Cultural and leisure destinations and others. Types and forms of cultural and leisure activities of SKD

The subject and object of activity of cultural institutions is the individual. The activities of institutions should be aimed at the process of realizing the essential powers of the individual and satisfying his spiritual needs.

Areas of activity of cultural institutions:

Activities related to civic education.

Activities related to labor education.

Activities related to additional education.

Activities related to aesthetic education.

Activities related to recreational function.

Activities related to environmental education.

Activities related to promoting a healthy lifestyle.

In leisure activities, a person realizes primary, social and cultural needs in one or another dominant setting, therefore the content of the activities of cultural institutions should include: direct experiences, impressions and states in a specific leisure activity, comprehension by the subject and object of perceived information, artistic images, evaluation quality of services.

Successful activity is also determined by a person’s realization of his aspirations and the embodiment of his life position.

One of the main activities of cultural institutions is related to the circulation and understanding of professional art and folk culture, acquaintance with historical monuments and artistic masterpieces of the culture of the peoples of the world.

Leisure activities of cultural institutions should be formed on the basis of positive socio-psychological and interpersonal contacts.

Types of cultural institutions.

1. Houses and palaces of culture. Conducts extensive cultural and leisure activities among the population, does a lot of work to provide methodological assistance to all cultural institutions of the region. A universal institution in organizing people's leisure time.

2. Culture and recreation parks are natural objects of a cognitive and educational nature, with entertainment opportunities for emotional release and relieving fatigue. The activity is based on a fee basis, which provides the opportunity for independent economic development.

3. Libraries are a type of cultural institution that collects books and other printed publications, specially processes them, promotes them, and organizes mass work with readers (rural, district, city, regional, regional, republican). In addition to the above-mentioned functions, the regional library carries out the development of theoretical and methodological issues of library science and bibliography, and provides scientific and methodological guidance to all public libraries.

4. Museums are a type of cultural institution that collects and exhibits material and spiritual values ​​and conducts cultural and educational work. They organize lectures, excursions, arrange exhibitions, distribute specialized literature, and engage in research work.

5. Cinemas are a type of cultural institution designed to show films to the public. There are standard and mobile.

6. Leisure centers are a type of cultural institution engaged in creating optimal conditions for mass, group, family and individual development of creative abilities, communication, recreation, entertainment, restoration of spiritual and physical strength based on the study of the cultural needs and interests of various categories of the population.

7. Cultural complexes - complexes created on the principles of voluntary merger of cultural institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation, within one or several farms and the pooling of material resources of local authorities, the farm’s own income and appropriations from the fund for socio-cultural needs and sponsorship assistance.

8. Cultural and sports complexes are a new type of cultural institution aimed at providing cultural services to the population based on the integration of culture and sports and all types of leisure management.

9. Youth leisure centers and cafes. They can engage in cultural and leisure activities to organize leisure and recreation for young people.

Form of ownership:

institutions of federal property,

institutions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

· municipal property institutions,

· private institutions.

Type of cultural institution:

1. producing goods and cultural products,

2. providing various types of services: material (restoration, video and photography), intangible (educational, cultural and developmental, informational, gaming)

3. trading in cultural goods and art objects.

Target focus:

1. cultural enlightenment,

2. artistic creativity,

3. development of aesthetic feelings,

5. entertainment.

Management method:

· commercial,

· non-profit,

· mixed,

Types of cultural institutions:


Natural landscape sites.

Parks of culture and recreation.

Sports grounds.


Diversified cultural centers.

Institutions of additional professional education: sports, music, art schools.

The infrastructure of culture and leisure is a complex of institutions, industries and organizations of economic practice that create the conditions for their functioning as an economic sector, ensuring its existence.

Let's consider the main elements of the infrastructure of culture and leisure:

1. Production and service complexes of those sectors of the economy that serve the population in their free time and create conditions for recreation, individual development, and entertainment.

· Historical centers, cultural monuments, memorial areas.

· Industry organizations in the field of culture and art (libraries, cinemas, theaters, museums, exhibition halls, philharmonic societies, etc.)

· Development organizations, training companies.

· Urban recreation areas (parks, squares, beaches).

· Recreational areas outside the city (national parks, sanatoriums, resorts).

· Institutions and companies providing sports, recreational, cultural, artistic and educational services (stadiums, fitness clubs, water parks, dance classes)

· Travel agencies and related transportation, hospitality system.

· Theme parks, gaming and cultural and leisure centers.

· Restaurants, cafes.

· Modeling business.

2. Production and broadcast of cultural and leisure information, as well as goods for cultural, leisure and information and artistic purposes:

· Entertainment television programs, radio programs.

· Internet.

· Art products (preparation and recording of various kinds of shows, television and radio programs, music CDs, computer games).

· Editorial and publishing activities (production of books, magazines, newspapers).

· Production of goods and equipment for cultural and sports purposes (sportswear, souvenirs, board games, stage equipment, etc.).

· Roads, communications, transport.

· Professional personnel and institutions for their training.

Leisure industry:

1. cultural goods industry,

2. tourism industry,

3. audio and video industry,

4. entertainment industry:

· newspapers, magazines, books of entertainment content,

· film industry and video production,

· film distribution network, TV channels, radio stations,

· music industry, producing and selling music products,

· art business (galleries, exhibition halls),

· organizing concerts, tours, show business,

gaming and gambling business,

theaters, concert organizations, circuses,

· leisure centers, clubs, entertainment complexes, discos,

· modeling business,

· public catering network.

