Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, systems, technologies

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov(April 10, 1901 - November 27, 1977) - Soviet psychologist. Specialist in the field of defectology, memory, memorization, educational psychology. Student of L. S. Vygotsky. Conducted experimental studies of child development, which identified the conditions for effective learning. Considered the problem of factors in students' learning and development, in particular the interaction of words and visuals in learning. Author of the original developmental training system (L. V. Zankov’s system).


In 1918 he began working as a teacher in a rural school in the Tula region. Since 1919 - educator and head of agricultural colonies, first in the Tambov region, then in the Moscow region.

In 1925 he graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Moscow State University. Since 1929, he has been conducting research work at the Research Institute of Defectology, which continues until 1951. In 1935 he organized the first laboratory of special psychology in the USSR. L.V. Zankov held the positions of head of the department of special psychology and deputy director for scientific work. From 1944 to 1947, L.V. Zankov served as director. In 1942, L. V. Zankov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Psychology of Reproduction.” In 1945, L. V. Zankov was elected a Corresponding Member of the APN of the RSFSR, and in 1955 - a full member of the APN of the RSFSR. After the reorganization of the academy in 1968, he was elected a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. He was a member of the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy. In 1951, L.V. Zankov was appointed to the post of Deputy Director for Science of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogics, where he worked in this position until 1955. Then he headed the laboratory at this institute until his death in 1977.

He was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery, Plot No. 18 in Moscow.

Zankov's didactic system

Zankov together with the staff of his laboratory in the 60s. In the 20th century, he developed a new didactic system that promotes the overall mental development of schoolchildren. Its main principles are the following:

  • high level of difficulty;
  • leading role in teaching theoretical knowledge, linear construction of training programs;
  • advancement in the study of material at a rapid pace with continuous accompanying repetition and consolidation in new conditions;
  • students’ awareness of the course of mental actions;
  • nurturing positive learning motivation and cognitive interests in students, including the emotional sphere in the learning process;
  • humanization of relationships between teachers and students in the educational process;
  • development of each student in a given class.

In L.V. Zankov’s system, the lesson has a flexible structure. It organizes discussions on what has been read and seen, on fine arts, music, and work. Didactic games, intensive independent activity of students, collective search based on observation, comparison, grouping, classification, clarification of patterns, and independent formulation of conclusions are widely used. This system focuses the teacher’s attention on developing children’s ability to think, observe, and act practically.

Contribution to the development of domestic defectology

The name of the outstanding Russian psychologist and teacher L.V. Zankov is associated with the formation and development of education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities in the USSR.

L. V. Zankov was associated with the study, training and education of children with developmental disabilities at the beginning of his scientific and pedagogical activities. Since the late 20s of the twentieth century, L.V. Zankov began working at the Scientific and Practical Institute of Defectology (now the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education). He began his activities at this institute in the psychological laboratory.

During these years, the Scientific and Practical Institute of Defectology was a scientific center that carried out the development of the main problems of teaching and raising children with developmental disabilities in the USSR. It was during this period that a whole group of famous psychologists and teachers worked at the institute, who later became classics of Russian pedagogy and psychology. Among them are: R. M. Boskis, T. A. Vlasova, L. S. Vygotsky, I. I. Danyushevsky, R. E. Levina, I. M. Solovyov, Zh. I. Shif. Even surrounded by such prominent psychologists and teachers, L.V. Zankov occupied one of the leading positions. He was a student and colleague of L. S. Vygotsky. And along with other representatives of Vygotsky’s school: A. R. Luria, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, he developed leading theoretical problems of psychological science.

Among the most popular innovative trends in the educational system, the most important place is occupied by the so-called Zankov system. It was approved for implementation in primary schools along with such analogues as “School 2100”, “Harmony”, “Primary School of the 21st Century”. Obviously, there is no ideal one among them - this is precisely the reason for their huge number. However, they are all united, in general, by similar goals and even means of their implementation. In official documents about each of these systems, almost identical phrases are written: the program is designed to instill a love of learning and work, teach primary schoolchildren to acquire knowledge on their own, with minimal participation from the teacher, and develop personality and its creative abilities.

The main differences between programs from each other become apparent not in theory, but in a specific example, in the activities of the teacher himself, who chose one or another teaching style and orientation. This should be a guideline for parents in choosing a school and class, because the personality of the teacher will have a much greater influence than the chosen program.

One of the main theses illustrating the key ambushes of Zankov’s program is the following: knowledge is not presented by the teacher, but is acquired by the student himself. The task of an experienced teacher is to correctly formulate a problem, the solution of which the student undertakes independently, however, always under the wise, but not so significant, guidance of the teacher.

Truth is generated during discussion - this is the second thesis of Zankov’s program. From the huge number of opinions expressed during the search for solutions to the problem, the correct answer is gradually found, which is also new information, knowledge obtained as independently as possible. From the more complex to the simple - this is how an effective learning process should be built according to the Soviet psychologist Zankov.

