A large family affected by a fire needs help. Competition of smart guys

Question-answer game / Sedentary / Schoolchildren, Youth, Youth

You can play this interesting and educational game at school, college, club or just at home. It is better if two teams of 5-6 people are formed in advance, and they will compete with each other. The game can be played like the TV game "What? Where? When?" or “Lucky chance”, or you can do this: the leader asks the teams a question, the team that is first ready to answer gives the answer, if the answer is correct, the team gets one point. As a result, the team that scores the most points wins, it is awarded pre-prepared prizes, and its participants are awarded medals with the inscription “The Smartest.” Members of the losing team may receive incentive prizes.

1. In which work by A.S. Does Pushkin talk about political economy?
2. Could Pushkin and Gogol be photographed?
3. The Caucasus is below me. Alone on High
I'm standing above the snow at the edge of the rapids,
An eagle, rising from a distant peak,
Floats motionless along with me.
From now on I see birth streams
And the first movement of menacing collapses.
Here the clouds humbly walk beneath me,
Waterfalls rush through them,
Beneath them the cliffs are naked masses,
Below there is skinny moss, dry bushes,
And there are already groves, green canopies,
Where the birds chirp, where the deer gallop,
And there people nest in the mountains...
From what height above sea level does the poet A.S. Did Pushkin observe the picture he described in the poem “Caucasus”? Enter the approximate altitude in kilometers.
4. What shoe did Cinderella lose? Right or left?
5. We say: “The house burned down.” What is tlo?
6. Who and why introduced men's scarves into fashion?
7. What is better to wipe away the tears of a two-week-old baby: cotton wool, gauze or a clean handkerchief?
8. What is the name of a winding road in the mountains?
9. Can Carlson join NATO?
10. What did Faraday want to drink from what was brought to him on the tray: milk, coffee, juice, herbal tea or water, and what thought did he have related to the invention?
11. What thing did housewives borrow from the ancient pharaohs?
12. How many calories are in one glass of water?
1. In "Eugene Onegin": Onegin
... read Adam Smith
And there was a deep economy,
That is, he knew how to judge
How does the state get rich?
And how does he live, and why?
He doesn't need gold
When a simple product has.
2. The date of invention of photography is considered to be 1839. Pushkin died in 1837, Gogol died in 1852. Hence: Pushkin could not be photographed, but Gogol could.
3. The poet stood above the border of eternal snow. The average height of the snow line in the Caucasus is 2900 meters, it rises to 3500 meters on the northeastern slopes and drops to 2700 meters on the southwestern ones. Thus, the poet was approximately 3 kilometers above sea level.
4. In the time of Charles Perrault, shoes were simply “sharpened” to fit the foot. The shoes on the right and left feet were the same.
5. Usually the meaning of the expression "to the ground" is associated with the verb "to decay." In fact, "tlo" means foundation. Burn to the ground - burn to the ground.
6. American shepherds and cowboys to protect the face from dust.
7. A two-week-old baby does not cry.
8. Serpentine.
9. No, because Sweden is a neutral country.
10. Faraday drank tea with herbal additives and invented alloy steel (iron + additives).
11. Apron.
12. No calories.

G r a m o t e y

1. Competition of experts.

The facilitator, in turn, invites representatives of each team to draw questions from the bag. The question is read aloud. 20 seconds are given for discussion.

If a team cannot give the correct answer, the right to answer passes to the opponents.

For each complete correct answer 3 points

1. Words worthy And awarded awarded is it spelled with an E?

2. Prove that the word Ethiopian non-Russian origin.

Poker, shock, earring.

self-pole And himself drink your famous a couple of teas

walk with fur:


15. Read the sentence:


Correct answers:

1. Honored - short participle, the full form honored is formed from the verb to honor using the suffix - enn.

2. It starts with E, there is F, there is a confluence of vowels IO.

3. In the ancient Russian state, torture was used during the trial, the executioner beat the defendant with a whip. This whip was called a long whip. The testimony given by the accused in full and was considered true and authentic.

