Bad qualities of a person are adjectives. Human Character Traits

Human qualities are a set of stable mental formations of a person, with the help of which he influences society, is active, and interacts with other people. To describe a person as a person, you need to characterize his qualities, how he shows himself to others through actions and deeds.

Personal qualities of a person

Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the development of personal qualities, but the environment in which a person develops cannot be excluded. Surrounded by other people, the child absorbs different patterns of behavior, learns to read reactions to certain actions and realize which qualities are welcomed in society and which are not. A person’s personal qualities develop throughout life and a person often faces the choice to show himself from the good or the worst side.

Good qualities of a person

The qualities of a kind person always evoke a response in people and find approval in society. These qualities can be listed endlessly, some are inherited from ancestors, others need to be developed if desired. Positive human qualities - list:

  • sincerity;
  • cheerfulness;
  • altruism;
  • reliability;
  • tenderness;
  • charm;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • loyalty;
  • decency;
  • caring.

Bad qualities of a person

Negative traits or qualities are inherent in every person; even the ancient sages pointed out the duality of man and compared the “good” and “evil” in him with two wolves - good and evil, fighting among themselves, and the one whom the person feeds the most will win. Bad qualities manifest themselves fully if the child has not learned the moral values ​​of society; often such children grow up in dysfunctional families, but it happens that bad things are inherent in a person from the very beginning by nature.

Negative human qualities - list:

  • envy;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance;
  • pride;
  • hypocrisy;
  • laziness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • cruelty;
  • greed;
  • vanity;
  • deceit;
  • indifference.

What is the connection between activity and human qualities?

All human qualities stem from basic needs - to be accepted, respected, to live in safety, to self-actualize, so the connection is direct. Needs give rise to activity, and in order to satisfy needs, certain human qualities are needed, for example professional ones, needed for recognition. Endurance, self-discipline and perseverance are important for winning in sports. By choosing a direction of activity, a person develops in himself those qualities that are necessary for its implementation.

What are the qualities of a person?

A person’s physical qualities are determined by his endurance and natural abilities; other qualities of a higher order relate to character traits and disposition. Both are formed throughout life, many of them are important to develop for the development of personality in childhood. Qualities can be moral, volitional, professional - they all reflect the inner world of a person, what he is.

Moral qualities of a person

Morality and morality are closely related and these qualities stem from one another. The qualities of a cultured person such as politeness, tact, and respect for one’s heritage and nature are the basis of well-being in society. Among the moral qualities the following can be distinguished:

  • philanthropy - kindness to people, helping the weak and disadvantaged;
  • respect for others - understanding that everyone is different and every person has something to respect;
  • loyalty is a quality that relates both to oneself (being true to one’s principles) and a more global concept – loyalty to the Motherland;
  • selflessness - performing actions with good intentions, without seeking benefit for oneself;
  • spirituality is a quality that includes all moral aspects and religiosity that exalt the human spirit.

Moral qualities of a person

The qualities of a disciplined person are important for the existence of society. The norms and values ​​of society form a certain common framework or basis, which people are guided by and pass on to their children. A personality expresses its inner “I” through behavior and manners - these are moral qualities formed through intellect, emotions and will. Conventionally, a person’s moral qualities can be divided into 3 categories: “necessary”, “possible”, “impossible”.

Moral qualities from the “necessary” category are the ability to act for the common good:

  • duty;
  • responsibility;

Qualities from the “possible” category are all those manifestations of personality that do not conflict with internal beliefs and principles:

  • honor;
  • dignity;
  • conscience;
  • sense of justice.
  • envy;
  • shamelessness;
  • cunning;
  • tendency to lie.

Volitional qualities of a person

A person’s strong qualities are stable mental formations that define a person as mature with a high level of conscious self-regulation of behavior, self-controlling in different situations. Doctor of Psychological Sciences V.K. Kalin, studying the emotional and volitional qualities of a person, divided them into 2 large groups: basal and systemic.

Basal (primary) volitional qualities:

  • patience - the ability not to force events and chase a quick result, but to support the work with additional effort, to go at a given pace, even if the circumstances do not develop as expected (obstacles, delays, internal fatigue);
  • courage – confronting fear, the ability to take risks, remaining calm in stressful situations;
  • energy – a quality that allows one to raise activity to the desired level through willpower;
  • self-control and restraint - the ability not to go beyond feelings, impulsive actions, self-control, emotions, behavior.

