Why is my life so boring. What else can you do?

I’m not interested in vegetarianism, I have the feeling that I’m not living my life, I go to work because I have to, I pay the mortgage because I have to, now everyone around me is shouting that I need to get married and have children. This is probably youthful maximalism, but this is not how I imagined my life, and that’s why it’s bitter

  • Maria

    Tata, you are a little confused and lost your meaning. Do you limit yourself in many ways? Are you interested in vegetarianism?
    What I mean is that it looks like nothing interests you or turns you on right now.
    We need to dig deeper and figure out when it started, why and what to do about it.

  • Maria

    You probably got the impression that I’m such a vegetable))) I get up every day at 5.30, go to bed at 23.00) I take walks, meet friends, go to the movies, cafes, etc. Sometimes I even play sports)))) it’s just a feeling inside dissatisfaction and lack of understanding of where you are going. It's more likely due to a lack of purpose in life... anyway, thanks for the advice!)

  • Maria

    Tata! Get ready already! What do you mean I can’t?!?!?!? I can’t do this when I have no legs, but I want to walk! I can’t do this! And in your case it’s laziness, negligence, stupidity in the end! Please forgive me for being rude! But it is true!
    If you don’t get yourself off the couch, no one will do it for you! We lay down, rested, exhaled and moved on)))

  • Maria

    The fact is that I understand all this perfectly well, but I can’t fix it, I can’t do it all. You write everything correctly, but how can I get off the couch if sometimes you come home and just lie there and cry (and why, I can’t understand.

  • Maria

    Should I give you some paint?! To color your life!
    Keep your head up and have fun! You are a woman, and a woman can do ANYTHING!!! I've prepared dinner, get in the mood! Match the lights, inflate the balloons, put on some nice music... Tired of lying around, I took my husband for a bike ride! How many things do 24 year old young people have to do?!??!
    I have no strength - is this some kind of horror for me?!?! What do you mean no strength?!?!? All life is about overcoming! You are doing a great job - wonderful! My beloved husband is even better! Your arms and legs are in place, your head seems to be the same, you don’t need to overcome anything other than your own laziness!
    Look at people with disabilities who have the strength and desire, but there is no way... Should you complain?!?!?
    Get together and start building your life, YOURSELF!!! Let her be spontaneous, mischievous and playful! You can, of course, continue to lie on the couch, biting yourself for a job you don’t like, or you can start enjoying everything!
    If my advice doesn’t help you, go to a nursing home, talk to the stricks and help in any way you can, at least spend a couple of hours of your life usefully.
    Just don’t be offended, I didn’t want to offend you, but I was just trying to make you understand that everything is fine with you!!!

  • Vasily

    The solution is simple: every person has a dream, and not even just one... You need to remember what you dreamed of as a child and realize your dream... The same applies to work: you probably have a hobby - turn your hobby into your favorite job that brings in money!
    Let's go further: you have a husband, but no children yet - which means you need to have children - children are the main meaning of their parents' lives! When children appear, you will look at life differently!

  • Igor

    and motivation in the meaning of life, you will find out how it works, its laws, you won’t want to sit on the stove, everything is in your hands, search and find, incentive and completeness will appear, and an understanding of why, in fact, everything lives and revolves.

  • OR

    Life is a journey. But often this journey becomes painful and boring. If you suddenly feel that you don’t like your life, and that your favorite activity no longer brings you pleasure, it’s time to find out what’s wrong. Here are 11 reasons why life can become uninteresting.

    1. You have no goal

    Purpose is the engine of life. Think about it, do you have it? Maybe your goal isn't challenging enough? Or has she stopped being interesting? Rethink your goal or create a new one. Plan something worthwhile so that you feel enthusiastic about achieving your goals. If your inner voice supports your goal, you will feel inspired.

    2. The goal is too big

    If you strive to achieve an overly difficult goal that you cannot yet achieve, you will sooner or later be disappointed. Its implementation will repel, frighten and oppress you.

    Always set challenging but realistic goals. Simplify what has started to scare you and what you can’t do. Start with something small. When you complete a small task, raise the bar higher. This way you'll get to a really big goal without losing interest.