4. Poker - poker, shock-kopen, earring-earring..

5. One of the oldest Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic - received its name from the name Cyril, which was adopted by the Byzantine missionary, educator and preacher Constantine when he was tonsured as a monk. The Cyrillic alphabet is used in Bulgaria (Bulgarian language), Serbia (Serbian language), Ukraine (Ukrainian language), Belarus (Belarusian language)

6. Ignorant - a rude, ill-mannered person; an ignoramus is a poorly educated, uninformed person.

7. Sam-pole - six, Sam-seven - seven. A couple of teas. Tea in taverns was served in two porcelain teapots: a large one with boiling water and a small one with tea leaves.

8. Of four horses. Related word: square.

9. Firth is F. Walk with a ferrt - with your hands on your hips.

10. Two parts. Related word is dialogue.

11. One point is placed

12. Zdravitsa - a healthy toast, a wish, health resort - a resort, sanatorium where health is improved.

13 Kul, flax, park, spruce

14. Usually the meaning of the expression completely is associated with the verb to smolder. Tlo actually means “foundation.” Burn to the ground - burn to the ground.

15. The engineer’s daughter is older than the doctor’s son, because the word daughter is part of the subject and is an equal member, a participant in the action, and the doctor’s son is still small, his father took him to the skating rink.

16. Mono - one, single, unique.

Monologue is the speech of a character, mainly in a dramatic work.

A monograph is a scientific work that develops one topic, a limited range of issues.

Monolith is a solid block of stone, as well as a structure or part of it, carved from a single stone.

Monotonous - very monotonous in tone and intonation.

Captains competition

Captains receive sheets with tasks: to correctly emphasize and pronounce a given series of words. Learn to speak tongue twister quickly but clearly. It takes 3-4 minutes to complete. Captains are allowed to leave the classroom.

For correctly placed stress in one word - 1 point. Maximum 10 word points. For tongue twister, the highest score is 3 points.

Task for the first team:

Task for the second team:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Learn to quickly but clearly pronounce the tongue twister:

Task for the third team:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Pizzeria, contract, provision, exhaust, wholesale, pole (banner), encourage, dumbness, sign, college.

Learn to quickly but clearly pronounce the tongue twister:

Competition "Young proofreaders"

Team members receive sheets of paper with words written on them. Task: in one minute, correct the mistakes made in the words.






in Turkish

from nowhere










half the village



throughout the year

on the sly

If all errors are correctly found and corrected, the team receives 10 points. For each mistake - minus 1 point

Correct answers.







in Turkish

out of nowhere










half the village



throughout the year

on the sly

Checking the completion of tasks by captains.

Team captains take turns reading words with the correct, in their opinion, accent. Then they say tongue twisters. The jury, if necessary, corrects errors and gives marks.

“How is this in Russian...?”

The presenter reads English proverbs first in English, then a literal translation into Russian. The task of the team members is to name the Russian proverb that has the corresponding meaning.

The right to respond is given to the team that first raised its hand. For each correct answer 1 point.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Better is a sparrow in the hand than a rooster on the roof. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

The burnt child dreads the fire

Burnt child is afraid of fire

If you burn yourself on milk, you will blow on water.

Do not wash your dirty linen in public

Don't wash your dirty laundry in public

Don't wash dirty linen in public.

An hour in the morning worth two in the evening

One hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with flears

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.

Like father, like son.

Like father, like son

Like father like son.

A man is known by the company he keeps

A person is recognized by the company with which he is associated.

Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

Nothing seek, nothing find

When you don't look for anything, you won't find anything

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

One person is the same as not a single person

There is safety in numbers.

Too many cooks spoil the broth

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

When you're in Rome, do as the Romans do.

They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.

Score twice before you cut once

Count twice before cutting once.

Measure seven times, cut once.

Do you know phraseological units?

Teams receive sheets with phraseological units printed on them. Assignment: after discussing in teams for 2 minutes, write down its meaning next to each phraseological unit

List of phraseological units:

Get into trouble

With open visor

Scream at the top of Ivanovo

Wash your hands

doubting Thomas

From cover to cover

Achilles heel

Storm in a teacup

Correct Answers

Get into trouble

Undertaking something that is obviously risky and doomed to failure

With open visor

Honestly, openly, directly (to fight, oppose someone)

Scream at the top of Ivanovo

Scream loudly, deafeningly

Wash your hands

To distance yourself from something, to relieve yourself of responsibility for something.

doubting Thomas

A person who is difficult to get to believe anything.

