Online reading of the book Chinese folk tales as the tiger drip-drip got scared. Stupid, stupid tiger

I must admit that I generally don’t really like fairy tales in which tigers are presented as evil due to their specific reverent attitude towards felines. Especially tigers, which I don’t just love, but just adore and adore! For me, tigers are one of those phenomena of the outside world that I can admire endlessly. Their gait, grace, gaze... and the fact that they are predators cannot in any way be an argument for me to consider them evil.
By the way, it is precisely because of my love for tigers that I have never been to Thailand before. I am far from attracted by photographs of friends bottle-feeding tiger cubs since I saw WHAT they do with these tigers and cubs so that they are so obedient and eat like that...
But let's get back to the book.
Traugott simply could not resist the illustrations. As is the case with Lion and dog(showed a book)
Well, what tigers are here! Let it be like a beautiful artistic “tiger” album. Moreover, the fairy tale itself is short, there are literally 2-5 lines of text per spread, the font is bold and large enough.
And of course, about the plot: what a stupid tiger! Truly, “curiosity killed the cat.” After all, the elders said - don’t meddle with a person! In general, we are all here discussing the degree of reasonable human intervention in nature, but here, on the other hand, “nature” itself has reached out to man. Well, he got what he deserved, accordingly. I asked for it, you might say. Because:

" is not the one who is stronger who wins, but the one who is smarter"

The only thing that seems to me is that the Traugott illustrations still look better on thick offset than on chalk. Offset conveys the characteristic Traugot strokes better.

The whole book is below the cut.

Stupid tiger. Tibetan folk tale
In Ozone

The new product from Rech is no longer new, but only now, after a couple of years, has it reached our shelf. Judging by the blurry watercolor cover, it is still unclear what kind of emotional experience awaits the reader ahead. But one cannot expect pop plots from Tibetan fairy tales.

I'm not a fan of the artists G.A.V. Traugott (not quite “mine”), but still did not remain indifferent. Even more than that, she spluttered like a girl. Such Tibetan fairy tales, and even flavored with such subtle, sensual illustrations, will “tear anyone apart like a hamster” and take out a small, sentimental baby. Who feels sorry for the pussy, and it’s clear that it’s her own fault.

Stupid Tiger is a fiercely heartfelt story. There is a young tiger, and there is his wise father. The old tiger tells the young one a big secret, born of life experience: the most terrible creature in the world is man. You should beware of him, you can't trust him...

But the young tiger would not be a tiger or young if he took his word for it. From time to time he tried to find that same terrible and creepy person. Are his claws tenacious or his teeth sharp?

But no, man has neither claws nor fangs. It is not famous for its heroic strength or feline agility. And he’s not as tall as a mountain or as tall as a tree. And the little man’s skin is soft and pliable... just right for a tiger. So why is man so terrible? Was the father deceived?

The tiger finally found a man and was about to eat the poor fellow, but the victim easily outwitted him. The father, the wise old tiger, was right. You cannot defeat the cunning and smart by force. The tiger's song ended in tears - he was locked in the house and shot with a gun. Sad. But honestly. I feel sorry for the tiger. He is stupid, young and ambitious. Unafraid badass. But he should listen to the elder and wiser and not trust his strength so much - there is always someone smarter.

The tale is short and simple, it does not contain the twist of Russian folk tales (“a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck”). This a parable that is instructive and thought-provoking.

1. from the site:

I'll add photos

2. from the site:

Thanks to the publishers for such a quality book. The fairy tale itself is interesting, and the illustrations are also interesting. I took it because of the Traugoths, but I read the fairy tale with pleasure!

3. from the site:

I must admit that I generally don’t really like such fairy tales due to my specific reverent attitude towards cats, especially tigers.

But Traugott simply could not resist the illustrations. Well, what kind of tigers are there! Let it be like a beautiful artistic “tiger” album. Moreover, the fairy tale itself is short, there are literally 2-5 lines of text per spread.

4. from the site:

This tale is in The Dragon's Wedding, called "About the Stupid Tiger."

5. from the site:

A Tibetan folk tale about a foolish tiger who broke his old father's covenant to never date a human.

Unique and graceful illustrations by masters G.A.V. The Traugotts make this book come alive and truly unique.

6. from the site:

We have a book with drawings by Ole Traugott - lukoje and lo and behold! I saw a stupid tiger. This is what I need. The text for the works is practically not needed. Watercolors can be looked at for hours. You can’t write about this, you have to see it. Amazing book. Thanks to the publisher for the excellent work. "

7. from the site:

Wonderful book! In all respects, but first things first.

