Online English classes with Leo. You may also be interested

Lingua Leo is an excellent program that allows you to turn English into an interesting and exciting game for children and adults.

Studying English, or any other language at school and college, often leaves much to be desired. Pointless cramming and lack of real (authentic) communication with native speakers leads to the fact that most adults cannot communicate freely in English. At best, their knowledge is limited to reading and translating using a dictionary.

In the modern world, English has become the international language of communication.

English is required by an increasingly wide range of people. That's why, English for children becomes a necessity.

You need to start in-depth study of English as early as possible.

Now in every city there are a lot of linguistic centers that promise to teach adults spoken English in a very short period of time (from several months to a year).

Studying English for children lasts for many years.

In most centers, half the time children copy words from the dictionary into a notebook, and then learn and pass. The technique is of little interest, and therefore its effectiveness is low.

If your income allows, you can study individually with a tutor. In this case, learning goes much faster, but basically everything is based on the same boring books.

Recently, a unique resource has appeared on the Internet that allows you to turn learning English for children and adults into exciting entertainment that can be done both at home and anywhere else where there is an Internet connection.

This resource for learning English is called - Lingua Leo ( ).

Lingvaleo is a very interesting and useful resource for learning English , and absolutely free .

There are, of course, tempting offers to buy yourself “Golden Status”. But don’t get carried away, you can be content with “Silver status” for free and master the English language perfectly without spending a penny on it.

LinguaLeo – brief instructions for working with the program

So, let's figure out what Lingua Leo is?

Step 1. Registration in LinguaLeo.

We type the following search query in Yandex: “Lingua Leo or (LinguaLeo)” and go to the site

Register on the server by entering your e-mail and password.

Lingua Leo (registration)

Step 2. Getting started in Lingua Leo.

The cute lion cub, who now becomes your pet, happily greets you.

Lingua Leo (greeting)

The lion cub is very funny, children adore him. The lion cub is essentially a Tamagotchi who constantly demands attention and eats meatballs. You can earn meatballs only by constantly learning new English words or by listening and watching interesting materials in English.

If you click on a lion cub from Lingua Leo, then this lion cub produces various phrases: “I want meatballs,” “I want to sleep,” etc.

If you click on the “What do you want today?” icon on the right, the lion cub will tell you exactly how to feed it: training, audio listening, or something else.

Children perceive the lion cub as a living creature. They begin to take care of him and feed him with pleasure every day. And so that the lion cub does not remain hungry, they earn meatballs for him, mastering the English language unnoticed.

At the beginning of work, you need to indicate your level of knowledge of the English language (beginner, basic, below-intermediate, intermediate, above-intermediate, advanced, fluent) and the amount of time you plan to devote to learning English daily (from 0.5 to 10 hours).

If you specified the “Beginner” level, then in front of you will be a small defenseless lion cub that needs to be constantly fed so that it grows faster. The lion cub's size changes when it reaches certain levels.

Lingua Leo (agile beginner)

The LinguaLeo program is designed in such a way that a window will often appear in front of you with instructions for your actions (click on unfamiliar words, master the page).

Your reward for completing the task is also shown here (at level 1 for beginners - this is 10 experience points and the ability to master content on the service).

As you master Lingualeo, the level tasks become more complicated, and you need to earn more and more experience points to feed your growing pet.

Step 3. Getting to know the LinguaLeo service.

The LinguaLeo program panel is quite simple and includes several pages (jungle, glossary, dictionary, training, magazine, savannah).

General view of the LinguaLeo service

Jungle (Lingua Leo)

Here are all the materials for successfully learning English:

  • Videos (clips, films, news, advertising, English lessons, etc.)
  • Audio (songs, books, news, radio programs, etc.)
  • Texts (books, novels, stories, newspaper articles, anecdotes, fairy tales, poems, etc.)

You can add your own content for study.

