Society as a dynamic system is distinguished by a sign. A3 The development of chemistry has made it possible to create new, more effective medicines that save humanity from many diseases

(answers at the end of the test)

A1. Society as dynamic system features:

1) the presence of certain social institutions and subsystems

2) isolation from the natural environment, loss of connection with it

3) the emergence of new social institutions and the withering away of old ones

4) the entry of nature and society into a single material world

A2. Having entered the tenth grade, student T. chose several specialized elective courses in various subjects. He is most interested in the social and human sciences, so he will take some additional courses in philosophy, sociology, law, and history. At what level of education is student M.?

1) primary vocational education

2) basic general education

3) complete (secondary) general education

4) secondary vocational education

A3. Social scientists interviewed a group of citizens of different ages, conducting a study on the sources of knowledge people acquired. Respondents (citizens participating in the survey) were asked to choose the correct continuation of the phrase from their point of view:
« Most of the knowledge we acquire throughout life is based on...»
The following results were obtained (in%):

- scientific research: 24%

- intuitive insight: 21%

- life experience and its generalization: 35%

- divine revelation, communication with otherworldly forces: 11%

- wisdom of the people, commandments of fathers and children: 8%

1) respondents believe that scientific research provides more knowledge than life experience

2) the largest percentage of respondents believe that human knowledge is mainly based on life experience

3) folk wisdom, according to a third of respondents, enriches us with knowledge

4) the smallest percentage of respondents spoke in favor of divine revelation as the main source of knowledge

A4. Are the following statements true? human freedom?

A) A sense of freedom is inextricably linked with an understanding of personal responsibility for choices made under alternative conditions.

B) Many scientists have emphasized that freedom imposes additional responsibilities and obligations on a person, and is a kind of burden that a person accepts when gaining freedom.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A5. The concept of “economics” can be considered in two main senses: as a science and as an economy. Economy as " farming» characterizes the position:

1) study of the consequences of the global crisis for the financial market

2) forecasting long-term development of the automotive industry

3) calculation of the consequences of joining the WTO for the country’s domestic market

4) increasing demand for beauty spa services

A6. Citizen R., a qualified accountant, after a long break from work, cannot find a job in her specialty. She refused the positions of secretary and concierge offered to her and is awaiting offers in her specialty. The above example illustrates unemployment

1) friction

2) seasonal

3) cyclic

4) structural

A7. Which of the following acts as budget revenue items?

1) payment of interest on public debt

2) taxes from individuals and legal entities

3) financing of defense orders

4) implementation of priority national projects

A8. The figure shows the situation at fish and seafood market: offer lineWITHmoved to a new position C1 .

(P– price of the product, Q– volume of supply of goods)

This movement may be associated primarily with (with)

1) significant growth in income of the population

2) launching new trawlers for the country’s fishing fleet

3) increasing import duties on the import of seafood and fish

4) an increase in the number of fish and seafood sellers

A9. Are the following judgments about the purpose of tax policy correct?

A) The purpose of the state's tax policy is to redistribute income from rich to poor in order to stabilize social relations.

B) The purpose of the state's tax policy is to ensure government spending.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A10. On what basis are such social groups identified as women, men, children, and the elderly?

1) demographic

2) confessional

3) ethnosocial

4) settler

A11. In which situation were they used? informal positive sanctions?

1) The new work of the young composer was met with thunderous applause and standing ovations from the public

2) The scientist received a prestigious international award for research in the field of energy-saving technologies

3) For winning the “Best in the Profession” competition, the worker received the keys to a new car as a gift
4) The serviceman was promoted to a new military rank ahead of schedule

A12. In country B, sociological services conducted a survey among citizens of two age groups: youth (20-30 years old) and the older generation (40-55 years old). Respondents (citizens participating in the survey) were asked to continue the phrase: “ Your annual income is quite enough to...»

The survey results (in%) are presented in table:

Options for continuing the phrase:


older generation

buy a new apartment

buy a dacha plot with a house

buy a new car

apply for a mortgage loan to purchase a home

buy a new computer, electronics and household appliances, relax at sea

buy new clothes and eat normally

barely enough to buy groceries and pay utilities

What conclusions can be drawn based on this statistical information?

1) almost a third of the youth surveyed cannot earn enough to buy food and pay for utilities

2) among representatives of the younger generation there are twice as many people who can buy a country house than among older people

3) the vast majority of both groups of respondents are able to purchase a new car

4) a quarter of the older generation surveyed are able to obtain a loan to purchase a home

A13. Are the following judgments about trends in the development of the social sphere correct?

A) In the conditions of informatization and computerization, the strengthening of the role of high technologies in the social sphere, the number of workers in knowledge-intensive industries and the service sector is increasing.

B) The leading role in the social sphere of the advanced countries of the world is played by a large and influential middle class, including people economically independent of the state.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A14. Target social politics of the modern state -

1) protecting domestic producers from competition from foreign producers.

2) ensuring a decently high standard of living for the majority of the country's citizens, guaranteeing a living wage.

3) expanding the political participation of citizens in representative bodies of government at various levels.

4) support for entrepreneurs, assistance in promoting their goods and services to foreign markets.

A15. The organization decided to prepare and submit documents for state registration as a political party. What characteristic featuremust she have to submit such an application?