I was delighted by the cover, I fell in love with it at first sight, and immediately decided to order it, not knowing what was there, since there were no reviews for the book. And I don’t regret it one bit! Since I started with the design, I’ll tell you in more detail. G.A.V.Traugot's drawings are delightful, these are wonderful watercolor drawings, light as a feather, like ripples on the water, mountains and the sky, for example, are indicated by light lines, but they create an indescribable image, the lightness of the strokes captivates the eye. The colors are rich, there are drawings on every page without exception, the illustrations are large, but there is not much text, so you feel like you are walking through an art gallery. Rectangular format, good cover, thick paper, coated. The book was printed in Latvia, so the quality is excellent.

Now about the plot. This is a Tibetan fairy tale retold for children by S. Hetty. The old tiger dies and asks his son to never seek a meeting with a man, because during his life he realized that the strongest in the world is a man, and not he, the tiger. The young son naturally didn’t believe it and first of all went to look for the man, but didn’t know what he looked like, he met a yak, then a camel, who said that the man looked weak and had no claws. The tiger decided that he was not dangerous at all, and apparently his father was wrong. Finally he met a man and said that he would eat him, and he, by cunning, replaced him in the house and locked him there. And then he came with a gun and shot the tiger. And this is the only moment that I didn’t like. After all, on the back of the book it says that he is 0+ in age, and how, tell me, can I explain to the little one what it means that he shot a tiger, and how he could be so cruel. Then we should leave this fairy tale for older children.

But the impression from the book is still great, the younger ones will enjoy looking at the pictures, like my daughter, who is one and a half years old.

A good book for your library and a very good gift! "

About the authors of the book "The Stupid Tiger. A Tibetan Folk Tale"

On this tab you will find information about the author (or authors) of the book "The Foolish Tiger: A Tibetan Folk Tale". This can be a detailed biography of the writer or just some individual facts from his life. Unfortunately, we know very little or nothing at all about some authors (usually young ones).

We paid special attention to searching for photographs of writers, because it is always interesting to see the person who created the work you liked (or disliked:) or wrote the book that you are now thinking about purchasing.

On this tab we try to collect various useful information from the Internet about the book Stupid Tiger. Tibetan folk tale." For example, about where this book can be read for free online: this could be a link to reading the book itself, or to some work published in this book, or to another edition of this book.

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Lesson 3

Subject. Tales of the peoples of Eurasia. "About the Foolish Tiger" (Tibetan fairy tale)

Goal: to teach students to understand the cognitive and educational nature of folk tales, their moral and ethical values; to give an idea that the fairy tales of the peoples of Europe are folk and author's, of different types - fairy tales about animals, social and everyday, magical, scientific; improve the ability to compare, compare, classify actors, and evaluate their actions; expand the range of ideas about the commonality of thematic motifs in fairy tales of different peoples of the world; cultivate interest in reading.

Equipment: map of Europe; textbook; workbook; illustrations of a tiger; drawing of an associative bush; visualization for the game “Guess where whose house is.”

II. Updating students' basic knowledge. Motivation for learning activities

III. Working on new material

IV. Lesson summary

What are the names of the works we worked with today?

What types of fairy tales does the tale “About the Stupid Tiger” belong to?

Who wrote it?

Explain the expression “Fairy tales are small, but there is a lot of intelligence in them.” A challenge for scholars

Read the tales about animals “Bird Dispute”, “About the Jackal and the Crocodile” for yourself.

In one forest there lived an old, smart tiger. When the time came for him to die, he called his son and asked:

Tell me, who has the biggest fangs in the world?

The tiger,” the son answered.

Right. Who has the sharpest claws on their paws?

Also the tiger.

And that's true. Who runs the fastest and jumps the highest?

“Tiger,” the son repeated without thinking.

Then answer me the last question: who is the strongest on earth?

The strongest is the one who has the largest fangs, the sharpest claws, who runs the fastest and jumps the highest. I am the strongest of all - the tiger!

The dying father sighed:

I once thought that the tiger was the most powerful animal on earth. But now I know that man is the strongest. Listen to my words: fear a person, hide from him, never seek a meeting with him and do not enter into a fight with him. Man is stronger than the tiger!

He said so and died.

The young tiger thought about his father’s words: “Oh, and a man’s fangs are terrible if he is stronger than a tiger! And his claws are truly enormous! It would be nice to look at a person at least from afar. You just need to find out where it is found.”

The tiger thought so and went to look for the man. I walked and walked and met a yak in the mountains.

