Saturn's orbital period. Life crises

Saturn is the harshest planet, which most strongly calls us to responsibility for our sins. Remember your school years and the name of that strict teacher will definitely come to mind, the sight of whom made his knees shake when he took out a magazine to call the next victim to the blackboard.))) Saturn acts in the same way, we just don’t see it in front of us, But we also feel it when he starts asking us about unlearned homework!

Favorable Saturn in the horoscope is a blessing from the Lord, which indicates that in your past life you lived according to your conscience and tried to create only good karma. But this is rarely seen - this is why we came to Earth, and were not born on the Paradise Planets. Here on Earth, we will work out our karma to the fullest, and Saturn will monitor this day after day.

There are periods in the lives of each of us when it seems that life has become so overwhelming with its negative side that it is impossible to even breathe deeply. This is exactly how Saturn acts when the time of its inauspicious transit comes.

ABOUT transits of Saturn

Transit- the movement of the planet through the houses of our horoscope. There are 12 of these houses in total, which are responsible for different areas of our lives.

Saturn is a very slow planet, so it stays in each house for about 2.5 years. Saturn completes a full circle through all houses in 30 years.
For example, Saturn comes to the house of Marriage for 2.5 years. If his initial position is bad in the birth chart, and at the same time he is strongly connected with the house of marriage - this is where it begins: it won’t seem too little! Here we have tense relationships, divorces, wedding delays, loneliness - that is, a concrete working out of the sins that we had associated with the house of marriage begins. But everything has its time - Saturn leaves after 2.5 years for another house, but very often people manage to get divorced by that time, because it was unbearable to endure the lessons of Saturn.

If the position of Saturn is favorable in the birth chart, then this transit may be practically unnoticeable in relationships.

For each person in his chart, Saturn follows his individual route. That is why someone suffers and cries, and someone enjoys life at this time. But everything changes over time - nothing is eternal, because every second Saturn continues its path and slow movement.

In some houses, Saturn brings happiness and relief, unfortunately, it is during this period that a person begins to believe that he is the navel of the earth, that problems pass him by and only he knows how to live correctly - that is, he accumulates bad karma, for which Saturn will ask in full, just later.
But the most difficult transit of Saturn occurs when it goes through 12 (house of loss and spiritual liberation), 1 (house of personality), 2 (house of money). This transit takes 7.5 years and is called Sade Sati. In Vedic Astrology, this transit is given a separate and very respectful place. This is precisely the period when a person most strongly works off his sins and becomes a victim in the hands of Saturn.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for the period of Sade Sati- pray, fast, appease Saturn. The best preparation is simply not to create negative karma, to constantly maintain contact with the Higher Powers.
Directly during the period of Sade Sati itself, you need to lead a life as rich in spirituality as possible. The more Divine Grace you have in your daily life, the easier you will get through difficult times.

Now information from the Vedic astrology website about the Sati Garden:

Shani [Saturn] is the son of Surya [Sun]. Shani is a specialist in hard work who does not tolerate any weakness, carelessness or imprecision. He does not like pomp and show, and emphasizes hard work and practicality. It is dark in color and emits a blue glow. His stone is Neelam (blue sapphire) and his metal is iron. Shani is strict and demanding, although he often seems cruel. It represents longevity, death, establishment, loss, accidents, self-denial, prosperity, folly, servants. He also represents oil, the color black, disease, sleepwalking, iron trading, thieves, trials and prisons. He is thin (thin) with deep-set eyes.

If Shani is poorly located, then when the native comes under his influence, circumstances become very difficult and difficult. Suddenly the native begins to lose his spirits, financial losses, disputes and fears arise.
There is a reason for this: Shiva gave Shani the power to pass judgment and give punishment to those who are dishonest and evil. Shani makes the native go through various obstacles and trials; and when Shani leaves the born alone, he will shine like gold. He will make him better by going through difficulties. It will make his character impeccable. It is often considered unfavorable. The arbitrator is free from all emotions, and so is Shani. Remember how many people you have hurt. Think about how many times you have been dishonest. Remember how many times you succumbed to immoral temptations. Shani will make you pay for all this and make you repent. As soon as you start changing yourself, he will start helping you. Shani leads the individual to the highest goal of life.

The duration of the Sade-Sati period in days is 2700 days. Shani exerts its influence on various parts of the body during these 2700 days:
The first 100 days it affects the face; the result is losses.

For the next 400 days it affects the right hand; the result is gains in the profession.

For the next 600 days it affects the legs; the result is travel.

For the next 500 days it affects the stomach; the result is luck.

For the next 400 days it affects the left hand; the result is illness, pain, loss, death of loved ones.

For the next 300 days it affects the forehead; the result is profits, success in dealings with government agencies.

It affects the eyes for the next 200 days; the result is development, advancement, happiness.

For the next 200 days it affects the lower part of the body; the result is poor results in all areas.

Since Sade-sati lasts about 7 (?) years, and about 22 (?) years pass between these periods (in other words, the beginning of Sade-sati begins every 29 (?) years), then during his life a person can experience up to three Sade-satis. sati.

