Congratulations for the new school year. Material on the topic: “Happy new school year

On the eve of the ceremonial ceremony, prepare not only a beautiful outfit and a full set of stationery, but also heart-touching congratulations in poetry, prose, pictures and short SMS on September 1, 2018 to teachers. They will be very pleased to hear words of gratitude from former students, good wishes from parents and funny parting words from colleagues in the new 2018-2019 school year.

Beautiful congratulations on September 1, 2018 to teachers in verse

Solemn congratulations to teachers in verse are a beautiful part of the festive lineup for September 1, 2018. Expressively read by students during the First Bell, they create a special atmosphere and lift the spirits of the school’s teaching staff. Congratulatory poems about September 1 are mostly touching and heartfelt. Select and learn the best ones in advance so that your child can take part in the performance on Knowledge Day.

A collection of beautiful congratulations in verse to the teacher for September 1, 2018

She came to us special,
Autumn - the rustle of fallen leaves,
The school yard has been reassembled
We are all gone for the summer.

Let's not miss this time
Opportunity to congratulate you.
We wish you to be healthy,
Long to reign in the kingdom of knowledge!

To carry light and be loved,
Live like in a New Year's fairy tale,
To be so unique
How we know you today!

Congratulations on the beginning of September,
Teacher, we are walking in a crowd with flowers.
Everything seems to be from a picture in an ABC book -
We rush to class hand in hand with you.

We wish that this year
You were cheerful, strong, healthy,
So that you and the director are in harmony,
And so that they give us high fives again!

The fun time flew by quickly -
Sea, mountains, dacha, summer heat.
The new school year has arrived again:
We need to gather people back to school again!

The autumn day will give smiles and flowers,
And joyful meetings, and new dreams.
The bell will solemnly seat everyone at their desks,
So that everyone can learn a lot in life!

The leaves rustle, the pages of books,
Bows are everywhere, satchels are everywhere.
And every new student
Ready to become a messenger of science.

It doesn't matter whether you are old or young -
Please accept my congratulations!
May the day of knowledge be glad to us -
Let us honor him without delay!

After all, we are without the wisdom of centuries
We won’t turn on the light, we won’t say a word.
Science is life without shackles
We will overcome the darkness of centuries again!

Congratulations to all people on Knowledge Day:
Teachers, all students, children,
Let the bright light of all beginnings
Filled with only the charm of ideas!

And let the soul open up to the light
On the way to develop, grow upward,
Knowledge will fill the entire planet,
Let any thought be inspired!

Short funny congratulations to teachers from students on September 1, 2018

Traditionally, first-graders rush to be the first to congratulate their future mentors on the long-awaited Day of Knowledge. To do this, the children carry large colorful bouquets onto the line, and for the same purpose they learn short, funny congratulations to teachers for September 1, 2018 from students. In our short selection, we have collected the most suitable congratulatory poems, which even primary schoolchildren can easily remember and expressively pronounce at the most solemn moment.

A selection of cool congratulations to teachers from students on September 1, 2018

Teacher! And that tells us everything,
Feelings cannot be expressed in words.
You and I fearlessly soar through the waves,
Warmed by the rays of knowledge.

On Knowledge Day we sincerely give you flowers,
Which are generously warmed in the fall.
And with you we build bridges of knowledge,
And we appreciate all your advice.

We celebrate this day not in vain,
Heading into the golden autumn,
And congratulate you, teachers,
We want it when we bring flowers!

And for that I send you a big bow,
What is easy, without knowing any doubts,
You lead us with a firm hand
Along the roads of knowledge and skills!

How many springs have already flown by!
We can't stop these years
And for you the main thing was -
Teach children day after day.
Don't let bad weather come into your home
And diseases will not find roads.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thank you for your good work!

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring the source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With whom we come to know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you,
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, warmth of hearts and passion for searching!

Beautiful at heart and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find your way to the children,
May success await you on this path!

Touching congratulations in prose on September 1, 2018 to teachers from former students

For former students who have long since completed their school journey, September 1, 2018 is an excellent occasion to remember their native teachers, thank them for the knowledge gained and acquired character traits, and sincerely congratulate dear teachers with touching wishes in prose. We have collected the best examples of congratulatory speech on Knowledge Day for our readers in the next section.

