Small poems for September 1st for first graders.

Knowledge Day - the beginning of the school year!
And it doesn't even matter what the weather is,
Today - bouquets and a joyful holiday!
The summer ended in idle wanderings.
Come to your senses and sit down at your desk.
Happy start of school, happy start to school!
I wish you high marks, guys.
Whether you're in first grade or ninth grade!
I wish the year to fly by unnoticed.
And let's celebrate summer with flying colors!

I congratulate you today on the Day of Knowledge!
May there always be room for dreams,
Achievements, daring and victories in life!
Make us a vow to be smart and brave.

Be the first in studies, be the first in business,
Not knowing what despair, fear is,
Strive, achieve, make dreams come true.
Not only to study, but to live wisely!

Autumn holiday in the yard,
And the school opens its doors,
We would like to congratulate you on Knowledge Day
And wish good luck to everyone!

Don't be sad, don't be sad,
Everything you need to know to the fullest!
To make it easy for you to learn,
May you really enjoy working!

And don’t let your hands drop,
That path will be difficult
Good luck, God bless you,
That everything always worked out!

Today the calendar said
It's time for us to go to school.
What summer's glorious days
Finished yesterday.

We are taking the right path,
He will lead us to knowledge.
And if we don’t turn away from it,
Good luck awaits us in the future.

We will find good friends
We'll be studying there for now.
After all, it will be more fun together
Finding the way to your dreams.

Teachers have been waiting for us for a long time,
Wanting to pass on the experience.
How much can we do with them?
Learn about the new world!

The Day of Knowledge has arrived, which means
It's time for you to study!
New successes, strength, good luck
I wish you, kids!

Learn all subjects with an A+
And listen to your teachers!
I wish you on this holiday,
As many clear days as possible!

Please accept congratulations on Knowledge Day!
Well, the new year is already open.
Well, here he is waiting at his desk to study,
Science is capacious and large granite.

I wish you strength, success and patience,
Things were given so that everything was easy,
So that all lessons succeed, without a doubt
And except for school, so that everything is fine.

Summer days are waving
Autumn greets you on the doorstep.
Heels click along the paths.
A new road is unfolding for you.

New notebook, pencils,
The best friend is a neighbor at school.
Your class is already in a hurry to get to class,
To open countries on the map.

From September 1st! We wish you
This year is a successful year to unlearn.
Smile from the very morning
And always try not to be lazy.

We know: everything will work out for you
Both today and throughout the school year!
The bell invites you to class.
It's sure to be a magical year!

I wish all girls and boys
This year I only study for five,
And to know a lot, albeit without excess,
But keep up with the school curriculum!

You will be the pride of your parents
I wish you many years from my heart,
And so that all your teachers can see,
That at school you are no more diligent!

The Day of Knowledge has come, and it’s time to learn,
Children rush to the school yard with flowers,
Vacations are in the past, they are ahead
Lessons, excitement, autumn, rains...

Happy Knowledge Day to all of you! Let success come
And great happiness, but there’s no interference
You won’t meet us at all on the glorious path!
I wish goodness to bloom in your souls!

Knowledge Day invites us to school,
Summer has flown by and it's time to study,
The hour has now struck for a joyful meeting,
And joy, like the sun, shines.

We congratulate all teachers,
Students, parents and school,
They call us to study classes quickly,
The year will be fruitful and fun!

The ceremonial lineup dedicated to the Day of Knowledge must include a variety of performances that will help everyone present to spend this holiday fun and interesting. One of the most entertaining events at such events are the performances of first-graders with funny and funny poems. Short and beautiful works about the school, graduates or teachers will lift the spirits of all guests present. You can also include in the script the reading of poems with wishes for the 1st grade students themselves. Touching poems for first-graders from graduates can be easily selected from the examples provided. After reviewing the proposed videos of first-graders’ performances on the lines, it will not be difficult to choose funny and cheerful poems for new school students.

Interesting poems for first graders on September 1 on the line - examples of short texts

Funny and cheerful poems, read by first-graders in front of their parents, teachers and guests, will certainly lift the spirits of everyone present. Such performances on September 1 have long become a tradition, because they help create a real atmosphere for the good holiday of Knowledge Day.

Examples of short interesting poems for the September 1 line for first graders

So that children do not feel embarrassed and can perform well in front of adults on the line, it is recommended to select small poems with funny texts for first-graders. Short works are easy to remember, so they are great for quickly preparing for holiday events.

I turned seven this year

Now I'm big, I'm going to study!

I will try, I will not be lazy!

I am very pleased that I am a student!

I woke up early this morning

I immediately looked at my briefcase.

There are notebooks and books in it,

And a notebook with a square.

I went to bed like a simple boy,

And I woke up as a schoolboy.

The whole family has a large briefcase

They collected it all day.

And then I dreamed about books

They went themselves and lay down in it!

Short poems for first graders about teachers and school - for the September 1 line

In poems for September 1, first-graders can talk about any of their experiences, dreams and plans. But in order for the selected works to fit perfectly into the holiday program of Knowledge Day, you should select short works about the school, and about the teachers, and about the newcomers themselves. Beautiful and interesting poems with such a theme will well complement the event scenario.

Texts of short poems about teachers for the September 1 line for first graders

You can select original poems for 1st grade students about teachers from the following examples. Short texts are suitable for simply preparing newcomers for performances in front of the whole school, their parents and guests invited to the Knowledge Day holiday.

In September the first bell in my life will ring,
And you will step onto the school threshold for the first time!
And the teacher will lead you into class by the hand,
And the first school lesson will begin at your desk!

I'm big now - I'm going to school.
As an adult, I can do everything myself.
My mom bought me a beautiful briefcase,
So that I can wear my A's home in it.
This is my first time in class.
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class,
— Should I get up or sit down?
How to open a desk
I didn't know at first
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk doesn't knock.
They tell me - go to the board, -
I raise my hand.
How to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.
How many schoolchildren we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.
I'm in class for the first time
Now I'm a student.
I'm sitting on the desk correctly,
Although I can't sit still.

It's hard for Slava in class
From call to call.
Either the chair got too wide,
Either the desk is high.

Is it a hard seat?
It is impossible to sit up straight.
Is it a delicious bun?
And you can’t help but eat it.

Either you want to get some sleep,
There is no strength to resist.
Someone threw a piece of paper
You have to throw two in response.

The teacher is muttering at the blackboard,
There is a beautiful view from the window.
- Hey, teacher, shut up.
Your head hurts.