Another distinctive feature of this system is the rapid assimilation of material and a variety of different exercises and unusual tasks. Great speed and variety create an atmosphere that promotes not static and dull learning of something, but dynamic work and active understanding of new material. Particularly effective types of work are visiting exhibitions and museums, going to the library and other extracurricular activities.

Reviews about the Zankov program

If we talk about how well the results of implementing the basic principles of the program correspond to how it was written out in theory on paper, it turns out that not everything can be brought to life. Taking into account the many years of experience of practicing teachers, we can highlight several main points that speak about the positive and negative aspects of this program:

  • the program is quite complex: a large amount of material is allocated for homework, and students themselves are not always able to do it in full;
  • In addition to overwhelming tasks, the textbooks, which are written specifically for the program, contain a lot of errors and shortcomings, which is a significant disadvantage that outweighs the plus - the uniqueness and developmental nature of the tasks;
  • the complexity of the system also provides significant advantages: it is a good preparatory stage for developing the ability to overcome obstacles in the future;
  • many argue that difficult moments can be found in each of the training systems, and the same Zankov program contains no more of them than others;

As you can see, the main obstacle to effectively mastering knowledge of this system is its complexity. And if a student “does not keep up,” then he has to be transferred to a weaker class with other, usually traditional, teaching methods. After all, not all parents have time to help their children with not-so-easy homework. On the other hand, with successful training and maximum adherence to the above-mentioned principles, the student will be one hundred percent ready for the difficulties that await him in high school.

When criticizing or praising Zankov’s system, it is necessary to take into account many subjective factors: the anxiety of parents, the personal qualities of the teacher, the desires and real abilities of the student. This direction in psychological and pedagogical science provides that the school class will not be divided into “weak” and “strong”, and all children will have the same incentive to acquire knowledge. But, as practice shows, more often there is a cruel selection into the so-called “Zankovsky” classes - classes where children are collected who clearly have the ability to think and work independently. And this is a gross violation of the principle of a personal approach to each child, which should form the basis of any direction.

Unfortunately, the variety of unique educational systems designed for primary schools is currently not able to solve one of the central problems of modern education in school - personality and the learning process. In order to create conditions for the development of each child, schools must select truly professional teachers - people who will show the real differences between one system and another.

L.V. Zankov and the staff of the “Training and Development” laboratory he led in the 1950s - 60s. a teaching technology was developed, called system of intensive comprehensive development for primary school.

Development of L.V. Zankov understands it as the appearance in the student’s psyche of new formations that are not directly determined by training, but arise as a result of internal, deep integration processes.

Such new formations of younger schoolchildren are:

1) analytical observation (the ability to purposefully and selectively perceive facts and phenomena);

2) abstract thinking (ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize);

3) practical action (the ability to create a material object, perform coordinated manual operations).

Each new formation is considered as a result of the interaction of the child’s mind, will and feelings, that is, as a result of the activity of an integral personality, therefore their formation promotes the development of the personality as a whole.

Didactic principles of developmental education according to L.V. Zankov:

1) training at a high level of complexity (students learn the interdependence of the phenomena being studied, their internal connections);

2) the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education (younger schoolchildren learn not only ideas, but also scientific concepts);

3) studying program material at a fast pace (the essence of this principle is not to increase the volume of educational material, but to fill the material with diverse content);

4) the student’s awareness of the learning process (children are led to mastering mental operations at a conscious level).

Features of experimental teaching methods in primary grades according to L.V. Zankov:

1. New subjects are included in the curriculum: natural science, geography - from the 1st grade, history - from the 2nd grade.

2. The division of subjects into main and secondary ones is being eliminated, since all subjects are equally important for the development of the individual.

3. The main forms of educational organization are the same as traditional ones (lesson, excursion, students’ homework), but they are more flexible, dynamic, and are characterized by a variety of activities.

4. The student is provided with ample opportunities for individual creative expression (for example, children are engaged in literary creativity).

5. A special atmosphere of trust in the classroom, the use in the educational process of the personal experience of the children themselves, their own assessments, views on the phenomena being studied.

6. Systematic work on the development of all students - strong, average, weak (which means identifying and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their abilities, interests).

As a result of experimental training according to the L.V. Zankov succeeds in getting students to engage in intense mental work, through which the children experience a feeling of joy from overcoming learning difficulties.

Developmental education system D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova.

D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov in the 1960s - 70s. developmental generalization technology was developed, which was originally called method of meaningful generalizations. This technology focuses the teacher’s attention on the development of methods of mental activity.

D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov came to the conclusion that education in primary school can and should have a higher level of abstraction and generalization than those to which primary schoolchildren are traditionally oriented. In this regard, they proposed reorienting the primary education program from the formation of rational-empirical thinking in children to the formation of modern scientific and theoretical thinking in them.

