Regulations on current control. Regulations on ongoing monitoring of academic performance - Local acts - Regional educational portal of the Pskov region

Approved by order of the director
(name of educational organization)
from ________ No. ____


1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education" and the Charter of the educational organization.

1.2. This Regulation on conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of their progress (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is a local regulatory act of an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) regulating the frequency, procedure, assessment system and forms of conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of their progress.

1.3. Mastering the educational program, including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by ongoing monitoring of student performance and intermediate certification of students.

1.4. Current monitoring of student progress is a systematic check of students' educational achievements, carried out by a teacher in the course of educational activities in accordance with the educational program.

Conducting ongoing monitoring of academic performance is aimed at ensuring that the educational process is structured in the most effective way to achieve the results of mastering basic general education programs provided for by the federal state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard).

1.5. Interim certification is the establishment of the level of achievement of the results of mastering educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) provided for by the educational program.

Intermediate certification is carried out starting from the second grade.

Option 1

Interim certification is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module at the end of the academic year.

Option 2

Interim certification is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module based on the results of the quarter (trimester).

The timing of the intermediate certification is determined by the educational program.

Option 3

Interim certification is divided into quarter (trimester) intermediate certification, which is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module based on the results of the quarter (trimester), as well as a ready-made intermediate certification, which is carried out for each academic subject, course, discipline, module based on the results academic year.

The timing of the intermediate certification is determined by the educational program.

Option 3a) The annual intermediate certification is carried out as a separate procedure, regardless of the results of the quarterly (trimester) certification.

Option 3b) The annual intermediate certification is carried out on the basis of the results of quarter (trimester) intermediate certifications, and represents the result of the quarter (trimester) certification if the academic subject, course, discipline, module was mastered by the student within one quarter (trimester), or the arithmetic average of the quarter results (trimester) certifications in the event that an academic subject, course, discipline, module was mastered by the student in more than one quarter (trimester). The rounding of the result is carried out in favor of the student \ the rounding of the result is carried out in the direction of the results of the interim certification for the last quarter (trimester) \ the rounding of the result is carried out taking into account _____________________ (indicate other significant circumstances).

Option 4.

Interim certification is carried out in academic subjects, courses, disciplines, modules for which the educational program provides for intermediate certification, within the time limits provided for by the educational program (at the end of the year, half-year, trimester, quarter).

2. Contents and procedure for ongoing monitoring of student progress

2.1. Current monitoring of student progress is carried out during the academic period in order to:

Monitoring the level of students’ achievement of the results provided for by the educational program;

Assessing the compliance of the results of mastering educational programs with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Carrying out student self-assessment, assessment of his work by a teaching staff with the aim of possibly improving the educational process;

2.2. Current control is carried out by a teacher implementing the relevant part of the educational program.

2.3. The procedure, forms, frequency, and number of mandatory activities during ongoing monitoring of student progress are determined by the teaching staff, taking into account the educational program.

2.4. The results of current monitoring are recorded, as a rule, using a five-point system. The educational program may provide for a different scale for recording the results of mastering educational programs (for example, ten-point), and may also provide for recording a satisfactory or unsatisfactory assessment of the results of mastering educational programs without dividing into levels of mastery.

Current monitoring of the progress of first-grade students during the school year is carried out without recording student achievements in the form of grades on a five-point system; it is permissible to use only positive recording that does not differ by level.

2.5. The consequences of receiving an unsatisfactory result of the current monitoring of progress are determined by the teaching staff in accordance with the educational program, and may include additional work with the student, individualization of the content of the student’s educational activities, and other adjustments to the educational activities in relation to the student.

2.6 The results of current monitoring are recorded in documents (class registers and other established documents).

2.7. The progress of students studying according to an individual curriculum is subject to ongoing monitoring, taking into account the specifics of mastering the educational program provided for by the individual curriculum.

