Why don't our wishes come true? Consequences of unfulfilled desires

If the wish is not fulfilled, it means it has not yet been paid...

reading time: 3 minutes

These parables are our choice for articles

Two parables quite fully reveal both the real prices of our desires, which we are ready or not ready to pay, and the true meaning of our desires, which we mean, but sometimes cannot formulate.


On the outskirts of the Universe there was one shop. There was no sign on it for a long time - it was once carried away by a hurricane, and the owner did not put up a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells wishes.

The assortment of the store was huge, here you could buy almost everything: huge yachts, apartments, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, your favorite job, a beautiful figure, winning a competition, big cars, power, success and much, much more. . Only life and death were not sold - this was handled by the head office, which was located in another Galaxy.

Everyone who came to the store (and there are also those who wish who have never gone to the store, but stayed at home and just wish) First of all, I found out the price of my desire.

The prices were different.

For example, favorite job cost:

  • rejection of stability and predictability,
  • willingness to independently plan and structure your life,
  • self-confidence
  • and allowing yourself to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more:

  • I had to give up some of my beliefs,
  • be able to find a rational explanation for everything,
  • be able to refuse others,
  • know your worth (and it should be high enough),
  • allow yourself to say “I”, to declare yourself, despite the approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange - marriage could have been obtained practically for nothing, but happy life was expensive:

  • personal responsibility for your own happiness,
  • the ability to enjoy life,
  • knowledge of your desires,
  • giving up the desire to fit in with others,
  • the ability to appreciate what you have,
  • allowing yourself to be happy
  • awareness of one's own value and importance,
  • refusal of “victim” bonuses,
  • the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, upon seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood thoughtfully for a long time, counting their cash and wondering where to get more funds. Someone began to complain about too high prices, asked for a discount or was interested in a sale.

And there were those who took out all their savings and received their cherished desire, wrapped in beautiful rustling paper. Other customers looked at the lucky ones with envy, gossiping that the owner of the store was their acquaintance, and they got the wish just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to reduce prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, since the quality of his desires would also suffer from this.

When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be daredevils who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to give up their usual and predictable life, who are able to believe in themselves, who have the strength and means to in order to pay for the fulfillment of your desires.

And on the door of the store for a good hundred years there was a notice: “If your wish is not fulfilled, it has not yet been paid” .


Once upon a time there lived one man. He, like everyone else, hoped for a miracle, and then one day it happened: on the way to work, someone called out to him. The man turned around and saw... a real Wizard.

Today is a magical day and I can fulfill your three wishes- but think carefully before you speak! - he said.

Wow! I know exactly what I want! I want a luxury car“with a convertible top,” the man answered after thinking a little.

“Okay,” the wizard answered, reached into the bag, took out the car keys and handed them to the man.

Keys? - he exclaimed - I want the whole car!

“Look around,” answered the wizard. The man looked around and saw a luxury convertible car with white leather seats.

Wow! This is exactly what I wanted! - the man shouted, got into the car and drove off towards new impressions.

The next day he returned to the same place. The man was upset, so the Wizard asked him:

What's happened?

I drove around the city all day, and wherever I went, all the people looked at me, because I was in this car. But then I started to notice that this city is full of beautiful cars and people look at all the cars... So this is not what I wanted.

What do you want, I can fulfill the second wish, - said the wizard.

- I want money! - the man answered. A whole lot of money so I can buy everything I want.

“Okay,” answered the Wizard, putting his hand into the bag. He took out a checkbook from there and handed it to the man.

When he opened the checkbook, saw his name on it and how much was in the account, he immediately slammed it shut, put it in his pocket and said:

I will return tomorrow, because I still have a third wish, which you promised to fulfill.

Of course, I will wait for you,” answered the Wizard.

The next day, in the same place, at the same time, the man and the Wizard met again. But again the man was upset and depressed. The wizard asked:

So what happened now?

I bought everything I wanted. As soon as I saw any thing that I liked, I immediately bought it. But very soon I didn’t care if I could buy anything else. I can buy everything, so what difference does it make? You didn't give me what I wanted.

What do you want? - asked the Wizard.

This time the man carefully thought through his answer and said: “I know what I want.” I want a fabulously beautiful... girl. Can?

“Okay,” the wizard answered, and immediately an unusually beautiful girl appeared next to him.

