New school: how to join the team. Difficulties during adaptation to a new team

Jump, run, swim, catch, climb - and then suddenly read, write, count, sit, perform... Stress from September 1 is an inevitable thing. But it increases many times if the child goes to a new school. How should he behave in order to gain the authority of his classmates and not become a black sheep?

19:14 13.01.2013

It so happened that last year I was forced to take my third-grader son out of his previous school and transfer him to a new one, closer to home. For Andrey this became a real tragedy. He knew his former classmates since kindergarten, was friends with many, was respected and considered a leader. I parted, without exaggeration, with tears in my eyes - both with students and teachers. And all summer he was worried about how he would be received at his new school.

On September 1, the son woke up and said that he would not go anywhere. My husband and I begged and persuaded him - he didn’t even want to get out of bed. He had to voluntarily and compulsorily wash and dress, and dad took him - tear-stained, with red eyes - to a new class. I, myself, am not a big fan of new companies, with horror I imagined how difficult it would be for him to join the team that had formed over three years with its own leaders and morals. I came up with words with which I would console him and persuade him to go to class the next day. With a heavy heart I came to meet him at school. So what? My boy, who just a few hours ago did not want to let go of his father’s hand in front of the classroom door, ran out joyful, satisfied, surrounded by guys, and began excitedly talking about how great the first day was...

Of course, 4th grade is not 9th grade, children get to know each other more easily and get along. But this is not preschool age, when you can walk up to anyone on the playground and start talking about yourself. Boys and girls are already shy and worried about the impression they make on others. Not everyone manages to suppress shyness, show friendliness and demonstrate their strengths. Much also depends on the teacher - whether she will be able to gently introduce a newcomer to the team. We were lucky: Galina Pavlovna Ivanus, a teacher with 45 years of experience, was able to introduce Andrey in such a way that the guys recognized him as one of their own on the very first day. I asked Galina Pavlovna to talk about how to make it easier for a student to get used to a new class and help him adapt.

Build bridges

“A child feels everything the same as an adult. Will you be comfortable in a new environment, among strangers? It’s unlikely,” says Galina Pavlovna. - To understand what a child is going through, imagine yourself in his place - for example, when moving to a new job. How would you behave?

Firstly, I would probably talk to the boss and ask about the team. Secondly, perhaps she found a reason to meet one of her future colleagues a little earlier. “So with a new child, before the start of classes, go to the teacher, get to know each other, tell them about your son or daughter. She will show him or her the class, the school, tell him or her about the peculiarities of studying in this particular institution, about the children who study here. Then the future student will not be so confused on September 1,” the teacher advises. It would be a good idea to take the phone numbers of the parents of two or three active students and chat with them as well. Ask what the kids in the class are interested in, what they collect, what sections they attend. Maybe someone will agree to meet - then your child will come to school, where he will already have a friend.

Parent support

No matter how much we encourage our child, no matter how much we inspire him that “everything will be fine,” and tell him that we have been in his shoes, this will not solve the problem. For the child, the upcoming situation is a real test, and he is not reassured by the fact that his parents once successfully went through the same thing. Psychologist Lesya Antonova suggests reducing a child’s anxiety using the following techniques.

Guardian angel. To a future first-grader who is afraid of being without his parents, tell the story that an invisible guardian angel will sit on his shoulder, who will help in case of difficulties and will not give Masha (Petya) offense to anyone. And if the baby is uncomfortable, you can talk to him quietly. Explain that each of us has a guardian angel, that he protects us from troubles and that we can rely on him. It's good to read a prayer together.

Positive scenario. Ask your child to talk about an ideal day at a new school. How does he see it? This story should be in the present tense: “I enter the classroom, everyone is looking at me, etc.” Let him repeat it before going to bed. By voicing what he wants, a person programs a positive scenario.

A double is going to school. It happens that a child had a negative experience in a previous school - he was offended, not noticed, not recognized. Now he is very afraid of repeating the plot. Moving to a new place of study is a chance to build new relationships with both teachers and classmates, and correct your mistakes. Let the child tell you how he would like to be - sociable, cheerful, knowledgeable. And then he will imagine that he has turned into his double with such a wonderful character. The double is not afraid to joke, make acquaintances, smile at girls or boys. And in any situation that causes fear in a child, his double acts... Note also that in the new school no one knows about his failures and no one will look at him as a black sheep.

