Where do tears come from and how to tell a child. Project “Why do people cry? How we grieve

IntroductionOne day I saw my little sister
Anya was crying. I became very interested
where do tears come from? Are they useful? From
what do they consist of? Why do we cry because

The purpose of the study: to study why we cry and to explore where tears come from and their composition.

- find out how tears appear;
- find out why tears are useful;
-what are tears made of?
- figure out why they are salty;
- Try to experiment with a tear yourself.

Let's find out what tears or tears are -
this is excess water in our body and
when there is a lot of it, we want to cry,
or our body needs tears and
he produces them himself;
let's say they are salty because
there is salt in the human body;

Object of study: human tears
the ancient Russian form from the Old Church Slavonic language meant “to rinse, to make clean.”

Subject of research: process
appearance of tears

Research methods: analysis
literature and Internet sources;
experiment; own observations and

How do tears appear?

-In our eyes there is a special bag in which it collects
water flows out of our eyes through a special vessel in the form
tears. But how do they get into this bag?
Tears are a clear liquid produced by the lacrimal
gland of the eye.
The lacrimal glands constantly produce tears. Tears
enter the eye through a small duct that opens into
outer corner of the eye. Every time you blink your eyelids
distribute the tear in a thin layer over the surface of the eye. After
tears flow through the tubule located at the inner
the edges of the eye, closer to the nose. These tubes end in
nasopharynx, where “waste” tears flow out.

A person's tears flow constantly.
Tears contain the enzyme lysozyme,
which neutralizes bacteria and prevents
cause them dangerous infections.
Tears are one of the very important elements
our body.
A thin tear film covers the surface
eyes with every movement of the eyelid, this serves
eye lubricant. Thus, such
the film protects our eyes from exposure
air and all sorts of parasites called

Are tears useful?
It turns out that tears contain psychotropic drugs
substances that relieve stress
and it is for this reason that crying brings us
relief. So our tears are very important
functional element of our body.
Having a good cry is always good! And not
only for the eyes, but also for the nasopharynx. Our tears
wash and kill bacteria. When the body
is sick, and there are a lot of bacteria in him,
then the temperature rises
and the body’s defense reaction is triggered.
Tearfulness appears.

So, I found out that:
tears are involved in the supply of nutrients to the cornea
perform a protective function - they cleanse the eye from
foreign objects;
When tears are released, the surface of the eye is wetted
tears can be accompanied by emotions (tears during
time to cry or laugh.)
When a person cries, lacrimation usually occurs - this is
active secretion of large amounts of tears.
And so that tears do not leave edema and swelling, cry
need to be done correctly - in a cool room, sitting and not
wiping himself with a handkerchief.

In general, what does our tear consist of? From what substance?
Tears are mainly composed of: WATER; BELKOV; FAT; SALT; SODA;
Our tears do not linger on the surface of the skin, because they are covered with thick, oily
film, it contains lipids (a wide group of natural organic
compounds, including fats and fat-like substances).
That's why the tears that flow down our cheeks have a salty taste. Our tears
- these are not the saltiest tears in the world.
For example, the body of sea gulls that feed on ocean fish contains
a large amount of salt. Tears help seagulls get rid of excess salt, then
salt is removed from the body through tears, which means that tears contain a lot of it
If birds remove excess harmful salt with tears, then so can humans.
Does crying also get rid of something harmful?
When we experience strong emotions or pain, our brain produces substances that
signaling excitement or harmful stress, and our body
produces special stress hormones. Scientists actually found in
tear fluid some of these signaling substances and stress hormones. That
eating tears helps us get rid of excess substances that are formed in
the result of strong emotions. As these substances are removed, we
we begin to calm down. Many people say that after they cry, they feel
feeling of freshness, like after a cool summer rain. Of course there's no need to cry
day and night, but crying a little sometimes is not harmful, but very
good for our health.
Tears really do relieve stress. However, scientists recommend not crying
more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, bags under the eyes, redness, and
finally, crying can develop into hysterics, which will worsen your condition. Maybe,
I’m burning with tears and you can’t help, but you’ll definitely relieve the nervous tension.