“I’m ready to follow you wherever you say,” she sang in a sweet voice.

Yes! - the man cried, grabbed her, and left.

Two weeks later he returned to the same place. He was upset and discouraged. The wizard asked him:

What now? I gave you a fabulously beautiful girl!

She was so obedient that I quickly got bored. She only wanted my money, and after collecting as much as she needed, she simply left. You are some kind of bad Wizard. I ask and ask you for what I want, but it’s still not the same.

This is because, the Wizard answered, you never asked for what you want.

It's not true, I always ask for what I want!

No,” answered the Wizard. - You're asking for a car, but in reality want respect, you're asking for money, but in reality want freedom, you are asking for a beautiful girl, but in reality want love .

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Reason number 2 is banal and simple: desire hangs out somewhere in the nooks and crannies of your thoughts, and does not find any support in actions, no reflection in the material world.

Many people answered the question “Why do you still not have what you wished for” something like this:

I’m lazy, I don’t do anything, I don’t know what to do to make it come true, I don’t write it down in any way and only think about rituals, but don’t do it, I do other things and don’t take on my desires, I put it off, I owe a lot others, I don’t have time,

and stuff like that.

Tell me: if you don’t love yourself, don’t take care of yourself, don’t pursue your dreams, who will do it for you?!

Tell me: if you want to eat, but don’t make a grocery list, don’t go to the store, don’t cook a meal (or at least don’t sit down at the table and pick up a spoon), won’t you remain hungry?

Tell yourself: today, this week, this month I did this and that to make my cherished wish come true!

So, if you haven’t done anything yet, then I advise you to start today. Because a wizard is the one who acts, and not the one who lies under the sofa. What to do, in what order, and how to force yourself to free yourself from laziness?

What to do? Number 1.

Formulate and write down. If you don't know exactly what you want, you're constantly changing your mind and rushing around, you won't get anywhere. Read more about this in the article. Write down your goals and desires with a pen and paper- this is the first step towards their materialization, the most important.

What to do? Number 2.

Take the first step. Imagine that your wishes have come true, realize yourself, your feelings, thoughts, how it all will be. Get used to these feelings believe that this is normal and you are worthy.

If you don’t yet imagine yourself even close to how it will all be, then...

What to do? Number 3.

Find out as much as possible about your desire. Do you want to move to some country? Do you want to become a businessman? Want to write a bestseller? Any other desire that still seems very difficult to fulfill?

Then look. Read something about your topic every day. Find out who has achieved success in this area. Read textbooks and master classes. Join forums and read what people who have already achieved success are discussing. Try to get to know them, communicate with them. Ask questions. Do not hesitate to communicate, in the future you will help someone, inspire someone with your success.

What to do? Number 4.

Make a plan. Your plan may initially consist of just two points:

Step 1: I print out a photo of Plaza Cibeles in Madrid, paste my photo on it and put it in my wallet.

Step 2. I buy a Spanish grammar book.

Step 3. I find out what the paths are to fulfilling my desire and complete steps 4-9.

Step 10. I live happily in Spain, work, get citizenship.

What to do? Number 5.

Take the first step from your plan!

Now let's look at laziness and being busy with other things.

My friend Natasha told me: “I envy you so much, you accomplish so much, I have no strength for anything except work and housework, what other rituals are there?!” And we started looking at her day. It turned out that she watches series and various TV shows for 2-3 hours in the evening, at work about an hour and a half a day she spends on smoking breaks and talking with colleagues about how bad, expensive and unfair everything is, before going to bed she thinks about her past failures and sorrows, and on weekends on the Internet he reads women’s forums, horoscopes and other rubbish, of which he doesn’t remember anything after 2 days.

At the same time, Natasha dreams of learning French, going freelance (she is a translator), and starting her own company in the future. To fulfill these simple desires, she doesn’t need much - just change her habits.

  • 2-3 hours in the evening watching TV series, films, programs in French (install a satellite dish or download on the Internet, these investments will be worth it, because this is the path to your dream!
  • At work, replace some smoking breaks and chatting with five minutes of visualization, speaking affirmations, writing down ideas, and learning French words.
  • Read and learn as much as possible about freelancing on the Internet, look for clients, and complete small orders. Read about business in your field, learn other people's success stories. Draw a wish map.
  • Before going to bed, scroll through your head only about your successes and joys, mentally give gifts to your family and friends, thank yourself, life and your world for everything that has already come true!