The developmental nature of training in technology D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is associated, first of all, with the fact that its content is built on the basis of theoretical knowledge. As is known, empirical knowledge is based on observation, visual representations, external properties of objects; Conceptual generalizations are obtained by identifying common properties when comparing objects. Theoretical knowledge goes beyond sensory representations, is based on meaningful transformations of abstractions, and reflects internal relationships and connections. They are formed by genetic analysis of the role and functions of certain general relationships within an integral system of elements.

D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov proposed to rearrange the content of educational subjects in such a way that knowledge of a general and abstract nature precedes acquaintance with more private and specific knowledge, which should be derived from the former as its unified basis.

The basis of the system of theoretical knowledge is the so-called meaningful generalizations . This:

a) the most general concepts of science, expressing deep cause-and-effect relationships and patterns, fundamental genetically initial ideas, categories (number, word, energy, matter, etc.);

b) concepts in which not external, subject-specific features are highlighted, but internal connections (for example, genetic);

c) theoretical images obtained through mental operations with abstract objects.

It is widely believed that a child’s participation in the educational process is a learning activity. This is what a child does while in class. But from the point of view of the theory of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is not so.

Purposeful educational activity differs from other types of educational activity, primarily in that it is aimed at obtaining internal rather than external results, at achieving a theoretical level of thinking.

Purposeful learning activity is a special form of child activity aimed at changing oneself as a subject of learning.

Signs (features) of purposeful educational activities:

1. Formation of internal cognitive motives and cognitive needs in the child. While performing the same activity, a student can be guided by completely different motives: to ensure his safety; please the teacher; fulfill duties (role) or seek an answer to one’s own question. Only the presence of a motive of the latter type determines the child’s activity as a purposeful learning activity.

Motivation for the activity of a child-subject in technologies L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is expressed in the formation of cognitive interests.

2. Formation in the child of the goal of conscious self-change (“I will find out, understand, solve this”), the child’s understanding and acceptance of the educational task. In comparison with the traditional approach, where the child is taught to solve problems and he is in the state of a learning individual, with developmental education the child is taught to set goals for self-change, he is in the state of the learner as a subject.

3. The child’s position as a full-fledged subject of his activity at all its stages (goal setting, planning, organization, implementation of goals, analysis of results). In goal-setting activities, the following are brought up: freedom, purposefulness, dignity, honor, pride, independence. When planning: independence, will, creativity, creation, initiative, organization. At the stage of achieving goals: hard work, skill, diligence, discipline, activity. At the analysis stage, the following are formed: honesty, evaluation criteria, conscience, responsibility, duty.

4. Increasing the theoretical level of the material being studied. Purposeful learning activity is not the same as activity. Activity can also exist at the level of operations (as in programmed training); in this case, the search for generalized methods of action, the search for patterns, and general principles for solving problems of a certain class are activated.

5. Problematization of knowledge and educational tasks. Purposeful educational activity is an analogue of research activity. Therefore, in the technology of developmental education, the method of problematizing knowledge is widely used. The teacher not only informs children of the conclusions of science, but, if possible, leads them along the path of discovery, forces them to follow the dialectical movement of thought towards the truth, and makes them accomplices in scientific search. This corresponds to the nature of thinking as a process aimed at discovering new patterns for the child and ways to solve cognitive and practical problems.

Widely applied method of educational tasks. An educational task in developmental education technology is similar to a problem situation, but the solution to an educational problem does not consist in finding a specific solution, but in finding a general method of action, a principle for solving a whole class of similar problems.

The educational task is solved by schoolchildren by performing certain actions:

1) acceptance from the teacher or independent setting of an educational task;

2) transforming the conditions of the problem in order to discover the general relationship of the object being studied;

3) modeling of the selected relationship in subject, graphic and letter forms;

4) transformation of the relationship model to study its properties in its “pure form”;

5) construction of a system of particular problems solved in a general way;

6) control over the implementation of previous actions;

7) assessment of the mastery of the general method as a result of solving a given educational task.

6. Collectively distributed mental activity. Organizing the purposeful activity of students is the main and most difficult methodological task of a teacher in developmental education. It is solved using various methods and methodological techniques: problem presentation, the method of educational tasks, collective and group methods, new methods for assessing results, etc.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, the initial subject of mental development is not an individual person, but a group of people. In their socio-cultural activity and under its decisive influence, an individual subject is formed, which at a certain stage of development acquires autonomous sources of its consciousness and moves “to the rank” of developing subjects. Similarly, the sources of the emergence of purposeful learning activity lie not in the individual child, but in the controlling influence of the system of social relations in the class (teacher and student). Each student takes the position of either a subject - or a source of an idea, or an opponent, acting within the framework of a collective discussion of the problem.

Problematic questions cause a certain creative effort in the student, force him to express his own opinion, formulate conclusions, build hypotheses and test them in dialogue with opponents. Such collectively distributed mental activity has a double result: it helps solve a learning problem and significantly develops students’ skills in formulating questions and answers, looking for arguments and sources of solutions, building hypotheses and testing them with critical reason, reflecting on their actions, and also promotes business and interpersonal communication.


