Why do girls cheat? Male and female infidelity: is there a difference? The best cure for female infidelity is prevention

Many men are concerned about one question: Why do women cheat? In many couples, everything works out just fine. There is love, smiles, laughter. What pushes a girl to cheat?? What should a guy do and how to build a relationship with his beloved so that your girlfriend doesn’t even think about cheating.

Let's get started why do women cheat on their husbands?

1.You pay little attention to her. Men have very hectic and eventful lives by nature. Work, friends, parties, cars and many other things occupy all our attention. And sometimes there is very little time left for our woman. It shouldn't be this way. I'm not talking about expensive gifts and various decorations. If you've been in a relationship with your girlfriend for a long time, don't stop surprising her. Emotions are very important for women. Beautiful SMS, funny gifts, courtship and compliments from the person you love will always be very valuable for a girl in love.

2.Don't be henpecked . Taking into account the first point of this article, we must not forget about the second. You need to love, respect and appreciate a girl, but you must not forget about your masculinity. If a woman sees that she can use and control you, then you are a weakling and a wimp. The only good thing about these people is that they can be built the way she wants. But you won't attract her like a real man, and this is a good reason for treason.

3.Girl's dissatisfaction. This may sound strange, but this is one of the reasons why girls cheat on guys. Girls love sex as much as guys and that's a fact. A man must give his woman complete pleasure. If a girl doesn't get it from her boyfriend, she will get it from another.

4. Too much attention for her. Girls need to pay attention, no one argues with that. BUT you need to do it in moderation and not overdo it. Every person of the fair sex will be pleased to hear the cherished “I love you” or “I miss you,” but there is no need to say this three times a day. There is no need to bombard her with calls and snot in front of her. Soon she will definitely get used to it and get bored with it. The girl may even think that you will not get away from her, since you are in love like a child and repeat it all the time.

5. Treason out of spite. It happens that a girl herself found out about her boyfriend’s betrayal. She will nag his brains for a long time and remind him of this. But that's not the worst thing. The thought may arise in her head: “he cheated on me, why shouldn’t I.” And if a worthy guy appears on her horizon, then the feeling of revenge may take its toll. To prevent this from happening, we can only advise one thing: do not cheat on your loved one. If she doesn't satisfy you sexually, leave her and find someone else. And if it suits you in all respects, then you shouldn’t risk everything for fleeting pleasure.

These are the main reasons for female infidelity. Now you know why do girls cheat. If you have any additions, write in the comments, dear readers. Also don't forget

When it comes to cheating, it is most often assumed that it is the man who is unfaithful. But girls also quite often admit to cheating on their man, and the reasons for such behavior can be very different. Most representatives of the fair sex repent of their actions, and some cannot even explain why they did this. Especially if the betrayal was with her man’s friend, which is considered a double betrayal.

To figure out what to do if a girl cheated on her boyfriend, whether true love can forgive such an act, it’s worth finding out why this happens. And although not all reasons can justify such behavior, the development of the situation depends on the girl’s intentions and her readiness to restore the relationship.

Although there are women who do not admit to their infidelity and continue to behave as if nothing happened.

Reasons for female infidelity

Girls, unlike men, rarely cheat on their chosen ones from “ sporting interest“, although there are polygamous women for whom one man is not enough.

Often, the reasons for female infidelity lie in the area of ​​emotional or psychological dissatisfaction, which pushes them to seek solace in the arms of another man. Therefore, understanding why a girl acted this way towards her life partner is more difficult than understanding the reasons for male infidelity.

But psychologists identify several main reasons why girls cheat:

  1. Feeling of own uselessness and indifference on the part of the guy. It often happens that at the beginning of a relationship he is ready to “move mountains” for the sake of his beloved, and after some time he even forgets to congratulate her on the holiday. The girl does not dare to break up with him for fear of being left alone, but she feels unnecessary and unloved. It is for this reason that people most often cheat on a guy who shows signs of attention or looks more advantageous compared to him.
  2. Revenge is a fairly common reason for cheating. If a girl finds out about a guy’s betrayal, she may do the same out of resentment and anger. As a rule, he later regrets it, but what he has done cannot be undone.
  3. Falling in love often pushes girls who are already in a relationship to cheat on their chosen ones. Especially married women. They cannot get a divorce for various reasons, but they want to spend time with a truly loved one.
  4. Accident. As a rule, such betrayal occurs under the influence of alcohol after parties or discos. Quite often, a girl doesn’t even remember how it all happened, but only realizes in the morning what she did.