In just a couple of weeks, you can gradually change your life, finally get on the path to your dream, and start taking action!

If you find various excuses, calm yourself down, are lazy, then start eating more nuts and honey or anything else that, according to your beliefs, boosts immunity and charges the body with energy.

I also suggest that you read my answer to the question of one sorceress:

How to allow yourself a dream?

Let's assume that you suddenly disappear and stop doing what you are doing now? Life is such a thing that empty space is always filled, of course, there will be some problems, but everything will be resolved one way or another. And you will do whatever you want.

Now let's assume that you never quit your current activity. And you will spend the rest of your life like this. Are you satisfied with this? After all, the years go by. It seems that later, then everything will change, but then it never comes. It only comes when you decide for yourself.

At the same time, if you already have another thing in your heart that will make you happy, but you are not yet sure that it will allow you to live peacefully in terms of earning money, then you can do everything gradually. Make a plan.

For example, before the New Year, reduce the load in your current place, and leave from the New Year. During this time, transfer all matters to a new person. Gradually transferring these matters, begin to plan and develop a new business, your future. All this can be done openly, by warning whoever needs to leave, or you can do it secretly for the time being - just make a decision inside.

These months may be stressful. You won’t watch TV, you’ll sleep less, and even eat less, and you won’t spend your free time on anything other than new things. But if you are not lazy and follow your plan wisely and diligently, you will be rewarded.

Sit down and write down an ACTION PLAN on paper. Stop overthinking. START ACTING. At least on paper for now. Then gradually, for an hour or two a day, do something necessary. And don’t try to change everything in 1 day, give yourself six months to do it.

If you are lazy and do nothing, then six months will pass just like the last two, and another 10 will pass in the same way.

Wishes come true... I die in childbirth. A girl is born with severe disabilities. The husband gives up his career and takes care of his daughter, who dies a year later.

Why don't all wishes come true? Probably everyone asks this question. So what does the fulfillment of our desires depend on?

Everything we need will come at the right time. But you've probably heard it often: “Be careful what you wish for!” So that you understand what determines the fulfillment of our desires, I will tell you my story.

Vain attempts

There was a period in my life when I really wanted to give birth to a second child (at that time I already had a son), but all attempts were in vain. I constantly thought about the baby, or rather about the baby, because I was sure that it would be a girl.

I visualized¹ her appearance, character, and my emotions from communicating with her in every detail.

My husband and I followed all the doctors’ orders, took all kinds of tests, but the result was zero. The doctors shrugged their shoulders; no abnormalities were found in us.

One day, during one of my dreams about our daughter, I apparently plunged into a deep trance, and pictures automatically appeared in my mind:

“I stand before the Creator and ask him to give me the opportunity to give birth to a girl. He showed me the answer, he showed me, in the form of a film in which I die during childbirth (and I experienced all the sensations as in reality: I experienced unbearable pain from contractions).

The girl is born with very severe disabilities: cerebral palsy and signs of Downism. The husband is forced to give up his career and take care of his daughter, who dies a year later. The son's relationship with his father is deteriorating.

Wishes come true!

Wishes come true, but what happens in the end? My life on Earth was cut short, my husband’s career was put on hold, my son, left without me, is shutting himself off from the whole world.

The Creator told me that this is not my destiny, that a completely different life awaits me and my family, and he will not allow such a scenario... But I am not used to giving up, since by my nature I am very stubborn. My husband and I continued to hope, believe in the best and wait.

My stubbornness led to a series of terrible events...

As a result, my stubbornness led to the fact that in 3 years I underwent 5 female surgeries. But that didn’t stop us either; I was obsessed with my desire.

We made 3 attempts at artificial insemination - all to no avail.

As a result, a series of troubles began in our lives.

My husband has problems at work, I have health problems, my son broke both legs, my father fell ill with leukemia...

I won’t describe everything, troubles just fell one after another...

At that moment I realized that not all wishes come true!

Then I thought about it, reconsidered the entire chain of events and abandoned the obsession with the birth of a child. I just resigned myself...

The problems gradually began to resolve themselves, sometimes simply in a mystical way, even dad coped with his illness, the doctors were perplexed: “How?” Now, after the passage of time, I thank the Creator and the Higher Powers for that invaluable experience.