1. Conceptual features of the L.V. system Zankova

1.1 Stages of formation of a developmental education system

L.V. Zankova pp. 4-10

1.2 Brief description of the training system L.V. Zankova pp. 11-13

1.3 Construction and course of a lesson according to the teaching system of L.V. Zankova pp. 14-15

2. Conceptual provisions of the L.V. system. Zankov from the point of view of modern pedagogy pp. 16-25


List of used literature


In recent years, the attention of teachers has increasingly been attracted by the ideas of developmental education, with which they associate the possibility of changes in school. Developmental education is aimed at preparing students for independent “adult” life.

The main goal of a modern school is to ensure that schoolchildren acquire a certain range of skills, knowledge and abilities that they will need in the professional, social, and family spheres of life. The theory of developmental learning originates in the works of I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The scientific basis for this theory is given in the works of L.S. Vygotsky. It received its further development in the experimental works of L.V. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, N.A. Menchinskaya and others. In their concepts, training and development appear as a system of dialectically interconnected aspects of one process. Education is recognized as the leading driving force of a child’s mental development, the development of the entire set of personality qualities: knowledge, abilities, skills; ways of mental action; self-governing mechanisms of personality;

the sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities of the individual; effective-practical sphere of personality.

Currently, within the framework of the concept of developmental education, a number of technologies have been developed that differ in target orientations, features of content and methodology. Technology L.V. Zankova is aimed at the general, holistic development of the individual.

In this work we will consider the developmental technology of teaching L.V. Zankova.

L.V. system Zankova represents the unity of didactics, methodology and practice.

This topic is relevant at present, because... developmental education system L.V. Zankova is a very successful training system. Today, when primary education is considered as the basis for the formation of a child’s educational activity, educational and cognitive motives that contribute to the development of skills to accept, analyze, preserve, and implement educational

goals, skills to plan, control and evaluate educational activities and their results, developmental teaching strategies in primary school are becoming increasingly important in the general education system.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the training system of L.V. Zankova.

1) follow the history of the formation of the L.V. system. Zankova;

2) consider the structure and course of the lesson according to L.V.’s teaching system. Zankova;

3) analyze the conceptual provisions of the L.V. system. Zankov from the point of view of modern pedagogy;

The method of study is abstract-analytical.

Chapter 1. Conceptual features of the L.V. system. Zankova

Stages of formation of a developmental education system L.V.


Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov was born on April 23, 1901 in Warsaw, in the family of a Russian officer. In 1916 he graduated from high school in Moscow. In the first post-revolutionary years, a recent high school student began teaching at a rural school in the village of Turdey, Tula region. In 1919, L.V. Zankov goes to work as a teacher, and then becomes the head of a children's agricultural colony in the Tambov province. Let us remember that at this time he was 18 years old.

From 1920 to 1922, the young teacher headed the Ostrovnya colony in the Moscow region, and from here in 1922 he was sent to study at Moscow State University in the socio-pedagogical department of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Here Zankov meets with the outstanding

psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. Together with his wife, Zankov takes part in conducting experimental psychological research on memory problems.

After graduating from the university L.V. Zankov was retained in graduate school at the Institute of Psychology at the 1st Moscow State University, where, under the leadership of L.S. Vygotsky began researching the psyche and learning characteristics of abnormal children, without interrupting research on general problems of the psychology of memory.

In 1929, the leadership of scientific and pedagogical work in the field of abnormal childhood was entrusted by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR to the Experimental Defectology Institute, where a systematic and systematic study of the psychological characteristics of defective children began. The well-known defectologist teacher I.I. was appointed director of the institute at that time. Danyushevsky, and L.V. became deputy director for scientific work. Zankov. The first scientific laboratories in the country were created at the institute in various areas of special pedagogy and psychology. The scientific director of the psychological laboratories was L.S. Vygotsky.

While working at the Experimental Defectology Institute, the peculiarities of L.V.’s methodological views were laid down. Zankov, which developed so fruitfully in his further research. He begins to become interested in issues of the relationship between pedagogy and psychology, issues of the dependence of mental development on learning and, at the same time, issues of refraction of external influences through internal conditions, through the individual capabilities of the child. Already at this time, the “research style” of a scientist is formed - a strong commitment to factual data, the desire to obtain them from real life practice, the desire to build one’s theoretical positions on the basis of an analysis of reliable scientific facts.

These positions can be clearly seen, in particular, in the study of memory problems conducted by L.V. Zankov and his employees in the 30-40s. Reliable facts were obtained about the memory characteristics of younger schoolchildren, differing in level of training and age, individual variations were identified, and conclusions were drawn about the role of the culture of logical memory in memorizing material. The results of the research are reflected in the scientist’s doctoral dissertation “Psychology of Reproduction” (1942), in a significant number of articles, and in the monographs “Memory of a Schoolchild” (1943) and “Memory” (1952).