Systemic volitional qualities:

  • determination– striving for the goal, supporting the “internal compass” leading to the result;
  • perseverance– ability to overcome difficulties;
  • subsequence– following a single guiding principle, without wasting time on secondary matters;
  • initiative– ability to implement emerging ideas;
  • integrity– a personality quality that allows one to be guided by certain moral principles and not change them.

Social qualities of a person

A person cannot exist outside of society, as individuals are revealed in society by interacting with each other. A person influences society, and society influences a person - this process is always two-way. Each personality performs several social roles, and for each role there is its own set of qualities that reveal it. The positive qualities of a person help him to reveal his best side in society and bring harmony.

Social qualities of people:

  • self-awareness is an important ability that allows an individual to become aware of himself in the social system;
  • social identification - a person’s ability to self-identify with other people consciously or emotionally;
  • self-esteem - the ability to adequately evaluate oneself without exceeding or belittling one’s merits, is an important component of the self-concept;
  • social activity – skills and abilities to perform socially significant actions for the development of society;
  • worldview is a set of views, values, norms and attitudes that determine a person’s attitude towards society and the world as a whole.

Business qualities of a person

A person’s professional qualities show his competence and are defined as a specialist; they are formed on the basis of existing qualities and abilities. When hiring, the employer must look at what qualities and skills the applicant has. Qualities important for a person’s business activity (each type of profession may have its own requirements):

  • quick learner;
  • organizational skills;
  • communication skills;
  • independence at work;
  • initiative;
  • ability to multitask;
  • ability to speak in front of an audience;
  • experience in business negotiations;
  • accuracy;
  • ability to plan a working day;
  • high stress resistance;
  • tact and politeness in interpersonal relationships;
  • analytical mind;
  • literacy;
  • organizational skills.

What qualities does a person need to achieve his goal?

If you ask any person what helps him achieve his goals and objectives, everyone’s answers will be different - this is such an individual process and depends on a number of circumstances and character, values ​​ingrained in childhood. The qualities of a creative person are inspiration and creativity, while a “down to earth” person needs self-discipline and hard work. What moves some people towards their goal is not even a help to others, everyone has their own path to success and yet there is a standard idea of ​​​​people about what these qualities should be.

Each person has a unique set of qualities that define his personality. I wonder what character traits there are, what types of qualities there are and how they influence a person’s character?

What are the character traits?

Why bother understanding what character traits exist? In order to be able to determine the type of character of the interlocutor. And knowing what type of character a person has, it is easier to predict his actions, and this will help to avoid various unpleasant situations.

Even without being familiar with the topic, you can name many character traits, but how can you understand which of them are defining for a particular person? In psychology, there are concepts of leading and secondary character traits. That is, not every trait will manifest itself with equal force in a person’s behavior. For example, a truth-loving and fearful person will constantly endure ridicule from others, privately reasoning with himself how wrong they are if his fearfulness is the leading one. But if the love of truth prevails, then he will tell everyone who they really are, deep down fearing the consequences.

Therefore, character traits are classified in relation to different aspects of life.

  1. Attitude towards other people: rudeness, truthfulness, tactfulness, deceitfulness, isolation, sociability, friendliness.
  2. Attitude to work: conscientiousness, responsibility, hard work, laziness.
  3. Attitude towards oneself: narcissism, self-criticism, modesty, pride, self-confidence.
  4. Attitudes towards property: greed, frugality, generosity, wastefulness, sloppiness, neatness.

The main group is the attitude towards other people, because it is in society that the main character traits are formed; without assessing behavior with other people, a person’s character cannot be understood. If a person has overly developed certain character traits, then this is called accentuation.

What kind of character does a person have with accentuation?

The most well-known division is into introverts and extroverts, reserved and sociable people, respectively. But there is also such a classification of the types of human character with accentuation.

4 types of character

Figuring out what kind of character a person has is not easy, because there are many classifications. From school we know the concepts of choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic - these are types of temperament, but they are often confused with types of human character. Temperament really has a huge impact on character. Therefore, in order to understand what types of character there are, it is imperative to take into account a person’s temperament.

In the social life of society and in relationships.

