English lesson plan on the topic of skills. Communicating new grammatical material

Lesson topic: Professions.

Lesson type: combined (complex)

Forms of work: individual, steam room, frontal.

Technologies: ICT (presentation, video clip), health care, cooperation.

Purpose of the lesson: teach students to talk about their future profession.

Lesson Objectives:


    repetition, consolidation and use of learned vocabulary on the topic “Professions”, “Character Traits”,

    development of listening skills with the isolation of specific information,

    learning to read with the extraction of certain information,

    formation of speech technique,

    development of spelling skills,

    teaching writing with support,

    activation of grammatical structures “will / to be going to” to express the future tense.


    development of memory, imagination,

    development of phonemic hearing and phonetic skills,

    development of students' creative abilities,

    development of independence,

    development of students' communication abilities,

    development of reading, speaking and writing skills,

    development of listening skills, listening and hearing skills,

    develop the ability to choose expressions adequate to the communication situation, to formulate conclusions, to carry out reproductive (using supports) and productive actions.


    fostering a culture of communication,

    to cultivate a positive attitude towards the work of people of different professions,

    developing skills to work in pairs and in groups,

    formation of motivation to learn a foreign language.

Lesson equipment:

    TCO, PowerPoint presentation,

    individual cards with tasks for independent work,

    UMK “Enjoy English” (for 5th grade) M.Z.Biboletova.


Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, readiness for self-development and self-education;

Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers.


Implementation of regulatory actions of self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activities in a foreign language.


Constructing logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

Mastering reading with the extraction of certain information;

Organization of cognitive activity.


Formulation of one’s own opinion and position, ability to argue;

Ability to ask questions;

Adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks.

Planned results:

Personal nurturing a sense of self- and mutual respect; development of cooperation when working in pairs; nurturing interest in language

Metasubject speech development; development of independence among students; development of attentiveness when searching for errors.

Subject development of communication skills: listening (watching a video fragment) with information extraction; reading (extracting certain information); written speech (based on a sample).

Previous D.Z.: SB ex.25 p.49 (fill in the table by writing the characteristics and character traits required for professions)


Progress of the lesson.

Org. moment

Teacher: Good morning, my friends! I"m glad to see you today. Sit down, please. Today some guests are present at our lesson, but I think that does not disturb you to work well. Let's begin. What day is it today? What is the date? Who is absent? What's the weather like today?

Introduction V topic lesson

Show a video clip.


Teacher: What do you think Kate is going to be? Why does she want to be a vet? What are the main characteristics of this occupation/profession?

Update And Preparation thinking students


Teacher: What, do you think, can *influence (*influence) the choice of your profession, job?

Job, profession

One student is called to the board to record answers.

Possible answers: family, hobby, it’s interesting, it’s for intelligent people, I want to be famous & rich…

Teacher: What other professions do you know? What are you going to be? Why? What are the main characteristics of your favorite profession?

Central part of the lesson

Letter. Spelling.

Development of spelling skills "Scrambled Words- confusing words."

Teacher: It's time to write. Look at these words. Can you unscramble them? Write them down:








Reading(with extraction of certain information).

pre-textual stage

Teacher: Who is going to be a vet?

Teacher: Nobody! It’s a pity!... Do you love animals?

Before completing the task, the teacher draws the students’ attention to new words in the text (they are given with translation in the text itself).

Semantization LE (through definition) .

Teacher: Look at the new words and match them with their definitions.

New words:



guinea pig





have to

text stage

SB ex.27 p.49 (Text 2) Students read the text independently.

Then read aloud.

Text 2. Vets

Animals are very important to people. We keep dogs and cats as pets. Some farmers have sheep and cows to produce meat and milk. We ride horses. We watch lions and tigers at the circus.

For people who love animals, working as a veterinarian is an ideal job. Veterinarians, or vets, treat many kinds of animals such as dogs, cats, guinea pigs, cows, pigs and horses. Some vets even treat zoo animals such as tigers and giraffes.

Vets have to be careful when they treat sick animals. The sick animal can bite, kick or scratch them. They have to learn about different diseases that animals get and how to treat them. Vets also learn how to treat animals so neither the vet nor the animal gets hurt.

post-textual stage

Teacher: Now find these sentences in this text, please. The game “Translator”.