1) Nomination of a bright, influential leader who is ready to lead the party in the elections

2) The presence among party members of representatives of big business who are ready to finance the election campaign

3) Absence of persons among party leaders who were previously prosecuted

4) The presence of the legally required number of members of the organization who have formally secured their membership in its ranks.

A16. The parliament of a given country is formed from representatives of the main political parties who were able to overcome the ten percent electoral threshold. Select one more feature from the following that is characteristic of the electoral system of a given country.

1) A single national electoral district is created in the country.

2) Deputies represent various social groups.

3) Political parties do not play a significant role in nominating candidates.

A17. Are the following judgments about mass and cadre parties correct?

A) A common feature of mass and cadre parties is the organization of work with party activists.

B) A common feature of mass and cadre parties is the compactness of primary organizations and the intensification of their actions during election campaigns.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A18. The lowest, primary, structural link in the system of Russian law is

1) institute of law

2) branch of law

3) legal norm

4) sub-branch of law

A19. In what case is it necessary to contact a notary?

1) Citizen K. needs to file a complaint against the management of the institution where she works

2) citizen M., being a witness to an offense, decided to get advice about his rights if he decides to testify in court

3) Citizen D. needs to certify a power of attorney for the right to drive a car that belongs to her to her son

4) Citizen M. decided to file a complaint against the actions of the police officers, who, in her opinion. violated her rights

A20. The political rights of Russian citizens established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation include the right

1) elect and be elected to government bodies

2) to receive free education

3) to obtain a profession in accordance with their abilities

4) to privacy and correspondence

A21. An athlete involved in crossbow shooting decided to hunt ducks on vacation. After another shot from a crossbow and the defeat of a duck, a huntsman approached him and demanded permission to hunt. The athlete did not have such permission. What type of legal liability can he be held liable for?

1) disciplinary

2) civilian

3) administrative

4) material

A22. Are the following statements about jury trials correct?

A) In some cases, jurors take part in criminal proceedings.

B) Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can become a juror.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


When completing tasks with a short answer, carefully follow the instructions, write down the answer in the form of a word (phrase), a sequence of letters or numbers

B1. Write down the word missing in the diagram:

B2. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept “ science» . Find and indicate the term that “falls out” from the general series.

Hypothesis, experiment, evidence, rationality, sensuality, theory, concepts.

B3. Establish a correspondence between the types of political culture and the characteristics that characterize them: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.

Q4. Find examples in the list below that illustrate the manifestation frictional unemployment on the labor market.

1) Citizen M., a qualified economist, did not work for two years while caring for her sick mother. Having started looking for work, she could not find a place in her specialty, refusing to go to work as a courier.

2) Due to a long recession, the company was forced to lay off about a third of its staff, and put some employees on indefinite leave without pay.

3) Due to the ban on gambling, all city casinos were closed and their staff lost their jobs; former croupiers need to retrain.

4) A pediatrician moved for family reasons to another city until he could find a job in his specialty and receives unemployment benefits.

5) Due to the economic recession in the country, many bank and office employees, the “office plankton,” lost their jobs.

6) A former banking lawyer with work experience is looking for a job in his field; the vacancies offered to him did not suit him because the salary was too low.

B5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) The concept of progress expresses the idea of ​​improvement, transition to higher stages of development, overcoming the obsolete, outdated, and the victory of the new, advanced. (2) Social progress, that is, progress in the development of society, has, in our opinion, a similar meaning. (3) The idea of ​​social progress, that is, the forward movement of society, is, without a doubt, a revolutionary idea. (4) It means the development of society along an ascending line, in other words, the obligatory replacement of outdated and outdated institutions with new, young and growing ones.

Determine which provisions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

B6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

Worldview is a system of generalized views on the world and the place _______________(1) in it, on the attitude of people to the reality around them and themselves, as well as the basic _______________(2) people determined by these views, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, value orientation. Worldview is not all views and _______________ (3) about the world around us, but only their utmost generalization. The content of the worldview is grouped around one or another decision of _______________(4) philosophy. The _______________(5) worldview is actually represented by the group and the individual. Worldview is the core of social and individual consciousness. Developing a worldview is a significant indicator of the maturity of not only an individual, but also a certain _______________(6), social class. In its essence, worldview is a socio-political phenomenon that arose with the advent of human society.

There is a variety of approaches to defining the concept of “society” in the scientific literature, which emphasizes the abstract nature of this category, and when defining it in each specific case, it is necessary to proceed from the context in which this concept is used.

1) Natural (the influence of geographical and climatic conditions on the development of society).

2) Social (the reasons and starting points of social development are determined by society itself).

The combination of these factors predetermines social development.

There are different ways of developing society:

Evolutionary (gradual accumulation of changes and their naturally determined nature);

Revolutionary (characterized by relatively rapid change, subjectively directed on the basis of knowledge and action).


Social progress in those created in the 18th-19th centuries. works of J. Condorcet, G. Hegel, K. Marx and other philosophers was understood as a natural movement along a single main path for all humanity. On the contrary, in the concept of local civilizations, progress is seen to occur in different civilizations in different ways.

