Where do gaps in student knowledge come from? Educational and methodological material on the topic: Work to eliminate gaps in students’ knowledge.

Working to fill gaps in students' knowledge.
(Kioseva E.N.,
teacher of Russian language and literature)
One of the main problems that our teachers have to solve is
schools is working with low-performing students. Low achievers
students are considered to have weak mental abilities and
weak learning abilities and skills, low memory levels or those who have
there are no effective motives for teaching. It is no secret that such students
schools exist. To prevent this category of students from becoming classified as
underachieving, systematic work with
low performing students. I would like to stop working with
lagging students in the Russian language.
“Working with lagging students in the Russian language and preventing

In the large and important problem of combating student failure and
improving the quality of knowledge, I see two sides: the problem of prevention
underachievement and the problem of closing gaps in students’ knowledge.
Student failure is caused by many and varied
reasons depending both on the teacher himself (his experience, training, his
methods) and from the student himself. To eliminate causes, consequences
which is the result of student underachievement, efforts should be directed
all teachers. Prevention of academic failure is carried out by setting
in general.
Working with lagging students requires mandatory individual
approach to students, as well as individual tasks for individual students.
These tasks should be considered as additional to what is given
The laggard has to do more work than
successful student. Therefore, these tasks should be small.
For example,
a small card made of educational material.
In every class, as is known, there are students who have serious
gaps in knowledge and skills. These students have great difficulty
work on educational material and need constant attention to themselves
on the part of the teacher both in class and outside of class. Only under this condition are such
students can close knowledge gaps and rise to the same level
The first thing individual work begins with is studying students,
gaps in their knowledge and the reasons for these gaps, psychological

Carefully studying my students, I see that some have unstable
attention, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the educational material, others
strive for mechanical memorization of rules and conclusions, others
Some students have more developed visual memory, others have more auditory memory,
third motor. In any class there are students who do not speak
discipline of mental work. This also manifests itself during presentation or
repetition of material and even more so in the process of independent
work. The teacher’s task is to study the individual characteristics of students and
provide them with timely assistance, facilitate their work on academic
material. When organizing individual work with students, it is important to challenge
their interest in classes and the desire to eliminate gaps in knowledge, and for
To do this, it is necessary to instill in them confidence in their own strength. Need to open before
students the reasons for their lagging behind and indicate ways to close the gaps,
it is necessary to closely monitor students, help them in the lesson and in
homework, celebrate their smallest successes. Desire to learn
is formed in the process of successful work on the material, so it is important
organize individual assistance in such a way that the student
I constantly felt my progress. Experience shows that often
even slight progress forward inspires students, excites
work more intensively and increases interest in classes, and this ensures
them to successfully master the material. Some believe that individual
Helping students only means working with them outside of class. This, of course,
wrong. Individual work with students is, first of all,
constant attention to each of them during the lesson: during the survey
students, in the process of presenting and consolidating the material, as well as during
Group additional classes are organized only in the most

Such groups should be small in terms of the number of participants in them.
students. These are mainly those students who missed classes
for any reason or someone who does not understand something.
How do I organize individual work with students?
First of all, I try to identify the weaknesses and strengths of each student,
I keep track of which students are lagging behind in what areas, and which rules make mistakes.
When doing written exercises, when checking homework
I pay special attention to those who are lagging behind: I give them individual tasks,
I work with each student based on their mistakes. When parsing errors
I pay most attention to the typical mistakes that occur in
many students in control dictations. We look at these mistakes in class.
The main thing is individual work with each lagging behind. To account for errors

I get a special notebook for the Russian language, in which a page is allocated,
where the topic of the lesson is fixed (which is difficult for children and is given + or –
next to each surname). Having established what mistakes one or another makes
student, I give you a task based on a textbook or on a card based on this rule. After
each control dictation words on those rules that students have already
mastered, are crossed out on his card, and new words are spelled
errors made in the dictation are entered on the card. Valuable in this
form of organizing individual homework for students in Russian
language is that it does not require cumbersome accounting. Preparing for this
the work is also not labor-intensive for the teacher. In my work I
I also use individual cards. Individual additional
The students' work has a great effect. But it takes hard work
student and teacher, since the student needs to do additional work, and
to the teacher
A very good technique for working on mistakes is, in my opinion,
this method. I write down errors from 2 - 3 control dictations from their
explanation. After children have meaningfully grasped the rule and learned the words,
in which they made mistakes, they are given an independent task: write
creative dictation or essay using words and sentences with
Test work based on your mistakes is very useful. Forms and methods
Individual work in Russian language lessons is diverse. At
In preparation for the lesson, I plan which of the students to give for
more time for preparation, and for some less time, whom to ask at the table, at
When interviewing 1 student, I focus on the practical part of the material, on
the ability to apply a rule, I demand from others an explanation of the meaning of the rule,
from 3 – achieve a clear, consistent retelling according to plan. As
additional material 1 – analysis of composition, 2 – explanation
spelling words,
3 – declension or conjugation of words.
Individual work with students plays an important role during
explanations of the material. It can take a variety of forms: some
I ask students questions, I invite others to give examples,
Still others are involved in the analysis of illustrations. This activates the learning
process, involves all students in the work and helps those lagging behind to learn
material. I decide which student should be given what task.
If a student is characterized by instability of attention, i.e. inattentive,
I turn to him with questions, involve him in analyzing examples,
I propose to repeat the relevant provisions to students who
remember the material mechanically, I suggest choosing your own examples,
explain spelling or punctuation marks, retell the rule in your own
taking into account

