Latest tickets for driving school by block. Exam tickets for traffic rules of categories C and D (SD) and subcategories C1, D1

Do you want to feel calm and confident during the traffic police exams? Is it important for you to pass the theory the first time? Then sit down and practice. If you solve one ticket every day, in a month and a half you will master the theoretical material. In the last couple of weeks, you will be able to repeat selectively difficult questions or solve those tickets in which many mistakes were made.

How to work with tickets on the site

Our service acts as a kind of simulator for preparing for the exam of drivers of categories C, C1, D and D1. It is best to exercise regularly. Daily practice will teach you to quickly and confidently answer questions in conditions similar to exam ones. Please note that the website contains current tickets, with the latest changes made annually by the traffic police. These are the tickets and questions that will be on the exam.

Before starting training, register on the site. Then your statistics and time counter will be visible in your personal account, and you will be able to select complex tickets and questions. Use different forms of work:

  • Study for exactly one hour today. Check how many tickets you can make.
  • Tomorrow, thoroughly sort out one ticket. Try to understand the logic of the question, consider the situation from different positions.
  • The next day, select 5 difficult tickets and solve them.

Before the exams, it will also be useful to refresh the material in your memory and go over the tickets again.

How the exam for categories C and D works

Now the theoretical exam is taken like this. The exam itself lasts 30 minutes. This is enough to gather your thoughts and answer 20 questions correctly. The result is evaluated as follows.

  • If you answered correctly, you passed the exam.
  • Make 1 mistake - you get 5 additional questions and 5 minutes of time. You can't make mistakes anymore!
  • I made 2 mistakes - in this case, options are possible. If questions are in different topic groups, the computer offers 10 questions and 10 additional minutes of time. There is no room for error. If both questions are in the same thematic group, the exam is considered failed.
  • If you made 3 or more mistakes, you failed the exam. You'll come next time, in a week. Fortunately, the number of attempts is unlimited.

Important: exam tickets on the website are updated regularly and now contain the “Five additional questions per error” mode.

What you need to know about training in categories C and D

Traditionally, training in categories C and D takes place in two stages, theory and practice. You can study them sequentially, or you can study them in parallel; you master the tickets and at the same time undergo practical classes. Do not forget to analyze the road situation while driving and look for similar cases in theoretical material. This way the material will be remembered better.

Question and answer

At what age can you get a license?

Licenses of categories C and C1 are issued to people who have reached the age of 18, and for categories D and D1 you can take exams and receive a mark on your license after reaching 21 years of age. There are exceptions here. Those who have served in the military and have experience driving Category D vehicles can take the test upon reaching their 19th birthday and completing a vocational training program. At the age of 21, all they have to do is confirm their right to drive a vehicle of this category.

How much does it cost to take the theory test?

The cost of the theoretical test: traffic rules exams are taken free of charge. You only need to pay the state fee, which is necessary to obtain a plastic driver’s license.

What documents need to be prepared?

To obtain category C and D licenses, you must submit a package of documents to the traffic police:

  • statement,
  • passport or equivalent document,
  • military ID (for those liable for military service),
  • receipt for payment of state duty,
  • document confirming training at a driving school,
  • medical certificate of the established form.

If you already have a driver's license, you must also present it. The new rights will include marks about all available categories.

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2019 traffic police exam tickets

Official traffic police exam cards 2019.

Tickets and comments are based on traffic rules
from December 21, 2018(applicable from December 4, 2018).

Examination tickets of traffic rules categories A, B, M are used to pass the theoretical part of the qualification exam in the traffic police. The preparation kit consists of 800 questions (40 tickets of 20 questions each).

To successfully pass the exam and obtain a driver's license from the traffic police, you must solve a ticket consisting of 20 random questions. In this case, you are allowed to make no more than two mistakes. For each mistake made, the examinee receives 5 additional questions. The maximum time for passing the theoretical exam is 20 minutes.

To pass exams for categories C, D, as well as subcategories C1 and D1, a separate kit is used:

As practice shows, passing the traffic rules exam is not difficult. Most drivers manage to solve the theory successfully the first time. However, for this it is necessary to resolve everything several times exam papers 2019 online. You can start learning right now. Just go to the top of the page.