2.8. Teaching staff bring to the attention of parents (legal representatives) information about the results of ongoing monitoring of student progress both by filling out the required documents, including in electronic form (student diary, electronic diary), and at the request of parents (legal representatives) of students. Teaching staff, as part of their work with parents (legal representatives) of students, are required to comment on the results of ongoing monitoring of student progress orally. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to receive information about the results of ongoing monitoring of a student’s progress in writing in the form of an extract from the relevant documents, for which they must contact _____________________ (options: class teacher, secretary of the educational organization).

3. Contents and procedure for intermediate certification

3.1. The objectives of the intermediate certification are:

Objective determination of the actual level of mastering the educational program and achieving the results of mastering the educational program;

Correlation of this level with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Assessment of the achievements of a particular student, allowing to identify gaps in his or her mastery of the educational program and take into account the individual needs of the student in carrying out educational activities,

Assessment of the dynamics of individual educational achievements, progress in achieving the planned results of mastering the educational program

3.2. Interim certification in the Organization is carried out on the basis of the principles of objectivity and impartiality. Evaluation of the results of students' mastery of educational programs is carried out depending on the results achieved by the student and cannot be made dependent on the form of education, form of training, the fact of using paid additional educational services and other similar circumstances.

3.3. The forms of intermediate certification are:

A written test is a student’s written response to one or a system of questions (tasks). Written answers include: homework, test, laboratory, practical, test, creative work; written reports of observations; written answers to test questions; essays, presentations, dictations, abstracts and more;

Oral test - a student’s oral response to one or a system of questions in the form of answers to tickets, conversations, interviews, and more;

Combined inspection - a combination of written and oral forms of inspection.

Other forms of intermediate certification may be provided for in the educational program.

In cases provided for by the educational program, the completion of those other tasks, projects during educational activities, the results of participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, and other similar events can be taken into account as the results of intermediate certification. The educational program may provide for a cumulative point system for assessing the student’s performance results.

3.4. The results of intermediate certification are recorded, as a rule, using a five-point system. The educational program may provide for a different scale for recording the results of intermediate certification (for example, ten points), and may also provide for recording a satisfactory or unsatisfactory result of the intermediate certification without dividing into levels.

3.5. If a student misses, for good reason, more than half of the instructional time allotted for studying an academic subject, course, discipline, or module, the student has the right to postpone the interim assessment. The new deadline for the intermediate certification is determined by the Organization taking into account the curriculum, individual curriculum based on the application of the student (his parents, legal representatives).

3.6. Teaching staff bring to the attention of parents (legal representatives) information about the results of interim certification of students both by filling out the required documents, including in electronic form (student diary, electronic diary), and at the request of parents (legal representatives) of students. Teaching staff, as part of their work with parents (legal representatives) of students, are required to comment on the results of the intermediate certification of students orally. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to receive information about the results of the student’s interim certification in writing in the form of an extract from the relevant documents, for which they must contact _____________________ (options: class teacher, secretary of the educational organization).

3.7 Features of the timing and procedure for conducting intermediate certification can be established by the Organization for the following categories of students upon application from students (their legal representatives):

Traveling to training camps, school Olympiads, Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps and other similar events;

Those leaving for permanent residence abroad;

– for other students by decision…. (teaching council or other body).

3.8. For students studying under an individual curriculum, the timing and procedure for intermediate certification are determined by the individual curriculum.

3.9 The results of the intermediate certification are discussed at meetings of methodological associations and the pedagogical council of the Organization.

4. The procedure for transferring students to the next grade

4.1. Students who have fully mastered the relevant part of the educational program are transferred to the next grade.

4.2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

4.3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt.

4.4. The organization creates conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensures control over the timeliness of its elimination.

4.5. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the Organization, within the period established by this paragraph from the moment of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness or maternity leave.

Option 1

Students are required to eliminate academic debt within ___ (specify a specific period (no more than a year), for example, a month) from the moment it arises. This period does not include vacation time.

Option 2

Students are required to eliminate academic debt no later than ____________________ (specify a specific date).

