Basic communication styles. The most pleasant sounds for a person

In order to see the “details” of the communication process, learn to obtain the missing information from a holistic impression of a communication situation, connect the components of communication into a specific style of communication and imagine how a particular style affects relationships between people and their health, you need to be able to diagnose (recognize) communication styles:

    conventional (business);



I manipulative;

■ updated.

Conventional(business) style implies a fairly large distance between people. Expressions of emotion are limited. Participants communicate as carriers of certain service functions.

Primitive communication style presupposes the presence of “theatrical” or “ordinary” relationships between people. Emotions are expressed depending on the situation and subordination. Primitive relationships become the rules of interaction: one interrupts the other, remarks are made, aggressive feelings are expressed. Participants communicate “in public.”

Manipulative style. This is a type of destructive communication behavior that has a detrimental effect on human health. A person chooses this style of communication when it is beneficial for him to exaggerate his strength or demonstrate his weakness.

Updated the style demonstrates motivated, felt reasons for behavior. A person makes decisions calmly, without offense, statements are made in a friendly manner. Such a person can be trusted; he can be the eyes of a “blind man.” This is a type of constructive human behavior.


Components that contribute to listening skills andtake.

Participation. The true meaning of participation is attention to the feelings of another person, acceptance, interest. Participation cannot be achieved immediately and takes time to develop.

Listening skills means openness to the world, thoughts and feelings of other people, openly expressed or implied. It is an active, conscious effort to generate participation rather than mere passive acceptance.

Understanding the meaning of spoken words requires concentration, lack of prejudice, and interest. Understanding another person includes understanding their point of view.


Focus attention- means suppressing your own prejudices, prejudices, feelings of concern and any other, internal or external, factors.

A nurse who listens better recognizes the patient's needs; she not only hears what the patient says, but also pays attention to recurring “themes” in his statements.

Showing anxiety about another person means providing assistance and assistance in self-realization. Communication between nurse and patient, as well as everyone involved in the nursing process, should include understanding, patience, honesty, sincerity, trust, hope and courage.

Openness- this is the disclosure of your inner “I” to another person; it implies reciprocity. Openness and self-disclosure are a prerequisite for communication and the implementation of various therapeutic procedures during the treatment process.

Open relationships presuppose acceptance, empathy, and participation in the communication process. Acceptance is akin to forgiveness: the nurse weighs the behavior of another person, takes into account the positive and negative factors of this behavior, consciously does not attach importance to negative factors, and focuses on positive factors of behavior that contribute to the development of the desire for health, but does not impose directions in which they must develop; instead, it allows the other person to determine the nature of the communication, the response, and everything that matters for that response. By accepting the patient, the nurse, as it were, allows him to accept himself.

Open relationships also presuppose empathy, that is, the ability to accurately perceive the internal state of another person, his value orientation.

The empathetic nurse mirrors the patient, demonstrating a sense of presence.

In an atmosphere of mutual understanding, it is easier for the patient to find himself, to find new values ​​in the process of adaptation, more correct and positive ones.

Sincerity is a necessary condition for establishing a trusting relationship. Sincerity means that communication is harmonious. A sincere or harmonious person is one who understands his inner feelings and thoughts and expresses them correctly, both verbally and in other forms.

Sincerity helps to establish and maintain trust in oneself, as well as between oneself and others, which develops into free and open communication.

Respect implies warmth, affection and acceptance of another person as a worthy person, despite her shortcomings. Feeling respected is essential to developing and maintaining health.

All components of effective communication create a favorable atmosphere for understanding. They provide the basis for listening and understanding skills.

Knowing these components, the nurse will be able to understand a number of important aspects of nursing communication that must be taken into account to create an appropriate environment for the nursing process. They will help the patient trust the nurse with private information.

General principles of ability to effectively listen

    Stop talking, focus on the patient, do not interrupt him.

    Eliminate distractions: phone calls, other people, noise can cause distractions.