Whatever the reasons that led to the girl cheating, this is always a crack in the relationship. Even if a girl doesn’t admit to a guy how and why she acted, this situation will always sit in her head, making her doubt and worry. To get over this and build relationships further, you will have to make a lot of effort.

What to do if a girl cheated on her boyfriend

In addition to considering the main reasons for female infidelity, it is also important to understand what to do after this. Before deciding whether to tell a guy about her actions or not, a girl should consider the possible outcomes of the situation. In addition, it is important to take into account the degree of trust in the relationship and the depth of mutual feelings, which will affect whether a man can forgive his chosen one.

The situation after betrayal can develop in several directions:

  1. If in a relationship both partners prefer honesty and always try to be sincere with each other, you need to tell them that the woman cheated. Especially if it was an accident that the girl regrets and does not want to repeat. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to be able to admit when you are wrong and sincerely want to correct it. The guy can forgive or leave. This depends not only on the situation itself and his feelings towards his soul mate, but also on his personal attitude towards cheating. Some people are ready to turn a blind eye to one mistake, but for others this is a fundamental issue.
  2. If the betrayal happened accidentally and not planned, the girl regrets what happened, you can try to hide the truth from your loved one. Many men do this: they have relationships on the side, but they are not going to leave the woman they love, much less tell her about their infidelity. But, hiding the truth from a guy, a girl must assess the risks of someone else telling him. For example, if cheating happened to his friend, someday he may spill the beans.

Whether to tell a guy about cheating or not is an individual decision and depends on many factors. You can put yourself in his place and imagine your own reaction to the discovery or preservation of the secret of betrayal.

All relationships are individual, so no one can give advice or a hint on what to do. Although psychologists advise to be honest with your loved ones - if the feeling is real, it will withstand any storm.

How to improve relationships after cheating

Having cheated on a guy and confessed it to him, every girl should understand that his trust will be greatly shaken. Even if he tries to sincerely forgive his beloved and “ turn this page“Somewhere deep down there will be self-doubt, doubt about sincerity, suspicion of a further repetition of betrayal.

Therefore, to restore a trusting relationship, you need to remember a few tips from psychologists:

After betrayal, it is not easy to establish relationships, trust is difficult to earn, and it is even more difficult to restore. But if there is a mutual feeling and desire to move on together, everything will work out.

How to prove that a girl did not cheat

Cheating is an unpleasant and hurtful situation, but sometimes the guy’s jealous attitude and suspicions of cheating when the girl doesn’t even think about it are no less troubling.

Causes of female infidelity. Why do girls cheat on their boyfriends?

  • 29.08.2013

There are often cases in life when a girl cheats on her loved one. And the point is not at all that he beats her or doesn’t love her. The relationship between them can be simply exemplary, and against this background it is not at all clear why the girl would want to sleep with someone else. The reasons why wives and girls cheat on men are very different, sometimes tragic, sometimes funny. I think almost all men will be interested in knowing why girls cheat on guys.
What are the reasons for female infidelity? What kind of mistakes in a relationship do not suit your beloved, why do women cheat on their husbands? What could prompt a beautiful woman’s head to such a terrible thought? After all, in the beginning, everything was fine. The guy could not even imagine the likelihood of such a course of events. And no one can believe that the person with whom you shared everything can cheat on you. It’s like getting a knife in the back... In this article we’ll figure out why they do this and what they didn’t get in the relationship.

Main reasons

1. A man does not pay enough attention to a girl. It often happens that in the first period of a relationship, a guy tries to do everything to win a girl. But, having achieved what he wants, the man calms down and begins to think that nothing else needs to be done, they say, the girl is not going anywhere. Female psychology requires constant attention, constant care, and courtship. His attention switches to friends, drinking, partying. She doesn’t like this very much, she wants to be loved and desired as before, so at first she swears. Or a guy can devote a lot of time to work. And the girl moves into the background. And this is a huge misconception. At first the girl will just be angry, but over time she can compensate for the lack of attention from someone else.