first of all,
As didactic material during presentation I use
examples in which students made mistakes in written work.
Mastering spelling is a complex process. Ways to master spelling
diverse. They stem not only from the specifics of the educational material, but
and from the psychological characteristics of children. The teacher must take these into account
features and,
all types of student memory.
In practice, this means that in the process of explanation the teacher must
combine words with visuals, story with elements of conversation, analysis
examples written on the board, with analysis of examples selected
students, because children have different memories: visual, auditory, motor.
Consolidating spelling material is one of the most important
One of the common shortcomings in teaching Russian is
is an underestimation of auditory tasks, especially during consolidation. Carrying out
class or homework, students usually perceive
spelling visually, reinforcing its visual image only with motor
perception. The sound image, as a rule, does not participate in this process. Not
It is surprising, therefore, that even successful students make mistakes in
auditory dictations on this rule. This is explained simply: in the process
working on the material, students were focused on visual and
motor perception of spellings, and during dictation - auditory, that is
to the type of memory that was not involved in the work on the material. From here
it is clear: when working on spelling, the teacher must combine tasks in such a way
in such a way that all types of students’ memory participate in its assimilation. With this
goal, I practice pre-pronunciation of individual words (words with
unpronounceable consonants, unverifiable vowels, etc.) I spend
I also provide an individual approach to students when preparing for
test work. I begin preparing for the dictation a few days before
its implementation. Before the dictation, I inform you what needs to be specifically repeated.
I give words for memorization that are difficult and can be found in dictation,
I’m training in punctuation marks, sorting out words according to
composition. When the dictations are written, students check them. Check
carried out purposefully, under my leadership. For example, I offer them
first find and check the spelling of all nouns, then
find adjectives and verbs. After this check, read the text again
and hand over notebooks. Sometimes, when the work is handed in, I ask what you thought
the most difficult. Then I write down difficult spellings on the board. By
With fresh traces, correct spellings are better retained in memory
I begin individual work with students from the very beginning of school.
year. And I conduct classes after school only when the student has a lot of
missed or did not understand the material. If the student behaved in bad faith


to complete a task, from such a person I demand a secondary completion of it, sometimes
I leave it after class. In other cases, I carry out the work individually.
with every struggling student. I practice keeping notebooks for
additional work. Depending on the nature of the errors, I invest in
student's notebook, task card. You should not give several at once.
cards - so as not to burden students with work. Students willingly
work on their mistakes with the help of task cards. Each
independent work on correcting errors is checked by the teacher and
the journal must give grades equal to grades for


1. Believe in the abilities of the “underperforming” student and try to convey
to him
2. Remember that it takes time for the “low achiever” to understand
3. Each lesson is a continuation of the previous one. Multiple repetition
main material one of the methods of working with “underachievers”
4. Instilling hope in children that they will remember and understand the material more often
Give them the same type of tasks (with the teacher, with the class, independently).
5. Working with “low-performing” children requires a lot of work and patience.
Gradual development of memory, logic, thinking, interest in learning.
6. Don't chase after a lot of new information. Choose from
The main thing is to study the material, repeat it many times and reinforce it.
7. Know how to win such children over. Communication is the main component
any technique. Only then will you receive the result of your training.
8. Learn how to manage your classroom. Lessons should be varied, then
Students' attention will be focused on the material being studied.
9. When you begin to purposefully work with “low-performing” children, remember:
after some time, their group will again split into capable, average
10. Learn to involve “low-performing” children in teaching more
strong guys. Presented the material, interviewed the powerful, put them in prison

1. When surveying, “low-performing” students must be given an algorithm


answer; allow the use of the plan drawn up during preparation
homework; give more time to prepare for the answer at the board;
allow making preliminary notes, use visual aids
2. If possible, ask students guiding questions that will help
3. Systematically check the mastery of the material on lesson topics, on
which the student was absent for one reason or another.
4. During the survey and when analyzing its results, create an atmosphere
5. In the process of learning new material, the attention of “low achievers”
students are addressed to the most complex sections of the topic being studied.
It is necessary to contact them more often with questions to clarify understanding
educational material, stimulate questions from students if they have difficulties in
6. During independent work in class, low-performing students
It is recommended to give exercises aimed at eliminating errors,
allowed by them in oral answers or in written works.
7. It is necessary to note positive aspects in their work, difficulties and
indicate ways to eliminate them, provide assistance with simultaneous


(the teacher indicates independently identified reasons)

academic failure
Types of survey

Deadlines for delivery of materials
Information for parents (date)
Result of work

Individual table
student _____________________________________________________

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Ulyanovsk secondary school"

Yashaltinsky district of the Republic of Kalmykia




Working to fill gaps in students' knowledge.
One of the main problems that teachers in our schools have to solve is working with low-performing students. Low-achieving students are considered to be those who have weak mental abilities and weak learning skills, a low level of memory, or those who lack effective motives for learning. It is no secret that such students exist in schools. To prevent this category of students from falling into the category of underachievers, systematic work with low-performing students is necessary. I would like to focus on working with lagging students in the Russian language.

“Working with lagging students in the Russian language and preventingfailure"

In the large and important problem of combating student failure and improving the quality of knowledge, I see two sides: the problem of preventing failure and the problem of eliminating gaps in students’ knowledge.
The failure of students is generated by numerous and varied reasons, depending both on the teacher himself (his experience, training, his methods) and on the student himself. The efforts of all teachers should be aimed at eliminating the causes that result in student failure. Prevention of underachievement is carried out by organizing classes as a whole.
Working with lagging students requires a mandatory individual approach to students, as well as individual assignments for individual students. These assignments should be considered additional to those given to the whole class.
A student who is behind has to do more work than a student who is doing well. Therefore, these tasks should be small. For example, a small card made from educational material.
In every class, as we know, there are students who have serious gaps in knowledge and skills. These students experience great difficulties in working on educational material and need constant attention from the teacher both in class and outside of class. Only under this condition can such students close knowledge gaps and rise to the level of the entire class.
The first thing individual work begins with is studying students, gaps in their knowledge and the reasons for these gaps, psychological characteristics, etc.
Carefully studying my students, I see that some have unstable attention, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the educational material, others strive for mechanical memorization of rules and conclusions, and others are slow in their work.
Some students have more developed visual memory, others - auditory memory, and still others - motor memory. In any class there are students who do not master the discipline of mental work. This manifests itself during the presentation or repetition of material and even more so in the process of independent work. The teacher’s task is to study the individual characteristics of students and provide them with timely assistance, making it easier for them to work on educational material. When organizing individual work with students, it is important to arouse their interest in classes and the desire to close gaps in knowledge, and for this it is necessary to instill in them confidence in their abilities. It is necessary to reveal to students the reasons for their lag and indicate ways to eliminate the gaps; it is necessary to closely monitor students, help them in class and with homework, and celebrate their slightest successes. The desire to learn is formed in the process of successfully working on the material, so it is important to organize individual assistance in such a way that the student constantly feels that he is moving forward. As experience shows, often even minor progress inspires students, excites them to work more intensively and increases interest in classes, and this ensures their successful mastery of the material. Some people believe that individual assistance to students only means working with them outside of class. This, of course, is not true. Individual work with students means, first of all, constant attention to each of them during the lesson: during questioning of students, in the process of presenting and consolidating the material, as well as when explaining homework.
Group additional classes are organized only in the most exceptional cases.

