Methodological resources. Vasilenko N.V.

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Syasina Tatyana Vasilievna. Formation of methodological competence of a future teacher: Using the example of training a mathematics teacher: dissertation... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.08. - Birobidzhan, 2005. - 224 p. : ill. RSL OD,


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of methodological competence of teachers in a pedagogical university 12

1.1. Methodological foundations of competence as a professionally significant characteristic of a teacher’s personality 12

1.2. The essence of a teacher’s methodological competence 33

1.3. Pedagogical aspects of developing the methodological competence of a future teacher 55

Chapter 1 Conclusions 81

Chapter 2. The process of developing methodological competence of future mathematics teachers 85

2.1. Features of the process of forming methodological competence of a future mathematics teacher 85

2.2. Diagnostics of the formation of methodological competence among future mathematics teachers 106

2.3. Formation of methodological competence in the process of professional training of a mathematics teacher at a university 127

2.4. Results of a study of the process of developing methodological competence of a mathematics teacher at a university 147

Chapter 2 Conclusions 152

Conclusion 156

Bibliography 161

Appendix 179

Introduction to the work

The ongoing socio-economic transformations in Russian society create new opportunities for reforming education based on humanization. Today, a flexible, dynamic teacher is in demand, capable of living and working in new, constantly changing conditions, a teacher who not only knows the subject taught and the methods of teaching it very well, but is also a developing personality.

According to the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, the main goal of vocational education is to prepare a qualified, competitive, competent, responsible employee who is fluent in his profession, oriented in related fields of activity, capable of effective work in his specialty at the level of world standards, ready to constant professional growth, social and professional mobility, as well as being able to satisfy the individual’s needs in obtaining appropriate education.

The personally oriented paradigm of education and the transition to state educational standards require higher schools to improve the training of the future teacher and develop him as a professional. At the same time, the existing system of professional training of future teachers has some shortcomings, noted in the works of E.A. Klimova, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.N. Kulyutkina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina and others. New approaches to the training of future teachers are required, based on professional training through the development of professional qualities of the teacher’s personality.

A lot of work has been devoted to the study of a teacher’s personality: its formation in the process of professional training (O.A. Abdulina, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.A. Gusev, V.S. Ilyin, V.N. Nikitenko, V.A. Slastenin, etc.) ; professional studies (Yu.K. Babansky, F.N. Gonobolin, E.A. Klimov, N.V. Kuzmina, etc.); personal manifestations of the teacher in

4 professional activities (E.I. Rogov, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.).

Many researchers studying the development of the personality of a modern teacher (L.V. Blinov, L.N. Blinova, V.A. Gusev, V.N. Ivanchenko, V.N. Nikitenko, V.A. Slastenin, E.G. Obukhova , V.I. Rogov, L.M. Mitina, B.E. Fishman, etc.), emphasize the importance of transferring the teacher from an objective to a subjective position, that is, the position of active professional self-education. A number of recent studies examine value orientations as the most important element of the entire internal structure of a teacher’s personality, as a result of her internalization of leading social values, allowing one to navigate the world of material and spiritual culture of society, providing motivation for the behavior and activities of the individual.

The works of Yu.K. are devoted to the problem of increasing the professionalism of teachers and methodological support for the processes of their professional training. Babansky, V.P. Bespalko, S.G. Vershlovsky, V.P. Zinchenko, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, I.P. Podlasy, E.I. Rogova, V.A. Slastenin and a number of others.

The essence of professional and pedagogical competence of teachers is most clearly reflected in the results of research by A.K. Markova, N.V. Kuzmina and others, they consider such types of professional competence as communicative, subject-specific, psychological-pedagogical, autopedagogical, methodological. Certain aspects of methodological competence concern V.A. Adolf, T.N. Gushchina, I.V. Drobysheva, V.I. Zemtsova, N.V. Kuzmina, T.S. Polyakova, N.L. Stefanova, P.P. Shakhmarova and others; methodological thinking and culture - Yu.N. Kulyutkin, N.L. Stefanova, G.S. Sukhobskaya; conceptual foundations of the content and organizational forms of teacher education in modern conditions - V.P. Bespalko, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.A. Verbitsky, F.N. Gonobolin, V.V. Kraevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, V.A. Slastenin, N.E. Shchurkova, V.A. Yakunin etc.

An analysis of scientific research on the problem of professional training of future teachers made it possible to identify the following contradictions:

between the need to improve the professional training of teachers on the basis of a competency-based approach and the academic system of organizing the process of their training;

between modern requirements for a high level of methodological competence of specialists and the insufficient development in science of ways to implement them.

Despite the fact that the relevance of the problem of preparing a methodologically competent secondary school teacher is generally recognized, the essence and content of a teacher’s methodological competence as an important integrative quality of a professional’s personality has not been sufficiently studied.

Thus, in the current practice of teacher education, there is a contradiction between the objective need for training specialists with a high level of methodological competence and the lack of available knowledge about its essence, content and organization of the pedagogical process, ensuring the formation and development of this type of competence.

Based on relevance, controversy and personal interest of the researcher, a choice was made topics dissertation research.

In accordance with the increasing attention of science and practice to the problems of the competence approach as a pedagogical phenomenon, methodological competence as a particular type of professional competence of a teacher, a need arose to study the process of formation of methodological competence of future teachers in the process of their professional training.

In this regard, it is quite relevant and promising problem: What are the theoretical foundations and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the methodological competence of the future teacher?

The solution to the identified problem is the goal of the study, in accordance with which its object and subject are determined.

Object of study: methodological competence of the teacher.

Subject of research: the process of forming the methodological competence of a future teacher in a pedagogical university (using the example of teacher training


In accordance with the problem, object, subject and purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

1. Identify the essence and structure of the teacher’s methodological competence as
special type of professional competence.

2. Determine the criteria and levels of formation of the methodological
competence of the future teacher.

3. Scientifically substantiate the set of pedagogical conditions,
ensuring the effectiveness of the formation of methodological competence
future teacher.

Research hypothesis. The formation of the methodological competence of the future teacher will be more successful if, in the process of his professional and pedagogical training at a pedagogical university, he succeeds in:

To develop students’ value attitude towards their chosen profession;

carry out the integration of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and subject knowledge;

to include the future teacher in active creative interaction in the “student-teacher” system.

Methodological basis of the study compiled philosophical provisions concerning the integrity of the human personality; ideas of axiological pedagogy; basic principles of humanistic psychology; ideas of personality-oriented education; concept of activity approach in personality development; theoretical provisions of acmeology about the unity of professional and personal development; research on the theory and practice of mathematics education; ideas of the competency-based approach in society and education.

To achieve the purpose of the study, solve the problems and test the initial theoretical assumptions, we used research methods: theoretical (theoretical study of the problem; analysis of psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature); empirical (experimental work, observation, survey, rating,

7 students' self-esteem); methods of mathematical statistics (chi-square test, G sign test, X Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion). Scientific novelty of the research is that

The essence and structural components of the methodological
competence of the future teacher;

criteria and indicators of methodological competence are defined;

the characteristics of the levels of formation of the quality under study are given;

a theoretical justification for the process of forming the methodological competence of the future teacher is given;

the set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of the methodological competence of the future teacher in the process of professional training at the university is scientifically substantiated.

Theoretical significance of the study is that it complements the theory of personal and professional development of the future teacher at the stage of university education; in it the problem of forming the methodological competence of the future teacher was further developed; scientific ideas about the process of forming the methodological competence of a future teacher (using the example of training a mathematics teacher) during professional training at a university are systematized.