New questions in 2018

During 2018, 35 questions from the ABM set and 36 questions from the CD set were updated.

New questions in 2017

In 2017, several changes were made to the traffic rules, based on which 15 questions in the AB set and 10 questions in the CD set were updated.

New questions for the traffic police exam from September 1, 2016

Since September 1, 2016, updated exam cards have been used for the traffic police exam. Most of the questions in them coincide with the questions from the previous edition of the tickets. However, there are 32 new questions, which you can find out about in the articles:

5 additional questions for a mistake in 2019

Starting from September 1, 2016, a new methodology will be used when passing exam tickets. For each mistake made in the main part of the exam, the driver candidate must answer 5 additional questions.

The "5 additional questions per error" mode is enabled by default. To disable it do the following:

  • Click on the "Menu" button with three horizontal bars at the top of the tickets.
  • Click on the "Settings" button.
  • Uncheck the box "5 questions per error mode".
  • Click on the "Save" button.
  • The new regime will take effect immediately after you open a new ticket.

If you wish, you can turn off the mode with additional questions and take the test according to the rules that were in force for the official exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate until September 1, 2016.

Traffic police exam from the website

On this page you can prepare for the traffic police qualification exam for free. We recommend using the following training plan:

  • Read the text carefully. Exam tickets are based on traffic rules, so you should not start studying before reading the rules.
  • Start solving exam questions in the "by topic" mode. Each topic corresponds to a specific section of the traffic rules or other regulatory document. In this case, it is recommended to set “Learning mode (easy)” in the settings.
  • Start solving 2019 tickets online. If you do not know the correct answer to a question, then do not try to guess. Each question is provided with a hint (the "hint" button at the bottom). Read the clue and choose the correct answer. There is nothing wrong with using hints during preparation. Just keep in mind that there will be no hints on the real traffic police exam.
  • After solving traffic police tickets you will have access to own statistics page. It contains information about all tickets that you tried to solve. Passed tickets have a green background, unpassed tickets have a red background. Tickets that you have not yet accessed have a transparent background. Go back to the tickets marked in red and solve them again.
  • Get started handing over tickets in knowledge test mode. To do this, reset the statistics and select “Knowledge test mode (medium)” in the settings. After that, solve all the tickets in order again. You will still have access to the tips, but it is not recommended to use them at the final stages of preparation.
  • If you wish, you can solve tickets in exam mode at the traffic police, which can be enabled in the settings. This is the most difficult mode. There are no hints available in it, and you will learn the results of answering questions only after completing the ticket completely.
  • Final stage - refresh your knowledge a couple of days before the traffic police exam. If you have enough time, then solve all the traffic rules exam papers 2019 again. If time is short, decide on multiple tickets of your choice. You can use hints to solve questions that you have forgotten. In the settings, it is recommended to select “Knowledge test mode (medium)”.

Stick to this plan and then the preparation will go without any problems. The record of preparation for passing the theoretical exam on traffic rules is 5 days. If you have a few free days, you can try to set your own record. Although in fact the main thing is not the speed of preparation, but its quality.

Attention! Don't try to cram the numbers of the correct answers or make cheat sheets. The real traffic police exam uses the same questions, but they appear in random order. So you won’t be able to get any benefits from cheat sheets.

Traffic rules marathon - 800 traffic rules questions 2019

The traffic rules marathon is a special mode that allows you to pass all 800 exam questions sequentially. You can enable this mode from the exam tickets menu:

Passing the exam in marathon mode has the following features:

  • A driver candidate must solve all 800 questions.
  • You are given 800 minutes (13 hours 20 minutes) to complete the exam.
  • To successfully pass the exam you need to make no more than 2 mistakes.

In practice, you can solve all 800 questions much faster. If you spend 3 minutes on each ticket, then all exam questions will be solved in 2 hours. So it’s quite possible to complete a marathon in 2-3 hours.

Solving the marathon online allows you to repeat all the questions the evening before the exam.