If you take a mental look at the course of world history, you will notice many similarities in the development of different countries and peoples. Primitive society was everywhere replaced by a state-governed society. Feudal fragmentation was replaced by centralized monarchies. Bourgeois revolutions took place in many countries. Colonial empires collapsed and dozens of independent states emerged in their place. You yourself could continue listing similar events and processes that took place in different countries, on different continents. This similarity reveals the unity of the historical process, a certain identity of successive orders, the common destinies of different countries and peoples.

At the same time, the specific paths of development of individual countries and peoples are diverse. There are no peoples, countries, states with the same history. The diversity of concrete historical processes is caused by differences in natural conditions, the specifics of the economy, the uniqueness of spiritual culture, the peculiarities of the way of life, and many other factors. Does this mean that each country is predetermined by its own development option and that it is the only possible one? Historical experience shows that under certain conditions, various options for solving pressing problems are possible, a choice of methods, forms, and paths for further development is possible, i.e., a historical alternative. Alternative options are often offered by certain groups of society and various political forces.

Let us remember that in preparation Peasant reform, held in Russia in 1861, different social forces proposed different forms of implementing changes in the life of the country. Some defended the revolutionary path, others - the reformist one. But among the latter there was no unity. Several reform options were proposed.

And in 1917-1918. A new alternative arose before Russia: either a democratic republic, one of the symbols of which was a popularly elected Constituent Assembly, or a republic of Soviets led by the Bolsheviks.

In each case, a choice was made. This choice is made by statesmen, ruling elites, and the masses, depending on the balance of power and influence of each of the subjects of history.

Any country, any people at certain moments in history are faced with a fateful choice, and its history is carried out in the process of realizing this choice.

The variety of ways and forms of social development is unlimited. It is included within the framework of certain trends in historical development.

So, for example, we saw that the abolition of outdated serfdom was possible both in the form of a revolution and in the form of reforms carried out by the state. And the urgent need to accelerate economic growth in different countries was carried out either by attracting new and new natural resources, i.e. extensively, or by introducing new equipment and technology, improving the skills of workers, based on increased labor productivity, i.e. intensive way. In different countries or in the same country, different options for implementing the same type of changes may be used.

Thus, the historical process, in which general trends manifest themselves - the unity of diverse social development, creates the possibility of choice, on which the uniqueness of the paths and forms of further movement of a given country depends. This speaks to the historical responsibility of those who make this choice.

Man is a rational being. He chooses housing, food and where to put his energy. However, it is pointless to have freedom of choice if no one appreciates your choice.

We need society. Nature has endowed us with an invariable trait - a thirst for communication. Thanks to this feature, we think not only about ourselves. Within a family or an entire planet, a person makes decisions for the sake of common progress. Thanks to the thirst for communication, we push the world forward.

As soon as our ancestors descended from the palm tree, they were faced with the increasing hostility of nature. The little primate could not defeat the mammoth. Natural skin is not enough to keep you warm in winter. Sleeping outdoors is three times more dangerous.

The nascent consciousness understood - we can only survive together. The forefathers created a primitive language to understand each other. They gathered in communities. Communities were divided into castes. The strong and fearless went hunting. The offspring were raised to be gentle and understanding. They built shacks that were smart and practical. Even then, a person was engaged in what he was predisposed to.

But nature provided only rough raw materials. You cannot build a city from stones alone. It is difficult to kill an animal with stones. Ancestors learned to process materials in order to work more efficiently and live longer.

Broadly defined society- the part of nature that has tamed nature, using will and consciousness to survive.

In a group, we can not get carried away with superficial knowledge. Each of us has our own inclinations. A professional plumber, even for a million-dollar salary, will not be happy to grow bonsai - his brain is technically sharpened. The union allows us to do what we love and leave the rest to others.

We now understand the narrow definition society - a conscious gathering of individuals to work towards a common goal.

Society as a dynamic system

We are cogs in the social mechanism. Goals are not determined by anyone alone. They come as general needs. Society, through the strength of its individual members, solves an endless stream of problems. Finding solutions forces society to improve and creates new and complex problems. Humanity builds itself, which characterizes society as a dynamic system capable of self-development.

Society has a complex dynamic structure. Like any system, it consists of subsystems. Subsystems in the group are divided into spheres of influence. Sociologists note four subsystems of society:

  1. Spiritual- responsible for culture.
  2. Political- regulates relations by laws.
  3. Social- caste division: nation, class, social stratum.
  4. Economic- production and distribution of goods.

Subsystems are systems in relation to their individual members. They only work when all the elements are in place. Both subsystems and individual parts are inextricably linked. Without production and regulation, spiritual life loses its meaning. Without a person, life is not nice to another.

The social system is constantly moving. It is driven by subsystems. Subsystems move due to elements. The elements are divided into:

  1. Material - factories, homes, resources.
  2. Ideal - values, ideals, beliefs, traditions.

Material values ​​characterize subsystems more, while ideal values ​​characterize a human trait. Man is the only indivisible element in the social system. A person has a will, aspirations and beliefs.

The system works thanks to communication - social relations. Social relations are the main link between people and subsystems.

People play roles. In the family we play an exemplary father. At work, we are expected to obey unquestioningly. Among friends, we are the life of the party. We don't choose roles. They are dictated to us by society.

