Understand independent person. Independent

a synonym for the word freedom, an absolute-relative concept that represents a very definite value for a person, a people. At the same time, falling under the influence of culture, civilization, state, media, advertising, etc., a person completely loses his independence.... The price for peace of mind is the loss of independence - a step towards totalitarianism, but this is the vector of movement of humanity.. .. In terms of vague concepts such as freedom, dignity, etc., it is of interest for the theory and practice of managing large masses of people. The idea of ​​independence makes it possible, under the guise of a struggle for freedom and independence, to completely deprive people of it.

Associative block.

To act independently is to demonstrate your own stupidity and, at a minimum, bad manners.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


category of being and cognition, meaning that objects and systems have their own beginning, not determined by their external environment and independent of the existence of other objects and systems. The presence of intrinsic value of objects and systems determines their specificity and forms a necessary condition for diversity in the world.

The idea of ​​independence played a significant role in the development of classical mechanics as the first natural science theory. Independence enters mechanics in the process of setting initial conditions: when analyzing the behavior of a system (set) of bodies, the initial state of each of them does not depend on and is not determined by the states of other bodies. Thus, independence in mechanics expresses the very fact of the existence of objects and systems, regardless of the existence of other objects and systems. The origin of these entities is of no interest to the woman. Independently “emerged” objects and systems can interact with each other, they can be in very strict and uniquely defined relationships, but the very fact of their existence is independent of the existence of other similar objects. Independence understood in this way has very broad applications. For example, in logic and mathematics, ideas about the independence of axioms in formalized systems and independent variables in the structure of equations are introduced.

Significant transformations in ideas about independence occurred during the development of probabilistic research methods and during the discovery of the nature of statistical patterns. In mechanics, independence characterized only the very origin of objects, but the relationships between objects and their behavior were determined in a rigid, unambiguous way by the external environment, the external influences of other objects. The probability-theoretic view of existence means that even in their behavior, objects and systems do not entirely depend on external conditions and influences. Objects and systems are characterized by internal dynamics, internal degrees of freedom, which means that their behavior includes processes of self-determination.

Ideas about independence correlate with any area of ​​research, with any area of ​​existence. They play a huge role in the knowledge of living systems. Considering the problems of biocybernetics in connection with the fundamental works of I. I. Shmalhausen in this area, A. I. Berg and A. A. Lyapunov noted: “Independence is the same fundamental phenomenon of nature as the presence of interdependence” (Berg A. I ., Lyapunov A. A. Preface. - In the book: Shmlchgauzen I. I. Cybernetic issues of biology. Novosibirsk, 1968, p. 10).

Despite such a fundamental role of independence, it always manifests itself in conjunction with dependence, with the presence of diverse and stable connections in the real world. Absolutely independent entities cannot be known. The diversity of the real world is represented by an inexhaustible variety of systems that are formed due to the presence of stable relationships between their constituent elements. The formation of structures from some elements can be considered as a limitation of their independence. Ideas about individualized independent particles (objects) are very poor. Independence alone cannot generate diversity in the world. Structurally, independence manifests itself only in combination with dependence. Independence expresses the mobile, mobile principle of the world, and dependence - stable, unchanging. Independence expresses the alienation of objects and systems, and the action of dependence overcomes this alienation on the basis of revealing the deeper properties of these objects and systems. Real systems and objects represent specific forms of synthesis of independence and connectivity, specific forms of their organization. In the history of society, issues of political independence arose sharply. It was proclaimed that it is independence (sovereignty) in its fullest expression that represents a necessary prerequisite for the development of states, nations and regions. The idea of ​​independence contributed in many cases to the mobilization of internal forces and resources aimed at the development of the corresponding national-territorial entities. This idea often acquired such strength that it led to national liberation wars.

Incomplete definition ↓

In fact, independence, as we are accustomed to understanding it, does not exist in its pure form. Global cause-and-effect relationships make our world one, indivisible, interdependent. Therefore, this concept can be used only with certain reservations. Most often, the concept of independence is used in political life together with the words sovereignty, freedom, and equality, coveted for any national entity.