From cover to cover

From start to finish, completely

Achilles heel

The weak, vulnerable side of something

Storm in a teacup

Big argument, noise, strong excitement over a minor issue, over trifles

Origin of some phraseological units:

Get into trouble. The outdated word rozhon means a sharpened stake (horned stake), which was used in bear hunting. The enraged animal went for the rampage - a wide knife, sharpened on both sides, on a long stick with a crossbar under the blade, which the bear itself grabbed onto.

With open visor. Visor - the front part of a knight's helmet, lowered onto the face

The visor could be raised and lowered. The most courageous knights fought with their visor open in battle or in a tournament.

Scream at the top of Ivanovo. Ivanovskaya is the name of the square in the Moscow Kremlin on which stands the Ivan the Great Bell Tower - the largest bell tower in Russia. It was from this that the square received the name Ivanovskaya. In this square, cries were sometimes announced, that is, decrees, orders and other documents concerning the residents of Moscow and the entire people of the Russian state were read. These decrees were read publicly, in a loud voice, throughout Ivanovskaya Square.

Wash your hands. Among some ancient peoples, judges and prosecutors performed a symbolic ritual as a sign of their impartiality: they washed their hands. Particular importance was attached to this ritual when the judge did not agree with the verdict. By washing his hands, he seemed to absolve himself of responsibility for the decision made. The ritual of washing hands is mentioned in the Bible. The expression “washing your hands” became widespread thanks to the Gospel, according to which Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, agreed to the execution of Jesus Christ, washed his hands in front of the crowd and said: “I am innocent of the blood of this Righteous One.”

Doubting Thomas. The expression came from the Gospel. One of the apostles, Thomas, when they told him about the resurrection of the crucified Christ, declared: “... unless I see the wounds of the nails in his hands, and put the finger of my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

Achilles heel. The expression dates back to ancient Greek mythology. Achilles is one of the bravest and strongest heroes. His mother, the sea goddess Thetis, dipped him into the waters of the sacred river Styx to make her son an invincible warrior. At the same time, she held the boy by the heel, which was not touched by the water. The heel remained the only vulnerable spot on Achilles' body. During the Trojan War, the god Apollo, angry with Achilles, directed Paris's arrow at Achilles' heel, for whom this wound became fatal.

While the teams are completing the task, a game is played with spectators.

The host says that fans can help their team win if they solve the charades correctly.

My beginning is a letter of the alphabet,

It always hisses angrily

The second ships are afraid

And they try to get around him,

And the whole thing flies and buzzes in the spring,

Then he will sit on a flower,

It will fly again.

Three letters float like clouds,

Two are visible on a man's face,

And the whole sometimes turns white

"In the blue sea fog"

Take the smallest three-digit number,

And name the letter next to it at the same time,

And you will receive one of the words,

Which is called a pile of hay.

My first syllable is on a tree,

My second syllable is a conjunction.

But in general I am matter

And I'm fit for a suit

Connect the preposition with the game -

And suddenly a miracle happens:

Egypt's famous flower

It will bloom before you

For each correct answer the team receives 3 points.

While the jury is summing up the results, teams have the opportunity to earn additional points. To do this, it is necessary to explain the origin of these phraseological units.

Who's faster?

The facilitator asks the teams to stand up and line up in the free space.

1st task: stand in such an order that the surnames of the participants are exactly in alphabetical order.

(Participants line up, the jury times the time). The team that completed the task raises its hands. The jury checks the correctness of the task.

All teams sit down, except one.

2. We called the next task -- live parsing.

The leader hands out pieces of paper to the team members with the following inscriptions: Subject, predicate, participial phrase, complement, etc. After this, they are asked to stand in the order in which the members of the sentence that the leader is reading are standing.

Task for the first team:

The following inscriptions are heard: subject, predicate, participial phrase, circumstance expressed by an adverb, addition expressed by a noun with a preposition.

A carriage loaded with huge bunches of violets rolled quietly down the street.

Task for the second team:

The following inscriptions are heard: Subject, predicate, homogeneous additions, homogeneous circumstances (modes of action), definition, time circumstance.

Large flower beds with gillyflowers and tobacco smelled strong and sweet in the twilight.

