Score 7 on a 10 point system. Ten-point scale for assessing female appearance

So far there is only talk “About the transition to a 10-point scale of marks in Russia”

My relatively extensive experience of working in secondary educational institutions shows that there is an urgent need to switch to a 10-point grading system for our entire education. Russia is a full participant in the Bologna process. Its education system should strive for unification with the European one and introduce new educational standards. The range of marks is too narrow; sometimes it is necessary to give the same marks to students with completely different levels of knowledge. The traditional 5-point system is more subjective and has a number of disadvantages. For example, under the existing system, both a gifted schoolchild/student who has knowledge that goes beyond the school/secondary school curriculum and someone who just learned the lesson perfectly today will receive an A. The new grading of assessments will not only allow a more accurate assessment of a student’s knowledge, but also stimulate the learning process. One barely makes it to “3”, while the other is just a little short of “4”. But sometimes you have to give both “3”, because... There are no “cons” or “pros” in these cases. The new system should improve the quality of education, which depends on the organization of monitoring student progress.

I am sure that other educational institutions: schools, universities, technical schools, etc. experience similar things.

It is known that, as an experiment, a transition to a 10-point system took place in a number of schools and gymnasiums in Moscow. Their experience is interesting.

According to the director of the gymnasium with 10 years of experience in the new scale of marks, everything except the reverse transfer of points to the certificate suits them:

"The teacher has more opportunities to objectively evaluate knowledge, parents like that children are not given twos and ones, students have more incentives to study well - their achievements are more noticeable. Today you got four points, tomorrow - five, the day after tomorrow - six" ...

10 points are awarded to those who reach the research level in creative work, participants and winners of Olympiads.

How do they deal with this??

All schools in Belarus switched to a ten-point system from September 1, 2002. Schools in Moldova use a scale of 10 points, Ukraine - 12 points, France - 20 points.

Thus, in Belarus there was a transition to a 10-point scale for assessing knowledge in schools, secondary technical and higher educational institutions. I will give a quantitative expression for the assessment:

Verbal description

Expression in points


Almost satisfactory


Very satisfactory

Almost good


Very good

Almost perfect



When developing the new assessment system, five levels of educational activity (or degree of mastery of new material) were identified:

    The first level is actions for recognition, recognition of concepts (objects), discrimination and establishment of similarity.

    The second level is actions to reproduce educational material (object of study) at the memory level, that is, unconscious reproduction.

    The third level is actions to reproduce educational material (object of study) at the level of understanding (conscious reproduction), description and analysis of actions with the object of study.

    Fourth level- actions to apply knowledge in a familiar situation according to a model, performing actions with clearly defined rules, applying knowledge based on a generalized algorithm to solve a new educational task

    The fifth level is the application of knowledge (skills) in an unfamiliar situation to solve a new range of problems, creative transfer of knowledge (independent use of previously acquired knowledge in a new situation to solve a problem; vision of the problem and ways to solve it, etc.).

The designated criteria and features are conditionally structured into three groups:

1. subject-substantive(completeness, generality, consistency, correctness, meaningfulness of knowledge, etc.)

2. content-active(strength, effectiveness of knowledge, mental operations, special subject, intellectual, general educational and other non-subject skills);

3. individual, personal(activity, independence, self-esteem, criticality, learning motivation and other personality traits that characterize the motivational, emotional, volitional spheres, the sphere of self-regulation, etc.).

The degree of completeness of their manifestation at the stages of educational activity represents generalized criteria for students’ educational achievements in the form of levels. Expanding the rating scale from 5 to 10 points allows each level to adequately establish a certain range marks or points that are characterized by integral indicators.

Integral 10-point scale for assessing students' educational achievements



Evaluation indicators

No response or refusal to respond

1. Low (receptive)

Recognition of the object of study, recognition of individual known terms and facts; manifestation of the desire to overcome learning difficulties; manifestation of situational interest in learning and subject matter

Recognition of the object of study, discrimination of definitions, structural elements of knowledge, manifestation of volitional efforts and motivation for learning

2. Satisfactory (receptive

Incomplete reproduction of software educational material at the memory level; the presence of significant errors that can be eliminated with the help of the teacher; difficulty in using special, general educational and intellectual skills; desire to overcome difficulties; situational manifestation of responsibility and self-criticism.

Mastering educational material at the reproductive level and incomplete reproduction of it; the presence of correctable errors in additional (leading) questions; difficulties in using certain special, general educational and intellectual skills or individual skills; manifestation of volitional efforts, interest in learning, adequate self-esteem, independence, meaningfulness of actions, etc.

