The Minister of Education admitted “false” salaries in universities and schools. A Transbaikal teacher disputed Minister Vasilyeva’s statement about the teacher’s high salary

Traditional annual All-Russian pedagogical conference. This time it differed from the usual routine in two important moments - the presentation of a new minister of education Olga Vasilyeva and a speech by the Prime Minister of the country Dmitry Medvedev on current topics of concern to teachers.

One of the most important issues for teachers, as it is easy to assume, is the issue of remuneration. It was this topic that became one of the central ones on Saturday, widely covered in the Russian media.

“We are ready to do it in a way that is convenient for you and as convenient for teachers. Let's discuss all this and make a decision. We can return to some of the previous principles of calculating wages, I mean the base part, salary, allowances, and so on. We can preserve the principles that exist today, when the main set of decisions is made at the school level,” said the head of the Russian government.

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich

Of course, other points raised by the prime minister, for example, about the need to build new schools with 6.5 million seats by 2025, as well as the purchase of 1,800 school buses this year, are also relevant. Indeed, if children do not have a place to study and a way to get to school, then what can we even talk about?

Nevertheless, until now the overwhelming majority of Russian children receive the required education. And it is the teachers who give it to them. Which, alas, is becoming more and more difficult to provide every year. The main reason for this is the lack of prestige of teaching work. And how could it be otherwise, if with the “average salaries in the industry” regularly appearing in the reports of high government officials at the level of 35 thousand rubles per month, many teachers actually receive 10-20 thousand in their hands, and not only in the regions, but often in Moscow, rich in all respects. And in order to get this money, they literally need to “plow” two or even more bets.

There are fewer and fewer people wishing to go to work in schools every year. Moreover, among them, roughly speaking, they are mostly either real fans of their work, who sincerely love children, or losers who, after graduating from pedagogical universities, could not find a better-paid job somewhere in business or even in state administrations, where “teachers with a diploma “can also have considerable career growth.

Accordingly, if maximum attention is paid only to “buildings and equipment,” the likelihood of a repetition of the situation in Russian medicine increases. When in many hospitals, expensive equipment is simply idle, because there are simply no doctors willing to work on it. First of all, because “instrumentalist doctors”, as a rule, receive a “bare salary”, unlike their clinical colleagues, who usually have good “presents” from grateful patients.

But teachers, unlike most doctors, are deprived of the opportunity to receive such “presents” in principle! Unless the class teacher gets something memorable after the graduation party once every 7 years. And in other days, months and years, Russian “Makarenki” and “Sukhomlinsky” can only count on salaries from the school accounting department.

After the reform of remuneration for teaching labor, introduced when Dmitry Medvedev was president, calculations are no different in transparency and predictability. What can we say, if at the same meeting mentioned at the beginning of this article, he admitted that the basic salary of a teacher is no more than 10% of his real income, everything else is bonuses.

Photo: Reuters

But the trouble is that their appointment is exclusively in the hands of the school administration, which can be “pressured” by regional officials in order to achieve savings in budget expenses. So it turns out that many teachers have to work more than two times in order to get at least 20-odd thousand rubles.

It can be noted that the teaching community has been criticizing this remuneration system almost since its introduction. But until recently, officials paid almost no attention to this dissatisfaction. Even on August 3, the same prime minister, speaking to teachers at the “Territory of Meanings” forum, answering the question of a teacher from Dagestan, why in the law enforcement field employees receive 50 thousand, and young teachers - only 15, advised those who want to have high salaries " go into business." At the same time, recalling that, they say, law enforcement officers risk their lives fighting criminals, and therefore naturally have large salaries.

“I am often asked about teachers and professors. This is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. Same business. But you didn’t go into business, as I understand it, so here you go,” the prime minister said.