    Look at the speaker. Let the person know that you are interested in what they have to say. Be as attentive as possible and be involved.

    Try to get the main idea. Capture the topic of the conversation, not its details.

    Try to understand the essence. Pay attention to the patient's speaking style. Assess his emotional reactions and feelings. Assess how this person perceives the situation.

    Separate the person from the idea. Usually react positively to the thoughts of those they love,


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than those to whom they are indifferent. Try to correctly perceive what the patient says.

    Identify what the patient is avoiding talking about. Ask yourself if the patient has omitted any important point in his story, is he hiding his feelings or a person who plays an important role in his life?

    Separate emotions from reactions. Avoid anger and sadness, strong emotions that can interfere with deep listening and understanding.

    Be careful with interpretations. Don't judge and don't

assume hastily. Try to grasp the facts.

10. Respect the patient as a person. Show sincere respect, interest and care.

11. Empathize. Put yourself in the patient's shoes to understand his actions. This will help you see the world as the patient sees it.

Factors, promotingcommunication

Successful communication is helped by empathy - the ability to understand and feel the emotional state of another person, to empathize with him. Empathy is the opposite of indifference and self-centeredness. The level of empathy depends on heredity, upbringing, living conditions and can be significantly increased with purposeful work on oneself.

When providing care to patients, the nurse must use a whole arsenal of personal qualities and skills, techniques and communication methods to establish trust with the patient and his family members in order to find effective solutions to the patient's problems.

These personal qualities greatly facilitate communication and solving the patient's problems.

The personal qualities of a nurse providing assistance include: empathy, sincerity, caring, and respect.

With these qualities, the nurse must establish a trusting relationship. These include:

focused conversation, trust and contact, creating conditions for self-expression.

Focused Conversation focused on a specific goal. It is considered a criterion for skillful communication and helps the patient to free himself from tension and anxiety. The environment created by the nurse provides confidentiality and creates a feeling of support.

It is important to skillfully ask questions to the patient and his relatives in order to quickly establish a trusting relationship to successfully resolve the patient’s problems. Questions can be general, specific, leading, etc. General questions are more often used for a person’s self-expression, the main thing is that they are open-ended and allow the patient to describe in his own words the most important problems that need to be solved. Specific questions allow you to collect unambiguous information, such as passport data about the patient, for example: “Give me your last name, first name, patronymic. What is your address?

Leading questions help actively identify symptoms of diseases that are important for a doctor or nurse, to which the patient did not attach importance.

Trust and contact- these are very important elements. They arise if the patient is convinced of the sincerity of the nurse’s intentions, her warmth and unbiased attitude towards him. Confidentiality is associated with trust.

Creating conditions for self-expression: The nurse provides the patient with opportunities for self-expression through focused conversation. It is necessary to create conditions that will allow the patient to think, feel or solve his problems as if on his own; help the patient express himself and maintain initiative.

Factors that facilitate communication include helping skills that can help the patient understand and communicate about their problems. -

Let's consider the most significant of them: ■:

    communication skills;

    response and questioning skills;

    goal planning skills;



To adapt to the style of conversation, it is necessary to take into account the cultural characteristics of the nation. For example, touching in some cultures is a sign of attention, while others consider touching to be sexual.

9. Age differences. A person's age can influence the way a conversation is conducted, especially if there are large age differences between the interlocutors. For a child under 6 years of age, a conversation with a parent or guardian is usually necessary, although the behavior of the child himself is also taken into account. Parents often consider themselves to blame for problems with their children’s health. In such cases, you need to use non-judgmental questions to get the information you need. For example, a question like: “When did you notice the first signs of an increase in temperature?” is more appropriate than the question: “Why didn’t you take him to the hospital earlier?” Show compassion to the parents and thereby provide them with support and comfort.