But when he says menacingly
- Ivanov, go to the board, -
Breaking the dream of the beach
And wallowing in the sand,

Then the whole day is ruined!
Well, what's the use of Glory?
Eh, I wish I could go home, but, however,
There is still a lesson ahead.

Short poems about school in honor of September 1 for first-graders

The following poems will help first-graders talk beautifully about their desire to study at school and gain knowledge. They originally describe the experiences of newcomers, their desire to become the best and conquer new heights.

We came to school today

To know everything in the world.

Everything you need to learn:

And a thousand questions

The teacher will give us the answer.

Everything in life will be useful to us,

The desks are waiting for me, firstly,

Lessons are waiting

Friends are waiting.

There will be no time for laziness at school,

There I am in a new country

Affairs and knowledge and skills

I will begin the journey.

Nature awaits forest and field!

After all, we’ll go camping more than once…

A's are waiting for me at school

We are waiting for me throughout first grade!

For the first time in first grade

We walk together!

There are many of us, there are many of us, -

So that everyone can become

Smart like a wizard!

Good pencils

Clean pages!

We've arrived, kids!

To study here!

We are going to first grade, -

The whole crowd is cheerful!

Welcome us, school!

Hello, hello, school!

Original poems for first-graders from graduates with wishes - examples of texts

Children who have been studying at school for the last year know how difficult it is for first-graders. Meeting new teachers and unusual disciplines is quite difficult. Beautiful poems with wishes of success and good luck will help to congratulate the kids on the start of their studies. Such kind words from graduates will encourage first-graders and help them cross the school threshold for the first time without a shadow of fear or anxiety.

Examples of original poems for graduates with wishes to first-graders

Graduates can recite both beautiful and humorous poems to first-graders at the assembly on September 1. Among the proposed options, it will not be difficult to choose good works with interesting texts that all first-graders will definitely like.

Goes to school
September boy
Carrying in the briefcase
Interesting books.

About birds and mushrooms,
About watermelons and melons.
It's September here -
First grader from now on.

He already paints
Prepared in advance
His favorite subject is

Autumn the teacher
Will show you how to do it
Color the dawn.

Birches in the nearest
Curly grove,
Help you choose colors
For the oak forest.

September - student
Diligent, obedient.
He will treat us
Ripe pear.

And the morning is cool
Without delay
He'll come running again
To a drawing lesson!

The school year begins
In September the days are counting down,
On school holidays and weekdays
The children's lives will flow on.

The school opens its doors,
We are greeted with a call
This first day of autumn
Everyone knows it from childhood.

First-graders are a little timid
Starting school journey
Comprehending year by year
All sciences have a great essence.

High school students today
They stand a little sadly -
Parting and farewell
They have to go to school.

And kind as a mother
The faces of all the teachers
Because we're glad to see you
After the summer of all children!

Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make noise joyfully.

They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting for classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

Beautiful short poems about school for first-graders for the holiday of September 1 - texts of works

The use of different short poems will help make the performance of first-graders in front of adults interesting and entertaining. For example, you can include classical and modern works in the program or break up beautiful long poems into small parts that the kids will recite in turn.

Beautiful poems about school with short texts for first graders on September 1

Original poems about school for 1st grade students can be selected both from classical works and from the works of modern poets. In the examples provided, you can easily find short poems from different eras.

Warmed by the mild sun,
The forests are still covered with leaves.
First graders have bouquets.
Although the day is sad and cheerful,
You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!
And you rejoice: - Hello, school!

I came to first grade
Along one of three roads.
I had to every time
Choose one of the three.
The first of them was
The long street of the village.
There from the windows, from the gates
People kept looking.
I met comrades
I could tell them apart from a block away,
He was waiting for someone
He was catching up with someone.
And the second one is behind the bridge
By a hidden path
Climbing through the dense spruce forest.
Listen to the birds. Sing a song.
Sit on the stump for a while
Alone with myself.
The third trail is short.
Three minutes until the bell.
You rush headlong,
Between the first two.

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

Video examples of speeches by first-graders with short poems about their school in honor of September 1

The following videos will help you get acquainted with the performances of first-graders on September 1 and get ideas for choosing poems for children. In them, the children talk about themselves, their desire to study at school and gain new useful knowledge.

Cool poems for first graders for a line in honor of Knowledge Day - examples of long texts

Not only beautiful, but also funny poems are perfect for first grade students to perform on September 1st. Long works with funny texts can be easily remembered by all first-graders.

Examples of cool long poems for 1st grade students for the Knowledge Day line

Cool and comic poems for a line in honor of September 1 can be used to create a light and cheerful atmosphere for the Knowledge Day holiday. You can choose beautiful works for children from the options below:

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
-You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.
Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.
Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
-They promised well
best to learn!

Why today
Petya Did you wake up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.
He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.
He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.
He got dressed in two minutes.
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Dad ran after him
I caught up with him at the door.
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
The electricity was turned on
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.
He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
That she repeats the lesson.
Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.
Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.
There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.
They are the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”
We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

Touching poems with wishes to graduates for first-graders - examples of works

Speeches by first-graders at the assembly line on Knowledge Day can be dedicated not only to the thoughts and dreams of young students, but also to good wishes to high school students. From the lips of children, beautiful and sweet congratulations from graduates will sound very touching and unusual.

Texts of touching poems with good wishes for graduates from first-graders

So that children can be well prepared for speaking before graduates, it is recommended to select short and simple poems for learning. With them, first-graders will be able to sincerely wish all graduates to achieve new heights, successfully pass exams and easily prepare for annual tests.

Guys! We wish you success,
After all, you deserve the highest praise!
And you will succeed, we know!
And your graduation party will be the best!

You are respectable and mature people,
Exams await you all ahead,
Someday we will be like that too,
And the kids will come to congratulate us.

We look at you with great admiration,
You are the pride of our school, without embellishment!
And in a wonderful mood today
Congratulations on the last day of school!

When selecting beautiful poems for first-graders from the proposed examples, it is recommended to pay attention to the meaning and text of the works. The beautiful poems of Pushkin and other classics are perfect for wishing all students present at the assembly good luck and success. They will also help to talk about personal experiences and dreams of first-graders. Funny and funny poems by modern poets about Knowledge Day are ideal for wishing graduates and teachers a great mood throughout the school year. But funny and short works about school can be learned to quickly prepare first-graders for the holiday assembly on September 1. The short texts and video examples of speeches offered above will help you easily prepare for the holiday and make it unforgettable for all guests.