The first cycle of Sade-sati in a person’s life can bring physical pain, obstacles and difficulties in various areas, problems for parents.

The second cycle of Sade-sati in a person’s life may bring smaller problems such as hard work and struggle to achieve success, mental fatigue. Distance from parents or elders in the family, and even their death, are possible.

The third cycle of Sade-sati in a person’s life can bring the most difficult results of the Sade-sati period, such as physical difficulties and health problems, illness and even fear of death. During the third Sade Sati, only lucky and spiritual individuals survive in a person's life.

Sometimes they say that “in the first Sade-sati a person can lose one of his parents (for example, a grandfather), in the second Sade-sati he can lose one of his parents (for example, a father), and in the third Sade-sati he can die on his own”... But this is not a rule, and only indicates the fatality of the Sade-sati period.
In fact, not all seven and a half years of Sade Sati are unpleasant, and some favorable events may occur during this period, such as marriage, the birth of children, promotion at work and obtaining a position, winning elections and traveling abroad.

During the 7-and-a-half-year period of Sade-Sati, one must be humble and modest. You need to be especially devoted to spiritual practices and help others. There is no need to rush to make decisions, always think twice. You need to take your time making promises, but quickly fulfill them. We need to do charity work and help those in need. You need to try to consciously manage your mood. And then you will see positive changes in your life. It will be an experience that will never be repeated. Shani will make you shine like a jewel. One of the names of Shani is ‘Mand’, that is, “slowly moving”. Become a slow mover like him. Be careful, weigh everything and only then make decisions.

Corrective measures for the Sade-Sati period

Corrective measures for the Sade-Sati period are additional and the main thing is honesty, hard work and dedication.

Contact Hanuman: Worshiping him will free you from the adverse effects of Shani. Read Hanuman on Saturdays. Light a ghee (Deepak) lamp in front of his image.

Try wearing sapphire. First attach it to your right hand. If it does not harm you for 3 days and there are no bad dreams, then make a ring of ‘pachna-dhatu’ [five metals] and put it on your middle finger on Saturday during the waxing of Chandra [Moon].

Don't buy on Saturdays black clothes, iron/steel products, petroleum/oil.
The best remedy for improving the influence of Shani during the period of Sade-sati is the repetition of the Maha-Mrityunjaya mantra (repeat for 125 days, 1080 times every day).

Chanting the Shani [Saturn] mantra;
. wearing a steel ring on the middle finger, worn on Saturday (Shani day);
. wearing a blue sapphire ring on the middle finger;
. observing complete fasting (fasting) on ​​Saturdays. or eating only milk or paneer or fruit juice;
. taking a bath on Saturdays with antimony, black sesame seeds and anise;
. donation of mung bean (lentils), oil, sapphire, sesame seeds, ox, iron, money, black clothes.

Return of Saturn - second transitional age

If you analyze the statistics of calls to an astrologer, you will notice an amazing pattern. A considerable part of clients are between 28 and 30 years old. What is it that attracts all these people to the astrologer?

It turns out that the answer from an astrological point of view is simply obvious - at this age people experience the so-called return of Saturn in the horoscope.

Astrologically, this is described by the fact that the position of Saturn in the starry sky coincides with its position at the moment of human birth. For each person, the return of Saturn marks different events and causes different reactions, but there are many similarities. The age at which the conjunction of transiting Saturn with the natal one also fluctuates slightly, but in any case it falls within the period we are considering.

Saturn returns to its natal position more than once during a person's life. The second Saturn return occurs around age 58-60, and centenarians may experience it around age 88-90. Why is the return of this planet so clearly described in human life and destiny?

The fact is that Saturn has the most “convenient cycle” for this. He is 29.5 years. If we encounter the first return of Jupiter at the age of 12, and experience the second at the age of 24 and already have a subconscious experience of such an influence of the planet, then with Saturn it is more difficult. At the age of 28-30 we experience its first return and that is why it manifests itself so clearly.

If we take the planets after Saturn, then the next planet, Uranus, makes its first return only at the age of 84, and available horoscopes show that this is also experienced by people very brightly and intensely, but, you see, with our average life expectancy, not everyone may experience the effects of the Uranus return. More distant planets have cycles that are no longer comparable to human life - Neptune repeats its position no more often than once every 160 years, and Pluto even less often - once every 248 years. (P. Maksimov “Short course of scientific astrology”)

Saturn in the horoscope is responsible for life structure, responsibility and restrictions. He manages time and the correctness of its distribution. It is this structuring role of Saturn that further emphasizes the importance of its return to the natal point. Saturn, as an invisible teacher on a subconscious level, says - a new time has come, and it’s time to grow up.

During this period, people experience doubts; they anticipate important changes in their lives. Many begin to notice that situations require new solutions, and old methods no longer work. Many realize that the time has come to change their position in life and are moving towards these changes. Others, on the contrary, hinder them, and then, it seems, the very hand of Fate sends them situations that force a person to realize and synthesize all his previous experience into a complete picture.