    3. You are chasing many goals at once.

    In order to maintain a keen interest and passion for your business or hobby, realize your goals one by one. After all, if you try to do everything at once, you will quickly begin to feel tired, physically and psychologically.

    In this state, will you be able to enjoy life and fulfill your goals in your plan? No, the process will be slow and cumbersome.

    Break each goal down into small, achievable tasks. This will give you more strength to work in one direction at a fast pace. Thanks to focus, you will quickly “conquer” one goal and move on to another.

    4. You are not in control of your life.

    Sometimes people literally become hostages to one role. They humble themselves and get used to everyday worries and hardships. They admit that they are not able to change anything.

    Mechanically performing routine tasks without inspiration and pleasure is one of the main reasons for lack of satisfaction in life. When there is no meaning to your actions, how can you expect happiness and satisfaction to come your way?

    5. There is success, there is no holiday

    If your life is work, work, and more work, life will become extremely boring. Even if you are doing what you love, you still need to celebrate all your successes, otherwise you will simply stop noticing them. There's no point in having a goal if you don't celebrate achieving it and remind yourself what it means to you.

    For example, take a time out and celebrate the transition to a new stage in your activity. Or pat yourself on the back for a job well done. This will increase your self-confidence, add a couple of points to your self-esteem and will motivate you to go further and look for more difficult tasks.

    6. No changes or development for a long time

    Over time, everyone grows and develops. What once seemed interesting becomes less enjoyable and exciting. You grow, needs and views change. You can't keep doing the same things over and over again. They will not always bring pleasure.

    Always try something new, make changes to existing processes in your work or hobby. For example, take up a new sport. Meet new people and make new friends. Develop an interest in new genres of literature, try watching unfamiliar films or listening to music from someone else’s playlist. Develop new skills, do things that develop your imagination and help you create something new.

    7. You don't do good to others.

    Regularly dedicate some time to help other people. When a person helps others and sees his usefulness and significance in the lives of other people, he feels happy and experiences a sense of satisfaction.

    8. You don't have the best self-image.

    You are the person who knows you best. You know everything about your strengths and weaknesses, positive and negative sides. If you constantly focus only on your shortcomings and punish yourself for mistakes, you will inevitably begin to experience depression. Self-esteem will fall, and enthusiasm, which is so necessary in completing tasks and making decisions, will disappear.

    It is important to think well of yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. Don't exaggerate your shortcomings, notice your successes. Love yourself. You will definitely like this life more, because there is room for happiness in it.

    9. Not fulfilling your desires

    Create a wish list. Mark in it what you really want to do, but do not do due to lack of time. Set a goal to complete one item from the list every week (or every month, depending on the scale of your desire).

    10. You are very afraid of failure.

    Nobody likes to be a loser. This is fine. But without attempts and failures there can be no success. If you protect yourself from doing difficult things, you will become bored. Overcome the fear of failure, get out of your comfort zone, take advantage of new opportunities that come your way.

    11. Work too hard

    When you have too many responsibilities, you are overloaded - life becomes gray. If you're working too hard, it's time to relax. Take breaks. This will not only give you a rest, but will also help you get a full picture of what is happening to you.

    There is only one life. And it's your responsibility to make it interesting. First of all, for your own sake. Take the driver's seat, take control of your life, put it in motion. You have every opportunity for this.

    Boredom is the same “poisoning” factor that prevents you from fully enjoying all the delights of life. And everything is fine in her: the family is in harmony, she is appreciated at work, and her friends call her every day. But... boring!

    Why did life become boring, and what can you do to prevent this feeling from stopping you from enjoying every moment? And if you were finally able to realize that you are bored with life, what to do about it next?

    Why life is boring and monotonous: risk factors

    It is necessary to get rid of boredom in life at its first manifestations. Actually, how can such a condition be dangerous? Well, I was sad, it’s gone. It's good if it's gone. What if not? In this case, boredom can develop into long-term depression, which will increase over the years, provoking even greater problems, including psychological ones. And in the end it will result in global dissatisfaction with life, lack of goals and joy of existence.