3. Average (reproductive

Conscious reproduction of software educational material, including varying degrees of complexity, with minor errors; difficulties in using certain special, general educational and intellectual skills; interest in learning and achieving results.

Full reproduction of program material with minor errors; application of knowledge in a familiar situation according to a model; the use of special, general educational and intellectual skills and abilities with little help from the teacher; perseverance and desire to overcome difficulties; situational manifestation of the desire for creativity.

4. Sufficient (productive)

Mastery of software educational material, including varying degrees of complexity, operating it in a familiar situation; the presence of single insignificant errors in actions; independent use of special, general educational and intellectual skills and abilities; manifestation of aspirations for creative transfer of knowledge, organization, self-criticism, reflection, etc.

Possession of software educational material and operating it in familiar and unfamiliar situations; the presence of single insignificant errors in actions that are independently corrected by the student; presence of certain experience in creative activity; manifestation of conscientiousness, responsibility, self-esteem, reflection, etc.

5. High (productive creative)

Fluent handling of software educational material of varying degrees of complexity in an unfamiliar situation; performing creative tasks; high level of independence and erudition.

Fluent handling of software educational material of varying degrees of complexity using information from other educational courses and disciplines; the ability to consciously and quickly transform acquired knowledge to solve problems in non-standard situations; manifestation of purposefulness, responsibility, cognitive activity, creative attitude to learning.

Lithuanian universities use a 10-point grading system

10 - excellent; 9 - very good; 8 - good; 7 - enough; 6 - satisfactory; 5 - weak; 4-1 - bad.

Passing grade – 5.

Finland occupies a special place, or rather its education system

Finnish schools have adopted a 10-point grading system. School books, supplies and hot lunches are provided free of charge. In addition, if the distance from the student's home to school exceeds 5 km, transport costs are also paid by the municipality.

The academic year consists of 190 working days: from August to May. Training is conducted only on weekdays during the day shift. Schoolchildren are released for short holidays in mid-autumn, at Christmas, at the end of February. School ends at the end of May or beginning of June, after which children go on summer vacation.

The selection of “elite” classes from the general stream is prohibited. The policy of equalizing the quality of school education expresses the main priority of the Ministry of Education of Finland - ensuring equal accessibility and quality of education. Schools are distributed geographically evenly, according to population density.

After graduating from secondary school, almost all graduates decide to continue their studies at a secondary school (gymnasium). Here they are deprived of free food and textbooks, although tuition fees are still not charged.

Gymnasiums themselves select students based on their performance in secondary school. Training is conducted according to a course system, so there is no classical division into classes.

Studying at a gymnasium ends with passing state written exams, which give the right to enter any higher educational institution. Graduates receive white caps in a ceremonial atmosphere and begin to be called applicants.

Vocational education

An alternative to studying at a gymnasium is vocational schools. At the end of the 2-3-year course, after passing the exams, graduates receive a certificate of secondary vocational education, after which they make a decision: either enter the labor market or continue specialized training at a polytechnic.

Professional qualifications can be obtained by passing external examinations. Also, for graduates of vocational schools there is the opportunity to enter a university, but only after completing additional education courses and passing the exams required to obtain a matriculation certificate.

Higher education

Structure of higher education

The higher education system in Finland is represented by two independent areas:

· Universities.

· Higher vocational schools.

· Universities, by the nature of their activities, are more focused on research work. In them you can obtain both an initial bachelor's degree (3 years) and a higher master's degree (5-6 years), followed by the defense of a dissertation and the awarding of licentiate or doctoral degrees.

· Higher vocational schools base their work on a close connection with the business and economic life of a particular region. Study programs necessarily include practice in firms and enterprises, and at the end of four years of study, graduates receive a bachelor's degree in their chosen field of knowledge.

· It is easier to get into higher vocational schools than into university, and Finnish companies are always willing to hire graduates from these schools.

· University studies are available to everyone and there are no tuition fees per academic term, although the government plans to introduce tuition fees for students from non-EU countries. Currently, all students must pay their own housing, food, and other operating expenses. Finnish students are eligible to receive scholarships as well as bank loans at low interest rates.

The experience of Israel is also interesting in this sense.

In public (secular) schools, 75% of the curriculum is

compulsory disciplines, and 25% are additional.