As you already understand, the return of Saturn can result in both positive and negative situations. It is important to realize in time what is happening to you and act according to these feelings.

This is how popular American astrologer Claire Petilengro describes her feelings during the first return of Saturn in her book “Stars and Character”:

“I was completely happy, I had a great husband, a great job, but the Saturn Return was approaching. I felt a passionate desire to have a child. My life seemed meaningless to me if there was no son or daughter in it. I convinced my husband to immediately solve this problem. And two weeks later I became pregnant with my first son, Paris. But that’s not the only thing that has changed in my life. My work suddenly became incredibly in demand. My articles went in great demand, and then I was offered to write another book<…>My appetite for life was insatiable, I succeeded in everything. I didn’t want to leave the house, I liked more to bring it to perfection. We broke down the partition and expanded our bedroom. The room turned out so beautiful that it was even photographed for a magazine. Our son was born healthy and filled our lives with joy. I was sad to hear that many women experience postpartum depression. I didn't have such problems. The return of Saturn prepared me for childbirth and brought harmony into my life. But if my marriage and work did not suit me, I would, without hesitation, quit everything. I found my calling, and the Saturn Return contributed to my prosperity."

As you can see, the author consciously used the positive influence of Saturn and put my life in order. There are many examples of a slightly different nature. At this age, people reassess their values. This is how this period is described in the book “Periods of Human Life”: “This transitional period, which approximately covers the ages of 28 to 33, contains the opportunity to work on the shortcomings and limitations of the first adult life structure and create the basis of a more satisfying structure that ends the era early maturity. Around the age of 28, the temporary characteristic of twenty years of age ends, life becomes more serious, closer to reality.” It should be noted that this book, from which the quote is taken, does not relate to astrology in any way, but only confirms its principles.

It is precisely because of the formation of a new life structure that we are not inclined to tolerate the restrictions with which we have lived up to this point. You no longer want to tolerate the shortcomings of your spouse or the arbitrariness of your superiors. You strive for changes, and if you do them consciously, they usually end in success.

If before Saturn's return you were just planning something, now you are starting to turn your plans into reality. The picture of life is synthesized from your past experience, fragmentation is collected into a single whole, and everything unclear suddenly becomes clearer. Of course, in the life of each person there are their own characteristics of the return of Saturn, determined by their personal horoscope, but growing up is the main principle of this transition period. If the first transition period at the age of 12-15 years is more associated with physiological maturation, then the second transition period at the age of 28-30 emphasizes psychological maturation, which is often accompanied by changes in life, according to the location of Saturn in your individual horoscope.

Here are some examples of how people's lives have changed at this age:

Popular singer George Michael made a life-changing decision at the age of 28. He stated that Sony was incapable of understanding his creative process (fighting limitations - isn't it?). At that time, George Michael was one of the luckiest and richest pop singers in the world. And he said that Sony was ruining his career. Newspapers wrote that "D. Michael forever changed the attitude of the heads of the recording industry and artists."
- Pamela Anderson gave birth to a child at twenty-eight years old. As you can see, she made a good mother. The birth of her child was a turning point in her life.
- Patsy Kensit gave birth to a child at the age of 28 and then left her husband.

Cycles of Saturn

From the perspective of personality development Saturn cycle considered fundamental, taking into account the interpretation of Saturn as “responsible” for the internal core of the personality, for the “spine” of its psychology.
From the point of view of esotericism, the average person is “calculated” by higher powers to three complete transits of Saturn according to the Zodiac. Each of these three cycles has its own purpose.

First cycle of Saturn(from birth to 29 - 30 years) is associated with the repayment of debts to parents, loved ones, society, traditions, with the active processing of ancestral karma. In this cycle, a person is not yet completely independent, he is dependent on many rather fatal circumstances, and has few opportunities to express his free will.

Second cycle of Saturn(from 30 to 58-60 years) should be used for active, independent work on the implementation of one’s own ideas and plans, on creating one’s own principles of life. During this age period, a person, as a rule, has his own family, his own business, his own views on the world, his own “life line.”

Finally, third and final cycle of Saturn(from 60 to 88-90 years) is dedicated to giving back to others the material acquired over a lifetime - experience, knowledge, material values, etc. At this time, a person strives (to one degree or another) to live not for himself, not for self-affirmation, but to enrich the common treasury of awareness. This cycle is also characterized by a recapitulation of the entire life lived, summing up what has been done.

Possible fourth cycle of Saturn- “long-lived” - is essentially a continuation of the third, that is, a time of spiritual quest or (in the worst case) a senile relapse into childhood.

Return of Saturn

The first cycle of Saturn ends at 29.5 - 31 years. What is it for a person - Saturn return?
It is necessary to consider all possible options for its impact on humans.

