.

Mexican drug cartels

Mexican drug cartels are sadists, and dying from a bullet is considered a gift and an easy death among them. For example, they have a large arsenal of executions by our smaller brothers, from being bitten by poisonous snakes, torture by scorpions, to sticking heads into a hive of hornets.

However, the most “honorable and brutal” execution is considered to be chopping with a machete, when the victim’s arms and legs are successively chopped off, the stomach is ripped open and, finally, the head is cut off.

Prison Gang is a term used to refer to any type of gang activity in prisons and correctional facilities. Most prison gangs in the United States are created to protect their members. Typically, these gangs are formed along racial or ethnic lines. Most often, prison gangs are involved in the delivery and sale of drugs, tobacco and alcohol into prison. In addition, many prison gangs are involved in prostitution, various attacks, kidnappings and murders. Prison gangs also attack other prisoners, forcing them to give them food and money. In addition, prison gangs have significant influence outside, much more than one might imagine.

Since the beginning of the war on drugs in the 1980s, as prison populations and drug profits increased substantially, major gangs have consciously worked to use their influence behind bars to control and profit from the drug trade on the streets. This is made logical by the fact that drug traffickers are much more likely to end up in prison; their friends and family members may also be there. Collaboration between drug traffickers and other criminals can ensure that the former are wary of being subjected to violence upon imprisonment. Released gang members are required to follow orders from the inside, and failure to do so could cost them their lives if they return to prison at least once again. The War on Drugs has resulted in large numbers of drug addicts being jailed, allowing gangs to control prisons by controlling the sale of drugs.

Known prison gangs

Aryan Brotherhood– A white prison gang that emerged from San Quentin Prison in 1964. Perhaps due to its ideology, as well as the need for an active presence among numerous black and Latino groups, AB has a reputation as the most violent and merciless of the gangs. In the 1990s, partly because of its reputation, AB began to be actively persecuted by state and federal authorities. Many AB members were transferred to super-maximum security prisons on federal charges.

The Aryan Brotherhood has many names: "AB", "Brand", "Head", "Alice Baker", "1-2". The most common one is “Brand”. The name comes from the fraternity members' love of Westerns. A brand was a brand used to mark livestock in the Wild West.

Founded in 1964 at San Quentin Prison. Initially it operated only in prisons, but gradually began to participate in the criminal business outside. Only whites can be members of the group. Wages wars with African Americans, Latin Americans and Asians. He also maintains connections with the Italian mafia. Alliance with other white prison gangs such as the Nazi Lowriders, Public Enemy No.1 and European Kindred, as well as the Mexican Mafia (La Eme). The FBI estimates there are about 15,000 members of the group. Gang members make up about 1% of all prisoners, but commit 26% of crimes. The high-profile trial of AB leaders in 2002, which was presented as the defeat of the group, nevertheless ended with the fact that the leaders of the group, Barry Mills and Tyler Bingham, who were accused of 32 murders, are still alive.

Nazi rebels– A new white prison gang that emerged after many of the Aryan Brotherhood members were transferred to Pelican Bay Penitentiary or federal prisons. The Rebels are known for the fact that most of their members come from Southern California's Antelope Valley and for their acceptance of light-skinned or Euro-Hispanic people.

The history of the gang can be traced back to the late 70s as a supplier of rank and file for the Aryan Brotherhood, but law enforcement agencies became seriously interested in it only in the early 90s, when the Aryan Brotherhood, having been defeated by the Californian authorities, went into the shadows, giving room for the activities of its “subsidiary.” The difference between the NB and other white gangs was expressed primarily in cruelty rather than in reaction. They are numerous and violent, with major areas of influence being: Oildale, Backesfield, Inland Empire, North Long Beach, Paramount, Costa Messa, Lancaster, Norwalk, Pasadena, Burbank and Glendale, California. The Nazi designation does not refer to anti-Semitism beliefs, but rather to the racist nature of the gang, while the term "rebels" is borrowed from Latin American gangs. The gang quickly ceased to be just “meat” for the Brotherhood and began to quickly grow as an independent unit. Unlike other white supremacist gangs, it is highly organized and develops ties to other white West Coast gangs, including the Ku Klux Klan. Many paroled gang members move east, spreading the organization's influence.

Mexican mafia. "Eme" is the letter M in Spanish, also the 13th letter of the alphabet. The Mexican Mafia is primarily made up of Mexican-Americans, but there are also some white members. Mexican mafia and The Aryan Brotherhood are allies and work together, jointly controlling prostitution, drug trafficking, arms trafficking and contract killings. Created in the 50s by Mexicans from southern California prisons, LaEme traditionally consists of US-born or raised Mexicans from the southern part of the state (Sureños). In the 70s and 80s, LaEme successfully imposed their control on the streets.