Why do we cry from onions? Is it possible to chop onions and not
Tearing increases to protect the eye. It's natural
reaction of our body.
This is how I started cutting onions...
Still, the onion made me cry...
Studies have shown that if onions are frozen before peeling, then
The lachrymator activity decreases sharply. And now he finds his
explanation of why onions are peeled by wetting them or a knife with water - lachrymator
dissolves in water and is practically not released into the air.
Now I’m certainly not afraid of onions. He won't make me cry.
I defeated him.
Now I know why adults wet the knife and the onion before peeling it.
water - the substance is practically not released into the air, since
dissolves in water. I checked and proved this from my own experience.
Still, eating onions is necessary. Moreover, it excites
appetite and helps the body better absorb nutrients.
Health needs to be given more attention. And if you will
periodically consume onions, you will definitely strengthen your
health and well-being!
Therefore, do not be afraid to cry while peeling an onion, but think about the benefits,
which it will bring to your body.


During my research, I found that people really
cry from emotional experiences (joy, stress,
grievances), and more often than not women cry because of this.
Tears are the best protection for the body. They take out
poisonous toxins, promote rapid healing of wounds,
have a calming effect.
The ability to cry is one of the ways to express your
Their main task is that, based on a pain signal,
lacrimal glands begin to secrete biologically active
substances that accelerate the healing of wounds or bruises.
So, if you hurt yourself, cry for your health - quickly
will heal!!!
Crying is very useful!

Let's turn to the theory. A plant cell contains all the organelles characteristic of a living cell: nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus. At the same time, it differs from a living cell in significant structural features: - a strong cell wall of considerable thickness; - special organelles - plastids, in which the primary synthesis of organic substances from mineral substances occurs due to light energy; - a developed system of vacuoles, which largely determines the osmotic properties of cells.

A plant cell, like an animal cell, is surrounded by a cytoplasmic membrane, but in addition to it, it is limited by a thick cell wall consisting of cellulose, which animals do not have. The cell wall has pores through which the endoplasmic reticulum channels of neighboring cells communicate with each other. The vacuoles are surrounded by a membrane and cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum develop. Vacuoles contain dissolved proteins, carbohydrates, low molecular weight synthesis products, vitamins, and various salts. The osmotic pressure created by substances dissolved in the vacuolar sap causes water to enter the cell, which causes turgor - the tense state of the cell wall. Turgor and thick elastic cell walls provide plant strength to static and dynamic loads.

We set ourselves a hypothesis: “If we cut onions in an underwater mask, then we will not cry.” Equipment: bow, knife, cutting board, underwater mask, camera. Participants: Petrova Sveta. Time: 12:00. Description of work: Sveta put on an underwater mask. On the table there is a cutting board, an onion head, and a knife.

Time 12:20. Sveta cut the onion into a paste-like mass, and there are still no tears in her eyes. Our team is crying, standing next to Sveta. Time 12:23 – experiment completed. Conclusion: we justified our hypothesis. Indeed, if we cut onions in an underwater mask, we will not cry. The experiment took 23 minutes.

We set ourselves a hypothesis: “If we cut a meadow with the husks behind our ears, then we will not cry.” Equipment: bow, knife, cutting board, underwater mask, camera. Participants: Ivanova Sveta. Time: 13:00. Description of work: Sveta put the husk behind her ears. On the table there is a cutting board, an onion head, and a knife.

At 13:02 Sveta began completing the task. After Sveta cut the onion into two halves, we asked about her well-being. After making sure that there were no tears in her eyes, we continued the experiment. Time 13:04 – Sveta continued to cut the onion, and after 1 minute 22 seconds Sveta felt a slight burning sensation in her eyes. Progress of the experiment:

From the experiments we conducted and the literature we reviewed, we refuted our main hypothesis and came to the following conclusions: The gas released from the cells of onions when we cut them, and not the strong smell, makes us cry. When this gas interacts with the mucous membrane of our eyes (or rather, with its aqueous component), sulfuric acid is formed, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.