Mascot. Before leaving home, give the student some small thing as a talisman that brings good luck: a plaster figurine, a coin, a piece of jewelry. And accompany him that day at least to the school gates.

They meet you by their clothes

The attitude towards a new person is always wary: what kind of animal is it, how will it behave? But, on the other hand, he has advantages: he is the center of attention, all eyes are on him, his personality arouses interest that other classmates have not aroused for a long time. How he shows himself now will determine his place in the class: the first impression is the strongest. If the children decide that he is an authority, then this will last for a long time. If you are given a label - “upstart”, “clown”, “princess” - then you will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of it. Therefore, the moment of the first meeting is very important.

For younger schoolchildren, how exactly the teacher introduces the new student and introduces him to the team will play a big role. “Having learned in advance about the student’s hobbies, I briefly characterize him in front of the class,” says Galina Pavlovna. “I ask the children to understand his feelings and remember how they themselves were beginners.” Then all the students stand in a circle, say their names, shake hands and smile. This welcoming atmosphere allows them to relax. On the first day, I try to give the newcomer the opportunity to express himself and his talents; I challenge him in class if he shows his hand. When we play outdoor games during breaks, I give him leadership. This makes it easier for children to accept it.”

High school students don't play games during breaks. And here it depends only on the teenager how he will be received. The best tactic, according to Lesya Antonova’s advice, is not to try to immediately open up and gain trust, but to behave in a friendly, relaxed, but at the same time modest manner. “Each class has its own hierarchy and its own rules. It is important to show the newcomer that he is ready to accept them. It's bad to isolate yourself - there is a risk of remaining unnoticed. But there is no need to get into trouble, showing how smart and cool you are - they don’t like upstarts. Don’t try to please everyone, don’t curry favor with anyone.

After the summer, the guys will share their impressions and laugh. Don’t stand on the sidelines, come up and ask: “Can I listen too?” Listen, nod, smile, but don’t interrupt or get involved in the conversation unless asked. If they don’t ask, there’s no need. The less they know about you now, the more interest in you,” the psychologist gives “survival tips” to teenagers.

To melt the crust of ice that has fenced him off from the class, a newcomer can ask the kids to show him around the school, ask where the canteen is, whether the food is good there, who teaches physical education, whether there are any extracurricular activities at the school, etc. Before going home, be sure to say goodbye to everyone: “Happy guys (girls), see you tomorrow!”, “Bye-bye everyone!”, thereby demonstrating your positive attitude and desire to join the company.

It is worth noting that the socialization of boys and girls occurs differently. Girls are more friendly, they will more easily accept a new girl if she does not stand out too brightly against their background. The boys will begin to provoke the new student, become bullying, and may even have to fight. But it's better to do without it. Advise your son to behave affably, but to strictly suppress “attacks” and insults.

How to stand out without standing out

The first day is over - the worst is over. But there is also a second, third, fourth... And here the child faces a difficult task: to attract attention, to force the team to respect themselves, but not to be branded as a braggart and an upstart.

Everyone is looking for how to demonstrate their strengths. Parents can give advice, guide, help prepare for lessons, find additional material so that the student can interest the class with an interesting message or surprise them with their knowledge of a foreign language. My son benefited from his good drawing skills: on the theme “How I spent my summer,” he depicted himself with his grandfather in the aviation museum - and this drawing attracted everyone’s attention. Someone sings well, someone runs or long jumps well, someone recites poetry beautifully - let the child not be afraid to express himself. His skill will not go unnoticed and will certainly arouse approval and even admiration (even against the backdrop of envy, which is a normal phenomenon among both children and adults).

But teachers warn against gaining false authority by boasting about things (latest model mobile phone, expensive shoes), parents’ achievements (“And my dad…”), life’s blessings (“Yes, everyone in our family has a car,” “We live in a cool area.” "). Firstly, there are probably children in the class who live much more modestly: they will feel depressed, which means they will immediately dislike the braggart. Secondly, even if this is a “cool” school where such conversations are the norm, you need to teach the child not to encourage materialism and to value people for their personal qualities, and not for the cost and prestige of the objects around them. Explain to your son or daughter that in a situation where children boast about material values, it is better to simply remain silent or answer evasively: “No worse than the rest,” “We live like everyone else,” “Enough,” “Enough” (of money in the family), “Not the worst” (mobile, car). And if they start to “take it lightly,” answer: “I just don’t attach much importance to it.”

