Inexplicable phenomena that astronauts encountered (50 photos). The most unusual natural phenomena, with photos and descriptions

Ten mysterious natural phenomena that science cannot explain. Scientists have been trying to unravel the many mysteries of the natural world for many centuries, but some phenomena still baffle even the best minds of mankind.

Scientists have discovered the nature of mysterious lights - harbingers of earthquakes. Canadian geologists have come to the conclusion that these glows occur in rift zones, where special charge carriers appear in the rocks. Scientists hope that using these lights it will be possible to predict earthquakes. However, there are many more similar phenomena in the world that still remain a mystery.

The strangest and mystical harbingers of tremors are glows in the atmosphere that people have observed for centuries on the eve of earthquakes.

Geologist Robert Theriault, an employee of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Canadian province of Quebec, recently concluded that most cases of sightings of lights occur in areas of rift zones - areas of rupture in the earth's crust, formed as a result of its longitudinal movement or fracture.

The emergence of fires is caused by the rapid accumulation of mechanical stresses in the earth's crust and their changes during the propagation of seismic waves. Positive charge carriers (holes) arising due to stresses in the rocks quickly flow along the stress gradient, reaching the surface, where they ionize air molecules and cause it to glow.

The most famous and interesting natural phenomenon is ball lightning, which people have been observing for many centuries. It is a luminous fireball floating in the air. According to eyewitnesses, ball lightning usually appears in thundery, stormy weather. Most often, it “comes out” of a conductor or is generated by ordinary lightning, sometimes it unexpectedly appears in the air or can come out of an object. Lightning also disappears unexpectedly: it can simply disappear, fly away, or go into some object, for example, into an outlet.

To date, no unified physical theory of the occurrence and course of this phenomenon has been presented. In 2010, a theory of the origin of ball lightning was developed by Austrian scientists Joseph Peer and Alexander Kendl from the University of Innsbruck. They suggested that evidence of ball lightning can be interpreted as a manifestation of phosphenes - visual sensations without exposure to light on the eye, that is, ball lightning is a hallucination.

Will-o'-the-wisps or "demonic lights" are rare natural phenomena observed at night in swamps, fields and cemeteries.
Most often, will-o'-the-wisps burn at the height of a person's raised hand, have a spherical shape or resemble a candle flame, for which they received another name - “dead man's candle.” The color of the fire may be white, bluish or greenish, or appear as a living flame without smoke.

In Europe and Russia it was believed that will-o'-the-wisps are the souls of dead people, but there are other beliefs.
There are several scientific hypotheses for the origin of mysterious lights. This is the spontaneous combustion of hydrogen phosphorous gas, formed during the decay of dead plant and animal organisms, or bioluminescence, for example, honey mushrooms or fireflies.

The term Foo fighters, which translated into Russian means “certain fighters,” was used during World War II by pilots of the anti-Hitler coalition countries to refer to unidentified flying objects or unusual atmospheric phenomena observed in the European and Pacific theaters of war.

Information about them appeared in official sources from November 1944. Pilots flying at night over German territory began reporting sightings of fast-moving luminous objects following their planes. They have been described in various ways, usually as red, orange or white balls that perform complex maneuvers before suddenly disappearing. According to the pilots, the objects followed the planes and generally behaved as if they were being controlled by someone, but did not show hostility; It was not possible to break away from them or shoot them down.

At first, the Allies assumed that they were the enemy's secret weapon, but reports about them did not stop after the end of the war, and they also came from the other side - from pilots of Germany and Japan.

St. Elmo's Fire is a well-studied and explained natural phenomenon. They are a discharge in the form of luminous beams or brushes that appear at the sharp ends of tall objects (towers, masts, lonely trees, sharp tops of rocks) at high electric field strength in the atmosphere.

The phenomenon received its name from St. Elmo (Erasmus), the patron saint of sailors in Catholicism. For sailors, the appearance of lights promised hope for success, and in times of danger, for salvation.

