The bypass of kirits and sushki is open. In the Ryazan region, an interchange was opened near the villages of Kiritsy and Sushki

On September 16, as part of a working visit to the Ryazan region, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov and the head of Rosavtodor Roman Starovoyt checked the readiness to launch work traffic on the new 13-kilometer section of the transport corridor “Center - Volga Region - Ural" in the Ryazan region, the press service of the FKU reported today "Povolzhupravtodor"

The event was also attended by the regional governor Oleg Kovalev and the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Andrei Makarov.

The constructed modern four-lane road with a special barrier fence to separate traffic flows is part of the M-5 Ural federal highway (km 248+108 – km 258+378). With its help, it will be possible to direct transit transport flows bypassing the settlements of Kiritsa and Sushki.

“Thanks to the new bypass road, it will be possible to eliminate the speed limits previously established on this section of the route. The roadway has been expanded and its capacity will increase to 35 thousand cars per day once the facility is put into operation. This will reduce the delivery time of goods and optimize transportation costs. Now we can say with confidence that we have created all favorable conditions, both for local residents and for the movement of transit transport, which eliminate delays and temporary losses along the way,” emphasized Maxim Sokolov.

During road work, Rosavtodor managed to significantly improve the safety of motorists and pedestrians, as well as eliminate three hotspots of traffic accidents. “On the federal highways of the Ryazan region over the eight months of this year, compared to the previous similar period, the number of accidents decreased by 27%, and the number of victims in them decreased by 32%,” said Roman Starovoyt.

During the event, the interim results of work on the urgent repair of problem sections of regional roads in the Ryazan region and the city of Ryazan using funds from the Platon system were also summed up. For these purposes, 550 million rubles have been allocated from the federal budget. In total, almost 600 m2 of road surface will be repaired this season using fees from the Plato system in the region and its capital.

Continuing his working trip, Maxim Sokolov also visited the Ryazan bitumen materials plant of Gazprom Neft, where a presentation of the company’s new innovative research center in the field of bitumen binders for road construction took place. During a joint inspection of the unique site with the participation of Gazprom Neft Deputy General Director for Logistics, Processing and Sales Anatoly Cherner, it was noted that for the first time in the laboratories of a bitumen product manufacturer they will test not only the binders themselves, but also asphalt concrete based on them, as well as others bitumen and bitumen-derived materials used in road construction. This will allow uniting the interests of manufacturers and road workers to develop and produce bitumen materials that improve the quality of the road surface.

“Creating our own research and development center for bitumen production is an important step for us in developing the company’s technological potential. I am confident that the unique equipment and competencies concentrated at the Research Center will contribute to the development of the domestic road industry and will unite the interests of manufacturers of bitumen materials and road construction organizations,” noted Anatoly Cherner.

Latest news from the Ryazan region on the topic:
Today a new section of the M-5 highway was opened - a bypass of Kiritsy and Sushki with a length of 12.666 km


On September 16, a research center opened at the Gazprom Neft Ryazan bitumen materials plant.
20:02 16.09.2016


The facility was built with federal funds; its cost was about 2.5 billion rubles. On September 16, a solemn ceremony of putting into operation the transport bypass near the village of Kiritsy took place in the Spassky district.
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On Friday, September 16, a new section of the M-5 Ural federal highway was opened in the Ryazan region.
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On Friday, September 16, the opening of the Gazprom Neft research center took place in Ryazan.
17:40 16.09.2016 RIA 7 Novosti

Today a new section of the M-5 highway was opened - a bypass of Kiritsy and Sushki with a length of 12.666 km- Ryazan

On September 16, as part of a working visit to the Ryazan region, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov and the head of Rosavtodor Roman Starovoyt checked the readiness to launch working traffic on the new 13-kilometer section of the railway.
17:32 16.09.2016 Auto62Rus.Ru


On September 16, the Gazprom Neft Research Center for Bitumen Materials opened in Ryazan on the basis of the Ryazan Bitumen Materials Plant.
17:08 16.09.2016 IA MediaRyazan


On September 16, a solemn ceremony of putting into operation the transport bypass near the village of Kiritsy took place in the Spassky district.
16:33 16.09.2016 Government of the Ryazan region


On September 16, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov, the head of Rosavtodor Roman Starovoyt and the governor of the Ryazan region Oleg Kovalev opened traffic along the long-awaited bypass of the villages of Kiritsy and Sushki on the federal highway M-5 "Ural". Representatives of contracting and construction organizations also took part in the ceremony.

The new road will significantly increase the highway’s capacity,” noted Maxim Sokolov. – The speed of movement of vehicles will increase, which means the negative impact on the environment will decrease. Residents of surrounding communities will be able to breathe cleaner air.