2. You can get cheated by paying too much attention. Guys often do not know the limits in their efforts for their beloved. The reasons for female infidelity are the psychology of a man, that the chosen one needs to be surrounded with complete control, to monitor her every action. There are also just annoying people who call her five times a day. Every time they repeat how much they love her and cannot live without her. They bombard you with text messages in unlimited quantities. Words are, of course, good, but if there are too many of them, then a woman’s heart begins to suspect something is wrong. Well, or she’s starting to get tired of the abundance of romance. It's not all bad. I repeat once again - a girl needs romance. But everything is good in moderation. For example, you can say about your love once a week and from the bottom of your heart. Although, once a week will probably not be enough for her. In general, everything should be in moderation.
Everything becomes completely different if declarations of love are heard 7 times a day, followed by another 10 SMS about love. Moreover, the text of the SMS does not change much, nor do the words that the man repeats to his beloved. After all, he doesn’t have enough imagination, and he’s too lazy to search on the Internet. And so on day after day. Eventually, she will get tired of hearing the same thing. The young lady will be confident in her power over the guy, and will believe that nothing will happen to her even in the event of betrayal, and the romantic will still remain with her. To put it mildly, you will become her “heels”, which can be twisted in any case. That's why all this romance is needed, but in moderation. Let the girl also stay at your house overnight. You shouldn’t leave her alone with her best friends, because they often say a lot of bad things behind your back. If the young lady slept with someone else, and you are confused, I advise you to read the article: “What to do if your beloved cheated on you?”

3. Platonic relationships.

Yes, yes, this also happens. And often this happens precisely because of the male gender, no matter how paradoxical it may be. The guy can't muster up the courage. To be afraid that the girl will refuse the first intimacy, and the relationship will be ruined. He is shy, transforms the relationship into a purely platonic form. And they delay this moment as long as possible. And the girl is already all ablaze with passion, so strong is her desire to make love with him. After all, in fact, in the pretty head of an innocent young lady there are many indecent and even lustful thoughts. They devour her from the inside, making her libido fidget with impatience. But he doesn’t dare take the first step, because he’s afraid of seeming easily accessible.

After some time, her interest in such a guy cools down. A girl might wonder if the guy is impotent? And this is the only logical thought for a healthy and beautiful girl. Or she may fall into the fact that she is scary and does not attract you as a man. And this can cause betrayal. In the second case, she will decide to test her charm and beauty on someone else. Therefore, try not to delay the rubber longer than necessary, but quickly satisfy the desire of your beloved. Relationships without bodily pleasures are impossible. Perhaps somewhere in a parallel universe such relationships exist, but on Earth they are necessarily accompanied by intimacy.

4. The guy cannot satisfy his beloved.

Young ladies get no less pleasure from making love than guys, so this is very important for them. And if a man cannot please his beloved, this may cause him to cheat, no matter how sad it may be. Moreover, this is the main reason why married women cheat. Perhaps the guy is not experienced enough; over time, this question will disappear on its own. It’s a completely different matter if he has physiological problems. He cums quickly and cannot bring the girl to intense pleasure. This happens quite often. These problems must be solved. After all, an unsatisfied girl may go looking for pleasure on the side. She will not leave her husband and her family, but she will not want to live unsatisfied. She needs passion and good sex no less than a healthy man. Therefore, adultery most often occurs due to the inability of one of them in bed.

5. The guy cheats on the girl.

A man wants to test himself with another girl. But the truth comes out sooner or later. And then it’s up to the girl to decide whether to forgive him or not. If he loves you, he will probably forgive you. But given the opportunity, she may want to sleep with a handsome guy. She will think: “If he can, then why can’t I?” And this will be her position, and your relationship will only lose. Moreover, she may well sleep with all his friends purely out of revenge.

I think you shouldn't try to cheat on her. Because if you think that you have found the one with whom you are ready to live for the rest of your life, then it means that she should satisfy you. A loving person sees only the good in his soul mate and she is completely satisfied with him. There is simply no other way. And if you don’t have fun with her, then listen to my advice, find yourself another one that will suit you in all respects. In any case, your favorite girl will bring you much more pleasure than sex with a stranger and unfamiliar woman. And in case your relationship involves only lovemaking and nothing else, then you should not worry whether she is sleeping with someone or not. On the contrary, it's better for you. The girl will become more experienced. The main thing is not to forget to protect yourself. And get checked by a doctor for skin and sexual diseases.