    What provokes boredom as such? Life is boring and monotonous only for those who do not want to change anything in their own destiny, for those who are busy with something they don’t like and do tasks not of their own free will (to justify the trust of their parents, for example). This is natural: how can a passionate person, driven by a great goal, with a “spark” in his chest, be bored?

    How dangerous is the state of apathy and boredom?

    Boredom forces us to look for new “stimuli” from “outside” a person’s usual environment. These can be both extreme sports and risks that are indirectly or directly related to danger to life and health. Some people find short-term salvation from boredom in “intoxicated” and nightly pleasures, others in immoral acts, and few people escape from it through useful activities. Constantly searching for new sensations will also eventually lead to boredom. Therefore, it is so important to think and determine for yourself what to do when you are bored, and how to get rid of boredom in the life of an ordinary person, without extraordinary opportunities. After all, boredom often provokes destructive consequences:

    Nervous tension;
    Alcohol addiction, other bad habits;
    Constant brain activity, the result is that you don’t rest;
    Irritability and aggression;
    Lack of ability to concentrate;
    The desire to work constantly without rest.

    Is fear of loneliness the reason for a boring life?

    Most of the reasons why a person experiences discomfort and boredom are problems with self-perception as an individual, fear of not justifying the trust of family and friends. In his heart he understands that this is not at all the path he would like to take, but fear takes over. As a result, life has become boring, gray and monotonous. Because you know in advance what lies ahead. Immediately comes the constant “Groundhog Day” - a faithful companion to a boring life. Many people experience a fear of loneliness because they do not want to get out of their usual “rut.” Meanwhile, it is communication with yourself that allows you to find the direction where to move in life. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of loneliness. This is a way to hear your desires, and therefore avoid boredom.

    Life has become boring - is it an addiction?

    Life has become boring, everything has faded, the former bright colors have become gray, and the desire to live is fading more and more. You could say that your boredom is a drug. It takes away your choice. This is the same addiction as most human habits. It doesn't make you weaker, different from everyone else. No. But you become more vulnerable. You constantly need an even greater number of new impressions, old sensations fade, and desires become more sophisticated. You won’t be able to get rid of apathy this way, and in principle, the cure for boredom is not new experiences. It is in the depths of consciousness.

    There is no need to look for stimulation from the external environment, look inside your desires: ? What in life is not going the way you want? What is stopping you from changing the course of your own life? You don’t have to run to the end of the world in search of answers; everything is much simpler and closer than it might initially seem. Understand that dependence on desires and ambitions will not make you stronger - it is much more difficult to overcome than boredom. Your apathy is a signal of the wrong vector of movement in life. Take it in.

    Laziness – as a motive? Is there a cure for boredom?

    Another reason you may feel bored is laziness. Too lazy to change something, look for the reasons for this condition. It’s easier to look for support from friends, to look for reasons why you are not allowed to live the way you would like. But you failed the main task - you don’t want to work in search of the real reason. Or be lazy. You don't want to change anything. This is also “convenient” laziness. It’s so convenient for you, it’s convenient for those around you, it’s convenient for your family, and those who believe in you. Discard such a “defect” and receive a reward in the form of a new “sip” of fresh sensations. Start in a way you never would have before.

    How to get rid of boredom in life?

    When life becomes boring, there is little joy in life. That’s why the question of those who are bored with life is so popular today: what to do? And you can do everything. Look around: life cannot be boring by definition. There are so many opportunities, events, impressions around, but you prefer to voluntarily not notice it. Pay attention to yourself and your desires, don’t be afraid to go against stereotypes, don’t be afraid not to live up to expectations, don’t think about how your life can change. Start simply living, getting rid of uniformity and “Groundhog Day”. Every day, rejoice in what fate and chance have given you. Look around, look at things from a different perspective.

    If you think that boredom is a big part of your life, think about how much you miss.

    Are you bored of meeting friends in a familiar cafe? So overcome boredom - go to a rope park, go to a psychological game, visit an exhibition or festival. If this doesn’t make you happy, figure it out within yourself: how do you want your meetings to go? Or maybe you don't want to meet them at all? What if you replace aimless gatherings in a cafe with a seminar or conference that is useful for you? Or pay attention to your family?