4.6. To conduct intermediate certification when eliminating academic debt for the second time, the Organization creates a commission.

4.7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification.

4.8. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification for valid reasons or who have academic debt are conditionally transferred to the next grade.

4.9. Students in the Organization for educational programs of primary general, basic general education, secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are retained for re-education, transferred to study in adapted educational programs in in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum.

The organization informs the student’s parents about the need to make a decision on the organization of the student’s further education in writing.

5. Features of conducting intermediate certification of external students

5.1. Interim certification of external students is carried out in accordance with these regulations in the terms and in the forms provided for by the educational program, in the manner established by these regulations.

5.2. At the request of an external student, the educational organization has the right to set an individual deadline for conducting intermediate certification.

5.3. A citizen who wishes to undergo intermediate certification in an educational organization (his legal representatives) has the right to receive information about the timing, forms and procedure for conducting intermediate certification, as well as about the procedure for external enrollment in an educational organization.

5.4. A citizen who wishes to undergo intermediate certification (his legal representatives) must submit an application for enrollment as an external student in an educational organization no later than __________ (options: two weeks, five working days, a month) before the start of the corresponding intermediate certification. Otherwise, the citizen is not allowed to conduct intermediate certification within the specified period, except for the case provided for in paragraph 5.2 of these regulations.


on the current monitoring of the progress of students of the MBOU "Gultyaevskaya Secondary School"


1.1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, federal state educational standards, the Charter of the institution and regulate the content and procedure for ongoing monitoring of the progress of school students.

1.2. These Regulations are adopted by the Council of the institution, which has the right to make its own changes and additions to it.

1.3. This “Regulation on the ongoing monitoring of student progress” is a local act of the school, regulating the order, frequency, assessment system and forms of ongoing monitoring of student progress.

1.4. The goals of ongoing monitoring of student progress are:

A) establishing the actual level of theoretical knowledge of students in the subjects of the curriculum, their practical skills; correlation of this level with the requirements of the level of the state educational standard;

B) control over the implementation of educational programs and the calendar-thematic schedule for studying academic subjects.

The main principle of organizing ongoing monitoring of academic performance, determined by a systematic approach to the problem of assessing knowledge, is the complexity of the use of various types of monitoring, distributed over time and across the disciplines studied.

Types of current control

When studying an academic discipline, various types of ongoing monitoring of students’ knowledge may be provided:

2.1.1. Oral survey - control carried out after studying the material on one or more topics (sections) of the discipline in the form of answers to questions and discussions of situations;

2.1.3. Combined survey - control involving the simultaneous use of oral and written forms of knowledge assessment on one or more topics;

2.1.4. Protection and presentation of homework - control of knowledge on individual or group homework in order to verify the correctness of their completion, the ability to summarize the material covered and publicly present it, to trace the logical connection between the topics of the course;

2.1.5. Discussions, trainings, round tables - group servicing of problematic issues that allow you to demonstrate independent thinking skills and the ability to make decisions;

2.1.6. Tests are a set of tasks of a certain form (open, closed, combined), allowing to objectively and qualitatively evaluate the educational achievements of students.

2.1.7. Other types of current monitoring of knowledge are also possible, which are determined by teachers in agreement with methodological associations of teaching staff.

Organization and conduct of ongoing monitoring of student progress

Current monitoring of students' progress is carried out independently by the teacher leading the lesson. The forms of ongoing monitoring of progress are determined by the teacher, taking into account the types of training sessions in the discipline provided for by the calendar and thematic planning.

At the beginning of the school year, the teacher, at his own discretion, conducts an incoming test of students’ knowledge acquired at the previous stage of training and necessary for the successful mastery of a new discipline within the established time frame.

The teacher carrying out ongoing monitoring of progress is obliged to bring to the attention of students the criteria for their certification as part of the ongoing monitoring of progress during the first lesson.