6. Relationships are only for profit.

Sometimes it happens when a beautiful girl is initially looking for a rich man who will give her expensive gifts. This is just a money scam on her part. She is not going to sleep with him or literally sleeps for money. Naturally, they have sex without spark, the girl imitates herself as a “log”. The topic is discussed in detail in the article: “You pay everything for a girl, but she doesn’t give it, what’s the matter?” But the fact is that this man cannot excite her. She likes a completely different type of man. And most likely, she has a boyfriend to make love with. You can’t even call it cheating, it’s just a calculated scam for money. You need to see such moments in advance and not succumb to provocation.

So what should we do? This is where I will finish looking at the reasons for betrayal. I hope you now understand the reasons for female infidelity and know how to “fight” them. If after reading the article you understand your mistakes, do not despair. We all make mistakes.

It's hard to build a great relationship the first time. Just work on them and become better. Questions like why girls cheat on guys will disappear by themselves, since the young lady would never exchange such an awesome guy for someone else. Now, as an expert, you can confidently tell your friends why they cheat.

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If there were a female version of Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary in nature, then, probably, opposite the word “treason” there would be a weighty, bold question mark. And all because the girls with this matter are really damn ambiguous. I have met people who - under the influence of free alcohol, hormonal surges, retrograde Jupiter - could flirt to the point of quick sex in the toilet with some strong-assed bartender, and then not even experience anything resembling remorse.

“Well, what kind of betrayal is this?! - one of my friends was perplexed, inadvertently mentioning that while on vacation she “accidentally” slept with a local waiter. - So, nonsense, I don’t even remember his name. It's like using a vibrator. Or do you think this is also treason? My other gender sisters, on the contrary, grow a diplodocus out of a fly and walk around with a face black with melancholy and remorse, despite the fact that there was only a slight flirtation. And not even aggravated by any tactility. “What difference does it make that we didn’t sleep together?! - another friend of mine was indignant, who got into the habit of having spicy conversations on ICQ with a work colleague. - I had thoughts about him and sex with him. For me, this alone is already treason.”

In short, there is no and, it seems, no consensus is expected on what is generally considered treason. The very fact of copulation with a stranger? What if it all seemed to have started, but then the girl slammed on the brakes and, in fact, it didn’t come to penetration? And when, say, only with your hands, does that count? Is kissing for a long time and passionately a nonsense, an everyday matter, or is there something to talk about? How, in this case, should we classify sex via text message or frivolous conversations in a chat, after which you can wring out your panties? Therefore, I propose to narrow the scope of the discussion and talk about the signs of an affair that has just begun - that is, situations when not only the organs that are usually worn in shorts are involved, but also feelings.

I suspect, dear reader, that you yourself have a lot to say on this topic. And, perhaps, even you have had occasion to rub your friend/brother/colleague/neighbor’s nose into irrefutable facts and say the sacramental “Open your eyes!” But let me note that people tend to show miracles of observation and deduction when it comes to someone else. To an outsider. It’s another matter when everything happens literally in your personal space. And late, it’s not some abstract person who returns home with panties in her pocket, but your own woman. Here, as far as I could notice, “homo sapiens” very often evolve into ostriches - they bury their heads in the sand (read: bury themselves in work, TV or a book) and refuse to believe the obvious until the last moment.

In case you suddenly have some kind of unpleasant nagging feeling from time to time, as if something is wrong, I have prepared a cheat sheet that will help you figure out whether your premonition is deceiving you or is it really your friend? If you recognize your girlfriend in more than three points, you will have to admit: sadly, she has started an affair on the side.

1. She suddenly stopped pestering you.

For some unknown reason, the girl suddenly stopped being bitchy, making scenes of jealousy, paying attention to the unemptied trash cans and your barbaric habit of picking your teeth with a screwdriver. One can, of course, assume that it was not in vain that you choked on burnt paper during the chiming clock and Grandfather Frost finally deigned to fulfill your wish. But, most likely, the girl’s behavior is explained by the fact that her focus of attention has shifted and she simply stopped paying attention to you. I suspect that you may not be aware: very often a woman nags, harasses you with complaints and expresses her dissatisfaction with or without reason, not at all because she is a sadist and hysterical. And because (just please don’t laugh) that she holds on to you, loves you and doesn’t want to stop loving you one day because of some damned buckets and teeth. In women's jargon this is called “fighting for relationships.”