Since the 50s of the last century, the growth of memorial holidays, holidays of professions, glorifying work, art festivals, as well as new achievements of the Soviet state (conquest of space, development of virgin lands, etc.) began. This growth continued in the period 60-80, and reached its culmination during the opening of the Moscow Olympics in 1980, the main director - I.M. Tumanov, who in his work collected all the achievements of the screenwriting culture of that time.

It is also necessary to say that in the 70s, publications appeared that defined the script as a complex formation that required special skills and abilities.

The 1980s were characterized by a large number of rich people. Bright, talented and mass productions: the 60th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, the 40th anniversary of the Victory, the World Festival of Youth and Students.

They were replaced in the 90s by an increased interest in traditional folk festivities, church holidays and folk rituals. The transition period, the collapse of the Soviet state system, and spiritual emptiness also affected leisure activities.

Famous researcher E.G. Sokolov writes: “In all respects, mass culture for Russia in the 20th – 21st centuries. - a great blessing, perhaps the greatest of all that God has ever sent to this earth. The cultural tension that currently exists in Russian society is fraught with consequences. There is a need for safety discharge systems, shock absorbers, and mechanisms for removing or reorienting resistance impulses. Mass culture is one of these very effective and well-proven mechanisms of “social harmonization”. He is the guarantor of calm and peace, contentment and prosperity, because he “takes care of the population.” And it's true. Looks closely at a person, guides and guides him every step, insuring him from failure and depression. Peace comes at a price."

1.2 Types and types of cultural and leisure activities

When studying the types and types of cultural and leisure activities, it is necessary to reveal the basic concepts that will be necessary in the future.

Free time is the portion of the day that remains at a person’s disposal after a night’s sleep, health and sanitary and hygienic needs, labor functions, travel to and from work, preparing food and eating it, purchasing things, educational processes.

Leisure is time free from necessary labor in the sphere of social production and human reproduction of vital functions.

Recreation - restoration.

Recreational activity is a person’s activity that meets his needs, cultural traditions, behavioral and evaluative standards of the social environment.

Recreational effect is an effect manifested in a feeling of vigor and satisfaction from a vacation as a result of physiological and psychological recovery, achieving mental balance.

Cultural and leisure activities are specific activities of people during leisure time, aimed at creating, reproducing, increasing, and transmitting cultural values.

Cultural and leisure activity is a purposefully organized and meaningfully filled activity of a mass of people or a specific individual in their free time.

Culture is a holistic, sustainable way of life for many generations of a particular community.

Culture is a high level of people’s knowledge of norms and standards of activity enshrined in a particular area of ​​social practice.

Culture is an active area of ​​activity, an aspect of government practice, an object of legal regulation, etc.

Leisure activities are activities that develop within the culture of a given community, organized on the basis of socially significant norms and ideas about artistic and aesthetic activity and creativity in general.

Leisure culture is a person’s spending of free time, balanced by different types of recreational, developmental and entertainment activities, filled with socially significant meaning and consistent with the traditions of a given society and its modern requirements.

The purpose of leisure is an idea of ​​the overall result that a person wants to achieve in certain leisure activities.

The leisure motive is an unconscious desire to participate in one or another leisure activity, synthesizing needs, rational goals, unconscious drives, implicit desires and complexes of a person.

The functions of leisure are a holistic purpose and place in life (compensatory, educational, educational, recreational, therapeutic

A cultural product is a completed unit of cultural and leisure production (material – books, CDs, films, etc., intangible – non-material efforts, spiritual and value aspects of the activities of creative workers).

KDD components:

1. subjects of activity:

· basic (amateur, organized)

· organizers (management staff of professional organizers, professional and creative staff of art and media workers, specialists, performers, service providers, support staff. Government representatives, entrepreneurs in the field of CDD)

2. cultural, historical, artistic, spiritual values.

3. cultural goods.

4. natural landscape, bioplant complexes.

5. logistics.

Areas of cultural and leisure activities:

1. KDD, implemented by a person or group of people based on ethno-national traditions (participation in holidays, festivities, etc.)

2. Specially organized CDD (with the help of organizers, creative group, business structures, public organizations, etc.)

The main values ​​of cultural and leisure activities:

1. embodied in past culture (folk art, folklore, moral forms) in works of professional art, representing the cultural heritage of society. – the national level of cultural values, belongs to the entire people, acts as a source of spiritual enrichment for historical generations, and often requires legal protection of the state;

2. gravitating towards state and public forms of ownership, are socially significant, often not commercially profitable, develop personality, provide standards for public consumption of cultural services to all segments of the population;

3. objects of non-state private property of a commercial type, go beyond guaranteed cultural standards, are based on commerce, are consumed both individually and en masse, and are integrated into break-even types of cultural and leisure production;

4. attractive and valuable for certain cultural or socio-political groups of the population, significant for certain ethnic groups, religious communities, and are objects of private public property (copyright, items from personal collections, etc.).

KDD types:

· Cultural and artistic.

· Educational and developmental.

· Natural and recreational.

· Sanatorium-health and tourism.

· Sports and entertainment.

· Amateur

· Spectacular and entertaining.

All of the above determines the functions of cultural institutions and the features of their activities, which also determine the main characteristics of the institution.

1.3 Main directions and types of activities of cultural institutions

The subject and object of activity of cultural institutions is the individual. The activities of institutions should be aimed at the process of realizing the essential powers of the individual and satisfying his spiritual needs.

Areas of activity of cultural institutions:

1. Activities related to civic education.

2. Activities related to labor education.

3. Activities related to additional education.

4. Activities related to aesthetic education.

5. Activities related to recreational function.

6. Activities related to environmental education.

7. Activities related to strengthening a healthy lifestyle.

In leisure activities, a person realizes primary, social and cultural needs in one or another dominant setting, therefore the content of the activities of cultural institutions should include: direct experiences, impressions and states in a specific leisure activity, comprehension by the subject and object of perceived information, artistic images, evaluation quality of services.