Under no circumstances can participation in the work of a scientific society of students, the availability of a textbook, the acquisition of certain literature by a student, the attendance of additional paid or free classes, as well as the fulfillment of other requirements not determined by the needs of the process, serve as a condition for certification of a student in a discipline within the framework of ongoing progress monitoring mastering the course program or contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the School Charter, these Regulations or other regulatory documentation.

Current monitoring data should be used by the administration of the institution, methodological associations of teaching staff and teachers to ensure rhythmic educational work of students, instill in them the ability to clearly organize their work, timely identify those lagging behind and assist them in studying educational material, to organize individual creative lessons with the most prepared students, as well as to improve the methods of teaching academic disciplines.

IV. Student performance assessment system

4.1. Current monitoring of students' progress is carried out by teachers using a five-point system (minimum score 1 “unit”, maximum score 5 “excellent”), except for 1st grade (no-grade assessment).

4.2. The teacher, checking and evaluating the work (including tests), the students’ oral answers, the skills and abilities they have achieved, puts a grade in the class journal and the student’s diary.

4.3. A point system for assessing progress in mastering the curriculum is introduced from the second grade.

4.4. When determining the requirements for assessments in disciplines, it is proposed to be guided by the following:

4.4.1. A grade of 5 - “excellent” is deserved by a student who has demonstrated a comprehensive, systematic and deep knowledge of the program material, the ability to freely perform tasks provided by the curriculum, who has mastered the basic literature and is familiar with additional literature recommended by the program. As a rule, an “excellent” grade is given to students who have demonstrated creative abilities in understanding, presenting and using educational material;

4.4.2. A grade of 4 - “good” is earned by a student who has demonstrated complete knowledge of the program material, successfully completes the tasks provided in the program, and has mastered the basic literature recommended in the program. As a rule, a “good” grade is given to students who have demonstrated the systematic nature of knowledge in the discipline and are capable of independently replenishing and updating it in the course of further educational work;

4.4.3. A grade of 3 - “satisfactory” is deserved by a student who has demonstrated knowledge of the basic program material to the extent necessary for further study, copes with the tasks provided for by the program, and is familiar with the basic literature recommended by the program. As a rule, a “satisfactory” grade is given to students who made errors of an unprincipled nature while completing the tasks provided for in the program;

4.4.4. A grade of 2 - “unsatisfactory” is assigned to a student who has discovered gaps in the knowledge of the basic program material, or who has made fundamental errors in completing the tasks provided for in the program.

4.4.5. Grade 1 - “one” is given to the student in case of failure to master the curriculum.

4.5. To carry out ongoing monitoring of students’ knowledge, teaching staff use testing and measuring materials provided for in work programs, approved by the director of the educational institution, and meeting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

4.6. The subject of assessment of the educational activities of students in primary school is the expected results, which are determined by the goals of the main educational program of primary general education and constitute three groups of interrelated results: subject, meta-subject, personal results. Assessment of knowledge and educational achievements of 1st grade students consists of:

4.6.1. Individual observation of the student’s work: attentiveness when explaining the material, activity and creative approach to work in the lesson, attitude to the study of this or that material and to learning in general;

4.6.2. Indicators of completeness and depth of assimilation of the material, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practical activities and non-standard situations. Indicators are assessed as follows: “clever”, “well done”, “you and I need to work, and everything will work out”, indicating errors and ways to correct them.

4.7. Taking into account the stated criteria and the specifics of specific disciplines, the teacher uses the requirements for assessing knowledge in disciplines, the mastery of which is associated primarily with the formation of practical skills.

V. Current monitoring of student progress by the administration

5.1. Current monitoring of progress can also be carried out at the initiative of the school administration. Conducting ongoing monitoring of academic performance by the administration does not cancel the ongoing monitoring of academic performance carried out by the teacher as part of the implementation of calendar and thematic planning.

5.2. Forms of ongoing monitoring of academic performance by the administration are testing and administrative control work. Depending on the tasks at hand, ongoing monitoring of academic performance can be carried out in other forms that do not contradict current legislation.