Each person has more than one personality, but several at once. Each person behaves differently in different situations. You can't scold your boss the same way you scold a child, right?

Animals have a fixed social role: if the leader “said” that you will sleep from below and eat last, this will happen all your life. And even in another pack, an individual will never be able to take on the role of leader.

Man is universal. Every day we wear dozens of masks. Thanks to this, we easily adapt to different situations. You are the main one, what you understand. You will never demand submission from a competent leader. Great survival mechanism!

Scientists divide social relationships:

  • between individuals;
  • within the group;
  • between groups;
  • local (indoors);
  • ethnic (within race or nation);
  • within the organization;
  • institutional (within the boundaries of a social institution);
  • inland;
  • international.

We communicate not only with whomever we want, but also when necessary. For example, we don’t want to communicate with a colleague, but he sits in the same office with us. And we must work. That's why there are relationships:

  • informal- with friends and loved ones whom we ourselves chose;
  • formalized- with whom we must contact if necessary.

You can communicate with like-minded people and with enemies. there are:

  • cooperative- cooperative relationships;
  • competitive- confrontation.


Society - complex dynamic system. People launched it only once, and now it determines every stage of our lives.

  • flexibility- regulates all areas of life, even if they have not yet appeared;
  • mobility- continuously changes as needed;
  • difficult well-oiled mechanism from subsystems and elements;
  • independence- society itself creates the conditions for existence;
  • relationship all elements;
  • adequate reaction for changes.

Thanks to the dynamic social mechanism, man is the most resilient creature on the planet. For only a person changes the world around him.


From the video you will learn what society is, its concept and the relationship between man and society.

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A system that is constantly in a state of motion is called dynamic. It develops, changing its own traits and characteristics. One such system is society. A change in the state of society can be caused by outside influence. But sometimes it is based on the internal need of the system itself. A dynamic system has a complex structure. It consists of many sublevels and elements. On a global scale, human society includes many other societies in the form of states. States constitute social groups. The unit of a social group is a person.

Society constantly interacts with other systems. For example, with nature. It uses its resources, potential, etc. Throughout human history, the natural environment and natural disasters have not only helped people. Sometimes they hindered the development of society. And they even became the cause of his death. The nature of interaction with other systems is shaped by the human factor. It is usually understood as a set of phenomena such as will, interest and conscious activity of individuals or social groups.

Characteristic features of society as a dynamic system:
- dynamism (change of the whole society or its elements);
- a complex of interacting elements (subsystems, social institutions, etc.);
- self-sufficiency (the system itself creates conditions for existence);
- (the relationship of all components of the system);
- self-control (the ability to react to events outside the system).

Society as a dynamic system consists of elements. They can be material (buildings, technical systems, institutions, etc.). And intangible or ideal (actually ideas, values, traditions, customs, etc.). Thus, the economic subsystem consists of banks, transport, goods, services, laws, etc. A special system-forming element is . He has the ability to choose, has free will. As a result of the activities of a person or group of people, large-scale changes can occur in society or its individual groups. This makes the social system more mobile.

The pace and quality of changes occurring in society may vary. Sometimes established orders exist for several hundred years, and then changes occur quite quickly. Their scale and quality may vary. Society is constantly evolving. It is an ordered integrity in which all elements are in a certain relationship. This property is sometimes called the non-additivity of the system. Another feature of society as a dynamic system is self-government.

Ticket No. 1

What is society?

There are many definitions of the concept “society”. In the narrow sense, by society can be understood as a certain group of people who have united to communicate and jointly perform some activity, or a specific stage in the historical development of a people or country.

In a broad sense, society- this is a part of the material world, isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which consists of individuals with will and consciousness, and includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification.
In philosophical science characterizes society as a dynamic self-developing system, that is, a system that is capable of seriously changing and at the same time maintaining its essence and qualitative certainty. In this case, the system is defined as a complex of interacting elements. In turn, an element is some further indecomposable component of the system that is directly involved in its creation.
Signs of society:

  • A collection of individuals gifted with will and consciousness.
  • General interest of a permanent and objective nature. The organization of society depends on the harmonious combination of the general and individual interests of its members.
  • Interaction and cooperation based on common interests. There must be an interest in each other, making it possible to realize the interests of everyone.
  • Regulation of public interests through mandatory rules of conduct.
  • The presence of an organized force (authority) capable of providing society with internal order and external security.

Each of these spheres, being itself an element of the system called “society”, in turn turns out to be a system in relation to the elements that compose it. All four spheres of social life are interconnected and mutually determine each other. The division of society into spheres is somewhat arbitrary, but it helps to isolate and study individual areas of a truly integral society, diverse and complex social life.

  1. Politics and power

Power- the right and opportunity to influence other people, to subordinate them to your will. Power appeared with the emergence of human society and will always accompany its development in one form or another.

Sources of power:

  • Violence (physical force, weapons, organized group, threat of force)
  • Authority (family and social connections, deep knowledge in a certain area, etc.)
  • Law (position and authority, control of resources, custom and tradition)

Subject of power- one who gives orders

Object of power- the one who performs.

To date researchers identify various public authorities:
depending on the prevailing resource, power is divided into political, economic, social, informational;
depending on the subjects of power, power is divided into state, military, party, trade union, family;
Depending on the methods of interaction between subjects and objects of power, they distinguish between dictatorial, totalitarian and democratic power.