Practical significance of the study is that the introduction of the scientific support obtained in it for the process of forming the methodological competence of a future teacher into the practice of professional training in a teacher training university allows one to increase its level. The main ideas of the study can be used in organizing the educational process of higher and secondary vocational education.

Reliability and validity of research results are provided with a comprehensive analysis of various concepts and approaches to the problem being studied; the use of a variety of complementary research methods that are adequate to the goals, objectives and logic of the dissertation; the validity of the methods used; based on the author’s daily teaching practice

8 research as a senior teacher in the Department of Mathematics, and then the Department of General Mathematics and Teaching Methods at the Birobidzhan State Pedagogical Institute; positive results of the experiment on the formation of methodological competence of future mathematics teachers. Main provisions submitted for defense:

1. The methodological competence of a teacher is
integrative multi-level professionally significant characteristics of his
personality, expressed in the presence of a value attitude towards pedagogical
profession, professional knowledge and skills taken in unity.

The basis for the formation of a specialist’s methodological competence is an understanding of its essence as a qualitative characteristic of the future teacher’s personality, including affective, cognitive and activity components.

    The criteria for the formed methodological competence of a subject teacher are: a positive value-motivational attitude towards teaching activities, professional knowledge, professional skills.

    The process of developing methodological competence is level-by-level. This quality has 4 levels of development: 1) intuitive, 2) normative, 3) active and 4) creative.

    A set of pedagogical conditions that ensures the effective development of methodological competence of future teachers includes:

Development of a value attitude towards the chosen profession;

implementation of integration of psychological, pedagogical, subject and methodological knowledge;

inclusion of the future teacher in active creative interaction in the “student-teacher” system.

Approbation of research results. The main provisions and results of the study were discussed at meetings of the departments of pedagogy and psychology, mathematics, general mathematics and teaching methods of Birobidzhan

9 State Pedagogical Institute (2000-2004). The main ideas were discussed at the IY international symposium “Human dimension in regional development” (Birobidzhan, IKARP FEB RAS, Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute, 1998); at scientific conferences - “Substantial and procedural aspects of vocational education” (Birobidzhan, BSPI, 2001), “Integration of science and education for the purpose of developing the creative potential of specialists” (Birobidzhan, BSPI, 2001), “Education of students: problems, research, prospects "(Vladivostok, Moscow State University, 2002), "New technologies in teaching physics and mathematics" (Blagoveshchensk, BSPU, 2003), "Problems of primary school in the modernization of Russian education: personnel, content, technologies" (Birobidzhan, BSPI, 2003); at the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Open Evolving Systems” (Kyiv, 2002); at the interuniversity scientific and methodological conference “Development of professional competence of a specialist in the educational process” (Blagoveshchensk, BSPU, 2004); at the international scientific and practical conference “Integration of science and education - the basis for the development and revival of national-regional mentality” (Birobidzhan, BSPI, 2004); at the international scientific and practical conference “Professional competencies and quality of higher professional education: facets of the problem” (Birobidzhan, BGPI, 2004); at the All-Russian scientific conference “Culture of Pedagogical Work” (Khabarovsk, Far Eastern State University of Pedagogical University, 2004).

Implementation of research results into practice was carried out by the author in the process of teaching methods of teaching mathematics, elective courses and a special course “Fundamentals of the methodological competence of a mathematics teacher” to students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education BSPI.

Organization and stages of research. Experimental work was organized on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Birobidzhan State Pedagogical Institute" (GOU

10 VPO "BI 1I"). The study included 91 people.

The study was carried out in several stages.

At the first stage (1996-1999), scientific and methodological literature, the current state of the problem in the theory and practice of professional teacher education were studied, and theoretical and methodological approaches to its consideration were determined.

At the second stage (2000-2002), the main provisions for the formation of methodological competence of future teachers in professional pedagogical education were developed; a program of experimental activities was developed to develop the methodological competence of future mathematics teachers.

At the third stage (2002-2003), scientific and methodological provisions were clarified and adjustments were made to the research hypothesis; the pedagogical conditions for the formation of methodological competence of future mathematics teachers in the process of professional training at a pedagogical university were highlighted; a program of experimental activities was carried out to develop the methodological competence of future mathematics teachers.

At the fourth stage (2003-2004), qualitative and quantitative processing of the results obtained and their theoretical interpretation were carried out; the research results were analyzed and summarized; literary preparation of the dissertation was carried out.

Dissertation structure determined by the logic of the study and the assigned tasks. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography including 229 sources, and 18 appendices. The main text is presented on 179 pages. The work presents 19 figures and 19 tables.

In introduction the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the problem, object, subject, goal, objectives, hypothesis are formulated; the methodological basis is indicated; methods, stages and experimental basis of the study; its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance are revealed; the main

provisions submitted for defense.

IN first chapter“Theoretical foundations for the formation of methodological competence of teachers in a pedagogical university” presents a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon “methodological competence of a teacher”, scientific approaches, ideas and concepts underlying the process under study, and substantiates the theory of the effective process of forming the methodological competence of a future teacher.

In second chapter“The process of forming the methodological competence of future mathematics teachers” examines the features of the process of forming the methodological competence of a future mathematics teacher in the modern practice of training at a university and diagnosing this quality; describes the organization, implementation and results of experimental work on the formation of methodological competence of future mathematics teachers.

In conclusion The general results of the study were summed up and conclusions were formulated.

In the application methodological materials of experimental work are presented.

Methodological foundations of competence as a professionally significant characteristic of a teacher’s personality

Currently, the priority in education is the education of an erudite, free and responsible individual, combining professional competence with civic responsibility, having a moral consciousness, a broad worldview and outlook. This determines the need for a transition from utilitarian education (i.e., from simply transferring to a student the amount of knowledge necessary for professional activity) to competency-oriented education.

The trend of humanization of professional education determines the emergence of new, higher requirements for the quality of professional training of graduates of a pedagogical university. This allows us to rethink the significance of the process of developing the methodological competence of the future teacher as a process of his professional and personal change. In this regard, the methodological competence of the future teacher is considered as a space for possible changes in the personality of the future professional.

A teacher in our society is a person from the future who comes to children in order to inspire them with a dream, to teach them to affirm the ideals of the future in the present. Therefore, in order to fulfill his professional duty efficiently, a teacher, first of all, must himself be a person, since only a person can be educated by a person.

In the context of our research, we will consider the philosophical and psychological understanding of the phenomenon of “personality”.

Significant for us are the ideas of philosophy and psychology about the integrity and self-worth of the individual (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, N. Berdyaev, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.N. Myasishchev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.).

Modern philosophy views personality as a holistic entity that is formed under the influence of the environment, activity, professional relationships and communication. Personality is not made up of parts, is not an aggregate, is not a component, it is a primary whole. The growth of personality, the realization of personality does not at all mean the formation of a whole from parts, but means creative acts of the personality as a whole (N. Berdyaev).

According to S.L. Rubinstein, personality is formed under the influence of external social conditions, which, influencing human behavior, are refracted in the internal structure. Characterizing relationships as “a system of temporary connections of a person as an individual - a subject with all activities or certain aspects of them,” V.N. Myasishchev considers the integrity of the individual in connection with its attitude to activity.

We agree with K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya is that the integrity of a person is achieved only in a holistic way of life.

V.I. Zagvyazinsky writes that “in the real personality of the teacher, general and specific features are merged” and identifies the following “integral qualities in the teacher’s personality: orientation, knowledge, abilities, skills, character traits.”