Successful activity is also determined by a person’s realization of his aspirations and the embodiment of his life position.

One of the main activities of cultural institutions is related to the circulation and understanding of professional art and folk culture, acquaintance with historical monuments and artistic masterpieces of the culture of the peoples of the world.

Leisure activities of cultural institutions should be formed on the basis of positive socio-psychological and interpersonal contacts.

Types of cultural institutions.

1. Houses and palaces of culture. Conducts extensive cultural and leisure activities among the population, does a lot of work to provide methodological assistance to all cultural institutions of the region. A universal institution in organizing people's leisure time.

2. Culture and recreation parks are natural objects of a cognitive and educational nature, with entertainment opportunities for emotional release and relieving fatigue. The activity is based on a fee basis, which provides the opportunity for independent economic development.

3. Libraries are a type of cultural institution that collects books and other printed publications, specially processes them, promotes them, and organizes mass work with readers (rural, district, city, regional, regional, republican). In addition to the above-mentioned functions, the regional library carries out the development of theoretical and methodological issues of library science and bibliography, and provides scientific and methodological guidance to all public libraries.

Cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of the educational process. The stability and integrity of the system of leisure activities in educational, creative and educational processes in universities of culture and art are determined by the presence of interaction of all its elements: ideas, values ​​and the form in which the content of the means, that is, its carriers, is contained.

Cultural and leisure activity is a process of familiarization with culture, expressed in material and spiritual form.

Cultural and leisure activities function in a diverse, dynamically developing natural and social environment and represent values, patterns and recognized modes of behavior, objectified in our society, recorded and transmitted to subsequent generations as a result.

In the pedagogical process, one of the main activities of cultural and leisure institutions is civic education, which forms a scientific worldview and develops the civic activity of a teenager. In civic education, you can use such forms as lectures, conversations, debates. Approximate topics of lectures: “Fatherland at the turn of the century”, “Historical past of our Motherland”; topic of discussion: “What kind of hero is he of our time?”, etc.

Another important area of ​​cultural and leisure activities is labor education. The purpose of labor education is to assist in the vocational guidance of adolescents. Meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to production sites, where children get acquainted with representatives of various professions, and technical modeling clubs are important. The next direction of cultural and leisure activities is the formation of a personality with high moral consciousness and behavior - moral education. The principle of moral education is the principle of education based on positive examples. Therefore, one of the main aspects of cultural and leisure activities is aesthetic education. Its goal is to develop the ability to evaluate, perceive and affirm the beautiful in life and art from the universal perspective of spiritual heritage.

The pedagogical task of cultural institutions is to involve teenagers in their activities by organizing show performances, creative beauty contests (“Miss Summer”, “Gentleman Show”), meetings with musicians, fashion designers, poets, visiting exhibitions and much more. other.

Thus, all these areas of cultural and leisure activities are interconnected, interdependent, and the improvement of (this activity) of the individual makes this activity the most effective.

In the process of directed education of a teenager’s personality, on the one hand, spiritual and moral development occurs, on the other, a kind of differentiation of the teenager’s abilities occurs, various interests and needs are revealed, and socialization of teenagers takes place, which has a positive orientation.

Cultural and leisure activities are a way of individual self-affirmation, comprehension of one’s existence in the past, present and future.

Changes in the theoretical understanding of cultural and leisure activities depend on knowledge of its objective laws as a process of world exploration, on understanding the characteristics of development of both the entire industry and its individual spheres, on the scientific use of the results of knowledge of those changes that are noted in the process of implementing a new concept of man and a new understanding of social life.


The article examines the content of cultural and entertainment activities of students. It is noted that currently there is a variety of directions and forms of cultural and entertainment activities for young people. At the same time, the existing variety of cultural and leisure activities does not always correspond to the interests and needs of young people. From the perspective of a systematic approach, students' opinions about their leisure time were analyzed. The attitude of young people to the available leisure activities in the metropolis is considered. The availability of free time in the weekly cycle is specified. The reasons for non-attendance at cultural and entertainment events are identified. For the first time, the criteria for an interesting cultural and entertainment event have been defined from the point of view of young people as consumers of these services: compliance with the needs of youth, the use of information technology, innovation and variety of formats, the opportunity to take part in the development of the event, an interactive form of holding, the use of foreign methods for the development and implementation of youth events . The most attractive types of cultural and leisure activities for young people are specified. The opinion of young people about those types and areas of cultural and entertainment activities that are not sufficient in the city of Omsk is considered. The results of the study are recommended to be used in public and private organizations involved in organizing cultural and leisure activities for youth, as well as in training specialists in specialized areas of training in the field of organizing various types of leisure.

student youth

cultural and leisure activities

innovative forms of entertainment.

1. Kozin S.V. Leisure of modern student youth // SCI-ARTICLE. - 2015. - No. 28. - P. 1-13.

2. Oparin G.A. Leisure for youth // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. - 2013. - No. 195. - P. 56-64.

3. Losun K.V. Value orientations of modern youth // Humanitarian research. - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 45-47.

4. Popova A.S. Sphere of youth leisure in the modern world // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 11. - P. 220-223.

5. Kravchuk T.A. Structural-functional model of the process of organizing cultural and leisure events for youth / T.A. Kravchuk, P.I. Flyanka // International scientific research journal. – 2016. - No. 4 (46). – Part 3. – April. - pp. 61-66.

