Noah's Ark meaning. What is an ark? Myths and reality in the history of the Flood

Noah's Ark

see Art. World Flood.

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book

Noah's Ark

according to the Bible, a shelter built by the righteous Noah to save the human race and animals during the global flood. In the book of Genesis (6:13-16), Yahweh himself indicates to Noah in detail the material (“gopher wood”), size, structure. Noah's Ark does not look like a ship (and this is its difference from the arks from the myths of other peoples about the flood), its structure (three tiers) corresponds to the triple division of the universe. In the Hebrew text, the ark is designated by the same word as the basket in which Moses was saved, but the ark of the covenant is designated by a different word.

Encyclopedia of Judaism

Noah's Ark

(Tevat Hoax)

The Torah provides a detailed description of N.K. Haggadah* added to the story about N.K. new details: “For one hundred and twenty years the Lord demanded that the Generation of the Flood repent and correct itself; since they did not correct themselves, He said to Noah (Noah): “Make yourself an ark from gopher wood” (Gen. VI, 14). Hoax planted cedar trees. They asked him: “Why do you need these cedars?” He told them: “The Lord wants to send a flood to the earth and ordered me to make K., so that I and my house would be saved in it.” People laughed at Noah and his words. their cedars, and they grew. And they asked him: “What are you doing?” And he answered them: And so he admonished them, because they did not repent and did not correct themselves, the Lord sent a flood on them.

Noah's Ark. Ark of Salvation

The expression arose from the biblical myth of the global flood, from which Noah and his family and animals were saved, since God taught him in advance to build an ark (ship) (Genesis, 6 and 7). Used to mean: a room filled with many people; means of salvation.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what "Noah's Ark. Ark of Salvation" is in other dictionaries:

    Noah's Ark can mean: Noah's Ark in the Bible: the vessel Noah built to save his family and animals from the Flood. Noah's Ark is an independent information and analytical international newspaper of the Armenian diaspora. Noah's Ark ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the Bible, a shelter built by the righteous Noah to save the human race and animals during the global flood. In the book of Genesis (6:13-16), Yahweh himself indicates to Noah in detail the material (“gopher wood”), size, structure. Noah's Ark is not... Political science. Dictionary.

    From the Bible. The Old Testament (Genesis, ch. 7, v. 2-4) tells how, on the eve of the Flood, God ordered Noah to build an ark (ship), on which he could save himself and save the animals that by that time had inhabited the earth (see . Any... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    This term has other meanings, see Noah's Ark (meanings). Edward Hicks. “Noah’s Ark” Noah’s Ark (in the Bible Hebrew: תֵּבַת נֹח‎, tevat Hóax; ... Wikipedia

    Edward Hicks. “Noah’s Ark” Noah’s ark (in the Bible, Hebrew: תֵּבַת נֹח‎, tevat Hóax; Hebrew: תֵּבָה‎, teva box, chest) in the Bible, a ship built by Noah at the behest of God, to save his family and one (or more) couples each species of animal from ... ... Wikipedia

    Noah's Ark- wing. sl. Noah's Ark. Ark of Salvation The expression arose from the biblical myth of the global flood, from which Noah was saved with his family and animals, since God taught him in advance to build an ark (vessel) (Genesis, 6 and 7). Used to mean... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    See Flood. * * * NOAH'S ARK NOAH'S ARK, according to the Bible (see BIBLE), is a shelter built by the righteous Noah (see NOAH) to save the human race and animals during the global flood (see FLOOD). In the book of Genesis (6:13 16) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

What is Noah's Ark? According to the biblical narrative, this is a large ship built by the patriarch Noah according to instructions from above. The backstory tells how God became angry with humanity for its extreme levels of depravity and wickedness. As punishment, the Almighty determined to destroy all life on Earth and begin history anew. To do this, He instructed the only righteous man, Noah, to build a ship in a special way. At the same time, God provided his chosen one with all the necessary instructions and directions. On this ship, the hero of the story himself survived the flood with his family, as well as all kinds of animals attracted there by God in the amount of one or seven pairs.

When the water of the flood receded and dry land appeared, greened with new vegetation, the inhabitants of the ark, after many months of imprisonment, came to earth, laying the foundation for a new civilization. The final stop, and accordingly, the place of the supposed search for the ark, is localized by the Bible to the mountain slopes of Ararat.