A lot of works are devoted to the personality of the teacher: its formation in the process of professional training (O.A. Abdulina, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.S. Ilyin, V.A. Slastenin, etc.); professional studies (Yu.K. Babansky, F.N. Gonobolin, N.V. Kuzmina, etc.); the nature of the relationship between the teacher and students (A.V. Petrovsky and others); personal manifestations of a teacher in professional activities (E.I. Rogov, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.).

The essence of a teacher's methodological competence

The formation of professional competence is becoming one of the main requirements for the training of specialists at a university. Education is faced with the task of training a specialist, during which knowledge, skills and abilities are transformed into a certain competence necessary in the professional field. The professional competence of a teacher includes various types of competences, including methodological ones. Therefore, to determine the essence of a teacher’s methodological competence, we will consider the essence of the concept of “professional competence” of a specialist (teacher), since it is generic in relation to the competence under study.

Researchers are looking for an answer to the question: “What is the basis for determining competence in relation to higher pedagogical education?”

The professional sphere, according to T.M. Kovaleva, sets certain requirements that are expressed in key competencies. Key in the sense that they are the keys to the world of the profession, because subject competencies exist separately. In addition, the qualities that graduates of pedagogical universities must possess in order for them to meet these key competencies are formulated. That's when the word competence comes into play. The researcher distinguishes between the concepts of “competence” and “competence” and defines competence as a set of qualities of subjects, and competencies as the basic requirements of professional activity.

In the UK, the concept of “competence” is used in different senses. Moreover, competencies are divided into key skills, core skills and basic skills. M. Halstead and T. Orji believe that there are core and broader competencies. Among the main ones, they identify the following three competencies: working with numbers; communications; information Technology. Among the broader ones: self-learning and self-presentation; teamwork; problem solving .

The Council of Europe has introduced many competencies, but each country, based on its priorities and its interactions with the professional sphere, identifies certain competencies.

Despite some differences in approaches, US experts identify three main components in competency-based education. These are knowledge, skills and values. It is essential that all competencies require different types of action: to act autonomously and reflexively; use various tools interactively; enter socially heterogeneous groups and function in them.

V.A. Adolf considers competence as a pedagogical category, and the teacher who possesses it is a specialist who has thorough knowledge in any subject of the school curriculum. The author notes that the competence of the future teacher is formed in the process of professional training and specialization in a certain field of knowledge - the foundations of the science that he will teach.

The concept of “professional competence” intersects with sociological, psychological and pedagogical concepts (A.A. Babenko, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, V.A. Slasteniya, V.I. Slobodchikov, etc.), denoting broad a person's capabilities in a particular type of activity.

Currently, there is no unambiguous approach to determining the professional competence of a teacher. In domestic science, professional competence is defined as a mental state that allows one to act independently and responsibly, as a person’s possession of the ability and ability to perform certain labor functions (A.K. Markova); as the presence of special education, broad general and special erudition, constant improvement of one’s scientific and professional training (I.P. Lotova) [P6]; as professional preparedness and ability of the subject of labor to perform the tasks and responsibilities of daily activities (K.A. Abulkhanova); as potential readiness to solve problems with knowledge of the matter (E.V. Popova); as an integrative property of a person, summing up knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process, and readiness for professional activity, manifested in its results and quality (A.A. Babenko); as a complex education, including a complex of knowledge, skills, properties and personality qualities that provide variability, optimality and efficiency in constructing the educational process (V.A. Adolf).

Features of the process of forming methodological competence of a future mathematics teacher

The democratization of public life and the ongoing changes in the sphere of Russian education have led to humanistic positions in the functioning of modern education. All this puts increased demands on the professional training of teachers. There is a need to educate a teacher who thinks creatively.

The leading task of university training is the transformation of the student’s personality into a teacher capable of solving all the variety of problems associated with the training and education of schoolchildren.

Based on the main provisions of theoretical research, we consider the goal of professional training of future mathematics teachers to be the formation of their methodological competence as an integral new formation, which is the result of the development of personal and professional spheres in the conditions of professional training.

The specificity of the methodological competence of a mathematics teacher is determined by the goals and objectives of teaching mathematics to schoolchildren, the features of mathematical science, and the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s personality in the process of studying mathematics.

Analyzing the rich experience of mathematical education in Russia and abroad and based on the concept of the holistic formation of a student’s personality in the process of studying mathematics, Professor V.A. Gusev identifies three blocks of goals for teaching mathematics:

Block 1 contains the requirement that all students acquire the basics of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities, which are a basic component of the developing personality of every student. This block is determined (should be determined) by curriculum and the corresponding system of teaching aids that manage the educational process.

The author associates block 2 with the formation of general core personality qualities, in the formation of which teaching mathematics occupies a significant place. These are the personality traits that make up “mental education” (deductive reasoning, discipline and critical thinking); components of its creative character (creativity, ability to apply conclusions); related to the formation of a worldview (understanding of the laws of the world, principles of knowledge, interest in acquiring a scientific view of the processes of development of nature and society, conceptual thinking, the ability to defend one’s views and beliefs, a clear understanding of the history, origin and development of knowledge); associated with “moral education” (the formation of moral personality traits, such as focus, responsibility, perseverance in achieving a set goal, initiative); associated with “aesthetic education” (cultivating a sense of beauty, developing imagination, a sense of spatial forms); associated with “labor education” (hard work, understanding of the importance of collective work and respect for the work of comrades).

Block 3 contains tasks of a special nature that are related only to mathematical education, i.e. those that cannot be placed before the study of any other school subject. These include the following tasks: to teach students oral and written mathematical speech, especially such qualities of expression of thought as order, accuracy, clarity, brevity, validity; develop skills and abilities to use mathematical instruments and tools, including a personal computer; the ability to build mathematical models of real phenomena and processes, carry out mathematical experiments when considering applications of mathematics; formation of spatial representations; development of mathematical intuition.

A problem that is being solved. Teacher training has always occupied a special place in the system of teacher education. And at the present stage it has not lost its relevance. Thus, the State Standard of Basic and Complete General Secondary Education, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 23, 2011. No. 1392 outlined the reorientation of education towards the development of the student’s personality and the results of professional activity in the context of a competency-based approach. Consequently, there is an increasing need for specialists who are able to ensure maximum realization of the individual’s capabilities and talents in the process of introducing him into the world of national culture.

From the perspective of the competency-based approach, the level of education is determined by the ability to solve problems and professional tasks of varying complexity based on existing knowledge and experience.

Of course, approaches to the development, organization of training and education of the individual are changing, which should take place not in the traditional sense, but in the context of educational and cognitive activity. Taking this into account, a modern teacher must be able to possess practical skills in implementing modern pedagogical technologies and take care of the development of professional, including methodological, competence.

Analysis of research suggests that many scientists focus their scientific research on studying the problem of methodological teacher training for the primary and secondary education system. Methodological knowledge, according to O. Bigich, should be specified in accordance with the types of professional activities of the teacher.

We should note that in the study of the concept of “professional competence of a teacher”, its content, its components, level organization, the majority of Ukrainian and foreign researchers (N. Kuzmina, I. Zimnyaya, A. Kuzminsky,

N. Tarasenkova, S. Skvortsova, I. Malova, I. Akulenko, O. Lebedeva, T. Rudenko, O. Zubkov, L. Mitina, etc.) highlight methodological competence as a component of its type. As preliminary investigation showed in the context of the issue at hand, a significant part of scientists (T. Gushchina, T. Zagrivnya, I. Kovaleva, T. Kocharyan, T. Shamova and many others) were studying the problem of developing methodological competence and preparing teachers for it. However, in the vast majority of works we are talking, as a rule, about professional competence. In addition, in scientific works devoted to the analysis of professional pedagogical activities, methodological competence as a component of professional competence and skill is only named.