Such groups should be small in terms of the number of students involved. These are mainly those students who missed classes for some reason or those who do not understand something.
How do I organize individual work with students?
First of all, I try to identify the weaknesses and strengths of each student, I keep track of which students are lagging behind in what areas, and what rule they make mistakes.
When doing written exercises and checking homework, I pay special attention to those who are lagging behind: I give them individual assignments, and work with each student on their mistakes. When analyzing errors, I pay the main attention to typical mistakes that many students make in test dictations. We look at these mistakes in class.
The main thing is individual work with each lagging behind. To take into account mistakes in the Russian language, I keep a special notebook in which a page is allocated where the topic of the lesson is recorded (which is difficult for children and is placed + or – next to each surname). Having established what mistakes this or that student makes, I give an assignment according to the textbook or card for this rule. After each control dictation, words on those rules that the students have already mastered are crossed out on his card, and new words, in the spelling of which errors were made in the dictation, are added to the card. The valuable thing about this form of organizing individual homework for students in the Russian language is that it does not require cumbersome accounting. Preparing for this work is also not labor-intensive for the teacher. In my work I also use individual cards. Individual additional work of students has a great effect. But it requires the hard work of the student and the teacher, since the student needs to do additional work, and the teacher needs to check.
In my opinion, this method is a very good method of working on errors. I write down errors from 2 - 3 control dictations with their explanation. After the children have meaningfully mastered the rule and studied the words in which they made mistakes, they are given an independent task: write a creative dictation or essay using words and sentences with errors.
Test work based on your mistakes is very useful. The forms and methods of individual work in Russian language lessons are varied. When preparing for a lesson, I plan which of the students to give more time for preparation during the survey, and which - less, who to ask at the table, at the board, who to give a card.
When interviewing 1 student, I focus on the practical part of the material, on the ability to apply the rule, from another I demand an explanation of the meaning of the rule, from 3 - to achieve a clear, consistent retelling according to plan. As additional material 1 – analysis of the composition, 2 – explanation of the spelling of words, 3 – declension or conjugation of words.
Individual work with students when explaining the material plays a big role. It can take a variety of forms: I address some students with questions, offer others examples, and still others involve them in analyzing illustrations. This activates the learning process, involves all students in the work and helps those who are lagging behind to master the material. I also decide which students should be given what task, taking into account their individual characteristics.
If a student is characterized by instability of attention, i.e. inattentive, I turn to him with questions, involve him in the analysis of examples, suggest repeating the relevant provisions, for students who memorize the material mechanically, I suggest choosing their own examples, explaining spellings or punctuation marks, retelling the rule in your own words.
As didactic material during presentation, I use examples in which students made mistakes in written work.
Mastering spelling is a complex process. There are many different ways to master spelling. They stem not only from the specifics of the educational material, but also from the psychological characteristics of children. The teacher must take into account these features and, above all, all types of student memory.
In practice, this means that in the process of explanation, the teacher must combine the word with clarity, the story with elements of conversation, the analysis of examples written on the board with the analysis of examples selected by the students, since children have different memories: visual, auditory, motor. Consolidating spelling material is one of the most important stages of the lesson.
One of the common shortcomings in teaching the Russian language is the underestimation of auditory tasks, especially during consolidation. When doing class or homework, students usually perceive the spelling visually, reinforcing its visual image only with motor perception. The sound image, as a rule, does not participate in this process. It is not surprising, therefore, that even high-achieving students make mistakes in auditory dictations based on this rule. This is explained simply: in the process of working on the material, students were focused on visual and motor perception of spellings, and during dictation - on auditory, that is, on that type of memory that was not involved in working on the material. From this it is clear: when working on a spelling grammar, the teacher must combine tasks in such a way that all types of students’ memory participate in its assimilation. For this purpose, I practice preliminary pronunciation of individual words (words with unpronounceable consonants, untestable vowels, etc.) I conduct warning and explanatory dictations.
I also provide an individual approach to students when preparing for tests. I begin preparing for the dictation a few days before it takes place. Before the dictation, I inform you what needs to be specifically repeated. I give words for memorization that are difficult and can be found in dictation, I conduct training in punctuation marks, and we analyze words according to their composition. When the dictations are written, students check them. The inspection is carried out purposefully, under my leadership. For example, I suggest they first find and check the spelling of all nouns, then find adjectives and verbs. After such a check, they read the text again and hand in their notebooks. Sometimes, when the work is submitted, I ask what seemed most difficult. Then I write down difficult spellings on the board. Following fresh traces, correct spellings are better fixed in the students’ memory.
I begin individual work with students from the very beginning of the school year. And I conduct classes after school only when the student missed a lot or did not understand the material. If a student is not conscientious about completing a task, I demand that he do it again, and sometimes I leave him behind after class. In other cases, I work individually with each lagging student. I practice keeping notebooks for additional work. Depending on the nature of the mistakes, I put a task card in the student’s notebook. You should not give several cards at once - so as not to burden students with work. Students willingly work on their mistakes with the help of task cards. Each independent work on correcting errors is checked by the teacher and grades are given in the journal on a par with grades for test papers.