Option 1. Over the past thirty years of life, the individual has not developed an awareness of his actions, lived “unconsciously”, and had a relatively low level of spiritual development. In this case, Saturn makes him look back at his life and realize in horror that nothing has been done, time has been wasted: there is no real family, no prosperity, no normal profession. But - most importantly - Saturn makes you understand that the main program of the first thirty years has not been worked out: paying off debts (karmic and household, that is, to parents and other ancestors).
Mental state corresponding to this variant of perception Saturn returns, can be described as severe, depressed. The individual understands that a lot needs to be changed in his life, and this understanding, naturally, does not make him cheerful - after all, he is used to only going with the flow of life, and not actively shaping events.

Option 2. A person who lives quite consciously, calmly and “ordinarily”, at this age begins to feel that “youth is leaving”, that the best is left behind. Nostalgia for childhood, carelessness and irresponsibility begins to torment. This option usually “works” ideally for those people whose “star time” was at school - that’s where they were the most beautiful, the most capable, in general, the “best.” But school is gone forever, and in adult life no one is going to praise you for your beautiful eyes. Saturn tells such people: you need to represent something of yourself, to be not just Sasha or Masha, but an individuality, a person in the full sense of the word.
Saturn in this case serves as a test of personal development, or rather, its intensity. Saturn controls the results of activities for 30 years (he is the significator of the Tenth House - the house of results). Those who have only potentialities and have not created anything real feel return of Saturn bad - a look into the future, where there will be no place for childish irresponsibility at all, does not promise anything pleasant.

Option 3. Works only for individuals who have reached a high level of spiritual development and have developed intelligence. They, perceiving (consciously or not) the principles of Saturn constructively, calmly and purposefully work to implement their plans. When a crisis occurs return of Saturn, such people do not experience disappointment, but, on the contrary, satisfaction from what they have done. It is at this time that the flow of events “throws” at their feet the results achieved over the years of work. In this version Saturn return- this is a cold-blooded analysis of the results of labor and the realization that the time of freedom has come, since debts to the ancestors have been repaid in full.

So it's obvious that Saturn return(as, indeed, many other planetary aspects) are strongly dependent on how a person perceives the principles of these planets. In the case of Saturn, the range of perceptions of its return is extremely large - from severe depression and a catastrophic drop in self-esteem to the joyful anticipation of freedom and satisfaction with what has been achieved over the past Saturn cycle. Therefore, by how a person behaves during Saturn returns, one can judge both his inner world and what he is like as a person.

Article by an astrologer

Wendell K. Perry

Cycles of Saturn. Map of changes in your life

Wendell C. Perry

Saturn Cycles: Mapping Changes in Your Life

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters company (, 2014

Wendell K. Perry, a writer and artist living in Lexington, Kentucky, has been engaged in astrology and related topics for over forty years. He is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research and co-author of The Adventures of Mars and Venus, which he wrote with his wife Linda Perry. In addition, Wendell Perry has authored numerous articles in Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope magazines.


Saturn at work

Of all the predictive tools and techniques astrology has, few are as widely used and reliable as the Saturn cycles. Transits of Saturn in relation to its position in the natal chart mark the gradual maturation of a person and his further development. Transits of Saturn to the horoscope angles, ascendant, IC descendant and midheaven point indicate important changes in areas such as a person's personality, home, relationships and career. If an astrologer wants to know when particularly important events will happen in a person’s life, the first thing he will do is look at the position of transiting Saturn.

It is therefore not surprising that so many books are devoted to Saturn and its transits. Many of these books do an excellent job of describing Saturn, its archetype, and its mythological and conceptual basis. Some books provide cookbook-level explanations of what we can expect from different Saturn transits.

But that's not what our book is about.

This book is about how Saturn works. It is about specific examples from life showing what Saturn transits are. We take complex, abstract concepts like individuation and self-disclosure, and demonstrate how they work at the level of real events happening in the lives of real people. We will see how Saturn transits challenge us, how they force us to make difficult choices and create our own destiny. We will understand how, through successive transits of Saturn, these challenges and changes are woven into a personal story - how they create the story of our lives.

We will see this in the examples of the progress of transiting Saturn in the lives of twenty-four people. As examples, we chose famous people whose lives are well studied and documented. The fates of these people are to some extent public, they are open to study. This means that anyone who wishes to verify the facts we offer and the timing of the events described in the book can easily do so. This also means that the reader who finds a particular Saturn transit relevant to his own situation can study the period of interest through biographies, autobiographies and other materials relevant to the characters in question.

"Righteous" and "Sinners"

All examples are divided into two groups. We called the first one “The Righteous”. This name has to do not so much with the morality of the people described, but with the fact that they, in general, were able to use the cycles of Saturn for good. Some representatives of this group were spiritual people with deep religious feelings. Others are people dedicated to serving society and advancing human knowledge. They had very different personal histories, they devoted themselves to different disciplines, but they were all united by a willingness to put concern for the good of all humanity and the search for truth above their personal needs.

We called the second group “Sinners.” It included those people who failed to benefit from Saturn transits. These people put short-term comfort and pleasure first, sacrificing long-term goals for them; these people tried to feed their egos at the expense of broader and altruistic considerations. Many of these people were gifted with outstanding talents and desperately strived for success, but suffered collapse and defeat. All of them, to one degree or another, made a strong impression on the minds of society and became an example of how dangerous a life lived unwisely is.