Policy- the activities of social classes, parties, groups, determined by their interests and goals, as well as the activities of government bodies. Political struggle often means a struggle for power.

Highlight the following types of power:

  • Legislative (parliament)
  • Executive (government)
  • Judicial (courts)
  • Recently, the media has been characterized as the “fourth estate” (ownership of information)

Subjects of politics: individuals, social groups, classes, organizations, political parties, state

Policy objects: 1. internal (society as a whole, economy, social sphere, culture, national relations, ecology, personnel)

2. external (international relations, world community (global problems)

Policy functions: organizational base of society, controlling, communicative, integrative, educational

Types of policies:

1. according to the direction of political decisions - economic, social, national, cultural, religious, state-legal, youth

2. by scale of impact – local, regional, national (national), international, global (global problems)

3. according to the impact prospects - strategic (long-term), tactical (urgent tasks to achieve the strategy), opportunistic or current (urgent)

Ticket number 2

Society as a complex dynamic system

Society– a complex dynamic self-developing system, which consists of subsystems (spheres of public life), of which four are usually distinguished:
1) economic (its elements are material production and relationships that arise between people in the process of production of material goods, their exchange and distribution);
2) social (consists of such structural formations as classes, social strata, nations, their relationships and interactions with each other);
3) political (includes politics, state, law, their relationship and functioning);
4) spiritual (covers various forms and levels of social consciousness, which in the real life of society form the phenomenon of spiritual culture).

Characteristic features (signs) of society as a dynamic system:

  • dynamism (the ability to change over time both society and its individual elements).
  • a complex of interacting elements (subsystems, social institutions).
  • self-sufficiency (the ability of a system to independently create and recreate the conditions necessary for its own existence, to produce everything necessary for people’s lives).
  • integration (interconnection of all system components).
  • self-governance (response to changes in the natural environment and the global community).

Ticket number 3

  1. Human nature

Until now, there is no clarity as to what the nature of man is, which determines his essence. Modern science recognizes the dual essence of man, a combination of biological and social.

From a biological point of view, humans belong to the class of mammals, the order of primates. Man is subject to the same biological laws as animals: he needs food, physical activity, and rest. A person grows, is susceptible to disease, grows old and dies.

The “animal” personality of a person is influenced by innate behavioral programs (instincts, unconditioned reflexes) and those acquired during life. This side of the personality is “responsible” for nutrition, preservation of life and health, and procreation.

Supporters of the theory of the origin of man from animals as a result of evolution
explain the peculiarities of human appearance and behavior by a long struggle for existence (2.5 million years), as a result of which the most fit individuals survived and left offspring.

The social essence of a person is formed under the influence of the social way of life and communication with others. Through communication, a person can convey to others what he is aware of and what he is thinking about. The means of communication between people in society is, first of all, language. There are cases where small children were raised by animals. Having entered human society as adults, they could not master articulate human speech. This may indicate that speech and the abstract thinking associated with it are formed only in society.

Social forms of behavior include a person’s ability to sympathize, care for the weak and those in need of help in society, self-sacrifice to save other people, the fight for truth, justice, etc.

The highest form of manifestation of the spiritual side of the human personality is love for one’s neighbor, which is not associated with material reward or public recognition.

Selfless love and altruism are the main conditions for spiritual growth and self-improvement. The spiritual personality, enriched in the process of communication, limits the egoism of the biological personality, and this is how moral improvement occurs.

Characterizing the social essence of a person, as a rule, they call: consciousness, speech, labor activity.

  1. Socialization

Socialization – the process of mastering the knowledge and skills, modes of behavior necessary for a person to become a member of society, act correctly and interact with his social environment.

Socialization- the process by which an infant gradually develops into a self-aware, intelligent being who understands the essence of the culture into which he was born.

Socialization is divided into two types - primary and secondary.

Primary socialization concerns the immediate environment of a person and includes, first of all, family and friends, and secondary refers to the indirect, or formal, environment and consists of the influences of institutions and institutions. The role of primary socialization is great in the early stages of life, and secondary socialization in the later stages.

Highlight agents and institutions of socialization. Agents of Socialization- these are specific people responsible for teaching cultural norms and mastering social roles. Socialization institutions- social institutions that influence the process of socialization and guide it. Agents of primary socialization include parents, relatives, friends and peers, teachers and doctors. To secondary - officials of a university, enterprise, army, church, journalists, etc. Primary socialization is the sphere of interpersonal relationships, secondary - social. The functions of primary socialization agents are interchangeable and universal, while the functions of secondary socialization agents are non-interchangeable and specialized.

Along with socialization, it is also possible desocialization- loss or conscious rejection of learned values, norms, social roles (committing a crime, mental illness). Restoring lost values ​​and roles, retraining, returning to a normal lifestyle is called resocialization(this is the purpose of punishment as correction) - change and revision of ideas formed earlier.

Ticket No. 4

Economic systems

Economic systems- is a set of interrelated economic elements that form a certain integrity, the economic structure of society; the unity of relations arising regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods.