Setting the purpose of the study. Scientists' studies indicate that they are devoted to general aspects of teacher training and do not reveal the specifics of the development of methodological competence in the postgraduate education system. The problem of the theoretical foundations for the development of teachers' methodological competence has also been insufficiently studied. A holistic model for the development of a teacher’s methodological competence in the context of the transformation of modern educational technologies as a system of continuous education has not yet been created.

We assume that proper support and support for the system of postgraduate education of teachers is designed to ensure the effectiveness of educational activities, which should be the result of the development of methodological competence.

In this regard, the purpose of our article is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the features of the development of methodological competence of teachers in the system of postgraduate education. Accordingly, the purpose of our research is reflected in the following tasks: to identify definitions of the concepts “methodological competence”, “methodological culture”, “methodological creativity” in the context of the study of pedagogical activity in the scientific literature; analyze the content of methodological competence in the context of studying the professional competence of teachers.

Presentation of the main material. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the concept of “methodological competence” is considered quite widely. The definition of the methodological competence of primary education teachers was studied by: T. Oshchepkova, G. Proligina, N. Sokolova, D. Starkova, I. Mikhalevskaya and others. Most scientists consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the methodological competence of teachers through their mastery of a system of components: knowledge, skills , skills taking into account individual personality traits (L. Banashko, O. Bigich, A. Borzenkova, N. Gluzman, I. Zimnyaya, N. Kuzmina, I. Malova, T. Mamontova, T. Rudenko, S. Skvortsova, etc. ) .

All scientists note that the complex of methodological knowledge, skills and abilities is the basis for acquiring methodological competence, which, in turn, is an indicator of determining the teacher’s readiness to implement the tasks of teacher education, taking into account the future sphere of professional activity and the subject of specialization of the specialty.

But there is another position of scientists, according to which methodological competence should be understood as the readiness of teachers to conduct training sessions and to creative self-realization (I. Kovaleva,

S. Skvortsova, etc.). The importance of acquiring practical experience is emphasized in the works of I. Zimnyaya, S. Skvortsova, N. Tsyulyupi and others.

Therefore, we, first of all, turned to the views of scientists who examined the essence of the concept of “methodological competence” and defined it as the ability to skillfully solve the problems of teacher education.

O. Bigich denotes with this term the totality of methodological knowledge, skills, abilities and individual, subjective, personal qualities of a teacher.

We studied the definition of methodological competence according to

T. Gushchina. Vaughn characterizes methodological competence as an integral multi-level professionally significant characteristic of a teacher’s personality and activity, summarizing effective professional experience as the systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of a teacher in the field of methodology and the optimal combination of methods of professional and pedagogical activity.

F. Teregulov rightly notes that pedagogical science will not be able to fulfill its leading function of developing methodological competence without studying and generalizing promising pedagogical experience. Teachers need to create environments that support inquiry.

I. Kovaleva considers methodological competence as an integral characteristic of the business, personal and moral qualities of a teacher, which reflects the systemic level of functioning of methodological, methodological and research knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, abilities and readiness for creative self-realization in scientific, methodological and pedagogical activities in general .

In this regard, there was a need to update the structure for the development of methodological competence of a modern teacher in postgraduate education systems. Theoretical analysis of scientific sources allowed us to substantiate it. Analysis of scientific literature made it possible to identify several approaches to determining the structure of a teacher’s methodological competence. The first group of scientists (A. Borzenkova, S. Ivashnova, A. Kuzminsky, N. Tarasenkova, I. Akulenko, T. Rudenko, A. Markushevsky, V. Adolf, etc.) consider the structure of methodological competence through a system of interdependent components. The second group – through the components of methodological competence (T. Mamonotova, A. Krasikova, etc.). The third group of scientists identifies a certain set of elements of methodological competence (A. Zubkov, O. Nagrelli, T. Kocharyan, O. Lebedeva, etc.). Let us consider in more detail the works of these scientists. In this regard, the methodological competence of the teacher, which can be structurally presented as follows, acquires special importance. We have taken into account that V. Adolf, considering the structure of the methodological competence of a preschool teacher, identifies the following components: personal, activity, cognitive (cognitive).

The personal component of methodological competence correlates with the skills associated with the psychological component of the teacher’s personality.

The activity component contains accumulated professional knowledge and skills, the ability to update them at the right time and use them in the process of implementing one’s professional functions.

The cognitive component is based on the skills that make up theoretical training: analytical-synthetic (the ability to analyze program and methodological documents, the ability to classify and systematize methodological knowledge); predictive (the ability to predict the effectiveness of selected means, forms, methods and techniques, the ability to apply methodological knowledge); constructive and design (the ability to generalize the learning process, the ability to plan methodological activities).

Further analysis of scientific research revealed an excellent view of the components of a teacher’s methodological competence. The author of these studies is A. Zubkov, who identified the following elements of a teacher’s methodological competence: methodological thinking, methodological culture and methodological creativity. The author prefers the first two components in the development of a teacher’s methodological competence. According to the author, methodological thinking is thinking that ensures the teacher’s ability to apply existing knowledge to realize the goals of education and training in accordance with methodological theory and specific learning conditions. It manifests itself in the ways of setting and solving pedagogical tasks of a strategic, tactical and operational plan.

Methodological culture, according to A. Zubkov, serves as an integrated indicator of the effectiveness of a teacher’s work. In turn, it must be understood as the highest form of activity and creative independence, as an incentive and condition for improving the educational process, as a prerequisite for the emergence of new methodological ideas and ways to solve them. The methodological culture of a teacher acts as a subjective aspect of his professional activity, as the ability to generalize methodological experience in his activities. And he views methodological creativity as skill and art, conditioned by the individuality of the teacher, the ability to form and develop knowledge, and to interest students in science.

The most important area of ​​development of the personal component of a teacher’s methodological competence is the development of his methodological thinking and methodological culture. O. Zubkov, examining the components of a teacher’s methodological competence, identified the following elements: methodological thinking of the personal component, methodological culture of the activity component and methodological creativity of the cognitive component. The author gives the first two components an advantage in the development of the teacher’s methodological competence.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to analyze the content of the components. They established that methodological thinking is thinking that ensures the teacher’s ability to apply existing knowledge to realize the goals of education and training in accordance with methodological theory and specific learning conditions. By methodological thinking of a teacher we understand the features of mental activity determined by the nature and type of professional work. The methodological thinking of a teacher should not be identified with philosophical, logical, or even general pedagogical thinking. Methodological thinking is a teacher’s specific vision of the process of designing and organizing teaching in his subject, the student’s vision in the context of his studying an academic discipline, etc. A teacher’s methodological thinking is a multi-level phenomenon, because it reflects specific attitudes, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, professional and personal qualities, methods of mental and practical action.

At the same time, we have established that the main thing in methodological work is the rational and effective organization of students’ activities for the purpose of optimal training, education and development of the personality of each of them, that a person’s intellect is one and the mechanisms of thinking are the same, but the forms of mental activity are different, since the tasks are different, standing in both cases before the human mind.

The specificity of a teacher’s methodological thinking is determined by the fact that it is not only a cognitive, but also a constructive and transformative process. The most important feature of this type of thinking is the comprehension of each teaching and educational situation, prompt selection and implementation of the optimal solution for it within the framework of the methodological culture of the teacher.