Significant fact: in 1943-1944. L.V. Zankov leads a group of researchers at the institute, which conducts scientific and practical work in special hospitals for craniocerebral wounds to restore speech in wounded soldiers.

In 1944 L.V. Zankov is appointed director of the Research Institute of Defectology, which became part of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR created in 1943 (now RAO - Russian Academy of Education). IN

In 1954 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1955 - a full member of the APN of the RSFSR. In 1966, the Academy received the status of a union scientific institution, and Leonid Vladimirovich became a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

In 1951 L.V. Zankov moved to the Research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogics of the RSFSR and switched to research in the field of general pedagogy. The scientist came to pedagogy with a serious store of scientific knowledge about the child, with formed views on methods of psychological and pedagogical research, on appropriate methods of teaching. At the Institute L.V. Zankov heads the laboratory of experimental didactics (later renamed the laboratory of education and development, then training and development),

the peculiarity of which was that it always included specialists of various profiles - didactics, methodologists, psychologists, physiologists, defectologists. Such a collaboration made it possible to study the deep processes occurring in a child during the learning process, to discover individual characteristics, so that pedagogical intervention would give scope for the development of personality strengths, without harming the health of children. With the staff of the laboratory L.V. Zankov researched the topic “The interaction of the teacher’s word and visual aids in

teaching." Having studied pedagogical normative provisions, he noted the insufficient scientific validity of many of them. "Towards a scientific justification of pedagogical norms," ​​concludes L.V. Zankov, “you need to go through the disclosure of the internal connection between the pedagogical methods used and their results.” To do this, “it is imperative to study the processes of assimilation of knowledge and skills - what happens in the student’s head when the teacher uses such and such a method and technique.” This is the first time the question is raised about including psychological methods of studying the child in pedagogical research. Thus, a turn is made in understanding the nature of the connection between pedagogy and psychology. The following conclusion: pedagogical research is weakly oriented towards transformation, towards restructuring the practice of teaching and upbringing. A thesis is put forward: for pedagogical science. the main thing is to organically combine in research the creation of new ways of teaching and the discovery of objective laws that govern their application." This is the first step towards establishing the true role of experiment in pedagogical research.

The identified forms of combination of the teacher’s word and visibility were reflected in pedagogy textbooks and served to further illuminate the principle of visibility in teaching and, consequently, improve the practice of teacher training. But the problem of visibility was only a step towards the main scientific theme of Leonid Vladimirovich. Working on the problem of visibility, Zankov thinks about the problem of the relationship between learning and


In 1957 L.V. Zankov and the staff of his laboratory began a psychological and pedagogical study of the problem of “Training and Development”. The scientist devoted the last 20 years of his life to this work; his students and followers continue to work on this problem. The task that L.V. Zankov set before his team, was to reveal the nature of the objective, natural connection between the structure of training and the course of the general development of younger schoolchildren.

Before revealing the features of the study, let us dwell on the place the scientist assigned to primary education in the general education system. L.V. Zankov sharply opposed attributing to elementary school only the propaedeutic function of preparing children for further education (“Primary education is isolated from the school education system as a special area that is built on different methodological foundations than all subsequent school education,” he wrote). L.V. Zankov believed that what needed to change was the idea that primary education "should give students the foundation in the form of reading, writing, spelling, computing and other skills that are necessary for further education in the fifth and subsequent grades."

The problem of the relationship between training and development was not new in pedagogy and psychology. Theoretically substantiated the leading role of training in the development of L.S. Vygotsky. Credit to L.V. Zankov is that the solution to the problem of the relationship between training and development in his works acquired a solid experimental basis. Based on a foundation of reliable factual data, the scientist developed an appropriate training system. For the first time in world practice, a pedagogical experiment covered learning as a whole, and not some of its individual aspects. The uniqueness of the research carried out by L.V. Zankov, was also that it was interdisciplinary, integrative, holistic in nature. This feature of the research was manifested, firstly, in the integration of experiment, theory and practice, when the research goal through the experiment was brought to its practical implementation. It is precisely such research that is currently preferred in various scientific fields. Secondly, the holistic interdisciplinary nature of the study was manifested in the fact that it was carried out at the intersection of sciences involved in the study of the child: pedagogy, psychology, physiology, defectology. This became the basis for initially approaching the student’s study holistically, building education that creates conditions for the development of both logical, rational, and intuitive, including the personal component. Consequently, the research methodology begun in 1957 meets the requirements of the new historical era. And the accumulated experience can be used for further research into the conditions necessary “for the individual development of the child.” The research consistently went through both the stage of a laboratory, or narrow, pedagogical experiment (carried out on the basis of one class, 1957-1960, school No. 172 in Moscow, teacher N.V. Kuznetsova), and through a three-stage mass pedagogical experiment (1960 -1963, 1964-1968, 1973-1977), in which more than a thousand experimental classes participated in the last stage. The experiment was conducted without selecting teachers and classes, in different pedagogical conditions - in rural and urban, monolingual and multilingual schools. This determined the scientific and practical reliability of the system.