Depending on the method of solving the main economic problems and the type of ownership of economic resources, four main types of economic systems can be distinguished:

  • traditional;
  • market (capitalism);
  • command (socialism);
  • mixed.

Ticket No. 5

Ticket number 6

Cognition and knowledge

In the Russian language dictionary S.I. Ozhegov gives two definitions of the concept knowledge:
1) comprehension of reality by consciousness;
2) a set of information and knowledge in some area.
Knowledge– this is a multi-aspect, practice-tested result that has been confirmed in a logical way, a process of learning about the world around us.
Several criteria of scientific knowledge can be named:
1) systematization of knowledge;
2) consistency of knowledge;
3) validity of knowledge.
Systematization of scientific knowledge means that all the accumulated experience of humanity leads (or should lead) to a certain strict system.
Consistency of scientific knowledge means that knowledge in various fields of science complements each other and does not exclude each other. This criterion directly follows from the previous one. The first criterion helps to a greater extent to eliminate the contradiction - a strict logical system of constructing knowledge will not allow several contradictory laws to exist simultaneously.
Validity of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge can be confirmed by repeating the same action over and over again (i.e., empirically). The substantiation of scientific concepts occurs by referring to data from empirical research or by referring to the ability to describe and predict phenomena (in other words, relying on intuition).

Cognition- this is the process of acquiring knowledge through empirical or sensory research, as well as comprehension of the laws of the objective world and the body of knowledge in some branch of science or art.
The following are distinguished: types of knowledge:
1) everyday knowledge;
2) artistic knowledge;
3) sensory cognition;
4) empirical knowledge.
Everyday knowledge is experience accumulated over many centuries. It lies in observation and ingenuity. This knowledge, no doubt, is acquired only as a result of practice.
Artistic knowledge. The specificity of artistic cognition lies in the fact that it is built on a visual image, displaying the world and a person in a holistic state.
Sensory cognition is what we perceive through our senses (e.g., I hear my cell phone ringing, I see a red apple, etc.).
The main difference between sensory knowledge and empirical knowledge is that empirical knowledge is carried out through observation or experiment. When conducting an experiment, a computer or other device is used.
Methods of cognition:
1) induction;
2) deduction;
3) analysis;
4) synthesis.
Induction is a conclusion made on the basis of two or more premises. Induction can lead to either a correct or an incorrect conclusion.
Deduction is a transition made from the general to the specific. The method of deduction, unlike the method of induction, always leads to true conclusions.
Analysis is the division of the object or phenomenon being studied into parts and components.
Synthesis is a process opposite to analysis, i.e. connecting parts of an object or phenomenon into a single whole.

Ticket number 7

Legal liability

Legal liability- this is the way in which the interests of the individual, society and state receive real protection . Legal liability means the application to the offender of sanctions of legal norms, specified in them, certain penalties. This is the imposition of state coercive measures on the offender, the application of legal sanctions for an offense. Such responsibility represents a unique relationship between the state and the offender, where the state, represented by its law enforcement agencies, has the right to punish the offender, restore the broken rule of law, and the offender is called upon to be convicted, i.e. to lose certain benefits, to suffer certain adverse consequences established by law.

These consequences can be different:

  • personal (death penalty, imprisonment);
  • property (fine, confiscation of property);
  • prestigious (reprimand, deprivation of awards);
  • organizational (closing an enterprise, dismissal from a position);
  • their combination (recognition of the contract as illegal, deprivation of a driver’s license).

Ticket No. 8

Man on the labor market

A special and unique sphere of socio-economic relations between people is the sphere of relationships between people selling their labor power. The place where labor is bought and sold is labor markets. Here the law of supply and demand reigns supreme. The labor market ensures the distribution and redistribution of labor resources, the mutual adaptation of objective and subjective factors of production. In labor markets, a person gets the opportunity to act in accordance with his own interests and realize his abilities.

Labor force– physical and mental capabilities, as well as skills that allow a person to perform a certain type of work.
For the sale of his labor power, the worker receives wages.
Wages- the amount of monetary remuneration that an employer pays to an employee for performing a certain amount of work or performing his official duties.
This means that the price of labor power is wages.

At the same time, the “labor market” means competition for jobs for everyone, a certain freedom of hands for the employer of labor, which under unfavorable circumstances (supply exceeds demand) can cause very negative social consequences - a decrease in wages, unemployment, etc. For someone who is looking for work or working for hire, this means that he must, through upgrading and retraining, maintain and deepen his interest in himself as a labor force. This not only provides certain guarantees against unemployment, but also represents the basis for further professional development. Of course, this is not a guarantee against unemployment, because in each specific case, various personal reasons (for example, desires and claims for certain activities), real conditions (a person’s age, gender, possible obstacles or restrictions, place of residence and much more) should be taken into account. It should be noted that both now and in the future, employees must learn to adapt to the demands placed on them by the labor market, and the conditions themselves, which are changing rapidly. To meet the conditions of the modern labor market, everyone must be prepared for constant changes.

Ticket number 9

  1. Nation and national relations

A nation is the highest form of ethnic community of people, the most developed, historically stable, united by economic, territorial-state, cultural, psychological and religious characteristics.