Theology of the term "ark"

The very meaning of the word “ark” is a box that serves as a container for something. The synonymous series of this term includes concepts such as chest, wardrobe, etc. This name implies not just a ship, but a sacred vessel, a temple designed to preserve the seed of a new life - Noah, his family and all types of flora and fauna.

Origin of the Flood Legend

The legend itself is of pre-biblical origin, and was adopted with preliminary adaptation from the pagan world. Its primary source is the Eastern myth of the flood, also preserved in the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, the Akkadian legend of Atrahasis and a number of other legends. In addition, more or less similar legends about a grandiose flood in prehistoric times are present among the peoples of all continents without exception.

Religious significance of Noah's Ark

What is the ark for a devout Jew or Christian - adherents of the biblical tradition? Firstly, it is a historical monument, testifying to the truth and historicity of the power and glory of the Creator. Secondly, to understand what the ark is, you need to turn to allegory. Then it will become clear that he is an important symbol of hope for God's salvation. According to the Bible, after the flood, God placed a rainbow in the sky - as a sign that henceforth there would never be a total destruction of all living things. Therefore, the ark for the Judeo-Christian tradition is an important shrine, not only of archaeological and historical value, but also endowed with sacred significance and meaning.

The issue of vessel capacity

Many skeptics wondered how one ship, even a rather large one, could accommodate representatives of all types of life on Earth in order to ensure their reproduction and settlement. After all, a population of even several dozen individuals is considered unviable, and after the flood the earth should have been filled with just one pair of each species. Another problem is how could they be placed inside the ship with enough space left for food? Who and how would be able to monitor the cleaning of the ship every day, clean the stalls and cages of all the animals, and also feed them? While scientists are asking questions and doubting, believers are inventing various theories. For example, according to one of them, the space inside the ark mystically expanded, and there was enough space for everyone. And Noah himself and his sons supervised the cleaning and feeding.

Theories about the date and time frame of the flood

The estimated date of the flood helps answer the question of what the ark is. Jewish traditions, based on data from the Torah, give the year 2104 BC. e. as the year the flood began and 2103 BC. e. as the year of its end. However, a number of scientific studies give different results. However, scientific hypotheses differ greatly from each other, since they are based on different ideas about the nature of the flood. For example, the Black Sea theory, which assumes the flooding of the Black Sea and a rise in the water level in it by several tens of meters, places the flood at a period of about 5500. Other scientists leaning towards the version suggest that the fact of a flood on a planetary scale occurred about 8-10 thousand years ago.


It is not surprising that many expeditions and enthusiastic researchers set off in search of the ark. Many of them failed, some were not lucky enough to return. However, there were those who claimed to have succeeded and discovered the location of Noah's ship. Some even provided some pieces of wood as material proof of their success.

Search for the Ark

Many people tried to understand what the ark was and where to look for it. Recently, two Chinese Protestants, Andrew Yuan and Boaz Li, announced the success of their mission. They were preceded by a whole galaxy of secular and religious researchers. For example, claims to know the location of the ark were made back in 1893 by a Nestorian cleric named Nurri. Climbers and aviators searched for the Ark. The latter even took a number of interesting photographs in which, with a certain amount of optimism, one can identify something resembling a ship in outline.

However, there is still no direct, clear and impeccable evidence of the discovery and existence of the ark on Ararat, although hypothetically this is quite possible - scientists have found that in the distant past this area was subject to a very serious flood, and perhaps even a number of such cataclysms .


The Lost Ark is still waiting for its official discoverer, although there is a prophecy that God will hide the ark from the sight of people and it will not be found.

wing sl. Noah's Ark. Ark of Salvation

The expression arose from the biblical myth of the global flood, from which Noah and his family and animals were saved, since God taught him in advance to build an ark (ship) (Genesis, 6 and 7). Used to mean: a room filled with many people; means of salvation.

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  • - a word used to designate Noah’s ark, as well as a basket of twigs, in which, for example, the baby Moses was thrown into the water. K., built by Noah at the command of the Lord, was made of gopher wood...

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  • - The Torah provides a detailed description of N.K. Haggadah* added to the story about N.K. new details: “For one hundred and twenty years the Lord demanded that the Generation of the Flood repent and reform...

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