Methodological culture, according to O. Zubkov, serves as an integrated indicator of the effectiveness of a teacher’s work. In turn, it must be understood as the highest form of activity and creative independence, as an incentive and condition for improving the educational process, as a prerequisite for the emergence of new methodological ideas and ways to solve them. The methodological culture of a teacher acts as a subjective aspect of his professional activity, as the ability to generalize methodological experience in his activities. And he views methodological creativity as skill and art, conditioned by the individuality of the teacher, the ability to form and develop knowledge, and to interest students in science.

Researchers such as G.V. Abrosimova, V.L. Benin, I.F. Isaev, N.V. Sedova and a number of others believe that methodological culture is formed with the maximum manifestation of creativity. Methodological culture: this is both skill and art, determined by the teacher’s individuality, the ability to form and develop knowledge, and to interest future teachers in science.

The practice of postgraduate education has shown that the most important characteristic of a person is his orientation, and the most significant indicator of a teacher’s professional orientation is his awareness of his activities as a continuous process of solving pedagogical problems in order to develop the student’s personality. If we keep in mind the methodological work of teachers, then the formation of methodological thinking plays a special role here.

Therefore, along with such qualities as focus, concentration, flexibility, objectivity, determination, scientificity, dialecticality, logic, the creative nature of thinking plays a special role in solving mental problems by a teacher. Analysis of scientific sources showed that the structure of pedagogical thinking includes productive, analytical, reproductive, creative and methodological thinking. The main components of methodological competence are creative and methodical thinking. Practice and experience have shown that the main indicators of the development of teachers’ methodological competence can be the level of development of methodological and creative thinking, which is manifested in the ways of setting and solving educational and professional tasks in the management of training and education of the individual.

This was also pointed out by K. Ushinsky, emphasizing that teaching is one of the types of art that requires highly developed creative thinking from the teacher.

In other words, the features of methodological thinking are also determined by the general strategy of pedagogical work, its “super task”, which is to include the student in activity and communication, making him the subject of this activity.

It must be emphasized that the concept of “methodological thinking” reflects not only the characteristics of the teacher’s mental activity, but also the professional specifics of his perception, attention, imagination, memory, as well as the characteristics of his emotional-volitional sphere. The level of formation of methodological thinking allows us to characterize the degree of methodological competence of the teacher.

Thus, a teacher who combines methodological thinking, methodological culture and methodological creativity is able to create new innovative methodological products necessary for the pedagogical community. The combination of all these qualities allows us to assert that the teacher has developed methodological competence, he is oriented in the changes that are taking place at this time in education.

This gave us the opportunity to substantiate that it is in the modern conditions of the development of education in Ukraine that the methodological work of specialists in the education system is being reassessed. New models of methodological services are gradually being created that meet the needs of modern society. New directions and forms are emerging, the content is changing qualitatively, and a trend is emerging such as the variability and multi-level nature of this activity, depending on the requests and readiness of educational institutions.

In the study, we presented different points of view of scientists regarding the components of a teacher’s methodological competence. So,

T. Zagrivnya and a number of other researchers highlight methodological work as a priority factor in the development of methodological competence, which is an important component of a teacher’s professional competence. But A.M. Stolyarenko, considering the methodological side of a teacher’s work, points out that according to the old tradition it came down to teaching methods, which he analyzes as follows: “Later they began to talk about work methods, methodological work, and recently more and more about pedagogical technology, pedagogical technologies , methodological systems". The scientist notes that the methodological system of the educational and pedagogical process is designed to provide the opportunity for the movement of subjects, means and conditions of this process, to direct them in the right direction and effectively implement them.

This gave us the opportunity to analyze the content of the educational aspect of methodological education in the postgraduate education system and note that it is implemented in organizational forms of training, which are characterized by didactic goals, the composition of the group of students of advanced training courses at regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education, their location, duration, content of activities teacher and student.

Practice in the context of this approach in the postgraduate education system has shown that the methodological education of teachers presupposes his personal and methodological development. The leading objects of a teacher’s personal development are critical thinking and personal qualities; methodological development – ​​methodological culture and educational independence.

The study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature provided the opportunity to come to the definition that the methodological competence of a teacher is the totality of his methodological knowledge, skills, abilities and individual, subjective, personal qualities, which functions as the ability to adapt, organize, research and control teaching, cognitive, educational and developing aspects of the educational process.

If we consider the form of methodological competence of teachers in the postgraduate education system, then it is understood as the process of development of the personality of teachers in methodological terms based on the generalization of collegiate methodological experience and professional mobility. The form of methodological competence is a process of changing it in movement from one level to another, which justifies the following levels: practice-imitation, combination-productive, scientific-creative.

The practice-simulating level of development of methodological competence is characterized by a fairly high effectiveness of pedagogical activity and the mobility of psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

The combinative-productive level of development of methodological competence is associated with providing the authors themselves with the opportunity to disseminate their experience by introducing it to the pedagogical community. In terms of developing methodological competence, it is communication and the transfer of experience that acts as an incentive for acquiring promising teaching experience based on the integration of theory and practice.

The scientific and creative level of development of methodological competence assumes that promising pedagogical experience acts as an example of effective work in implementing the project of professional activity proposed by pedagogical science.

The faster a teacher adapts to it, the more high-quality methodological products he will create for the pedagogical community. If a teacher is open to introducing his colleagues to his experience, the experience of mastering innovations, and is ready to get acquainted with the innovative experience of other colleagues, then we can talk about the development of professional mobility of methodological competence.

So, based on the study and analysis of scientific sources, we consider methodological competence as the main component of professional competence, which ensures the ability to recognize and solve methodological problems that arise during the pedagogical activities of teachers. Its structure is determined by methodological thinking, methodological creativity, methodological culture, which forms the methodological professional mobility of teachers.

  • Bigich O.B. Theory and practice of developing the methodological competence of a teacher of foreign languages ​​in an elementary school: a basic textbook. / ABOUT. Bigich. – K.: Lenvit, 2006. – P. 11-32.
  • Zagrivnya TA. Formation of scientific and methodological competence of teachers in the process of professional activity [Electronic resource]: Diss. ...cand. ped. Sci. – St. Petersburg. : RSL, 2006. – 178 p.
  • Zubkov O.L. Development of methodological competence of teachers in the context of modernization of general education. Author's abstract. Dissertation. Candidate of Ped.. Sciences / A.L. Zubkov. – Ekaterinburg, 2007 – 19 p.
  • Kuzminsky A. I. Scientific ambushes of methodical preparation of future mathematics teachers / Kuzminsky A.I., Tarasenkova N.A., Akulenko I.A. – Cherkassy: View. Vіd.CHNU im. B. Khmelnitsky, 2009. – 320 p.
  • Nagrelli O.A. Model for the formation of methodological competence of teachers in the system of advanced training [Text] / E. A. Nagrelli // Integration of methodological (scientific and methodological) work and system of advanced training of personnel: materials of the IX All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. : at 7 o'clock, Ch. 5 / Academy pov. qual. and prof. repod works image.; Chelyab. inst repod. and pov. qual. works image. – M.; Chelyabinsk: Publishing House “Education”, 2009. – P. 60-63.
  • Skvortsova S.O. Theoretical and practical readiness as a warehouse methodological competence of a mathematics teacher / S.O. Skvortsova // Theory and methodology of teaching mathematics, physics, computer science: a collection of scientific works. Issue VIII; in 3 volumes. – Krivy Rig: Vid.viddil NMeAU, 2010. – T.1: Theory and methodology of learning mathematics. – pp. 119-124.
  • Stolyarenko A.M. Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITIDANA, 2004. - 423 p.
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    Teacher's methodological competence

    The main change in society that affects the situation in the field of education is the acceleration of the pace of development of society. As a result, the school must prepare its students for a life about which the school itself knows little. Children who entered first grade in 2004 will continue to work until approximately 2060. What the world will be like in the middle of the 21st century is difficult to imagine not only for school teachers, but also for futurologists. Therefore, the school must prepare its students for change, developing in them such qualities as mobility, dynamism, constructiveness. In other words, the main direct result of educational activities is the formation of key competencies of schoolchildren.

