Translator into Greek online transcription. Russian Ancient Greek Dictionary online

Greek is one of the most ancient, but no less relevant languages ​​of our time. Having become the only way to express their thoughts for 13,000,000 people, in the meantime he also managed to “take root” in a number of other languages, endowing them with Greek borrowings. In English and Russian alone, the content of Greek loanwords accounts for 30% of the total vocabulary. You will inevitably think about bookmarking the Greek-Russian translator online.

Faced with the need to translate from this language, most amateur translators have difficulty correctly identifying the Greek dialect. Rich in a variety of forms of dialect, it lends itself to more or less high-quality translation only when using an online Greek translator. When choosing machine translation as the basis for editing a foreign text, there is a high probability of encountering a mismatch of declensions or cases. However, if any Internet application, including the Greek translator available online from the “site,” carried out the translation perfectly, we would simply become bored and uninteresting. And so we “deliberately” give you food for thought - there is somewhere and something to strive for.

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Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translations into Russian or Ancient Greek: we provide usage examples, showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our memory of translations comes mainly from parallel corpora that were made by people. This kind of sentence translation is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


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Greek (Ελληνικά) is part of the Indo-European language family and is one of the oldest languages. The first written documents were written back in the 17th century BC.

Over time, Greek has changed and each period has a specific name for the language: Proto-Greek (around 2000 BC), Mycenaean Greek (1600-1100 BC), Ancient Greek (800-1000 BC), general Greek (Koine) (300 BC - 330 AD), medieval or Byzantine Greek (330-1453) and modern Greek (from 1453).

Modern Greek has many dialects: the Cypriot dialect, the Cretan dialect, the Pontic dialect, the Tsakonian dialect, the Rumean language, the Hebrew-Greek dialect and the northern dialects.

During the Roman Empire, it was considered a prerequisite for any educated person to know Greek. In the modern period, Greek has become the source of words throughout the world, for different languages ​​and in different fields: technical terms, medicine, science, and others.

Scripture is in Greek, based on the Greek alphabet, containing 24 letters. In fact, the Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician, and the transition to the Greek alphabet took place during the time of Homer. The poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were written in ancient Greek. And also, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, the philosopher Plato, the comedian Aristophanes, Demosthenes, the orator Eschine, and other famous personalities wrote and reflected their thoughts in Greek.

The linguistic rules of the Greek language were developed, approved and adopted by the Greek Language Center (Κέντρον Γλώσσας Ελληνικής).

In case you were wondering, over 13,000,000 people speak and write Greek in at least 8 countries around the world. Greek is the official language of the following countries: Republic of Cyprus and Greece. In addition to them, the Greek language is widely spoken in countries such as Armenia, Albania, Italy, Ukraine, Russia and the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, if you are going to travel to the listed countries and/or communicate with their residents, but do not know Greek, keep our online translator at hand and it will help you read and write in this language.

It is also worth noting that in the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, about 164,634 articles and 492,849 pages were written in Greek, which, taken together, were edited 7,585,113 times. Also, approximately 17,103 images and media files have been uploaded here. 277,824 users worked on all this, however, only 0.42% of them are active (that is, only 1,156 people are constantly working to improve Wikipedia).

Free online translator to translate text, HTML, web pages and documents from Greek to 44 languages, including

 This page contains all Russian-Greek online translators on the Internet. You can use these online translators for work or school, while traveling, to translate songs, instructions, blogs and forums. Translation into Greek is performed almost instantly and completely free of charge.

Free Russian-Greek translation

The main difficulty of translating from Russian into Greek is the presence of a large number of Greek dialects. Over the many centuries of its existence, the Greek language has changed a lot, and it is very important to understand which Greek is being translated (required).