It’s not for nothing that September 1 is called the Day of Knowledge. This day marks the beginning of a new school year for children who have been crossing the threshold of school for several years. And for first-graders, this is the beginning of a new stage in life - getting to know the school. It is not for nothing that the Day of Knowledge is called the holiday. The school and its teaching staff spend the whole summer preparing to welcome their students. A colorful school program is being drawn up, which will certainly include many poems by September 1st. Each child will be able to recite poems for the Day of Knowledge, if not on the line, then personally to his teacher or classmates. And the kids will be able to please their loved ones by reading them poems by a first-grader about school.

I'm going to school today

In kindergarten with everyone
I've been friends for many days
And now the time has come
There are more important concerns.

I have books in my briefcase.
I have a bouquet in my hand.
All the boys I know
They look after you in surprise.

Why am I cheerful
And dressed like he's going to a parade?
I'm going to school today
This is not a kindergarten for you!

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

Dressy! Front doors!

Dressy! Front doors!
So darling!
Combed, with bows
The girls are coming!
And the boys are great!
So cute
So neat
They carry flowers in their hands!
All former pranksters -
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
They're waiting for people like them at school!

First class guys

Everything is good with us
They call it first class.

Passengers without fear
Taking flight
If the pilot is first-class,
First class aircraft.

This builder is first class!
He built the first class!
To first class homes
Winter will not settle.

First class teacher
Strict with first graders:
“Put down the toys,
The lesson begins!

From Kamchatka to Arbat
On this day in our country
First class guys
Entering first grade!


Early, early in the morning
The whole high street
Looks out the windows from the houses -
He admires the boy.

Who is this handsome
Walking down the street?
Who is it so proud
Is he carrying a backpack?

Who is this happy one?
With white flowers
Steps very carefully
New shoes?

Who has this
White shirt?
The street admires -

It's time for the leaves to fall

Leaves -
Time to fall
To the birds -
Time to fly away
Mushroom pickers -
Wander in the fog
to the wind -
Howling in the pipes.

The sun is getting cold,
The clouds are pouring,
You and I -
Go to study:
Write letters with numbers,
Read the primer syllable by syllable!

First grader

First grader, first grader,
Dressed up like for a holiday
Didn't even go into a puddle
I looked around and left.
Ears are washed to a shine,
A scarlet mushroom on the lid of the backpack.
And he himself is like a mushroom,
Looking sideways from under his cap:
Does everyone see, does everyone know?
Does everyone sigh with envy?

What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.

Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!

Hello school

For the first time in first grade
We walk together!
There are many of us, there are many of us, -
We need to study!

Good pencils
Clean pages!
We've arrived, kids!
To study here!

We're going to first grade, -
The whole crowd is cheerful!
Welcome us, school!
Hello, hello, school!

First call

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

I woke up early this morning

I woke up early this morning
I immediately looked at my briefcase.
There are notebooks and books in it,
And a notebook with a square.
I went to bed like a simple boy,
And I woke up as a schoolboy.

First class student!

Everything has been fine for a long time!
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first grade!

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle -
My first-class bouquet!

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
Now I really -
First class student!


In the hands of a briefcase, flowers; and bows in pigtails...
I'm not walking - I'm floating! My soul is a titmouse.

Delight lives in the eyes, and all of me is wide open...
Everyone is looking at me, because I’m a first-grader!

The sun sends me greetings! And I shine too
And the eyes of mom and passers-by glow.

And my friends sing a song for me about school,
And the first happy bell rings for me.

At the desk for the first time... and suddenly I became anxious,
But here the family is my class, and here you can live without your mother.

The teacher here is our second mother:
– To the world of knowledge – good morning! - she told us with a smile...


Autumn has a wonderful view -
September got down to business:
The maple burns with a red flame.
Rowan blushed.

There are asters of all colors in the flower beds,
They show off like stars.
And on your students
Parents admire.

September colors the school yard
Flowers and smiles.
I laid out a carpet of leaves -
It has golden highlights.

We're going to school for the first time,
Goodbye preschoolers!
We're in a school fraternity now
We want to join, guys!

What a day!

What a day! It's like summer!
This is what September is like for us.
I love him for this
And especially now.

Dad is nearby, mom is nearby!
I am holding a bouquet in my hands.
We got up early today
Before the earliest birds.

I've been waiting for this for a long time,
I hardly slept a wink.
I walk proudly to school
To the most important first grade!

I'll be the first

Today is my first time
I'm heading to first class.
I will try my best
It's best to be a student.

Mom and Dad told me
How to behave at your desk:
For example, you can't lie down
A desk is not a bed.

I intend to sit up straight
As my mother taught me.
I want to ask, tell
You just need to raise your hand.

And you can't chat with anyone,
So as not to disrupt lessons.
Forty-five minute lesson
I wish I could hold out the whole time!

Dad gave secret advice:
You can run to the toilet.
It’s a pity, we can’t go to the buffet yet:
I would buy sweets there.

No, I can't relax.
You have to try to be the best.
I will listen to my mother
I'm not, I'll definitely be the first.

First of September

The wind is like a pianist,
He knocked on the window.
Like an envelope, a yellow sheet
He threw it into my palm.
Spills around
The sound of the bell is cheerful.
Birds are heading south
First-graders go to school.

I put it on in the morning
White shirt.
It's time for me to go to school today,
I became a first-grader.
A lot of things await us at school,
And there are many lessons.
Will lead us all to knowledge
School road.

We are now students

It's autumn outside.
The birds flew south.
So it's time for kids
Place books in briefcases.
Entering class for the first time
Newly settled first-graders.
Can't take my eyes off
From a spacious, bright school.
Everyone is at their desks. Here's a notebook.
We boldly took our hands in our hands...
Stop running and playing
Let's do some grown up stuff!
Let them ask us at the board -
We will proudly answer everyone:

Hello school!

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.
We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.
We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage.

Congratulations teacher

How many springs have already flown by!
We can't stop these years
And for you the main thing was -
Teach children day after day.

Don't let bad weather come into your home
And diseases will not find roads.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thank you for your good work!

Summer flew by quickly

Summer flew by quickly
The school year has arrived
But we also have a lot of autumn
It will bring good days.

Hello, golden autumn!
A school filled with sunshine!
Our spacious, bright classroom,
You are meeting us again.

To my favorite teacher

Teacher! And that tells us everything,
Feelings cannot be expressed in words.
You and I fearlessly soar through the waves,
Warmed by the rays of knowledge.