6. Makarieva E.A. Leisure and entertainment for students / E.A. Makarieva, M.A. Serdyukova, L.P. Kolupanova, O.V. Drobysheva // Current directions of scientific research of the 21st century: theory and practice. - 2014. - No. 3-1 (8-1). - pp. 439-442.

Relevance of the study. Today, one of the most important features of the cultural development of the younger generation is a wide variety of cultural and entertainment activities in the field of youth’s free time. The entertainment sector is an essential component of everyday life and a necessary value for the younger generation; moreover, over the years of economic change, the country has undergone, in a sense, a kind of “revolution of preferences.” This was expressed in a significant expansion of opportunities for young people to fill their leisure time, as well as in the development of new opportunities and forms of spending their free time.

Due to the variability of macroeconomic conditions of the external environment, fundamental changes have occurred in the direction of the activities of cultural and entertainment institutions towards solving the problems of cultural education of the younger generation. Therefore, the variety of cultural and entertainment activities for young people today does not always correspond to their interests and needs.

The problem of the study is the lack of modern data on preferences in entertainment for young people, as well as on the specifics of organizing this entertainment.

The object of the study is youth leisure.

The subject of the study is the content of youth leisure.

The purpose of the study is to identify the preferences of young people in cultural and entertainment activities.

To achieve this goal, the following research objectives were used.

1. Consider modern youth forms of cultural and entertainment activities.

2. To study the opinion of young people about preferences in leisure time and innovative forms of entertainment.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; survey (questioning), mathematical data processing.

Organization of the study: the study was carried out on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Tourism and Recreation of the FSBEI HE "SibGUFK", as well as on the basis of the following universities in Omsk: FSBEI HE "OmGUPS", FSBEI HE "SibADI".

Research results. Content analysis in Internet search engines allowed us to identify the most popular leisure and entertainment institutions in the city of Omsk: leisure centers (163); restaurants, cafes, pizzerias (787); recreational parks, beaches (7); circuses (1); cinemas (31); theaters, concert halls (45); museums, exhibitions (102), bowling, billiards and entertainment centers (49).

As a rule, the entire range of state forms of development of entertainment and leisure for youth merges into the general mass leisure of the entire population of the region, since the youth segment of entertainment in the region is not so developed to distinguish it as a separate category. Nevertheless, city government facilities are engaged in the implementation of youth recreation by organizing excursions, holding tourist events, sports trips, expeditions and other things.

The most common providers of various forms of entertainment for young people in Omsk are non-governmental institutions, and, as a rule, these are ski resorts, sports clubs, active entertainment centers, travel companies and other organizations that organize various kinds of excursions, cruises, cultural events. entertainment events, carry out sports and entertainment recreation, weekend tours, as well as renting premises for recreation and entertainment of potential consumers. Again, it should be clarified that such forms of entertainment are applicable both to the entire population and to young people as a separate category, taking into account the development and provision of a product specific to their leisure and entertainment.

The survey in the form of a questionnaire was conducted among 1st-5th year students aged 17-22 years. The total sample size of the survey was 300 respondents. Of all respondents, 41% were boys and 59% were girls. The age of the respondents varied as follows: 15% - 17 year olds, 16% - 18 year olds, 23% - 19 year olds, 17% - 20 year olds, 15% - 21 year olds, 14% - 22 year olds.

The study found that knowledge (23%), entertainment (22%) and success (18%) are of great value to young people. The rest of the respondents (12%) prefer money and new experiences. Only 6-7% of respondents value popularity among peers and recognition by others as a specialist as a value (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Life values ​​of modern youth, %

From the above it follows that students see the search and assimilation of new knowledge as of greater value for this period of time. Respondents also highlight entertainment as a pleasant pastime in their free time from studying.

The study showed that, on average, students tend to have more free time on weekends. The amount of free time here varies from 2 to 4 hours (32%), and 39% of students allocated more than 5 hours. On weekdays, students have less free time. Thus, the amount of allotted free time that students have depends on the time spent on classes in educational institutions. Less than 1 hour is allocated by 39% of students and from 1 to 2 hours by 29% of respondents.

In the process of analyzing student responses, we highlighted the tendency for “real” leisure, based on sports and regular meetings with friends, to predominate over “virtual” leisure, based on communication on the Internet. This may indicate a positive trend in favor of “real” leisure time spent by young people, characterized as optimal healthy leisure.

Also, during the study, we found that 75% of respondents were quite satisfied with the way they spent their free time. However, there were also those who found it difficult to choose an answer (14%). And the smallest portion of respondents were rather dissatisfied with spending this time or not at all satisfied (8 and 3%, respectively).

According to the frequency of visiting entertainment establishments in Omsk, 29% of students do this extremely rarely, perhaps due to lack of time. However, 24% visit 1-2 times a week. 21% of respondents visit every week, the remaining 18% visit entertainment establishments with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. And only 8% of students do not attend at all. It follows from this that the bulk of students visit entertainment establishments in Omsk. This suggests that young people strive for organized entertainment depending on the availability of free time.

For all cultural and entertainment events that are held in our city, 54% of respondents try to attend them and 46% do not attend them at all. It was further found that 54% of respondents attend the following cultural and entertainment events: City Day, concerts, sports days, festivals, Youth Day, holiday events on May 1 and May 9, festivals of colors, various exhibitions, marathons, fairs, star concerts, sports events.

Those who do not attend such events (46%) cited lack of time as one of the reasons (30%). At the same time, 27% of respondents highlighted the lack of events that would be of interest to them, and 16% were not satisfied with the format of the event itself. Only 12% highlighted poor advertising and remoteness of the venue. And only a small part of the respondents highlighted disinterest in such events, lack of money, laziness, etc. This all suggests that not only time is a limitation in spending free time, but also a number of other equally important reasons. Among them, respondents noted an insufficient amount of free time and a lack of activities of interest (Fig. 2).