Students pull out pieces of paper with sentences that need to be translated.

    Animals are very important to people.

Animals are very important to people.

    We keep cats and dogs as pets at home.

We keep dogs and cats as pets at home.

    Veterinarians treat dogs, cats, cows, pigs and horses.

Vets treat cats, dogs, cows, pigs and horses.

    Veterinarians must be attentive (careful) when treating a sick animal.

Vets have to be careful when they treat sick animals.

Teacher: You have learned some information about vets.

SB ex.28 p.50 (Vets)

Organization of question and answer work using cards(each pair receives an individual text assignment)

Teacher: Answer the questions, please:

1) A vet is a dangerous job, isn’t it? Why?

2) Who can become a vet?

3) Would you like to be a vet? Why? Why not?

4) What do vets have to learn about?

5) Why do vets have to be careful?

6) Who usually wants to be a vet? For whom is a vet an ideal job?

7) What are the main characteristics of a good vet?

Teacher: So, has anyone decided to become a vet? Why? Why not?

Letter. Spelling.

Teaching writing (with support)

Teacher: Now, I have just got a letter form a pen-friend. Complete the text.

Thank you for your letter. How are you?

I'm good at school. I am interested in computers. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I don't want to be a teacher. I don't want to be a doctor.

My favorite subjects at school are Maths, and of course, IT.

My hobby is computer programming. I think it's interesting(interesting), useful(useful)and for intelligent / clever / bright people(educated people). So, I want to be a computer programmer.

A good computer programmer should be (educated) intelligent, (responsible) answered, (creative) creative, (serious) serious and (curious) curious.

What are you going to be?

Teacher: Well-done! You have 5 minutes to write a letter to you friend about your profession.

The final part of the lesson

Giving grades with comments and wishes from the teacher.

« Lost answers- lost answers."

Teacher: Well-done! We still have some time. Guess the following professions.

Who writes poems? A poet.

Who works with computers? A computer programmer.

Who helps children to learn? A teacher.

Who flies in airplanes? A pilot.

Who drives a car? A driver.

Who helps sick animals? A vet.

Who writes for newspapers? A reporter.

Who sells things? A seller / a shop-assistant.

Who helps doctors? A nurse.

Record D. Z.

Teacher: Now open your record-books and write down your homework:

SB ex.27 p.49 (Text 2) – be ready to discuss the text, SB ex.28 p.50 (Vets) – answer the questions in writing.

Summing up the lesson.


What did you learn in the lesson?

How will this help you in the future?

Now I know...

I want to know more...

Coordination of ratings Your marks...

Teacher: And now our lesson is over. Thanks a lot for your participation. Good-bye.

Currently, second generation state standards are being implemented in Russian schools. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for academic disciplines, the English lesson plan must have a strict structure and sequence of stages.

Features of the requirements of the new standard

Let's start with the fact that an English lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • the formation of communicative foreign language competence in combination with its components: speech, intercultural, sociocultural, linguistic, educational-cognitive, compensatory competence;
  • development of the personality of schoolchildren;
  • improving universal study skills.

Learning outcomes

An English lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard is associated with the following expected learning outcomes:

  • development of motivation for learning a foreign language, formation of general cultural and ethnic identity;
  • understanding the ways of self-realization with the help of a foreign language, as well as finding ways for self-development and the formation of speech culture;
  • understanding the peculiarities of the culture of one’s people, showing tolerance towards the culture of other peoples;
  • the opportunity and desire to defend one’s own civic position.

Meta-subject results

The technological map of an English lesson should include the development of research and project activities, a clear definition of areas of the studied and unknown, and the definition of those tasks that must be achieved during the lesson.

Meta-subject results are also associated with the analysis of lesson results, the ability to draw conclusions, think through results, adjust actions, identify new tasks and goals of the lesson based on the results of previous lessons.

The technological map of an English lesson involves self-control, self-observation, and self-assessment during communicative work in English.

In addition, the new standards require socialization, an increase in linguistic horizons, and the formation of emotional, cognitive, and volitional spheres.

The development of an English lesson is aimed at familiarizing oneself with the rules of speech behavior and linguistic concepts that are necessary for mastering oral speech in a foreign language.