On Knowledge Day we sincerely give you flowers,
Which are generously warmed in the fall.
And with you we build bridges of knowledge,
And we appreciate all your advice.

First of September

Walking along the road
Huge bouquet:
feet in shoes,
From above - takes.

Glows with gloss
On the back of the bouquet
Brand new backpack
Brick color.

Walking to school
Bouquets of flowers –
Ready for the school year!

A holiday with meaning

We congratulate you on the holiday of knowledge
On the first beautiful autumn day!
And let the desire for new knowledge
It will not turn the light into an ember.

You need to strive hard for something new
And comprehend many different sciences
“Knowledge Day” is undoubtedly important for all of us
It is not an empty and meaningless sound.

Schoolchildren, and of course students,
And teachers throughout our country
Professors, candidates, students
Surrounded by everyone's attention.

On a holiday, with a meaning so clear and necessary
First of all, we want intelligence -
Let it be clear, cold and light
Weathering the storms in this life.

September holiday

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.
Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!

Knowledge is power!

Youth and children
On this first day of autumn
Please accept congratulations
And learn with a bang!

Knowledge is power! So be strong
And protected from vicissitudes!
Easier at work and calmer in battle
People who know their job!

The masters know their skills,
The skippers know their ships,
A wise lawyer knows the laws,
Each role is played by a famous artist.

Looking at them, you learn, don’t be lazy,
Once you have learned it, get down to business!

Crocodile and turtle


The crocodile is lucky:
Today he is crawling to school.
To my beloved child
Mommy shouts after him:
“Be obedient, don't bite.
Don't smile widely!
Don't follow the example of the ignorant
And you can’t eat the director!”


The turtle is going to study.
Shirt polished
A cap is put on his head,
The briefcase is tied tightly to his back.
He leaves the gate at midnight.
Not being late is the only concern.
It won't be late, it will be on time!
Today is the third lesson.

Congratulations to the first grader

A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Sunny bunny

I'm going early in the morning
I'm going to school with my girlfriend.
In a cardboard box
The toys are boring.

And only just
Happy sunny bunny
With me every day
Goes to school.

I'll go to my class
He'll wait a little
- And he will jump
Through the wide open window.

He will jump on the board
Will rush through the desks
- He, too, probably
Wants to study.

Then he gets tired
Will fade away on the wall
- He, too, probably
Waiting for a change.

We're leaving school
And bounces like a ball
Cheerful and joyful
Sunny bunny.

Sounds of the first bell

Only one holiday is called “Day of Knowledge”
And I know almost for sure
What among all the warm memories
The sounds of the first bell are brightest of all.

And those of us who have completed our studies,
And who hasn't started it yet,
They won’t be able to meet autumn without a smile,
And those sounds of the first bell!

Autumn signs

Thin birch
Dressed in gold.
So a sign of autumn appeared.

Birds fly away
To the land of warmth and light,
Here's another one for you
Sign of autumn.

The rain sows drops
All day from dawn.
This rain too
Sign of autumn.

Proud boy, happy:
After all, he is wearing
School shirt,
Bought in the summer.

Girl with a briefcase.
Everyone knows: this is
Coming autumn
A sure sign.

Tomorrow morning

Tomorrow morning, like bird trills,
Bells will ring all over the country.
We rested and tanned,
We were fully prepared for school.

Like astronauts before launch
We're a little worried now.
We already miss our desks,
And they are not happy without us...

The guys have delighted faces,
Everyone around is screaming.
Time to share impressions
Me with you and you with me.

Who will tell about the sea tides,
Who remembers the mountain pass.
How many of us are cheerful and happy!
Everyone has been somewhere.

Our banner flutters in the wind,
We look up to him in the ranks.
We are moving forward along the path of knowledge,
We deeply love our Motherland.

School bell

The bell is ringing louder and louder.
What a trill is spreading over the world!
Do you think the nightingale has sung?
Not a nightingale. Lessons begin.

Oh, how it rings in all corners of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up quickly.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no. Lessons begin.

Take your briefcase and walk merrily
Some lazy people take a long time to get ready.
Do you think the tram is ringing with all its might?
What tram? Lessons begin.

Covers the phone with a pillow
My grandfather grumbles and is upset:
“I’m getting old, there’s some kind of ringing in my ears.”
Of course it's ringing. Lessons begin!

The bell rings, and it is cheerful and loud,
And the soul is filled with joy,
And every day for each of us
Regular lessons begin.

Cool time

The red summer has flown by,
Fun and free.
It's time for a great time
Yard and school.

A little rainy
Cold and chilly
But still happy
And very, very friendly.

: 55 best children's poems about September 1, first-graders and first-graders. The poems are selected according to gender - poems for girls and for boys. In the article you will find poems by Z. Alexandrova, A. Barto, S. Marshak, G. Ladonshchikov, I. Tokmakova, I. Pivovarova and other children's poets.

These poems for first-graders and about first-graders by September 1 can be learned by heart with your child and used during the holiday of September 1 or the farewell holiday to kindergarten “Hello, School.” They can also be used in compiling biscuits, home magazines about school, and albums of school photographs.

Poems are arranged in the article alphabetically by the last names of their authors. I placed poems for first-graders by September 1, the authors of which I could not find, at the end of each section.

The poems are specially selected in accordance with the modern gender approach to raising children - that is, there are separate poems about boys - first-graders and about girls - first-graders. Why did I do this? Usually we read all the poems, regardless of the child’s gender, and it turns out that a first-grader is such a “lifeless” generalization, something in between a boy and a girl, such an average “child.” But all first-graders are different and very individual!

Read the poems section by section, slowly, and you will see how different first-grader boys and first-grader girls are from each other. And you can choose a poem in accordance with the gender of your child and the characteristics of his character.

And one more very important psychological point, which I took into account. I tried not to include in this selection poems for first-graders, which reflect the idea that there are “good” and “bad” children and other poems that do not take into account the nature of the child and are overly edifying. in which it is written that the school is waiting only for “good children.” I included only those poems that are joyful, positive, do not carry excessive harsh edification, which reflect the acceptance of each child, but at the same time the poems gently educate and give children wise life instructions and life lessons.

Soon, very soon, September 1st will come. And some of the children who studied with their mothers in the “Native Path” courses for several years will go to school and become first-graders! Congratulations to both these kids and their mothers! I wish your school years to be happy and interesting, creative and diverse!