“That’s right, this is a man,” thought the tiger. - Only he has no claws at all and no fangs are visible. Just in case, I’ll find out if it’s a person.”

Tell me,” the tiger shouted from afar, “are you not a man?”

Yak was surprised:

What kind of person am I? I'm an ordinary yak.

Of course, I saw it more than once!

Is it true that humans have bigger fangs and claws than me?

What are you, what are you! Humans have no fangs or claws.

Why not? - the tiger was surprised. “That means he has very strong paws if the tiger can’t handle him!”

His paws are very weak. A man cannot even kill a wolf with a blow of his paw.

“You’re lying,” the tiger said angrily. - My father said that man is stronger than all animals. I'll go ask someone else about the person.

And again the tiger went to look for the man. I walked and walked and met a camel.

“Wow, what a big beast,” thought the tiger. This is probably the person.”

And, just in case, hiding in dense thickets, the tiger shouted to the camel:

Tell me, are you not human?

What are you, what are you! - the camel was surprised, - I don’t look like a human at all.

Have you ever seen a person?

Should I not see a person! - exclaimed the camel. - He has been riding on my hump for ten years, and I serve him day and night in all weathers!

So the person is even bigger than you? - the tiger was surprised.

No! - The camel shook his head. - The man is very small. To put him on his back, I have to kneel down.

Well then, he probably has a very thick skin if he is not afraid of the fangs and claws of a tiger?

I can tell you that of all animals, humans have the most delicate skin. You won't believe it, even from a mosquito bite it itches!

"How so? - thought the tiger. - So my late father told me a lie. That's right, he had never seen a person. It turns out that man is not a terrible beast at all.”

And the tiger decided to find the man at all costs and eat him.

He wandered for a long time through the forests and mountains in search of a person, until one day he heard some knocking at the edge of the forest. It was a woodcutter cutting down an oak tree.

In one leap the tiger was at the edge of the forest.

“What a funny animal,” thought the tiger. “He has no fangs, no claws, he doesn’t even have skin.”

Having made another jump, the tiger found itself next to the man.

“Listen,” said the tiger, “I have never seen such animals before.” It's amazing that you haven't been eaten by wolves or bears in the forest yet.

“But I’m not an animal, that’s why they didn’t eat me,” said the man.

Who are you if not a beast? - asked the tiger.

Can't you see? I'm human!

Human?! - the tiger was surprised. - That’s who you are, it turns out! And my stupid father was afraid of you.

“Your father was a smart tiger if he was afraid of a man,” said the woodcutter.

Now we will find out who is smarter - me or my father. Before the sun has time to go behind the mountain, I will eat you.

“Ah, Mr. Tiger,” said the woodcutter, “before I die, I want to show you what I can do.” Look what a lair I've built for myself.

Show me, quickly! - the tiger barked. - I'm very hungry! Go ahead, I'll follow you.

The woodcutter quickly walked towards his dwelling, and the tiger trailed behind him and grumbled:

My father was a coward! I was scared of such a booger - a man!

The woodcutter approached his dwelling made of stone slabs.

What is this? - asked the tiger.

This is my lair,” said the woodcutter. - It’s very comfortable to live in: I don’t get wet by rain, I’m not afraid of heat or snow.

Ah, that's how it is! - the tiger was happy, - This is your lair! When I eat you, I will live in it myself!

But you don’t know how to open and close the door in it,” said the man. - Let me show you.

The woodcutter entered the house, closed the door behind him and shouted through the crack to the tiger:

Try to get me now!

The tiger poked the door with his paw, but the door was strong and did not give in.

“You see,” said the woodcutter, “what kind of home I have.” In it I am not afraid of anyone, not even you.

Having said this, the man opened the door and left the house.

And the tiger thought: “Man is a very stupid animal. After all, he could have escaped from me in his house, but he had no idea.”

Don't you want to see how nice it is in my lair? - asked the woodcutter.

“I want it,” said the tiger and entered the house.

And as soon as he was inside the house, the woodcutter slammed the door, propped it up with a thick stake and slowly went to the edge of the forest to cut down trees.

Hey! - the tiger shouted. - Let me out now! The sun is already hiding behind the mountain, and I still haven’t eaten you!

“And you won’t eat it,” said the woodcutter. - Because the one who is smarter wins, not the one who is stronger. Goodbye stupid tiger. Your father was smarter than you!

No matter how hard the tiger fought, he was unable to break down the doors of the house. The man made them very strong and well.

And in the evening the woodcutter came to his house with a gun, shot the tiger and made a stuffed animal out of its skin.

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