Comparing the righteous and the sinners will help readers understand how important Saturn transits are, and also that they mark not only the natural transition into adulthood, but are the building blocks of the person we are to become. We will see that making the right choices during the transit of Saturn and accepting the challenges and difficult lessons that aspects of this planet bring to us is of great importance not only in developing us into responsible, moral and successful members of society, but also in developing our character at all levels .

Two perspectives on Saturn

On the one hand, the biographies given in the book will give us the opportunity to see how Saturn transits work in the life of an individual, how one transit of Saturn and the choices and tasks it brings are related to the next transits of Saturn. This will help us see how Saturn weaves our strengths and weaknesses, our mistakes and successes into the story of our lives, into our destiny. To fully understand this, we must consider everything in the context of one person's life. Your Saturn transit is not like other people's transits. It is special to you and your life experiences. There are no ready-made recipes that one can count on as to what a Saturn return or Saturn transit on the ascendant is like; it's impossible to rely on what you did or didn't do during your last Saturn transit. It is impossible to rely on your expectations, talents or individual horoscope. As you explore how Saturn works in the lives of individuals, you will realize that these powerful transits adapt to a person's personality.

At the same time, it is very important to understand how Saturn functions in the context of the history of a particular life, it is also necessary to understand the general characteristics of each encounter with Saturn. For this reason, the third part of the book contains traditional ready-made explanations of each aspect of the transit of Saturn in the natal horoscope, as well as all the cardinal points of the horoscope. Here you will learn what usually happens when Saturn returns for the first time or moves on the ascendant. The difference between the explanations offered in this book and those found in other publications is that we draw on our own experiences and use examples from our own lives to illustrate the various aspects of the impact of Saturn transits.

This multi-pronged approach will give you, the reader, the opportunity to look at each Saturn transit from two sides, as well as open two paths to a clearer understanding of what you can expect during the next Saturn transit. You will have the opportunity to observe what the transits of this planet mean in the context of your own life, as well as what they have meant in the context of the life history of many people.

What does Saturn want from us?

Too often Saturn is associated with our rise up the social ladder, successes and failures, popularity and wealth, those events in our lives that become the property of newspapers or at least company newsletters. We forget that the true meaning of Saturn transits is that they take us to the inner, spiritual level. Saturn transits set the rhythm and structure of our lives. They ask questions and extract from us answers that are crucial to the formation of our character and virtues. If we choose to avoid these questions or are unable to find the right answers to them, then Saturn transits can be fraught with misfortunes and dire consequences for us, as they are usually described. If we are able to comprehend the processes taking place, if we face the questions that are asked of us and learn lessons by answering them, then even from the most ominous situation we can take something positive, instructive and even victorious.

First you need to understand what a retrograde planet means. The word retrograde itself means moving backwards. But with regard to planets, this concept changes a little. Planets cannot move backwards. Although, if you observe them from Earth, that’s exactly what it seems like. The reason for this phenomenon is that the person looking at the planets and the celestial bodies themselves move around the Sun at different speeds. Therefore, sometimes it seems that the planets are moving clockwise, and sometimes counterclockwise. In fact, the planets slow down their speed slightly due to the fact that their trajectories are different.

Which planets will be retrograde in 2019?

All planets except the Sun and Moon can move backwards. Retrograde planets in 2019 are Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune.

Mercury will be retrograde three times in 2019, namely: 1) March 5 – 28; 2) July 8 – August 1; 3) October 31 – November 20.

Jupiter retrograde occurs from April 10 to August 11. Saturn will begin its retrograde movement on April 30 and end on September 18. Uranus will be retrograde from August 12 to January 11, 2020. For Neptune, the corresponding period will begin on June 21 and last until November 27, 2019. Pluto will slow down from April 24 to October 3, 2019.

The retrograde motion of planets belonging to the terrestrial group in 2019 has the greatest impact on people. These are the ones that are located closer to the Earth. These include Venus, Mars and Mercury. Planets from the outer group, such as Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus, have a slightly less strong influence on our lives. Pluto affects us the least.

Mars and Venus will not be retrograde in 2019, since they have such periods once every 2 years.

Mercury retrograde

The planet influences such areas of life as business, communication, and intelligence. The speed of thinking may decrease. Unexpectedly, old problems will resurface, and you will have to start solving them. People from the past will also remind you of themselves. You should enter into contracts and transactions with caution, as partners may turn out to be unreliable. Information errors, losses, and delays are possible. Therefore, you should be extremely careful.

Mercury retrograde in 2019:

  1. March 5 – 28;
  2. July 8 – August 1;
  3. October 31 – November 20.

What not to do? You should not take on the following tasks until Mercury's retrograde movement ends:

  • make large purchases;
  • go on long trips, especially using your own transport, as the ability to operate equipment deteriorates during this period;
  • change place of work;
  • start something new;
  • purchase storage media – phones, computers, laptops, tablets;
  • buy vehicles;
  • sign contracts and conclude transactions;
  • start a new business project;
  • start a new job;
  • visit a chiropractor;
  • undergo examinations and tests;
  • start a treatment course;
  • register relationships and enter into a marriage contract;
  • make the final decision;
  • submit tests or scientific papers, manuscripts to the publisher;
  • make an appointment with a dentist;
  • start a training course.