The teacher pays special attention to the friendly attitude of schoolchildren towards native English speakers and introduces his pupils to the life of English schoolchildren.

The English lesson plan is drawn up taking into account the individual characteristics of children and includes elements of project and research activities.

Technological map of the lesson on the topic “London”

This topic of the English lesson is discussed in the sixth grade course according to the M.Z. “Happy English” program.

Type of lesson: generalization of the material studied.

A brief English lesson plan on the topic “London” meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Lesson Objectives

Educational goals: generalizing knowledge about the main attractions of London, improving lexical skills, enhancing oral speech, developing listening skills.

The proposed English lesson plan contains elements that allow you to cultivate a culture of behavior in group and frontal work.

Formation of UDD:

  • personal actions: self-organization, independence, self-esteem, skills of joint cognitive work;
  • regulatory actions: forecasting, goal setting;
  • cognitive activities: expanding the horizons of schoolchildren through linguistic and cultural information.

Subject-based activities are aimed at getting to know the sights of London and using the learned vocabulary in English speech.

This development of an English lesson contains elements of communicative activities related to working in pairs and the ability to express your thoughts in English.

Cognitive actions: structuring, modeling, generalization of knowledge.

The English lesson plan also includes those teaching aids and materials that will be required for its implementation. In addition to the book, you need a multimedia projector, a map of London, as well as presentations made by the guys, and tokens for the auction.

Stages of implementation

The English lesson plan on the topic “London” consists of nine main stages.

At the first stage, schoolchildren are motivated for academic work. Its duration is 5-7 minutes. The teacher immerses the children in the language environment, develops skills in using grammatical structures and pronunciation of English sounds.

The guys take part in phonetic exercises and the game “Tell me about a friend.”

At the second stage, the topic of the lesson is formulated and the goals of the lesson are set. The peculiarity of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard is that the teacher does not voice the topic of the lesson, he only leads the students to the point that they could formulate it.

The next stage of the lesson is checking homework; its duration should not exceed 10 minutes. The guys demonstrate their presentations with the sights of London, armed with a multimedia projector. At this stage, the teacher serves as a mentor, correcting the mistakes of his students.

At the fourth stage, regional studies material and auditing skills are activated. The guys listen to the story, trying to understand which particular London landmark is being talked about.

Next comes the improvement of lexical skills. It is expected to read out phrases in a chain and translate them into Russian. During the “Auction” game, the children make up sentences from such phrases.

In order to train speaking skills, the class is divided into groups of 3-4 people. In three minutes, they must remember five nouns, verbs, adjectives related to the topic “London”.

At the next stage, reflection of educational activities is carried out. This stage is mandatory according to the second generation federal standards. The children fill out special forms to evaluate their activities in the lesson.

The short summary ends with an explanation of the homework.

Features of English language notes

Developmental tasks that are appropriate in English lessons are aimed at developing thinking, speech, motivational, volitional, emotional, mental activity.


In addition to the triune task, the lesson notes indicate all the equipment necessary for the lesson (TSO). The recording is carried out in a brief form, presented in the form of a table. When preparing an open-ended lesson, it is necessary to include in a brief summary the literature that you will use to conduct it.

For example, if the lesson is related to the repetition of the topics “Clothing”, “Appearance”, to repeat the material studied, the teacher can invite the children to talk about a fairy-tale character.

As equipment for such an activity, you can use a presentation with fashionable clothing items. A role-playing game is also appropriate for such an English lesson, during which the children can feel like fashion designers.

If the lesson notes are constructed correctly, it will become for the teacher not only the basis for the lesson, but also the basis for self-assessment.

I. Good afternoon!

Nice to see you!

Sit down, please!

II. What is the weather like today?

Do you like to walk in such weather?

Do you like to read books in such weather?

Do you like to do your homework in such weather?

III. Now it is time for us to revise the spelling of these words because later we shall have a dictation.

a) Let us play the game Jumbled Letters.

r n e e v

k w l a

t r e s

b) Now let us practice the spelling of these words on the blackboard. Two people will come out to the front. The rest of the girls will name the most difficult words for them. Be very attentive. Check what the girls will write on the blackboard.

Thank you.

c) Open your copy-books for dictations.Put down the date. Ready? Steady? Go!