Task for the third team:

Cards are handed out with the following inscriptions: subject, predicate, adverbial phrase, object, circumstance.

A chain of camels slowly passes, ringing their bells.

Task for the fourth team:

The following inscriptions are heard: subject, predicate, addition, circumstance of the manner of action, homogeneous definitions, definition expressed by a pronoun.

A young, slender maple beautifully spread its branches.

The presenter reads the sentence twice. At the command of the leader, the participants line up. The inscriptions are held in hands so that they are visible to other teams and the jury.

The jury evaluates speed and correctness.

Maximum score 5 points.

Pantomime competition.

Teams receive proverbs. You have 30 seconds to prepare. Team members pantomime the proverb. The other teams guess. Artistry, resourcefulness, and invention are assessed. Maximum score 5 points.

Suggested proverbs:

A kind word also pleases the cat.

Jury table

Competition name


Competition of experts

3 points for a correct complete answer

Captains competition

Each correct stress 1 point; (total 10 words), tongue twister maximum 3 points

Young proofreaders

All words are correct = 10 points, for each error minus 1 point

How is this in Russian?

1 point for correct answer

Do you know phraseological units

Playing with spectators

3 points for the correct answer

Who's faster?

Pantomime competition

Task for the first team:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Alphabet, spoiled, hyphen, dollar, quarter, kitchen, meager, orphans, statue, phenomenon.

Learn to quickly but clearly pronounce the tongue twister: Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack

Task for the second team:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Pamper, cork, flounder, pantry, intention, carpenter, beets, condolences, petition, cement.

Learn to quickly but clearly pronounce the tongue twister: The emotional Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Vavila.

Task for the third team:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Catalog, flint, mine, concentration, sorrel, prettier, management, newborn, costumed, deepen.

Learn to pronounce tongue twister quickly but clearly:In the shallows we lazily caught burbot and exchanged the burbot for tench.

Task for the fourth team:

Correctly place emphasis in words:

Pizzeria, contract, provision, exhaust, wholesale, pole (banner), encourage, dumbness, sign, college.

Learn to quickly but clearly pronounce the tongue twister: Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. An eagle under a feather, a mountain under an eagle.

1. Words worthy And awarded have the same root, they are related. Why the word awarded is it spelled with an E?

9. Remember the ancient name of one of the Russian letters and tell me what the literal meaning of the expression is walk with fur:

2. Prove that the word Ethiopian non-Russian origin.

10. How many parts are there in a duology novel? What word do you know well that will help answer this question?

3. Why is the adjective authentic written with two letters H?

11. How many dots will you put at the end of the sentence if it ends with the abbreviated words: “.. etc.”; “...etc.”?

4. Name the genitive plural form of feminine nouns of the 1st declension Poker, shock, earring.

12. How does “toast” differ from “health resort” and what do they have in common?

5. Why is the alphabet we use called Cyrillic? In what other countries and for what languages ​​is the Cyrillic alphabet used?

13. What words will you get if all the sounds of these words are arranged in reverse order? Luke, zero, crab, lei.

6.Indicate the differences in the meaning of the words ignorant and ignorant.

14. We say: “The house burned down.” What's happened tlo?

7. Describing the tavern, he writes: “Merchants came here on trading days self-pole And himself drink your famous a couple of teas" Explain the meaning of the highlighted phrases.

15. Read the sentence: The engineer and his daughter went to the skating rink on Sunday, and the doctor and his son also came there. Who is older: the daughter of an engineer or the son of a doctor? Justify your answer.

8. Remember related words and tell me how many horses did the team consist of, which the Romans called a quadriga?

16. Monologue, monograph, monolith, monotonously. What does each of these words mean and what does the common part of these words mono- mean?






in Turkish

from nowhere










half the village



throughout the year

on the sly






in Turkish

from nowhere










half the village



throughout the year

on the sly

Get into trouble

With open visor

Scream at the top of Ivanovo

Wash your hands

doubting Thomas

From cover to cover

Achilles heel

Storm in a teacup

Get into trouble

With open visor

Scream at the top of Ivanovo

Wash your hands

doubting Thomas

From cover to cover

Achilles heel

Storm in a teacup



participle phrase

circumstance expressed by an adverb

complement, expressed noun-

with a pretext.

homogeneous additions

homogeneous circumstances (course of action)


circumstance of time.

participial phrase



circumstance of the course of action

homogeneous definitions

definition expressed by a pronoun

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

There is nothing like leather.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

A kind word also pleases the cat.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

No matter how you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

One head is good, but two are better.