Passing the exam in the “Marathon” mode is quite difficult, but if you managed to do this, then you are perfectly prepared to pass the theory at the State Traffic Inspectorate!

100 most difficult questions in the traffic rules exam in 2019

The "100 most difficult questions" mode contains questions in which driver candidates most often make mistakes.

Difficult questions are selected according to the following scheme:

  • For each question, the number of errors made in that question is counted.
  • The number of errors is divided by the total number of answers to this question. This is the so-called rating.
  • In the "100 difficult questions" mode, 100 questions with the highest rating are selected, i.e. highest percentage of errors. These questions are displayed in random order.
  • Questions for the “100 easiest questions” mode are selected in the same way. The only difference is that the questions with the lowest rating are selected.

You can launch the “100 difficult” and “100 easy” modes from the exam tickets menu:

Preparation for the qualification exam in the traffic police

The traffic police qualification exam consists of three parts:

  • Theoretical part.
  • The circuit is the practical part.
  • The city is the practical part.

You can prepare for the theory test online directly on this page. Initial preparation for the race track can also be done online. To do this, I recommend that you read the series of articles "". As for the city, you can find tips on renting in the article "".

If you want to receive exam tickets in printed form, you can download the printable file here:

Examination module for the website

If you want to install the exam cards module on your website, then use the following html code:

This code can be installed on any html page. The recommended width for installing the module is 620 pixels.

After installing the code, your site will receive:

  • A complete module for passing the exam.
  • Both sets of tickets (ABM and CD) will be available for the solution.
  • All functions, including solving tickets by topic, student statistics, and recording record scores.
  • The ticket module is updated automatically and does not require additional actions. Therefore, the tickets on your website will always correspond to the tickets on.
  • Tickets will work on any website and do not impose additional technical requirements on hosting. Data processing is carried out on our server, so the module will not slow down your site.

Just install the code above and a useful section with traffic police exam tickets will appear on your website. Installing and using the module free.

Good luck on your exams!

Only passenger cars with trailers are included in a separate group.

In short, the speeds are the same for trucks and trucks with trailers. The limit is 90 km/h on motorways and 70 km/h on other roads.

Good luck on the roads!

Why is the bus prohibited from moving? The traffic controller extended his right hand, and the bus turns left

- - - - - - - - -

Ticket 10 question 6

Inna, the bus can continue moving. Why do you think it is prohibited?


Good afternoon

There is an error in your prompt

“However, you did not take the extreme left position on the roadway, so you are prohibited from turning left and making a U-turn.”

Judging by the picture, we took the extreme RIGHT position

- - - - - - - - -

Ticket 7 question 6

Alexey, Hello.

The phrases “did not occupy the far left” and “occupied the far RIGHT” do not contradict each other. What exactly do you see as an error?

Do our paths intersect when we turn? He goes into the far right lane, and without interfering with his trajectory, I make a U-turn. Why should I give in to him when turning?

- - - - - - - - -

Ticket 30 question 13

Boris, if a collision occurs while making a turn, then the person turning will be to blame for the accident.

You must yield when turning because... this is required by 13.4 traffic rules.

Good luck on your exams!


Hello. Question: the question says whether it is possible to park a TRUCK in a parking lot in this way. And the hint states that using this method you can park a PASSENGER car, a motorcycle... Moreover, it is on the sidewalk, and not on the roadway near the sidewalk. But the answer is completely different. Please clarify. Thank you.

- - - - - - - - -

Ticket 22 question 12


Read the question correctly, and the rest is written in the hint. There is no word "parking" there. There is the word “stop”, that is, for no more than 5 minutes, etc.


Thanks for the quick reply! Yes, I didn’t read the question and the hint carefully.


Hello. What is the point of installing this sign BEHIND the intersection if its effect only extends to the next intersection? Then you don’t have to install it there at all, because in any case, at the next intersection you can go in all directions...

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Ticket 35 question 2


Is it possible to pass a truck on the RIGHT through a solid marking line? After all, I can’t drive very close to it and then drive around it.