In the course of the study, a new system of primary education was formed, highly effective for the overall development of primary schoolchildren. In 1963-1967 books were published describing the methodology and techniques of a new type of teaching, the first experimental textbooks for elementary schools in the Russian language, reading, mathematics and natural science were developed, the first methodological explanations were written, a system was created for assessing the effectiveness of training in terms of its impact on the acquisition of knowledge and on the general student development.

In 1977 L.V. Zankov was gone. Soon the laboratory was disbanded, all experimental classes were closed. The era, later called “stagnation,” influenced all areas of life, including pedagogical science.

Only in 1993, the Russian Ministry of Education organized the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankov, the core of which was the academician’s direct students (I.I. Arginskaya, N.Ya. Dmitrieva, M.V. Zvereva, N.V. Nechaeva, A.V. Polyakova, G.S. Rigina, I.P. Tovpinets , N.A. Tsirulik, N.Ya. Chutko) and his followers (O.A. Bakhchieva, K.S. Belorusets, A.G. Vantsyan, A.N. Kazakov, E.N. Petrova, T.N. Prosnyakova, V.Yu. Sviridova, T.V. Smirnova, I.B. Shilina, S.G. This team continued research and practical work to identify the conditions for the development of each child, which corresponds to the social order that modern times impose on schools. The knowledge gained from this research underpins the development of new generations of teaching and learning kits. In total, more than 500 works have been published during the existence of the team.

In 1991-1993 A complete set of the new (second) generation of trial textbooks for three-year primary schools was published. The textbooks have sold millions of copies, which indicates the demand for the system.

Since 1996, the system of general development of the schoolchild (L.V. Zankova) has been recognized by the Board of the Ministry of Education as one of the state educational training systems.

In 1997-2000 A complete educational and methodological set of stable textbooks for general education three-year primary schools was published.

In 2001-2004 The Federal Expert Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has approved educational and methodological kits for all academic subjects for four-year primary schools. Educational complexes for teaching literacy, the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, and the surrounding world became the winners of the competition for the creation of new generation textbooks, held by the National Personnel Training Foundation (NFT) and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, educational and methodological kits for grades 5-6 in Russian language, literature, mathematics and natural history also became winners of the same competition. During its existence, the system has shown its high efficiency in schools of different types, when teaching children from the age of 7 in a four-year and three-year primary school, when teaching them from the age of 6 in a four-year primary school, and when children transfer to primary school. Testing the system in such different learning conditions demonstrates its effectiveness outside

depending on the age of the students, on the terms of study in the primary grades, proves the universality of the general development system in any conditions of its implementation.

Thus, there is a scientifically based, time-tested, holistic didactic system that provides the teacher with a theory and methodology for the development of a child’s personality.

Brief description of the training system of L.V. Zankova

L.V. training system Zankova emerged from interdisciplinary research into the relationship between learning and development. The interdisciplinary nature was expressed, firstly, in the integration of the achievements of several sciences involved in the study of the child: physiologists, defectologists, psychologists and teachers, and secondly, in the integration of experiment, theory and practice. For the first time, the results of scientific research through a psychological and pedagogical experiment took on the form of an integral pedagogical system and, thus, were brought to their practical implementation.

General development of L.V. Zankov understands it as a holistic movement of the psyche, when each new formation arises as a result of the interaction of his mind, will, and feelings. At the same time, special importance is attached to moral and aesthetic development. We are talking about unity and equivalence in the development of intellectual and emotional, volitional and moral.

Currently, the ideals of developmental education are recognized as educational priorities: the ability to learn, subject-specific and universal (general educational) methods of action, the child’s individual progress in the emotional, social, and cognitive spheres. To implement these priorities, a scientifically based, time-tested developmental pedagogical system of L.V. is needed. Zankova.

L.V. system Zankova represents the unity of didactics, methodology and practice. The unity and integrity of the pedagogical system is achieved through the interconnection of educational tasks at all levels. These include:

learning goal– achieving optimal overall development of each child;

learning task– present students with a broad, holistic picture of the world through the means of science, literature, art and direct knowledge;

- system feature- the learning process is conceived as the development of the child’s personality, that is, learning should be focused not so much on the entire class as a single whole, but on each individual student. In other words, learning must be person-centered. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

didactic principles

1. The principle of training at a high level of difficulty while observing the measure of difficulty

This is a search activity in which the child must analyze, compare and contrast, and generalize. At the same time, he acts in accordance with the developmental characteristics of his brain. Teaching at a high level of difficulty involves tasks that “grope” for the upper limit of students’ capabilities. This does not mean that the measure of difficulty is not observed; it is ensured by reducing the degree of difficulty of tasks, if necessary.

2. The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge

This principle does not at all mean that students should study theory, memorize scientific terms, formulations of laws, etc. This would be a strain on memory and would increase the difficulty of learning. This principle assumes that students observe the material during the exercises, while the teacher directs their attention and leads to the discovery of significant connections and dependencies in the material itself. Students are led to understand certain patterns and draw conclusions. Research shows that working with schoolchildren to master patterns advances their development.