— Section 1. Poems about first-graders - boys and their parents.
— Section 2. Poems about first-graders - girls and their parents.
— Section 3. Poems about September 1 and first grade.

Section 1. Poems about first-graders - boys and their parents

Barto A. To school

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie.
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Dad ran after him
I caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,
The electricity was turned on
The neighbors stood behind the wall.
And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
That she repeats the lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

Barto A. Mom or me?

It's not clear which of us
Enters first grade
Mom or me -
Novikov Ilya?

Our bouquet is already ready.
Who doesn't sleep because of flowers?
Who looks at the light:
— Has the bouquet wilted?

Mom, not me -
Novikov Ilya.

Told all the strangers:
- We'll run to school soon! —
Mom, not me -
Novikov Ilya.

Before the first of September
Mom was knocked off her feet:
- Come on, let’s collect the books!..
What do we have for breakfast?..
Don't ask, son!

It's not clear which of us
Enters first grade
Mom or me -
Novikov Ilya?!

Gvozdev V. First grader

What a day! It's like summer!
This is what September is like for us.
I love him for this
And especially now.

Dad is nearby, mom is nearby!
I am holding a bouquet in my hands.
We got up early today
Before the earliest birds.

I've been waiting for this for a long time,
I hardly slept a wink.
I walk proudly to school
To the most important first grade!

Georgiev G. First grader

The rain is dancing on the asphalt,
The city is shrouded in fog.
This is the only thing I'm not afraid of,
I walk to school with importance
I'm not just a first grader
I am a brave captain!

The bell is ringing stubbornly.
The signal to sail has been given to me.
Goodbye dad, mom,
I will be the most exemplary
I'm not just a first grader
I am a brave captain!

Every day I open
Many new books and countries,
Every day I write, read,
I’m sailing into the “Sea of ​​Knowledge”,
I'm not just a first grader
I am a brave captain!

Grosheva I. First-grader

Early, early in the morning
The whole high street
Looks out the windows from the houses -
He admires the boy.

Who is this handsome
Walking down the street?
Who is it so proud
Is he carrying a backpack?
Who is this happy one?
With white flowers
Steps very carefully
New shoes?

Who has this
White shirt?
The street admires -
This is a first grader!

Deshin A. First of September

I woke up early this morning
I immediately looked at my briefcase.
There are notebooks and books in it,
And a notebook with a square.
I went to bed like a simple boy,
And I woke up as a schoolboy.

Kazarina M. Tomorrow - first grade

Summer is left behind
From the calendar to us
September looks like a colored leaf,
And tomorrow - first grade!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten,
A briefcase is waiting in the hallway,
The shoes are new,
They look at the door with their noses.

The jacket is hanging on a hanger,
Like an important gentleman,
The student will put it on -
My grown up son!

While he is still fast asleep,
But from early morning,
When the alarm clock rings,
He will be picked up and spun around,
Study time!

Kapustyuk N. Leading Mom by the Hand

I lead my mother by the hand,
How big now!
I'm going to school
For the very first time!

“Don’t worry,” I say, “
My mom!
Everything is already in the alphabet book
I know the letters!

We'll cross the road
To the green light.
There goes my friend Artyom,
He is carrying a bouquet.

Tanya is taking her grandmother
And Maxim is his father.
After all, today awaits us all
School is on the porch!

Kintzel L. First-grader

Satchel in hands
It contains notebooks and books.
First time in first grade
The boy is going to school!

The eyes are burning brightly,
And the smile shines!
Happy first day of school
Everyone congratulates him!

The heart beats tremulously,
And worries happily!
He goes into the world of knowledge,
The school doors have opened!

There's a lot waiting for you here
Interesting discoveries!
In the meantime, the primer
And your first teacher!

Ladonshchikov G. Hello, school

Misha got up early today -
The long-awaited day has arrived.
Misha has a backpack behind him,
In the backpack there is a book and a pencil case.
And in the pencil case - a pen, feathers,
Three colored pencils.
Misha thinks: “Now I
Doesn’t look like a baby!”
Grandfather Artyom left the forge
Look at my grandson...
It’s so nice for Misha
What he is ready to sing out loud:
“Hello, golden autumn,
So I became a student!..”
Zhulka, seeing off Misha,
He proudly holds his tail in a hook.

Oleksyak S. First day of autumn

Good morning, red cat!
Good morning, birds!
The school year has begun
I'm going to study!

I lead my mother by the hand -
She's a little scared.
I remember as I go
About yesterday's affairs.

How my friend and I went
Beyond the four seas
How they made a snowball,
Rejoicing and arguing.

And with their caps askew,
Racing on a carousel
How we waited for this day -
First day of autumn!

Pivovarova I. Student

I'm in a hurry
I'm rushing to school.
I'm a schoolboy! I'm studying!

...And here is my class,
My first "A".
I've been in it for two days
I studied.

I learned so much
In two days!
I give you my word -
I'm a Scientist
It worked.

Tokmakova I. Back to school soon

Have you heard the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six
And he has notebooks,
And there is a backpack, and there is a uniform,
And you can’t count the counting sticks,
And he tries to read,
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

Farhadi R. First Grader

Yesterday they only told you - baby,
Sometimes they called him a prankster.
Today you are already sitting at your desk,
Everyone's name is you - first grader!
Serious. Diligent.
Truly a student! Primer.
Behind the page is a page.
How many around
Wonderful books...
It's a great thing to learn!

Tsaregorodtseva E. Adult boy

I won't take my spinning top with me,
Big green ball
And also a hare and an owl
And a pink tram...
I'm going to first grade tomorrow
Now I'm a grown boy!

Section 2. Poems about first-graders - girls and their parents

Alexandrova Z. Sveta

I came to first grade with flowers of Light -
You can't see her because of the bouquet.

- Girl, do you like mignonette?
And I can give you a little.
I picked carnations from the garden,
Cut sweet peas.

Boy, take two marigolds
And a blue daisy...
And when there are three flowers left,
All the guys saw Sveta.

Svetlana distributed her bouquet
Beginners at the school threshold.
Let Sveta have no more flowers,
But there were a lot of girlfriends.

Barto A. First-grader

Masha is a first-grader:
Uniform dress,
The apron is starched,
You can sit at your desk.

There are frills on the apron,
And there are folds on the dress!
Where can I get fives?
So that everything is okay?