Children over 6 years of age are interviewed directly. Play and drawings are alternative means of obtaining information. Don't talk to them like kids, don't talk down to them. Talk to them the same way you would to adults. If parents are present, observe intra-family relationships. If the parent is dominating the conversation and instructing the child on how to respond, the nurse may address the child directly with comments such as, “Now I'd like to hear how you feel about this situation?” Use this technique when talking with an older person. It is necessary to find out if he has hearing problems. Avoid raising your voice, even if the patient has hearing problems.

10. Loud speech. Loud words can be annoying and even offensive.

Older adults with hearing loss usually have trouble hearing high-pitched sounds, and raising your voice usually raises the pitch. Before starting the conversation, make sure that the patient does not have hearing problems. If the patient has difficulty hearing, then sit opposite, speak slowly and clearly; this will help make it easier to communicate with him, perhaps he can read lips.


The best relationship will provide you with good lighting and the absence of extraneous sounds (radio, TV). To talk with older people, one conversation is not enough - spend more time with them. Often older people do not say anything and believe that some symptoms are age-related features that are not of great importance. Establishing trust, mutual understanding, and respect for age is the only way to overcome obstacles in communication. One of the effective ways to establish rapport with an older person is to allow him to remember past days and his past achievements.

Communication with the patient and everyone involved in treatment and care requires understanding, respect and faith in the patient's recovery. The uniqueness of nursing communication is that the patient must believe in the kindness and strength, the ability of the nurse to lead the adaptation process. Due to careless words or actions of a nurse, the patient may experience mental health problems, which are called sister-geniuses. Typical reasons that cause them:

    careless verbal influence or influence through non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, etc.);

    hasty or unfounded information about the state of health, prognosis of the disease;

    misinterpretation of treatment and diagnostic procedures;

“not.maya” sisterstrogenya from inaction and inattention. . nurses;; ""*.■"■

Improper storage of medical documentation and familiarization with it to the patient*


The best business conversation strategy is a positive, interested, respectful attitude. The very first spoken words play a big role. It is advisable to find out the name and patronymic of your interlocutor before talking with him. If this cannot be done, you need to ask him directly. Try not to forget his name


and patronymic. Remember* that the most desirable sound for a person is the sound of his own name, its correct (without distortion) use at the beginning and during a conversation!

Memorize the most important information about the other person, perhaps from medical records, and then refer to them during the conversation.

Start the conversation with the so-called “You approach.” Try to put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor, imagine his interests. This will be reflected in the content and form of your statements. Compare for example:

I would like... Do you want...

I'm interested... This should be for you


I have drawn conclusions, you will be interested to know...

Choose a specific style of conversation: pitch, timbre, volume, duration, frequency of pauses, speed, presence and nature of pauses, gestures, intonation, etc. Inconsistency in conversation style can lead to the interlocutor refusing to participate in the conversation. Analyze the reasons for changes in the interlocutor’s behavior; understand the reasons for difficulties; If possible, specifically identify style and other discrepancies. To diagnose the situation, use nonverbal (nonverbal) behavior and expression of feelings, which often turn out to be truer than words. People do not hide positive emotions, and you can tell by their facial expressions. Of course, facial expressions can be consciously controlled; they depend on national and cultural stereotypes. This presents significant difficulties. Many other non-verbal signs turn out to be much more “truthful”: posture, gestures, relative position, distance between interlocutors, eye contact, and more.

The effectiveness of communication also depends on the conditions of the conversation - place, time, presence of interference (noise, presence of strangers, disorder in the room, etc.). It is worth remembering that a seriously ill person cannot listen truly attentively; in such a situation, communication becomes formal and ineffective. In addition, it is necessary


remember that a person tends not to hear what is unpleasant to him, or to interpret it in a more favorable sense.

Thus, we can conclude that mastery of professional communication techniques can serve as an effective means of helping people adapt to life due to changes in their health.

Ten Yess to Therapeutic Communication

    Address the patient by first name and patronymic and by “you”.

    Start the conversation by indicating your first name, middle name and position.