Each person has special qualities and individual character traits. It is impossible to find two absolutely identical men or women. Descriptions of people's character are built from their actions, which affect their entire lives.

Character and dependence on body type

E. Kretschmer, a famous German psychologist, determined that a person’s behavior directly depends on his physique. He compiled a description of examples that fit into three main groups.

  1. Asthenics are people with undeveloped muscles, quite thin with a small chest. They have an elongated face and long limbs. The psychologist united all such people into the group of schizothymics. These are often very stubborn people; it is difficult for them to adapt to changing environmental conditions. They are very withdrawn and prone to suffer from schizophrenia with severe mental disorders.
  2. Picnics are people who tend to be overweight. They are characterized by a round face, short neck and small These people fall into the typological group of cyclothymic character. These are sociable people, very emotional and prone to quickly adapting to unfamiliar conditions. With psychological disorders they become depressed.
  3. Athletics - have an athletic build, large chest and tall stature. Kretschmer classified athletes as ixothymics - unemotional individuals who are domineering and do not like change. Severe psychological distress can easily lead to epilepsy.

This is the description given by a German psychologist. Now boldly approach the mirror and draw conclusions whether this theory applies to you or not.

The influence of temperament on character

Temperament is the characteristic vital energy of a person, which establishes one’s attitude towards life. It is often difficult to find a person who has only one temperamental indicator clearly expressed. As a rule, people have mixed temperaments, but knowing them, you can easily create a description of a person’s character, examples are given below:

  • A sanguine person is an active person, characterized by regular mood changes. He reacts very quickly to all events that happen in his life. Failures and negative moments are perceived easily, without depression or frustration. Such a person has developed facial expressions, and he also completely devotes himself to work if it interests him.
  • A choleric person is a very bright and excited person who reacts vividly to life events. He can quickly become angry and at the same time feel a loss of strength. Such a person quickly lights up with new ideas, but just as easily loses interest.
  • A melancholic person is a person who takes everything to heart. At the same time, he is very impressionable and is easily brought to tears.
  • Phlegmatic is a person who is stingy with emotions. The whole life of such a person is balanced and full of stability. Such people are valued in many companies, as they are distinguished by perseverance and high ability to work.

Formation of personality character

Many psychologists have written descriptions of people's character. But when is this character formed and is it possible to change it? Character manifests itself at a very early age. By the age of five, a child has established characteristics that are almost impossible to change.

In the younger grades, the priority remains the opinion of parents and teachers, but after 14 years a whole psychological explosion occurs. The teenager clearly demonstrates his opinion about life, shaping his character. Obviously, the formation is influenced by the media. During this period, it is easy to impose incorrect political views and grow a supporter of some movement. By the age of 20, the human personality is formed, the turning point begins at the age of 50. There is a rearrangement of priorities, and so-called wisdom appears.

Appearance and character of a person

And human character is an important stylistic device for writers. This gives us a complete picture of the hero. We see his positive and negative traits, a negative or positive character develops.

Describing the character of people is very important for solving serial crimes - specialists start from the repeated actions characteristic of a maniac. This creates an accurate portrait of the individual and even makes it possible to predict the actions of the criminal.

If it is important to make a detailed description of a person, character traits are a significant indicator. Especially in areas such as politics and journalism. You need to be able to characterize a person’s abilities by appearance, because real character does not always appear immediately.

Everyone knows that each of us has a different character, but not everyone uses this knowledge. This is completely in vain, because armed with knowledge about a person’s character, you can predict his behavior and correct it personally.

Moreover, in order to understand a character, you don’t need to communicate with a person for a long time; you just need to look at him carefully. We assure you that you will be able to see a lot!

Most people think that intelligence is what makes a great scientist.
They make mistakes - it's character.
Albert Einstein

Character as a personality quality

Character is a set of stable mental properties that determine the characteristic features of a person’s relationships and behavior.

When talking about character, we mean a complex of personality traits that significantly influences a person’s actions. Character is determined by the nervous system, and its development by the environment.

There are 4 categories of character, which form:

  1. Attitude towards team members and society as a whole- responsiveness, respectful attitude towards others, contempt, callousness;
  2. Traits that demonstrate a person's attitude towards his work- integrity, responsibility, laziness, passivity;
  3. Traits that reflect a person's attitude towards himself- self-criticism, pride, shyness, egocentrism.
  4. Traits that demonstrate a person’s attitude towards material things- sloppiness, neatness.