Compulsory disciplines are divided into four


- “tradition, humanities and social sciences”,

history of Israel, social studies, geography;

- “linguistics” - Hebrew, English language and literature;

- “mathematics and exact sciences” - mathematics, computers,

physics, chemistry and biology;

Physical culture.

Additional disciplines are selected from a list approved by the Ministry of Education and the school council.

School education is divided into three levels:

Primary school, grades 1-6, 6-12 years old;

Junior high school grades 7-9, 12-15 years old;

Secondary school grades 10-12, 15-18 years old.

Secondary schools in Israel belong to municipalities, networks

vocational training ORT, AMAL and AMIT, women's

VICO organizations, religious organizations, etc. Ministry

education exercises control over all recognized by it


Secondary school programs include compulsory subjects

for all students, as well as additional ones that are studied

optional - optional. Subjects for which they are taken

matriculation examinations, determined by the Ministry


Disciplines studied optionally in each school

is chosen by the director with the participation of teachers, school

parent committee and pedagogical consultant.

In this case, the wishes of schoolchildren who fill out

special questionnaires.

A student can study no more than 15 subjects at a time.

Secondary schools are divided into:




Students are given the opportunity to choose between technical

and humanitarian bias. Education in such schools ends

passing state exams for a full certificate


IN combined schools have both academic and

professional classes.

Professional– schools in which, along with studying

students acquire general education subjects

speciality. Graduates of these schools can take exams for

a certificate of maturity or receive a certificate of completion of 12 classes.

In addition, they receive a professional certificate,

giving the right to work in the specialty. In a number of such schools

there are 13th and 14th grades preparing technicians and junior


IN vocational secondary schools education

conducted in three profiles: professional-academic,

ordinary professional and professional-practical.

Upon completion of each of these courses of study, a document is issued about graduation, providing various opportunities further activities:

Academic profile Name Opportunities

Documents provided

About completion of the document

Two or three times a year (depending on the division of the academic year into half-years or trimesters), the student receives a report card. In many elementary grades in Israeli schools, teachers have abandoned the assessment of knowledge by points, so as not to divide children into “good” and “bad.” The teacher tells parents in a few sentences about their child’s progress and behavior and notes what they should pay attention to. In the same classes

where the old system is followed, children's success is assessed on the following scale: “excellent”, “very good”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”.

In junior high and secondary schools, there are two grading systems: a 100-point system (55 points and above is considered a positive grade) is used when assessing tests and exams, and a 10-point system when calculating grades in report cards and certificates.

Discussions about the transition of education to a 10-point system in Russia have been going on for a long time, “but things are still there.” How long...

As is known, the ultimate goal of the functioning of any pedagogical system is the effective side of learning, and assessing the level of training, as a problem and need, practice has one constant goal - establishing the level of knowledge acquisition at all stages of training, as well as measuring the effectiveness of the educational process and academic performance. It is quite natural that the learning process is more effective when learning is identified with the development of cognitive interest, when under its influence the process of cognition is activated, creative activity increases, and interest in research activities is observed. It is quite reasonable to believe that the more effective the methods of cognitive activity, the more accurate the assessment tool, the higher the need for learning and, as a result, the higher academic performance.

The knowledge assessment system is a system for assessing the quality of students’ mastery of educational programs, the most important element of the educational process.

Currently, many knowledge assessment scales are used in the world. In some scales, it is customary to use digital designations for ranks, and fractional ratings are allowed; other scales (for example, in) traditionally deal with letter designations. The American scale also has a numerical interpretation, in which the highest grades A and A+ correspond to a score of 5.

In the history of Russian education, initially, as in Europe, there was a three-digit grading system. In the list of students of the Kyiv Theological Academy (1737), the highest category denotes very good success: “fair, reliable, kind, honest, good, commendable teaching.” The average category denotes the success of “the teaching of mediocre, measured, not thin.” The lowest category characterizes successes below average: “the teachings of the weak, vile, wicked, hopeless, lazy.”

Gradually, the verbal assessment became monotonous and shorter, it was more often replaced by a digital one, and the direction of the scale was established opposite to the German one.

The tradition of indicating the diligence and success of students with numbers was established in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, the numbers from 0 to 5 were used in gymnasiums. Zero showed that the student had not fulfilled his duties at all; if he received two zeros in a row, he was subject to corporal punishment (until 1864). One and two were given when the student prepared the lesson unsatisfactorily; a C was given for mediocre diligence; four - when the student performed his duties well; He received five only for excellent knowledge of the lesson. The teacher was obliged to assign points in the class, characterizing only the knowledge of the lesson assigned at home, and did not have the right to take into account the attention or absent-mindedness of the students during class, as well as the temporary or permanent diligence of the student, his age and abilities.