When determining the most appropriate setting for entertainment, it turned out that a small company is optimal (49%). 24% of respondents prefer to spend time in a company with large crowds of people. Only 16% prefer solitude. The smallest part of respondents (11%) would not mind spending their free time in front of a computer or TV rather than in the company of people. All this emphasizes the fact that the majority of modern youth still see an acceptable environment for entertaining in the company of people, which is important today with the presence of intensive Internet communications among young people.

Rice. 2. Reasons for not attending cultural and entertainment events, %

When choosing a vacation spot, most respondents focus primarily on the presence of a cozy atmosphere (24%). Equally important is acceptable cost (21%). The number of visitors and convenient location are also important here. The remaining criteria are of less importance when choosing a vacation spot. Here the number of respondents varies from 1-10%. In general, the main things respondents rely on when choosing a holiday destination are comfort, price and number of visitors (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Criteria for choosing a vacation spot, %

The variety of cultural and entertainment establishments presented in our city satisfies 38% of respondents. The majority of respondents would like more variety (45%). And only 17% are not satisfied with the variety of such establishments. This suggests that young people would increasingly like to see cultural and entertainment institutions that would satisfy their needs and interests in entertainment.

Sports and recreational forms in cultural and entertainment activities are of interest to 42% of respondents, active forms and quest games attract 36% of students. Animation events are relevant for 15% of young people. Only 7% of students give preference to passive forms of leisure.

In order for a cultural and entertainment event to be popular among young people, it must first of all meet their needs. Also, according to the modern needs of young people, information technology should be present here. Today, the introduction of innovations in leisure is considered relevant, so they are also considered as an important criterion in many modern events. Among the existing variety of event formats, young people still want to see something new. An important criterion for young people is the opportunity to participate in the development of the event. Interactive and foreign methods of developing and implementing the event are of interest. This dynamics allows us to determine the most important criteria that a cultural and entertainment event should have.

According to the frequency of choosing the highest rating compared to the lowest according to the point system, the most acceptable types of cultural and entertainment activities were identified:

1. Health activities.

2. Outdoor games with the participation of trained and unprepared people.

3. Leisure ceremonies and communication.

4. Logic games.

5. Attractions that develop dexterity.

Further, respondents identified such types of cultural and entertainment activities that, in their opinion, are not enough in our city (table). According to the results obtained, the answers were distributed into the following blocks: passive activity, sports activity, active entertainment. The respondents made the majority of proposals for active entertainment, which are of greatest interest to young people. At the heart of all cultural and entertainment activities, students identified accessibility and reasonable price as mandatory criteria. The respondents also noted that, in principle, everything is enough; it is only necessary to change the methods of holding the events and the themes of the events.

Opinions of young people on cultural and entertainment activities,

which is not enough in Omsk, %

Passive activity

Sports activities

Active entertainment

“Botanical” events (intellectual games, debates), competitions in computer games Dota 2, CS.GO.

Cycling entertainment - quests,

entertainment in strength sports - workout, crossfit, health,

like “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”

Outdoor games, active entertainment for young people, amusement parks, entertaining and humorous, exciting, entertaining performances, flash mobs, concerts of modern performers, leisure ceremonies, quests, large trampoline parks, water parks, everything with a water theme, dance, reconstruction of historical battles , armored interactive platforms, tournaments, themed evenings, intellectual games

Inexpensive and accessible.

All you need is to change the methods and topics

Practical recommendations have been developed for institutions in the field of physical culture and sports, socio-cultural services and tourism on organizing innovative forms of entertainment for young people, based on the opinions of potential consumers and the justified need for the process of organizing cultural and entertainment events, aimed at improving the activities of these enterprises, as well as increasing share of services offered to young people.

1. Entertainment is one of the most significant life values ​​for young people. The amount of free time that students can afford to relax, as a rule, depends on the weekly study load. The tendency of the predominance of “real” leisure, based on sports and regular meetings with friends, over “virtual” leisure, based on communication on the Internet, was also highlighted.

2. According to the frequency of visiting cultural and entertainment institutions in Omsk, the majority of students do this extremely rarely due to not so much variety in the choice of such institutions that would fully satisfy their entertainment needs. At the same time, the majority of respondents attend cultural and entertainment events. Those who do not attend them attribute this primarily to lack of time and the lack of events that would be of interest to them.

3. The most preferred setting for entertainment, as it turned out, is a small company. When choosing a vacation spot, most respondents focus primarily on the presence of a cozy atmosphere and reasonable cost. Also, the most attractive cultural and entertainment activities for students are considered to be sports, recreational and active forms, as well as quest games.

4. According to young people, a cultural and entertainment event should have the following criteria:

Meeting the needs of youth,

Use of information technology,

Innovation and variety of format,

Opportunity to participate in the development of the event,

Interactive format,

Using foreign methods for developing and implementing youth events.

Bibliographic link

Kravchuk T.A., Savchak D.A., Kravchuk A.I., Petkova I.S. MAIN AREAS OF CULTURAL AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS // Modern problems of science and education. – 2018. – No. 3.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion


The development of cultural and leisure activities has always been inextricably linked with the development of society. Each historical era brought its own new requirements, forms, and structures to cultural and leisure activities. The modern theory and practice of this activity summarizes all the accumulated early experience and analysis of the current state.