There was a fire in a family with adopted children. The house burned to the ground, all property was destroyed. But the main thing is that everyone survived and no one was hurt.

Today, for the first time since that terrible day, Natalya decides to come to the fire. All these days I was afraid to even remember the tragedy. She says she is still in shock and cannot believe that this happened to her family. Just a week ago they finished construction of the second floor, and at night the fire completely destroyed the house.

Natalya PRYKINA, resident of the village of Kunashak: “I woke up, looked at the ceiling and there was already a flame between the boards. There was no smell of smoke at all and there was no noise. I understand that it’s impossible to immediately bring out five children who are sleeping in a chorus. I use my loud voice I say: “Children, we are going on a hike. Get up quickly, whoever gets dressed, I won’t buy him something new, and whoever goes in what we have now, then everyone will have new things." So they ran out into the cold. It was not possible to save the property. Everything burned to the ground. But the main thing is that everyone remained alive."

All five of these children are adopted. Natalya’s own daughters have long since grown up, got married and left home. Then the woman had a desire to adopt an adopted child. She wanted a boy, but it turned out that he had a sister. And then she sheltered both of them. This was 5 years ago. And last New Year, she was offered to take three children from an orphanage for the holidays.

The Pogoreltsevs were sheltered by Natalya's best friend. And none of the villagers remained indifferent.
Albina KADIROVA, head of the department of social protection of the population of the Kunashak district: “Things were immediately brought, pillows, blankets, all the basic necessities. The next day, assistance was provided with food packages. It was brought to the attention of the head of the district. He decided to provide financial assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles The head of the rural settlement, Kunashaka, also helped - 10 thousand rubles. We immediately announced an action to collect things and funds.

The village administration began looking for temporary housing for the family and assured that it would be provided in the coming days.
Minnia SALIKHOVA, deputy head of the Kunashak district for land and property issues: “We toured several houses, looked at their condition, since the children are small, and it is impossible to live in cold and poorly equipped houses, we cannot provide them with them. Therefore, here is one option We have found it now, and I think that within one to two weeks this family will move into this residential building.”

Help for Natalya and the children is still coming in and everyone can take part in it. Well, the woman herself dreams of only one thing - her own home.

You can find out what help you need by calling 8-951-45-45-202

Natalia Kudryashova, Vitaly Doronin, STS-Chelyabinsk.

Russian Language Olympiad

The first (school) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra – 2014 - 2015 academic year

Olympiad tasks in the Russian language for students in grades 7-8 include questions that allow students to demonstrate mastery of the orthoepic norms of the Russian literary language;

knowledge of the history of the Russian alphabet and the main stages in the formation of Russian orthography;

knowledge of the semantic system of the modern Russian literary language, basic awareness of the origin of words and understanding of the patterns of historical development of the lexical meaning of a word;

knowledge of Russian phraseology;

knowledge of speech norms of the Russian language and understanding of their conditionality by the language system;

skills of morphemic and word-formation analysis;

knowledge of the morphological system of the Russian language and skills in morphological analysis of words;

knowledge of the syntactic system of the Russian language and the ability to analyze syntactic phenomena of increased complexity;

awareness in the field of history of Russian linguistics;




Russian Language Olympiad

2014-2015 academic year

7th grade

Task 1

  1. Determine how many times the sounds that make up the word day appear in the following text.

We walked at a pace

We raced in battles

And the “Apple” song

They held it in their teeth.

Oh, this song

Until now he keeps

Young grass -

Steppe malachite.

M. Svetlov

0.5 points per correct answer, total 4.5 points

Answer: [d, en,]: [d, ] – 1 time; [e] – 5 times; [n, ] - 3 times.

Task 2

Group the words according to the place of stress (A – first syllable, B – second syllable,

B – third syllable, G – fourth syllable):

1) will call; 2) agreement; 3) spoiled; 4) gas pipeline; 5) dispensary;

6) nesting place; 7) petition; 8) strengthening; 9) shooting range;

10) closed; 11) plum; 12) shell.