5.3. Conducting ongoing monitoring of academic performance by the administration is announced by order of the director of the institution, indicating the forms and timing of its implementation.

5.4. During the academic quarter or half a year, deputy directors conduct an analysis and summarize the interim results of the current monitoring of student performance in order to discuss them at methodological associations of teachers, the Pedagogical Council of the institution and make the necessary management decisions, as well as draw up a forecast of academic results at the end of the academic quarter.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

"Secondary school No. 20 named after Hero of the Soviet Union F.K. Popov"

urban district "city of Yakutsk"


Director of MOBU Secondary School No. 20


U.A. Argunova

« »______________


on the forms, frequency, procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students

1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the forms, frequency, procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) has been developed in accordance with:

1.1.1. regulatory legal documents at the federal level:

– Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

– Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ;

– Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373;

– Federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897;

– Federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413;

– The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015;

– The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008;

– The procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32;

– Regulations on the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 20, 2013 No. 1082;

– SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions,” approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189;

1.1.3. legal documents and local regulations of the general education organization (hereinafter referred to as the OO):

– Charter of the PA;

– basic general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education;

– Regulations on the Governing Council and the Pedagogical Council of the public organization;

– Regulations on the system for assessing the educational achievements of students in educational institutions;

– Regulations on the internal system for assessing the quality of education in public organizations;

–Regulations on individual accounting of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs in educational institutions;

Regulations on intra-school control in educational institutions;

– Regulations on forms of education in public organizations;

– Regulations on the individual curriculum;

– Regulations on home education in educational institutions, etc.

1.2. This Regulation determines the forms, frequency, procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students in educational institutions, their transfer to the next class (level) based on the results of the academic year (mastery of the general education program of the previous level).

1.3. Current monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification are part of the system of intra-school monitoring of the quality of education in the direction of “quality of the educational process” and reflect the dynamics of individual educational achievements of students in accordance with the planned results of mastering the basic educational program at the appropriate level of general education.

1.4. The educational achievements of students are subject to ongoing monitoring of progress and mandatory intermediate certification only in subjects included in the curriculum of the class/group in which they are studying.

1.5. Current monitoring of student progress and intermediate certification of students is carried out by teaching staff in accordance with job responsibilities and local regulations of the educational institution.

1.6. The results obtained during the ongoing monitoring of progress and interim certification for the reporting period (academic year, half-year, quarter) are the documentary basis for drawing up the annual public report of the head on the results of the activities of the public organization, a self-examination report and are published on its official website in the prescribed manner with compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

1.7. The main consumers of information on the results of ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification are participants in educational relations: teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives), Governing and pedagogical councils, expert commissions during licensing and accreditation procedures, the founder.

1.8. The regulations on the forms, frequency, procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students in an educational institution are developed by the school’s pedagogical council, agreed with the representative bodies of students, parents, employees and approved by order of the head of the educational institution.

1.9. Changes and (or) additions may be made to these Regulations in accordance with the established procedure.

2. Current monitoring of student progress

2.1. The purpose of ongoing progress monitoring is to:

– determining the degree to which students have mastered the basic educational program of the appropriate level of general education during the academic year in all academic subjects, curriculum courses in all classes/groups;

– correction of work programs of academic subjects, courses, depending on the analysis of the pace, quality, features of mastering the material studied;

– prevention of academic failure;

2.2. Current monitoring of students' progress in educational institutions is carried out:

- lesson, dark;

– by academic quarters and half-years;

– in the form of: diagnostics (starting, intermediate, final); oral and written responses; project protection; etc.;

2.3. Frequency and forms of ongoing monitoring of student progress:

2.3.1. lesson and dark control:

– determined by OU teachers independently, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards of general education (by level of education), individual characteristics of students in the corresponding class/group, the content of the educational program, and the educational technologies used;

– indicated in the work program of academic subjects and courses.