1. Believe in the abilities of the “underperforming” student and try to convey this faith to him.
2. Remember that it takes time for a “low achiever” to understand the material covered. You can't rush him.
3. Each lesson is a continuation of the previous one. Repeating basic material multiple times is one of the techniques for working with “low-performing” students.
4. Instilling hope in children that they will remember and understand the material, give them the same type of tasks more often (with the teacher, with the class, on their own).
5. Working with “low-performing” children requires a lot of work and patience. Gradual development of memory, logic, thinking, interest in learning.
6. Don't chase after a lot of new information. Choose the main thing from the material you are studying, repeat it many times and reinforce it.
7. Know how to win such children over. Communication is the main component of any technique. Only then will you receive the result of your training.
8. Learn how to manage your classroom. Lessons should be varied, then students' attention will be focused on the material being studied.
9. Having started to work purposefully with “low-performing” children, remember: after some time, their group will again be divided into capable, average and... “low-performing” children.
10. Learn to involve stronger children in teaching “underachieving” children. We presented the material, interviewed the strong ones - put them with the “weak” ones, and let the studies continue.

1. When surveying, “low-performing” students must be given an answer algorithm; allow the use of the plan drawn up when preparing homework; give more time to prepare for the answer at the board; allow making preliminary notes and using visual aids. 2. If possible, ask students guiding questions that will help them present the material consistently.3. Systematically check the mastery of the material on the topics of lessons in which the student was absent for one reason or another.4. Create an atmosphere of goodwill during the survey and when analyzing its results.5. In the process of studying new material, the attention of “low-performing” students is drawn to the most complex sections of the topic being studied. It is necessary to turn to them more often with questions that clarify their understanding of the educational material, to encourage students to ask questions if they have difficulties in mastering new material.6. During independent work in class, low-performing students are recommended to be given exercises aimed at eliminating mistakes they make during oral answers or in written work.7. It is necessary to note positive aspects in their work, difficulties and indicate ways to eliminate them, provide assistance while simultaneously developing independence in learning.

Reasons for failure
on this topic
(the teacher indicates independently identified reasons)

Types of survey

Deadlines for delivery of materials

Information for parents (date)

Result of work

F.I. class Individual table

student ____________________________________________________

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

The main object of a teacher’s professional and pedagogical activity is the student, and its subject is the formation of students’ skills and abilities.

3 slide

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From the encyclopedic dictionary: “Knowledge is the result of knowledge of reality, proven by practice, its true reflection in human thinking.”

4 slide

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Aristotle also said that good everywhere depends on two conditions: the correct determination of the final goal of any kind of activity and the choice of appropriate means and methods for achieving it. To conduct a lesson successfully, you first need to determine the ultimate goal of the teacher’s activity in organizing the lesson - what he wants to achieve, then establish the means - what will help achieve the goal, and then determine the method - how to act to achieve the goal. Just as a building begins to be erected from the foundation, a student’s thinking can only be formed on a solid basis of knowledge, skills and abilities.

5 slide

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Recently, psychologists and teachers, together with doctors, have noted a steady increase in the number of children with general behavior and learning problems. Experts note that negative changes in the environmental and socio-economic situation in the country worsen the somatic and neuropsychic health of schoolchildren. During the lesson, students are exposed to the “view” of their peers and almost every day they experience a situation of success or failure. All this, naturally, does not contribute to his personal formation and development. It becomes obvious that part of the blame for such a large number of poor students falls on our shoulders, the shoulders of teachers.

6 slide

Slide description:

The main task of the Teacher is to create a situation of success for each student. success in learning is the only source of a child’s internal strength, generating energy to overcome difficulties in studying a subject, even a one-time experience of success can radically change the child’s psychological well-being. Success for a student can be created by a teacher who himself experiences the joy of success. a teacher can help a low-performing student prepare a feasible task with which he must present in front of the class.

7 slide

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Reasons for absences: absence from classes due to illness; poor general physical development, presence of chronic diseases; delayed mental development. Often children with a diagnosis are taught in general education classes due to the lack of correctional classes or the reluctance of parents to transfer the child to a specialized class or school; pedagogical neglect: the child’s lack of developed general educational skills and abilities over the previous years of education: low reading, writing, counting techniques, lack of independence skills in work, etc.; dysfunctional family; "street" problem; absenteeism;

8 slide

Slide description:

Features of underachieving students: low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this, low level of intellectual development, lack of cognitive interest, elementary organizational skills have not been formed, students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view, there is no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher, children, mainly , from asocial families, lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students, frequent absences from classes without a good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a result, a low level of intelligence

Slide 9

Slide description:

Objectives: create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom; provide timely assistance in additional classes and organize the work of consultants; change the forms and methods of educational work in the classroom in order to overcome the passivity of students and turn them into an active subject of activity. Use educational games for this; free schoolchildren from the fear of mistakes, creating a situation of free choice and success; orient children towards values: man, family, fatherland, work, knowledge, culture, world, which cover the most important aspects of activity; cultivate physical development and a healthy lifestyle

10 slide

Slide description:

To prevent academic failure, it is necessary to promptly identify gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students and organize the timely elimination of these gaps. It is necessary to establish the correctness and reasonableness of the educational methods used by students, and, if necessary, adjust these methods. It is necessary to systematically train students in general educational skills. It is necessary to organize the educational process, the life of students at school and in the classroom, in such a way as to evoke and develop in students internal motivation for learning activities, a persistent cognitive interest in learning.

11 slide

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To increase efficiency: Diversify types of activities; Ventilate the office; Conduct physical exercises; We must always remember to respect the principle of necessity and sufficiency

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Types of work with low-performing students: Cards for individual work; Multiple choice tasks; Cards - simulators; Creative tasks; Cards with sample solutions.

Slide 13

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The teacher’s algorithm for fixing and eliminating gaps reflects this sequence of actions. 1. After any knowledge control (independent work, test, test), a table of individual problems for each student on a particular topic is compiled. This helps to systematize the work to eliminate gaps in students’ knowledge and work on mistakes. For example:

Slide 14

Slide description:

Test: Cylinder, cone. 1. The height of the cone is 2 cm, and the generatrix of the cone is inclined to the plane of the base at an angle of 60º. Find the total surface area and volume of the cone. 2. In a cylinder with a height of 8 cm, the axial cross-sectional area is 112 cm2. Find a) the radius of the cylinder; b) total surface area; c) volume of the cylinder; *d) the cross-sectional area of ​​a cylinder parallel to the axis and spaced 4 cm from it.

