Mgtu im Bauman complete. Moscow State Technical University named after

Studying at MSTU. N.E. Bauman is conducted at 19 faculties of full-time education. There are postgraduate and doctoral studies, two specialized lyceums. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman trains more than 19 thousand students in almost the entire spectrum of modern mechanical and instrument engineering. Scientific and educational work is carried out by more than 320 doctors and about 2000 candidates of science. The main structural divisions of Bauman University are scientific and educational complexes , which includes a faculty and a research institute. There are eight of them (see in the column on the right). In addition, professional training is carried out atbranch faculties, created on the basis of large enterprises, organizations and institutions of the military-industrial complex located in Moscow and Moscow suburban cities: Reutov, Krasnogorsk and Korolev, as well as in a branch of the university in Kaluga. MSTU has accumulated unique experience in the national higher education system in training specialists from among students with hearing disabilities, which has been conducted at the University since 1934.

Bauman University is one of three universities in Russia (the other two are M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University), where military training of students began in 1926. Today, the Military Institute of the University trains reserve and cadre officers in 21 military specialties for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. FVO specialties are based on the basic specialties of the university and deepen the training of highly qualified specialists in the civilian profession. The institute consists of five military departments (one in the Kaluga branch of the university), the department of civil defense and a military training center. Practical training is conducted at the training ground in the Dmitrov branch of the university, where the faculty’s military equipment is located.

In the field of international activities of MSTU. N.E. Bauman cooperates in bilateral and multilateral exchange programs for students, graduate students, doctoral students, teaching and research staff, accepts foreign students under contract, participates in joint scientific research, educational and methodological developments, as well as congresses, conferences and seminars. Currently, the university has established connections with more than 70 universities in Europe, America and Asia.

All pedagogical and scientific activities of the MSTU team. N.E. Bauman is focused on the future. This is participation in conversion programs, reassessment of priorities in the development of new scientific directions in technology, development of the conceptual foundations of the state system of staffing the national technological base, capable of implementing the replenishment of the intellectual potential of high-tech industries, effectively and fruitfully influencing the processes of stabilization of the domestic economy in the interests of the national security and sustainable development of Russia.

The combination of precise scientific calculations with engineering intuition, adherence to the traditions of training engineers according to the “Russian method”, a subtle sense of the novelty of the chosen areas of work, a socio-economic approach to solving complex technical problems, and the humanization of specialist training allow MSTU. N.E. Bauman to remain at the forefront of world scientific and technological progress.

A characteristic feature of the activities of MSTU at various historical stages of its development is close cooperation with industry, multifaceted connections with institutions of science, education and culture. TsAGI, Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky, NAMI, CIAM, a number of faculties of MIHM, MHTI and MEPhI, the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, MAI, MPEI, MARKHI and a number of other leading educational, scientific and industrial organizations constitute the honor and glory of the “Alma Mater”, which gave them a start in life. Their teams are committed to new achievements in the field of science, technology and technology.

The Bauman Technical University (MSTU) is one of the most prestigious Russian universities. Its history began in 1826, when, by order of the Empress, an educational institution was created for orphaned children of Russian citizens. Today, Bauman MSTU is a university whose diploma provides an excellent opportunity to find a well-paid job both in Russia and abroad. The history, divisions and branches of the famous university are the topic of the article.


The history of the university began in the twenties of the 19th century. It was established by decree of Empress Maria Feodorovna, and received special development under Nicholas I. Already in the early thirties, the educational institution began to focus on teaching technical disciplines. Officially, the year of foundation is 1930. Then the famous Bauman Moscow State Technical University was called a completely different name - the Moscow Craft Educational Institution. This name remained until 1968.

In 1843, Moscow newspapers vied with each other to talk about the successes of the first graduates of the MRUZ. The press talked about the achievements of former students of the Moscow school, who, having completed a full course of practical and theoretical training, worked for several years in the factory sector, and then began to manage factories themselves. There were not so many graduates of this educational institution then, compared to the number of lucky ones who nowadays annually receive diplomas from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Therefore, there were enough factories for everyone.

Imperial Moscow Technical School

The future Bauman Moscow State Technical University acquired this name in 1868. The “imperial” status was awarded quite rarely and was obligatory to many things. Such a title was not given to the mediocre. IMTU, along with several similar institutions (of which there were very few in the country at that time), was called upon to train engineers for domestic industrial enterprises. The fact is that in the mid-nineteenth century, mainly foreigners worked in this field. Highly qualified Russian personnel were required, for the training of which a unique educational system was created at IMTU. By the end of the century, the educational institution reached the European level. Moreover, it has been ranked among the best polytechnic schools in the world.

Moscow Higher Technical School

The events of 1917 could not but affect the history of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. A year later, Moscow again became the capital, devastation began in the country, and the Bolsheviks came to power. All this did not have the best impact on the education system. The number of students dropped sharply in all institutions, including the Moscow Higher Technical School - that is what the legendary “Baumanka” was called then. By the way, the name was changed again in 1930. For thirteen years, the university was called the Mechanical Engineering Institute named after. Bauman. It is worth saying a few words about the man in whose honor the best technical university in the capital is named.

Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman

This man was not a great scientist. He was one of those who were infected by the revolutionary spirit of freedom. Bauman was born in 1873, studied at the Kazan gymnasium, where he became interested in Marxist literature. At the beginning of the century, Bauman was exiled to the Vyatka province. Then, according to revolutionary tradition, he fled to Germany, where he met Lenin. Nikolai Bauman died in 1905, without living to see important events in the history of the country and without ever visiting the walls of the educational institution that bore his name for more than half a century.

After the war

Victory over Hitler's army was achieved. The country had to be raised from ruins, which was impossible in conditions of backward industry. New personnel were needed - qualified engineers. It was also worth strengthening the weapons so that no one else would think of setting their enemy’s boot on Soviet soil. New faculties were opened at MSTU (then MVTU). In addition, work began on space exploration. In 1948, a rocket technology department was created at the Higher Technical School, the history of which is closely connected with the name of such an outstanding scientist as Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

But the changes affected not only the structure of the university, but also the student body. All-Union proletarianization dictated conditions that, first of all, the best universities in the country had to comply with. Difficult times began in the lives of MVTU teachers. After all, they were used to completely different students and did not know how to work with practically illiterate students. Representatives of the proletariat at the workers' faculty constituted the absolute majority. The teachers have developed complex relationships with the students of this faculty, created back in the twenties, as evidenced by numerous essays on the history of Baumanka. Nevertheless, the university survived this difficult period. Every year it strengthened its scientific base and much later, in the mid-nineties, it officially became one of the valuable objects of Russian cultural heritage.

We can talk endlessly about the history of Moscow Technical University. A book would not be enough to cover this topic. But it’s also worth paying attention to the departments that exist at the Bauman MSTU.


  • Radioelectronics and laser technology.
  • Computer science and control system.
  • Special mechanical engineering.
  • Robotics and
  • Engineering business and management.
  • Mechanical engineering technologies.
  • Power engineering.
  • Biomedical technology.
  • Linguistics.
  • Social and human sciences.
  • International educational programs.
  • Physical education and health.

Today the university employs more than three thousand teachers. Since 2012, the rector of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University is A. A. Alexandrov.


The main building of the university is divided into two parts and is located at: st. 2-ya Baumanskaya, building 5. building 1. Communication between departments is carried out on the second, third and fourth floors. MSTU also has a teaching and laboratory building, opened not so long ago - in 2004. This event became a kind of symbol of the revival of Russian science. The university also includes the Robotics research center and three buildings, one of which is located in the city of Krasnogorsk.

Moscow State Technical University has two branches: in Kaluga and Dmitrov.

Lyceum at MSTU named after Bauman

The buildings of this educational institution are located in the south of Moscow. The purpose of the Lyceum at MSTU is in-depth training in mathematics, physics and computer science for students in grades 7-11. It was founded in 1989 and was then known as school No. 1180 at the famous technical university. Until 2006, only graduate students studied here.

Education here is free, but in the eighth and tenth grade, lyceum students take transfer exams in physics and mathematics. In the last year of study, students undergo practical training at MSTU. Most of them become students of this university after successfully passing the entrance exams.

Physics education at the Lyceum is carried out in the form of practical classes, lectures and laboratory work. The mathematics program includes the standard school course and the basics of higher mathematics. Of the total number of hours for which two-year training is designed, a third is devoted to lectures.

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman is a national research university, one of the largest in Russia and Europe.

Bauman University is the leader among Russian universities in terms of total R&D volume (up to 7 billion rubles annually). At MSTU. Bauman has created an innovative structure that includes 22 world-class research and educational centers. A special feature of research and educational centers is their interdisciplinarity, which will make it possible to create a technological breakthrough at the intersection of sciences. The total number of the university's consolidated staff (students, staff and teachers) is 35 thousand people.

Who are we preparing?

High-level engineers capable of developing the latest equipment, high technologies, and working in high-tech industries. Specialists with advanced skills and knowledge in the field of economics, management, entrepreneurship, civil law and foreign languages.

Who are we cooking for?

Employment of Bauman graduates is 100%. Half of all students begin their career development in the 3rd or 4th year. The largest Russian corporations have included MSTU in their innovative development programs and employ Bauman graduates as a priority. Among them are Rosatom State Corporation, Rostec State Corporation, Roscosmos State Corporation, Gazprom OJSC, Transneft OJSC,, Group IB, RSC Energia OJSC, Almaz-Antey OJSC and others .

How is Bauman training structured?

A feature of the educational process at the University is the involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in the implementation of real research, design and experimental technological work. The departments of MSTU are headed by heads of the largest industrial enterprises in Russia. The close connection between the university and industry makes it possible to train specialists relevant to the challenges of today.

Our graduates

Capable of developing and synthesizing new technical solutions, carrying out aggregate construction of technical systems based on existing and new methods, assessing the effectiveness of designs and technologies taking into account the product life cycle.

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