    How many days have you wasted in boredom and melancholy? Life cannot be boring: nature itself will help you with many colors, miracles and impressions. Overcoming boredom is not difficult if you decide to make a move yourself. And if you are comfortable remaining in constant laziness and apathy - the choice is yours, just answer yourself honestly: what is the point in such a life?

    Are you a bored person? You are bored at your usual job, bored at home, even at a party with friends you are bored. Every day the same thing. And I no longer have the strength or desire to change anything. It's so boring that often you just want to howl. It’s boring because everything is familiar, everything has become boring for a long time. There is less and less new in life, you are surprised less and less. Even ra attractions no longer bring the former pleasure, the surprise of the discoverer. We need to do something about this.

    I suggest you make your life brighter. However, to do this you need to do everything differently...

    1. Improvise

    If you go to work by car or public transport, walk slowly, preferably in some park. Or on the weekend, instead of watching TV, take a walk to some beautiful place (remember the autumn kebabs from the movie ""?). If you can’t live without company, be alone and think.

    2. Experiment

    Put away the cookbook and make some creative, experimental dishes. Instead of a regular home dinner, make it with a festive table setting, gourmet dishes, candles, wine... Experiment in sex: scented candles, aromatic oils, massage, unexpected places, erotic lingerie and wild fantasy.

    3. Change

    Change your clothing style, hairstyle, hair color. Dress the way you want, and not what is dictated by fashion.

    4. Release pent-up feelings

    Let yourself go, for example, for an hour. At this hour, do whatever you want, don’t hold back anything: scream, jump, run, sing, rage...

    5. Learn to be guided by intuition

    Come up with a meditation for yourself: find a body position in which you are comfortable, accept it and just relax - you are not there. Watch your thoughts, they are running through your head, but you are an outside observer. Or put on a CD with natural sounds, listen to them and merge with nature.

    6. Learn to be yourself

    Try to play less roles that society forces on you. Learn to identify other people's values ​​and imposed stereotypes. Throw them away and enjoy yourself, your unique beauty, because you are unique, no one will ever be able to repeat you. Don't try to be like someone else, you'll kill yourself.

    7. Feel yourself

    Feel yourself under different circumstances, in different places, in different situations... Try to feel yourself and feel the world around you. Simultaneously. Oneself – as a part of the surrounding world, and the world – as a part of oneself.

    8. Love yourself

    Each one has one and only one. You need to love yourself, love yourself as you are, without inventing various shortcomings for yourself.

    9. Live this day like it’s your last

    Think that our life is very fleeting, maybe this day will be your last on Earth. I went to visit relatives in another city. And I saw an accident on the highway. Three cars crashed. Apparently the two met head-on. A girl died in this accident. I only had one thought about this: “Hurry up to live!” What does it mean? Yes, look around. Everyone lives as if in rough drafts, half-heartedly... What do we all think? “Well, let it be bad now, uninteresting... But maybe in... it will be good?” Or like this: “Now I will live for... family, friends, work... (underline as appropriate), and then for myself, someday...” And what happens? If a person, let’s say, dies tomorrow, it means he didn’t really live... He put off life for later... He didn’t live for himself. And this “later” may not happen. Hurry up to enjoy life...

    10. Hurry to create and express yourself

    Hurry up to work creatively to please yourself. Try to do what you like.

    11. Hurry to love

    To love just like that, to love truly, to love unconditionally...

    12. Hurry to rejoice

    Even the smallest victories. And even losses, because they are lessons that will allow you to win in another similar situation. Let go of all your past negative experiences. After all, going through them in your memory, experiencing them, you miss the real moment of your life. We are born happy. We were born for happiness. This is our purpose. So why have we forgotten about this? Why are unhappy, gloomy faces normal, but joyful, happy faces are looked at as if they were crazy?

    13. Hurry to be surprised

    To be surprised by our beautiful world, our beautiful nature. Just stop. Stop your thoughts. Look around you. Smile. Be amazed at how beautiful the world is and how amazingly good it is to live in this world.

    14. Do the most from the list provided

    Or do one thing, but now, today. Live this day totally, fully and beautifully. And you will be surprised how suddenly life will be filled with colors, bright and rich.

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