Barto A. First lesson

This is my first time in class.
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class,
— Should I get up or sit down?
How to open a desk
I didn't know at first
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk doesn't knock.
They tell me - go to the board, -
I raise my hand.
How to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.
How many schoolchildren we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.
I'm in class for the first time
Now I'm a student.
I'm sitting on the desk correctly,
Although I can't sit still.

Barto A. I grew up

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book,
I'll collect my toys
And I’ll give it to Seryozha.
Wooden dishes
I won't give it away yet.
I need the hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame
And the bear is too dirty...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He'll give it to the boys
Or he'll throw it under the bed.
Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
It's bad, without a wheel.
And then I need it too
Play for at least half an hour!
I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book...
But it seems that I am Seryozha
I won't give you anything.

Scored N. Little schoolgirl

I'm walking in a new dress,
I'm wearing a white apron.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang

Farewell, dear kindergarten,
Now I have to go to school!
- Polinka! - the kids are screaming
- And waves to me from the garden.

They call: come in now
Our kindergarten is fun!
“No,” I say, “I need to go to class.”
— I’ll come by later, from school.

And everyone congratulates me,
Having gathered early in the garden,
Because from today I
Started studying at school.

Ibryaev K. Natasha - first-grader

The crimson clusters of rowan trees sparkle,
Like hundreds of cheerful lights.
Today I'm not going to school alone,
And with my little sister

Sister Natasha
Now a first-grader
Now she is a student.

And people around smile at her,
And they wave after us as we go.
And it’s like I’m becoming more mature
I'm taking my sister to school.

Sister Natasha
Now a first-grader
Now she is a student.
And our whole street knows about it,
And our whole country knows about this.

And a new dress and a new briefcase
It suits her very well, they say.
I'll be the first to open the school door for her,
It’s not for nothing that I’m the older brother!

Sister Natasha
Now a first-grader
Now she is a student.
And our whole street knows about it,
And our whole country knows about this.

Sister Natasha
Now a first-grader
Now she is a student.
And our whole street knows about it,
And our whole country knows about this.

Listen to the song about a first-grader, created based on these words by Yuri Chichkov, magnificently performed by Seryozha Paramonov (recording of the Big Children's Choir)

Kapustyuk N. First of September

I'm taking you to school today
Little sister -
The white bow in the hair is new,
Blue eyes!

And the palm in my hand,
So warm!
And a big, big bouquet
Joy radiates!

The sun is shining in the morning,
It's a fun day.
So my sister grew up
We have to go to school today!

Kodryan V. August 31

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

Pshenichnykh S. Amazing bouquet

- Look! Look! –
The people are surprised -
Along the path by itself,
The bouquet goes by itself.
Amazing bouquet
Dressed in school uniform,
A new satchel behind my back,
White bow over head...
- Who is this?
- This is ours
Six-year-old Natasha! –
People smile:
- The girl is going to school!

Uspensky E. Little schoolgirl

I'm walking in a new dress,
I'm wearing a white apron.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang.

Farewell, dear kindergarten,
Now I have to go to school!
- Galinka! - the kids are screaming
And they wave to me from the garden.

They call: - Come in now
Our kindergarten is fun!
“No,” I say, “I need to go to class.”
I'll come back later from school.

And everyone congratulates me,
Having gathered early in the garden,
Because from today I
I'll go to school.

Firsova - Sapronova L. First-grader

In the hands of a briefcase, flowers; and bows in pigtails...
I'm not walking, I'm floating! My soul is a titmouse.

Delight lives in the eyes, and all of me is wide open...
Everyone is looking at me, because I’m a first-grader!

The sun sends me greetings! And I shine too
And the eyes of mom and passers-by glow.

And my friends sing a song for me about school,
And the first happy bell rings for me.

At the desk for the first time... and suddenly I became anxious,
But here the family is my class, and here you can live without your mother.

The teacher here is our second mother:
– To the world of knowledge – good morning! – she told us with a smile.

Section 3. Poems about September 1 and first grade

Ageeva I. First call

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

Aseeva I. For first-graders

The sun smiles sleepily
The wind rustles the leaves
And, worried, they gather
Kids go to school in the morning.

The bows are sparkling white,
Another brand new briefcase,
Still timid, timid
First graders walk through the door.

We wish you a swift
The whirlwind of school days
The most interesting events
Good, loyal friends.

So that homework
Completed exactly on time
So that with joy, with desire
They came to class.

To understand that the main thing is
Not grades, but skills,
Quick mind and kind heart.
Good luck and patience to you!

Alexandrova Z. To school

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.

Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away...
You are going for the first time
study in first grade!

Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.

Remember the garden
A river in the far field.
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.

The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
- We promise well,
best to learn!

Berestov V. First of September

Warmed by the mild sun,
The forests are still covered with leaves.
First graders have bouquets.
Although the day is sad and cheerful,
You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!
And you rejoice: - Hello, school!

Bokova T. First time in first grade

It's autumn outside.
The birds flew south.
So it's time for kids
Place books in briefcases.

Entering class for the first time
Newly settled first-graders.
Can't take my eyes off
From a spacious, bright school.

Everyone is at their desks. Here's a notebook.
We boldly took our hands in our hands...
Stop running and playing
Let's do some grown up stuff!

Let them ask us at the board -
We will proudly answer everyone:
We are now students
Not little children!

Gol N. School bell

The bell is ringing louder and louder.
What a trill is spreading over the world!
Do you think the nightingale has sung?
Not a nightingale. Lessons begin.

Oh, how it rings in all corners of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up quickly.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no. Lessons begin.

Take your briefcase and walk merrily
Some lazy people take a long time to get ready.
Do you think the tram is ringing with all its might?
What tram? Lessons begin.

Covers the phone with a pillow
My grandfather grumbles and is upset:
“I’m getting old, there’s some kind of ringing in my ears.”
Of course it's ringing. Lessons begin!

The bell rings, and it is cheerful and loud,
And the soul is filled with joy,
And every day for each of us
Regular lessons begin.

Demyanov I. Goodbye, kindergarten

The maples near the fences are sad -
Farewell day...
Goodbye, kindergarten,
We should sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner,
They said goodbye to him...
Here are the raindrops on the glass
Let's roll
It's a sad day for us guys.
And cheerful
Goodbye, kindergarten,
Hello school!

Dolgikh E. Hello, school

Kindergarten is a cozy home:
Games and fun!
But it's time to move out:
A housewarming party awaits us.

A cozy, kind home,
Only wider, higher.
The call has been given for the move -
The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.
The path of knowledge awaits us.
- Hello, school, new home!
Sadik, goodbye!