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Ticket 37 question 10


35-2: This image on tickets is drawn solely to test the knowledge of drivers. It makes no sense to install a sign in this form. In practice, such a sign is installed if between intersections there are left turns into courtyards that need to be prohibited.

37-10: By ticket. You can’t change lanes through a continuous lane; you need to drive between it and the truck. There's enough space there.

If such a situation arises in practice, it is better to stop and wait until the truck leaves the intersection.

Good luck on the roads!


The driver of the Truck did not violate the parking rules; sign 6.4 together with plate 8.6.4-8.6.5 do not prohibit parking of trucks

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Ticket 5 question 4


Why did the motorcycle driver not violate if the distance from him to the marking line remains less than 3 meters?

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Ticket 3 question 12


Because there is not a continuous marking line there. Read the traffic rules.


What's unclear about it? Because there is a sign saying “STOPING IS PROHIBITED” and the sign informs before and after the sign. This sign never allowed stopping, neither for up to 5 minutes nor for more than 5 minutes.

for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;

for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm. - what kind of equipment is this

Ticket 2 question 18

I passed! thanks for the help!

Anna, Congratulations!

Good luck on the roads!


Good evening!

Based on what provisions of the traffic rules (specifically No.), we turn on the right turn signal when entering a roundabout intersection, and when driving in a circle, we keep the left turn signal on?

Sincerely, V.V.

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Ticket 10 question 7


Is it not sufficiently explained in the “hint” section of the ticket itself? Clause 8.1 of the traffic rules. Just not “upon entry” but “before entry”.


Based on what provisions of the traffic rules (specifically No.), when entering a roundabout intersection, we turn on the right turn signal

At a classic (or standard - according to configuration) intersection with a roundabout, entry and exit are connected with turn right. Accordingly, it is necessary to take the extreme right position in advance (and not necessarily when entering) - clause 8.5 of the traffic rules and turn on the right turn signal - clause 8.1 of the traffic rules.

When driving in a circle, do we keep the left turn signal on?

And if there is a 3-lane roadway, then how can I warn other road users that I am changing lanes to the left lane, moving in a circle?

Again, at a standard intersection with a road junction, circling is not associated with a change in direction. Although we move to the left in a circle, we remain on the same roadway. Therefore, it is believed that when we move in a circle, we move straight. Accordingly, it is not necessary to occupy the leftmost lane in advance and a left turn signal is not needed.

When driving around the ring, turn on the turn signals when changing lanes- appropriate direction.

In conclusion, I note that not all roundabouts are standard in configuration (as in the ticket issue).

Based on what provisions of the traffic rules (specifically No.), when entering a roundabout intersection, we turn on the right direction indicator, and, When driving in a circle, keep the left turn signal on?

Vladimir Where did you get this information from?


The driver of the car violated the stopping rule. But the motorcyclist also violated the distance from the dividing strip to the motorcycle less than 3 meters. Why does the hint say he didn't violate???

- - - - - - - - -

Ticket 3 question 12


Because I didn’t violate it, since marking 1.11 is not a dividing line.

Read the definition of what it is dividing strip:

""Dividing strip" is a road element, allocated structurally and (or) using markings 1.2, separating adjacent roadways, as well as the roadway and tram tracks and not intended for the movement and stopping of vehicles."

Horizontal markings:

"1.11. - separates traffic flows of opposite or similar directions on sections of roads where changing lanes is allowed only from one lane; indicates places where it is necessary to allow traffic only from the side of the broken line (at places of turn, entry and exit from the adjacent territory);"

“Line 1.11 is allowed to be crossed from the side of the broken line, as well as from the side of the solid line, but only when overtaking or detour is completed.”

And paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules:

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

in places where the distance between solid line marking(except for marking the edge of the roadway), a dividing strip or the opposite edge of the roadway and a stopped vehicle less than 3 m;


I DO NOT agree, on ticket 11 the correct answer is A and D

- - - - - - - - -

Ticket 11 question 19


Ticket 11 question 19

The G position actually, of course, also provides blocking, but worse.

The rear wheels, of course, will hit the curb, but tangentially, that is, unreliably.