Classification of human character according to E. Kretschmer

Psychologist E. Kretschmer put forward a theory that character is directly related to a person’s physique.

Kretschmer's theory describes 3 body types and 3 character types that correspond to them.

The type of character that is inherent in such people schizothymics– closed, stubborn people who do not adapt well to changing conditions.

2. Athletics

Tall people with a developed chest, strong skeleton and muscles.

They correspond ixothymics– calm and unimpressive people who cannot tolerate change.

Mental disorders in these people can cause the development of epilepsy.

3. Picnics

People are short, tend to be overweight, have a short neck, and expressionless facial features.

The type of character inherent in these people is cyclothymics– contact people who express their emotions. They adapt to new conditions quite easily.

Their mental disorders lead to prolonged depression.

Ernst Kretschmer (German: Ernst Kretschmer) (08.10.1888, Wüstenrot, near Heilbronn - 09.02.1964, Tübingen) - German psychiatrist and psychologist, creator of a typology of temperaments based on body features.

Character traits

There is another classification that provides 4 main character traits:
  1. Emotional- cheerfulness, balance, cheerfulness, etc.
  2. Strong-willed- self-control, desire to achieve success.
  3. Intellectual- prudence, observation, thoughtfulness.
  4. Moral-responsibility, justice, kindness.
Knowing these properties of a person’s character, one can predict and “edit” expected actions and actions.

Personal status

Character is adjusted throughout a person’s life. Lifestyle includes how a person thinks, feels, and acts in certain situations.

With the formation of a lifestyle, the person himself is formed. Of no small importance are the life circumstances and social conditions that take place in the lives of each of us.

However, character formation takes place in different groups (class, group of friends, team at work). Character will depend on the status of the individual in the team, as well as on what values ​​are supported by the reference group.

The team creates favorable conditions for the development of the best character traits, and since this is a mutual process, the team itself also changes thanks to the individual. Character itself determines a person’s life values ​​and position.


People with one or another orientation in their character can choose completely different paths to achieve their goals, resorting to their own methods and techniques.

Character traits are clearly displayed in a situation where a person must choose behavioral tactics.

Features of behavior, communication, attitude towards people, objects, work, things show the character traits that an individual possesses. Based on their totality, an opinion about a person is determined. Such clichés as “the life of the party”, “bore”, “pessimist”, “cynic” become the result of an assessment of a person’s character traits. Understanding how character works helps in building relationships. Moreover, this applies to both your own qualities and those of others.

Human character traits: classification

Types of character are determined by the prevailing traits, which in turn influence behavior and actions. They can be considered in a system of relationships to work, other people, things, and oneself.


  • Hard work-laziness. This “duet” can be either a character trait or express an attitude towards a specific job. A constant feeling of laziness may also indicate that a person is simply not interested in the business in which he is busy, but in something else, he will prove himself better. Laziness can be a sign of lack of motivation. But excessive hard work also takes on a degree of workaholism, which can also indicate problems in personal relationships and lack of interests.
  • Responsibility-irresponsibility. One of the most important qualities for an employee. A person who responsibly fulfills his duties and does not let his colleagues down will be a valuable employee.
  • Conscientiousness-bad faith. Carrying out duties and doing them well are not the same thing. It is important for management that hard work is expressed not only in the mechanical execution of actions, but brings results.
  • Initiative-passivity. This quality is especially valuable for people who want to move up the career ladder. If an employee does not show initiative, does not generate ideas, or hides behind the backs of his colleagues, he will not develop in his profession.

Other people

  • Reticence-Sociability. It shows a person’s openness, his relaxedness, how easy it is for him to make acquaintances, how he feels in a new company or team.
  • Truthfulness-deception. Pathological liars lie even in small things, hide the truth, and easily betray. There are people who embellish reality, most often they do this because reality seems boring to them or not bright enough.
  • Independence-conformity. This quality shows how a person makes decisions. Does he rely on his experience, knowledge, opinion, or does he follow someone else’s lead and is easy to suppress?
  • Rudeness-politeness. Bitterness and internal experiences make a person cynical and rude. Such people are rude in queues, on public transport, and disrespectful to their subordinates. Politeness, although a positive character trait, can have selfish motives. It may also be an attempt to avoid confrontation.