Dymova L. Sunny bunny

I'm going early in the morning
I'm going to school with my girlfriend.
In a cardboard box
The toys are boring.

And only just
Happy sunny bunny
With me every day
Goes to school.

I'll go to my class
He'll wait a little
- And he will jump
Through the wide open window.

He will jump on the board
Will rush through the desks
- He, too, probably
Wants to study.

Then he gets tired
Will fade away on the wall
- He, too, probably
Waiting for a change.

>We're leaving school
And bounces like a ball
Cheerful and joyful
Sunny bunny.

Levina L. First-graders

Lace blouses,
White shirts,
Mischievous faces -
These are first graders!
Line to school
Everyone carries bouquets:
- We're going to study
Goodbye summer!

Maznin I. September

Leaves -
Time to fall
To the birds -
Time to fly away
Mushroom pickers -
Wander in the fog
to the wind -
Howling in the pipes.

The sun is getting cold,
The clouds are pouring,
You and I -
Go to study:
Write letters with numbers,
Read the primer syllable by syllable!

Marshak S. First day of the calendar

First day
Because on this day
All the girls
And the boys
And villages
We took the bags
We took the books
We took breakfast
Under the arms
And we rushed for the first time
To class!
It was in Barnaul,
In Leningrad
And in Torzhok,
In Blagoveshchensk
And in Tula,
On the Don
And on the Oka
And in the village,
And in the village,
And in a distant village.
It was
At sea
I'm on the shore,
Where the shore is
Into the arc
Where are the guys
In Georgian
They say,
Where for breakfast
Sweet grapes.
It was
In Altai,
Between the mountains
It was
In Valdai,
By the lakes.
It was
On the Dnieper,
Among the fields
Where the school is
Behind the trunks
Who managed
Live in the world
Eight years
Tech today
Before lunch
There is no home
Because on this day
All the girls
And the boys
And villages
We took the bags
We took the books
We took breakfast
Under the arms
And we rushed for the first time
To class!

Moritz Yu. First of September

Wake up, please!
Jump up like the early birds!
Let's smooth out the cowlicks
And we’ll dress up our pigtails with ribbons.

Crowd of kids with flowers
The morning cool rushes through.
Please be cheerful
Collecting notebooks in a briefcase!

At the beginning of autumn,
Please be kind
Don't sleep on the move like a grouse,
And clean the school feathers!

After all, we splashed around in the river,
We fried in the solar oven, -
Please be cheerful
At the beginning of autumn!

At the beginning of autumn
I take colored balls
And I fly into school,
I write and read, -
Be quiet, please!

Sharpening balusters in class,
Play pranks
Make faces
Play the fool
Answer from the ceiling -
Don't hesitate, please!

Fill your pens with ink,
Please be kind!
The teacher comes in -
And also a thinker.
Keep your ears on top!
Please be cheerful!

Moruga V. What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!

Pivovarova I. Rain

In your windows
I'm knocking.
I'll reach you

Well, why are you sitting there?
Come out quickly!

Let's spank
Through the puddles
Let's jump
On the rooftops
Let's run
On the pavement!
Well, what about you?
Well, who's with me?

Can you hear me?..

Can't you hear?
You are writing.
Then you leaf through the notebook.
Then you read the primer...
Yes I see -
You are busy.
Are you studying?
It's clear…

Well then
I won't bother you
I'll go back now.

Plyatskovsky M. What they teach at school

Write different letters
With a thin feather in a notebook
Subtract and multiply
Don't hurt kids
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Add two to four
Read words syllable by syllable
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Good books to love and be educated
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Finding east and south
Draw a square and a circle
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
And never be confused
Islands and cities
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

About the verb and about the dash,
And about the rain in the yard
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
To be firmly and firmly friends,
Treasure friendships from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

You can listen to the song based on these verses in the video:

Preobrazhenskaya L. Signs of autumn

Thin birch
Dressed in gold.
So it appeared
Sign of autumn.

Birds fly away
To the land of warmth and light,
Here's another one for you
Sign of autumn.

The rain sows drops
All day from dawn.
This rain too
Sign of autumn.

Proud boy, happy:
After all, he is wearing
School shirt,
Bought in the summer.

Girl with a briefcase.
Everyone knows: this is
Coming autumn
A sure sign.

Rodivilina N. The school yard came to life today

Oh, this mischievous rain!
He wanted to ruin the holiday
But I thought well -
Just dug in and passed!

A rainbow hung in the sky,
Like a big rocker
And it still sparkles
Decorating the school yard!

From flowers, balloons, bouquets
It's all summer in my soul,
Guys here and there
They're scurrying around like gnomes!

Everyone laughs, everyone is happy -
The school yard came alive today!
Trill a joyful call
Invites you to a lesson!

Rudenko V. Hello, school

Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make noise joyfully.
They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting for classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

Samoniy M. Hello, school!

Kindergarten cozy home –
Games and fun
But it's time to move out
A housewarming party awaits us:

A cozy, kind home,
Only wider, higher...
The call has been given for the move -
The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.
The path of knowledge awaits us.
- Hello, school, new home!
Kindergarten - goodbye!

Stepanov V. First of September

The street has become a river,
Ringing, festive, colorful.
The distances are turning blue...
Primers and diaries
We took it on the road.
We're heading to first grade...
The whole country is looking at us!

Stepanov V. September holiday

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.

Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!

Stroilo A. First-class guys

Everything is good with us
They call it first class.

Passengers without fear
Taking flight
If the pilot is first-class,
First class aircraft.

This builder is first class!
He built the first class!
To first class homes
Winter will not settle.

First class teacher
Strict with first graders:
“Put down the toys,
The lesson begins!

From Kamchatka to Arbat
On this day in our country
First class guys
Entering first grade!

Usachev A. First of September

The red summer has flown by,
Fun and free.
It's time for a great time
Yard and school.

A little rainy
Cold and chilly
But still happy
And very, very friendly.

Usachev A. Who is admitted to school?

Girls with bows
Boys with flowers
Moms are dressed up
Dads are ironed.
They scurry around side by side.

Everyone is worried, making noise,
They groan and sigh -
Everyone wants to go to school
But not everyone is allowed in!

Mothers look after their children,
Moms understand:
Only those who are seven years old
They are accepted to school!

Entin Yu. First-grader - first grader

First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.

Yesterday I was just a child,
There's nothing you can do about it.
They called you a preschool child,
And now they call me a first-grader.

First grader, first grader,
Today is my holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.