Sprites (from the English sprite - fairy, elf) are a rare type of thunderstorm discharge, a kind of lightning. Sprites appear tenths of a second after a very strong lightning strike and last less than 100 milliseconds. Most often, sprites propagate upward and downward at the same time, but the downward propagation is noticeably larger and faster.

They appear at an altitude of approximately 50 to 130 kilometers (the altitude of formation of “ordinary” lightning is no more than 16 kilometers) and reach a length of up to 60 km and up to 100 km in diameter.

Sprites have different colors, which is explained by different pressures and atmospheric composition at different altitudes. At an altitude of 70 km, nitrogen gives a red glow, and the closer to the ground, the greater the pressure and amount of oxygen, which changes color to blue, cyan and white. Until now, very little is known about the physical nature of sprites.

Catatumbo lightning is a local natural phenomenon that occurs above the confluence of the Catatumbo River into Lake Maracaibo (South America). The phenomenon is expressed in the appearance of a glow at an altitude of about five kilometers, while thunder cannot be heard at this moment. Lightning appears at night (140-160 times a day) and the discharges last about 10 hours. This adds up to about 1.2 million discharges per year.

The explanation for the phenomenon is quite simple: winds coming from the Andes cause thunderstorms. Methane, which is rich in the atmosphere of these wetlands, rises to the clouds, fueling lightning strikes.

Naga fireballs are another local phenomenon observed once a year on the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos. From the depths of the river, luminous balls rise, similar to reddish chicken eggs. The balls rise 10-20 meters above the river and disappear.

The reasons for the phenomenon are not fully understood. It was assumed that the balls appear as a result of fermentation of suspension carried by the river, which ignites as a result of certain atmospheric conditions. Local residents claim that thousands of balls rising above the river are created by a naga (snake-like creature in Eastern religions) living in the river - Phaya Nag.

Red rain is a single meteorological phenomenon. From July 25, 2001 to September 23, 2001, this rain fell sporadically and unevenly across the southern Indian state of Kerala.

It was initially suspected that the rains were colored by fallout from a hypothetical meteor explosion, but the Government of India commissioned a study that reported that the rains were colored by spores from local algae.

According to the testimony of local residents, the first colored rain was preceded by a loud clap of thunder and a flash of light. At the same time, dry gray leaves fell from the trees. Local residents reported dried leaves and sudden wells forming around the same time.

The reason for the coloring of the rain is the red particles that were in the rainwater in the form of a suspension. The color was often similar to the color of blood. The colored rain fell over an area of ​​no more than a few square kilometers, and was sometimes so localized that normal rain could fall within a few meters of the red rain. Red showers usually lasted no more than 20 minutes.

A sample of rainwater is on the left, after precipitation is on the right. The dried sediment is the center.

Underwater phenomenon - QUAKERS
Quaker or wah - the alleged source of unknown underwater sound vibrations in the low frequency range. These sounds were recorded by the echolocation systems of sea vessels. The name of the phenomenon comes from the similarity of some of the recorded signals to the sounds made by frogs. The first recorded cases date back to the 1970s, and after 1990 there has not been a single officially registered case, which is most likely caused by a decrease in the intensity of maritime reconnaissance and submarine duty.

One of the main assumptions is that the source of these sounds is marine animals of poorly studied or unknown species.

Some researchers suggest that some species of cetaceans may be Quakers. According to other opinions, the Quaker may be a giant squid from the family Architeuthidae. Giant squids can prey on large marine mammals (which can be mistaken for submarines), and their boneless body makes them difficult to detect by standard surveillance equipment.

The history of planet Earth is full of amazing, inexplicable mysteries. And a lifetime is not enough to solve them. But you can look through the keyhole of the door, behind which lies a whole world of unexplained secrets on our planet.

12 photos of inexplicable things on planet Earth:

1. Obelisk, Egypt

They began to carve the obelisk right into the rock, but cracks appeared along it. It was left unfinished. The sizes are simply stunning!

2. Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

The Gate of the Sun is located in Tiwanaku, an ancient and mysterious city. Some scholars believe that in the first millennium AD it was the center of a huge empire. There is still no idea what the drawings on the gate mean. Perhaps they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

3. Underwater city, o. Yonaguni, Japan

The complex was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. This underwater city destroys all scientific theories. The rock in which it was carved sank under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era people huddled in caves and only knew how to collect edible roots and hunt wild animals, and not build stone cities.

4. L'Anse aux Meadows site, Canada

This settlement was founded by the Vikings about 1000 years ago. This means that they reached North America much earlier than Christopher Columbus was born.

5. Moa Bird

Moas are flightless birds that lived in New Zealand and became extinct around 1500, destroyed (according to one theory) by the Maori aborigines. But during one of the expeditions, scientists came across a huge part of a bird’s paw, which was incredibly well preserved.

6. Longyu Grottoes, China

These grottoes were carved out of sandstone by humans - it was a complex task that definitely must have involved thousands of Chinese, but nowhere is there any mention of these grottoes and the hard work that went into creating them.

7. Temple complex of Sacsayhuaman, Peru

This temple complex amazes with its impeccable masonry without a single drop of connecting mortar (even a piece of paper cannot be inserted between some of the stones). And how perfectly the surface of each block is processed.

8. Stone Age Tunnels

The discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels (spanning across Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that Stone Age people spent their days doing more than just hunting and gathering. But the real purpose of the tunnels still remains a complete mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, while others believe that people traveled through this system, protected from weather conditions and wars.

9. Mohenjo-Daro (“Hill of the Dead”), Pakistan

For many decades now, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of this city. In 1922, Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River. Even then, questions arose: how was this large city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? The excavations did not answer any of them.

10. Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

Mysterious perfectly round stone formations intrigue not only with their appearance, but also with their incomprehensible origin and purpose. They were first discovered in the 30s of the 20th century by workers clearing the jungle for banana plantations. Local legends said that there was supposed to be gold hidden inside the mysterious stone balls. But they were empty. It is unknown by whom and for what purpose these petrospheres were created. It can be assumed that these were symbols of heavenly bodies or designations of boundaries between the lands of different tribes.

11. Golden Incas figurines

Golden figurines found in South America look like flying machines, and it's hard to believe. What served as the prototype for the creation of these figures is unknown.

12. Genetic drive

An incredible artifact - a genetic disk - depicts things and processes that modern man can only observe under a microscope. The disc most likely shows the process of the birth and development of the embryo. Also one of the strange drawings is the head of a man of incomprehensible shape. The disc is made of a durable stone called lydite. Despite its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and, despite the presence of this ancient artifact, it seems impossible to make something similar to it both practically and theoretically.

Sometimes unimaginable things happen on planet Earth. People tend to be skeptical of everything mythical and supernatural. However, the mysteries of nature and others exist in real life. This is confirmed by indisputable facts, but it is not possible to explain the nature of their manifestation using known scientific knowledge.

8 wonders of nature

1. Woman made of ice

This phenomenon is superior to all others because it seems completely implausible compared to other mystical phenomena. In Minnesota (Lengby) that day it was so cold that people tried not to leave their houses. The girl, Jean Hiliard, was later discovered. The young lady was 19 years old. She turned out to be completely frozen. It was impossible to bend her arms and legs, her skin became stone from the cold.

The doctors' surprise knew no bounds when they saw the girl's ice statue. This was just the beginning of supernatural phenomena. Doctors claimed that the girl's death was inevitable. And if she suddenly thawed, she would face amputation of all limbs and a serious, long-term illness. However, after a few hours, Jean regained consciousness, and there was no trace of the “freezing” left on her body. The ice on the cooled areas of the body seemed to dissolve.

2. Iron Column in Delhi, India

Incredible things happen with seemingly ordinary materials, for example, iron. It seems incredible that iron could have been made more than a thousand years ago. Meanwhile, in Delhi there is a structure that has been decorating the city for more than one and a half thousand years. This is a column made of pure iron, the height of which reaches seven meters. There is not a trace of corrosion on it.

