A UFO crashed on Mars. UFO in Space, on the Moon, on Mars?! Rare NASA photos

For the past five years, a rover called Curiosity has been traveling on the surface of Mars, analyzing soils and atmospheric components. During this time, he walked more than 16 kilometers and gained over three million followers on Twitter.

The device is the largest Mars rover in the history of space exploration. It weighs about a ton, and its dimensions are three meters in length and two in height. Curiosity moves on six wheels, each of which has an independent motor. With their help, he can reach speeds of up to four centimeters per second, but only on a flat surface. The device is controlled by a group of scientists. Due to the fact that the Martian day is longer than the Earth's, for about three months they began to work 40 minutes later than other people.

It was originally planned that the rover would stay on the Red Planet for no more than two years. However, research is still ongoing. The device functions perfectly and copes with its duties. Its mission is to assess whether life ever existed on Mars, obtain detailed information about the planet's climate and geology, and determine whether landing humans on the surface is possible. For these purposes, Curiosity was equipped with three types of cameras that transmit color and black-and-white images, a set of tools for remote study of rocks, and a bucket for scooping up soil. In addition, the rover has ultraviolet sensors, sets of meteorological instruments and instruments for determining the composition of the atmosphere and assessing background radiation.

Mars rover mission in animation.

What did you find?

Thanks to the RAD radiation detectors installed on Curiosity, scientists were able to find out that cosmic radiation on Mars exceeds the Earth's norm. It is so high that astronauts during the flight and landing on the planet can receive a potentially lethal dose - more than one sievert of ionizing radiation.

In 2013, an article was published in the journal Sience, which stated that in a day a living organism located on Mars can accumulate tens of times more ionizing radiation than on Earth, approximately 0.21 mSv. This figure is only two times lower than the level of radiation in outer space. Thus, during a year of “ordinary” life on the Red Planet, 300 times more radiation will accumulate in the human body than in a nuclear industry worker on Earth. This means that in the event of the colonization of Mars, which is so dreamed of Elon Musk, It will not be possible to live more than 500 days without health risks.

Curiosity image of Gale Crater. Photo: http://www.nasa.gov/

Another important discovery by Curiosity was the traces of water and simple organic matter that it discovered in the soil of Mars. This discovery gave scientists the right to claim that several billion years ago there could have been lakes on the planet, and therefore life. However, no full-fledged living organisms were found in Gale Crater. Experts have only found out that the soil in this place once possessed the chemical elements necessary for life, and in the environment there were a number of organic molecules used as building blocks for the functioning of organisms.

Additional confirmation of the theory of the existence of life on Mars are photographs and the chemical composition of the planet’s soil. The cracked surface of the Martian soil reminds them of the Earth's soil, namely the Dry Valleys of Antarctica and the Chilean Atacama deserts.

Discoveries of ufologists

But not only scientists are observing the life of the device on the Red Planet. Ufologists also view videos and photos of his travels. Experts in the field of UFOs have already found a lot of “sensational” evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. In 2017 alone, they managed to spot the wreckage of a flying saucer and the remains of aliens. They managed to do this after repeatedly enlarging the images published on the official NASA website. Specialists interested in unusual phenomena identified them as two chests and half-decayed elongated skulls. And a group of strange objects of uncertain shape located nearby were mistaken for fragments of a spaceship.

Dinosaur skull found on Mars?

In just five years of the rover's operation, searchers for extraterrestrial civilizations managed to discover something similar to a spider-like hairy monkey, as well as strange objects resembling a Bigfoot skull, a reptile skeleton, a dinosaur head, traces of mushrooms, lichens, a squirrel and even someone's hip bones.

A strange light cone has been spotted in the sky of the Red Planet. It flashed and flew away.
The UFO is clearly visible in an image taken using one of the many cameras on NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity robot - the one located on the body and called the Front Hazcam. There are eight similar cameras. They are black and white, equipped with wide-angle lenses, photograph panoramas, help navigate and plot a route.