Political independence of the state is the right to independence, excluding subordination to anyone. The path to independence for many nations lay through wars and revolutions, strewn with countless human casualties. Despite the creation of international legal institutions (League of Nations - 1919, UN - 1945), when it became possible to resolve contradictions in the legal field, the struggle for the independence of individual states, autonomous entities and peoples is still very dramatic.

Every time a new state arises, when a colony renounces the metropolis, when an autonomous entity seeks secession, we are dealing with the recognition by the world community of a new subject of international law. In 1933, in Montevideo, the League of Nations adopted a Convention that listed 4 criteria for defining a state: a) permanent population, b) defined territory, c) presence of government, d) ability to enter into relations with other countries. In the matter of recognizing new entities, the UN is also guided by the doctrines of Estrada (Mexico's Foreign Minister), according to which only the establishment of diplomatic relations is sufficient for international recognition, and Tobar (Ecuador's Foreign Minister), recognition is unacceptable if the government came to power as a result of a military coup .

At the VII session of the UN General Assembly in 1952, resolution No. 637 “On the right of peoples and nations to self-determination” was adopted. It, in accordance with the UN Charter, enshrines the right to self-determination for non-self-governing and trust territories, and instructs the international community to respect and support this right. Moreover, each UN member state governing such territories undertakes to promote the practical implementation of this right.

Due to the powerful rise of the national liberation movement after the Second World War and the formation of a large number of independent states, as well as the growth of separatism, the practice of applying international law in this direction is constantly being improved (resolution 1514 (XV), 2625 (XXV). However, insoluble contradictions remain. For example, Article 2 of Resolution 1514 states “all peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of this right they freely establish their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development,” and Article 6 of the same document states “any attempt. ", aimed at partially or completely destroying the national unity and territorial integrity of the country, is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."

The independence of a state entity is proclaimed by the “Declaration of Independence” (in cases where a new state is proclaimed) or the “Constitution” (in cases where a subject of international law already exists). In both cases, these documents are adopted by a representative legislative body or popularly in a referendum.

The desire of peoples for independence gives rise to another mass phenomenon - separatism is the policy of separating part of the territory of a sovereign state with the aim of creating a new state or significantly expanding the rights of autonomy. In this case, separatism comes into conflict with the principle of inviolability of borders and territorial integrity. This often leads to many years of insoluble conflicts between different population groups. On the other hand, the reasons that give rise to separatist sentiments lie in the plane of gross violations of human rights and peoples, racial, ethnic and religious groups. International law in this case gives priority to human rights.

In 1975, the Comoros archipelago (a French colony since 1909) held a referendum and declared the creation of the independent Republic of Comoros. One island of the archipelago, Mayota, voted against and was in 2009. transformed into an overseas department of France.

The modern world is gripped by a wave of separatism; according to the UN, in 132 countries, political parties, religious denominations, national and ethnic movements raise issues of secession into an independent independent state in their programs.

Our planet resembles a large communal apartment, in which the residents either separate, dividing the room with a partition, or come together, removing walls, combining rooms; some live without registration, others rent out. Moreover, this process occurs constantly, for various reasons, and is often associated with scandals. And every resident falls asleep and wakes up with one dream - to gain independence!

Having gained political independence, new states very quickly lose it, falling primarily into financial dependence (IBRD, IMF, WTO, etc.), military dependence (NATO, Anzus, RSS, etc.) In a unipolar world, new states with weak economies find shelter under wing of the United States and this makes them obedient vassals in all spheres of social and political life.

To live, a person needs air, food, water, clothing and much more, without which it is impossible to live. But when we talk about a person’s independence, we mean not the conditioning of his existence by the needs of life, not the conditions of his existence, but his ability to translate his ideas into reality in the conditions in which he finds himself.

It is very important to understand what human independence is, not to confuse the necessary conditions of a person’s existence (conditions of life’s needs) with his creativity in these conditions, with the manifestation of his true destiny in these conditions. In other words, a person is born in order to translate his ideas into reality, and not in order to eat and drink, breathe, reproduce, dress, buy apartments and cars, and so on. But in order for a person to translate his ideas into reality, he must eat, drink, breathe, and so on.

