Plan and example of a comprehensive analysis of a lyric work. “The earthly heart will freeze again...” A

Plan and example of a comprehensive analysis of a lyrical work

History of the creation of the work (if possible).
Theme and idea.
Composition. Development of themes and ideas.
System of images.
Artistic and linguistic means that help reveal the main idea of ​​the author.
Rhythmic organization, sound design, rhyme features.
Features of the syntax and punctuation of the work, their role in revealing the author’s idea.
Features of spelling.
Feelings and thoughts caused by acquaintance with this work.

The earthly heart will freeze again,

But I meet the cold with my chest.

I keep to people in the wilderness

Unrequited love.

But behind love comes anger,

The seal of oblivion or election.

Let them call: Forget it, poet!

Return to beautiful comforts!

No! It’s better to perish in the fierce cold!

There is no comfort! There is no peace!

2. “The theme is,” wrote A. Blok, “that the clan, which has experienced the retribution of history, environment, era, begins, in the person of the last firstborn, in turn to create retribution...” But the poem was not finished, and this the poem (like other “sketches”) was included in the “Iambic” cycle.

3. The poem consists of three quatrains. The first stanza gives the “landscape of the soul” of the lyrical hero: the poet’s heart “freezes” because his love for people is “undivided.” Being among people, he lives in a “deserted place.” But the hero is courageous: he faces the hardships of life (“cold”) and loneliness with “chest.” The second stanza reveals his attitude towards people: on the one hand, “love”, on the other, “contempt”. The question of why “anger is brewing” in the soul of the lyrical hero is answered in the third stanza: people need peace, they call the poet to “beautiful comforts”; but for the lyrical hero there are “no”; it is “better for him to perish in the fierce cold” than to remain in the gray philistinism.

4. In the system of images, the lyrical hero and the people around him are clearly opposed to each other, in other words, the poet and the crowd.

5. The main artistic device used by the author to reveal the idea is antithesis: the poem has several rows of antonyms (for people - desolation; love - anger, contempt; peace, comfort - cold).

In addition, Blok includes in the poem emotionally charged epithets (love - unrequited, cold - fierce), metaphors (heart - earthly, that is, thirsty for love, communication), personifications (anger - ripens, contempt - grows, heart - gets cold) , synonyms (ripening, growing). The text contains many words that have a figurative meaning (comfort - a quiet life, solitude - lack of communication, I store - I experience). Along with “lofty” words (anger, contempt, oblivion), the author uses colloquial ones (perish, freeze).

The poem, like all of Blok’s poetry, is symbolist in nature. It is a reflection of the poet’s “revolutionary forebodings” (A. Blok), a call for active intervention in life and defending one’s own position in life.

6. In the sound design, there is a clear predominance of voiced consonants over deaf ones, which reflects the intransigence and fighting spirit of the lyrical hero. Blok explains the use of iambic as a poetic meter (and then the name of the cycle of poems “Iambics”): “I think that the simplest expression of the rhythm of that time, when the world, preparing for unheard of events, so intensively and systematically developed its physical, political and military muscles, was iambic. This is probably why I, who have long been driven around the world by the scourges of this iambic, were drawn to surrender to its elastic wave for a longer time.” (From the preface written in connection with the publication of Chapter III of the poem “Retribution”, 1919)

7. The syntax of the poem is also expressive: calm narrative sentences at the beginning of the text are replaced with exclamatory ones at the end; common two-part ones - into shortened and non-common one-part ones. The connection between sentences is parallel. Means of communication - unions, particles. Some sentences are constructed inversely. At the end - the word no is repeated three times. In addition to the usual punctuation marks, the author uses an emphatic (emotionally expressive) dash.

8. From the point of view of spelling, this poem is not particularly difficult, and yet with examples from the text we can illustrate the following writing rules:

unstressed vowels at the root of the word: earthly, I meet, peace;
alternating vowels in the root of the word: growing;
unpronounceable and dubious consonants at the root of the word: heart, again;
prefixes: perish, desolation, contempt;
not with adjectives: undivided;
n and nn in verbal adjectives: undivided;
personal endings of verbs: getting cold, ripening.

According to the rules of writing at the beginning of the 20th century, the ending i was written in the prepositional case of nouns ending in -е, -я. So, in this text, in Blok’s word for solitude, i is written: for solitude.

9. The poem “The earthly heart grows cold again...” was written almost a hundred years ago. After so many years, we, the people of the third millennium, must highlight for ourselves the main thing in A. Blok’s legacy. What is important to me is that (in the words of the poet)

He is all a child of goodness and light,

He is all a triumph of freedom;

the way he saw life:

Erase random features

And you will see: the world is beautiful.

This poem is proof of this.