15 slide

Slide description:

Job analysis (done horizontally). Task No. 1. Errors during: 1. execution of the drawing; 2. determining the elements of a cone: a) vertex, b) generatrix, c) height, d) radius, e) axial section; 3. determination of tangent, sine, cosine; 4. finding the unknown member of the proportion; 5. writing formulas: 6. performing arithmetic operations. Task No. 2. Errors during: 1. execution of the drawing; 2. finding the elements of the cylinder: a) generatrix, b) height, c) radius, d) axial section, e) section of the cylinder by a plane parallel to the axis, 3. determining the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle; 4. solving linear equations of the form: ax = b; 5. writing formulas: 6. writing the Pythagorean theorem and finding an unknown leg.

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1. In the table for registering gaps, I place the list of students in the group vertically; horizontally, I list the most common errors, difficult-to-learn concepts, methods of action, etc. 2. The gap discovered by the results of tests of students’ knowledge is recorded in the corresponding cell of the table with a minus sign (“ - "). 3. A copy of the table can be placed on a stand in the office. 4. Each student transfers a copy of the table to his workbook, where the last sheets are specially allocated for this. 5. The student goes to the board with a workbook to answer, and in addition to the answer, he is asked one or two questions about the formulation or application of the rule that caused the difficulty. 6. If the space is eliminated, then in the space table the “-” sign is replaced with the “+” sign. 7. Work to eliminate gaps in knowledge is carried out through consultations and additional classes. The time spent in these classes is different for each student. It will be determined by the number of gaps and the success of their elimination. 8. Often a group of students with identical gaps is created. 9. At each lesson, warm-ups are held - “five minutes” to update basic knowledge on the subject and repeat the necessary formulas and theorems that will be used when studying new material

Slide 17

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2. Elimination of gaps in knowledge is carried out in a differentiated manner, taking into account the individual rate of assimilation and individual abilities of each person. All this contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, the development of activity and independence, and the development of cognitive abilities.

18 slide

Slide description:

Examples of differentiated tasks. 1. Assignments with an execution algorithm (for stronger students). No. 1. Find the slope of the tangent to the function y = x3 – 4x2 + 5 at the point x0 = 0.5. SOLUTION Plan: 1. Remember what the angular coefficient of the tangent to the graph of the function is. 2. Find the derivative of the function. 3. Calculate the value of the derivative of the function at the point x0 = 0.5. 4. Write down the answer.

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2. Tasks with sample solutions (for weak students) 3. Assignments with auxiliary questions. The didactic purpose of using questions in assignments is to help students reproduce the knowledge necessary to find a way to solve a given task or to focus the student’s attention on the necessary material. Example. Exercise. Prove a sign that a line and a plane are parallel. Questions for proof. 1. What plane should be constructed? How many such planes can be drawn? Why? 2. What is the relative position of the given and constructed planes? 3. What method is used to prove the theorem? What is its essence? 4. How will the straight line be located in relation to the line of intersection of the planes? What follows from this? 5. What contradiction with the condition was obtained? 6. Draw a conclusion. This is the same task for stronger students. Questions for proof. 1. What additional construction needs to be done? 2. What method is used to prove the theorem? 3. What is the result of the assumption? 4. Draw a conclusion.

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3. Problems with academic performance appear when knowledge is not consolidated. Essentially, consolidating knowledge is a reliable way to prevent gaps. There are two options for this work. 1. Element-by-element consolidation is included in the outline of mastering new knowledge and is not a separate stage of the lesson. 2. Regardless of whether the accompanying consolidation of the material was carried out during its study, it is necessary to use a specially designed stage of timely “fine-tuning” of understanding and practicing skills in using the acquired knowledge in various tasks.

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Consolidation can be carried out: 1. A generalized repetition of the main provisions of the studied topic, which is given by the teacher after a detailed explanation. This repetition does not include illustrations, evidence or arguments. Only the essentials are recorded. 2. Recording the main provisions studied, drawing up a reference diagram, highlighting key words and expressions that fix attention on the main thing. 3. By summing up the material studied by the students, then the teacher plans the goals of consolidating the system of requirements. 4. By drawing up a plan of the material studied or repeating what has been studied according to the plan specified before starting to get acquainted with the material. 5. Carrying out practical actions according to a given pattern, solving typical, gradually more complex problems. 6. Commenting on samples of ready-made solutions. 7. A general solution with a commented analysis of each action and transformation. 8. Reformulation of definitions, retelling of information, drawing up plans and algorithms of activity.

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Some useful tips for us teachers when working with low-performing students: - remember that the function of the tasks set at the consolidation stage is not a test, but an educational one. It is useful to understand how to do it, and not how not to do it. The longer you work with an error, the more it is remembered. Remember that the student can only think when the teacher is silent. Don't miss the opportunity to have students work at their own pace. It is better to give homework assignments not to memorize the wording, but to read it, understand it, try to apply it or choose an example, and retell it in your own words. In this case, we remove the barrier associated with the fear of missing a word in the definition or changing the order of words, and it is this psychological barrier that often causes misunderstanding. Naturally, every teacher knows these recommendations, but it is precisely them that we miss in our work. It is important to understand that gaps in knowledge are not the fault, but the misfortune of many of our students (cumbersome programs, imperfect methods), and our task is to help the children understand what needs to be done so that there are no blank spots in their knowledge, topped with a two in the journal.

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Why do children have difficulty at school?

The number of students with learning difficulties is increasing every year. From the very first days of school, a group of students is identified who have difficulty mastering the curriculum in basic subjects.

You should pay attention to the very first manifestations of school difficulties, because this is when the child begins to seriously lag behind in his studies, losing interest in it and losing faith in his abilities. If at the same time he is punished by both the teacher and the parents (with reprimand or more drastic measures), then the desire to learn disappears for a long time, and sometimes forever. The child begins to consider himself helpless, incapable, and all his efforts as useless. Psychologists are convinced that learning outcomes depend not only on whether a person is able or not to solve a problem, but also on how confident he is that he can solve this problem. If failures follow one after another, then naturally there comes a moment when the child says to himself: “No, I will never succeed.” If “never”, then there is no need to try! Abandoned by mom or dad by the way: “Well, how stupid you are!” - aggravate the child’s insecurity. Not only a word, but also simply an attitude that you demonstrate (even unintentionally) with a reproachful look, intonation, gesture, sometimes speaks louder words to the child. Sometimes parents make excuses: “I’m not scolding him for his grade, but can he sit quietly in class?!” The fact is that for a child it is not so important what you are dissatisfied with, what you scold for, what you reproach for - for bad grades or for bad behavior, for fidgeting in class, or for not understanding the academic task. There is only one meaning: they scold me - it means I’m bad, I’m not good for anything.