It is best to refrain from all of the above a few days before the start of the Mercury retrograde period. Otherwise, at the end of his retrograde movement, many things will have to start over and move in a completely different direction.

What can you do? During Mercury retrograde, it is recommended to do the following things:

  • rethink and adjust everything that was done previously;
  • complete previously started projects;
  • write down and think about everything that comes to mind, new ideas in order to bring them to life later;
  • Students should review the material they have covered and prepare for the test;
  • meet old acquaintances, classmates or classmates;
  • sort out papers, documents on the computer, clean up the desktop.

In order to mitigate the negative impact that the retrograde movement of the planets in 2019, and in particular Mercury, has, it is recommended to slow down, act carefully and gradually, waiting out unfavorable times.

Features of Jupiter retrograde

The retrograde period of Jupiter lasts 4 months, during which everyone will feel the message to turn inward. You will want to engage in introspection and pay attention to spiritual and personal development. Dependence on public opinion becomes minimal. A person concentrates on himself and his feelings.

What not to do? When Jupiter is retrograde, you should not:

  • start a new activity,
  • try to establish yourself in society, since it will not be possible to achieve recognition and gain authority;
  • try to increase income, improve financial situation;
  • impose your point of view and ideals on others;
  • condemn other people for their positions and views;

What can you do? During Jupiter's retrograde period:

A person learns from past lessons and mistakes and becomes wiser. And retrograde Jupiter helps a person find his place in life.

Retrograde motion of Saturn

During Saturn's retrograde period, social life will undergo the greatest changes. Therefore, special caution must be exercised by people whose activities are related to business, legislation or politics. The greatest success will be achieved by dedicated professionals. Retrograde Saturn does not welcome empty speeches and boasting. Therefore, the best results will be obtained by those who will work hard and silently until the victorious end.

However, career decline often occurs during Saturn retrograde. In order not to lose the acquired positions, you have to work twice as hard as usual, making enormous efforts. A person will be influenced by external circumstances beyond his control that interfere with the implementation of plans. Development and advancement during this period slows down or stops completely.

What not to do? What not to do during Saturn retrograde:

  • do frivolous things and spend money thoughtlessly;
  • start something new;
  • to let important matters take their course;
  • take on many things at once;
  • quarrel with elders;
  • get irritated;
  • succumb to vices;
  • take loans;
  • cheat and engage in illegal activities.

What can you do? It’s best to focus on correcting past mistakes and get on with the main thing, without getting caught up in the little things. Show respect to the older generation and especially your parents. It's good to feed the crows on Saturdays. Do charity work.

Uranus retrograde

When Uranus begins to move backward, various surprises may happen and sudden decisions will be made. Many people will want to resume forgotten and unfinished tasks and bring them to their logical conclusion. Decisions and projects that were once unrealized will suddenly resurface.

What not to do? During Uranus retrograde it is not recommended to:

  • make plans for the future;
  • cling to the present and believe that it will always be this way;
  • count on other people;
  • commit rash acts, destroy something without good reason;
  • wait and hesitate;
  • hold back, stop there;
  • practice extreme sports.

What can you do? How to behave when Uranus is retrograde:

  • be flexible and adapt to circumstances;
  • try to prove yourself;
  • appreciate the ideas that come to mind;
  • try to learn as much new things as possible;
  • listen to your inner voice;
  • use machinery and electrical appliances with caution;
  • try to change your life for the better.

Uranus is the planet of renewal. The old is destroyed and something new, original, unlike anything else begins, perhaps even brilliant.

Retrograde Neptune

Neptune is a mystical planet that rules the imagination, the past, secret knowledge, and deception. But its influence is so subtle that it is hard to notice. Hidden processes are activated. Internal guidelines are changing. Reality may be distorted. Thoughts run counter to feelings and emotions. However, at the same time, the ability to analyze one’s actions and thoughts increases. Thanks to this, imagination improves and creative inclinations are activated.

What not to do? During Neptune retrograde you should not:

  • consume low-quality foods and liquids to avoid poisoning;
  • take strong drugs;
  • behave carelessly on the water;
  • trust people blindly;
  • give in to panic;
  • fall into a depressed state, become despondent;
  • take on new and serious responsibilities;
  • giving up everyday tasks in an attempt to achieve an imaginary ideal;
  • change plans.

What can you do? During Neptune retrograde, it's best to:

  • make your wildest dreams come true;
  • remember interesting dreams and fantasies in order to use them for creativity;
  • engage in creativity;
  • learn new things;
  • engage in self-analysis, study psychology;
  • have compassion for your neighbors;
  • develop spiritual qualities, destroy vices;
  • be romantic and tender with loved ones.

During the retrograde period of this planet, many will discover unusual abilities. Extrasensory perception may increase - clairvoyance and clairaudience, and a tendency to make predictions will appear. You will want to delve into yourself, conduct introspection.