At different times in Russia, 3-, 5-, 8-, 10-, 12-point knowledge assessment systems were used. Of these, a 5-point score took root, which was officially established in 1937 by the Ministry of Public Education: “1” – weak success; “2” – mediocre; “3” – sufficient; “4” – good; “5” – excellent. During the 20th century, the “1” rating gradually fell out of use, as a result of which the 5-point system was transformed into the modern 4-point system. In recent years, in some educational institutions in Russia, the 5-point system has returned (“1” is a point for uncompleted work). This system, traditional for Soviet education, is now widely used in Russia and many countries of the post-Soviet space

Since January 11, 1944, a digital five-point system for assessing student performance has been introduced in Russian schools in accordance with Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 18 of January 10, 1944 and Order of the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR No. 24 of January 10, 1944.

In accordance with the instructions of the Office of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, the following criteria for assessing students are established:




A score of “5” is given when the student thoroughly knows all the program material, understands it perfectly and has thoroughly mastered it. Gives correct, conscious and confident answers to questions (within the program). In various practical tasks he can independently use the acquired knowledge. In oral answers and written work, he uses literary correct language and does not make mistakes.


A score of “4” is given when the student knows all the material required by the program, understands it well and has mastered it firmly. Answers questions (within the program) without difficulty. Able to apply acquired knowledge in practical tasks. In oral answers he uses literary language and does not make gross mistakes. Makes only minor errors in written work.


A score of “3” is given when the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic program educational material. When applying knowledge in practice, he experiences some difficulties and overcomes them with a little help from the teacher. In oral answers, he makes mistakes when presenting the material and in constructing his speech. Makes mistakes in written work.


A score of “2” is given when the student reveals ignorance of a large part of the program material and, as a rule, answers only the teacher’s leading questions with uncertainty. In written work he makes frequent and serious mistakes.


A point of “1” is given when the student shows complete ignorance of the educational material covered.

According to the Instructions of the Office of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, when determining quarterly and final (at the end of the school year) grades, they are not allowed to be calculated as arithmetic averages. These final grades must correspond to the student's level of knowledge at the time of certification.

In certificates and certificates, marks of academic performance are indicated by numerical points and in brackets by the name: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory).

In universities and colleges of Russia, knowledge assessments are established by Order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education dated June 22, 1990 No. 432 “On approval of the Regulations on the forms of monitoring the educational work of students in day and evening departments of secondary specialized educational institutions.” According to this regulatory document, the knowledge, abilities and skills of students in all forms of control of educational work, including educational and technological practices, are assessed in points: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory); 2 (unsatisfactory). Laboratory work, practical classes and pre-diploma practice are assessed: “pass”, “fail”. Educational institutions of culture and art may use other systems for assessing student performance, agreed upon with a higher authority.

When developing the new assessment system, five levels of educational activity (or degree of mastery of new material) were identified:
The first level is actions for recognition, recognition of concepts (objects), discrimination and establishment of similarity.

The second level is actions to reproduce educational material (object of study) at the memory level, that is, unconscious reproduction.

The third level is actions to reproduce educational material (object of study) at the level of understanding (conscious reproduction), description and analysis of actions with the object of study.

The fourth level – actions to apply knowledge in a familiar situation according to a model, performing actions with clearly defined rules, applying knowledge based on a generalized algorithm to solve a new educational problem

The fifth level is the application of knowledge (skills) in an unfamiliar situation to solve a new range of problems, creative transfer of knowledge (independent use of previously acquired knowledge in a new situation to solve a problem; vision of the problem and ways to solve it, etc.).

The designated criteria and features are conditionally structured into three groups:

subject-specific (completeness, generality, systematicity, correctness, meaningfulness of knowledge, etc.)

content-based and activity-based (strength, effectiveness of knowledge, mental operations, special subject, intellectual, general educational and other non-subject skills);

individual, personal (activity, independence, self-esteem, criticality, motivation to learn and other personality traits that characterize the motivational, emotional, volitional spheres, the sphere of self-regulation, etc.).

The degree of completeness of their manifestation at the stages of educational activity represents generalized criteria for students’ educational achievements in the form of levels. Expanding the rating scale from 5 to 10 points allows each level to adequately establish a certain range of marks or points, which are characterized by integral indicators.