    What is competence? Competence is the ability to act in situations of uncertainty. The higher the level of education of a person, the wider the scope of activity and the higher the degree of uncertainty of situations in which he is able to act independently, the wider the range of possible methods of activity he knows, the more thorough the choice of one of these methods.

    The implementation of the needs of modern society in the education system is impossible without high-quality training of qualified specialists, first of all, teachers with professional competence. Let us turn to the structure of teacher professional competence, which includes the following components:

      scientific and theoretical competence (possession of knowledge, abilities, skills necessary for the implementation of professional activities);

      methodological competence (possession of methods and methods of organizing the pedagogical process);

      psychological and pedagogical competence (knowledge and consideration of psychological and age characteristics of students);

      professional position of the teacher (interest in the effectiveness of his professional activities).

    Let us dwell in more detail on the concept of “methodological competence,” which has recently become increasingly relevant due to the desire to raise a generation capable of understanding the huge flow of various types of information. To make it easier to understand the content of the concept, let’s break it down into separate components. So, methodological competence - this is, firstly, a type of professional competence, secondly, this type of competence includes a system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities of a teacher, and, finally, the third component, optimal combinations of operating methods with pedagogical objects .

    There are 4 levels in the structure of methodological competence:

      methodological awareness (education) – natural and acquired in the process of methodological training properties and qualities of a person, manifested in standard situations;

      methodological literacy – readiness to perform professional activities in accordance with accepted standards and norms;

      methodological creativity - the ability to solve professional problems in non-standard situations and in non-standard ways;

      methodological art as the highest manifestation of competence. However, this level is achieved by few teachers and cannot be the goal of studying at a university.

    To achieve a higher level of methodological competence, it is necessary to create a number of conditions for teachers:

      modern information educational environment of the educational institution;

      modernization of the educational institution's methodological work system;

      professional position of the teacher.

    The concepts of “methodological competence” and “methodological mastery” are often equated. And this is not accidental, because these concepts are connected by semantic unity and both include motivational, cognitive, behavioral, value-semantic and emotional-volitional aspects.

    For a more thorough study of a teacher’s methodological competence, we recommend turning to the following studies:

      Competencies in education: design experience: collection. scientific tr./ed. A. V. Khutorskoy.

      Maslova I. S. The essence and levels of methodological competence of a teacher.

      Sokolova G. A. Methodological competence in the field of methods of forming knowledge and skills of students.

    I would like to end my speech with the words of M. Gorky, who believed that “a bad teacher is one who does not study or studies little.” And it’s hard to disagree with him, because the profession of “teacher” implies constant self-improvement and self-development.

    “Methodological competence is an effective tool for improving the quality of education”

    Goal: updating the development of teacher methodological competence as a component of improving the quality of the educational process.

    Objectives: analyze the structure of methodological competence;

    present the components of teacher methodological training and correlate them with the levels of manifestation of methodological competence.

    Seminar progress:

    1. Information block.

    The education system at the present stage of social development is undergoing significant changes, but no matter what reforms take place in the education system, in the end they, one way or another, are limited to a specific performer - the school teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the introduction of various innovations into practice and for the successful implementation of the tasks assigned to him must have the necessary level of professional competence and professionalism.

    Competence-based approach - this is the creation of conditions for mastering a set of competencies aimed at developing a personality capable of adapting to the conditions of a socio-political, market-economic, information and communication-rich space. Simply put, school should teach lifelong learning and effectively use the acquired knowledge in practice, i.e. develop the key competencies required in the future, the level of development of which, of course, also depends on the competence of the teacher. It is a competent teacher who ensures positive and highly effective results in the training, education and development of students.

    Professionalism - this is the achievement of high standards of implementation of several aspects of pedagogical work (activity, communication, personality of the teacher). Professionalism refers to the special ability of people to systematically, effectively and reliably perform complex activities in a wide variety of conditions. To acquire professionalism, you need appropriate abilities, desire and character, a willingness to constantly learn and improve your skills. A necessary component of a person’s professionalism is professional competence.

    Professional competence of a teacher - this is the ability of a teacher to transform the specialty of which he is the bearer into a means of shaping the student’s personality (Kuzmina N.V.). Also, we must not forget that a competent teacher is a manifested readiness for teaching activity, a certain set of psychological qualities. This is the desire for a new creative understanding of one’s work, the ability to develop creative potential.

    A competent teacher integrates a high level of professional, pedagogical, psychological, and social qualities.

    Professional pedagogical competencies include:

    • socio-psychological competence;

    General pedagogical professional competence;

    Subject competence;

    Managerial competence;

    Reflective competence;

    Information and communication competence;

    Competence in the field of innovation;

    Creative competence.

    First of all, a competent teacher must be able to:

    • successfully solve your life problems, showing initiative, independence and responsibility;

    Navigate the labor market and understand what skills students need in order to find a job in modern conditions and successfully move up the ladder of professional success;

    See and understand the real life interests of your students;

    Show respect for your students, their judgments and questions;

    Feel the problematic nature of the situations being studied;

    Connect the material being studied with everyday life, with the interests of students;

    Consolidate knowledge and skills in educational and extracurricular practice;

    Plan a training session using the whole variety of forms and methods of educational work and, above all, all types of independent work, dialogic and design-research methods;

    Set goals and evaluate the degree of their achievement together with students;

    Be fluent in the method of “creating a situation of success”;

    Draw on students’ past experiences by creating new experiences without wasting extra time;

    attract experts and specialists to discuss those matters in which one is not competent enough; evaluate the achievements of students not only with a grade, but also with a co-occasional characteristic;

    evaluate not only subject achievements, but also the development of quantitative qualities;

    see gaps not only in knowledge, but also in readiness to live in a >cium.

    The teacher must understand that:

    • you need to be prepared for constant changes;

    It is impossible to build today's and tomorrow's behavior on the basis of yesterday's knowledge and yesterday's experience;

    The main task is to ensure maximum success and minimum failure in the future lives of their students, therefore parents are the teacher’s most faithful allies;

    Any human activity is beautiful and effective, and this idea must be conveyed to students.

    The teacher must beware:

    • out of habit, consider yourself the most important and only source of knowledge;

    Pass on your life experience to your students and educate them based on how you yourself were raised;

    Adhere to the idea that there are once and for all given ways of correct and incorrect solution to various problems;

    Follow minute rules and instructions.

    Thus, teacher competence is a synthesis of professionalism (special, methodological, psychological and pedagogical training), creativity (creativity of relationships, the Learning process itself, optimal use of means, techniques, teaching methods) and art (acting and public speaking). Today it is becoming obvious that the traditional teacher (a monopolist in the transfer and interpretation of the necessary knowledge) is leaving the stage. A new image of a teacher is emerging: a researcher, educator, consultant, project manager.