According to some researchers, at that time on Earth people did not yet possess such technologies. However, the artifact refutes this fact. It is necessarily present in descriptions of incredible phenomena. A photo can hardly reflect the grandeur and significance of this structure. Research results revealed that the structure consists of 98 percent iron. In ancient times, people did not have the opportunity to produce the material in such a pure form, since it was very difficult technologically.

3. Lost Ship

Mysteries of nature and other inexplicable phenomena are also often found in the ocean. An example is the story of the “Flying Dutchman,” which has not lost its popularity for several centuries. It cannot be said with certainty that all stories about mystical events are reliable. However, there are facts that are documented.

A mysterious and incredible incident occurred with the crew of the ship “K. A. Deering.” The ship was discovered in 21 of the last century. At first glance, it seemed that it had crashed, so a rescue party went there. The surprise and horror of the rescuers cannot be expressed in words. There was not a soul on board.

The officers who arrived at the scene also found no traces of a disaster or crash. The crew seemed to simply disappear without a trace. Personal belongings and the ship's log were missing, but the prepared food remained untouched. No one was able to explain what happened.

4. Hutchinson

The inexplicable and supernatural can be created unintentionally by man. For John Hutchison, Nikola Tesla was his model and idol. He tried in every possible way to reproduce all the scientist’s experiments. The results of the experiments always turned out to be incredible and unpredictable. Wood and metal became one, small objects disappeared during the experiments, but levitation exceeded all imaginable expectations. John also tried to float weightlessly in space. but was never able to achieve similar results. They were always different, on the basis of which he concluded that what was happening was non-linear and that some mystical phenomena were interfering. NASA participants tried to recreate Hutchinson's experiments, but were unable to achieve the desired goal.

5. Rain of Blood

Unexplained precipitation fell on residents of Washington (Oakville), USA. Instead of the usual raindrops, a jelly-like substance fell from the sky. After this, all residents showed symptoms of a cold.

White blood cells similar to those found in human blood were found in the above-mentioned jelly. In addition, the researchers found two types of bacteria in the composition that were responsible for the illnesses of residents. Scientists have never been able to explain what happened.

6. The Lost Lake

Mysteries of nature that scientists cannot explain excite the imagination. A lake in the southwest of America in Chile has been added to the list. The event occurred in 2007. A huge body of water 5 miles long disappeared without a trace. Several months before the incident, geological studies were carried out here, which did not reveal any deviations.

There were no warning signs of a cataclysm; the lake simply disappeared. According to ufologists, it’s all the fault of alien creatures who pumped out all the water from the reservoir and took it with them.

7. Surviving frog

Some mysterious artifacts are over a million years old. There is documentary evidence of a number of cases where amphibians, in particular frogs, were found in the depths of stone blocks. Even more incredible is the survival of the turtle, which was walled up in hardened concrete, after a year. How the creature managed to survive remains inexplicable. A safe and sound turtle was removed from a structure in Texas in 1976.

8. Lord of the water element

The boy who could summon water indoors was named Donnie Decker. This phenomenon is documented. First it happened at his friends house when he went into a trance state. Water drops began to flow from the ceiling, and the entire room was shrouded in fog.

A few years later the situation repeated itself in a restaurant. The owner of the establishment was angry and drove the teenager away. The third time Decker generated streams of water in his prison cell was when he was caught for disorderly conduct. The cellmates complained to the guards, but the culprit of the incident, without hesitation, showed his skills to the keepers of order. What happened to the guy after the end of his imprisonment is unknown. There is a version that he got a job as a cook.

Mysteries of nature and other unexplained phenomena exist in reality. Some people claim that they have met aliens, others are able to predict the future, others see through walls. There are even specialized institutions that help people develop supernatural talents.

10. Skunk monkey

The skunk ape is a cryptid creature believed to live in Florida. The skunk ape is most often described as a bipedal primate with long, dark fur that smells very foul. He was allegedly seen many times in the swamps near Florida. In 2000, an unknown woman anonymously sent two photographs to the Sarasota Sheriff's Department. A letter accompanying the photos claimed that the photos were taken in the woman's backyard and that the creature was intent on stealing her apples. Skeptics say it's just a man in disguise or an escaped orangutan. But, in truth, it is worth noting that there are many more witnesses who allegedly saw a skunk monkey than people who saw an apple thief dressed as a monkey or an escaped orangutan.