Human independence is the ability of a person to translate his ideas into reality.

Speaking about the independence of love or the independence of a person, I am talking about the independence of the idea of ​​​​expressing oneself properly, in accordance with itself, and not about the nutritional needs of a living organism, if we are talking about a person, or the need for love in the ideal perception of each other, a man and a woman.

The conditions for the existence of an idea are part of the idea itself. Like a flower that grows in a pot of soil, it is not only the plant itself, but also everything that surrounds and nourishes it, this is everything thanks to which it grows. The earth in which a flower grows is also a flower, and the lighting is a flower, and the water with which a flower is watered is also a flower. Even a pot in which a flower grows is also a flower. And a good gardener is one who understands this and does not separate the flower from the pot, earth, light and water. Because all this is the conditions for the existence of a flower, all this is a flower.

The same applies to a person and his love. A person’s independence can and does manifest itself in any conditions, therefore a person is necessarily the conditions in which he arrives. And it is not correct to say that a person depends on his conditions. Man and conditions are one thing. And the food that a person eats is the same person, and the water that a person drinks, and the sun, and the air, and everything that a person needs in order to live, is also a person who takes all this into himself , for which all these are necessary conditions. Even the apartment in which a person lives is also a person.

Do you understand? That is why it is important for a person to choose a suitable apartment for himself. A person should choose an apartment for himself in the same way as a good florist selects a pot for a particular flower. And here everything is taken into account: dimensions and materials, and much more.

However, people take much more care of flowers than they do of themselves. They will not plant a flower in a huge pot until the flower has grown enough for a larger pot. And people can easily move themselves into huge apartments, without thinking about the incompatibility of themselves with such space. Yes, yes. For other people living in huge apartments, given their level of development, the best place is in a small room in a communal apartment.

The necessary conditions for human life may be different, but human creativity, that is, A person’s ability to translate his ideas into reality does not depend on them, but naturally and necessarily comes to them. There will be no necessary living conditions and the person will die. In no case should we call the necessary living conditions of a person the dependence of a person on these conditions. Vital conditions are part of the person himself, it is the person himself.

The same goes for love. If there are no necessary conditions for love to exist, there is no love. . The necessary conditions for love are love itself, or rather, this is a part of it that can be compared to the earth, in which only flowers and trees can live, because the earth is flowers and trees.

A person throws grain into the ground and thinks that there is a certain program in the grain that turns the grain into a plant, into a tree. No. The program is not only in the grain, not only in the seed, but also in the earth, and in the water, and in the light, and in the air. The seed contains only part of the program. And when all parts of the program come together, only then is the result possible.

Love, as an idea, is not completely and completely visible to a person. A person sees only that part of love to which he pays attention. In the same way, many people do not see anything in a rose other than an open bud, petals and thorns located on a long stem. But if the bud, stem, thorns and leaves are torn off from at least one thing: either from the earth, or from water, or from light, or from air, then it is no longer a rose. This is the corpse of a rose. A rose is only a rose when everything is together, when it is in the ground, and there is water, and there is light, and a certain temperature, and it has something to breathe, and much more. Only then is she alive. A bouquet of roses standing in a vase are not roses. Even if they are in water and the light falls on them, they are no longer roses. These are the corpses of roses. Do you understand?

It's the same with love. And what I call the conditions of love, namely, that two people, a man and a woman, mutually see their ideals in each other; ideals are an integral part of love. Independence of love is the ability of love to maintain such a relationship between a man and a woman in which they can see their ideals in each other. Remove the conditions of love and you will get dead love, that is, its corpse, incapable of anything and hung with corpses of flowers, like in a cemetery.

Today's time, the time in which we live, is a time of dead love. Love today seems to have been torn out of itself, from its vital environment and, at best, placed in a beautiful vase. A beautiful vase can be called sexual passion, material well-being, successful reproduction. But this is not love, but its corpse. This kind of love fades before our eyes. Probably p That’s why people give each other corpses of flowers, thereby symbolizing the love that they feel for each other, that is, dead love that is not capable of anything.