A collection of tear-touching congratulations from former students to teachers on September 1, 2018

For the first time in the first grade... each time this phrase sounds on the very first day of September and brings with it a whole chain of pleasant memories from childhood: huge bouquets, white bows and elegant suits, the first teacher who made a lot of efforts to ensure that her children became who she is today. So today let’s congratulate our teachers on the Day of Knowledge, wish them excellent health and strong nerves, so that more than one generation can get a decent education and a start in life.

Summer has flown by quickly, and once again the roaring school bell calls the children to their lessons. Our dear teacher, we cordially congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year, September 1st! Let your knowledge and skills be fully transferred to your students. We wish to achieve complete mutual understanding with our students, so that every day at school is filled with goodness and positivity!

Knowledge Day is truly a national holiday, because each of us at one time crossed the school threshold for the first time, and 10 years later said goodbye to school at the graduation party. But first of all, I would like to congratulate on this wonderful holiday those who are studying today: schoolchildren, students, and, of course, those who give knowledge: teachers and professors! May the desire to study science and the thirst for new discoveries never fade away. Let September 1st mark the start of a successful school year!

Our dear teachers! Congratulations on September 1st! You are our guardian angels, the foundation and strength of our school. We wish you diligent, sensitive, smart children - students, their attentive gaze in lessons, and tests without mistakes! We love you, Happy Knowledge Day!

Dear teachers, with all our hearts we congratulate you on one of the most important holidays - September 1st! After a long break, difficult everyday life begins, calls, lessons, breaks await you, new topics await us, tests, checking notebooks... And even if such work may seem monotonous and even boring to some, we know that your work is noble, your work is needed and in demand. Teaching children is not easy, and sometimes very difficult, but for a teacher who has love for children and a desire to give them new knowledge in his heart, this is the most enjoyable job in the world! We wish you enthusiasm, the desire to introduce new techniques and techniques, the desire to explain, instruct and guide. And let your students always respond to you with gratitude!

Original congratulations on September 1, 2018 to the teacher from parents

Not only children, but also parents are worried on the eve of an important and long-awaited holiday - the First Bell. After all, mothers and fathers will have to transfer their precious children into the warm and caring hands of experienced teachers, guide the children in the right direction, help them realize themselves in the team and make new friends. But excitement should not become an obstacle in preparing for Knowledge Day. So that parents do not have to blush at the end of the ceremony, it is better to prepare original congratulations to teachers on September 1, 2018 in advance.

A collection of original congratulations to teachers from parents on September 1, 2018

Teachers, happy Knowledge Day to you!
You give them generously to children.
We wish you not to go out
There is a fire in the soul that shines brightly.

May your days be easy
May you have enough health, strength,
And all your students
They say thank you for everything!

You are our dear teachers,
So kind, so dear to us!
Congratulations on your holiday today,
Happy Knowledge Day! We wish you with all our hearts
There is warmth in the soul, and kindness in the heart,
Always only positive, beautiful.
So that there will never be sorrows,
May you always be loved!

And every year we return to our roots,
Where school time blooms,
Where are the pristine knowledge lines
And childhood is endless
Having mowed down countless years,
We'll bring the children here
Knowledge Day will not go out of fashion,
Our heartfelt congratulations to the teachers!
Grant valuable sciences
For many years to the students,
Let our grandchildren strive for you,
Low bow and praise to you.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for the whole country!
When all schools open their doors,
And everywhere the happy laughter of children,
And maples in red greet everyone in schools,
We congratulate each of us
Happy autumn holiday and we wish you
To make the class a great start in life,
Where we start studying in the fall.

I have decided that it is time to wish you a Happy New Year!
Happy new frantic EDUCATIONAL, and of course long-awaited!
Happy first bright autumn day, and with rainy bad weather,
May all children always be welcome in your class!
So that children always write dictations with straight A's,
So that twos would not have to be entered in pen in the diaries.
So that the guys love you, from the heart, not for grades,
Be moderately kind with them, but still moderately strict!

Bright congratulations in pictures to fellow teachers on September 1, 2018

As in any other field of activity, it is customary for the teaching staff to congratulate each other on their professional holiday. But if builders or doctors have such a day only once a year, teachers can boast of two specialized celebrations: Teacher’s Day and Knowledge Day. At the same time, the second holiday for a true professional is no less important and significant. To make it easier for busy teachers to congratulate their colleagues on September 1, 2018, we have collected in one collection the best pictures and postcards with pleasant inscriptions and wishes.