I learned to control my desires and ask my higher self: “What will my desire lead to?” This is how I separate the right desires from empty “wants” and obsessions. Only after receiving a satisfactory answer do I begin to implement my plans.

Does the fulfillment of your desires depend on this?

This is the most important point on which the fulfillment of desires depends. If something is not given to you, but you fiercely dream about it, think about what the fulfillment of your dream will lead to?

Desires come true if they are approved by the Higher Powers or your subconscious.

How to check that the desire is correct?

To check the possibility of fulfilling your desire, follow these steps.

1. Sit or take a comfortable lying position.

2. Relax all your muscles, close your eyes, breathe evenly and calmly.

3. Clearly formulate your desire and ask permission from your Higher Self to realize your desire.

4. Let go of all thoughts and wait.

The answer may come in the form of a picture, a direct voice response, or a feeling. True desires always cause pleasant sensations. Each person has an individual answer.

Don't be discouraged if you don't receive a response right away. It may come unexpectedly during the day. If you don't receive a response, go about your daily routine and try again next time.

Try to coordinate all your desires in this way, then you will protect yourself and others from negative consequences. Moreover, this way you will receive the energy to implement it. Using any techniques, you will know for sure that your wishes will definitely come true.

Rudneva Evgenia

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹Visualization is the general name for techniques for presenting numerical information or a physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (

Desires come true if you master the technique of fulfilling them. Start with small desires and you will see that the technique works. Over time, you will become a master and will be able to make your wildest dreams come true. Good luck to you, just follow safety precautions.

It is very good when wishes come true, especially if it happens on time. It doesn’t matter whether the desire is big or very small - we still rejoice when a loved one recovers and when we manage to get on the bus before work. It would be nice if wishes did not have to wait too long for fulfillment, and that they were fulfilled in a recognizable form, and not in the form of ridicule, as in jokes about goldfish.

Many people are sure that higher powers are in charge of fulfilling their desires. Perhaps, but it is unlikely that all our whims are under their control. In many ways, we ourselves are responsible for the realization of what we want. Without knowing it, we place insurmountable obstacles in the way of our dreams. When it comes true, contrary to our expectations, we tend to see it as a miracle. What are we doing wrong and why are we preventing our own dreams from coming true?

1. Learn to formulate thoughts

You must know exactly what you want and find formulations for your desires. It is pointless to dream about foggy distances that have no outline, color, smell or name. The subconscious is constantly engaged in the realization of our aspirations. It is thanks to him that we choose the right path leading to the goal. We don’t know exactly how the subconscious manages to please us. Perhaps it uses “connections” with the information field or includes our unrealized capabilities, but this is not important. It is important to understand that the subconscious differs from consciousness in that it does not accept hints, irony, sarcasm and other nuances. Learn to give direct instructions without any ambiguity.

Confidently command: “I want to relax in Barcelona!” The desire is understandable, and the subconscious will immediately begin to realize it. If you formulate your wish differently: “I need to earn money to go to Barcelona,” the subconscious will begin to rush around. Two tasks arise simultaneously - to earn money and to get to Barcelona. What kind of situation should we build? This dichotomy can, at best, result in the opportunity to earn money appearing during your vacation, when you could go to the city of your dreams. But this is not the worst scenario. More often than not, the subconscious simply freezes, like a computer that has received two commands simultaneously.

2. Give your subconscious free rein

Trust your subconscious, and don’t make an exact plan with instructions for every action. Perhaps, fulfilling your wish, the subconscious mind arranges for you to win a trip to Spain. Or suddenly you will meet Barcelonans online who dream of visiting your city, and you can exchange apartments for a while. You can’t even imagine all the options that can “make a fairy tale come true.” Don't put your subconscious into strict limits, and it will do everything possible to please you.

3. Believe in the possibility of a miracle

Very often desires are not realized because we do not believe that it is possible. We persistently search, find, or come up with explanations for why what we want cannot become a reality. What drives us to such nasty behavior? Somewhere deep in everyone's soul there lives a vile worm that gives rise to doubts and self-doubt. It is he who whispers disgustingly that nothing will come of what is planned, and if it does, it will all end very badly. Whose creation is this troublesome worm? This is a child of an inferiority complex that persistently convinces us that there is no one in the world worse and more worthless, that such an inferior being does not deserve anything, especially the fulfillment of a dream. You need to fight complexes - this is beyond doubt, but there are other extremes.