Love does not depend on its necessary conditions, love necessarily and naturally arrives in them, as in its part. And in order to keep your love alive, you should not deprive love of a necessary part of itself.

An alternative to conformity and negativism is to independently develop and defend your own position. Does not exclude the individual’s solidarity with the group, but not due to pressure, but on the basis of conscious agreement with it (-> collective self-determination).


1. The most general meaning is the state of variables in which there is no significant, relevant correlation or connection between them. In statistical terms, this is expressed by the statement that changes in one variable are not accompanied by significant changes in another. 2. In probability theory, a property of two events x and y in which the probability of the occurrence of x is not affected by the occurrence of y, and vice versa. For example, in a random table, each number is independent of all other numbers in that table. 3. In logic, a characteristic of a sentence whose truth is not related to the truth of other specific sentences. 4. An autonomous attitude in which a person is (relatively) free from the influence of the judgments, opinions or beliefs of others.


the desire to be insubordinate, independent. See Desire for Freedom.

He wanted to have his own money so as not to depend on his brother anymore. This was his deepest desire (A. Wolfert, Thacker's Gang).


indepedence) – 1. in statistics - a state of variables in which there is no relevant (significant) correlation, much less a causal connection between them. In statistical terms, this statement states: changes in one variable are not accompanied by systematic changes in another or other variables; 2. in probability theory, a property of two events (x and y) in which the probability of occurrence of “x” is not influenced by “y” and vice versa; 3. in logic – a characteristic of a sentence, the truth of which is not associated with the truth of other specific sentences; 4. in psychology - an autonomous attitude in which the individual is relatively free from the influence of the judgments, opinions or beliefs of other people. G. A. Murray defines autonomy as: “To resist influence or coercion. Disobey authority or seek freedom in a new place. Strive for independence." Synonym: Autonomy; 5 in sociology - the achievement of political and economic independence (or only the appearance of it) by a colonial country after the end of the period of colonial rule; 6. in general - a term used in different contexts and often without indicating in what specific way independence is manifested.


the ability and ability to act independently and be protected from outside pressure. N. characterizes various principles of constitutional law: sovereignty, separation of powers, legal status of individuals, status of judges. In terms of constitutional law, sovereignty is not from any other power within or outside the country; its bearer and the only source of state power in Russia is its multinational people. The separation of powers - the recognition of the legislative, executive and judicial powers as independent - means that, within the limits of their powers, each of them has the right to make decisions independently of the other two. N. as an aspect of the legal status of a person finds its expression in the content of a number of constitutional rights and freedoms, such as : privacy and personal integrity, prohibition of coercion. express your opinion or refuse it, enter into something. association or to remain in it, etc. Private property and other socio-economic rights guaranteed by the constitution are the material basis of the N. individual. At the same time, this N. is relative: a person cannot be absolutely independent from society, and as a citizen, from the state; he bears certain responsibilities to them. N. of judges - one of the most important principles of justice in a democratic society - is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.



adj., used compare often

Morphology: independent, independent, regardless, independent; more independent; adv. regardless

1. If you independent This means that you do not need anyone’s help or money and rely entirely on yourself.

At twenty-one he became completely independent and lived separately from his parents.

2. Independent they call a person who makes his own decisions and acts, acts as he needs.

She liked strong, independent men. |


He behaved emphatically independently. | Finally, Seryozha learned to think independently.

3. Behavior, appearance, etc. are called independent, if they show independence, no need to consult with other people, or turn to them for help.

He was a man of independent character and inner freedom. | He left with a proud and independent air. | He had a lively, independent mind.

4. The country is named independent, if it has its own government and is not ruled by another country.

5. The organization is called independent, if she manages her financial activities herself.

Now independent trade unions are being created in the country.

6. Investigation, examination, etc. are called independent, if they are carried out by people who are not associated with the situation in which they understand, and therefore must be fair; People who conduct such an investigation or examination are also called independent.

Experts insisted on conducting an independent international investigation. | Independent experts believe that the situation in the foreign exchange market is a crisis.

7. Independent They call things that are not related to something basic.

He was thinking about things independent of the conversation. | Engage in activities independent of direct responsibilities.

independence noun, and.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



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