So, of the available answer options, the best is still A and B. There, the wheels will immediately climb onto the curb, and at a good angle, not slipping.

Option B: the front wheels are higher than the rear wheels on a climb, because of this they are unloaded and create less resistance when trying to climb onto the curb. At the moment the wheel hits the curb, the body receives a torque, which further unloads the wheel. Generally speaking, position B is the best for climbing on a high curb, if you suddenly need to do this. If the car still fits one wheel onto the curb, then there will be no more obstacles in its path, and it will roll to the middle of the road.

Online traffic rules exam 2016 year to obtain a driver's license of any category (A, B, C, D, M), it is carried out at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, after completing training at a driving school.

To pass the exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate of completion of a driving school;
  • old driver's license (if you have one);
  • receipt of paid state duty;
  • application for passing the exam.

After checking all the documents, as well as whether you have unpaid fines (if any, you need to pay them), you will be informed of the place and time of the exam.

For successful passing traffic rules exam online 2016 You must answer 20 questions in 20 minutes and make no more than two mistakes. If you want to successfully pass the exam, you need to solve all the tickets at least twice, with the obligatory check of the correctness of the solution. The simulator on our website allows you to do this simply and easily. All tickets are presented here with the correct answers, and if you make an error, the program will give you the correct answer to the question posed. The exam is held as in the traffic police or traffic police.

Deciding tickets for change traffic rules exam online 2016 you increase your level of knowledge in the field of traffic rules, which you need on the roads when driving a car, for accident-free driving, as well as saving your money. Follow traffic rules and be careful on the roads.

I believe that all these pitfalls in questions only confuse people. The devil themselves will answer this question. I’m from Lugansk, I have a temporary residence permit and am waiting for Russian citizenship. Do I need to change my Ukrainian license to Russian? I only need to take the theory test? Can I, having cards B, C, without studying at a driving school, pass exams for category D? I want to pass category E, do I need a certificate of training for this? What exam should I take? Good afternoon, I have category “B”, I want to open category “A”, do I need to undergo additional training? Or is it enough to pass a medical examination and pass qualifying exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate? I was disqualified for a year and a half for driving while intoxicated. The deadline has expired. We need to retake the tickets. Do you also need to retake driving? Great service. Every day, and with the help of other programs, I pass 2-3 tickets, despite the age of 67 years. On the road, the only people that irritate me are those who deliberately violate traffic rules. A competent driver, when turning left from the far left lane to the far left, does not expect that he will be overtaken at a controlled intersection. At the roundabout, many people turn right from the left lane, but if I continue along the roundabout until the next exit.
Efimych25.12.2015 09:22
Question 12. The answer is incorrect. When passing a pedestrian in front of whom a car has stopped, you must also stop. You can continue driving only after making sure that there is no pedestrian at the crossing. The “correct” answer in ticket No. 15 does not say anything about stopping a vehicle passing a pedestrian crossing in front of which a car was stopping, blocking the view. It only says “making sure there are no pedestrians.” Question 10. The picture is incorrect: having given way to a motorcycle, and a truck is ahead of it, you calmly drive into the empty lanes of the intersection.
Gennady26.11.2015 14:36

Please enter your name


The fastest traffic rules tests

The online simulator offers all modes for training in categories AB and CD. Traffic tickets correspond to official tickets of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Please read the instructions