If it is not accepted

The reason usually lies in the child himself. Most often, withdrawn and uncommunicative children or, conversely, bright individuals who are very different from others become outcasts. Any trait that distinguishes a child from his peers, both in appearance and in character, can provoke “special treatment” from classmates. Excessive obesity, glasses, stuttering, excessive slowness or hot temper - and the newcomer is given offensive nicknames, not accepted into the game, teased.

“When I see that a student is withdrawn, keeps aloof from everyone, I give him the leading role in games, setting him as an example for others,” says Galina Pavlovna. “It is important for a teacher to find the strengths in each student and highlight them.” She advises: if your son or daughter had communication problems at their previous school, you should notify the teacher about this in advance - he will be more attentive and tactful.

In this situation, it is important for parents to help the child form a positive self-esteem, to convince him that he is not only no worse than other children, but also has a number of talents that he can be proud of. With your support, he will be able to win the interest of his classmates. Organize with your husband, for example, a trip to the forest for the whole class - with a fire, kulesh, and songs. Enroll your son or daughter in playing the guitar or modern dancing - these skills always raise authority among teenagers. Have a party at home and invite the company your child wants to join. If you or your husband are photographers, you can organize a fun outdoor photo shoot for the guys. Take the class on a tour of your businesses... Lots of ideas. It is important not to leave the child aside with his problems, but to take part in his life, instilling in him that he is capable, strong and will achieve a lot. Self-confidence will allow him not to get lost and find his place - both in the classroom and in life.

Should I change school?

Moving to a new place of study is a serious stress for a child. But at the same time it’s good hardening. We asked people who changed schools as children to remember their feelings.

Alla Mart, 35 years old, PR specialist

I learned to observe

I had to change schools three times: in the 3rd, 5th and 9th grades. The most difficult transition, perhaps, was from 4th to 5th grade. Because we moved to a different area, and besides, the education system had changed - we had to get used to not only the students, but also the teachers. But I was lucky: I easily fit into groups, I often met good people. I think it was a great experience - now I can easily fit into any company, changing jobs is not a challenge for me. I developed a “newbie position”: not to be active at first, but to calmly observe and analyze. My only regret is that due to frequent transitions, I don’t have friends, as they say, from the sandbox.

Anton Morgunenko, 30 years old, business coach

Didn't repeat my school mistake

I changed four schools, in the 7th, 10th, and 11th grade. The most difficult was the first transition. Why? In my previous school, I immediately took an authoritative position, because I had the loudest voice and was the tallest. And although my character is not aggressive, all the cocky guys tried to gain my favor.

Having moved to a new school, I, as I now understand, used the usual model of behavior and expected everyone’s favor. But, of course, everything did not go so smoothly. I even had to fight. I remember my mother was told at a parent-teacher meeting: “Your son rode into class on our most cocky student” (and I literally rode him after the fight). Then there were two more translations. And also difficult.

And about 15 years later, in adulthood, I found myself in a similar situation, but this time I solved it differently. I needed to join an already established work team as a commercial director. I did not repeat my school mistake and joined the group without “mental fights” and hostility. I believe that changing schools is a lesson in developing adaptability and emotional intelligence. The lesson is often harsh. After it, the child can become both more withdrawn and more charismatic.

Aigul Kozak, 31 years old, bank employee

Pioneers accepted twice

My father was a military man, and as a child I often moved with my parents from city to city, but I don’t remember changing schools causing any particular problems. I studied excellently, and it helped me out. After all, the program throughout the Soviet Union was identical, that is, in all schools they studied the same thing and using the same textbooks. It turned out that it was necessary to join only the new crowd, but not the educational process. There were, of course, incidents, for example, I was accepted into the Pioneers twice, but in both schools I was in the forefront for good academic performance.

Probably, now it is not so easy for parents to change schools for their children: different programs, textbooks, schools of different levels... Although, after becoming a mother, I realized that the main thing is the parental attitude. If the mother is positive and not afraid of difficulties, then everything will work out for the child, regardless of whether he changes schools or studies in one from first grade to last.

How to determine that he is on the sidelines

Even good grades are not a guarantee that a child has found a place in the team. You can determine that he has problems with communication at the new school by the following signs.