Pluto retrograde

Even in ancient times, Pluto was considered the patron of evil forces. However, the power of this planet extends to the destinies of states and the masses, but does not concern individuals. During the retrograde period, Pluto's influence becomes even more destructive. In a global sense, the backward moving Pluto will affect the sphere of organizational relations and government system.

Pluto is one of the smallest and most distant planets from Earth. Therefore, it has practically no impact on our lives. However, it is known that if the retromotion of planets, even the most distant ones, lasts long enough, then this time can and should be spent usefully. With Pluto moving backwards, it is best to focus on yourself and your spiritual health. There is an opportunity to achieve previously set goals.

What can you do? This is a good period for meditation and spiritual growth. It is necessary to clear the mind of prejudices, unnecessary ideas, false principles and attitudes. Cleansing methods on the physical level can also help with this. For example, it is recommended to throw away old and broken items, things that are no longer used. It is equally important to give up unnecessary relationships that disappoint and only take away your strength. Some will need to change their activity or place of work. During the period of Pluto retrograde, such changes will not seem like a sacrifice, but a real deliverance and cleansing.

Life is about ups and downs, trials and rewards, invariably alternating with each other. The astrological reflection of these life vicissitudes in the horoscope are the cycles of Saturn, which, like exams, give a person the opportunity to test the level of his spiritual development. Wendell K. Perry examines the natal and solar horoscopes of world celebrities with difficult fates. Among them are the Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein, Bruce Lee, Jimmy Carter, Mata Hari, Bill Clinton, Britney Spears, Janis Joplin, Bono and other people whose personal lives, creative and social activities have always aroused interest among the general public. Based on documented facts, the author shows the reader how these people behaved in critical situations provoked by Saturn, how some of them passed their “exam”, while others failed it miserably. The final part of the book provides a table of the position of Saturn in the period from 1990 to 2020, based on which you can identify important moments in your life and use them for spiritual growth. The book is addressed to readers interested in astrology, psychology, as well as the mysteries of the destinies of famous people.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Cycles of Saturn. Mapping the Changes in Your Life (W. C. Perry) provided by our book partner - the company liters.


Saturn at work

Of all the predictive tools and techniques astrology has, few are as widely used and reliable as the Saturn cycles. Transits of Saturn in relation to its position in the natal chart mark the gradual maturation of a person and his further development. Transits of Saturn to the horoscope angles, ascendant, IC descendant and midheaven point indicate important changes in areas such as a person's personality, home, relationships and career. If an astrologer wants to know when particularly important events will happen in a person’s life, the first thing he will do is look at the position of transiting Saturn.

It is therefore not surprising that so many books are devoted to Saturn and its transits. Many of these books do an excellent job of describing Saturn, its archetype, and its mythological and conceptual basis. Some books provide cookbook-level explanations of what we can expect from different Saturn transits.

But that's not what our book is about.

This book is about how Saturn works. It is about specific examples from life showing what Saturn transits are. We take complex, abstract concepts like individuation and self-disclosure, and demonstrate how they work at the level of real events happening in the lives of real people. We will see how Saturn transits challenge us, how they force us to make difficult choices and create our own destiny. We will understand how, through successive transits of Saturn, these challenges and changes are woven into a personal story - how they create the story of our lives.

We will see this in the examples of the progress of transiting Saturn in the lives of twenty-four people. As examples, we chose famous people whose lives are well studied and documented. The fates of these people are to some extent public, they are open to study. This means that anyone who wishes to verify the facts we offer and the timing of the events described in the book can easily do so. This also means that the reader who finds a particular Saturn transit relevant to his own situation can study the period of interest through biographies, autobiographies and other materials relevant to the characters in question.

"Righteous" and "Sinners"

All examples are divided into two groups. We called the first one “The Righteous”. This name has to do not so much with the morality of the people described, but with the fact that they, in general, were able to use the cycles of Saturn for good. Some representatives of this group were spiritual people with deep religious feelings. Others are people dedicated to serving society and advancing human knowledge. They had very different personal histories, they devoted themselves to different disciplines, but they were all united by a willingness to put concern for the good of all humanity and the search for truth above their personal needs.

We called the second group “Sinners.” It included those people who failed to benefit from Saturn transits. These people put short-term comfort and pleasure first, sacrificing long-term goals for them; these people tried to feed their egos at the expense of broader and altruistic considerations. Many of these people were gifted with outstanding talents and desperately strived for success, but suffered collapse and defeat. All of them, to one degree or another, made a strong impression on the minds of society and became an example of how dangerous a life lived unwisely is.

Comparing the righteous and the sinners will help readers understand how important Saturn transits are, and also that they mark not only the natural transition into adulthood, but are the building blocks of the person we are to become. We will see that making the right choices during the transit of Saturn and accepting the challenges and difficult lessons that aspects of this planet bring to us is of great importance not only in developing us into responsible, moral and successful members of society, but also in developing our character at all levels .