Experts highlight three historical periods of Greek language:

  • ancient greek language- written and spoken language of ancient Greece until the 5th century. AD It is distinguished by complex grammar and a system of diacritics in writing.
  • Central Greek(Byzantine language) - the spoken language of the Greek and Hellenized population of the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire (VI-XI centuries).
  • modern Greek language(from the 12th century) - the spoken language of the Greek and Hellenized populations of late Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire, as well as the modern official language of Greece and Cyprus.
Online translators usually complete the translation into modern Greek, in its variant dimotika. Option support kafarevus practically never occurs.

Free Russian-Greek translator Google Translate

Translation into Greek is now possible using Google Translate. At the moment, this translator simply has no competitors in terms of translation quality, as well as in the number of translation directions supported.

Russian-Greek online translator ImTranslator

A version of the famous translator ImTranslator for translating texts from Russian into Greek. The free online translator supports 35 languages, has many dictionaries, built-in transliteration and spell checking. You can also type text in Greek using the virtual keyboard.

Using ImTranslator is very simple: paste your text in Russian into the translator and click the “Translate” button. In just a few seconds you will receive a ready-made translation into Greek. Use a dictionary if necessary.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Russian-Greek translator to work correctly, you must enable frame support in your browser.

For the Russian-Greek translator to work correctly, you need to enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Russian-Greek online translator InterTran

Greek online translator from Translation Experts. InterTran is a popular online translator on the foreign Internet. It supports 27 languages, and this list includes both common and quite rare languages. The translation quality is low - InterTran is designed to translate simple texts.

If you encounter problems with encoding during Russian-Greek translation, use the translator directly on the official website.

Russian-Greek online translator WorldLingo

You can also translate text from Russian into Greek using the WorldLingo online translator. WorldLingo is a machine translation system based on the developments of the company of the same name, and is well known on the foreign Internet. On the translator site you can also translate emails and websites from Russian to Greek.

A little about the Greek language

Greek is one of the oldest Indo-European languages ​​and the only representative of the Greek group. The Greek alphabet arose from the Phoenician script.

Many literary sources have been created in Greek. The oldest written monuments in Greek date back to the 8th-7th centuries BC. e. Greek writing reached its greatest flourishing and distribution during the era of the late Roman Empire and during the early Byzantine Empire. This period is considered the most labor-intensive for translation.

Today, the Greek language exists in two varieties: kafarevusa (καθαρεύουσα)- a language with modern pronunciation and ancient Greek writing rules, and dimotika (δημοτική)- form of spoken language.

The oldest monument of Greek literature - Homeric poems. No less famous are the works of Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus, and Aristophanes.

Today, Greece attracts tourists from all over the world with its resorts of Kastoria, the islands of Corfu and Rhodes, Crete, and the Greek centers of Thessaloniki and Chalkidiki. The architecture of Greece and its surrounding territories, as well as the coast, is very interesting.

Greek is one of the most ancient Indo-European languages, it is the only representative of the so-called Greek group. The Greek alphabet arose from the Phoenician alphabet.

The main difficulty of translating into Greek is the presence of a large number of Greek dialects. The main ones are Cretan, Cypriot and Hebrew-Greek, our online translator takes these features into account. Also, high-quality Greek-Russian machine translation takes into account the division of the language into two branches: modern Greek and ancient Greek.

There are two significantly different forms in modern Greek. Literary - kafarefus - based on the ancient Greek language, it preserves the ancient grammar, combining it with a modern manner of pronunciation. Kafarefus publishes official documentation, scientific literature and teaches in local educational institutions. The second form of spoken language is Dimotika, which is much simpler than Kafarefus. Dimotika has absorbed a lot from the vocabulary of neighboring countries, it is closer to human communication, and fiction is published in it. Dimotika has been in official use since 1976 and is slowly becoming closer to standard Greek. Our free electronic translator uses kafarefus.

Translation from Greek is difficult due to the peculiar syntax and morphology of this language. Most often this concerns the declension of verbs, articles, pronouns and infinitive forms.

Due to a number of differences between the Russian and Greek language systems, which differ in vocabulary and grammar, the automatic translator uses grammatical transformations of a syntactic and morphological nature.