  • The module opens from the first question of the tab " Exam"Categories AB (A - motorcycles, B - cars). To select category CD (C - trucks, D - buses) press the corresponding CD button.
  • An active unanswered question is highlighted in gray (20 squares below). The correct answer on the card turns the square at the bottom and the card itself green. Incorrect - red. And an explanation appears with the correct answer to the points of the traffic rules.
  • F11 keyboard switches the browser into full-screen mode and eliminates scroll bars. The buttons are also active by clicking with the RIGHT mouse button. Pressing the RIGHT key on an answer cancels the automatic transition to the next question. Don't forget about the RIGHT mouse button. On smartphones and tablets, it is replaced by a longer press on the screen.
  • The current status panel looks something like this Exam - AB 39B 1B and means that the first question 39 of the AB category ticket is now displayed, the testing mode is "Exam". It is clickable: it collapses and expands the site header.
  • In " Exam"The passage time should not exceed 20 minutes. 2 mistakes are allowed on the main questions. For each mistake, 5 additional questions are added (searched randomly among the same topic). You cannot make mistakes on additional ones.
  • Button " Tickets"A list of 40 tickets opens. You can select a ticket by number and practice. Each ticket contains 20 questions.
  • Button " Questions"A list of 20 questions opens. You can select, for example, every 16th. The program will display 40 sixteenth questions from all tickets. Question numbers are tied to one or more traffic rules topics.
  • To study a specific topic, press the button " Topics" and select the one you are interested in from the drop-down list. If the category is selected " CD"then list" Topics" consists of one item and is displayed with the button " CD only", that is, questions are displayed" CD"uncategorized" AB".
  • Button " 100 " opens the 100 most difficult traffic rules questions according to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. Button " 800 " - This Marathon, that is, all 800 (40 x 20).
  • To avoid remembering the sequence, the questions are displayed in random order and the answers are mixed in the card itself.
  • Pressing the "Red button" opens the error correction mode (you can answer again), the number of errors is displayed as a number. If there are no errors, the button disappears. Inside In this mode, pressing the "Red button" with the RIGHT mouse button is forced will clear statistics.
  • After completion, the results of this mode are displayed: the number of correct answers, incorrect ones, and all together. As well as the total time to complete the test.

Changes from December 14, 2018

1. In ticket No. 7 (AB) has changed question No. 1: Can the owner of a motorcycle with a displacement of an internal combustion engine not exceeding 125 cm3 and a maximum power not exceeding 11 kW, transfer control of this vehicle in his presence to another person, having the appropriate insurance policy or printed information on paper concluding a corresponding compulsory insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document? 2. In tickets No. 7 (AB and CD) has changed answer to question No. 14: Allowed if you intend to make a turn or turn. 3. In tickets No. 9 (AB and CD) has changed answer to question No. 13: Allowed if you intend to make a turn or turn. 4. In ticket No. 12 (AB) has changed question No. 1: In what cases can the owner of a passenger car transfer control of this vehicle in his presence to another person, having the appropriate insurance policy or information printed on paper about the conclusion of the relevant compulsory insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document? 5. In ticket No. 12 (CD) has changed question No. 1: In what cases can the owner of a truck with a permissible maximum weight of more than 7.5 tons transfer control of this vehicle in his presence to another person, having the appropriate insurance policy or information printed on paper about the conclusion of the corresponding compulsory insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document ? 6. In ticket No. 16 (CD) has changed answer to question No. 17: The bus must have identification signs “Transportation of children” and yellow or orange flashing light is on. 7. Ticket number 20 (AB and CD) has changed question No. 1 and answers to him: What conditions are required for registration? documents on a road traffic accident (RTA) without the participation of authorized police officers
1. As a result of the interaction (collision) of two vehicles (including their trailers), damage is caused only to them.
2. Civil liability of vehicle owners is insured in accordance with the law.
3. The circumstances of harm in connection with damage to vehicles, the nature and list of visible damage are recorded in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance.
4. All listed conditions. 8. In tickets No. 27 (AB and CD) has changed question No. 1 and answers to it: If, as a result of a road traffic accident (RTA), damage was caused only to property, then, having previously recorded the position of vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects, traces and objects related to the accident, damage to vehicles, the driver involved to an accident:
1. Obliged to clear the roadway.
2. Obliged to clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is obstructed.
3. Has the right to vacate the roadway at his own discretion. 9. In ticket No. 27 (AB) has changed answer to question No. 3: Permitted only to vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting disabled people, including disabled children. 10. Ticket number 40 (AB and CD) has changed question No. 1: At the request of which persons it is necessary to submit for verification a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category or subcategory, an insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance or information printed on paper about the conclusion of a compulsory insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document, registration documents for the vehicle ? 11. In ticket No. 7 (CD) has changed answer to question No. 1: Only employees authorized officials Federal Service for Supervision of Transport.