“Do you remember? In our sleepy bay..." "I'm sitting behind the screen. I have...” “Your face is so familiar to me...” “Much fell silent. Many have left..." Demon "I've been waiting all my life. Tired of waiting..." "Gone. But the hyacinths were waiting...” “At night in my garden...” “Perhaps you don’t want to guess...” Autumn dances “Dear maiden, why do you need to know what life has in store for us...” Aviator “No, never mine, and you are no one’s you won't..." "The wind will blow, the snow will howl..." "Life is without beginning and end..." "Why in my tired chest..." "Having left the city..." "And we won't have long to admire..." "Here He is - Christ - in chains and roses..." "The clarity of God is everywhere..." "He is lifted up - this iron rod..." "Fluffed up, swayed..." Together The dilapidated hut of the Raven And again the snow Pale tales "A poet in exile and in doubt..." "I see the brilliance that I had forgotten... “Let the moon shine, the night is dark...” “For you alone, for you alone...” “You lived a lot, I sang more...” “It’s time to forget yourself into a dream full of happiness...” “Let the dawn look into our eyes...” “The muse in the attire of spring.” knocked on the poet's door..." "The full moon rose over the meadow..." "Catching moments of gloomy sadness..." "She was young and beautiful..." "I rush around in the darkness, in the icy desert..." "In the night, when anxiety falls asleep..." Servus - reginae Solveig Guardian Angel “I was embarrassed and cheerful...” “Oh, spring without end and without edge...” “When you stand in my way...” “I remember the long torment...” “About valor, about exploits, about glory...” “On the Kulikovo field “How hard it is to walk among people...” “When you are driven and beaten...” “The sound is approaching. And, submissive to the aching sound...” “The earthly heart freezes again...” “You were brighter, more faithful and more charming than anyone else...” Nightingale Garden Scythians “He was met everywhere...” Stranger “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy...” In the corner of the sofa “Barka” life has risen..." "The wind brought from afar..." Gamayun, a bird prophesying "With his bitter tears..." In the restaurant "I strive for a luxurious will..." "Twilight, spring twilight..." "I plunged into the sea of ​​clover..." "The violin groans under the mountain ..." Dawn "The faithless shadows of day are running..." "I dreamed of cheerful thoughts..." "I enter dark temples..." "I wake up - and the field is foggy..." "You were born from the whisper of words..." The Commander's steps "The shadows have not yet fallen evening..." "I am Hamlet. The blood runs cold..." "Like day, bright, but incomprehensible..." "The girl sang in the church choir..." "Turned everything into a joke at first..." "A snowstorm is sweeping through the streets..." "And again - the gusts of youth..." "I told you unearthly...” “Received the world like a ringing gift...” In the dunes On the islands “Harmonica, harmonica!..” Factory “She came from the cold...” Showroom Before the court “Oh, I want to live madly...” Russia “Born in the age of deaf ..." Poets “I will get up on a foggy morning...” “St. Petersburg snowy twilight...” “A child is crying. Under the crescent moon...” Voice in the clouds “Hours, and days, and years go by...” “We live in an ancient cell...” “I believe in the Sun of the Covenant...” “Understand, I was confused, I was confused...” “We were together, I remember...” “For the short dream that I’m having today...” “There’s a glow in the sky. The dead night is dead...” “Lonely, I come to you...” “I have a presentiment of You. Years pass by..." "We met you at sunset..." Two inscriptions on the collection of the Pushkin House Gray Morning Kite From the newspapers "The wind wheezes on the bridge between the pillars..." "Rising from the darkness of the cellars..." "I was walking towards bliss. The path shone..." "The morning is breathing through your window...” To the unknown God of My mother. (“The darkness has descended, fraught with fog...”) “The bright sun, the blue distance...” “The clouds float lazily and heavily...” “The poet is in exile and in doubt...” “Even though everyone is still a singer...” “I am looking for salvation...” “ Come in everyone. In the inner chambers...” “I, a youth, light the candles...” “The window did not shake for a whole year...” “The grass was breaking through the forgotten graves...” “Don’t trust one’s roads...” “I will see how one will die...” “That is the echo of the young. days..." "Renounce your favorite creations..." "Exhausted by a storm of inspiration..." "Slowly, hard and surely..." December 31, 1900 "Rest is in vain. The road is steep...” “I went out. Slowly they went down…” To my mother. (“The more painful the rebellious soul...”) “On a cold day, on an autumn day...” “On a white night, the red month...” “I am waiting for the call, looking for an answer...” “You are burning over a high mountain...” “Slowly through the church doors...” “There will be a day - and a great thing will happen...” “I waited a long time - you came out late...” “At night there was a snowy blizzard...” New Year’s night “Dreams of unprecedented thoughts...” “On the spring festival of light...” “Sorrowless people will not understand...” “ You are God's day. My dreams..." "Guess and wait. In the middle of the night...” “I was slowly going crazy...” “Spring in the river breaks the ice floes...” “I look for strange and new things on the pages...” “During the day I do the things of vanity...” “I love high cathedrals...” “I wander within the walls of the monastery...” “I am young, and fresh, and in love...” “The light in the window was staggering...” “A golden valley...” “I went out into the night - to find out, to understand...” Ecclesiastes. “He appeared at a harmonious ball...” “Freedom looks into the blue... "" Secret signs are flaring up..." "I kept them in John's chapel..." "I stand in power, alone in soul..." "A singing dream, a blooming color..." "I will not go out to meet people..." "The halls have darkened, faded..." " Is everything calm among the people?..” “The doors open - there are flickerings...” “I carved a staff from oak...” “She was fifteen years old. But by the knock...” “Bright dream, you won’t deceive...” “Dark, pale green...” “My beloved, my prince, my fiancé...” “Solveig! Oh Solveig! Oh, Sunny Path!..” “In the thick grass you will disappear headlong...” Girl from Spoleto “The spicy spirit of March was in the lunar circle...” On the railway Humiliation “Eating in a wild grove, by the ravine...” To my mother. (“Friend, look how in the plain of heaven...”) “Tired from the day’s wanderings...” “I dreamed of the death of my beloved creature...” “The moon woke up. The city is noisy...” “I dreamed about you again, in flowers...” “The edge of the sky - the omega star...” “Dear friend! You are a young soul...” Ophelia’s song “When the crowd around the idols applauds...” “Do you remember the troubled city...” “Fate itself bequeathed to me...” “I am an old soul. Some kind of black lot...” “Don’t shed burning tears...” “Why, why into the darkness of oblivion...” “The city is sleeping, shrouded in darkness...” “Until with a calm foot...” Dolor ante lucem “The autumn day descends in slow succession...” “You rise you, what a strict day...” “We walked along the azure path...” “The morning eye opened...” “I walked in the darkness of a rainy night...” “Today into the night along the same path...” “Cruel May with white nights!..” Ravenna Autumn day Artist Twelve “I remember the tenderness of your shoulders...” “Well, what? Weak hands are wearily wrung..." A voice from the choir. Last parting words: "The bow began to sing. And the cloud is stuffy..." Korolevna "You lived alone! You weren’t looking for friends...” Autumn Will Rus' Rally “I put my ear to the ground...” “In hungry and sick captivity...” Z. Gippius. (Upon receiving the “Last Poems”) “The angry gaze of colorless eyes...” “How the ocean changes color...” “The snowy spring is raging...” “Oh yes, love is as free as a bird...” “It’s raining and slush outside...” “They will bury , they will bury it deep...” “You say that I am cold, withdrawn and dry...” “The pipe began to sing on the bridge...”