    What mechanisms are needed to make it possible to organize the activities of teachers aimed at developing professional competence?

    Determining the level of professional competence of a teacher:

    • diagnostics, testing;

    Determining ways to improve professional competence.

    Mechanisms for developing professional competence of a teacher:

    • training in advanced training courses, including distance learning, etc.;

    Work in the Moscow Region, creative groups, pedagogical workshops, master classes, subject decades;

    Active participation in teacher councils, seminars, conferences;

    Participation in various professional skills competitions;

    Participation in research works, creation of own publications;

    Generalization and dissemination of experience;


    Creative report;

    Use of modern methods, forms, types, teaching aids and new technologies;


    Development of a system for stimulating teacher activity.

    Analysis of teacher activity:

    • generalization of experience;

    Professional self-education, self-education and self-expression - These are the main conditions for the formation of a teacher’s authority. At all times in school, the person most responsible for the quality of education is the teacher - a model of behavior and imitation for children, a master who is able to teach his students to find the necessary knowledge in the vast ocean of modern sciences and gain experience in self-education. He must inspire his students to learn.

    Modern teacher - This is a person with an established positive worldview, aimed at constant self-development and professional growth, tolerant, possessing high moral authority, and possessing sufficient information competence.

    There lived a sage who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the Sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked: “The Sage said, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; if the dead one says, I will release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

    We have the opportunity to shape our personality:

    inquisitive, interested, actively exploring the world;

    able to learn, capable of organizing her own activities; respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society, history and culture of each people;

    friendly, able to listen and hear a partner, respecting her own and others’ opinions; ready to act independently and be responsible for my actions.

    2.Practical block.


    Participants are divided into groups. The presenter proposes to determine the most important skills that make up the methodological competence of the teacher.

    Presentation of the results of work in groups.

    Business game “Levels of methodological competence and criteria for their achievement”

    The screen presents the criteria that make up the methodological competence of the teacher. The facilitator invites the groups to determine which level each criterion belongs to.

    Levels of methodological competence of a teacher and criteria for their achievement

    First (empirical)

    Second (constructive)

    Third (creative)

    *teacher, based on existing methodological recommendations,

    developments, can analyze the proposed solutions on a theoretical basis and consciously choose the sequence of application of pedagogical tools;

    * The teacher has a certain amount of knowledge, but in his practical activities he is guided by ready-made developments and recommendations, not being able to independently analyze and design the educational process, to find a theoretically, and not empirically, justified solution to a pedagogical problem. ;

    * the teacher carries out, on a theoretical basis, an understanding of the purpose of actions, expected results, and the conditions for their implementation;

    * the teacher independently constructs the educational process, freely applying in practice the theoretical foundations (in the field of fundamental science, methods of teaching the subject and psychological and pedagogical science) of pedagogical activity, finds a well-founded solution to any pedagogical and didactic task, focuses on student development and self-development.

    Summing up the results of group work,drawing up a memo for teachers

    Memo for teachers

    Cooking b Only a teacher who is ready for change, develops personally in the profession, has a high level of knowledge and skills, reflection, and a developed ability for design activities, that is, a professionally competent teacher, can help children to change.

    The teacher's methodological competence includes:

    * possession of a system of scientific knowledge;

    * the ability to plan, select, synthesize and construct educational material on the subject;

    *the ability to select or adapt technologies, methods, techniques and means necessary for a specific educational process;

    * willingness to organize various forms of classes in the academic subject;

    * the ability to implement an activity-based approach to learning and organize students’ educational work taking into account their real learning capabilities;

    *readiness to use innovative teaching technologies;

    ^ experience of creative activity in the form of the ability to make effective decisions in problem situations; ^ experience of emotional and value-based attitude towards nature, society and man.

    1. Reflection

    Game "Problem on the Palm"

    Leading. Now I suggest that each participant look at the problem of improving methodological competence as if from the outside, that is, if you held it in the palm of your hand.

    (The presenter holds a tennis ball in his palm.) I look at the ball. It is round and small, like our Earth in the Universe. The earth is the home in which my life unfolds. What qualities and how would I like to develop in myself so that my life and teaching activities ensure my own professional advancement and development? (Participants take turns holding an object on their palm that symbolizes the problem and express their attitude towards it.)


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    2. Khurtova, T. V. Training seminars: methodological support for competency-based training / T. V. Khurtova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. - 191 p.

    3- Kukharev, N.V. Acmeological foundations of pedagogical development of educational systems / N.V. Kukharev, L.I. Kategova // Yuravanne u adukatsp - 2004. - No. 3- - P. 10-14.

    4- Kukharev, N.V. Monitoring of quality indicators in the activities of school management and teaching staff and the process of their diagnosis: scientific and methodological manual / N. V. Kukharev. - Gomel: IRO, 20Yu.

    5. Glinsky, A. A. Management of the system of methodological work in a general education institution / A. A. Glinsky. - Minsk: Zorny verasen, aoo8. - 295 s.

    6. Zhuk, A. I. Professional competence of a teacher: theoretical aspect / A, I. Zhuk, N. N. Koshel. -Minsk, 1996. - zou p.