Now, when the affair on the side is just beginning, your friend has not yet managed to break a lot of wood, get entangled in phony alibis and completely wallow in lies and depravity. She is not ashamed and miserable, but, on the contrary, cheerful, good and courageous. She finally feels alive and interesting. So at this stage, she simply doesn’t care about what happens to you - and to you as a couple. Yes, probably later, when remorse begins to torment her, she will turn into a real vixen. And, sure enough, she will try to catch you cheating - thereby projecting onto you what is happening to herself, and trying to find an excuse for her own non-kosher behavior (and the best excuse is usually that you are a slob and a womanizer yourself literally forced her to throw herself into the arms of another). But that will come later. In the meantime, there is blissful calm. And I hope I managed to convince you that it should alert you.

By the way, one of the “classic signs” of betrayal - increased housekeeping, when a girl, in order to remove suspicion and calm the voice of conscience, cooks, scrubs and cleans something non-stop - in my opinion, is not particularly relevant at the stage of the birth of a leftist romance. The girl, I repeat, is now in the clouds. And in this state, we usually have no time for plungers and dumplings. Therefore, most likely, she will shamelessly skimp on her responsibilities around the house and will not hesitate to feed you semi-finished foods for dinner.

2. She has new friends

Previously, she had no one to go to “P.” S. I love you” (no matter how much you begged her to enjoy the sobbing Butler in the company of girls, and to generously spare you from this torture). And now she spends most of the evenings of the week with the Nadenkas, Irishkas and Olenkas who came from nowhere. On the one hand, “I’ll be late, meeting Olenka, well, you remember, this is the one we met at Pilates” - may be a banal lie. It’s not Olenka there, but some mustachioed Lev Venediktovich and a booked hotel room, which, of course, you’re not supposed to know about.

On the other hand, these could really be new friends. Because it’s not a fact that the old guard will praise their comrade for Lev Venediktovich and everything they do there on government sheets. Especially if you and the girl have been together for a long time, her friends have managed to come to terms with your candidacy and even began to sympathize with your couple. Instead of giving the traitor the opportunity to savor the details of the unauthorized romance, they can easily condemn her, admonish her and spoil the mood with their highly moral: “Are you completely stupid?!” What the hell is Lev, and Venediktovich at that?! March home! But a woman needs to pour out everything that hurts somewhere. This is why we need new friends, who usually, on the contrary, find it funny to hear about other people’s love affairs.

It is logical that the traitor will begin to look at your absences with friends and business trips without condemnation, as before, but calmly and even with joy. In the current situation, it’s even to her advantage that you will find something to do without her. Her husband is in business / classmates / football / Sacred 3 / new spinning rod - which means she is free to do anything and with anyone.

3. She has become prettier

Blush, sparkle in the eyes, a bunch of new dresses - it's all obvious and simple, like naval pasta. By the way, for some reason, dresses are mentioned in every article about betrayal that I have ever read. But, in my opinion, it is more telling when a girl suddenly begins to pay increased attention to what is under her dress. No, I’m not saying that we girls start doing deep hair removal and pedicures, buy vicious lace and pierce our navel to screw in a playful rhinestone only if we have a lover. But you must agree: the relationships of people who have been together for a long time are to some extent colored by everyday promiscuity. Being a wife or an experienced girlfriend, a girl can sometimes allow herself to be a la naturel: with prickly legs, stale armpits, peeling nail polish and polka-dot cotton panties.

It's another matter if she is in the midst of an affair. Here you need to be fully armed around the clock. The life of an unfaithful woman is a continuous challenge and impromptu. It is with their husbands that they end up in bed according to a predictable schedule, and they run to their lovers early in the morning, and during the lunch break, and instead of an evening Pilates workout. In short, draw your own conclusions if suddenly your girlfriend begins to behave as if she works as a lingerie model, who must look better without clothes than in the most luxurious McQueen dress.