“The earthly heart will grow cold again...” Alexander Blok

The earthly heart will freeze again,
But I meet the cold with my chest.
I keep to people in the wilderness
Unrequited love.

But behind love comes anger,
Contempt and desire grow
Read in the eyes of husbands and maidens
The seal of oblivion, or election.

Let them call: Forget it, poet!
Return to beautiful comforts!
No! It’s better to perish in the fierce cold!
There is no comfort. There is no peace.

Analysis of Blok’s poem “The earthly heart grows cold again...”

Problems in his personal life also affected the work of Alexander Blok. In the poems of this poet, the theme of loneliness and the search for one’s own world appeared, in which the author could feel truly happy. However, the more Blok experimented, the more clearly he felt that his entire further existence without the woman he loved was losing any meaning. Meanwhile, relations with Lyubov Mendeleeva were very difficult. Disillusioned with family life, she constantly changed lovers. However, Alexander Blok periodically started affairs on the side, but none of his chosen ones was able to destroy the golden cage in which the poet imprisoned himself.

His relatives and some of his friends knew about Blok’s family problems. Therefore, few could have guessed what exact meaning the poet intended in the lines of the poem “The earthly heart is freezing again...”, written in the fall of 1911. It was published much later, when Blok and Mendeleeva had already decided to separate completely. However, at that moment when the poet needed help and basic sympathy, he simply had no one to turn to even for advice. However, he did not accuse those who were nearby at that moment of indifference and callousness. “I keep unrequited love for people in the wilderness,” noted Blok.

True, the author immediately admits that inside is already beginning to change for the worse. He is tired of paying with warmth for the indifference with which he has been surrounded in recent years, so he admits6 “But behind love, anger is brewing.” It is caused by the fact that the people around the poet remind him of mannequins, in whose eyes he cannot read a single outburst of emotion. At first this frightens the poet, and later causes a mixture of pity, surprise and contempt. Blok realizes that he is surrounded by people who do not even try to understand his inner aspirations. The world is not changing, and the main place in it is still occupied by power and money. Many people mistakenly believe that these two components are the key to happiness, but the poet constantly refutes this statement with his own actions, causing bewilderment among ordinary people. In response to their insistent demands to become the same as everyone else, the poet replies: “No! It’s better to perish in the fierce cold!” He understands that there is nothing more valuable and dear in this life than the sincere mutual love of two people. Having lost it, Blok doomedly states: “There is no comfort. There is no peace."

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