Grammatical transformations are a translation technique, the essence of which is to change the structure of a sentence while preserving semantic information. This completely or partially reconstructs a sentence, replacing parts of speech during translation. At the same time, the text retains its meaning.

The frequent use of grammatical transformations in Greek-Russian translation can be explained by the fact that the sentence in Russian does not coincide with the Greek in structure: differences in the order of words, the order of arrangement of sentences - main, introductory and subordinate.

It is worth noting that machine translation of literary text is somewhat worse than that of official documents. It needs editorial correction.


Greek belongs to the Indo-European language family. Some linguists classify it as a separate Greek group, where it is the only representative. Sometimes its endangered dialects - Pontic, Tsakonian, Cappadocian - are considered separate languages.
Greek stands apart in the language family because it is not like other languages. Ancient Macedonian and Phrygian are considered close to it. But these languages ​​became extinct, and little written evidence remains about them. Among the modern languages, the Indo-Iranian languages ​​are a little similar to Greek.
The history of the Greek language goes back 3.5 thousand years and its individual periods are called:

  • Mycenaean Greek – 14-4 centuries BC;
  • Ancient Greek – 4th century BC – 4th century AD;
  • Byzantine – IV-XV centuries;
  • Modern Greek - from the 15th century.

This is due to the fact that with the change of rulers and spheres of influence in Europe, languages ​​also underwent changes.
Greek is spoken today by about 15 million people. These are those who actively use it in life, not counting polyglots who simply like to learn languages. This language is the official language in Greece and the Republic of Cyprus (most of the island's population speaks Greek).
To maintain economic ties, this language is taught in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and other neighboring countries. The Greek diaspora is especially strong in the USA, Canada and Australia, and they are also learning their language.
Ancient Greece was a powerful state in which science, literature and art actively developed. Language was an integral part of this culture, and it left its mark on history. For example, Latin has many Greek loanwords. Many technical terms are of Greek origin. In the Roman Empire, Latin and Greek were considered compulsory for every educated person.
In pre-revolutionary Russia, Ancient Greek was a compulsory subject in schools. Greek borrowings came into the Russian language through international communication and through the Church Slavonic language. Many of the words we use are of Greek origin:

  • From shipping: ship, sail, lantern, lamp;
  • Vegetables: cucumber, cherry, cabbage, lemon;
  • From religion: angel, canon, gospel, apostle;
  • From medicine: pediatrician, therapy, eye;
  • From science: arithmetic, poetry, philosophy.

We call the Greek language that way because this adjective is derived from the noun “Greek”. This word is of Church Slavonic origin, borrowed from Latin. And Latin, in turn, borrowed it from ancient Greek. The root cause of everything is the name of one of the Greek tribes. As a result of borrowings and transformations, this word turned into the Russian “Greek”.
This language has a rich written history. The first records in Greek date back to the 14th-12th centuries BC, to the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization. Scientists suggest that the Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician script. The era of greatest flowering of Greek writing was the late Roman Empire and the early Byzantine Empire. By the 15th century, the Greek language was in decline due to the capture of the country by the Turks. The Ottoman Empire did not care about preserving languages; on the contrary, religious and linguistic traditions were mixed. In some areas, Muslims wrote Greek in Arabic letters, and Christians wrote Turkish in Greek letters. This tradition was stopped only at the beginning of the 20th century by the population exchange between Turkey and Greece.
There are several hypotheses regarding the origin of language. It may have stood out during the migration of people in the 25th century BC to the territory of modern Greece. They could speak a language that became the prototype of Greek, the so-called “proto-Greek”. According to another theory, tribes who spoke a single Proto-Indo-European language could have come to Greece. As a result of phonetic changes, Ancient Greek emerged. Excavations show that Greek civilization was formed as a result of the migration of tribes to the Balkan Peninsula and the islands of the Aegean Sea as early as the second millennium BC. Greek unity arose only in the 8th century BC, and received the name “Hellenes”.

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