    Look the patient in the eyes at the same level, smile; if the patient is lying down, sit on a chair nearby.

    Keep your conversation confidential. Remember that confidentiality is a condition for creating a trusting relationship with the patient.

    Encourage your patient to ask questions.

    Speak slowly, clearly, and use an exclusively positive intonation of your voice.

    Follow the principles of effective listening.

    Demonstrate mastery of nurse-patient communication.

    Show continuous initiative in creating a psychological microclimate when communicating with the patient.

10. Be natural when speaking, create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust.


Talk about verbal and non-verbal methods of communication. List the components that contribute to listening and understanding skills.

Explain the general principles of effective listening. List the factors that facilitate communication. List the factors that hinder communication. What are the names of the conditions that can arise in a patient, in particular, from the carelessly spoken words of health workers? Give their reasons.

What questions are used in interpersonal communication? Give examples of these questions.

All the best melodies have already been invented by nature. Each of the sounds a person hears can influence our mood and well-being. The most pleasant of them can strengthen the nervous system, relieve stress and set you in a working mood. For example, on the Internet you can find hours of purring sounds of cats, which some people listen to before bed.

Below are selected 10 sounds from which you can get a lot of pleasant sensations.

Cat purring

What could be better than a purring cat sitting on your lap! Purring has been proven to calm, relax and even help with insomnia.

The crunch of snow

Walk through the crunchy snow underfoot. This is what happens when there is light frost. You take steps, and the snow gives off a pleasant crackling sound.

The sound of rain on the roof

One of the greatest pleasures is to lie on the bed, cover yourself with a blanket and listen to the rain pattering on the roof on a spring day.


Lucky are those who live in a city by the sea. Residents of such cities spend a lot of time near the water, both in summer and winter. And, of course, they hear the soothing melodies of the surf.

Crackling logs

Lighting a fire on a summer evening and enjoying the crackling of logs means that you are spending time in the company of good people. It's great to tell each other stories at times like these.

The babbling brook

It’s hard to hear the murmur of a stream in the noise of the city. Perhaps many city residents have never heard this sound, which means there is a good reason to go on vacation somewhere in nature.

Birds singing in the morning

One of the most pleasant alarm clocks. And if in the morning when you wake up, a cat is also purring next to you - this is simply heavenly pleasure.

The rain fills the trough

You are sitting in the country, drinking tea, and outside the window the rain is dripping, which fills the old trough with life-giving moisture. Nostalgia!

The noise of the forest

Residents of big cities understand what a pleasure it is to walk along forest paths away from the hustle and bustle of city noise. A real natural orchestra, unique in its splendor.

Children's laughter

Laughter prolongs life, so laugh to your health!

And as a bonus, a small selection of sounds that will help you relax

Sounds of nature for 8 hours

30 minutes solo nightingale

Sounds of the sea

The sound of a fire

3 hour train ride

Music "Medicine cat"

This program has a calming and healing effect. It uses the harmonics of a cat's purr. Almost all cats purr at frequencies of 25, 50 Hz, with harmonics reaching up to 150 Hz. In addition, the breathing rate of a sleeping cat is on average 46.2 times per minute or 0.77 times per second. This program consists of six tones: 25Hz, 50Hz, 75Hz, 100Hz, 125Hz and 150Hz, the frequency of the isochronous rhythm is 0.77 vibrations per second. Each harmonic has a step of 25Hz and its amplitude is proportional to the magnitude of the harmonic.

And although science still does not know why cats purr, there is an assumption that these sounds have healing properties. Unlike dogs, cats are excellent doctors; they know how to treat themselves, for example, cancer in cats is ten times less common than in dogs. There is a theory that the secret of the extraordinary health of cats and their ability to heal themselves from diseases lies precisely in the frequencies of the cat's purring. The cat enters a trance state and uses these frequencies to tune its body. The purring of cats also has a positive effect on humans; many articles have been written about the medicinal properties of cats.
This program uses frequencies characteristic of these animals, these frequencies are presented in their pure form (they were artificially synthesized), and it will definitely have a positive effect on your health and will help tune your body.