  • The son or daughter goes to school with obvious reluctance, and waits for the weekend, starting on Monday.
  • His classmates never call him, and he never calls anyone.
  • He goes home straight after school and never stays to play with his friends.
  • He has been studying at his new school for several weeks now, and you still don’t know anyone from his class.
  • He answers all questions about the school reluctantly, saying that the previous one was better.
  • I began to feel particularly complex about my appearance or the lack of certain attributes (mobile phone of the wrong model, old sneakers, etc.).

NB! It is very important to have a heart-to-heart talk. You may need the help of a psychologist. The situation cannot be ignored: after all, the strongest complexes are formed in childhood.

First day in a new team: how to fit in, rules of conduct, adaptation to a new team

Marriage, a new job, career achievements - all these are the next turns in the life spiral. And before each such step upward, a person naturally develops fear and uncertainty. Likewise, a new team in a new company, even for the most avid and courageous careerists, is akin to the first day at a new school: “How will they be received?”, “How not to disgrace yourself?” and in the same spirit. After all, the first impression is the first impression, and any mistakes of the newcomer that day will be immediately remembered by the employees.

On the other hand, some ridiculous mistakes can even lead to conflicting relationships with both colleagues and the boss. That’s why it’s a good idea, before joining a new team, to arm yourself with a few simple rules that psychologists from all over the world have long recommended adhering to.

First day in a new team: TOP 3 worst mistakes

How to survive in a new team? In principle, everything is possible even for the most silent and shy person. The most important thing is to avoid these common mistakes:

Mistake #1. Comparisons

What kind of behavior in a new team on the part of a newcomer especially irritates experienced people is when you constantly hear from him: “But at my previous job they did it like this...”. It's better not to say this, even for the common good.

Mistake #2. Unnaturalness

If a new employee is seen as one person on the first day, and in a different guise on the second, trust in him will be hopelessly lost. After all, such newcomers simply do not know what to expect in the future. Therefore, no matter how strong the anxiety, it is important to always remain yourself, and not try to look different, “more correct” even for a while.

Mistake #3. Gossip

All large groups simply love to gossip - that’s a fact. But for a newcomer in the first days of work, this activity is taboo: no matter how much colleagues love their hysterical boss, they will not accept ridicule of her from a new employee. Most likely, they will even suddenly begin to defend the “mother”, and the impudent ones will quickly survive. If they don’t inform the boss herself about the “interesting” words of a new employee who hasn’t even worked a day yet.

How to join a new team? Rules of conduct

How to get used to a new team as quickly as possible and without losses? Become a part of it! Give the company exactly what it would like to see in its new employee.

But just getting to know a new team, understanding your place in the corporate party is not a matter of one or two days. And for it to be successful, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

Rule 1: Study

Already on the first day, literally from the first minutes, it is necessary to note who heads the department, who is the boss in neighboring ones, who is the informal leader in the home team, who is feared, and in front of whom they suddenly become silent (an informer, for example).

You should also pay attention to what the team’s work routine is like: whether employees are late, how actively they work, whether initiative is encouraged. Yes, yes, on the first day at work you will have to be a kind of Sherlock Holmes, and not a “star” - now any attempts to show your advantage over others will be met with hostility and taken for arrogance. A new guy is a new guy, but you’ll be able to show off your skills and show off your heart in just a couple of weeks.

Rule 2. Determine your place in the company

What HR managers value so much is something that a new manager will certainly appreciate: the newcomer’s ability to clearly define his place in the company. As if it were a complex clockwork mechanism, and it was precisely this new gear that was missing from it. In practice, it looks like this: try to evaluate, examine all the successes and shortcomings of the team, and offer them, within the framework of your vacancy, what they needed. This is not difficult if you are attentive or even carefully ask your authoritative colleagues what exactly the team expects from a new employee, what ideas and what actions. It is especially important to find out what the majority did not like about the former colleague whose place is now taken, and how not to repeat his mistakes.

Rule 3. Be a “chameleon”

No matter how much you, for example, like corporate parties or office traditions, you need to support them in the first two or three days. Become your own “chameleon” - take on the same color as your surroundings. This will definitely help you integrate into the team, because a group tends to hate those who are not like it and quickly accept those who seem to be part of it. The main thing is not to overdo it in the question of how to please the new team, and not to squeeze out those emotions that actually do not exist. Future colleagues are unlikely to like insincerity. It’s better to simply let yourself be persuaded to go to a business lunch or celebrate a colleague’s birthday in the evening, but without a sad face. And if you also like such events, then no problem at all. In simple terms, it is better not to stand out from the crowd at first, but to try to fit into it.