1. Weak level of development of abilities

Each child has his own level of development of memory, thinking, attention and his own limits of capabilities. Some people easily study with straight A's, while others need to make a huge effort to get a solid C'. If you suspect that your child is a poor student for this very reason, a child psychologist can confirm or refute your assumption. He will conduct a series of psychodiagnostic studies and tell you whether the child’s intellectual capabilities allow him to successfully master the school curriculum.

2. Gaps in knowledge in academic subjects

Basically, this problem occurs in children who are often absent from school, or in children with a slow pace of assimilation of information (they do not have enough educational time to understand and learn the topic, and the class is already moving on with the school curriculum). Gradually increasing, such gaps in knowledge on the subject lead to the fact that the child needs to make more and more efforts to understand new material.

3. Excessive requirements for academic performance

Many parents want to be proud of their child’s successes and dream that he gets only good grades at school. But what efforts should the child himself make for this? Can he always meet your expectations?

High demands, especially in combination with various punishments for non-fulfillment, often create in the child the feeling that his parents love and accept him only when he is successful and has something to be proud of. And then, if the child is able to fulfill the demands of his parents, he studies well at any cost. Including at the cost of lack of sleep, refusal to communicate with friends, hobbies, etc. This can lead to overwork, nervous breakdowns, depression, fear of making a mistake and other negative consequences.

It is even sadder if the child is not able to fulfill the demands of his parents, for various reasons: lack of abilities, not enough willpower to sit for hours on textbooks, etc. Then, when faced with failure (low grades), the child experiences it acutely. Parents often aggravate the situation with their criticism and dissatisfaction. All this is repeated time after time, the child feels helpless and gradually ceases to believe in his own abilities, resulting in: loss of interest in learning, refusal to do homework, truancy, keeping double diaries (for parents and for school), etc. .

4. Inability to subordinate your behavior to rules and requirements

It is important to note here that there are children who cannot and children who physically cannot control their behavior (children with hyperactivity and attention disorders, neurological diseases, etc.)

Problems caused by the physiological characteristics of brain activity, as a rule, cannot be compensated only by measures of pedagogical and psychological influence; medical assistance is also required here. In cases where we are talking about the inability and unwillingness to obey existing requirements, our efforts will be aimed at creating a positive attitude towards the rules, developing educational motivation, updating the need to be accepted and, possibly, restructuring the entire system of norms and rules of behavior. This may require a long time and deep joint work by the child himself, his parents and the psychologist.

5. Conflicts at school (with children or teachers)

This problem is quite rare in children studying in primary school; parents of teenagers often face this problem. The fact is that there is a very big difference between these two ages. For children of primary school age, academic success is very important, so classmates who study well and do not experience behavior problems evoke the greatest sympathy. For them, the teacher is most often an important and authoritative person.

For teenagers, everything is completely different: for them it is more important how they look in the eyes of their peers, whether they enjoy the authority and respect of their peers, whether their classmates accept them. The importance of the figure of the teacher and school success fade into the background. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of relationships in the classroom, a younger student needs to become successful in his studies, but for a teenager, on the contrary, conflicts in the classroom can provoke a significant drop in academic performance. And only by resolving the relationship issues that concern a teenager at school can he concentrate on his studies.

Conflicts happen in any team, and if a child knows how to deal with them, then there is nothing wrong with it. Danger occurs when the situation gets out of control and becomes unfavorable for the child (affects his status in the team, emotional well-being, right to receive objective grades, etc.).

6. Lack of interest in learning

This reason rarely occurs on its own; much more often, reluctance to learn is a consequence of various difficulties that the child faces in connection with school: failures, conflicts, frequent criticism of teachers and parents, a constant feeling that he is worse than others, etc. That is, any of the problems described above can lead to a lack of interest in studying. In this case, it is necessary to understand what the primary problem is and pay special attention to solving it.

Only by understanding what factors led to a decrease in academic performance and reluctance to study can you effectively help your child. After all, different cases require different methods of assistance.

What can parents do if school difficultiesdid they appear?

First – do not consider them as a personal tragedy, do not despair and, most importantly, try not to show your grief and dissatisfaction. Remember: your main task is to help the child. Therefore, accept and love him for who he is, then it will be easier for him at school.

Second – tune in and get ready for the fact that you will have to work together for a long time with your child (he will not be able to cope with his problems alone).

Third – your main help: maintain his confidence in his abilities, try to relieve him of the feeling of tension and guilt for failure. If you are busy with your own affairs and take a moment to ask how you are doing or scold, this is not help, but the basis for new problems to arise.

Fourth – forget the phrase “What did you get today?” Do not immediately ask your child to talk about his school activities, especially if he is upset or upset. Leave him alone, he will tell you everything if he is confident in your support.

Fifth – do not discuss the child’s problems with the teacher in his presence. It's better to do it without him. Never reproach or scold your child if his classmates or friends are nearby. You should not emphasize the successes of other children or admire them.

Sixth – he should be interested in doing homework only when you constantly help him. Be patient when working together. After all, the work of overcoming school difficulties is very tiring and requires the ability to restrain yourself, not raise your voice, calmly repeat and explain the same thing several times - without reproaches or irritation. Typical parental complaints: “I have no strength... I’ve exhausted all my nerves...” usually such classes end in tears: “I can’t hold back, I scream, otherwise I’ll crack.” Do you understand what's going on? An adult cannot restrain himself, but the child is to blame. All parents feel sorry for themselves, but very rarely for their children...

For some reason, parents think that if there are difficulties in writing, they need to write more; if he doesn’t read well, read more; If he doesn’t think well, solve more examples. But this tedious, unsatisfying activity kills the joy of the work itself! Therefore, do not overload your child with what he cannot do.