Hand in your works. Thank you.

IV. a) Today we shall speak about word order in an English sentence.

Look at the blackboard. What sentence is correct?

Tom is reading a book.

Tom is reading the book.

Tom is reading a book.

Absolutely right. We don’t have fixed word order in Russian. But how shall we translate this sentence in English?

You are absolutely right.

Look at the table and copy it in your exercise books. I will give you 2 minutes for this task.

English Word Order





Who? What?

what does it do?

What? whom?



I play football every day

But: adverbs are always placed m/y vile. and tale





We always watch TV

b) Now let us have some practice: look at ex. 2 on page 16. Choose correct sentences.

Good work. Thank you.

c) One more exercise for you: ex. 3, p. 17. Put words in the right word order. We shall do it on the blackboard. Stacey, will you come out to the front?

Well done. Thank you.

V. Are you tired? Let us do a small physical exercise. Repeat the words and actions after me.

Stand up! Clap! Clap!

Arms up! Clap! Clap!

Step! Step! Arms down!

Clap! Clap! Sit Down!

VI. a) Now we are ready to work further. So, we know how to make sentences in English correctly. That is why I suggest that we should practice speaking about something. Our topic will be “My Day”.

(The teacher writes the topic on the board)

But before speaking about our personal day, let us listen to some other’s one in order to know how to do it.

Find exercise 4 on page 18. Look at the pictures and say what the boy does.

(The teacher writes on the board phrases that will appear in the listening test)

Get up

Read book and watch TV

Eat breakfast

Come home and walk the dog

Go to school

Do homework

Go to bed

Eat lunch

b) Now listen to the boy’s day and match the time and the action.

c) Let us check. Will you say what the boy does at the exact time?

Use the speech pattern:

The boy...s at...o'clock.

(The teacher writes a speech pattern on the board)

Good. Thank you.

VII. Now I think we are ready to speak about our working days. Look at exercise 6 on page 18. Make up sentences about your working day, using the given words. Let us read them.

(The teacher reads the words, the students repeat after him)

Thank you. Well done.

VIII. Our lesson is coming to its end, so put down your homework.

(The teacher writes homework on the board)

p.19 ex. 7 A, B (use ex.6 as an example)

IX. I liked your work today. I will fives to…, fours to…

I would like to ask you a traditional question: “What have you learned today?”

Good. Thank you. The lesson is over. You may be free.

Outline of an open English lesson

Date: 02/06/2014

Class: 6 "A"

Topic: Houses and apartments.

Goal: to bring students to a creative level of written language on the basis of preparatory and productive exercises in listening, reading and speaking.

Educational: to form lexical speaking skills, practice students in reading and listening, train dialogical speech skills.

Developmental: develop English speaking skills.

Educational: cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.

Lesson type: lesson on studying and initially consolidating new material.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, technological maps for students, laptop.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon, pupils.

How are you,...? – I am fine, thanks.

How is your mother? – She is fine, thanks.

What season is it now? – It’s winter now.

I don't like winter. What about you, ...?

What's the weather like today?

What's the date? – Today is the 31st of January

Is anybody absent today? – All are present.

2. Preparation for studying new material.

Look at the blackboard please. Here you can see the provers. Let's read all of them and translate.

East or West, home is best”

There is no place like home”

My home is my castle”

Ok, very well. And who tell me, what the common word for all these proverbs is. You are right- HOME. Today we will speak about houses and flats.

3. Goals And tasks lesson .

The theme of our lesson is “Houses and flats”. And what do you think what should you learn and know during this lesson. Yes, you are right. Today we’ll watch the film about the traditional English house, make up dialogues and describe your own room.

4. Phonetic charger .

Look at the blackboard, please. Here you see the crossword. You task is to write the words which begin from these letters.





Are you ready? Let's check.

5. Primary studying new vocabulary .

Please, pay attention to the blackboard. Now you are going to study new vocabulary. (Presentation 7).

Pupils, you know many words on the topic “At Home”. Let's see if you know the names of the rooms in a flat or in a house. Complete my sentences, please.

    We take our overcoats in the….(hall)

    We watch TV in the….(sitting room)

    We eat in the….(dining room)

    We sleep in the….(bedroom)

    We cook in the….(kitchen)

    We wash in the…(bathroom)

    We read books in the ….(living room)

All the rooms have special things. Look at the pictures and say what things you can find in different rooms.