Recommended listening time: this program can be listened to at any time, but it will bring maximum benefit just BEFORE going to bed, because the frequency of a cat’s purring is pure delta meditation!

How to meditate?

Take a position that is comfortable for your body, close your eyes, stop your internal dialogue, and within a few minutes you will enter a pleasant state of relaxation. For an average person this will take about 8 minutes. Before meditation, it is advisable to drink a glass of clean water.

Did you know that a second sound can change your mood for the whole day? To take advantage of this wonderful property of sounds, you need to know the most charming of them.

Today we will tell you about this about the 10 most pleasant sounds for the human ear...

No. 10. The sound of rain on the roof of a one-person tent

Duration: Long

It's good that the rain doesn't stop instantly and we can enjoy its pattering to the fullest. Forest outdoor recreation deservedly took tenth place.

No. 9. Crunch of snow

Duration: Usually less than a minute

Finding untrodden and fresh, crisp snow in the city is quite difficult, but when you succeed, it’s time for relaxation, especially good for romantic dates. Of course, it is better to walk in the snow at night, so you can hear the crunching much better. It’s a little upsetting that winter only comes once a year, but there’s something to listen to in summer too.

No. 8. Surf

Lucky are those who live in a city by the sea. Residents of such cities spend a lot of time at sea, both in summer and winter. The sound of the surf lasts forever, and one could listen to it forever if time allowed.

No. 7. Crackling logs

But you can combine them. Spend the evening by the sea, light a fire - and then you can enjoy both the surf and the sound of crackling logs. True, this is only summer entertainment, but it leaves such a strong impression that it lasts for the whole next year.

No. 6. The murmur of a stream

Duration: Infinite

In the city, it’s hard to catch the pleasure of the sounds of a babbling stream. Perhaps many city residents have never heard this sound, which means there is a great reason for them to go on vacation somewhere in nature.

No. 5. Laughter

Duration: A few seconds

Laughter prolongs life, and at the same time creates a joyful, good mood, not only for the one who laughs, but also for everyone else who also enjoys this mood.

No. 4. Rain fills the trough

Duration: Several hours

And again the sound of falling rain, but this time in a different context. On the Internet you can find many creative works related to exactly this situation, which indicates that rain creates a romantic mood.

No. 3. Cat purring

Duration: Minutes

Cats are cute and fluffy creatures, this is especially proven by the fact that almost any girl at least once will consider herself a cat. According to the polls, the purring of cats took third place.

No. 2. Birds singing in the morning

Duration: 10 minutes

One of the most pleasant alarm clocks, right? And if in the morning when you wake up, a cat is also purring next to you - this is simply heavenly pleasure.

No. 1. Gurgling in the neck of a wine bottle

Duration: 5 seconds

Drink only good wine - this way you will double your enjoyment of this wonderful drink. The honorable first place went to the pleasant gurgling of the wine, which instantly arouses our appetite and awakens the desire to taste this “divine nectar.”


Some sounds have a special ability to evoke positive emotions in a person. Today we will tell you about nine such sounds.


A peaceful mood can be created by the enchanting sounds that are born when a sea wave rolls onto the shore. This is why people love to sit on beaches or on terraces by the sea in the evenings and enjoy the sound of the surf.

The crunch of snow

In the city, it can sometimes be difficult to find clean and crisp snow. But when the frost grips the ground and fresh snow falls, you can enjoy a truly pleasant sound - the crunch of snow. This is a great time for romantic dates, leisurely conversations while walking, or simply an opportunity to immerse yourself in your thoughts and be alone with yourself.

The babbling brook

It is also difficult for a city dweller to enjoy the sound of a babbling stream, but this melody is worth going out of town and spending a day or at least a few hours to the pleasant and relaxing accompaniment of water.