4. Stay in touch with reality

A real dream is easier to come true than a sky-high fantasy. Any desire has a chance of fulfillment, but the more real it is, the greater the likelihood of realization. Obviously, the desire to relax in the evening watching TV with a cup of coffee is more realistic than the dream of becoming Prime Minister of Australia. Do not confuse desires with fantasies, the purpose of which is rather to diversify our leisure time.

5. Don’t waste the energy of desire

Theoretically, the most outrageous idea can come true, but even the fulfillment of simple desires requires energy. We take away strength from our desires by talking about them at every step. Remember once and for all - you cannot share your plans with everyone you meet, especially with those who cannot help you in any way.

6. Be patient

Sometimes dreams do not come true for a long time when we passionately desire their fulfillment. Imagine that every time you return your thoughts to your desire, the boss-executor scene plays out: “When will you come true?” - “I don’t know, probably soon.” This repeats several times a day and sometimes at night. Now imagine that you are your desire, which has an impatient boss. You have a responsible task, you are working on it, trying to do everything right. The boss keeps tugging at you to ask how things are going and when the results will be. How will you work and what will the outcome be? So desire requires freedom to be realized.

How to speed up the process

People at all times wanted to bring the moment of fulfillment of their desires closer - that’s how we are built, even the most patient of us. Humanity has developed several effective methods. It happens that some method does not work. Don't be discouraged - try another way. If your wish is feasible in principle, it will come true.

Application message

One of the most reliable ways. Write or draw a wish on a piece of paper and attach it in a visible place - above the bed, near the desk, on the refrigerator. The location can be anywhere, as long as you see the letter often. Pretty soon you will get so used to the piece of paper that you will stop reading the inscription on it. Perhaps one day you will lose faith in the method, and you will even want to throw away the sheet. Take your time! This message is addressed to the subconscious, and it perceives information even without the participation of consciousness. This is a signal to action, and one day the task will be completed.

With a complete lack of artistic ability, you may refuse to capture your dream in a picture. Describe in words what you want, but avoid using the particle “not.” The phrase “I don’t want to spend my vacation in the city” does not apply. Write, “I'm in Paris,” and imagine spending your vacation climbing the Eiffel Tower or strolling through Versailles.

Make a collage

This is a variation of the previous method. Cut out and paste pictures from magazines depicting the desired object and everything that may be related to it onto a large sheet of paper. Post the poster in a visible place and continually improve it. They say that in this way the lucky ones get cars, apartments and trips to exotic seas. Your anticipation will be pleasant and creative, and the time until its realization will fly by unnoticed.


This is a favorite method of psychologists and NLP adherents. Experts insist that with the help of visualization you can bring your dreams closer to reality as quickly as possible. The idea of ​​the method is as follows: choose a time and a secluded place where no one will disturb you, relax. Think about your desire and imagine as clearly as possible what will happen when the desire becomes a reality. For example, you want to visit Barcelona. Imagine walking along Rambla, leisurely exploring the Gothic Quarter and losing touch with reality, looking at the buildings of the great Gaudi. You are carried away and amazed, you want to go down that street to the right and slowly make your way to the sea. Inexhaustible possibilities for flights of fancy - the paintings should be bright, with details and sensations of smells and even air temperature. After meditation, try to let go of the desire and not think about it until the next session.

While waiting for your wish to come true, follow the rules of conduct:

  • Help others make their dreams come true.
  • Don't wish for things that could harm others. The more people who benefit from the fulfillment of your desire, the greater the likelihood of its speedy fulfillment.
  • Don't miss the signs that appear when you remember your desire. You thought about what you wanted, and saw an advertisement with the inscription “Evaluate your potential.” Perhaps this is a leading question about the feasibility of your plan?
  • Don't waste your life on unrealistic dreams. There are areas that can only be reached in dreams. You can glue collages and visualize the dream of the crown of the Queen of Great Britain several times a day, but... Use energy to enter not drawn, but real doors.

Finally, I would like to remind you that there are small desires that we are able to fulfill without any techniques. You just need to get up and do what you have been putting off for a long time due to laziness, indecision or another unknown reason (see “”). No need to dream about new wallpaper - buy it and stick it in a couple of days. Conduct an audit of your cherished desires, and you will be convinced that you are able to fulfill some of them without involving the subconscious or higher powers.

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