Everything is in perfect order so far
And not a single question arose,
There is not a scribble in the notebook,
The diary is as clear as the blue sky.

First grader, first grader,
Today is my holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.

Let worries fall on your shoulders,
But should you be sad about them?
From Monday to Saturday
You will gain knowledge.

First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.

To these words, V. Shainsky wrote a song that sounds in the children's film about first-graders “Morning without marks.”

For the first time in first grade

For the first time in first grade
We walk together!
There are many of us, there are many of us, -
We need to study!

Good pencils
Clean pages!
We've arrived, kids!
To study here!

We're going to first grade
- The whole cheerful crowd!
Welcome us, school!
Hello, hello, school!

Hello, golden autumn

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.

We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.

We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage.

First of September

And here is a happy September day
It's time for first-graders.
They timidly enter the school
I’m a little tired from the celebration.
They're a little scared
They look around the class in alarm:
The teacher is too strict
And my mother is not around now.
Believe me, a few years will pass,
They will get used to it - and so
Them on an unfamiliar road
The last bell will call.
Work of study, beginning of love -
All this awaits them ahead.
So let's wish the children happiness
On this future path!

Congratulations to the first grader

A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Poems for first graders for September 1 very different both in mood and content. Choose a poem to memorize with your child that he likes and that matches his interests and character traits. Everyone - happy journey to School Land!

See you again on the “Native Path”!

And at the end of the article - a humorous film about first-graders with the wonderful, well-known song “First-Grade”. The film is called “Morning Without Marks.” Watch it with your children and enjoy it, because this is a family film, interesting for both children and adults. Enjoy watching!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Every year, schools around the country celebrate September 1st. It is very exciting and unforgettable for first-graders and their parents. And for those children who are lucky, the first teacher will already give them their first homework - to learn a poem using a ruler. We offer a selection of poems for first-graders on Knowledge Day.

Hello school

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school!
He calls us to class without stopping,
Iridescent call.
We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.
We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage.

N. Knushevitskaya

Proud, elegant
We're walking down the street
With kind smiles
Everyone admires us.
“You don’t need to see us off!” -
We told mom.
What class are we going to?
Figure it out for yourself.

First day
Calendar, -
Because on this day

All the girls
And the boys
And villages
We took the bags
We took the books
We took breakfast
Under the arms
And we rushed for the first time
To class!
(S. Marshak)

I got up early today
I took out my briefcase again,
And checked: everything is fine
My books and notebooks.
I'm not used to it yet,
That now I am a student.

First of September

Valentin Berestov

Warmed by the mild sun,
The forests are still covered with leaves.
First graders have bouquets.
Although the day is sad and cheerful,
You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!
And you rejoice: - Hello, school!

The warm summer is over,
It's time to study.
In beautiful dresses with bouquets
The kids are rushing to school.

What a wonderful day today:
All my neighbors know
My whole family knows
And also the whole country,
That I'm walking to school.

Now I'm definitely a student.
I'm already big.
The first teacher is a faithful friend,
Open the door to the school world!

We are now students
Like classmates.
Let's create our own page
We are on the Internet right away.

We will invite you to be friends
Everyone who is just like us
Today is the first time
Came to my First Class!

And I'm not alone today:
And mom and dad are here.
They're just like me
They're starting first grade today!

Take a quick look around:
How long do we have to walk?
Maybe we can hurry up
Should I take your place?

We promise to study
Good and fun.
We will try very hard.
And so as not to let you down
every year with a supply of knowledge
Move to a new class!

First of September

The street has become a river,
Ringing, festive, colorful.
The distances are turning blue...
Primers and diaries
We took it on the road.
We are stepping into first grade -
The whole country is looking at us!
(V. Stepanov)

Hello school

Hello school!
The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.

Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the diary awaits the A's.

We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.

There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!
(N. Knushevitskaya)

First of September

First of September
I woke up early this morning
I immediately looked at my briefcase.
There are notebooks and books in it,
And a notebook with a square.
I went to bed like a simple boy,
And I woke up as a schoolboy.
(A. Deshin)

First call

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

First graders

Lace blouses,
White shirts,
Mischievous faces -
These are first graders!

Line to school
Everyone carries bouquets:
- We're going to study
Goodbye summer!
(L. Levina)

First of September

What a day! It's like summer!
This is what September is like for us.
I love him for this
And especially now.

Dad is nearby, mom is nearby!
I am holding a bouquet in my hands.
We got up early today
Before the earliest birds.

I've been waiting for this for a long time,
I hardly slept a wink.
I walk proudly to school
To the most important first grade!
(V. Gvozdev)

Amazing bouquet

Amazing bouquet
- Look! Look! –
The people are surprised -
Along the path by itself,
The bouquet goes by itself.
Amazing bouquet
Dressed in school uniform,
A new satchel behind my back,
White bow over head...
- Who is this?
- This is ours
Six-year-old Natasha! –
People smile:
- The girl is going to school!
(S. Pshenichnykh)

Hello school!

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.
We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.
We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage.

Little schoolgirl

I'm walking in a new dress,
I'm wearing a white apron.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang.

Farewell, dear kindergarten,
Now I have to go to school!
- Galinka! - the kids are screaming
And they wave to me from the garden.

They call: - Come in now
Our kindergarten is fun!
“No,” I say, “I need to go to class.”
I'll come back later from school.

And everyone congratulates me,
Having gathered early in the garden,
Because from today I
I'll go to school.
(E. Uspensky)

I lead my mother by the hand

I lead my mother by the hand,
How big now!
I'm going to school
For the very first time!

“Don’t worry,” I say, “
My mom!
Everything is already in the alphabet book
I know the letters!

We'll cross the road
To the green light.
There goes my friend Artyom,
He is carrying a bouquet.

Tanya is taking her grandmother
And Maxim is his father.
After all, today awaits us all
School is on the porch!

(N. Kapustyuk)

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.

Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
- You are going for the first time,
Study in first grade.

Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.

Remember the garden
A river in the far field.
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
Z. Alexandrova

In everyone's life
The only time
It happens your first
Your memorable class,
And the first textbook
And the first lesson
And the first one is flooded
School bell.
And the first mentor
Your first teacher, -
Who opened the door for you
On the road of discovery.
Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.
He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.
He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.
He got dressed in two minutes,
I grabbed a pencil case from the table,
Dad ran after him
I caught up with him at the door.
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
The electricity was turned on
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.
He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
That she repeats the lesson.
Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.
Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

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