Integral 10-point scale for assessing students' educational achievements:

0 No answer or refusal to answer

1. Low (receptive)

1 Recognition of the object of study, recognition of individual known terms and facts; manifestation of the desire to overcome learning difficulties; manifestation of situational interest in learning and subject matter

2 Recognition of the object of study, discrimination of definitions, structural elements of knowledge, manifestation of volitional efforts and motivation for learning

2. Satisfactory (receptive-productive)

3 Incomplete reproduction of program educational material at the memory level; the presence of significant errors that can be eliminated with the help of the teacher; difficulty in using special, general educational and intellectual skills; desire to overcome difficulties; situational manifestation of responsibility and self-criticism.

4 Mastering educational material at the reproductive level and incomplete reproduction of it; the presence of correctable errors in additional (leading) questions; difficulties in using certain special, general educational and intellectual skills or individual skills; manifestation of volitional efforts, interest in learning, adequate self-esteem, independence, meaningfulness of actions, etc.

3. Average (reproductive)

5 Conscious reproduction of software educational material, including varying degrees of complexity, with minor errors; difficulties in using certain special, general educational and intellectual skills; interest in learning and achieving results.

6 Complete reproduction of program material with minor errors; application of knowledge in a familiar situation according to a model; the use of special, general educational and intellectual skills and abilities with little help from the teacher; perseverance and desire to overcome difficulties; situational manifestation of the desire for creativity.

4. Sufficient (productive)

7 Mastery of software educational material, including varying degrees of complexity, operating it in a familiar situation; the presence of single insignificant errors in actions; independent use of special, general educational and intellectual skills and abilities; manifestation of aspirations for creative transfer of knowledge, organization, self-criticism, reflection, etc.

8 Possession of software educational material and operating it in familiar and unfamiliar situations; the presence of single insignificant errors in actions that are independently corrected by the student; presence of certain experience in creative activity; manifestation of conscientiousness, responsibility, self-esteem, reflection, etc.

5. High (productive creative)

9 Fluent operation of software educational material of varying degrees of complexity in an unfamiliar situation; performing creative tasks; high level of independence and erudition.

10 Fluent handling of software educational material of varying degrees of complexity using information from other educational courses and disciplines; the ability to consciously and quickly transform acquired knowledge to solve problems in non-standard situations; manifestation of purposefulness, responsibility, cognitive activity, creative attitude to learning.



Full name______________________________________________________________________________________________

AGE ________________________________________________________________________________

CONTACT TEL ________________________________________________________________________

EMAIL ___________________________________________________________________________________

EDUCATION ___________________________________________________________________________

PREVIOUS PLACES OF WORK ____________________________________________________________














SALARY AT PREVIOUS PLACES OF WORK _______________________________________________

How much do you want to earn?______________________________________________________________

How much do you want to earn in 6 months? _________________________________________

The amount you think you can start working with? __________________________________

DESCRIBE THE CRITERIA FOR A GOOD JOB FOR YOU ___________________________________________





DO YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE IN SALES? ________________________________________________

If yes, please answer the following questions:

How long have you been involved in sales (1-2-3 years)? ______________________________

What were you selling? _________________________________________________________________

Was it cold calling, active sales in the store, sales at a meeting, sales over the phone to regular customers ____________________________________________________________

Did you find clients yourself or take incoming calls? ____________________________

How did you find clients yourself? ___________________________________________

What was the cost of the product you were selling? _________________________________

HAVE YOU PLAYED ANY SPORTS, HAVE YOU WINNED COMPETITIONS (this also includes dancing) ___________________________________________________________________________________