Courses (Linguo Leo)

This is a new section of the service that gives you the opportunity to study through video courses. There are 4 topics to study:

  • Nutrition (basic)
  • Friends (above average)
  • Work (above average)
  • Money (free level)

The video course includes from 7 to 14 lessons in which you will watch the video, read the text and answer the questions posed.

One topic (Nutrition) is offered free of charge, for other topics there is the opportunity to conduct a trial lesson, but you need to pay for the main training.

Taking a video course allows you to improve your language skills in a specific area. At the same time, you receive experience points and a certificate.

Glossaries (LinguaLeo)

80 dictionaries are collected here (about a person, education, work, English for beginners, English for specialists, etc.).

Dictionary (Lingua Leo)

This is your personal dictionary, you fill it by reading and listening to texts, watching videos.

Training in Lingvo Leo.

Here are 6 options for exciting games for successfully learning English.

Here we use words from your personal dictionary (a dictionary that is formed as you study various materials).

  1. Word-translation – you need to translate a word from English into Russian.
  2. Translation-word is the reverse process - you need to translate a word from Russian into English.
  3. Word constructor - you need to create a word from the given letters.
  4. Listening – You listen to a word and write it down.
  5. Crossword (demo version, the main version can be purchased) – you need to solve the crossword in English.
  6. Vocabulary cards - English words are written here, you choose those that you know.

For all correct answers you receive experience points, which are necessary for the growth of your pet and increase your level of knowledge of the English language.

Journal (Lingvo Leo)

Here is a detailed description of what and when you did. How much time did you spend on the service, how many words did you learn? On the right is a graph of actual and planned indicators for the period.

Savannah LinguaLeo

You can add people you know and don’t know who have lion pets to your pride.

The leader of the pride is determined daily - the person who has scored the most experience points.

In order to add new words to the dictionary you pay Meatballs.

Many people think that there is a secret code Leo 100 meatballs.

In fact, you can replenish your reserves in several ways:

  • by logging into the LinguaLeo service daily (+10 meatballs)
  • having reached a given level in Lingua Leo (+100 meatballs),
  • inviting a friend to Lingua Leo (+100 meatballs)
  • by purchasing “Golden Status” on the LinguaLeo service.

Lingua Leo - Meatball Rain

So, you are ready to explore the jungle. Your child will be delighted. I’m telling you this using my own example.

Lingua Leo (Vigilant Ranger)

Good luck to you and your children in learning English according to the program Lingua Leo !

I'm waiting for you on my pages. A lot of new and interesting things await you ahead. So don't forget to subscribe for new articles.

A very powerful resource was developed by young Russian entrepreneurs led by Ainur Abdulnasyrov. As of October 2014, more than 10 million people were already registered in it. The project is very similar to, although at the same time, each of these projects has its own advantages. Who is best suited for which project needs to be understood specifically. In order to get comfortable and understand a little what's what, they have the opportunity to register for free.

This is the so-called freemium a business model where some services are provided free of charge, and some additional services can be purchased. These additional services generate income for the company. Currently, Lingua Leo is expanding the number of foreign languages ​​studied, translating the version of learning English into other languages, and also increasing the number of additional courses.

The concept of Lingua Leo is:

A foreign language is a jungle that we master and conquer, walking through it step by step. There are game moments - you need to feed the lion cub, its satiety symbolizes progress in learning the language, and you need to feed it meatballs - the Lingua Leo game currency, which can be earned as a result of completing tasks and training.

Leo the lion, in fact, is a prototype of Tamagotchi - if you don’t feed him, he will “wither.” This, at first glance, seems to be a somewhat childish approach, but the hidden meaning here is that if the language is not practiced regularly, it will also “wither.” You won’t even be able to maintain the positions you have already achieved - it’s like swimming against the current - you have to constantly row, otherwise you will be carried back.