On behalf of the editors, we note that large-scale projects for the construction and reconstruction of road infrastructure are regularly implemented in the Ryazan region. One can recall the opening of the Northern Bypass of Ryazan in 2013, the commissioning of the interchange at the 182nd kilometer of the M-5 Ural highway in 2014, and the opening of the interchange at the 184th kilometer of the M-5 Ural highway in 2015. Taken together, all these events have significantly improved the road situation in the regional center.

September 2016 brought positive changes to the road situation in the Spassky district. Before the construction of the new section, the federal road passed through populated areas, which not only led to regular traffic jams, but also provoked many accidents, including collisions with pedestrians.

Today we can say that favorable conditions have been created both for residents of populated areas and for motorists. The former can move more safely along the streets of their own villages, the latter will save a lot of time on the road, emphasized Roman Starovoit.

Construction of the bypass began in 2013; almost two and a half billion rubles were spent on the work. During them, 3 kilometers of the road were reconstructed, and a completely new section of the highway almost 10 kilometers long was built. The new section is a road of the first technical category with four lanes and a dividing strip. The warranty on the new highway is 4 years, with a projected load of 30 thousand cars per day.

The social significance of this facility is undeniable, - Governor Oleg Kovalev emphasized at the opening. – The commissioning of the road will eliminate the source of accidents, increase the throughput of the site and improve the environmental situation. In 2016, all the main areas of concentration of road accidents in the region were examined, and a list of them was compiled. Specific measures have been developed for each such section aimed at reducing accidents.

In the near future, motorists traveling along the Ural highway through the Spassky district will receive another good news. The fact is that the section that existed there with a bridge across the Pronya River has long ceased to meet modern requirements. In November 2015, traffic on the new bridge was opened; the reconstruction of the old bridge is currently being completed. In 2017, this section of the highway will also appear in a completely new look - five kilometers of four-lane road with a dividing strip, two bridges (for opposite directions of traffic).

On topic

In addition, road workers are currently actively working on the interchange at the 189th kilometer of the M-5 Ural highway in the Mikhailovskoye Highway area. In the future, a distribution ring type decoupler should appear here. The auction has taken place and the contractor has been selected. The length of the reconstructed section will be about 2 km with the complete reconstruction of the existing bridges across the Pletenka and Pavlovka rivers and the construction of two covered overground pedestrian crossings. According to the planned schedule, the opening of the facility is scheduled for 2018.

On September 16, a section of the M5 federal highway was opened - bypassing the villages of Kiritsy and Sushki in the Spassky district. The red ribbon was cut by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov, the Governor of the Ryazan Region Oleg Kovalev, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Andrei Makarov and the Head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoyt. They also presented awards to representatives of contractors involved in construction.

The section, about 13 kilometers long, has been under construction since 2013. It meets all international standards. There are four lanes of traffic. According to the head of Povolzhupravtodor Sergei Logunov, the highest level of control was organized during the construction phase. The contractor gave a four-year warranty for the coating, six for the base, and eight for artificial structures. The traffic intensity in this area is estimated at 30 thousand cars per day.

Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov thanked the leadership of the Ryazan region for their cooperation in implementing the project.
“Without interaction between federal and regional authorities, without support on the ground - municipalities - such projects are difficult to implement in such a short time,” Sokolov noted.

The minister emphasized that other projects aimed at developing the road network will be implemented in the Ryazan region.
“Today we spoke with the governor about two interchanges on the M5 highway,” Maxim Sokolov clarified.

Governor Oleg Kovalev noted that with the commissioning of the interchange, a number of serious problems are being solved:
“It’s a pleasure to open such an important section of the M5 federal road for us.” Bypassing the villages of Kiritsa and Sushki ensures traffic safety, reduces environmental pressure, people will soon feel it. Now a lot of work is being done, for which I am grateful to the Ministry of Transport and Avtodor, to reconstruct the M5 and improve its class. There are a number of sections along the road where work is underway to bring them to the first category. This is very important for us.

In addition, the construction of two more interchanges on the M5 highway within Ryazan was discussed by the event participants at the meeting. In particular, we were talking about the interchange at the intersection with Mikhailovskoye Highway, where work has already begun, and at the intersection with Ryazhskoye Highway.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Andrei Makarov noted that there are still many tasks to be done.
- We have gathered to decide how to implement the president’s decisions on road construction here in the Ryazan region. They concern not only federal roads. These are also municipal and rural roads, roads along which school routes pass. “I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a lot has been done, and even more remains to be done,” Makarov said.

Governor Oleg Kovalev noted that this year the region additionally received more than 500 million rubles for roads.
- We are doing a lot of work, we will complete it in the coming weeks and report on the use of these funds. There are still unsolved problems. Therefore, we hope for the same close cooperation in the future,” Kovalev added.

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