4.Individual work. You have an individual task. You are going to work using your technological card.

What things can you find in…

What is usually there in….

..the sitting room? - There is a sofa, two armchairs, some chairs and a bookcase in the sitting room.

……in the dining room ? – We can find a table, a cupboard and some chairs in the dining room.

. in the bedroom? – There is a bed, a wardrobe and a mirror in the bedroom.

. in the kitchen? – There is a cooker, a refrigerator and a sink in the kitchen.

. in the bathroom? – We can find a bath and a sink in the bathroom.

5 . Education listening . It’s time to watch the film about houses and flats of England. You are going to watch the video. Your task is to listen to the film, understand the information and after the film you will do the task which connected with the film.

True or false.

    Most British people live in houses.

    A good place for fireplace is kitchen.

    There is a study in this house.

    British people do not like gardening.

    Oscar is a cat.

    Buckingham palace is a famous house in Britain.

7. Development skills dialogical speeches .

Now let's speak about your homes. I would like you to make up short dialogues.

I am sure you are good actors.

Reference table.

Where do you live?

Do you live….?

near the park


behind the school

next to the shop

Do you live in……or in…..?

a flat

a house

a high-rising building

What rooms are there in your house / flat?

a living room

a sitting room

a dining room

a bedroom

a kitchen

a bathroom

What’s your house / flat like?

small but comfortable

big but cozy

not big but nice

not big but unusual

ordinary but modern

.., you are a policeman. The children are lost. Ask them where they live.(1 table)

., you are a journalist. You should write an article about where people prefer to live.(2 table)

, you are an agent. Ask a client about his house or flat.(3 table)

., you are a customer. You want to buy a house. Pupils, prove that your house is the best one to buy.(4 table)

Pupils, imagine that you’ve met your friend. He’s recently moved into a new flat. Ask him where he lives. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue.

8. Fizminutka . Now, stand up everyone. Let's get relax .

9. Preparation for reading the text (country studies material)

In English there are two words which mean HOUSE . They are home and house. Explain the difference, please. You may speak Russian. ( cards with the words home house)

Home– this is a place where people live (apartment, cottage, palace), as well as its inhabitants, household members.

House- This is a building, in England most often two-story.

Now, pupils, let's play a game. You should choose the right option.

    My house / home is near my school.

    Is your brother at home/ house?

    Do you live in the house / home or in the flat?

    I come home/ house at 10 o'clock.

    I like to be at home/house.

Thank you, pupils.

10. Reading and working with text

There are different types of houses in England.

Now we are going to read the text about the traditional Englishman’s house.

Read the text, please.

An Englishman's House.

In England the streets are often narrow and the houses are small.

Many English families live in their own houses. The traditional English houses have two floors: the ground floor and the first floor. They usually have a living room, a kitchen and a hall downstairs. You can see two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.

The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. English people usually have a fire in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and speak.

In England they like gardens and a lot of houses have little gardens on the front and behind. You can see beautiful flowers in the gardens, often they are roses. Sometimes you can see a garage near the house.

People in England like their homes and often say, “There is no place like home” and “East or West, home is best.”

Answer the questions:

    Where do many English families live?

    How many floors do the traditional English houses have?

    What rooms are usually upstairs?

    What rooms are usually downstairs?

9. Activation of vocabulary in speech and development of monologue speaking skills.( description his rooms)

Pupils, I see you have prepared the plans of your rooms. …., will you try to describe your rooms, please. You should describe your house using all new vocabulary.

It's ______ room. It's big. There are ____ windows in the room. There is a _____on the floor. The ______ is near the ______. Next to it there is an ____. A ______ is next to the door. My ____ is near the window too. There is a _____near the_____. There is a ______and a _______in the room. There are many books in the bookcase. There is a _______ on the wall. The room is clean and cozy.

10. Summing up results lesson.

Our lesson is over.

Do you know all the words on the topic “At Home”. - Yes, we do.

Can you make up dialogues? - Yes, we can.

Can you describe your rooms? - Yes, we can.

Your marks are…

Open your record books and write down your home task. Be ready to describe your rooms next time.