3. The principle of fast pace of learning material.

Studying material at a fast pace is opposed to marking time, the same type of exercises when studying one topic. Faster progress in knowledge does not contradict, but meets the needs of children: they are more interested in learning new things than repeating already familiar material for a long time. Rapid advancement in Zankov's system occurs simultaneously with a return to what has been passed and is accompanied by the discovery of new facets. The fast pace of the program does not mean haste in studying the material and rushing through lessons.

4. The principle of awareness of the learning process

The awareness of the learning process by the schoolchildren themselves is directed, as it were, inwards - to the student’s own awareness of the process of cognition in him: what he knew before, and what new things were revealed to him in the subject, story, phenomenon being studied. Such awareness determines the most correct relationship between a person and the world around him, and subsequently develops self-criticism as a personality trait. The principle of students’ awareness of the learning process itself is aimed at making children think about why knowledge is needed.

5. The principle of the teacher’s purposeful and systematic work on the general development of all students, including weak ones

This principle confirms the high humane orientation of L.V.’s didactic system. Zankova. All children, if they do not have any pathological disorders, can advance in their development. The very process of development of an idea is sometimes slow, sometimes spasmodic. L.V. Zankov believed that weak and strong students should study together, where each student makes his contribution to the common life. He considered any isolation to be harmful, since children are deprived of the opportunity to evaluate themselves against a different background, which hinders the students’ progress in their development.

methodological system– its typical properties: versatility, procedurality, collisions, variability;

subject methods in all educational areas;

Features of the educational and methodological set, which is based on modern knowledge about the age and individual characteristics of primary schoolchildren. The kit provides:

Understanding the relationships and interdependencies of the objects and phenomena being studied due to the integrated nature of the content, which is expressed in the combination of material at different levels of generalization (supra-subject, inter- and intra-subject), as well as in the combination of its theoretical and practical orientation, intellectual and emotional richness;

Mastery of concepts necessary for further education;

Relevance, practical significance of the educational material for the student;

Conditions for solving educational problems, social-personal, intellectual, aesthetic development of the child, for the formation of educational and universal (general educational) skills;

Active forms of cognition in the course of solving problematic, creative tasks: observation, experiments, discussion, educational dialogue (discussion of different opinions, hypotheses), etc.;

Carrying out research and design work, developing information culture;

Individualization of learning, which is closely related to the formation of motives for activity, extending to children of different types according to the nature of cognitive activity, emotional and communicative characteristics, and gender characteristics. Individualization is realized, among other things, through three levels of content: basic, extended and in-depth.

forms of training organization - classroom and extracurricular; frontal, group, individual in accordance with the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the class and the individual preferences of students;;

system for studying the success of learning and development of schoolchildren –

To study the effectiveness of mastering educational programs, the teacher is offered materials on qualitative recording of the success of schoolchildren’s learning, including integrated testing. Only the results of written work from the second half of 2nd grade are assessed with grades. No lesson score will be awarded.

L.V. system Zankova is holistic; when implementing it, you should not miss any of its above-described components: each of them has its own developmental function. A systematic approach to organizing the educational space contributes to solving the problem of the overall development of schoolchildren.

L.V. system Zankova has existed for almost 50 years, has been tested by time, and has won universal vocation.

Since the 1995-1996 academic year, the primary education system of L.V. Zankova is recognized as a state primary education system.

Today in Russia and the CIS there are more than 60 thousand Zank teachers.

About the founder of the system - L.V. Zankov (1901 - 1977)

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov is one of the most prominent Soviet scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology and defectology. Developer of theory and practice second in the world after Y.A. Comenius didactic education system. The creator of a scientific school in solving problems of the relationship between training and development.

  • He worked as a rural school teacher, educator, and head of a children's colony.
  • Since 1925, a graduate student and follower of the outstanding Russian scientist and psychologist L.S. Vygotsky.
  • In 1935 he was approved for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
  • In 1943, he was approved for the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and the academic rank of professor.
  • Since 1944 - Director of the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR
  • In 1945 he was elected a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR
  • From 1955 to 1960 - head of the laboratory of experimental didactics of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.
  • In 1968 - elected full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR
  • 1970 - 1972 - Head of the Laboratory of Problems of Education and Development of Children of Primary and Secondary School Age, Research Institute of General Pedagogy, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR

Scientific and psychological foundations of the pedagogical system L.V. Zankova

Developmental education system of academician Zankov L.V. is based on the theory of child development developed by the Russian scientist L.S. Vygotsky, who put forward the idea that “learning can go not only after development, not only in step with it, but can go ahead of development, pushing it further and causing new formations in it.”

L.S. Vygotsky introduced the concept of " zone of current development"child and" zone of proximal development" The level of actual development develops as a result of the student’s completing cycles of development. This level finds its expression in the child’s independent solution of intellectual problems.