Test results for registered participants

Lydia, DAKAR driving school    03/28/2019 at 14:55:21    AB   25th ticket  20    02:29

Lyudmila    03/28/2019 at 14:54:04    AB   Exam  20    02:06

Lydia, driving school DAKAR    03/28/2019 at 14:52:44    AB   24th ticket  20    02:00

Lyudmila    03/28/2019 at 14:51:54    AB     1    00:02

Lyudmila    03/28/2019 at 14:51:49    AB   Exam  24   1    03:41

Lydia, DAKAR driving school    03/28/2019 at 14:50:36    AB   23rd ticket  20    02:20

Lyudmila    03/28/2019 at 14:48:05    AB   Exam  20    01:30

Lydia, DAKAR driving school    03/28/2019 at 14:47:09    AB   22nd ticket  20    02:19

Lyudmila    03/28/2019 at 14:46:31    AB     1    

Tickets 2018 2019 category B, you can decide online on this page. I advise everyone who has a traffic rules test soon to get their hands on it. The easiest way to quickly master the rules of the road in order to successfully pass the test is to solve tasks online. This does not require installation of additional programs; all tickets are posted on our website.

In the presented version, you have the opportunity to choose 3 solution modes:

  • timed exam;
  • problems by numbers;
  • tickets by topic.

Traffic rules: exam tickets 2019

Before testing at the traffic police, I re-read the book with the rules 2 times in order to learn the basic information. Only after this did he begin to solve problems. I will share my instructions for studying and solving such tests, which is effective in my opinion.

  1. We choose a specific topic.
  2. We answer assignments only on this topic.
  3. You need to answer the question as quickly as possible. Usually a couple of days of painstaking work bears fruit.
  4. You must answer within 30 seconds because with good study, you only need to read the question and then you already know the correct answer.
  5. Don't forget that sometimes new questions are mixed into the whole deck of questions. It's confusing and requires extra time that you won't have. Therefore, try to answer immediately what you know.

There's a catch here. Personally, this happened to me. I read the question and knew the answer, but I was hasty in my choice. In the traffic rules exam papers, which I also solved online, the correct answer was 2nd. Naturally, I automatically clicked on the second item. Unfortunately, I got an error message. It turned out that in the exam the correct answer was changed to point 3. When I realized this it was too late. Now I'm warning you.

Traffic tickets 2019: solve the exam

All presented traffic tickets can be safely resolved, since they are from 2019. There is no need to be afraid that the information here is not up to date. Even if some questions have changed, then know the fact that there are times when, on the contrary, old questions are added in the office. And the essence of the rules is to learn to solve real problems that arise on the road. And sometimes there is no room for error.

You will not be able to select only questions for categories A, B or C and D from the proposed list. And I don’t see much point, because by choosing a category by topic, you can learn road signs automatically and only then work with other sections. You need to know well the same overtaking and oncoming traffic.

Plus, category A questions contain about 25% of tasks on signs and markings, since traffic police officers understand that when riding a scooter or motorcycle you need to know the basics. This will allow you to quickly learn how to drive around the city. Let the questions you will be asked during the exam be mostly basic, but when you pass the driving test you will need to show your mastery of the ability to drive around the city correctly. If you don’t have the necessary experience, I’ll tell you that the main thing is not to rush. The person taking the exam will appreciate this, and in difficult moments you will have more time to assess the situation in order to turn where you need to or park.

Passing the theoretical part of the exam papers for testing traffic rules in 2019 is as important as the practical part. If you fail the theory, no one will allow you to practice. However, you need to know the 2019 traffic rules theory tickets by heart not for the sake of the opportunity to get to the second round, but for the sake of yourself, your safety.

As practice has shown, ignorance of the rules can easily lead to dire consequences. That is why special attention should be paid to the theoretical part. To study the 2019 traffic rules exam tickets, you can use several proven methods:

  • purchase a textbook on traffic rules with comments and explanations;
  • use special computer programs;
  • study traffic tickets using online services.