2.3.2. for academic quarters and half-years is determined based on the results of ongoing monitoring of academic performance in the following order:

– in quarters – in grades 2-9 in subjects with a weekly load of more than 1 hour;

– in quarters – in grades 2-4 in subjects with a weekly load of 1 hour;

– by half-year – in grades 5–9 in subjects with a weekly load of 1 hour;

– by half-year – in grades 10–11 in all subjects;

2.4. Current monitoring of student progress:

2.4.1. in 1st grade the following is carried out:

– without recording educational results in the form of marks on a 5-point scale and uses only positive recording that does not differ by level;

2.4.2. in grades 2–11 the following is carried out:

– in the form of marks on a 5-point scale in academic subjects;

– without grade (“passed”) for training courses: “Your Health”, a special course on career guidance, elective courses in subjects.

2.4.3. for an oral answer, a mark is given by the teacher during the lesson and entered in the class journal and student’s diary;

2.4.4. for a written answer, a mark is given by the teacher in the class register in the manner determined by the Regulations on the system for assessing the educational achievements of students in educational institutions;

2.4.5. current control of students temporarily staying in sanatoriums, medical organizations (other organizations that do not have a license to carry out educational activities) is carried out in these educational institutions and the results obtained are taken into account when issuing quarterly/semi-annual marks;

2.4.6. conducting ongoing monitoring is not allowed immediately after a long absence from classes for a valid reason with an unsatisfactory grade;

2.4.7. The procedure for issuing marks based on the results of current control for a quarter/half year:

– for students who missed 2/3 (60%) of the study time for a good reason, confirmed by relevant documents, a mark for the quarter/semester is not given (it is recorded as “passed”). Current control of these students is carried out individually by the administration of the educational institution in accordance with the schedule agreed upon with the pedagogical council of the educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the students;

– students’ grades for a quarter/semester are set based on the results of ongoing progress monitoring, carried out in the dark/lesson class, 3 days before the start of the holidays or the start of the intermediate/final assessment;

2.4.8. in order to improve grades for a quarter/semester in grades 5–9 of educational institutions, preliminary issuance of grades for each subject of the curriculum is provided 2 weeks before the start of the holidays or the start of the intermediate/final certification;

2.4.9 current control within the framework of extracurricular activities is determined by its model, the form of organization of classes, and the characteristics of the chosen direction. Assessment of extracurricular achievements of students in educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on extracurricular activities

3. Interim certification of students

3.1. The purpose of the intermediate certification of students is to determine the degree to which they have mastered educational material in completed academic subjects, courses within the framework of mastering the main educational programs of general education (by level of general education) for the academic year.

3.2. Interim certification in OO:

3.2.1. Students who master the basic general education programs of primary general education, basic general education, and secondary general education in all forms of education are required to undergo; as well as students mastering educational programs of public education according to individual curricula, including those carrying out accelerated or other training, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student;

3.2.2. At the request of parents (legal representatives), students mastering basic general education programs may undergo:

3.3. Interim certification of students can be carried out in the form of:

– comprehensive control work;

– final test;

– written and oral examinations;

– testing;

– protection of an individual/group project;

– other forms determined by educational programs of educational institutions and (or) individual curricula.

3.4. The list of academic subjects and courses submitted for intermediate certification, their number and form of delivery are determined by the relevant curricula and are reviewed annually at a meeting of the pedagogical council, with subsequent approval by order of the head of the educational institution.

3.5. The procedure for conducting intermediate certification of students:

3.5.1. intermediate certification of students is carried out in the form of a final control once a year as control of mastery of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) and (or) educational program of the previous level, with the exception of 1st grade;

3.5.2. Based on the decision of the pedagogical council of the educational institution and these Regulations, students are allowed to undergo intermediate certification: those who have mastered the basic general education program of the appropriate level of general education; having one unsatisfactory grade in an academic subject or course;

3.5.3 Students are exempt from intermediate certification:

– for health reasons based on the conclusion of a medical organization;

– those who have mastered the basic general education programs of the appropriate level of general education individually at home, provided that they have positive marks in all academic subjects, courses, and curriculum;