State Institution "Karabalyk Secondary School No. 1 named after M. Gorky of the Education Department of the Akimat of the Karabalyk District"

Open English lesson

V 8" A » class

on topic : “Is it easy to be a teenager?”

Teacher: Burnashova A.L.


201 3

English lesson notes

Lesson topic: English writer S. Bronte and her novel “Jane Eyre”

Objective of the lesson: to develop in students the skills and ability to convey the content of what they read, to make independent reports, to develop the skills and abilities of reading text: to find material to characterize characters, to conduct a conversation on situations.

Educational material: reading book, novel “Jane Eyre” and other works of English writers and poets.

1 Teacher's introductory words:

At the previous lessons we spoke about great English writers. For today you had to read the passage from the novel by Ch. Bronte "Jane Eyre". As you know this novel is very popular in many countries and in our country too. It is translated into many languages ​​of the world. I hope you enjoyed reading the text. Some of you had to do different tasks on the text. So let's speak about it.

II. first I want you to speak about Ch. Bronte.

1) Speak about her family, her childhood.

2) Speak about her literary work.

Translate into English:

1) Ch. Bronte is a famous English writer

2) She wrote the novel “Jane Eyre”.

3) The novel made her famous.

III. Open your books on page 102.

Tell me, please, who are the main characters of this story?

Let's read the text in the brackets.

IY. Now imagine that the main characters have come to our lesson. You want to get information about them as much as possible. Ask them questions.

1) Student - Jane Eyre.


1) Who are you little girl?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are your parents?

4) Where do you live?

5) Is Mrs. Reed kind to you?

6) Are you unhappy?

Questions answered: I'mJaneEyre.I'm ten. I'm an orphan. My parents died when I was a very little girl. Now I like in the family of my uncle, Mr. Reed. Mrs. Reed is not kind to me. she and her children do not love me. They often beat me. My aunt doesn’t want to see me and she is going to send me to the school for poor children… You are right. I'm unhappy in their family. That is why I am happy to leave them.

2) 11th student - Mrs. Reed.

1) Mrs. Reed, is your Family big or small?

2) How many children have you?

3) Who is this little girl?

4) Do you love her, don’t you?

5) Does she live with you?

Answers to questions: My family is big. My husband died. I live with children here. I have 3 children. My niece lives with us because her mother died. I don’t love her because she is not so clever and so beautiful as my children. But my children are the best ones in the world. How claver they are. How beautiful they are.

3) student - Mr. Brocklehurst.


1)Mr. Brocklehurst, what are you?

2) What kind of school is it?

3) Why did you come here?

Answers : I’m the director of Logwood School. This is a school for poor children. I came here because Mrs. Reed asked me to see Jane Eyre. She wants to send her to my school. That's why I am here.

Y. Scene from the novel Jane Eyre:

Teacher: Did you like them acting?

Student : Yes, I did their acting is wonderful.

Teacher : So Mr. Brocklehurst came to see Jane. And we know that she was taken to Logwood School. Describe the school?

1) What kind of school was it?

2) What did the children have for dinner?

3) What did they have for supper?

YI. Express your attitude to the main characters. What do you think of them?

1) To my mind Jane is a very good and clever girl. She is very modest. But she is unhappy because she has no parents. And Mrs. Reed is very cruel to her. I sympathize with Jane and I hope she will be happy.

2) I my opinion Mrs. Reed is a very bad woman, because she is very cruel and she is not kind to Jane. She loves only her children but she does love Jane. As for me I don’t like such people.

3) As for Mr. Brocklehurst it’s difficult to say what kind of man he is. But I think he is not a good man because he cannot understand a little girl. He says Jane is a bad girl because she thinks the bible is not interesting. To my mind it’s difficult to read the Bible for a little girl.

Reading an excerpt from Jane Eyre chapter 3, page 11

Mr. Brocklehurst visits Logwood.

YII. We know that Mrs. Reed wrote a letter to Jane. You made up your own letter from her name. Reed it please. Dear Jane. Perhaps this is my last letter to you, because I am very ill. I know that you were not happy in my family. I was cruel to you and my children did not love you. I hated you because you were cleverer that my children. For give me if you can. Your aunt, Mrs. Reed.

Yiii. Teacher: Who has read this novel?