Rule 4. Work in moderation

Of course, a newbie’s diligence in the first days will not hurt, even if the entire team is working “carelessly.” But in no case should you overwork - colleagues will instantly hate the upstart, and the manager will begin to think about the new employee. Why? Yes, because he doesn’t need an employee who will “burn out” in just a couple of months from overexertion and physical exhaustion.

Adaptation to a new team: how to cope with stress?

How to adapt to a new team without getting a nervous breakdown from overexertion? Often those who get a job in a new team forget about such an important factor as stress. And these include restless thoughts, fatigue, and insomnia... How can you avoid coming to the office on your first day with dark circles under your eyes and a look that hates the whole world? It’s very simple - you need to learn how to relieve stress in time.

For example, using these methods:

  • Pine bath before bed
  • Deep, measured breathing
  • Chocolate bar in the morning
  • Pillow with soothing herbs in bed
  • Favorite book half an hour before going to work

And finally, the most effective way to calm anxiety is to imagine the worst situation for a second. That, for example, the new team is a clan of sharp-toothed vampires who will immediately slam the door and rush to gnaw at your throat with the whole team. Did you smile? After this, no seasoned careerist competitors are scary.

And finally, the most important thing is to have a positive attitude. No more imagining the “worst” in your brain! Initially, even before entering the office, you need to clearly imagine your future in this company: a friendly new team, interesting work, great success and, of course, excellent career growth. And positive thoughts always attract success - this has been tested more than once by meticulous American psychologists.

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Every third child becomes a victim of bullying by classmates. Most often, ridicule and bullying affect newcomers.

The situation when you have to transfer a child to another class or school is not uncommon. The reasons for the transfer may be different:

  1. Parents change their place of residence.
  2. Serious conflicts between the child and classmates.
  3. Changing a regular school to a specialized one.
  4. Program inappropriate for the child's developmental level.

At a new school, a child often faces rejection as a member of the team. Because of this, the process of normal socialization of the student is disrupted.

Ultimately, the child cannot find friends and feels psychological discomfort, which will only grow.

The responsibility of parents is to support the child during this difficult period and provide assistance. The recommendations in our article will help you take as much part in your child’s school life as possible in order to notice any changes in behavior in time and avoid conflicts.

Difficulties during adaptation to a new team

Odnoklassniki do not accept

This is not always the case. Children can take a closer look at the newcomer before coming into close contact with him. New students are initially under the protection of the teacher, which can constrain classmates in their desire to somehow express themselves in relation to their new friend.

Real rejection of a child can only happen if the student shows the bad side of himself, begins to bully others, and mocks.

Teach your child to objectively perceive the surrounding reality. Not only does he adapt to the new class, but the class also adapts to him.

The child does not know how to establish contact

Newcomers do not know how to establish contact with peers and stay away. This is normal, since excessive intrusiveness can scare away friends. Communication between children comes down to the level of working relationships: “Please pass me the diary,” “Lend me a pen.” The entire team or groups of children themselves show interest in the newcomer. They are the first to make contact and involve the child in the general life of the class.

If the class rejects the child, you need to contact a school psychologist to further analyze the reasons that led to this outcome.

Struggle for leadership

An established team already has its own leaders and ringleaders, who form a class self-government.

Having moved to a new class, you should not immediately declare your intentions to take over the laurels of championship. You need to try to fit naturally into the team and offer your services whenever possible.

Also, do not forget that all processes in the classroom must be led by a teacher. If your child has leadership qualities, he will definitely notice them and guide them in the right direction.

Don't know how? Then read our article.

The child spends a lot of mental and physical strength trying to successfully integrate into the team and getting used to the new teacher. He has no energy left to study.

All teachers teach the same subject differently. It also takes some time to get used to a new teacher and his style. Don't judge your child too harshly for his failures.

Adaptation lasts up to 2 months. If the situation continues, this is a reason to visit the teacher or class teacher to find out the reasons for poor performance.

Chat with the teacher

Moving a child to another school brings enormous stress for parents as well. This is due to the restructuring of the usual way of life.