The crackle of burning logs

They say that a person is very calmed by the sight of fire, but the sound of logs crackling in a fire is one of the most pleasant to the human ear. In summer you can light a fire in nature, and in winter you can just sit by the fireplace - and you will be guaranteed several calm and relaxed hours.

The sound of rain

It’s not for nothing that we often hear mention of the melody of rain in songs or poems. This sound can evoke a slightly sad, nostalgic mood and put a person in a philosophical or creative mood.


Laughter has a positive effect on a person, improving his health and mood. But even just the sound of sincere, ringing laughter can evoke a lot of positive emotions in the person listening to it.

Cat purring

Literally ten minutes spent with your favorite cat in your arms to the sounds of his soothing purring can relieve the stress that has accumulated after a hard day.

The singing of early birds

Waking up in the morning to the sounds of birds is a luxury that not everyone can afford. However, at least on vacation somewhere in nature, you should not jump out of bed, but lie down to enjoy the melodies of the songs of early birds - this sound can charge you with energy for the whole day.

The sound of rain filling a trough

Raindrops are capable of creating different melodies, depending on the surface on which they fall. On the Internet you can find many creative works based specifically on creating melodies based on the sounds of dripping water. The rain filling the trough has a special tone of sound that is pleasant to the human ear. Necessarily

Did you know that a second sound can change your mood for the whole day? To take advantage of this wonderful property of sounds, you need to know the most charming of them. The first group of sounds combines the sounds of water.

The sound of rain. It's good that the rain doesn't stop instantly and we can enjoy its pattering to the fullest. Wherever you are, the sound of rain will bring you peace and a desire to sleep. Of course, the most pleasant thing is when you are under the roof of a house or at least a tent at this time. You feel warm and cozy.

Surf Lucky are those who live in a city by the sea. Residents of such cities spend a lot of time at sea, both in summer and winter. The sound of the surf lasts forever... Contemplating the surf and listening to it, you involuntarily begin to meditate on eternity, on the constant movement in nature.

The murmur of a stream. How beautiful the streams are with their cheerful hubbub. Standing by the stream and drinking its fresh water, you are charged with a cheerful spirit. I want to sing, dance, laugh... In the city there is no way to catch the pleasure of the sounds of a murmuring stream. Perhaps many city residents have never heard this sound. If you are one of them, then this is another reason for you to go on vacation somewhere in nature.

But of all the sounds of water, the most pleasant to the human ear is gurgling water or tea filling a mug. Because it is important for a person to quench his thirst. We ourselves are 95% water. I immediately remember Chinese tea ceremonies. Where the murmur of water filling the cup was given special attention.

I immediately remembered the winter version of water.

The crunch of snow. Walk through the crunchy snow underfoot. This is what happens when there is light frost. You take one step, then another, and each step gives off a pleasant crackling sound - it’s time to relax. You will experience special pleasure from such a walk if you go on it with your loved one. Of course, it is better to walk in the snow at night, especially if you live in a big city. This way you can hear the crunch much better.

The crackling of logs. If we remember winter and snow, then how can we not remember the crackling of logs, the open fire by the fire? But you can look at the fire and listen to the crackling of logs at any time of the year. You can, for example, spend an evening by the sea, light a fire - and then you can enjoy both the surf and the sound of crackling logs.

Laughter. Laughter prolongs life, and at the same time creates a joyful, good mood, not only for the one who laughs, but also for everyone else who also enjoys this mood. And if you are gathered in good company around the fire, then you will laugh.

And there was one more group of pleasant sounds left. These are the sounds made by animals:

Cat purring. Cats are cute and unpredictable. Their purring calms and relieves irritation. A cat's purring is not just an animal's conversation, it is a powerful healing agent that allows it to quickly restore its strength and also heal wounds. It is purring that increases their vitality, and also has a beneficial effect on the human body, helping it fight various diseases. When the owner strokes his pet, bioenergetic contact occurs between them, positive impulses are sent to his central nervous system - his mood rises.

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