Did you like it?

Did you see the film version of the novel?

Does anyone know what is the end of the novel? Has the novel a happy ending?

Yes, this is a story with a happy ending. Jane will be happy she met a man who loved her and she loved him too. They got married and lived a happy life.

IX. I know that some of you have already read this book, some of you have got interested in it, others are going to read it.

Imagine a situation:

1). You have met a friend who has already read this book. Talk about it.

P1: What book is it?

P2: It's Jane Eyre.

P1: Who is the author?

P2: It is written by Ch. Bronte.

P1: Is it interesting?

P2: Yes, I enjoyed reading it.

P1: Will you give it to me to read?

P2: Of course. I am sure you will enjoy reading it too.

P1: Thank you.

P2: Not at all.

2) You are in the library.You want to take the book “Jane Eyre”.

P. Good morning, N.A.!

L. Good morning, L.! What can I do for you?

P. I’d like to read “Jane Eyre” by Ch Bront.Have you got such a book in the library?

L. Yes, we have. Just a minute. Here you are.

P. Thank you!

L. Not at all. I hope you'll like the book.

2) Speak about your favorite writer.

P1. Who is your favorite English writer?

P2. D. Defoe. And yours?

P1. Ch. Dickens.

P2. Well, I like Ch. Dickens too, especially his novel “Oliver Twist”.

P1. Yes, his novels are wonderful.

X. We have spoken about the novel. Many people like to read novels. And what about poems? Do you like to read poems? Who is your favorite Russian poet? Do you know any English poems?

Student : I am going to recite one of the poems by R. Burns, a great Scottish poet.

I translated Shakespeare's sonnets,

Let the poet, having left the old house,

Speaks in a different language.

On other days, on the other side of the planet,

We recognize him as a comrade,

Defender of freedom. Truth, peace.

No wonder the glorious name of Shakespeare

In Russian it means shake a spear.

XI. Teacher : English writers stand high in world literature. Their names are dear to those who love literature.What famous English writers do you know?

Student: D. Defoe I know the famous English writer D. Defoe. He wrote the novel “Robinson Crusoe”. It was one of the first novels in the history of English literature. In this novel the writer told the true story of a sailor who lived on an island where there were no other people. R. Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for 28 years. He worked all the time and learned to make many useful things. People in England and in many other countries liked the novel.

Student: J. Swift I know many English writers. One of them is Jonathan Swift. J. Swift was a famous English writer. He wrote a satirical novel “Gulliver’s Travels”. In this novel he showed England of his time. People liked the book not only in England but in other countries too.

Student: Ch. Dickens And I’d like to tell you about Ch. Dickens, one of the greatest writers of English critical realism. I read his books such as “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield”.In his works the author raised social problems.

Student: V. Scott Another famous English writer is W. Scott. He is the founder of historical novel in England. I know his book “Ivanhoe”. In this book he described England at the time of Richard the First, the 12th century. Robin Hood and his friends are shown in “Ivanhoe”. As we know, R. Hood was a legendary hero who helped poor people. W. Scott wrote the best pages of his novel about them.

XII. And now the boys will tell you about themselves. Guess from what books they came to us.

Apprentice - Robinson Crusoe

As for me I live in the town of York in England. When I was a small boy I wanted to go to sea. I had a friend. His father was captain of a ship. The captain took me and my friend on his ship. After that I went to sea many times. I became a sailor. One day when our ship was at sea there was a great storm. The ship broke. I was in the water for a long time. But the sea carried me to shore.

Who am I?

Student - Gulliver

I was born in a large family of a farmer. I studied at school well and my father sent me to the university.When I left the university I worked with a doctor and learned the doctor’s profession. I handed to travel and found work on a ship as the ship’s doctor. One day there was a terrible storm. The ship broke into pieces and the people were drowned. I could swim very well and I has not drowned. I got out of the water and slept on the shore for many hours. When I woke up I found that I was in a country, where very, very small people lived. Who am i/

XIII. Make up sentences using Active or Passive Voice.

Look at the blackboard

Authors works

L. Carol “Alice in Wonderland”

A. L. Carol wrote “Alice in Wonderland”

P. “Alice in Wonderland” was written by L. Carol.

XIII. At the next lessons we shall speak about great English poets.

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