The Mexican Mafia was created in the late 50s by members of a Mexican street gang incarcerated in Deuel Prison, located in Trici, California. The gang was founded by thirteen Mexican-Americans from East Los Angeles, several of whom were members of the Marawila gang. They called themselves Mexicanemi, which translates from the Nahuatl language as “the one who walks with God in the heart.” The founder of the gangs was Luis "Huero Buffalo" Flores, formerly a member of the Hawaiian Gardens Gang.

Although the Mexican Mafia was created in part to show respect to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, its main purpose was to protect its members from other prisoners, as well as from guards. Dewel Prison was seen as a "university" for inmates where they could develop their skills in fighting, drug dealing, and weapons making.

Initially, Luis Flores began recruiting the most violent gangsters in order to create a fearsome organization capable of seizing control of the prison's black market. In response to the increasing violence, the Department of Prisons transferred some members of the Mexican Mafia to other prisons, including San Quentin. This move by authorities inadvertently helped the Mexican Mafia recruit new members in prisons and juvenile facilities.

Nuestra Familia- "Our Family," "N" is the 14th letter of the alphabet and is used along with the Roman "XIV", representing another Latino gang fighting with LaEme, and consisting mainly of prisoners from Northern California and rural areas of the state.

The Nuestra Familia originated in either Folsom, California, or Soledad, California prison in 1968. In the late 1960s, Latinos in California prisons began to divide into two warring groups, Our Family and the Mexican Mafia, formed in 1957, along territorial lines (the border between the north and south became the town of Delano, California). Our Family became an enemy of the Latinos in the south of the state who make up the Mexican mafia - LaEme. And although the purpose of creating LaEme was to protect Mexicans in prison, at the same time, there was open hostility among LaEme members towards Hispanics from rural areas of the state. This situation, coupled with the theft of a pair of shoes from Norteños by a member of LaEme, led to the longest gang war in California state prisons.

Texas Syndicate– Operating primarily in Texas, the gang is made up entirely of Latinos and excludes white inmates entirely. The Texas Syndicate, more than LaEme and Nuestra Familia, is associated with Mexican immigrant prisoners such as the Border Brothers, while LaEme and Familia consist only of US-born or raised Mexicans.

The development of the Texas Syndicate was initiated by self-defense against hostile prison gangs. After solving the problem of their own self-defense, the newly formed gang switched to drug trafficking, extortion, prostitution, providing protection, gambling and contract killings. Gang members who are released must send 10% of their profits to prison.

The CU has a near-military structure, headed by a president and vice-president, who are elected by general vote. Each prison group is controlled by a chairman, followed by a vice-chairman, captain, lieutenant, sergeant and numerous soldiers.

Most African-American prison gangs retain their street names and connections. Most often this refers to groups (sets) of Rollin (named after the streets, that is, 30s, 40s, etc.) and associating themselves with both the Bloods and the Crips. Black guerrilla family is an exception, a politically oriented group that occupies an important position in the prison system.

The general idea of ​​fighting the government or laws, money laundering or drug trafficking, thirst for violence, sadism - all these factors gather people into separate groups. It is not uncommon for such groups to grow into the most dangerous and violent gangs.

Based on numerous films, we are accustomed to thinking that the Sicilian mafia or “Yakuza” are the most widespread and brutal groups. But people from unfavorable areas of Latin America, notorious thugs from the African continent and lawless men from criminal areas of the United States have long surpassed the “film” bandits. The number of murders and violence, the inventive cruelty and mass character of many gangs are not at all similar to the “old mafia” with their ideas, laws and principles.

18th Street Gang

The ranking of the most violent gangs opens with a street gang from Los Angeles. Murder, violence, drug trafficking are the main activities of the criminal gang, which numbers more than 70,000 people in its ranks. Even five years ago, reports on 18th Street reported daily homicides in the Los Angeles area.

Ethnic organized crime group from the 90s. Almost the entire gambling business in Moscow was under the control of the mafia. Laundering unimaginable amounts of money, brutal reprisals against competitors and those who got in the way. Having seized control of more than 200 banks in the country, they supplied bandit groups with weapons and money. In Russia, the gang existed for only eight years, but in some countries, members of the organized crime group still subjugate the oil market, banking sector, and construction.