It is very important that nothing interferes with you during classes, so that the child feels that you are with him and for him. Never demand that your child immediately begin completing a task on his own. First, go over everything with him, make sure that everything is clear to him.

It is equally important to decide which adult is best for your child to do homework with. Moms are usually softer - but they often lack patience, and emotions can be over the top... Dads are tougher, but calmer. Try to avoid such situations when one of the adults loses patience and calls the other one to take over and “for punishment.”

A child who has problems at school will only in rare cases fully know what is assigned to him at home. And there is no malicious intent here: the fact is that homework is almost always given at the end of the lesson, when the class is already noisy, and your “lagging” student is tired and can hardly hear the teacher. Therefore, at home he can quite sincerely say, “Nothing was asked.” In this case, ask your classmates about your homework.

When preparing homework, the total duration of continuous work should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Pauses after such work are required!

Do not strive at any cost and without wasting time to do everything at once.

Seventh – try to find contact with the teacher, because the child needs help and support from both sides.

Eighth – the most important thing when helping a child is reward for his work, and not only in words. Unfortunately, parents often forget about this. And if this is not done, the child, starting to work, may think: “There is no point in trying, no one will notice my success.” Remuneration is required; it could be a walk together, a trip to the zoo, to the cinema...

Ninth Children with school problems need a measured and clear daily routine. We must not forget: such children are usually restless and not collected, which means that it is not at all easy for them to adhere to the regime.

If a child has difficulty getting up, do not jerk him, do not rush him, do not push him too much; Better set your alarm clock half an hour earlier.

Perhaps the most difficult time is the evening, when it’s time to go to bed. Parents are trying to get their little student to bed as quickly as possible, but he is stalling for time as best he can. Often this ends in a quarrel, tears, and reproaches. And then the child cannot calm down and fall asleep for a long time... You can give him some freedom (by allowing him to go to bed not exactly at nine, but from nine to half past ten). Complete rest (without any academic tasks) on Sunday and especially during the holidays is very important.

Tenth , and lastly, the timeliness and correctness of the measures taken significantly increases the chances of success. Therefore, if you yourself cannot determine what is preventing your child from succeeding in educational activities and how to help him, or you are not completely sure of the correctness of your position in relation to the child, it is best to seek help from specialists (a psychologist, a teacher, a speech therapist, neurologist, child psychiatrist). They will help establish the cause of school difficulties and tell you how to get out of the current situation. And follow all their recommendations!



Appendix to protocol No. 4

Speaker: Vardasheva T.N.

Working to fill gaps in students' knowledge.