4. She talks and acts differently.

One of the main symptoms of the presence of a new gentleman in a woman’s life and the fact that everything seems to be serious there is a sudden change in the profile of her interests. And the vocabulary, for no apparent reason, was replenished with new words. A rare girl can simply sleep with a man, limiting herself to a stingy “Hello. I have an hour and a half." We also need a lover in order to talk. And in some cases - and mainly for this. Of course, a woman will inevitably absorb, like a sponge, everything that he tells her in his free time from bed. In short, you should tense up if a girl suddenly starts talking about how it’s better to catch crucian carp with pearl barley and in windy weather - although you’d swear that before she was as far from the topic of fishing as Nadezhda Kadysheva was from the title of Miss Universe.

Traces of other people's influence sometimes appear in sex, which, by the way, does not always necessarily disappear from your life with your girl when she has a lover. Yes, there is an opinion that an unfaithful woman will do her best to avoid marital responsibilities. But this does not always happen and not to everyone. So, one of my friends on a spree, on the contrary, purposefully began to pay increased erotic attention to her husband in order to reduce his vigilance. (“A satisfied man is an incurious man.”)

Another unfaithful friend behaved similarly with her boyfriend, but without much hidden intent. “Ever since I had Vanya (lover - author’s note), I feel such courage and drive,” she explained, “that with Kolya (boyfriend - author’s note) we began to fuck more.” . Another thing is that sometimes it’s difficult not to transfer a lover’s bed preferences to a permanent partner. And, between you and me, the above-mentioned Kolya suddenly became interested in the contents of his girlfriend’s phone (and discovered a lot of interesting things there) for a reason, but also because she took the habit of biting his nipples during foreplay, which he always likes couldn't stand it. So a sudden change in sexual style can and should also be classified as an alarming symptom.

5. She is inseparable from her phone/tablet/computer

The girl would probably like to spend all her free time with her legs wrapped around her lover’s slender frame, but she cannot afford this for obvious reasons. Therefore, she will begin to look for opportunities to maintain communication, at least virtually - fortunately there are social networks, instant messengers, Skype and other text messages. From now on, until the sinful relationship lets out its death rattle, the telephone and computer will become her best friends. Whenever you look at her, she will probably stare at the screen, every now and then blushing like a Kustodiev, and to your reasonable question: “Who is it there so late?” mutter something unintelligible about work or another Nadya, who was allegedly bitten by a raccoon or detained with 300 g of heroin at the Tel Aviv airport.

The main commandment of a cheater - not to leave evidence, get rid of incriminating messages and mercilessly erase correspondence histories - is very often ignored by a woman. Yes, she knows that it’s easy to sleep on this. But the vague prospect of being caught in treason (and every infidel fancies himself a genius of conspiracy) is nothing compared to the opportunity to reread a hundred times a day how they miss her and want her so much that the zipper on her jeans bursts.

Of course, she will try with all her might to protect her personal life from your sudden invasion: password-protecting her phone and computer, logging into social networks only from her tablet, hiding devices in a closet, and locking the closet with a barn lock - despite the fact that she previously scattered them anywhere . So your completely harmless request to call from her phone or use her computer can easily give the girl a heart attack. She would rather eat them right in front of you, explaining her strange behavior by the fact that she does not have enough iron in her body, than allow you to touch them.

  • Arina Vintovkina

Adultery is a phenomenon that has always taken place. This phenomenon, naturally, is negative and negative, and any religion, and any social norms have a negative attitude towards adultery.

Even the Bible and the Koran mention that adultery is debauchery, fornication and, in general, a terrible sin.

Previously, adultery was punished quite severely, and a girl could be killed for it in the most brutal ways.

It is noteworthy that in some Muslim countries this tradition has remained and in African and Arab countries a traitor can be stoned to death.

Even if in some Muslim and Arab countries there is no death penalty for this vile act, then there is simply strong social censure and contempt of society.

Almost the entire city or village begins to despise a girl who cheated on her husband or boyfriend and does not consider her as a person.

What can be said about the modern Western non-orthodox religious world?

Adultery in Russia, Western and Eastern Europe is not punishable; there is no responsibility for this behavior.

It is worth noting that young people in these regions are becoming more and more atheistic and therefore no God’s retribution scares anyone for adultery.

No marriage contract registered at the registry office gives any guarantee that your wife will not cheat on you and sleep with all men in a row.