Experts believe that the success of the Lingua Leo project lies in the fact that it combines several components: diverse content, social services, gaming programs, the presence of mobile applications, the ability to enter international markets and scalability. A little later, an extension for browsers appeared, which makes it possible to read English sites and immediately add unfamiliar words to your Lingua Leo dictionary for study.

Lingua Leo has several interesting features for learning words: direct translation, back translation, listening, word constructor, crossword puzzles and even such fun features as speed training of words - Leo - sprint, and the opportunity to compete online with random users - Leo - bridge.

Grammar is also very fully and beautifully implemented in Lingua Leo with a large number of different tests, quizzes, and examples.

Seven secrets of Lingua Leo

1. Maintain strong enough motivation, and for this you need to use only interesting materials for training.
2. Listen only to native speakers - only authentic materials. The Lingua Leo library has hundreds of thousands of different works: books, audio materials, videos, from short to long, from rappers to presidents, various accents. We choose what we like, listen, watch, read many, many times, add to the dictionary and learn new words.
3. Imitation and copying, training the articulatory apparatus. We all have a natural ability to learn languages. Each of us has mastered at least one language quite well. Only we have forgotten how we did it as children.

The time has come to remember, just watch the children - they repeat an unfamiliar word many, many times, they even copy the intonation with which we pronounce it, even the gestures with which we accompany this word. You need to do the same thing - completely copy the behavior of a native speaker.

4. Mutual influence all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking. In the jungle we listen to interesting context, watch videos, memorize words, say them out loud, and add them to the dictionary. Then we conduct training on writing the word and its pronunciation. All skills are involved, closely intertwined with each other. Therefore, it’s not scary if you focus on one skill - others will also develop.

5. Optimal intensity. You can study for an hour a day and achieve the desired level in three years. You can increase the intensity and achieve results faster. It's all up to you, but you can experiment with the intensity in Lingua Leo to find the setting that works best for you.

6. Regularity classes. The importance of this secret is emphasized by absolutely all experts, linguists, and polyglots. Even native speakers must use it regularly, otherwise it will be forgotten. Regularity is much more important than intensity. Let the training be shorter in time, but it must be every day.

7. Individuality— customize all the techniques provided by Lingua Leo to suit you. Do what you personally enjoy the most. If the visual method suits you more, watch more videos. If you are an auditory learner, listen to the audio and add your own materials. Write to the Lingua Leo team about what you would like to see implemented in the program. They will be happy to consider your initiatives and, if possible, will try to implement them.

You can find many different reviews about Lingua Leo, in particular the media say that this is the best Russian-language Internet project on the Runet with enormous potential:

Additional courses that are currently already implemented in the Lingua Leo program: English for tourists, grammar for beginners, grammar courses, irregular verbs, IELTS Academic simulator (4 options), IELTS General Training (2 options), business English, spoken English with Bob and Rob, state final certification, video courses, Unified State Exam.

Lingua Leo project news:

Since January 2015, Lingua Leo has provided everyone with the opportunity to study according to an individual plan. To do this, you take two tests, fill out a questionnaire and declare your goals. 15 minutes, and a complex algorithm develops an individual program for you, what exactly you need to pay attention to in order to achieve your goal.

By following the instructions, the student can track his progress separately for each skill. To move to the next level, you must undergo a reassessment, depending on the results of which, you either continue to study in the same program or receive a new one.
Even if you haven’t decided yet whether you need to learn a foreign language, register with Lingua Leo and rate this project. Maybe it will be very useful to you in the future!

It is almost impossible to learn English without constant skills training. Internet resource lingualeo gives its users this opportunity. Thanks to a wide selection of content, those who want to practice English online can do so every day. The bonus system – meatballs – supports the excitement for learning. To receive them, the student must visit the site and complete tasks daily. Interface Lingvaleo website convenient and understandable, therefore leo liked by both adults and children.

Official website of lingualeo:

Brief description of the site

It is enough to enter the short word lingva into any search engine and the Internet user receives a link to the official website of the English language school. On the central page Lingua Leo Students are asked to talk about themselves and take a grammar test.