Image from NASA website, UFO shown by arrow
Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The UFO appeared directly on the course of “Curiosity” - on January 5, 2014 (Martian day 504) at 23 hours, 26 minutes 37 seconds, it was captured by a camera located in front. In the image posted on the official NASA website, the object is located slightly to the right and looks like a light cone. Enthusiasts who recently discovered it have no doubt that these are aliens flying across the Martian sky. That is, aliens. And they don’t just fly, they take off. Because a UFO, if you enlarge it, has a noticeable tail. And it is directed downwards. Therefore, the object itself rises.

Even if the UFO were a meteor or even a comet, it would have a tail pointing upward. As befits falling celestial bodies.
By the way, confirmation that the object was moving can be a photograph taken by the same camera, but a little later - after 6 minutes 29 seconds. There is no longer a UFO on it - it has flown away.

Not a plane or a bird
NASA experts have not yet commented on the current case. But regarding the previous one, they spoke out. Although it is quite foggy.
In March 2004, in an attempt to photograph the Earth from Mars, the Spirit robot, which arrived in the area of ​​the Gusev crater, caught a certain anomaly in the lenses of two cameras at once - panoramic and navigation. And also in the sky. In the photo she appeared as a bright stripe. This effect occurs when the camera captures a moving object at a slow shutter speed. While the camera shutter is open, the object flies some distance. And it appears in the form of a strip.

The UFO, which appeared as a stripe, surprised NASA experts so much that they titled the commentary on the photo very intriguingly: “Bird? Airplane? Spacecraft?" . And one of the leaders of the team that controls the Spirit robot, Mark Lemmon from the University of Texas, put it in a completely sensational way.
“We may never know what it was - whether it was a meteorite first photographed on Mars, or a spaceship arriving from other worlds.” But we will work on the solution.
The solution never appeared. There was an assumption that some terrestrial device hit the lens. Of all those left in orbit, according to experts, only Viking 2 was suitable for this role. But its orbital module flies at an altitude of about 300 kilometers and is too small to be visible in photos from the surface.
But meteorites don't look like that. Spirit photographed their fall on October 25, 2005, when the Martian sky was streaked with burning pieces of the tail of comet P/2001R1 LONEOS. Has little in common with the 2004 object. And it’s certainly not at all like what “Curiosity” filmed today.
Meteor shower photographed by Spirit on Mars in 2005
Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Maybe someone is really keeping an eye on human activity on Mars, as radical ufologists have long and persistently asserted?

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Unknown and inexplicable: NASA images revealed debris from a crashed UFO on Mars. An enthusiast discovered traces of a crashed UFO in NASA photographs taken by the Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars. While the object may just be a strange-looking large rock, ufologists and conspiracy theorists think it is some kind of alien ship.

See also:

The object is located on a hilltop on the Red Planet, and since it is not flying, the UFO hunter simply described it as an unidentified "anomaly" with "windows." In the created video, which was uploaded to YouTube on September 22, the user presented images of a saucer-like object on top of a Martian hill. “Doesn’t quite fit in with the surrounding rocks,” wrote an amateur ufologist in the video description. “It's on top of a mountain and very far away, so if it's a rock it must be bigger. It also appears to have windows,” saying the object is interesting because it stands out from the rest of the rocks nearby. It is, for example, darker, spherical in shape and marked with a raised center so that it appears as if it is a flying saucer, an object often associated with alien beings.

Some believe that these are indeed traces of a UFO, others that this is a successful photoshop, and still others even call it pareidolia. Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that involves stimuli, such as images or sound, in which a person perceives a familiar picture of an object or person where it does not actually exist, according to p-i-f.livejournal.com.

Previously, the non-profit organization Imaginactive developed the concept of an unusual type of transport in 37 hours, read.