And finally, a few recommendations: It is very good to use a sharp knife for cutting onions, which will allow you to quickly chop it, and thereby reduce the release of gas. Another good idea is to cut the root of the onion last, or not at all, as this is the part that produces the most harmful gas. And the least shy among us can simply put on proper goggles and chop onions to our heart's content.

When we see a person crying, the first thing that comes to mind is that something bad happened to the person, but this may not actually be the case.
Types of Tears

There are 3 types of human tears: basal, reflex and emotional. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Basal tears are constantly secreted, wetting the cornea and cleaning the eye.

Reflex tears are the body's reaction to stimuli. For example: foreign particles, fumes from onions, tear gas.

Emotional tears occur, you probably already guessed, from the emotions themselves, both negative and positive.
Where do tears come from and where do they go?

All tears are produced in the lacrimal gland, which is located in a special depression in the frontal bone. The secretion of this gland is almost 99% water, the remaining part contains salt, albumin, retinol and other proteins, which also play an important role.

The norm for the lacrimal glands is the production of 0.5 - 1 ml of fluid per day. After production, tears enter the conjunctival sac through the excretory canals and reach the cornea when blinking.

Then the tear moves to the lacrimal lake, then along the lacrimal canaliculi, enters the lacrimal sac, and from it into the nasolacrimal duct and into the nasal concha.

This is why a runny nose may appear while crying.

Interesting fact!
Children learn to cry around 3-4 months, and until that time they cry without tears.

Why are tears needed?

Tears have a biochemical purpose. For example, tears are needed because they:

They wash away everything unnecessary and unnecessary from the cornea.
Moisturizes the eyes.
Supply the cornea with nutrients.
Improves vision.
Relieves stress.
Removes toxic substances from the body.
Normalizes blood pressure.
Increases immunity.

Crying also has a social function: it is easier for a crying person to receive support from the people around him. Therefore, sometimes tears become a means of manipulation.

Is it normal to cry a lot?

Tears become a problem if you cannot stop them yourself. If you are in normal condition, but tears are coming, then it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.

Tearfulness can be a sign of psychological problems and they need to be addressed by a psychotherapist, endocrinologist and neurologist.

If there are a lot of tears, then this may be a symptom of allergies, trauma, conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, inflammation of the lacrimal gland, autoimmune and other diseases.

A lack of tears can in turn lead to dry eye syndrome and decreased visual acuity. It can also lead to diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis disease and Wegener's granulomatosis.
How to stop crying?

If you really want to avoid crying, for example, in public, then here are some tips:

Try to put off tears for later. Just put it aside. This does not mean deciding never to cry again, since suppressing emotions will not lead to any good.
Try to distract yourself. It all depends on your character - it can be either watching a funny video or reading fascinating books.
Well, if you still want to cry, then apologize, go out and find a suitable place to cry.

It is human nature to cry, although rarely, but everyone cries, and crying seems to us such a simple action! But there is a lot that is unclear about it.
Oddly enough, we are not born with the ability to cry, and crying is not always accompanied by tears. It turns out that babies do not start crying immediately, but only after 5-12 weeks from birth. And, by the way, we start crying before we laugh.
While studying the material, I came across very interesting facts, which I posted in Appendix No. 1.
All this information, as well as just the topic itself, interested me so much that I wanted to figure out why we cry and where do tears come from?
After observing my relatives, and then studying the collected materials, I found out that it turns out that we cry every day. And this happens every time we blink! Blinking makes us cry!
I also conducted a survey and several experiments. Some of the research turned out to be unpredictable for me, but I tried to find an explanation for my findings. I really hope that my work will be useful for schoolchildren who are starting to study biology, and that older children will be able to supplement their knowledge. And perhaps my research will interest someone and encourage them to conduct their own experiments, or maybe surveys on crying, drawing new conclusions.

  • Text of the work: “Why do we cry? Where do tears come from? Accessed December 28, 2017 11:45 (4.6 MB)

“Where do tears come from?”
The project was completed by student 4 “A”
Machaca Nikita
Project Manager:
Machaka Tamara Alexandrovna
Teacher GBOU SO "Boarding School"
No. 1 Engels"

We believe that the theme of our
research is relevant because
many people at least occasionally
they cry, but hardly anyone
thought about what
this process has an impact
on our body.