A: shooting range, closed, plum, shell;

B: spoiled, intercession, strengthening, shell;

In: will call, contract, nest, dispensary;

G: gas pipeline

0.5 points per correct answer, 6 points in total

Task 3

Find synonyms for these words that begin with pri- and pre-.

To chase someone; false interpretation; hindrance; hypocritical, insincere; cute, charming; shadow of the deceased; good friend; patronizing attitude; very sad case; to be somewhere; an unusual, exciting journey.

10 points


To chase someone - to pursue; false interpretation - false; hindrance - obstacle, obstacle; hypocritical, insincere - feigned; sweet, charming - charming; shadow of the deceased - ghost, apparition; good acquaintance - friend; patronizing attitude - disdain, contempt; a very sad case - deplorable; to be somewhere – to be present; an unusual, exciting journey - an adventure.

Task 4

We say: The house burned down.

What is tlo?

5 points


Usually the meaning of the expression completely is associated with the verb to smolder. In fact, the ground means the foundation. Burn to the ground - burn to the ground.

Task 5

What parts of speech are characterized by endings:

A) -th, -th, -th, -th(-th), -th, -th;

B) -a, -s, -e, -y, -oh;

B) -eat, -eat, -ut?

1 point for each example, 3 points in total


A) adjectives, some pronouns, ordinal numbers in singular. number; B) a noun of the 1st declension in singular. number; C) plural verbs. number.

Task 6

Find the pronouns in this sentence and determine their category.

Imagine the joy of some philologist who, having seen several books in an unfamiliar language, suddenly discovers that he understands some words, knows certain expressions and feels that if he wants, he can read these books himself.


For yourself – returnable

Some kind - undefined

Which is relative

Several – indefinite

He is personal

Some are uncertain

Te – index

Other – definitive

Himself – determinative

These are the index

Task 7

“Collect” proverbs and write them down with the necessary punctuation marks.

A horse is recognized by its teeth... a good mind... second nature... A horse plays with the bit... A bad man is famous for his mischief... What is a hindrance to a good man... ... a man by his speeches. ...battering tongue. ... then a bad pleasure... Habit.

1 point per correct answer, 5 points in total


A horse is recognized by its teeth, a person by its speech.

The horse plays with the bit, the chatterbox with his tongue.

A bad person is famous for his mischief, a good one for his intelligence.

Habit is second nature.

What is a hindrance for a good person is a joy for a bad person.

Task 8

Read the text, title it, insert missing spellings, add missing punctuation marks.

There is one holiday date in the history of our country that everyone must remember. Remember and preserve as a great value of our history and culture. This is Victory Day - May 9th.

Keeping the holiday means preserving in the soul that feeling of unity in which pride for the Fatherland, bitterness... exorbitant losses, joy of rebirth to life... hope for the future, love for people, faith in goodness, are fused. The Victory Day is a celebration of life, victorious death. And this is its great, not only symbolic, and concrete meaning.

Let this day forever bind generations with the living fire of heartfelt communication with the memory of Victory. Let the younger ones never forget to give the joy of the holiday to the elders - the Terans who served for the good of the Fatherland.

15 points


Give joy

There is one holiday in the history of our country that everyone must remember. Remember and preserve as a great value of our history and culture. This is Victory Day - May 9th.

To preserve the holiday means to preserve in the soul that feeling of unity in which pride for the Fatherland, the bitterness of exorbitant losses, the joy of rebirth to life, hopes for the future, love for people, and faith in goodness are intertwined. Victory Day is a celebration of life defeating death. And this is its great, not only symbolic, and concrete meaning.

Let this day forever bind generations with the living fire of heartfelt communication, the memory of Victory. Let the younger ones never forget to give the joy of the holiday to the older ones - the veterans who served for the good of the Fatherland.


Russian Language Olympiad

The first (school) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra

2014-2015 academic year

8th grade

Task 1

What phonetic changes need to be made in words so that the following nouns turn into verbs:cart, nose, ardor, life, distance, reality, example?

7 points


Cart - carried, nose - carried, ardor - drank, life - beat, distance - gave, reality - beat, example - try on.

1 point per correct answer, total 7 points

Task 2

Place stress in the following words:dabbling, understood, briefly, dry, more convenient, applied, kilometer, two by two, started, to death.