Cultural and leisure activities, one of the important components of the functioning of society, have a great power of semantic and emotional impact on the individual. The wide variety of its forms, means and methods makes it possible to convey to people the ideas of the spiritual wealth of society. The content of cultural and leisure activities is determined by the needs of society to improve social relations, the necessary development of people’s versatile abilities by productively spending their leisure time.

Fundamentals of cultural and leisure activities are the most important of the basic courses during the training of specialists in the field of social and cultural services. Experts who organize presentations, evenings and receptions need to master its basics.

Modern cultural studies considers cultural and leisure activities as a process of creating conditions for a person’s motivational choice of objective activities. Moreover, this process is determined by the needs of the individual, his interests. The time has come not just to leniently take into account the needs of potential or actual audiences, but to put them at the basis of all today's activities of cultural institutions.

With the development of market relations, cultural and leisure activities have come close to marketing technologies, which are based precisely on the problem of finding and satisfying the needs of individual citizens or social groups. The cultural and leisure activities themselves are gradually being transformed into the leisure industry.

The modern sociocultural situation in the country is characterized by the dynamic development and transformation of the cultural components of people's daily life. At the same time, the structure of sociocultural activity changes significantly, it is freed from over-organization, administration, superficial edifying enlightenment and acquires a humanistic universal content, making individual originality, national identity, and authorship in cultural activity relevant. This situation requires a deep rethinking of the social significance of socio-cultural activities as an integral part of a single process of elevating the culture of each individual. The development of theoretical, methodological, methodological, organizational and managerial problems in this area makes it possible to overcome crisis phenomena in socio-cultural activities. It is also relevant to search for new ways to study the diverse components of socio-cultural activity based on the integration of various cultural disciplines.

Free time is one of the important means of shaping the personality of a young person. It directly affects his production and labor sphere of activity, because in conditions of free time, recreational and recovery processes occur most favorably, relieving intense physical and mental stress. The use of free time by young people is a unique indicator of their culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a particular young person or social group.

cultural leisure activities free time

1. Content and essence of leisure

An integral component of lifestyle is leisure, which in the conditions of modern Russian society is attracting more and more attention from researchers, due to the fact that the social significance of this sphere of life has increased markedly in the last decade.

Problems of leisure are currently being studied not only by sociology, but also by cultural studies, social philosophy and many other sciences in the field of social knowledge.

Leisure is the time free from work and study, remaining minus various types of immutable, necessary expenses. As a rule, leisure time is divided into passive and active recreation.

The tasks being solved today in the sphere of leisure are so large-scale, broad and diverse in their social orientation that this allows researchers to approach leisure as a significant part of the social system, which largely determines the content and nature of all other spheres of social development.

The content of leisure in the Russian Federation is becoming the most important area in the work of state and public structures at the federal, regional and municipal levels. This is evidenced by the national programs currently being implemented in the fields of education, health, agriculture, housing, etc.

The potential of leisure provides great opportunities for the formation of moral guidelines for both an individual and various social groups of modern society. The leisure sphere actively influences public consciousness, forming in it values ​​approved by society.

In modern leisure there are moments of creativity, when a person turns from a subject of consumption into a subject of creation. At the same time, the leisure sector is a significant part of the economic life of society, it brings significant profits and employs tens of thousands of people interested in leisure clients.

The simplified approach to the concept of “leisure” that existed throughout the twentieth century, its identification with recreation, persistent ideas that leisure is a secondary element of the lifestyle, it is secondary in relation to work, study, that the younger generation spends leisure time in asocial companies, all this led to the need for a theoretical understanding of the problems of leisure and a real practical need for a sociological study of leisure as a significant sphere of life of modern Russian youth, a significant part of which lives in provincial cities of the non-black earth center of Russia.

Leisure creates opportunities for a person to realize the needs and aspects of his internal development, which is not possible fully in the business sphere, in the household, against the backdrop of everyday worries. In this way, compensatory functions are realized, since in utilitarian areas of practice freedom of action and choice is limited. Here, a person is not always able to realize his creative potential, turn to his favorite activities, or experience the entertainment effect that relieves internal tension.

2. Concept and most important directions of modern leisure activities

Cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of the educational process. The stability and integrity of the system of leisure activities in educational, creative and educational processes in universities of culture and art are determined by the presence of interaction of all its elements: ideas, values ​​and the form in which the content of the means, that is, its carriers, is contained.

Cultural and leisure activity is a process of familiarization with culture, expressed in material and spiritual form.

Cultural and leisure activities function in a diverse, dynamically developing natural and social environment and represent values, patterns and recognized modes of behavior, objectified in our society, recorded and transmitted to subsequent generations as a result.

In the pedagogical process, one of the main activities of cultural and leisure institutions is civic education, which forms a scientific worldview and develops the civic activity of a teenager. In civic education, you can use such forms as lectures, conversations, debates. Approximate topics of lectures: “Fatherland at the turn of the century”, “Historical past of our Motherland”; topic of discussion: “What kind of hero is he of our time?”, etc.

Another important area of ​​cultural and leisure activities is labor education. The purpose of labor education is to assist in the vocational guidance of adolescents. Meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to production sites, where children get acquainted with representatives of various professions, and technical modeling clubs are important. The next direction of cultural and leisure activities is the formation of a personality with high moral consciousness and behavior - moral education. The principle of moral education is the principle of education based on positive examples. Therefore, one of the main aspects of cultural and leisure activities is aesthetic education. Its goal is to develop the ability to evaluate, perceive and affirm the beautiful in life and art from the universal perspective of spiritual heritage.

The pedagogical task of cultural institutions is to involve teenagers in their activities by organizing show performances, creative beauty contests (“Miss Summer”, “Gentleman Show”), meetings with musicians, fashion designers, poets, visiting exhibitions and much more. other.