To reduce the negative consequences of moving to another school to a minimum, psychologists advise doing this at the beginning of the school year.

Before this, you definitely need to meet with the class teacher, get to know each other, ask important questions, find out about the school rules, dress code, lesson schedule.

The more information you can get, the more likely it is that your child will not be perceived as a black sheep right out of the gate.

It is also important to tell the teacher as much as possible about the child:

  • character traits;
  • performance in previous school;
  • which subjects are easy and which are difficult;
  • hobbies and visiting sections and clubs.

The more information the teacher receives from you, the easier it will be for him to introduce the child into the team and unite him.

Prepare the student

After talking with the teacher, you can explain to your child all the key points in the new school, what subjects will be taught, what time breaks start, what uniform to wear.

The transition should be actively discussed within the family. The child should understand that you are interested in his life and worry about him.

It is imperative to talk to him, discuss all possible situations and establish a trusting relationship as much as possible. The success of adaptation depends on the student’s trust in his parents.

Take an interest in your child's school life

Children faced with the need to leave their old school feel lonely and abandoned.

This happens due to the lack of attention on the part of parents to the current situation. This leads to the following problems:

  • Inability to adapt to new rules and requirements;
  • drop in academic performance;
  • depression;
  • frequent illnesses.

Your support is important for the student. It is not necessary to constantly ask your child everything; he should want to share with you. You can also look for ways to solve problems by watching cartoons, reading fairy tales, and drawing parallels between the current situation and other cases in life. This will provide the child with invaluable experience and the opportunity to see the results of different solutions to the problem. The sincerity of your participation in school adaptation will help ease the transition to a new team.

Support and care, but don’t cackle at your child

Treat your child as an equal, respect his preferences and views, gently correct them, and guide them in the right direction. But do not forget that due to a lack of life experience, a child may make mistakes and do not criticize him harshly.

You can help your child make a craft for a school competition or exhibition. Or arrange a party for children and invite classmates, prepare a competitive program with team or group games.

Such events help to establish communication between children in an informal setting. The child will feel less constrained because others will be on his territory. Let your child understand that trying to please everyone will never be successful. Respect for others is enough.

How can a child make the right impression on classmates?

    Prepare your clothes

    It must be clean and ironed. It's better to dress smarter.

    Fold your briefcase in advance

    Don't leave this process until the morning, because you may forget something due to your worries.

    Open up to new experiences

    Walk into school with your head held high and your back straight. No one should notice your experience. Be calm and confident that everything will work out.


Almost every person who joins a new team experiences fear: how will his colleagues greet him? To establish good relationships with colleagues, you will have to work hard. And for this, from the very first time you need to take steps to create a positive impression of yourself.

How to join a team quickly: basic rules

A change of workplace does not always occur at the request of the person himself. However, when joining a new team, you need to set yourself up in a positive way. In this case, there will be no big problems with adaptation.

Therefore, it is advisable to adhere to several rules that will help you survive this period with minimal stress:

Naturally, it is necessary to adhere to the dress code adopted by the company. Stylish, but fairly simple styling, a neat appearance, and the absence of bright jewelry will definitely create a pleasant impression.

How to help a child join the team when transferring to another school

It is difficult for an adult to adapt to a new place, but it can be much harder for a child if he is naturally shy and is not able to quickly establish relationships with unfamiliar peers. Therefore, parental support becomes very important.

It is necessary to get acquainted with the teachers in advance and find out how things are going in the class, will the child be subjected to “repression”? If the situation in the classroom is tense, maybe you shouldn’t transfer your child to this school, but look for a more acceptable option?

Psychologists often advise bringing a child closer to his peers by organizing something like a small holiday. This option will work if the child has withdrawn into himself due to transfer to an unfamiliar team, but has not previously suffered from communication difficulties. Otherwise, the opposite scenario cannot be ruled out - classmates will have fun without inviting a newcomer to their games, and the child will withdraw even more.

It is understandable that parents are concerned about how their baby has joined the team. However, frequent appearances at school can create the impression that a child is “ mama's boy" It is better to maintain contact with the teacher by phone, appearing at school no more often than other parents.

It is necessary to listen carefully to the child’s stories about school and show sincere interest in his affairs. In this case, the baby will be confident in the support of adults and adaptation will be faster.

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