Some scientists believe that a nation is a co-citizenship, i.e. people living in the same state. Belonging to a particular nation is called nationality. Nationality is determined not only by origin, but also by upbringing, culture and human psychology.
There are 2 trends in the development of the nation:
1. National, which is manifested in the desire of each nation for sovereignty, development of its economy, science and art. Nationalism is the doctrine of the priority of the interests and values ​​of one's nation, an ideology and policy based on the ideas of superiority and national exclusivity. Nationalism can develop into chauvinism and fascism - aggressive manifestations of nationalism. Nationalism can lead to national discrimination (denigration and infringement of human rights).
2. International - it reflects the desire of nations for interaction, mutual enrichment, expansion of cultural, economic, and other ties.
Both trends are interconnected and contribute to the progress of human

NATIONAL RELATIONS are the relations between the subjects of national-ethnic development - nations, nationalities, national groups and their state entities.

These relationships are of three types: equality; domination and submission; destruction of other entities.

National relations reflect the entirety of social relations and are determined by economic and political factors. The main ones are political aspects. This is due to the importance of the state as the most important factor in the formation and development of nations. The political sphere includes such issues of national relations as national self-determination, the combination of national and international interests, equal rights of nations, the creation of conditions for the free development of national languages ​​and national cultures, the representation of national personnel in government structures, etc. At the same time, historically developing traditions, social feelings and moods, geographical and cultural-living conditions of nations and nationalities have a strong impact on the formation of political attitudes, political behavior, and political culture.

The main issues in national relations are equality or subordination; inequality of levels of economic and cultural development; national discord, strife, enmity.

  1. Social problems in the labor market

Ticket number 10

  1. Culture and spiritual life of society

Culture is a very complex phenomenon, which is reflected in the hundreds of definitions and interpretations that exist today. The most common are the following approaches to understanding culture as a phenomenon of social life:
- Technological approach: culture is the totality of all achievements in the development of the material and spiritual life of society.
- Activity approach: culture is creative activity carried out in the spheres of material and spiritual life of society.
- Value approach: culture is the practical implementation of universal human values ​​in the affairs and relationships of people.

Since the 1st century. to. n. e. the word “culture” (from the Latin cultura - care, cultivation, cultivation of the land) meant the upbringing of a person, the development of his soul and education. It finally came into use as a philosophical concept in the 18th - early 19th centuries. and denoted the evolution of humanity, the gradual improvement of language, customs, government, scientific knowledge, art, and religion. At this time, it was close in meaning to the concept of “civilization.” The concept of “culture” was opposed to the concept of “nature”, i.e. culture is what man created, and nature is what exists independently of him.

Based on numerous works of various scientists, the concept of “culture” in the broad sense of the word can be defined as a historically conditioned dynamic complex of forms, principles, methods and results of active creative activity of people that are constantly updated in all spheres of social life.

Culture in the narrow sense is a process of active creative activity, during which spiritual values ​​are created, distributed and consumed.

In connection with the existence of two types of activity - material and spiritual - we can distinguish two main spheres of the existence and development of culture.

Material culture is associated with the production and development of objects and phenomena of the material world, with changes in the physical nature of man: material and technical means of labor, communication, cultural and social facilities, production experience, skills of people, etc.

Spiritual culture is a set of spiritual values ​​and creative activities for their production, development and application: science, art, religion, morality, politics, law, etc.

Division criterion

The division of culture into material and spiritual is very arbitrary, since it is sometimes very difficult to draw a line between them, because they simply do not exist in a “pure” form: spiritual culture can also be embodied in material media (books, paintings, tools, etc.). d.). Understanding the relativity of the difference between material and spiritual culture, most researchers nevertheless believe that it still exists.

Main functions of culture:
1) cognitive – this is the formation of a holistic idea of ​​a people, country, era;
2) evaluative - differentiation of values, enrichment of traditions;
3) regulatory (normative) - the formation of a system of norms and requirements of society for all individuals in all areas of life and activity (standards of morality, law, behavior);
4) informative - the transfer and exchange of knowledge, values ​​and experience of previous generations;
5) communicative - preservation, transmission and replication of cultural values; development and improvement of personality through communication;
6) socialization - the individual’s assimilation of a system of knowledge, norms, values, accustoming to social roles, normative behavior, and the desire for self-improvement.

The spiritual life of society is usually understood as that area of ​​existence in which objective reality is given to people not in the form of opposing objective activity, but as a reality present in the person himself, which is an integral part of his personality.

A person’s spiritual life arises on the basis of his practical activity; it is a special form of reflection of the surrounding world and a means of interaction with it.

Spiritual life usually includes knowledge, faith, feelings, experiences, needs, abilities, aspirations and goals of people. Taken in unity, they constitute the spiritual world of the individual.

Spiritual life is closely connected with other spheres of society and represents one of its subsystems.

Elements of the spiritual sphere of social life: morality, science, art, religion, law.

The spiritual life of society covers various forms and levels of social consciousness: moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, political, legal consciousness.

The structure of the spiritual life of society:

Spiritual Needs
They represent the objective need of people and society as a whole to create and master spiritual values

Spiritual activity (spiritual production)
The production of consciousness in a special social form, carried out by specialized groups of people professionally engaged in qualified mental labor

Spiritual benefits (values):
Ideas, theories, images and spiritual values

Spiritual social connections of individuals

Man himself as a spiritual being

Reproduction of social consciousness in its integrity


Its products are ideal formations that cannot be alienated from their direct producer

The universal nature of its consumption, since spiritual benefits are available to everyone - individuals without exception, being the property of all humanity.