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich

In fact, the contribution of teachers both to the fight against crime and to the general defense capability of the state is no less than that of people in uniform. It is not for nothing that Bismarck is credited with the phrase: “The Battle of Sadovaya (where the Prussian army defeated the army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was won by a Prussian teacher.” Education is a huge power. Above the Stalinist expression " teachers are engineers of human souls"Nowadays it is customary to be ironic, but, nevertheless, people brought up in Soviet schools under the most difficult conditions won the Great Patriotic War, and then in a matter of years they built a powerful economy.

The opposite example is the successful implementation of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education nationalist ideas in local schools has allowed the anti-Russian elites to raise a generation of “oni-children” over a quarter of a century, ready to throw “Molotov cocktails” at the same law enforcement officers Maidan, and then go on punitive duties, kill civilians Donbass. True, it is impossible to raise real patriots based on selfish egoism and the desire for “freebies in the European Union.” That is why the number of fugitives from conscription in Viysko has already forced Kyiv move to recruiting troops with "contract soldiers".

However, such a “destructive success” of the pro-Western rulers Ukraine became possible precisely because teachers immediately after gaining “independence” became openly a “privileged caste.” Their salaries were the highest among state employees. Exceeding those in healthcare by one and a half to two times - and being quite comparable to what ordinary police officers received. By the way, the difference between the salary of a novice teacher at a “bare rate” and the income of his experienced colleague, with a lot of bonuses, could differ by 50-80%, but by no means by several times as after the 2008 reform in Russia.

The rhetorical question is what is more preferable (and simply cheaper) for Russian society: to prevent crowds of home-grown “one-children” from appearing on the hypothetical Moscow Maidan at “hour X”, appointed in distant Washington, or to solve an already arisen problem with the help Russian National Guard and other security forces? The answer, I think, is obvious...

So the intention of the head of the Russian government to discuss changes to the much-criticized teacher remuneration system deserves only approval. True, the lack of clarity on the part of the Prime Minister in this regard is of some concern.

“No matter what we do - both the teacher remuneration system and professional standards, any of these innovations should not lead to a worsening of the teacher’s economic situation, this is absolutely unacceptable, let’s proceed from this,” he said.

Well, just “not demoting” is not enough, they need to be promoted, and so that the lowest paid teacher thinks not about a piece of their daily bread, but about the best training and education of their pupils!

And most importantly, won’t this more than timely initiative stall after the completion of the Duma elections? I would like to hope that with the landmark appointment of a new Minister of Education, a patriot and stateswoman Olga Vasilyeva, the process of radically improving the working conditions of Russian “sowers of the rational, the good, the eternal” will definitely move forward.

I am publishing a post by Daria Korolkova, which has exploded all over Facebook. The author, the mother of a teenage girl, decided to “dot the i’s” and outline in advance to her daughter her position regarding her growing up and further independent life. Spelling has been preserved.
1. In 3 years I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But, nevertheless. At 18, you will have 2 options: you go to university, and I support you as best I can until you graduate, or until you find a job. Either you give up on the university (and I will never judge you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your needs yourself. I will not support an 18+ year old girl who is not a student, because I think it is wrong. You have 3 years to choose...
Yes, we have already come up with the redevelopment of the apartment. Your room will be our bedroom.
2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You're much better than me. You are wonderful. I've known you for 15 years, and you are so much better than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone doesn't understand this, that's their problem. Well, and a little bit of dad’s, but he quickly gets down the stairs, I’m not worried about that.
3. I am not an example for you. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authority and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.
4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can become a janitor, manicurist, locksmith, turner, housewife, business analyst, office manager and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere with your choice of life path. But don't forget to re-read the first paragraph.
5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you on debt. I don’t expect a glass of water, no matter how bad it is, I don’t expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don’t dream of your Nobel prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let everything take its course. It's your life and your choice.
6. You have a house. No matter what happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not interfere spontaneously.
7. I have my own life. I don’t have to help when the whistle blows, I don’t have to give up what I’m doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.
8. You have your own life. Who to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. This will not make you lose me, you will not stop being my daughter, you will not become persona non grata.
9. No one intends to harm you. It's not easy to understand, but it's true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers correct. Nobody (mentally healthy) deliberately worsens their life. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. Your pictures of the world just don’t match.
10. The world is unfair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed way to avoid failure. You don't control this world. You can do everything right and end up screwed. You can violate everything in the world and end up on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how it will be better for you.
11. Your “good” will almost always mean someone else’s “bad”. You will take someone's place at the institute or at the Auchan cash desk. You'll be dating the love of your life or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the movie theater. Don't worry. Your “bad” will always mean someone else’s “Good”, so you’re even.
12. You can only trust yourself 100%. No, not even me, I can’t get into your head. You definitely understate, hide and withhold. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you yourself know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you are capable of.
13. Don't shift responsibility. From the age of 18, you are responsible for your life. And Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on the project if you can complete it without colleagues. Emigrate if you can find yourself alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and have helpers, family, and friends, it will be easier for you. But they DON'T owe you. Don't count on it.
14. Calculate. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine your options, the more reasonable your behavior.
15. Don't listen to me. I wrote down 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and, by the way, there was a separate point about this). Don't compare. Don't be equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release a person into the world who would live his own life in it. Go and live it.

Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva warned rectors of personal responsibility for increasing the salaries of their subordinates.

According to statistics, the average salary of university teachers today is 44 thousand 600 rubles.

The salary increase should be real, and not a matter of reporting to the ministry. Your salary is 20 thousand a month, I have 120, and the average is 70. We know these universities. We know all the schemes. The reaction to them will be harsh,” the minister emphasized, speaking at a seminar-meeting dedicated to the financial policy of the ministry. - It is clear that given the workload of rectors, their salaries should be higher than those of teachers. But there must be moral guidelines! Your people receive modest money, you ask them to give you 700 thousand rubles, and your employees receive 35 - 45 thousand.

Olga Vasilyeva promised: salary reporting schemes will be tightened. And the model for calculating rector’s salaries will become transparent.

Let us remind you that according to the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science, the income of university teachers and employees of scientific organizations should double by 2018. In other words, 200 percent. Now, for universities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science, this increase is 193 percent.

There are 12 students per teacher, and the share of income from extra-budgetary activities in universities was 41 percent, the minister said.

According to her, the mechanisms for financing science, the construction of dormitories, repairs, and the purchase of laboratory equipment will be reviewed in the near future. “And each university must plan its work at least three years in advance,” the minister noted.

Your salary is 20 thousand a month, I have 120, and on average - 70. We know these universities and such schemes

One of the most expendable items of all universities is the maintenance of property. No one is talking about its transfer, “but we need to look for effective ways to use it,” the minister emphasized.

Olga Vasilyeva said that from September 1, student scholarships will increase by 4 percent. In 2018, the size of the scholarship fund will ultimately amount to 69 billion 190 million rubles.

3 billion has been allocated to fill the shortage of places in dormitories for non-resident students

900 million rubles, which is 20 percent more than this year.

The practice of holding competitions will be expanded, and commissions, in-person and in absentia, will have to be parted with, Olga Vasilyeva warned rectors, university financiers and regional heads of ministries and departments of education and science.

She emphasized that the ministry is in favor of expanding the autonomy of universities and scientific organizations. But in return it demands financial transparency. So far, there are practically no large metropolitan universities in the financial management quality rating (when all the necessary documents and information can be found on the university website without requesting any certificates). The St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Chuvash, Kuban and Ingush State Universities are recognized as the best in this ranking.

Irina Kantorovich, teacher

The problem of the growing poverty of teachers, kindergarten teachers and university professors has been raised many times in the press and on TV, for example, on the federal television channel of the Public Television of Russia.

We have repeatedly tried to convey to the Ministry of Education the alarming trend of growing poverty among teachers. However, we invariably received replies stating that, according to average indicators, salaries, on the contrary, were growing. As an example of this position of the ministry, one can recall the May newspaper of Novye Izvestia: “The Ministry of Education answered why the rector receives 20 million, and the teacher 20 thousand.”