Social censure is minimal, since society has come to terms with infidelity and most people in the civilized world believe that adultery is a completely common occurrence.

In Europe and Russia, a tolerant (tolerant, understanding) attitude towards adultery is beginning to emerge.

If a girl cheated, then her friends will naturally defend and justify her, saying that the man himself is to blame for the fact that the girl cheated.

Society will say that since a girl cheated, it means she didn’t love a man who didn’t give her what she wanted.

To an additional factor we can add that mass propaganda in various TV series and films shows that girls often cheat and this is quite acceptable and this is not the behavior of a girl of easy virtue, but the behavior of a determined and independent person.

As you noticed, there is no legal liability for adultery, people are not afraid of God’s retribution, and society is beginning to tolerate such immoral depravity, since this is the conscious choice of each person.

These were the objective reasons why girls cheat and can easily continue to cheat on their boyfriends, now let's move on to the common subjective reasons why girls cheat on their boyfriends.

Reason 1. The girl has friends who persuaded her to cheat.

Quite often it happens that a girl had a good relationship with a guy, but she was confused because she fell in love with another guy.

Girlfriends who are not in a relationship or who are in a bad relationship will advise you to cheat and leave. They will advise you to change not so much physically as spiritually.

It is noteworthy that the girlfriends will remind the girl about all the men’s mistakes and will convince the girl that the current relationship is unsuitable, and the new one will be much more wonderful.

The most annoying thing is that girlfriends will do this not so that the girl will feel better, but so that their friend will also end up in a puddle, since most girlfriends are envious.

The girl will be instilled with false illusions, it will seem to her that everything will change in a new relationship, and she will be happy, but in reality nothing will change globally, only some everyday little things will change.

In a new relationship, there will still be scandals, misunderstandings, and after a year and a half people will understand that they are too different and have completely different goals in this life.

Reason 2. The girl does not know how to love.

A loving girl will never cheat on her man. A loving girl may leave a man, but she will not leave for another man, but will go nowhere.

A girl, if she loves sincerely, then she loves for life, and she will not even allow the thought of betrayal.

If you think that a girl loved you, and then she cheated on you, then she never loved you, she was just in love with you and tried to use you.

The man created the illusion for himself that he is loved and for this he himself is to blame. Attachment should not be confused with love, as they are different things.

Girls who do not know how to love are those girls who have had quite a lot of guys on whom she squandered her love and remained devastated.

Reason 3. The girl cheated because she had already cheated.

A banal reason, but, nevertheless, it plays a fairly significant role.

It is always difficult to commit a crime the first time, since a person has a psychological barrier and it is difficult for him to overcome himself.

It is much easier for a person to commit a crime the second time, since the psychological barrier has already been broken and there is experience in committing a crime.

It’s the same with adultery, and the first time a girl cheats, she hates and despises herself for a long time.

The second time it is easier for a girl to commit treason, she realizes within herself that she is a worthless piece of trash and since she has already cheated once, then she can cheat a second time, there is no turning back, you will not become a good girl for yourself.

What happened once may never happen again, but what happened twice will definitely happen a third time.

Reason 4. The girl wanted new and thrilling sensations.

It happens that the female life of a young girl in a relationship is quite boring and uninteresting.

A girl in a relationship understands that everything is reliable, stable and calm, but something is greatly missing and most often missing, something that happened with her ex-boyfriend.

The girl admits to herself that she is not yet ready for an adult and calm family life as a woman, the girl admits to herself that she is still young, and she will still have time to tear off a piece of happiness for herself and rock it to the fullest.

In such a state, when a girl needs bright emotions, she is ready to perform some decent and indecent actions so that she again has a hormonal surge of emotions.

This situation forces the girl to throw herself into all seriousness and behave very depravedly. The girl begins to get involved in alcoholic beverages, as well as smoking, the girl begins to visit nightclubs without her boyfriend in order to find a good place to eat there.

The girl begins to contact her ex to satisfy her intimate desires and so on.

Emotional deficiency quite often leads a girl to cheating and other treacherous acts.


Try to be only with the girl who really loves you and try to test this love so that you do not have the illusion of love that the girl imposed on you.

Never get attached to a person in a relationship; remember that at any moment you can be left alone with your life problems.

A girl who cheated is an insignificant girl who should disappear from your life.

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