  1. Law in the system of social norms

Social norm- a rule of behavior established in society that regulates relationships between people and public life.

Society is a system of interconnected social public relations. These relationships are many and varied. Not all of them are regulated by law. Many relationships in people's private lives are outside of legal regulation - in the sphere of love, friendship, leisure, consumption, etc. Although political and public interactions are mostly of a legal nature, and in addition to law, they are regulated by other social norms. Thus, law does not have a monopoly on social regulation. Legal norms cover only strategic, socially significant aspects of relations in society. Along with law, a large number of regulatory functions in society are performed by a wide variety of social norms.

A social norm is a general rule governing homogeneous, mass, typical social relations.

In addition to law, social norms include morality, religion, corporate rules, customs, fashion, etc. Law is only one of the subsystems of social norms, which has its own specific specifics.

The general purpose of social norms is to regulate the coexistence of people, ensure and harmonize their social interaction, and give the latter a stable, guaranteed character. Social norms limit the individual freedom of individuals by setting the limits of possible, proper and prohibited behavior.

Law regulates social relations in interaction with other norms, as an element of the system of social normative regulation.

Signs of a legal norm

The only one among social norms that comes from the state and is the official expression of its will.

Represents measure of freedom of will and behavior of a person.

Published in specific form.

Is form of implementation and consolidation of rights and obligations participants in public relations.

Supported in its implementation and protected by state power.

Always represents government mandate.

Is the only state regulator of public relations.

Represents general rule of conduct, that is, it indicates: how, in what direction, for what time, on what territory it is necessary for this or that entity to act; prescribes the correct course of action from the point of view of society and therefore obligatory for each individual.

Ticket number 11

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the country

Constitution of the Russian Federation- the highest normative legal act of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the people of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993.

The Constitution has the highest legal force, establishing the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, the state structure, the formation of representative, executive, judicial authorities and the system of local self-government, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, which has the highest legal force, establishing and regulating basic social relations in the sphere of the legal status of the individual, the institutions of civil society, the organization of the state and the functioning of public authority.
It is with the concept of a constitution that its essence is connected - the fundamental law of the state is intended to serve as the main limiter for power in relations with individuals and society.


· consolidates the political system, fundamental rights and freedoms, determines the form of the state and the system of supreme bodies of state power;

· has the highest legal force;

· has direct effect (the provisions of the constitution must be implemented regardless of whether other acts contradict them);

· characterized by stability due to a special, complicated order of adoption and change;

· is the basis for current legislation.

The essence of the constitution, in turn, is manifested through its basic legal properties (that is, characteristic features that determine the qualitative originality of this document), which include:
acting as the fundamental law of the state;
legal supremacy;
acting as the basis of the entire legal system of the country;
Sometimes the properties of a constitution also include other features - legitimacy, continuity, prospects, reality, etc.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the basic law of the country. Despite the fact that this term is not in the official name and text (unlike, for example, the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978 or the constitutions of Germany, Mongolia, Guinea and other states), this follows from the very legal nature and essence of the constitution.
Legal supremacy. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the highest legal force in relation to all other legal acts; not a single legal act adopted in the country (federal law, act of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, act of regional, municipal or departmental lawmaking, agreement, court decision, etc. ), cannot contradict the Basic Law, and in case of contradiction (legal conflicts), the norms of the Constitution take precedence.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the core of the legal system of the state, the basis for the development of current (sectoral) legislation. In addition to the fact that the Constitution establishes the competence of various public authorities for rule-making and defines the main goals of such rule-making, it directly defines the areas of social relations that must be regulated by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and so on, it also contains many basic provisions that underlie the development of other branches of law.
The stability of the constitution is manifested in the establishment of a special procedure for changing it (in comparison with laws and other legal acts). From the point of view of the procedure for amendment, the Russian Constitution is “hard” (in contrast to the “soft” or “flexible” constitutions of some states - Great Britain, Georgia, India, New Zealand and others - where changes to the constitution are made in the same order as into ordinary laws, or at least according to a fairly simple procedure).

  1. Social mobility

Social mobility- a change by an individual or group in the place occupied in the social structure (social position), movement from one social stratum (class, group) to another (vertical mobility) or within the same social stratum (horizontal mobility). Social mobility- This is the process of a person changing his social status. Social status- the position occupied by an individual or a social group in society or a separate subsystem of society.

Horizontal mobility- the transition of an individual from one social group to another, located at the same level (example: moving from an Orthodox to a Catholic religious group, from one citizenship to another). Distinguish individual mobility- movement of one person independently of others, and group- movement occurs collectively. In addition, they highlight geographic mobility- moving from one place to another while maintaining the same status (example: international and interregional tourism, moving from city to village and back). As a type of geographic mobility, there is concept of migration- moving from one place to another with a change in status (example: a person moved to the city for permanent residence and changed his profession).

Vertical mobility- moving a person up or down the career ladder.

Upward mobility- social rise, upward movement (For example: promotion).

Downward mobility- social descent, downward movement (For example: demotion).

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