– who have achieved outstanding success in studying academic subjects and curriculum courses (winners of subject Olympiads at the regional and federal levels);

3.5.4. Interim certification of students in educational institutions is carried out:

– in accordance with the schedule approved by the head of the public organization, 2 weeks before the event;

– an attestation commission of at least 3 people, including a representative of the administration of the educational institution, a subject teacher of a given class and an assistant from among the teachers of the same cycle, approved by order of the head of the educational institution;

– based on control and measurement materials that have undergone examination in the prescribed manner and approved by order of the manager in compliance with the confidentiality regime;

3.5.5. Students who become ill during the interim assessment period can:

– be transferred to the next class conditionally, with subsequent submission of academic debts;

– undergo intermediate certification within additional periods determined by the schedule of the educational process and intended for retaking academic debts;

– be exempt from certification on the basis of clause 3.5.3 of these Regulations.

3.6. Information about the intermediate certification (list of academic subjects, courses, form, timing and procedure) is communicated to students and their parents (legal representatives) at the end of the third quarter by posting it on an information stand in the lobby of the educational institution, study room, or on the official website of the educational institution.

3.7. Interim certification of external students is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by these Regulations (Section 7).

3.8. The procedure for using the results of students' mastery of academic subjects, courses, and additional educational programs in other organizations carrying out educational activities as the results of intermediate certification is determined by the relevant Regulations of the educational institution.

3.9. Interim certification as part of extracurricular activities is not provided for in the OO.

4. Results of intermediate certification of students

4.1. Students who have fully mastered the content of the educational program of general education (by level of education) of the current academic year, based on positive results, including the results of intermediate certification, are transferred to the next class (to the level of education).

4.2. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification, for valid reasons, or who have academic debt, are conditionally transferred to the next class.

4.3. Students who have academic debt in one subject at the end of the school year can be promoted to the next grade.

4.4. In order to implement the position of clauses 4.2, 4.3. of this Regulation:

4.4.1. valid reasons are:

– illness of the student, confirmed by an appropriate medical certificate from a medical organization;

– tragic family circumstances;

– force majeure circumstances determined in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

4.4.2. academic debt is unsatisfactory results of intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons;

4.4.3. conditional transfer to the next class is the transfer of students who have not passed the intermediate certification for valid reasons or who have academic debt, with the obligatory liquidation of academic debt within a specified time frame.

5. Elimination of academic debt by students

5.1. Rights and obligations of participants in educational relations to eliminate academic debt:

5.1.1. students are required to eliminate academic debt in academic subjects and courses of the previous academic year within the time limits established by the order of the head of the educational institution;

5.1.2. students have the right:

– pass intermediate certification in relevant academic subjects and courses no more than two times within one year from the date of academic debt, not including the student’s illness and (or) other valid reasons;

– receive advice on academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules);

– receive information about the terms and dates of work of commissions for submitting academic debts;

– receive help from an educational psychologist;

5.1.3. When organizing and conducting intermediate certification of students, a general education organization is obliged to:

– create conditions for students to eliminate academic debts;

– ensure control over the timeliness of liquidation of academic debts;

– create a commission to carry out the delivery of academic debts (intermediate certification of students for the second time);

5.1.4. Parents (legal representatives) of students are obliged to:

– create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt;

– ensure control over the timely elimination of academic debt by students;

– be responsible for eliminating student academic debt during the next academic year;

5.1.5. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, a corresponding commission is created in the PA:

– the commission is formed on a subject-by-subject basis;

– the composition of the subject commission is determined by the head of the public organization (or structural unit (subject methodological association, department) in the amount of at least 3 people;

– the composition of the commission is approved by order of the head of the public organization;

5.1.6. the decision of the subject commission is formalized in the protocol for accepting the intermediate certification of students in an academic subject, course, discipline (module);

5.1.7. Students who have not eliminated academic debt within a year from the date of formation of academic debt in general education programs of the corresponding level of general education, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of an application, may be:

– left for repeated training;

– transferred to training in adapted basic educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

– transferred to training according to an individual curriculum (within the limits of the educational program being mastered) in the manner established by the Regulations on the individual educational plan of an educational institution;

6. Re-training of students due to non-certification

6.1. Students may be retained for repeated studies at the request of their parents (legal representatives) only if they have academic debts that have not been liquidated within the prescribed time frame, and not on the basis of:

– opinions of parents (legal representatives) that the child has not mastered the curriculum in an academic subject/part of an educational program/educational program due to a large number of missed lessons/days;

– missing lessons/days for a valid or unexcused reason.

6.2. 1st grade students may be retained for a repeat year of study:

– with the consent of parents (legal representatives) in accordance with the reasoned conclusion of the educational council of the educational institution about the student’s failure to master the 1st grade program.

7. Interim certification of external students

7.1. Students who are mastering the basic general education program of the appropriate level of general education in the form of self-education, family education, or who have studied in an educational program that does not have state accreditation, have the right to undergo external intermediate certification in an educational institution.

7.2. External students, when passing intermediate certification, enjoy the academic rights of students in the corresponding general education program.

7.4. Enrollment of an external student for intermediate certification is carried out by order of the head of the public organization based on the application of his parents (legal representatives) in the manner prescribed by federal legislation. The procedure for enrolling an external student to undergo intermediate certification is necessarily preceded by the procedure for familiarizing his parents (legal representatives) with these Regulations.

Upon completion of the intermediate certification, the external student is expelled from the educational organization by the appropriate order of the head of the educational organization.

7.5. A general education organization provides externs free of charge with textbooks, teaching aids, and other teaching aids from the library fund of the public organization for the duration of the intermediate certification, subject to written consent with the Rules for the use of the library fund of the public organization.

7.6. At the request of the parents (legal representatives), the external student can be provided free of charge with the help of a teacher-psychologist from an educational institution.

7.7. Interim certification of external students in an educational institution is carried out:

– in accordance with the schedule/schedule approved by the head of the public organization 10 days before the event;

– a subject commission of at least 3 people, the composition of which is determined by the subject methodological association;

– the subject commission is approved by order of the head of the public organization.

7.8. The progress and results of the interim certification of the external student are documented in the appropriate protocol, which is maintained by the secretary of the specified commission.

The protocol is signed by all members of the subject commission for the intermediate certification, its contents are brought to the attention of the external student and his parents (legal representatives) against signature.

7.9. The external student has the right to challenge the results of the interim certification conducted by the relevant commission of the PA in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.10. Based on the protocol for the intermediate certification, the external student is issued a document (certificate) in the form established by the educational institution on the results of passing the intermediate certification in the general education program of the appropriate level for the period or course.

7.11. In case of unsatisfactory results in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the general education program of the appropriate level, obtained by an external student during an intermediate certification, the external student has the right to retake it in the manner established by clause 5.1.2. of this Regulation.

7.12. Externs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame may be accepted to continue their studies at an educational institution in accordance with the Admission Procedure established by federal legislation if there are free places to continue their studies.

7.13. If, when an external student passes intermediate certification, none of the disciplines submitted for intermediate certification was assessed positively by the certification commission and academic debts were not eliminated within the appropriate time frame, the head of the educational institution reports this fact to the Department of Education of the city of Yakutsk in accordance with the norms of the Family Code RF dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ.

8. The procedure for making changes and (or) additions to the Regulations

8.1. The initiative to make changes and (or) additions to these Regulations may come from the Pedagogical Council, students, parents, or the administration of the public organization.

8.2. Changes and (or) additions to these Regulations are subject to open public discussion at meetings of the Pedagogical Council and those specified in clause 8.1. representative bodies.

8.3. Changes to these Regulations are made if they are approved by the bodies specified in clause 8.1., and are approved by order of the head of the PA.

8.4. The changes made come into force from the academic year following the year the decision to make the changes was made.

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