9. Belmes faces

In 1979, members of the Pereira family living in the city of Belmes began to see strange faces in their house that mysteriously appeared and disappeared. They appeared in different places and at different times. According to legend, one day in August, Maria Gomez told her husband that she saw a face right on the kitchen floor. Her husband immediately broke the floor in this place with a pickaxe, but the same face appeared again in another place after a while. After their story, the mayor of the city told them not to touch their face next time, but to leave it for study. Faces appeared over the next 30 years, both male and female, expressing a variety of emotions. It was later determined that the house was built on a cemetery and bodies were found buried under the house. Despite the fact that the floor in the house was changed several times, and faces were constantly washed with various means, they continued to appear. Skeptics claim that the faces were artificial, drawn using oxidizing agents.

8. Alien from Fresno

This is video from two surveillance cameras in Fresno that captured a strange figure walking across the frame. Nothing is known about this recording, and no one can explain what happens on it. The creature in the frame moves in a strange way, as if on stilts. The quality of the recording is not very high, so it is not possible to understand exactly who is depicted on it.
It is claimed that there are other recordings that have captured the movements of similar creatures.

7. Paulding Lights

According to one legend, the Paulding Lights arose when a train at night hit a switchman who was trying to signal something to the sleeping driver. According to another legend, this is the ghost of a man who, with a lantern in the forest at night, was looking for his missing son and was hit by a train. Be that as it may, this mysterious ball of light has been appearing for the past 40 years. He appears almost every night. Students at the University of Michigan claim to have debunked this myth, and the lights are just the headlights of cars passing on a nearby freeway. But many don't believe them. According to eyewitnesses, the lights are white, green and red. The city even installed special signs indicating where it is best to observe this phenomenon.

6. Phantom Train Tracks in San Antonio

These train tracks, located in San Antonio, became known as ghost tracks because of what happened to cars that stopped on them. According to legend, one day a school bus with children stalled right on the tracks, and... you can already guess what happened. The train was hit by a bus and all the children died. Since then, no matter who stops on these rails, the ghosts of children will definitely push the car off them. In addition to the car moving, people say the car shakes and children's voices and whispers are heard. To make things even creepier, people claim to find marks of children's hands on cars after driving along these roads. Skeptics believe that cars simply roll down due to the fact that this section of the road is located on a hill, but they cannot find an explanation for the prints of children's hands.

5. Beckenham Gargoyle

The video, filmed in the British city of Beckenham (video not found on YouTube), shows a gargoyle jumping from a building. Many people later looked for her in the area and said that they then felt as if they were being watched. But no other evidence of the existence of the gargoyle was found. Skeptics deny the existence of the gargoyle, claiming that the video is just a montage. This creature had brightly glowing eyes, and it moved very strangely and quickly.

4. Room 428

This room at Ohio University is not accessible to students. It was sealed due to numerous reports of paranormal activity occurring there. A poltergeist supposedly lives in it: people saw objects flying, doors opened and closed on their own, inexplicable shadows were visible. The creepiest event associated with this room is the appearance of a demonic face on the door. The door was changed several times, but the face appeared again and again. They say that the room is haunted by the ghost of a student who once committed suicide right there. Imagine superstitious students who have to live and study on the same floor as a ghost!

3. Silent zone in Mapimi

In Mexico, near the city of Mapini, there is a desert in which there is one place that is a zone of anomalous radio wave activity. In July 1970, a missile was test-launched from a US military base in Utah, which went off course and fell in exactly this place. A team was sent to search for the wreckage and bring it back. The rocket allegedly carried a radioactive charge, due to which the upper layers of the soil were contaminated with radiation.