Lingua Leo suggests viewing educational materials: short videos, films, dialogues. In the grammar section, theoretical information and practical exercises are arranged by level. If a user registers on the lingvo website, his progress in his studies will be tracked by the program.

Students can use basic materials for free. But, in order to access the rest of the content, you will have to pay money. All training courses posted on lingualeo website, also paid.

Target Audience

For today lingvaleo has about nine million people. These are only registered users. The main audience is residents of the CIS countries, as well as Brazil and Turkey. They are all united by a desire to teach. English interesting and productive.

Lingua Leo for people who want:

  • improve vocabulary;
  • learn grammar;
  • learn to write correctly - with linguo leo it's simple;
  • It is easy to perceive spoken language by ear.

The resource is suitable for preparing for exams IELTS TOEFL FCE, as well as to Unified State Exam online. True, these services are paid and they are not available for mobile versions.

The lingualeo site is not suitable for people who want to learn how to use English in conversation. It will be boring for people who speak the language at levels upper-intermediate and advanced. Leo the lion can only offer them to check their level and practice listening comprehension in the jungle section.

Project Features

The lingualeo website is designed to help those who want to conquer english. Its web version is available to everyone on the Internet. U Lingvaleo There are extensions for the most popular browsers. The service can also be used on multiple platforms. This Android, Windows Phone and iOS.

Lingualeo helps solve the main problem that arises when learning English - it creates external motivation. This is facilitated by game technology for completing tasks, non-boring and relevant material, and a reward system for daily attendance.

English language learning is designed to provide an individual approach to each user. Based on input testing, the program lingle determines the course of study and daily offers the student the necessary number of words and grammatical material to study. Leon actively helps him in this.

Service lingvaleo works on a freemium model: users are offered to use the free version of the project, while the premium product is available for an additional fee. The massive scale of the project makes prices at www lingualeo com affordable.

Instructions for working with the Internet school

First you need to register on lingvaleo. Next, take a grammar test and enter your contact information in the form. Based on this information, the program will create an individual training plan. Then, every day, the user will be given the required task. Generally lingua easy to use.

Assignments can be found on the my page tab. The program suggests the sequence of actions for the student. All learned words can be placed in a dictionary, periodically returned to and repeated. The lingualeo website is also suitable for vocabulary training.

Acts as an assistant on the site lion cub leo. He helps you find the information you need, reminds you about upcoming tasks, and tries in every possible way to simplify the learning process. Studying with him langvich become a game. Every day he needs to be fed food - meatballs.

Login to lingualeo website It is advisable to do it daily. After completing individual tasks for the day, you can additionally watch a video, practice vocabulary, or consolidate the material you have covered. There are several types of such training on leolingvo. Considered the most effective "bridge". The point is this: the user says a word, and his opponent must hear and understand what he said.

Written English is practiced using the service "savannah". Ready-made expression templates are available there. You can change them, add words, create your own phrases. The translator will check all this and correct it.

What are meatballs for?

Learn English with leo easy and interesting. But you have to pay for everything. Exchange currency for Lingua Leo are meatballs.

You can earn virtual money in the following ways:

Users receive 200 units of currency when registering on lingleo.
Complete tasks. For successful completion of certain exercises, the student lingvaleo gets meatballs.

Five-day marathon. If the user diligently completed all tasks and provided 100% satiety to the local animal lego— he receives virtual money on the first and third days.
Meatballs can be obtained for each invitee who has reached level 5. Invite a friend to website and get 100 units of local currency.
They pay in meatballs for new added words at the rate of 1 piece for 1 word. Buy additional courses from leolingua premium You cannot use this currency. Meatballs also cannot be given to other users. They can only be used for yourself for the purpose of improvement. langvich.