Thus, all these areas of cultural and leisure activities are interconnected, interdependent, and the improvement of (this activity) of the individual makes this activity the most effective.

In the process of directed education of a teenager’s personality, on the one hand, spiritual and moral development occurs, on the other, a kind of differentiation of the teenager’s abilities occurs, various interests and needs are revealed, and socialization of teenagers takes place, which has a positive orientation.

Cultural and leisure activities are a way of individual self-affirmation, comprehension of one’s existence in the past, present and future.

Changes in the theoretical understanding of cultural and leisure activities depend on knowledge of its objective laws as a process of world exploration, on understanding the characteristics of development of both the entire industry and its individual spheres, on the scientific use of the results of knowledge of those changes that are noted in the process of implementing a new concept of man and a new understanding of social life.

3. Analysis of the main components of cultural and leisure activities

The most important components of cultural and leisure activities are people, social groups, organizations and firms, which are defined as its subjects.

First, we will analyze the individual and collective subjects of leisure activity involved in its conduct and organization. They are the ones who determine its goals, objectives, and content. Subjects mean both specific people (individuals with leisure needs, as well as entrepreneurs, specialists, employees of cultural institutions who help organize the leisure of other people), and aggregate subjects (teams of companies, organizations and institutions, representative and executive bodies of the cultural sector, etc. .).

Individual subjects of cultural and leisure activities are divided into:

1) The main subjects of leisure activities; We are talking about individuals, as well as friendly groups and teams of workers who want to fulfill their needs in leisure activities. Among the main subjects we highlight:

amateur subjects. They are involved in amateur and active leisure activities (at home, in friendly companies, etc.) and do not seek the services of professional organizers. Amateur subjects are numerous lovers of hunting, fishing, hitchhiking, hiking, etc., who independently organize their leisure activities;

subjects resorting to the help of outside organizers (both individual citizens and groups of workers act in their capacity). In this case, people who want to hunt, fish, go on a tourist trip, or have fun, use the services of appropriate companies that provide them with such opportunities;

2) Organizers participating in leisure activities on a professional basis, creating conditions and helping the main subjects of the activity to realize their needs for recreation and entertainment. There are also a number of independent types of workers:

management team of professional leisure organizers, leading managers of leisure companies, directors, heads of cultural institutions working in various areas of leisure and socio-cultural services in general. Representatives of this group are key figures in the design, organization and implementation of the main stages of leisure activities and the provision of services to consumers; in many cases they are responsible for the profitability and profitability of the leisure area;

professional and creative composition of arts and media workers - representatives of this group have direct contact with the audience - performing artists working in various types and genres of art, concert hosts, accompanists, conductors, journalists, radio and television program hosts, etc. . It is their creative abilities, professional skills, and psychological preparation that are the focus of attention of visitors to these events with their participation;

highly qualified workers and specialists from various branches of production of goods and cultural products, as well as personnel of cultural institutions, service organizations (press and publishing workers, doctors, trainers, animators of recreational centers, accommodation places, leaders of tourist groups, tour guides, engineers, programmers and providers communication networks, etc.). In most cases, they are involved in the implementation of the main stages of organizing and implementing leisure activities, directly interacting with consumers of the cultural product;

ordinary performers and producers of services in the field of leisure - employees of cultural institutions, leisure centers and travel agencies who do not belong to the management team, highly qualified specialists and creative workers. These are ordinary performers and their assistants. Some of them directly interact with the consumer (restaurant waiter, hotel attendant, etc.), others may have occasional contact or not at all encounter consumers of service products;

support staff - technical workers of cultural institutions, personnel of security companies, etc., who do not come into close contact with consumers of services. Remaining “in the shadows,” these workers perform important functions: they provide invisible services related to maintaining normal working conditions for specialist organizers and leisure activities for the population. These workers ensure safety of rest, availability of heat, uninterrupted supply of electricity in enclosed spaces, reliable operation of equipment, etc.;

representatives of the executive and legislative authorities in the center and locally, as well as employees of cultural, medical and sanatorium, sports and tourism institutions, information structures and legal organizations. Employees of these institutions and organizations implement state, regional and municipal policies in the field of recreational and cultural-leisure activities, monitor the implementation of legislative norms in this area;

persons and structures performing entrepreneurial functions related to financing, as well as providing donor assistance to leisure organizers (producers, authorities, public funds, sponsors, philanthropists, etc.), as well as business partners (banking structures, etc.).

There are several approaches to the classification of collective leisure organizers. The most important criteria for their grouping and division are the following.

Form of ownership of enterprises and leisure institutions (using the example of organizations of the Russian Federation):

federally owned institutions;

institutions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

municipal property institutions;

organization of private property of individuals or legal entities.

Type of activity and type of cultural and leisure product of enterprises and leisure institutions:

producing goods and cultural products (printing plants, art workshops, factories of folk crafts and souvenirs, etc.);

providing various types of services: material (restoration, video recordings, photography, etc.), intangible (educational, cultural and developmental, informational, gaming, etc.);

engaged mainly in trade in cultural goods and art objects.

Target orientation of enterprises and leisure institutions:

cultural enlightenment, artistic creativity, development of aesthetic feelings of the leisure audience;

relaxation and entertainment for the audience.

Method of economic activity of the cabbage soup enterprise and leisure establishment:

commercial type. Focus on market principles of activity, obtaining the greatest profit, achieving economic effect - companies providing services in various fields of culture and leisure, as well as private organizations, commercial structures for the production, demonstration and trade of cultural goods.

non-commercial type. The hierarchy of goals is dominated by cultural and substantive aspects of activity: preservation of artistic values ​​and traditions, aesthetic and moral education of youth, maintaining the cultural prestige of the nation, development of artistic creativity, etc. - public media channels, state theaters, libraries, museums, clubs;

mixed type. Enterprises and institutions that are non-profit in their goals conduct business activities, and the income received from this activity is used for their development, redistributing additional funds within their organization - in conditions of insufficient funding, some non-profit organizations join this type.