  • Neatness-sloppiness. Creative clutter or meticulous cleanliness in the home can show how neat a person is. It can also be characterized by its appearance. Sloppy people often cause antipathy, and there are not always those willing to look at the broad soul behind the external absurdity.
  • Thrift-negligence. A person can be assessed by his attitude towards accumulated property and borrowed items. Although this human trait appeared in the material group, it can also manifest itself in relation to people.
  • Greed-generosity. To be called generous, you don’t have to be a philanthropist or give away your last. At the same time, excessive generosity is sometimes a sign of irresponsibility or an attempt to “buy” someone else’s favor. Greed is expressed not only in relation to other people, but also towards oneself, when a person, out of fear of being left without money, saves even on small things.


  • Demandingness. When this personality trait is pronounced, two extremes appear. A person who is demanding of himself is often just as strict with others. He lives by the principle “I could do it, so others can too.” He may not be tolerant of other people's weaknesses, not understanding that each person is individual. The second extreme is built on uncertainty. A person tortures himself, considering himself not perfect enough. A striking example is anorexia and workaholism.
  • Self-criticism. A person who knows how to criticize himself has healthy self-esteem. Understanding, accepting and analyzing your achievements and defeats helps in the formation of a strong personality. When the balance is disturbed, either egocentrism or self-criticism is observed.
  • Modesty. It is necessary to understand that modesty and shyness are different concepts. The first is based on a value system instilled during upbringing. The second is a signal for the development of complexes. In a normal state, modesty is manifested in moderation, calmness, knowing the limits in words, expressing emotions, financial spending, etc.
  • Selfishness and egocentrism. Similar concepts, but the trait here is egoism, while egocentrism is a way of thinking. Egoists think only about themselves, but use others for their own purposes. Egocentric people are often misanthropes and introverts who do not need others and believe that no one is worthy of them.
  • Self-esteem. Shows how a person feels internally. Outwardly, it is expressed in a high assessment of one’s rights and social value.

Personality assessment and types of characters

In addition to the main character traits that are formed in the system of relationships, psychologists also identify other areas:

  • Intelligent. Resourcefulness, curiosity, frivolity, practicality.
  • Emotional. Passion, sentimentality, impressionability, hot temper, cheerfulness.
  • Strong-willed. Courage, perseverance, determination.
  • Moral. Justice, responsiveness, kindness.

There are motivational traits-goals that drive a personality and determine its guidelines. As well as instrumental features-methods, they show by what methods the desired will be achieved. So, for example, a girl may exhibit masculine character traits when she persistently and proactively pursues her lover.

Gordon Allport put forward a theory about what character traits there are. The psychologist divided them into the following types:

  • Dominant. They determine the behavior of the individual as a whole, regardless of the sphere, and at the same time influence other qualities or even overlap them. For example, kindness or greed.
  • Regular. They are also expressed in all areas of life. These include, for example, humanity.
  • Secondary. They do not particularly influence anything, and are often derived from other traits. For example, diligence.

There are typical and individual personality traits. It’s easy to group the typical ones; by noticing one of the dominant qualities or several minor ones, you can “draw” a personal portrait as a whole and determine the type of character. This helps to predict actions and better understand a person. So, for example, if an individual is responsive, then most likely he will come to the rescue in a difficult situation, support, listen.

Character: types of positive and negative traits

Personality is a balance of positive and negative qualities. In this regard, everything is conditional. For example, envy is considered a bad trait, but some psychologists argue that it can become an incentive to work on yourself or improve your life. The distortion of positive traits, on the contrary, can lead to their transformation into negative qualities. Persistence develops into obsession, initiative into self-centeredness.

Strong and weak character traits should be highlighted; you often have to remember them when filling out a resume. They terrify many, because it can be difficult to evaluate oneself. Here's a little cheat sheet:

  • Weak. Formality, irritability, shyness, impulsiveness, inability to remain silent or say “no.”
  • Strong. Perseverance, sociability, patience, punctuality, organization, determination.
  • Negative. Pride, jealousy, vindictiveness, cruelty, parasitism.
  • Positive. Kindness, sincerity, optimism, openness, peacefulness.

Character traits are formed in childhood, but at the same time they can change and transform depending on life circumstances. It's never too late to change what you don't like about yourself.

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