Wah Ching

Chinese-American street gang. From an ordinary gang of petty violators in San Francisco, in seven years an army of seventy thousand thugs grew. Constant clashes with other clans, crime and murder. In the 90s, the FBI discovered the gang's underground warehouses, where weapons and explosives were manufactured.


A gang also based in Los Angeles. It developed as a competitor to the criminal group Crips. The gang is known not only for brutal reprisals against rivals and drug mafia, it has created a separate culture with its own alphabet, slang language, and dance style. Some famous rappers come from the group.

Jamaican Posse

The group from the island of Jamaica, created under the protection of the government, is known for its sophisticated methods of murder. Any available means - a shovel, an iron, an ax - often became a weapon for reprisals. The gang has several of its “brigades” in Latin America and the USA.

Area Boys

Once created by a bunch of teenagers, a gang of extortionists from Nigeria has grown into a well-coordinated criminal group known for its kidnappings, extortion and murders. The inability of local authorities to prevent the gang's activities only swells its ranks and strengthens its influence throughout the country.

The main troublemakers of Brazilian streets. The gang was created due to the unjust oppression of prisoners in the country's prisons. Numerous clashes with law enforcement agencies, kidnappings of people, including tourists, and drug trafficking are the group’s main business. In 2001, a mass prison uprising, escape and destruction in Brazilian cities resulted in 150 innocent victims.

Aryan Brotherhood

The constant oppression of white prisoners in US prisons gave impetus to the need to create their own clan. Forty years ago, a group of white men in a California prison declared their brotherhood. Today it is the most powerful and brutal movement. Those wishing to join the team must kill someone. A fifteen-thousandth gang of thugs, scattered throughout US prisons, consisting mainly of those with life sentences. There are no laws or principles for them.

Los Zetas

Location – Mexico. Under the leadership of one of Mexico's most famous drug lords, a cartel was created from a professional team of mercenaries, former army soldiers, and police officers. The Los Zetas cartel is known for its brutal fight against competitors, as well as numerous reprisals against innocent people. Terrible torture, dismemberment of corpses, mass graves - all this is on the account of the Mexican gang.

For more than a hundred years, the organization with a list of moral and ethical rules has grown into a gangster structure, brutally dealing with those who stand in their way. Bribery of officials and control of business, destruction of competitors and ruthless reprisals against the families of enemies, all this led to thousands of victims. The Sicilian mafia, and later the American one, became popular all over the world after the film “The Godfather”.

An organized network of gang units. The number of people who have joined the ranks of the Yakuza throughout Japan exceeds 120 thousand people. The official location of the headquarters and their own establishments with symbols speaks of their “roof” on the part of the authorities. A distinctive feature of the gang is a code of honor, adherence to internal laws and unquestioning obedience to the boss. The criminal organization has its gangster branches in South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the USA. Controls the gambling business, the porn industry, and the banking sector. Engaged in human trafficking, including for the purposes of prostitution, drug trafficking, and kidnappings. The gang is known for its sophisticated methods of punishment against those who do not agree to obey them.


The largest association of bandits (over 2.5 million). The triad is widespread throughout the Asian world. Gang members are involved in absolutely everything - business control, contract killings, selling people, drug trafficking, car thefts. Members of the group who are members of the government structures make it possible to commit crimes with impunity. The triad has one of the best disguises in the system: secret call signs, gestures and signs that identify each other. The popularity of the gang was brought by the disappearance without a trace of people who refused to obey them.


The three finalists are opened by a gang organized by 16-year-old black teenagers in Los Angeles. After 6 years, the group has grown significantly and spread throughout America. Petty hooliganism, beating passers-by, fighting with competitors, arson, theft, robbery, kidnapping, violence - the gang has more than a thousand different crimes on its record. Having surpassed the number of participants of 50 thousand people, mostly from African countries, the organization poses a serious danger to the people of the United States.


These thugs from Kenya can hardly be called an organized gang. The number of these scumbags has reached 500 thousand. A distinctive feature of the group is brutal showdowns with beheadings, massacres with huge knives, and mass fights.

Make a request in any search engine for the most brutal gang, the clear winner is the MS-13 gang. These most dangerous, bloodthirsty and merciless members of the group live in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the USA. The American government calls the Salvatrucha organization the most dangerous after al-Qaeda. Almost every one of the 300 thousand members of the group participated in violence, brutal reprisals, and kidnappings. The gang earns huge profits from drug trafficking and the sale of weapons to Middle Eastern countries, including terrorist organizations.

2016.04.03 by

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