You can download ready-made tickets from the Internet and study from them. It is also possible to purchase professional courses on CDs, where each situation is discussed in detail, examples are given, and common mistakes are discussed.

Online services are the most convenient and effective, especially since the traffic police exam is administered in the same mode. Such online testing of traffic rules tickets for 2019 has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the ability to endlessly repeat the material covered;
  • slowly sort out incomprehensible moments, find out the correct answers;
  • opportunity to get used to the testing regime;
  • assess your real capabilities;
  • navigate the time frame allotted for passing the test.

After several such classes, you can easily learn all the exam papers for passing the traffic rules for 2019. The online test gives you the opportunity to try to calculate the time correctly, so that during the real exam you can manage it rationally and answer all the questions without unnecessary fuss or haste. In addition, you will learn to focus and concentrate on completing a specific task.

How the exams work

Any testing always brings excitement and nerves. You should not treat the exam as something last in this life. Don't be nervous, don't worry. You can always retake it, even if you failed the first time. Take it easier, then the anxiety will go away on its own.

When taking the exam, the traffic police use traffic rules tickets for 2019, which consist of 800 questions. In automatic mode, you will be offered 20 of them at random. Each question has multiple answer options. You must select one option and enter its number into the computer.

The exam is considered passed if you answer 18 questions. If three errors are made, then the test is failed. You will have a second chance only after seven days.

Examination tickets for passing traffic rules for 2019, when taken online, consist of questions presented in 5 main groups:

  • Traffic Laws;
  • authorization of the vehicle for operation;
  • first aid;
  • basics of safe management;
  • criminal and administrative liability.

Most questions regarding tickets relate to traffic rules. However, most often, many students give incorrect answers specifically to questions about first aid or vehicle approval. If you also feel that your knowledge is “lame”, then special attention should be paid to studying tickets not only for the 2019 traffic rules, but also for other topics.

It should be remembered that when answering online questions about traffic rules tickets for 2019, you cannot give two or more marks. There should be only one answer. The questions may not be answered in order.

We recommend that you first answer those 2019 traffic tickets that you know the answers to. Then you can move on to more complex questions and think about them. This way you won’t waste time and will have time to complete the entire test. Testing time is limited by time frame. Typically it is 20 minutes for online testing and forty minutes for written answers.

You should definitely remember that when answering online exam papers for passing traffic rules for 2019, it is prohibited to use any reference materials, telephone numbers, cheat sheets, or other tips. If the examiner discovers or suspects you of doing so, he has every right to remove you from the exam.

It is also forbidden to talk with your neighbors at your desk, or look into someone else’s computer or exam paper. Naturally, you will be able to retake the exam, but you will receive closer attention from the committee members.

Rules for successful passing

In order to successfully pass the online exam and correctly solve traffic tickets for 2019 to obtain category “B”, you need to adhere to some rules. The most important thing is not to rush and not to be nervous.

Review all the questions first. This can be done by pressing the Spacebar. Seeing familiar questions to which you know the answers can help you calm down and not be nervous. Having gained psychological confidence in your abilities, you will be able to determine the most convenient order for answering questions without unnecessary fuss and haste.

First of all, for an online solution, choose tickets for passing the traffic rules for 2019 for category “B”, which contain pictures or diagrams. They are better perceived and easier to answer. Before answering such a question, carefully study its wording. It often happens that several question statements may be attached to the same picture.

If you find it difficult to answer any question, then move on to the next one. Don’t worry, at the end of the test the computer will return you to the unanswered question.

Tickets related to the topic of assistance, access to a vehicle, medical support, and security require knowledge of certain rules, regulations and standards. Please read the question carefully before answering them.

Often the answer lies right there. Or some of his phrases will help you remember the correct answer. Remember that answers to such questions must be clear and to the point. Don’t even try to “throw water” and answer in general phrases. This number will not work for you. The examiner will immediately understand that you are “floating” and, with a clear conscience, will assign you a re-examination.

The most important rule is not to rush to solve online tasks for your neighbors’ 2019 traffic tickets, and also to help them with the answers, no matter how much they beg or ask you. The probability of removal from the exam is 100%.

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