The zone of proximal development indicates the progress of the child's further development. “This level is revealed in solving those problems that a child cannot cope with on his own, but is able to solve with the help of an adult, in collective activity, by imitation,” wrote L.S. Vygotsky. “However, what a child can do in cooperation, tomorrow he will be able to do independently.”

L.V. Zankov based his pedagogical system on the new ideas of L.S. Vygotsky on the impact of learning on the development of a student. Learning, based not so much on what the child can do independently, but on what he can do in conditions of cooperation and co-creation, moves the student’s development forward.

Creating his own didactic system, Zankov introduced the concept of “ general development" By general development, he understood the holistic development of the child - his mind, will, feelings, morality while maintaining health, and he attached equal importance to each of these components.

General characteristics of the developmental education system L.V. Zankova

Developmental education system according to L.V. Zankova can be called a technology for early intensive comprehensive development of a child’s personality.

Target orientations of the Zankov system

  • Development of the child's personality.
  • High level of overall personality development.
  • Development of the entire personality, creating the basis for comprehensive harmonious development.

Thus, for the first time, the student’s personality was included in the field of didactics .

Conceptual provisions of the Zankov system

  • Education must come before development.
  • The child is a subject, not an object, of the educational process.
  • The goal of training is the student’s mastery of independent learning activities, and not KUNs (knowledge, abilities, skills).

Training according to the L.V. system Zankova does not reject or downplay the importance of acquiring factual knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for every educated person. It sets priorities somewhat differently: the goal of promoting the child in overall development comes to the fore, and the acquisition of solid knowledge and skills becomes a means to achieve the general goal.

Didactic principles L.V. Zankova

For the greatest efficiency of the process of general development of schoolchildren L.V. Zankov developed the didactic principles of RD (developmental education):

  • targeted development based on comprehensive development system;
  • consistency and high complexity of content, adequate zone of proximal development child;
  • presenter the role of theoretical knowledge(without belittling the importance of practical skills);
  • training for high level of difficulty;
  • progress in studying the material in fast pace;
  • awareness a child in the learning process (the principle of consciousness focused on one’s activities);
  • principle unity of emotions and intellect, inclusion in the learning process of not only the rational, but also the emotional sphere (the role of observation and practical work);
  • problematization content (collisions);
  • variability of the learning process, individual approach;
  • work on development of all(strong and weak) children.

Features of training content

In accordance with the goal of the comprehensive development of the child, the content of the initial stage of education is enriched and ordered.

The purpose of primary education according to Zankov is to give students a general picture of the world based on science, literature and other arts. The richness of the content is achieved by including in the curriculum such academic disciplines as: natural science, geography, history, philosophy, foreign language. Particular attention is paid to fine art, music, reading truly artistic works, and work in its ethical and aesthetic meaning.

In the L.V. system Zankov's lesson remains the main element of the educational process, but its functions and form of organization can vary significantly. Its main difference from a traditional lesson: polylogue in the classroom, based on the independent and collective mental activity of children; collaboration between teacher and student.

The main methodological goal of the lesson is to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. This goal is achieved in the following ways.

Progress of knowledge- “from the students.” The teacher draws up and discusses the lesson plan together with the students, uses didactic material during the lesson, allowing the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him.

The transformative nature of student activity: observe, compare, group, classify, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Hence the different nature of the tasks: not just to copy and insert the missing letters, to solve the problem, but to awaken them to mental actions and their planning.

Intensive independent activity of students, associated with emotional experience, which is accompanied by the effect of surprise of the task, the inclusion of an indicative-exploratory reaction, the mechanism of creativity, help and encouragement from the teacher. The teacher creates problematic situations—collisions.

Collective search, directed by the teacher (questions that awaken students’ independent thoughts, preliminary homework). The teacher creates an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class.

Creation of pedagogical communication situations in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, and selectivity in ways of working; creating an environment for the student’s natural self-expression.

Flexible structure. The identified general goals and means of organizing a lesson in developmental education technology are specified by the teacher depending on the purpose of the lesson and its thematic content. The teacher uses a variety of forms and methods of organizing educational activities, which make it possible to reveal the subjective experience of students.

One of the striking features of the lesson in the didactic system of L.V. Zankov is a strict requirement for the teacher to ensure in the classroom a kind, trusting relationship filled with positive emotions between the teacher and students.

Pedagogical system RO L.V. Zankova gives


  • development of the mind, will, feelings, moral ideas, formation of the need to learn;
  • joy from free mental work, creativity and communication;
  • independence, confidence, responsibility;
  • desire for cooperation.

to the teacher:

  • changing the view of education and the student;
  • technology for the development of the student’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities;
  • expanding opportunities for creativity.


  • confidence in the successful future of your child.

Disadvantage of the Zankov system

A general disadvantage of the RO L.V. system. Zankova: it does not continue in basic school. And if you give it preference, be prepared that after primary school your child will still have to adapt to traditional teaching, and this may create problems for him at first.

Candidate of Philological Sciences

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