Crying seems so simple
But there is a lot that is unclear in it. We
we want to find out why we cry,
where do tears come from, do they mean
something for a person?
find out where tears come from and
why do people cry.

1. Study the literature on this
2. Find out where tears come from
and what are they for,
get to know the composition of tears.
3. Conduct a survey.
4. Develop independence,
communication skills,
memory, thinking, creative
imagination, as well as
cognitive initiative.

Type of project:
Short-term, educational
Object of study: human
Subject of research: mechanism and causes
Hypothesis: we assume that tears appear from
excess water in our body.
Research methods:
collecting information on the Internet;
information analysis;
preparation of presentation and defense of work.

educational - will allow during work
gain new knowledge, facts,
human physiology data.
educational - consists of development
personal qualities: efficiency,
entrepreneurial responsibility;
developmental - using the method
projects is that we realize
possibilities of using information
technologies, as well as acquired knowledge and
skills for analyzing and solving practical

Expected result:
1. Expanding knowledge about the process
2. Do we find out where tears come from?
3. Find out the reasons for this

Category of participants
Students of 4th grade, 10 years old.
Implementation period:
January February 2018.
MBOU Gymnasium No. 8 Engels
Project stages:
Stage I - preparatory - Arouse interest in the topic
project, discussion.
Stage II - main - Develop interest in the process,
happening in the human body, as a result of which
tears appear. Conversation. Questioning. Collection
information. Generalization. Presentation design.

What is a tear?
liquid, transparent color, produced
lacrimal gland of the eye, salty drop of water.
TEARS are a natural reaction of the body.
1 milliliter of tears comes to the eyes per day,
per year 360 ml,
in 75 years it accumulates 27 liters

Look where this is from
tears appear:

A tear is a liquid that
produces the lacrimal gland and it is not
just water.
In 1791
French scientist
chemist Antoine
Lavoisier spent
first scientific
research on tears and
proved that tears
contain regular
table salt -
sodium chloride.
So the tears flowing
on our cheeks, have
salty taste.
In the composition of tears
– 99% water,
0.1% proteins,
less than 1%
A little
sodium (soda).

Types of Tears
Basal –
stand out
– reaction to
Emotional –
tears of emotion

1. Tears perform a protective function - it is with their help that the eyes
gets rid of foreign objects.
2. They moisten the surface of the eyeball. Otherwise
the surface of the eye would dry out in a very short period of time
3. They say that the best cure for all sorrows is to cry.
. What do tears do?
Relieve stress
Relaxes emotions
Removes toxins from our body
Normalize blood pressure
Increase immunity
Promote healing as they are antibacterial

We conducted a survey among
classmates, and that's what we are
found out:
Do you often cry?
Yes; 15%
No; 85%
Thus, tears do not appear in the children’s eyes often.

When asked why you
cry we got
the following results:
I'm upset; 7%
from pain; 27%
from joy; 11%
from resentment; 55%
We can conclude that most often the cause of tears is
our classmates are offended.

And we made sure that after
tears become easier
Do you feel better after crying?
No; 33%
Yes; 67%

It turns out that crying is very useful.
Often, when we cry, mom says: “Well, cry, cry
“It will become easier.” And it really did become easier. What
explain this riddle?
 It turns out that scientists discovered in tear fluid
some stress hormones. And that means in
crying time we get rid of stress and relieve
voltage. Hence the feeling of relief and calm.
 Because tears help the body get rid of
substances harmful to it resulting from
stress, it is not surprising that, after crying, we begin
feel relieved and calm down.

Key findings:
Our research work allows us to do

conclusion that tears accompany a person throughout his life, they
with him in grief, in joy, in peace, and in stress.
In the course of our research work, we not only
achieved our goals, but also confirmed our
the hypothesis that tears are not an excess of water in our
body, and the substances it needs, which it itself and
The data of modern science suggests that sometimes,
when it becomes necessary, you need to cry and not
be ashamed of your tears. Tears heal, tears bring you back to
life, tears not only wash the eyes, but also cleanse
Thank you for your attention!



Popular science magazine No. 10/09/10
Children's human anatomy

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