    Development of a teacher’s methodological competence in modern conditions (report of the Deputy Director for Educational Management E.Yu. Gurakova)
    “You can only contribute so far to the education of others,
    while you continue to work on your own education"
    A. DistervergModern school is a school of a competent responsible person, which means a transition from knowledgeable to competent education. This is reflected in the following educational documents: Federal State Educational Standard of the Second Generation, Education Development Strategy 2015-2020, Professional Standard for a Teacher, Unified Qualification Directory of Positions. In the new standard, the teacher: “A creative individual with original problem-pedagogical and critical thinking, the creator of corporate programs based on advanced world experience and new teaching technologies, interpreting them in specific pedagogical conditions based on diagnostic goal-setting and reflection.”
    You read every word and understand: it is necessary to improve the personal and professional culture of the teacher. A teacher needs to become modern and competitive.
    Parable about a grain of sand
    Far, far out in the sea there is a small island. So small that there are several coconut trees growing on it. On the gently sloping shore of the island there lived a small grain of sand. She lay motionless next to dozens of her sisters, other grains of sand. And you probably know how boring it is to sit or lie for hours without doing anything! So the grain of sand was very boring. She wanted to take a walk along the shore, to look at her native island from all sides. And even more - travel by sea, where beautiful ships sail. But grains of sand cannot walk or swim!
    And one day the sea became agitated. Big waves just rolled onto the shore. The grains of sand were scared. And only one was not afraid. She spoke to the wave: “Tell me, wave, is it true that you travel all over the sea and visit distant lands - where large ships sail?”
    - Of course it’s true! – the wave said proudly.
    - How wonderful! – the grain of sand shouted enthusiastically. – How I would like to see big cities, houses, people.
    - I can take you with me.
    “Don’t go, you can drown!” said the other grains of sand.
    - I'm not afraid of the sea! - answered the little grain of sand.
    The wave picked her up and carried her into the depths of the salty waters. Of course, she was very scared, she was afraid of getting lost at sea, but she so wanted to see distant lands. And the grain of sand overcame its fear. She dived into the water. So she began her long journey. On her way she met various sea inhabitants.
    When suddenly a grain of sand heard: “Where are you going?”
    “To the big city,” explained the grain of sand.
    - I came up with it! – shouted the crab. “You will get lost there, a big fish will swallow you.” Better stay on the bottom. It's quiet and peaceful here.
    - No, I have to go on the road.
    She walked further and saw in front of her a large shell with open doors. The grain of sand just wanted to look inside when the shell doors closed. And the little traveler remained closed inside.
    The inhabitants of the sea have already forgotten about the little traveler. And only the crab sometimes remembered her sad fate and ordered his children:
    - Children, remember, interest will not lead to good!
    However, somehow a diver sank to the seabed and took the shell. People laid it on the ground and opened it...
    - This grain of sand reminded me of a teacher, curious, active, who strives to learn more, enrich himself with knowledge, and improve his professional level.
    The increase in social demands for schools requires systematic improvement and advanced training of teaching staff. A teacher is a representative of one of the socially significant professions, whose work is focused on the development and formation of a person.
    A modern teacher needs unconventional thinking and the ability to adapt to rapid changes in living conditions. And this is only possible under the condition of a high level of professional competence and the presence of developed professional abilities.
    One of the main components of the standard, without which the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in schools is impossible, is personnel training. The teacher has always been, is and will be a key figure in the school.
    The profession of a teacher requires continuous improvement, both in the subject area and in mastery of teaching methods, forms, and technologies. According to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and labor legislation, a teacher improves his professional competence every five years as part of retraining courses. He must have basic professional education and the necessary qualifications, be capable of innovative professional activities, have a level of methodological culture and a developed readiness for continuous education throughout his life.
    In the system of teacher professional training, the process of developing professional competence is important.
    The professional competence of a teacher is understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful teaching activities.
    The main directions for the development of professional competence of teachers are:
    Psychological and pedagogical competence presupposes mastery of pedagogical diagnostics, the ability to build pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, carry out individual work based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics; knowledge of developmental psychology, psychology of interpersonal and pedagogical communication; the ability to awaken and develop in students a sustainable interest in the chosen specialty and in the subject being taught.
    Differential psychological competence includes the ability to identify personal characteristics, attitudes and orientation of students, to determine and take into account the emotional state of people; the ability to competently build relationships with managers, colleagues, and children.
    Autopsychological competence implies the ability to understand the level of one’s own activity and abilities; knowledge about ways of professional self-improvement; the ability to see the reasons for shortcomings in one’s work and in oneself; desire for self-improvement.
    Methodological competence includes mastery of various teaching methods, knowledge of didactic methods, techniques and the ability to apply them in the educational process.
    The introduced concept of methodological literacy denotes a certain state and structure of pedagogical thinking, the professional consciousness of a teacher, in which he is able to realize (imagine, understand, “see”) the methodology for organizing the educational process at all its levels - general, particular, specific.
    Methodological competence is a structure of professional knowledge, skills, and personal qualities that are provided by the didactic, organizational, and analytical abilities of the teacher. The need to constantly improve the level of qualifications of teachers in the context of the emergence of new pedagogical technologies has raised the problem of developing methodological competence to a high level. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of improving the educational process, it is important that a specialist is oriented in the variety of scientific and pedagogical approaches, can not only use ready-made teaching materials, but also independently carry out scientific and methodological work. The formation of methodological competence is important because only in the process of its development can a teacher develop a sustainable interest in methodological and scientific-methodological work and create new teaching aids, developments, and electronic learning tools. The methodological competence of the teacher ensures effectiveness and improves the quality of the learning process.
    Methodological support of the educational process means the provision of sufficient methodological means for the implementation of the educational process, which are: state educational standards, curricula, sample, original and work programs, thematic plans, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations, didactic materials, educational and methodological kits and complexes, entertaining literature, etc.
    It is necessary to develop the level of methodological competence systematically, without separating the theoretical part from the practice. To do this, it is recommended to use such forms of work as training sessions, master classes, workshops, conferences, trainings, round tables, exhibitions. Scientific and methodological work must also be carried out in the following areas: writing abstracts, reports, articles, creating and publishing teaching aids, analyzing new scientific literature, reviewing works, etc. These forms of work will allow teachers to apply methodological developments in practice and disseminate advanced ideas , comprehend the ABC of methodological creativity, which is an integral part of the teacher’s pedagogical skill. Signs of teacher competence:
    - teacher’s readiness for innovative activities;
    - ability for further self-education and self-improvement.
    Factors of methodological self-development of a teacher:
    -socialization and individualization of the teacher as a person;
    -the environment should stimulate professional self-development;
    - school management system (stimulation, pedagogical monitoring);
    -translation of teaching experience;
    - a beneficial psychological atmosphere in the team;
    -creating a teacher’s portfolio as a reflection of professional activity, in the process of formation of which self-assessment occurs and the need for self-development is realized.
    Based on modern requirements, we can determine the main ways to develop the methodological competence of a teacher:
    Forms of improving the professional skills of a teacher:
    -studying documents and materials of professional interest;
    -reflection and analysis of one’s own activities;
    -accumulation of information on pedagogy, psychology, methodology, subject content;
    -creating a database of the best scenarios for classes, events, interesting techniques and finds;
    -development of own visual aids;
    - independent research;
    - constant work on a methodological topic of professional interest for the teacher;
    -attending classes, events with colleagues, participating in professional skills competitions;
    -personal consultations;
    - interviews with the administration;
    - individual work with a mentor;
    -performing individual tasks under the control and support of the head of the methodological association;
    -development of your own self-education program.
    Purposeful, properly organized educational work of a teacher plays an important role in the formation and formation of a professional. The professional and methodological competence of a teacher determines his pedagogical skills. A. Makarenko believed that pedagogical skill is knowledge of the features of the pedagogical process, the ability to build it and put it into action. According to A. Makarenko, every teacher can master teaching skills, provided that they work purposefully on themselves.
    What is the dynamics of growth of professional competence in our school?
    Modern requirements for a teacher place first place systematic independent work in the development of professional competence, deepening his theoretical and practical skills. Self-education is one of the most effective ways to develop professional competence, which determines the sequence of teacher education during the inter-certification period.
    Self-education is a conscious need for constant improvement of one’s professional activities with an emphasis on its socialization, creating conditions for the development of personally and socially significant personality traits of the teacher and the personality of each student. Self-education is a constant activity of the teacher, focused on enriching the level of subject and methodological training.
    Self-education of teachers during the inter-certification period can be carried out both individually and within the work of school education organizations and creative groups.
    Methods for measuring the effectiveness of self-educational activities of teachers:
    -results of graduates entering higher education institutions;
    - the effectiveness of students’ participation in competitions, exhibitions, festivals, olympiads, and MAN competitions;
    -course retraining, its forms, results;
    - generalization and dissemination of experience (participation in scientific and methodological events);
    -open lessons, events at various levels;
    -development of work programs.
    Our school will pay great attention to improving pedagogical skills, modernizing methodological technologies for summing up the results of self-educational activities of teachers (master class, creative report, presentation of experience, participation in exhibitions of methodological developments, publications, etc.)
    Thus, a modern school requires a new type of teacher who has a high professional culture, is able to objectively comprehend pedagogical phenomena and facts, critically evaluate and creatively transform pedagogical reality.
    Do you remember how the teachers' council began?
    How did the parable end?
    Finally, a grain of sand was able to get out of its cramped prison. “Finally, I see the sun again!” thought the grain of sand. The sun touched it with its rays... and a miracle happened: it sparkled with bright light. Now it was not a grain of sand, but a pearl!
    “What a wonderful find!” – people shouted when they saw this pearl! A grain of sand's dream has come true. After all, dreams always come true. You just need to really, really want something. Not just want, but try to fulfill your dream without fear of difficulties. Just like a little grain of sand did.

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