SOCIABILITY. This point refers not just to the ability to communicate, but specifically the ability to quickly find a common language with the company’s clients, to persuade people, the ability to continue the conversation even if the client tells you “no”, “I don’t want”, “not interested”.
RESULT ORIENTED. This point means that in the group to which you belong, you take an active position, want to show results, distinguish yourself from others, do much more than others and not only want it, but ALWAYS achieve it, even if you have to cope with great difficulty.
CUSTOMER FOCUS. This point means how important it is for you, WHAT you sell and what quality it is, does this matter to you? 10 points here will be - yes, it is important to me what I sell and how useful it is to the person to whom I am selling it. 1 point or 0 points here will mean that you don’t care what to sell, the main thing is to sell and get your salary for it.
HONESTY. How honest are you with people? 10 points here will be the following - I always tell the truth and never give in to the temptation to lie to a client or manager in my work. 5 points here would be that yes, I give in to the temptation to lie to a client or manager in order to embellish my result (for the manager), the product that I sell (for the client).
EASY ATTITUDE TO LIFE. This refers to how quickly and easily you cope even with the difficult problems of everyday life. 10 points here will be - yes, there are problems and sometimes it’s not easy, but problems are life, they always exist and I can easily cope with them, they don’t upset me at all and when they appear, I get interested, because now I have there is something to deal with.
PRESENCE. Here, evaluate how much you can “break through walls with your forehead,” that is, no matter what, still achieve what you need.
PERSISTENCE. Here, evaluate how much you disagree with life. Here write how much you get in life exactly what you want, and not what you have. Example - you want to have a BMW car, but you can only buy a CHEVROLET - so - how much strength do you have in order to disagree with the fact that you can only buy a CHEVROLET and do everything so that you have a BMW as quickly as possible .
SMART. How quickly you think, that is, how quickly you react to an order, how quickly you pick up what you are told to do and how quickly, after you pick it up, you do it.
ABILITY TO TAKE AN IMPACT. Here, see how resilient you are to problems. Do you bend very quickly when something doesn’t work out for you or, on the contrary, push through problems head-on, don’t let anything confuse or upset you.


1 point
The unattainable edge of horror. Universal evil. If you have a nightmare, you will have to visit a psychiatrist. Perhaps more than once.

2 points
Something thick and scary. It will be given to the first person you meet for a bottle of cheap beer, or it will be broken until your last breath. We do not consider them as “female”.

3 points
A gray, ugly, plump girl who has been very unlucky in life with her appearance. There are rumors that they have sex.
Usually such girls either give with great effort (due to their terrible complexes), or give to all the few comrades who need it from them.

4 points
An ordinary gray girl who is not popular with men. In this case, it can either be with a normal figure, but ugly in the face, or simply too fat. If you drink a lot of alcohol, it will do, but again, not for everyone. Seducing such a person is not a problem, but think about whether you need it.

5 points
Neither fish nor meat. There are millions of them. 7 out of 10 girls passing will fall into this category. There’s no shame in seducing someone like that, but there’s also nothing to boast about.
Standard. Such girls make “contact” most easily.

6 points
Either a very well-groomed 5, or just a pretty girl who can be seduced and this will be a good memory. Typically, such girls are suitable for long-term relationships due to their flexibility.
Seducing one is not a big problem, but you will have to work a little.

7 points
A naturally beautiful girl. With a good figure and a pretty face. It is popular among men and therefore there is a protective barrier against obviously unacceptable or unsuccessful men. This is the most controversial category among pickup artists. Here opinions fluctuate both down and up. In general, the seduction of 7 remains in my memory as very good memories.

8 points
Fashion model. Naturally gifted with good looks and a great figure. For the most part, these girls are wealthy and have the opportunity to take care of their appearance. The percentage of such girls is very small among all, but having seduced her, you can be proud of it and know that you are “one of the very best.” In most cases, to seduce such a girl, you will need more than one date.

9 points
This is your ideal. Moreover, for everyone it is no less than 8 points, but it sunk into your soul. This is exactly what you dream of. A very beautiful girl (7-8 points) with whom you have a long-term relationship and she is “the one” can also fall into this category.
The seduction of such a girl definitely goes beyond the standard, so here you will have to make every effort.

10 points
The unattainable limit of beauty and inner qualities of a girl. If you met her, then consider yourself one of a million. There is no need to seduce, you and her will understand everything right away.

I have studied the official documents and am ready to explain why each mark is given.

First level (low): 1−2 points

Recognizing, recognizing and distinguishing concepts are the requirements for the lowest grades.Yes, yes, no zero knowledge.

Second level (satisfactory): 3−4 points

Marks 3 and 4 are given to students who present educational material from memory, i.e., memorized theory is enough for satisfactory scores.

Third level (intermediate): 5−6 points

To get 5 or 6 points, the educational material must not only be reproduced, but understood. Plus be able to describe and analyze actions with objects of study.

Level four (sufficient): 7−8 points

A student who claims to have grades of a sufficient level easily applies knowledge in practice and gives his own examples, similar to those given in the textbook. Based on a generalized algorithm, it also solves new educational problems. Another requirement is the ability to understand the essence of the objects being studied and perform actions with clearly defined rules.

Fifth level (high): 9−10 points

Applicants for “9” and “10” apply knowledge in unfamiliar, non-standard situations. Moreover, to solve qualitatively new problems. They independently describe, explain and transform objects of study.

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