So, for several years, the Ministry of Education invariably responded with mantras that everything was fine with the salaries of teachers and would be even better.

But on November 29, 2017, a real revolution took place in this matter. On the official website of the Ministry of Education you can read the long-awaited information:

“The head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Olga Vasilyeva, stated that “giant gaps in the rector’s salary and the average income of teachers” are unacceptable.

I understand that the rector’s salary, taking into account the degree of his responsibility and workload, should be higher than the salary of teachers, and, as you know, we take this into account when determining it. But there must be some moral guidelines when your people receive quick money, and you bring certificates of high average wages at the university and ask them to pay 700 thousand rubles, when people receive 35-45 thousand. My colleagues, the Department of Control and Audit Activities, have already made a whole selection of schemes, how the management of universities, by increasing the income of only individual, close teachers, does not actually increase the salary of the teaching staff. According to the principle, you have 20, I have 120, and our average is 70.”

In case the department named by Olga Vasilyeva has not yet identified a scheme for paying teachers salaries below the minimum wage (minimum wage), we will name two such legal schemes:

1) Transfer of a state employee by local act to a part-time position while maintaining the same amount of work - this allows you to pay a salary below the minimum wage. This has been widely implemented, for example, at MEPhI.

2) It is possible to pay less than the minimum wage even at a full rate, even two thousand: according to the law, such a salary is acceptable. Methods of dealing with inspections by superiors have been worked out. Even if it pays an employee a salary below the minimum wage, it is almost impossible to catch him and bring him to justice. As soon as the school or hospital is informed about the inspection, the administration issues an order to pay incentives and bonuses to employees for the “inspection” period, and their total income legally becomes higher than the minimum wage. And if they are above the minimum wage, even if it is a meager 8 thousand, law enforcement agencies no longer have any reason to initiate criminal cases: payments are above the threshold established by law, and everything is paid according to the Regulations on remuneration approved by the team itself. There are no violations.

Of course, Olga Vasilyeva’s statement is a real information breakthrough: previously the topic of poverty among teachers did not officially exist. But, as always, I want more. I would like them not to forget about a parallel, very important topic. I believe that Olga Vasilyeva and All Ministers of social sphere will draw attention to the fact that now, according to the law, there is simply nowhere to put “savings” on the services provided to the population, how to transfer the stimulating part of the salaries of employees - in practice, employees close to management. This gives rise to a comprehensive reduction in the functions of the state at all levels, gradually destroying the state.

Incentive payments in practice are arbitrarily formed by directors of budgetary organizations and regional managers and can exceed salaries by tens of times. Example: by resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region dated December 22, 2016 No. 784, the amount of monthly monetary incentives for civil servants was increased from twelve official salaries to thirty-eight official salaries. The size of the bonus for completing particularly important and complex tasks has been increased from two to thirteen monetary rewards for persons holding certain government positions in the Chelyabinsk region. And who should I pay? monthly just an official salary, and to whom thirty eight such salaries are decided by the manager. And everything is according to the law, which we ask you to sign.

Information about the activities of the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva



Text from the website “FOR THE REVIVAL OF EDUCATION”

Update dated November 19, 2018.What math was included in this math test?

Much has been said about the experiment to evaluate teachers using EFOM tests (see., but the widespread dissemination of the scandalous “sensation” by news agencies and “patriotic analysts” forces us to return to this topic again.

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Ministry of Education and Science no more. Vladimir Putin on recommendation Dmitry Medvedev divided the country's main educational department into two parts: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The first will be responsible for schools and secondary education, the second – for the development of science, innovation and the activities of universities. The same presidential decree abolishes Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO), its functions will be transferred to the Ministry of Science, and Education Supervision Agency will become subordinate to the Government. Who needed the division of the Ministry of Education and Science and whether it will be beneficial - read the material Nakanune.RU.

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Monopolization in education is carried out under the brand of “variability” and the influence of one lobby group

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