Recently, learning foreign languages ​​has become not only fashionable, but a vital activity. Whatever one may say, without knowledge of a foreign language it is unlikely that you will be able to get a prestigious job today: almost any application form for employment is threatened with the “knowledge of languages” column. It would seem, what is the problem here? We enroll in a language school (we are looking for a tutor) and hone our linguistic skills. However, everything would be simple if it were not so difficult. This option is very expensive: both in terms of money and time. It is much easier to study English on your own using the free online service LinguaLeo.

TOP 5 advantages of LinguaLeo and my review

Among the many sites that offer help in learning English, the LinguaLeo service can rightfully be called one of the best. What's the secret? Its advantages, of course! These include, in particular, that this service:

  • absolutely free, which means that instead of purchasing English courses, you can organize a trip abroad;
  • makes it possible to effectively determine the level of language proficiency using interactive tests;
  • offers a unique training program that is selected individually for each user, taking into account his interests, level of English proficiency and the stated learning goal (for example, passing the TOEFL exam);
  • opens up the opportunity for users to independently determine the type of activity (for example, watching movies, TV series or listening to music files);
  • provides a wide range of practical tasks to develop English language skills;
  • mobile, that is, with its help you can practice English anywhere in the world.

At the same time, you can practice English using LinguaLeo at any time! Just 30 minutes a day is enough to see visible results after just a week of practice. Want to know how the site works? Then let's go! Let's look at everything step by step.

Step #1: Master the art of registration

In principle, the registration process on the LinguaLeo website is so simple that it will seem like a joke even for complete “dummies” who are far from computer science. The fact is that you can register here directly from the social network. In this case, you just need to follow this link to the LinguaLeo website, then click the “More” button and select one of the proposed social networks - “Vkontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” or Facebook:

After this, all that remains is to give the application the go-ahead to read user data, and you can immediately get to work:

It is worth noting that you can register on LinguaLeo without having an account on a social network. In this case, our favorite email will come to our aid. What are we doing? We go to the LinguaLeo page and click the “Register” button to get started. Then enter your email address and password for the site, click “Create an account” and select gender and age in the window that opens to select an individual training program:

The next step is to determine the amount of time that you plan to devote to English classes per day and click the “Next” button:

After this, we fill out an interactive plate illustrating our English skills. In this case, in each of the columns we alternately move the lever to the number that best characterizes the level of our practical training:

Now, after clicking the “Next” button in the new window, all you have to do is tick your interests and click “Finish” to complete registration on the site:

What's the result? Less than 5 minutes of work, and your LinguaLeo account is created! You can start learning!

Step No. 2: Choosing a training program

So, after registration is completed, a window similar to this should appear in front of us:

What is required of us? First, determine your vocabulary in order to learn only those words that are unknown to us. How to do this? Click the appropriate button in the column and go to the text. Each of the tasks looks similar:

We are only required to answer honestly whether we know the meaning of the word or not. At the end of the test, the following message will appear:

There are only three possible answers to each question, so to test your knowledge, just select the appropriate one and click the “Check” button. If the answer is given correctly, check the “Already know” section; if incorrect, go to the “We will study” section. Based on the test results, the individual training program will be determined:

All that remains is to click the “Finish” button and select the “Target” item in the newly appeared column. Actually, why do we need English? As a hint, the service offers us this window:

Select the appropriate option and click “Finish”.

Step No. 3: We undergo training

Well, after the training program has been selected, all that remains is to start classes. It is worth noting that the tasks will be different for everyone, because they directly depend on the level of English language proficiency, and on the interests of the user, and on the set goal in learning it. In general, tasks can be in the form of reading texts, practicing pronunciation of words, listening, watching videos, speaking.

If you wish, you can choose a new program, add unfamiliar words to study, and repeat previously learned lessons. Where else can you find such freedom of action in learning English?

In general, with LinguaLeo, learning English will turn not only into useful, but also into the most interesting hobby, which is simply impossible for either a child or an adult to tear himself away from! Are you already on LinguaLeo?

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