One of the main problems that teachers in our schools have to solve is working with low-performing students. Low-achieving students are considered to be those who have weak mental abilities and weak learning skills, a low level of memory, or those who lack effective motives for learning. It is no secret that such students exist in schools. To prevent this category of students from falling into the category of underachievers, systematic work with low-performing students is necessary. I would like to focus on working with lagging students in the Russian language.
In the large and important problem of combating student failure and improving the quality of knowledge, I see two sides: the problem of preventing failure and the problem of eliminating gaps in students’ knowledge.
The failure of students is generated by numerous and varied reasons, depending both on the teacher himself (his experience, training, his methods) and on the student himself. The efforts of all teachers should be aimed at eliminating the causes that result in student failure. Prevention of underachievement is carried out by organizing classes as a whole.
Working with lagging students requires a mandatory individual approach to students, as well as individual assignments for individual students. These assignments should be considered additional to those given to the whole class.
A student who is behind has to do more work than a student who is doing well. Therefore, these tasks should be small. For example, a small card made from educational material.
In every class, as we know, there are students who have serious gaps in knowledge and skills. These students experience great difficulties in working on educational material and need constant attention from the teacher both in class and outside of class. Only under this condition can such students close knowledge gaps and rise to the level of the entire class.
The first thing individual work begins with is studying students, gaps in their knowledge and the reasons for these gaps, psychological characteristics, etc.
Carefully studying my students, I see that some have unstable attention, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the educational material, others strive for mechanical memorization of rules and conclusions, and others are slow in their work.
Some students have more developed visual memory, others - auditory memory, and still others - motor memory. In any class there are students who do not master the discipline of mental work. This manifests itself during the presentation or repetition of material and even more so in the process of independent work. The teacher’s task is to study the individual characteristics of students and provide them with timely assistance, making it easier for them to work on educational material. When organizing individual work with students, it is important to arouse their interest in classes and the desire to close gaps in knowledge, and for this it is necessary to instill in them confidence in their abilities. It is necessary to reveal to students the reasons for their lag and indicate ways to eliminate the gaps; it is necessary to closely monitor students, help them in class and with homework, and celebrate their slightest successes. The desire to learn is formed in the process of successfully working on the material, so it is important to organize individual assistance in such a way that the student constantly feels that he is moving forward. As experience shows, often even minor progress inspires students, excites them to work more intensively and increases interest in classes, and this ensures their successful mastery of the material. Some people believe that individual assistance to students only means working with them outside of class. This, of course, is not true. Individual work with students means, first of all, constant attention to each of them during the lesson: during questioning of students, in the process of presenting and consolidating the material, as well as when explaining homework.
Group additional classes are organized only in the most exceptional cases.
Such groups should be small in terms of the number of students involved. These are mainly those students who missed classes for some reason or those who do not understand something.
How do I organize individual work with students?
First of all, I try to identify the weaknesses and strengths of each student, I keep track of which students are lagging behind in what areas, and what rule they make mistakes.
When doing written exercises and checking homework, I pay special attention to those who are lagging behind: I give them individual assignments, and work with each student on their mistakes. When analyzing errors, I pay the main attention to typical mistakes that many students make in test dictations. We look at these mistakes in class.
The main thing is individual work with each lagging behind. To take into account mistakes in the Russian language, I keep a special notebook in which a page is allocated where the topic of the lesson is recorded (which is difficult for children and is placed + or – next to each surname). Having established what mistakes this or that student makes, I give an assignment according to the textbook or card for this rule. After each control dictation, words on those rules that the students have already mastered are crossed out on his card, and new words, in the spelling of which errors were made in the dictation, are added to the card. The valuable thing about this form of organizing individual homework for students in the Russian language is that it does not require cumbersome accounting. Preparing for this work is also not labor-intensive for the teacher. In my work I also use individual cards. Individual additional work of students has a great effect. But it requires the hard work of the student and the teacher, since the student needs to do additional work, and the teacher needs to check.
In my opinion, this method is a very good method of working on errors. I write down errors from 2 - 3 control dictations with their explanation. After the children have meaningfully mastered the rule and studied the words in which they made mistakes, they are given an independent task: write a creative dictation or essay using words and sentences with errors.
Test work based on your mistakes is very useful. The forms and methods of individual work in Russian language lessons are varied. When preparing for a lesson, I plan which of the students to give more time for preparation during the survey, and which - less, who to ask at the table, at the board, who to give a card.
When interviewing 1 student, I focus on the practical part of the material, on the ability to apply the rule, from another I demand an explanation of the meaning of the rule, from 3 - to achieve a clear, consistent retelling according to plan. As additional material 1 – analysis of the composition, 2 – explanation of the spelling of words, 3 – declension or conjugation of words.
Individual work with students when explaining the material plays a big role. It can take a variety of forms: I address some students with questions, offer others examples, and still others involve them in analyzing illustrations. This activates the learning process, involves all students in the work and helps those who are lagging behind to master the material. I also decide which students should be given what task, taking into account their individual characteristics.
If a student is characterized by instability of attention, i.e. inattentive, I turn to him with questions, involve him in the analysis of examples, suggest repeating the relevant provisions, for students who memorize the material mechanically, I suggest choosing their own examples, explaining spellings or punctuation marks, retelling the rule in your own words.
As didactic material during presentation, I use examples in which students made mistakes in written work.
Mastering spelling is a complex process. There are many different ways to master spelling. They stem not only from the specifics of the educational material, but also from the psychological characteristics of children. The teacher must take into account these features and, above all, all types of student memory.
In practice, this means that in the process of explanation, the teacher must combine the word with clarity, the story with elements of conversation, the analysis of examples written on the board with the analysis of examples selected by the students, since children have different memories: visual, auditory, motor. Consolidating spelling material is one of the most important stages of the lesson.
One of the common shortcomings in teaching the Russian language is the underestimation of auditory tasks, especially during consolidation. When doing class or homework, students usually perceive the spelling visually, reinforcing its visual image only with motor perception. The sound image, as a rule, does not participate in this process. It is not surprising, therefore, that even high-achieving students make mistakes in auditory dictations based on this rule. This is explained simply: in the process of working on the material, students were focused on visual and motor perception of spellings, and during dictation - on auditory, that is, on that type of memory that was not involved in working on the material. From this it is clear: when working on a spelling grammar, the teacher must combine tasks in such a way that all types of students’ memory participate in its assimilation. For this purpose, I practice preliminary pronunciation of individual words (words with unpronounceable consonants, untestable vowels, etc.) I conduct warning and explanatory dictations.
I also provide an individual approach to students when preparing for tests. I begin preparing for the dictation a few days before it takes place. Before the dictation, I inform you what needs to be specifically repeated. I give words for memorization that are difficult and can be found in dictation, I conduct training in punctuation marks, and we analyze words according to their composition. When the dictations are written, students check them. The inspection is carried out purposefully, under my leadership. For example, I suggest they first find and check the spelling of all nouns, then find adjectives and verbs. After such a check, they read the text again and hand in their notebooks. Sometimes, when the work is submitted, I ask what seemed most difficult. Then I write down difficult spellings on the board. Following fresh traces, correct spellings are better fixed in the students’ memory.
I begin individual work with students from the very beginning of the school year. And I conduct classes after school only when the student missed a lot or did not understand the material. If a student is not conscientious about completing a task, I demand that he do it again, and sometimes I leave him behind after class. In other cases, I work individually with each lagging student. I practice keeping notebooks for additional work. Depending on the nature of the mistakes, I put a task card in the student’s notebook. You should not give several cards at once - so as not to burden students with work. Students willingly work on their mistakes with the help of task cards. Each independent work on correcting errors is checked by the teacher and grades are given in the journal on a par with grades for test papers.


1. Believe in the abilities of the “underperforming” student and try to convey this faith to him.
2. Remember that it takes time for a “low achiever” to understand the material covered. You can't rush him.
3. Each lesson is a continuation of the previous one. Repeating basic material multiple times is one of the techniques for working with “low-performing” students.
4. Instilling hope in children that they will remember and understand the material, give them the same type of tasks more often (with the teacher, with the class, on their own).
5. Working with “low-performing” children requires a lot of work and patience. Gradual development of memory, logic, thinking, interest in learning.
6. Don't chase after a lot of new information. Choose the main thing from the material you are studying, repeat it many times and reinforce it.
7. Know how to win such children over. Communication is the main component of any technique. Only then will you receive the result of your training.
8. Learn how to manage your classroom. Lessons should be varied, then students' attention will be focused on the material being studied.
9. Having started to work purposefully with “low-performing” children, remember: after some time, their group will again be divided into capable, average and... “low-performing” children.
10. Learn to involve stronger children in teaching “underachieving” children. We presented the material, interviewed the strong ones - put them with the “weak” ones, and let the studies continue.

1. When surveying, “low-performing” students must be given an answer algorithm; allow the use of the plan drawn up when preparing homework; give more time to prepare for the answer at the board; allow making preliminary notes and using visual aids.
2. If possible, ask students guiding questions that will help them present the material consistently.
3. Systematically check the mastery of the material on the topics of lessons in which the student was absent for one reason or another.
4. Create an atmosphere of goodwill during the survey and when analyzing its results.
5. In the process of studying new material, the attention of “low-performing” students is drawn to the most complex sections of the topic being studied. It is necessary to turn to them more often with questions that clarify their understanding of the educational material, to encourage students to ask questions if they have difficulties in mastering new material.
6. During independent work in class, low-performing students are recommended to be given exercises aimed at eliminating mistakes they make during oral answers or in written work.
7. It is necessary to note positive aspects in their work, difficulties and indicate ways to eliminate them, provide assistance while simultaneously developing independence in learning.

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