And since then, no radio, no television, no shortwave, no microwave, no satellite signals can pass through this zone. Strange lights, UFOs and pale humanoid creatures have also been seen in this area. Some people claim to have seen and spoken with these creatures. They asked people for water, and when asked where they came from, they answered: “From above.” This may all be wishful thinking, but it has been scientifically proven that this area has unusually high levels of magnetite in the soil. This may be evidence that many meteorites fell here in the past. Either way, something is wrong with this place.

2. Hand of Pangboche

This hand was kept in a Buddhist monastery in Tibet, and some claim it belongs to Bigfoot. Some believe it is a fake, but many tourists came here to look at it. The monks considered this hand sacred and did not allow it to be studied scientifically. It is alleged that one day a man named Peter Byrne stole it and took it to the University of London for study. William Hill studied the hand and came to the following conclusion: the hand indeed belongs to a hominid, but more likely a Neanderthal than a modern person. Then the hand was stolen again, and it is unknown where it is now. It is believed that most likely it is in some private collection, and the owner bought it on the black market.

1. Battle of Los Angeles

On February 24, 1942, an air raid alert was sounded in Los Angeles. Many believed that this was another Japanese attack. The 37th Artillery Brigade opened barrage fire and fired 1,400 anti-aircraft shells at a mysterious object floating in the night sky. The shelling continued for a full hour and was stopped at 7:21 am.

The media went crazy over this incident, the front pages were full of articles about this incident. What kind of object is this that withstood the fire of anti-aircraft shells for an hour? A weather balloon of course! This is exactly what the government said when commenting on the incident. During this event, three people died from heart attacks due to stress. The target at which the fire was fired is described by some eyewitnesses as one huge object, and by others as a cluster of several small objects. Be that as it may, something strange happened that night in Los Angeles, and to this day people do not know the real reason for these events.

Oleg "Solid" Bulygin

What our ancestors once called “devilishness” is considered by modern scientists to be in the realm of the unidentified. However, they still cannot explain the reason for this most unidentified thing.

"Taos Noise"

Have you heard the engine or drilling rig running? It is this kind of unpleasant noise that disturbs the peace of residents of the American city of Taos. An incomprehensible humming sound coming from the direction of the desert first appeared almost 18 years ago, and since then it has reappeared regularly. When city residents turned to the authorities with a request to conduct an investigation, it turned out that the noise seemed to come from the bowels of the earth, it could not be registered by location devices, and only 2% of the city population heard it. A similar phenomenon is observed in other regions of the planet. It occurs especially often in Europe. As in the case of the Taoist rumble, the reasons for its occurrence and source have not yet been discovered.

Ghostly doppelgängers

Cases when people meet their doubles are not uncommon. Stories about dopplegangers (this is to avoid writing “doubles” twice in a row) are present both in medical practice, which is not at all surprising, and in historical documents and literary works. Guy de Maupassant told his friends about meeting his double. The mathematician Descartes, the French writer George Sand, the English poets and writers Shelley, Byron, and Walter Scott also encountered their copies. We won’t even mention Dostoevsky’s story “The Double.”

However, doppelgängers also visit people of prosaic professions. Here are the stories collected by Dr. Edward Podolsky. One woman saw her double while putting on makeup in front of the mirror. A man working in the garden noticed next to him an exact copy of himself, repeating all his movements.

Scientists suggest that the secret of doppelgängers may be hidden in our brains. By processing information, our nervous system creates a so-called spatial diagram of the body, which, for reasons unknown to science, is divided into real and astral images. Alas, this is just a hypothesis.

Life after death

A light at the end of a dark tunnel, an unusual luminous creature, a calling voice, the ghosts of deceased loved ones - this is what awaits a person in the next world, according to the words of the “resurrected”. In other words, they suffered clinical death.

One of the proofs of the reality of the afterlife was the research of William James, which he conducted with the participation of the medium Leonora Piper. For about ten years, the doctor organized spiritualistic seances, during which Leonora spoke on behalf of the Indian girl Chlorin, then Commander Vanderbilt, then Longfellow, then Johann Sebastian Bach, then the actress Siddons. The doctor invited spectators to his sessions: journalists, scientists, and other mediums so that they could confirm that communication with the world of the dead actually occurs.