0.5 points per correct answer, 5 points in total


Indulging, understanding, briefly, to dryness, more comfortable, applied, kilometer, two by two, started, to death

Task 3

What phraseological units and sayings are used in Russian in situations when the English say:

  • birds of the same plumage stay together -
  • his ears have not yet dried out -
  • not worth gunpowder and shot -
  • a bird in your hand is worth two in the bushes -
  • simple as pie -
  • transport coal to Newcastle -
  • store in cotton wool -
  • not worth a button -
  • up to the elbows -
  • kill two birds with one stone -

1 point for the correct answer, 10 points in total


  • birds of the same plumage stick together - two boots of a pair, two birds of a feather
  • his ears haven’t dried yet - the milk on his lips hasn’t dried
  • not worth gunpowder and shot - the game is not worth the candle
  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes - a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky
  • simple as pie - like twice two
  • transport coal to Newcastle - travel to Tula with your samovar
  • store in cotton wool - protect like the apple of your eye
  • not worth a button - not worth a penny
  • up to the elbows - fed up to the very throat
  • kill two birds with one stone - kill two birds with one stone

1 point for the correct answer, 10 points in total

Task 4

Explain the origin of the adverb back home

5 points


To his home (go home, go home). The adverb arose as a result of merging into one word the phrase “in your own way” - “to your villages, home.”

Task 5

Give as many cognates of the word as possible Hello .

For each example 1 point, but not more than 6 points


Affable, greeting, greet, greet, affability, welcoming.

Task 6

Indicate what is special about the highlighted words in the excerpt from N. Nekrasov’s poem “A Knight for an Hour.”

From the jubilant, idly chattering,

staining their hands with blood

take me to the camp dying

for a great cause of love.

3 points


Participles rejoicing, chatting, staining, dyingare perceived here as nouns.

Task 7

Match the words in the right column with words from the left column so that they form phrases: a scientific term or a figurative expression. If the phrases are chosen correctly, then by the first letters of the left column you will read the name of the famous painting from top to bottom. Remember who wrote it.

Procrustes knot

beating abundance

Lucullus stables

Elysian case

Trishkin spar

Augean bed

swan Penelope

name baby

horn feast

Gordius field

man kaftan

Iceland sodium

Work song

caustic number

7 + 3 = 10 points


Gordian knot
Augean stables
Man in a case
Iceland spar
Procrustean bed
Penelope's work
Massacre of the innocents
Lucullean banquet
Champs Elysees
Trishkin caftan
Sodium hydroxide
Swan song
Named number

(Painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”)

Task 8

Read the miniature by M.M. Prishvina. Insert the missing spellings, open the brackets, and add the missing punctuation marks. Write an essay expressing your impression of the verbal picture of nature and your attitude to the author’s position.

Went into the wet forest. A drop from a tall spruce fell on the ferns surrounding the tree tightly. From the drop of papa...the mouth trembled and I noticed this. And after that, the trunk of an old tree with such wrinkles as if (as if) a plow had plowed across it and living ferns were so sensitive that from one drop they bowed and whispered something to each other and there was a dense crowd around the hare... her to... are empty - everything was located (in) the order forming a picture.

10 points + essay


Entered the wet forest. A drop from a tall spruce fell onto the ferns surrounding the tree tightly. The drop made the fern tremble, and I noticed this. And after that, the trunk of an old tree with such wrinkles, as if a plow had plowed on it, and living ferns, so sensitive that at the sound of one drop they bend over and whisper something to each other, and around there is a dense carpet of hare cabbage - everything was in order, forming a picture.

The qualitative characteristics of the created text should be:

  1. conviction and evidence in defending a fundamentally important judgment;
  2. logic in the argumentation of the main thesis;
  3. skillful use of speech means of the Russian language to create expressive text;
  4. literacy (compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language).

7th grade

Task 1

  1. Determine how many times the sounds that make up the word day appear in the following text.

We walked at a pace

We raced in battles

And the “Apple” song

They held it in their teeth.

Oh, this song

Until now he keeps

Young grass -

Steppe malachite.

M. Svetlov

0.5 points per correct answer, total 4.5 points

Answer: [d, en,]: [d, ] – 1 time; [e] – 5 times; [n, ] - 3 times.