Two perspectives on Saturn

On the one hand, the biographies given in the book will give us the opportunity to see how Saturn transits work in the life of an individual, how one transit of Saturn and the choices and tasks it brings are related to the next transits of Saturn. This will help us see how Saturn weaves our strengths and weaknesses, our mistakes and successes into the story of our lives, into our destiny. To fully understand this, we must consider everything in the context of one person's life. Your Saturn transit is not like other people's transits. It is special to you and your life experiences. There are no ready-made recipes that one can count on as to what a Saturn return or Saturn transit on the ascendant is like; it's impossible to rely on what you did or didn't do during your last Saturn transit. It is impossible to rely on your expectations, talents or individual horoscope. As you explore how Saturn works in the lives of individuals, you will realize that these powerful transits adapt to a person's personality.

At the same time, it is very important to understand how Saturn functions in the context of the history of a particular life, it is also necessary to understand the general characteristics of each encounter with Saturn. For this reason, the third part of the book contains traditional ready-made explanations of each aspect of the transit of Saturn in the natal horoscope, as well as all the cardinal points of the horoscope. Here you will learn what usually happens when Saturn returns for the first time or moves on the ascendant. The difference between the explanations offered in this book and those found in other publications is that we draw on our own experiences and use examples from our own lives to illustrate the various aspects of the impact of Saturn transits.

This multi-pronged approach will give you, the reader, the opportunity to look at each Saturn transit from two sides, as well as open two paths to a clearer understanding of what you can expect during the next Saturn transit. You will have the opportunity to observe what the transits of this planet mean in the context of your own life, as well as what they have meant in the context of the life history of many people.

What does Saturn want from us?

Too often Saturn is associated with our rise up the social ladder, successes and failures, popularity and wealth, those events in our lives that become the property of newspapers or at least company newsletters. We forget that the true meaning of Saturn transits is that they take us to the inner, spiritual level. Saturn transits set the rhythm and structure of our lives. They ask questions and extract from us answers that are crucial to the formation of our character and virtues. If we choose to avoid these questions or are unable to find the right answers to them, then Saturn transits can be fraught with misfortunes and dire consequences for us, as they are usually described. If we are able to comprehend the processes taking place, if we face the questions that are asked of us and learn lessons by answering them, then even from the most ominous situation we can take something positive, instructive and even victorious.

When transiting Saturn passes through the cusps of the angular houses of the horoscope (angular points) or forms an aspect with natal Saturn, there is always an element of testing. We are often forced to prove our competence, talents and strength of character. If we have the necessary qualities, if we have the ability and strength to pass these tests, then the transit of Saturn can be a happy time, a time when we see that our hard work and smart planning are appreciated by our superiors and the world around us. But even if the transit of Saturn brings joyful news and a well-deserved victory, there is always a hidden test within these honors. Victory brings with it its own challenges, and triumph is often a much harsher test of our virtue and judgment than defeat.

Since during the transit of Saturn we must first of all be concerned with the process of building and testing our character, it is quite natural that Saturn transits usually pass quietly and, at first glance, without external events. Difficult questions and difficult trials are not always the result of major events in our lives. Silent understandings, spiritual revelations, private conflicts with family and friends, and other processes that occur unnoticed by prying eyes can be as important events in strengthening our courage and dignity as any public incidents. As we have said, the important work of Saturn transits happens on psychological and spiritual levels, and sometimes the process of character building and analysis of a life well lived occurs behind closed doors.

It is impossible to talk about Saturn and its transits without touching on the concept of fate (destination). Some people are hostile to this concept. They like to think that their destiny is entirely the result of the choices and decisions we make in life, that luck is just an excuse, and that willpower can overcome any obstacle. For such people, Saturn transits can be painful lessons about the limitations of human intelligence, understanding and willpower.

At the other extreme, we see people who believe that their destiny is a puzzle that they will be able to put together one day. Many people begin to study astrology, believing that it will help them understand the mosaic of fate and allow them to control uncontrollable circumstances. The bottom line is that proper study of astrology does deepen our understanding of the mysteries of destiny and destiny. But astrology does not give us a means of controlling fate, but an even clearer understanding of how unpredictable a person’s fate can be. In some cases, astrology provides time to prepare for unexpected turns of fate and unruly circumstances, as well as remedies to mitigate setbacks. However, the most valuable thing we gain from studying astrology is the ability to look at luck and bad luck in a broader context, and use this experience to deepen our understanding of life.

This is why Saturn cycles are so important. They describe the interaction of the choices we make, our natural abilities and our will with the merciless forces of history, circumstance and fate. You must remain vigilant during these transits. You must be thoughtful about even the smallest changes and events. In the measured pace of these events, you will discover an understanding of who you are and who you should become. You will gain a deeper awareness of the role this elusive and mysterious concept called destiny can play in your life. Don't think that you will understand everything. Don't expect to complete the puzzle completely. But very often, the proper use of Saturn transits does provide us with a basic understanding of the relationship between our personal will and the large-scale workings of destiny. If we achieve this, we can fully expect that we have reached the maximum.

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