Unfortunately, there are no scientific facts on this matter yet. However, maybe this is for the better?

Noisy Spirit

Poltergeists are an inexplicable phenomenon and at the same time a constant hero of yellow press materials. “Barabashka stole the family’s salary from Kapotnya and wrote a swear word on the wall,” “Poltergeist became the father of three children,” these and similar headlines still regularly attract an audience.

Poltergeists were first mentioned almost two thousand years ago by the historian Titus Livius, who described how someone invisible threw stones at Roman soldiers. After this, cases of poltergeist appearances were described many more times. Mentions of this phenomenon are even present in the chronicles of a French monastery. According to the chronicler, on September 16, 1612, something incredible happened in the house of the Huguenot priest François Perrault. It all started when, at midnight, the curtains began to close on their own and someone was pulling the bed linen off the beds. Loud noises were heard from various parts of the house, and someone was throwing dishes in the kitchen. The poltergeist not only methodically destroyed the house, but also cursed desperately. The Church decided that the devil had taken up residence in the house of a Huguenot sinner, and Martin Luther later proposed calling the “obscene spirit” a poltergeist. After 375 years in the USSR they will call him the drummer.

Heavenly signs

According to history, clouds are not only white-maned horses. Since time immemorial, eyewitness accounts have been preserved telling about whole pictures, meaningful signs and numbers that suddenly appeared in the sky. According to legend, one of these heavenly visions predicted victory for Julius Caesar, and another - a blood-red flag with a white cross - gave strength to the retreating Danish troops and helped them defeat the pagan Estonians.

Scientists are skeptical about such pictures in the sky and name several reasons for their appearance. Today, various figures in the sky can form aircraft exhaust. After aircraft fuel burns out, water vapor enters the atmosphere and immediately turns into ice crystals. Caught up in air vortices, they behave very unpredictably and can create various shapes. Aerosols based on carbon dioxide and barium salts sprayed during weather experiments can also cause such phenomena. In addition, air, due to its specific properties, sometimes acquires the ability to reflect what is happening on Earth.

The phenomenon of wandering graves

In 1928, all Scottish newspapers were full of news about a grave that had disappeared from the cemetery of the small town of Glenysville. Relatives who came to visit the deceased found an empty space instead of a stone tombstone. It was never possible to find the grave.

In 1989, on a Kansas farm, a grave mound with a lopsided and cracked headstone appeared overnight right in the middle of a barnyard. Due to the poor condition of the slab, it was impossible to read the name on it. But when the grave was excavated, a coffin with human remains was found in it.

All this devilry is considered commonplace in some African and Polynesian tribes. There is a tradition there of dousing a fresh grave with tree sap and covering it with shells. This is done, according to the priests, so that the grave “does not leave.”


Cases where people engulfed in flames of unknown origin turned into a handful of ashes in just a few minutes have been known for a very long time. Although this phenomenon occurs infrequently: over the entire last century, only 19 cases of pyrokinesis were recorded in the world. Scientists cannot explain why this happens, and most importantly, why the flame often does not spread to surrounding objects.

In 1969, a man was found dead in his car. His face and hands were burned, but for some reason the fire did not touch his hair and eyebrows. A completely fantastic incident occurred in the Canadian province of Alberta. Two sisters flashed at the same instant, being in different parts of the city, a kilometer away from each other.

Versions of the origin of pyrokinesis are increasingly fantastic. Some doctors are trying to link spontaneous combustion of people with their internal state, since it is known that most victims were depressed for a long time. Others believe that it is mainly alcoholics who are affected by pyrokinesis. Their body is so saturated with alcohol that it can burst into flames at the slightest spark, especially if the deceased smoked. There is a version that the flame arises under the influence of either ball lightning that happens to be nearby, or energy beams unknown to science. And recently a completely incredible theory was put forward. Allegedly, the source of energy in a living cell is a thermonuclear reaction, that is, under the influence of an unknown force, inexplicable energy processes begin to occur in the cell, similar to those that occur during the explosion of an atomic bomb.

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