A person is relatively easily able to formulate the goals and motives of his leisure, but it is difficult for him to talk about the functions of leisure, i.e. about his holistic purpose and place in life.

Leisure creates opportunities for a person to realize the needs and aspects of his internal development, which is not possible fully in the business sphere, in the household, against the backdrop of everyday worries. In this way, compensatory functions are realized, since in utilitarian areas of practice freedom of action and choice is limited. Here, a person is not always able to realize his creative potential, turn to his favorite activities, experience an entertaining effect that relieves internal stress, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the educational and educational functions of leisure. At first glance, it may seem that they are significant mainly for children and youth. Indeed, during the period of socialization and individual development of the individual, leisure acquires enormous educational significance. At the same time, these functions remain important even into a person’s more mature age. At this time, to a lesser extent, but still, he needs to expand his horizons, maintain social connections, and respond to the demands of the time.

In adults, researchers call similar processes not education, but secondary socialization, which is essentially also related to individual development. Leisure has ample opportunities to carry out this secondary socialization of adults and older people with the greatest effect.

In addition, leisure activity allows the individual to realize the opposite vectors of his existence. On the one hand, leisure activities create the opportunity for interpersonal interaction with many strangers (during holidays, mass shows, travel, etc.) and thereby give rise to a feeling of unity, the universal connectedness of people with each other. On the other hand, a person in his leisure time often strives to be alone, to feel the calming effect of solitude, to think about those aspects of his being that in everyday worries do not come into the focus of his attention. At the same time, on vacation a person easily makes acquaintances and spontaneously and friendly interacts with different people. But this freedom allows us to better understand the special significance of loved ones and to understand the role of family and kinship relationships.

In general, leisure activity can perform the functions of improving the psyche, developing the inner world, and expanding the individual living environment.

Thus, leisure integrates many disparate aspects of a person’s life into a single whole, forming his ideas about the completeness of his existence.

Without leisure, the life of a modern person would not only be flawed, it would lose one of its basic cores and would become difficult to bear.


So, cultural and leisure activities in our society are an autonomous entity, at the same time they are closely related to other types of activities: household, religious, trade, social, political.

Leisure is considered as a special subject of study in the general structure of personal activity, which has social functions, types, and can take various forms. Leisure activity is a process of creating conditions for a person’s positively oriented motivational choice of objective activity

In modern dynamic sociocultural conditions, the study of cultural and leisure activities shows that no matter what experience comes from specific concepts that reflect the totality of political, national and economic events that embody the thoughts and aspirations of the people, they are realized in practical action - spiritually determined, culturally historically prepared and motivated.

Thanks to socialization, a young person joins social life, receives and changes his social status and social role.

Leisure goals are understood as ideas about the overall result that a person wants to achieve in certain leisure activities and which he perceives as preferable and desirable. A person’s subjective goals are more specifically determined than the goals of pragmatic activities.

Motivation aimed at gaining freedom in leisure and recreation, according to researchers, is one of the basic characteristics of leisure. Free time and leisure are considered by many people as the antithesis of coercion, as the opposite of social and family responsibilities.

The following methods are the basis for organizing leisure time:

1. Combination of recreation with various educational and educational tasks (games, competitions, quizzes, etc.);

2. A variety of forms and methods of organization and voluntariness in their choice (circles, amateur associations, interest clubs, recreation evenings, public holidays, etc.)

There are two forms of organizing leisure time: public and individual-personal.

In everyday life, leisure activity performs many different recreational, health and therapeutic functions. Without their implementation, many people inevitably develop a state of stress, increased neuroticism, mental imbalance, which turns into persistent diseases.

Cultural and leisure activities should be considered as a process of familiarization with culture, expressed in material and spiritual form. It functions in a diverse, dynamically developing natural and social environment and represents values, patterns and recognized modes of behavior, objectified in our society, recorded and transmitted to subsequent generations as a result.

Forms, methods and means of cultural and leisure activities are inherent in this type of social and industrial relations of society and reflect the level of a person’s mastery of spiritual and material culture.

Cultural and leisure activity, which is one of the elements of the spiritual life of society, contains all the signs of cultural and creative activity. Moreover, in this case it does not matter what level of professionalism and social significance the result is achieved.

Constant change and innovation in the leisure industry will allow cultural and leisure activities to create conditions for the revelation of the essential powers of the individual in the next millennium.

List of used literature

1. Avanesova G.A. Cultural and leisure activities. // Theory and practice of organization. - M., 2011.

2. Eroshenkov I.N. Cultural and leisure activities in modern conditions. - M.: 2009.

3. Zharkov A.D. Technology of cultural and leisure activities: Educational and methodological manual for universities of culture and art. - M.: "Profizdat". - 2005.

4. Zatsepina M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities for preschool children. - M.: 2004.

5. Kiseleva T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. Fundamentals of socio-cultural activities: Textbook. - M.: 2010.

6. Klyusko E.M. Cultural and leisure activities of the population of Russia. - M.: 2006.

7. Cultural and leisure activities. Textbook. // Under scientific ed. Zharkova A.D. and Chizhikova V.M. - M.: "MGUKI", 2005.

8. Petrova Z.A. Methodology and techniques of sociological research of cultural and leisure activities: Textbook. - M.: 2005.

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