Task 2

Group the words according to the place of stress (A – first syllable, B – second syllable,

B – third syllable, G – fourth syllable):

1) will call; 2) agreement; 3) spoiled; 4) gas pipeline; 5) dispensary;

6) nesting place; 7) petition; 8) strengthening; 9) shooting range;

10) closed; 11) plum; 12) shell.


A: shooting range, closed, plum, shell;

B: spoiled, intercession, strengthening, shell;

In: will call, contract, nest, dispensary;

G: gas pipeline

0.5 points per correct answer, 6 points in total

Task 3

Find synonyms for these words that begin with pri- and pre-.

To chase someone; false interpretation; hindrance; hypocritical, insincere; cute, charming; shadow of the deceased; good friend; patronizing attitude; very sad case; to be somewhere; an unusual, exciting journey.

10 points


To chase someone - to pursue; false interpretation - false; hindrance - obstacle, obstacle; hypocritical, insincere - feigned; sweet, charming - charming; shadow of the deceased - ghost, apparition; good acquaintance - friend; patronizing attitude - disdain, contempt; a very sad case - deplorable; to be somewhere – to be present; an unusual, exciting journey - an adventure.

1 point for the correct answer, 10 points in total

Task 4

We say: The house burned down.

What is tlo?

5 points


Usually the meaning of the expression completely is associated with the verb to smolder. In fact, the ground means the foundation. Burn to the ground - burn to the ground.

Task 5

What parts of speech are characterized by endings:

A) -th, -th, -th, -th(-th), -th, -th;

B) -a, -s, -e, -y, -oh;

B) -eat, -eat, -ut?

1 point for each example, 3 points in total


A) adjectives, some pronouns, ordinal numbers in singular. number; B) a noun of the 1st declension in singular. number; C) plural verbs. number.

Task 6

Find the pronouns in this sentence and determine their category.

Imagine the joy of some philologist who, having seen several books in an unfamiliar language, suddenly discovers that he understands some words, knows certain expressions and feels that if he wants, he can read these books himself.

0.5 points per correct answer, 5 points in total


For yourself – returnable

Some kind - undefined

Which is relative

Several – indefinite

He is personal

Some are uncertain

Te – index

Other – definitive

Himself – determinative

These are the index

Task 7

“Collect” proverbs and write them down with the necessary punctuation marks.

A horse is recognized by its teeth... a good mind... second nature... A horse plays with the bit... A bad man is famous for his mischief... What is a hindrance to a good man... ... a man by his speeches. ...lobber tongue. ... then a bad pleasure... Habit.

1 point per correct answer, 5 points in total


A horse is recognized by its teeth, a person by its speech.

The horse plays with the bit, the chatterbox with his tongue.

A bad person is famous for his mischief, a good one for his intelligence.

Habit is second nature.

What is a hindrance for a good person is a joy for a bad person.

Task 8

Read the text, title it, insert missing spellings, add missing punctuation marks.

There is one holiday date in the history of our country that everyone must remember. Remember and preserve as a great value of our history and culture. This is Victory Day - May 9th.

Keeping the holiday means preserving in the soul that feeling of unity in which pride for the Fatherland, bitterness... exorbitant losses, joy of rebirth to life... hope for the future, love for people, faith in goodness, are fused. The Victory Day is a celebration of life, victorious death. And this is its great, not only symbolic, and concrete meaning.

Let this day forever bind generations with the living fire of heartfelt communication with the memory of Victory. Let the younger ones never forget to give the joy of the holiday to the elders - the terrans who served for the good of the Fatherland.

15 points


Give joy

There is one holiday in the history of our country that everyone must remember. Remember and preserve as a great value of our history and culture. This is Victory Day - May 9th.

To preserve the holiday means to preserve in the soul that feeling of unity in which pride for the Fatherland, the bitterness of exorbitant losses, the joy of rebirth to life, hopes for the future, love for people, and faith in goodness are intertwined. Victory Day is a celebration of life defeating death. And this is its great, not only symbolic, and concrete meaning.

Let this day forever bind generations with the living fire of heartfelt communication, the memory of Victory. Let the younger ones never forget to give the joy of the holiday to the older ones - the veterans who served for the good of the Fatherland.

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