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Moreover, the Taiwanese ufologist also encountered a UFO of a similar shape on Earth, so it is quite possible that this is not some part from the ship, but the ship itself is of alien origin. Six years ago, Waring writes, something similar, propeller-shaped, the size of a motorcycle, flew over my house. Unfortunately, it was not possible to shoot it in good quality with IR illumination.

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Video: Strange objects discovered in photographs from Mars

A former NASA employee claims that back in 1979 she witnessed a unique event that revealed all the secrets of the “red planet.” Mars, as it turns out, has been explored for a long time, they just hide reliable information about it from us.

The woman claimed that she saw footage from the old Viking Mars rover, which showed two people in spacesuits walking on the surface of Mars and carefully examining the rover. Viking is an American rover that served as the predecessor to the world-famous modern Curiosity.

To ensure her safety, the woman, who formerly worked for NASA, chose to hide her real name. She called herself Jackie and was monitoring the telemetry line from the Viking, the first rover to land on Mars and send data about the planet to Earth. During her regular duty, Jackie noticed that two people in space suits were walking on the surface of Mars. Moreover, they became interested in the rover, approached it and examined it closely. This footage was immediately classified. To this day it is unknown where they suddenly disappeared.

"Viking" captured stunning footage that was seen by Jackie and 6 of her colleagues

As Jackie stated, people on Mars were not in ordinary “earthly” heavy spacesuits, but in some kind of lightweight uniform, which at that time was not issued to ordinary astronauts. Presumably, the rover recorded two men, which Jackie understood from their physique and height. When these unknown researchers of the “red planet” approached the rover, the broadcast to Earth suddenly ended.

Since then, Jackie has been wondering: what did she really see, people or aliens? As you know, the mission to Mars is still under development. How then did people end up on this planet in 1979? Why didn’t even employees of such a serious organization as NASA know about this?

There is a certain “conspiracy theory”, the adherents of which believe that Jackie witnessed a secret mission that the United States conducted in the 1960s. As you know, at that time the United States was landing the Apollo research vehicle on the Moon. Experts say that this “lunar mission” served as a cover for a larger, sensational project, information about which they did not want to disclose. Could the American government at that time have carried out extensive research on our planetary system?

Former CIA employee D. Lear also said that in 1966 NASA astronauts flew to Mars

Moreover, D. Lear believes that the astronauts were trained for a particularly long time for this mission. Some drugs were introduced into their bodies to adapt people to Martian climatic conditions. Allegedly, those astronauts could breathe rarefied Martian air, so NASA had the opportunity to launch living people onto the “red planet” for a longer period.

Whether to believe D. Lear, let everyone decide for himself. By the way, it should be said that this man once claimed that after death, people’s souls are placed in certain containers and sent to the Moon. He also said that Venus is actually a green cosmic body inhabited by creatures unknown to our science.

The author of a book about the study of unidentified flying vehicles, N. Watson, said the following:

Recently, cases of information leaks from agencies such as NASA, ESA and others have become suspiciously more frequent. Much of this information relates to secret missions that have been carried out in the past and are currently being planned. Perhaps this indicates the beginning of a confrontation between the authorities and ordinary people who want to know everything about space.

In November 2005, the writer mentioned earlier listened to stories from people who had previously worked for US military intelligence. They told him about the existence of a special program for the exchange of experience with representatives of alien civilizations. This was the scandalous Serpo project, the results of which were described in a rather voluminous (3000 pages) report. The report was compiled in the late 70s. Among other things, it said that six creatures of alien origin were removed from the alien ship that crashed in Roswell.

Almost all of these aliens turned out to be dead, except for one, who later helped draw up a flight plan to his home planet, as well as prepare the astronauts for this flight. This mission was allegedly carried out in 1965, and its participants lived on the planet of an alien civilization until 1978. Two of the expeditioners who visited there died literally immediately after landing on an unknown planet. Two more chose not to return home to Earth. The rest, or rather most of them, died after arriving home from radiation exposure they received on an alien planet. By the way, the alien called his planet “Serpo”. Therefore, they decided to name the mission similarly.

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