A selection of bright congratulatory pictures for September 1, 2018 for teachers from colleagues

Cool congratulations on September 1, 2018 to fellow teachers in your own words

Of course, pictures on a mobile phone or postcards in a messenger can be a suitable gift for teaching staff on Knowledge Day. But cool congratulations on September 1, 2018, written in your own words in messages or on a paper postcard, will demonstrate your solidarity and friendly attitude to your fellow teachers many times more colorfully. Choose the most suitable option in the next collection, add a couple of personal touches and congratulate your employees on the beginning of the new 2018-2019 academic year.

Congratulations today on the start of the school year,
Nature has drooped a little in the summer weather,
The first day of autumn, the earliest,
Brought with him a wonderful day of knowledge.
You guys had a full rest during the holidays,
Let the wave of knowledge cover you now,
We wish you to learn a lot of useful things,
To pass all exams with excellent marks!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year

The bell will ring in the morning,
So it’s time for all the children -
To the line, to lessons,
Happy September 1st to all of you!

Again desks and grades,
And of course, changes
Again knowledge a new path,
Much needed, no doubt.

Let learning inspire you
Allows you to develop
And for teachers, patience
May there always be enough for you.

It's not easy to be a student
All people know this:
Get cheat sheets secretly,
Until they notice

And rush to school every day
On a cold morning early...
I wish you to be successful
And joyful on the day of knowledge!

Beautiful congratulations on the beginning of the school year

Congratulations on the start of the school year,
Let him bring with him a baggage of useful knowledge,
Although it is difficult to gnaw on the granite of science,
But then you won’t waste away with nothing to do and from boredom.
You have to work hard for the whole year,
In order to achieve something in your life,
Solve school problems carefully
We wish you success, ingenuity and good luck!

Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year

Live and learn forever,
Everyone knows this
We can't do without knowledge
Everyone understands!

Therefore, we are the day of knowledge,
Let's all celebrate together
We reach for the light from the darkness,
Without knowledge we are bored!

I congratulate you brothers,
With the opportunity to study,
What you will learn, more than once
You will need it in life!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year

Dressy mothers, smart children
Everyone gets up at dawn on this day.
Bouquets of flowers, red maple leaves.
Today is Knowledge Day, again until spring...
Study, study - we remember the order!
For some not for the first time, but for others for the first time!
Listen carefully to teachers
They are instead of your mother at your school!

Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year

Knowledge Day, isn't it a holiday?
Without knowledge, what is life good for?
And many different
We drink science greedily to the dregs.
Let them fill to capacity
Mental bins
Knowledge Day is a very necessary holiday!
There will be no grief from the mind!

Wishes for the beginning of the school year

Summer, daughter, has passed,
But just like summer
You are so festively dressed
And so joyfully bright.

You're next class
Waiting, because you have become more mature.
Nose higher! More fun!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year in verse

I see the light of happy eyes
(Look at the world like that more often!) -
You will soon enter the classroom again,
You'll see your friends again
Teachers! Find them like that
Have a good one! It's difficult!..
And the days of school will fly by
From September to summer.
I wish that it’s not because of punishment -
For happiness only
you were given knowledge!!!

Official congratulations on the beginning of the school year

The beginning of autumn is wonderful
The Day of Knowledge has come to us again.
Funny first-graders are coming
The city bloomed with flowers again.
May the holiday of knowledge be joyful,
For everyone - parents, children,
Let's have fun gaining knowledge
From smart and serious books.

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year on Knowledge Day

Let the school year only become more successful,
Will realize all plans, desires, hopes,
May luck illuminate the long path of knowledge,
Be a joyful, diligent student.

Let them have excellent marks in their notebooks,
We want to conquer all the peaks accurately,
May the day of knowledge bring bright emotions,
We wish you only victories and fabulous dreams!

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year for children

Congratulations to everyone who values ​​knowledge!
May all your dreams and endeavors
Fills the mind, develops personality,
They add charm and aesthetics to your whole life!

How nice it is to be in a friendly team
Start the school year again.
Let it pass on a positive note,
It will bring a lot of impressions.

Dear dear colleagues,
Cheerfulness, health and strength to you,
Creative spirit, mood.
The work of teachers is invaluable!

Congratulations colleagues,
Happy New Labor Year,
Congratulations on being again
We give knowledge to others.

I wish you health,
Forged nerves - steel,
Lots of money and luck
Well, simple joys!

Colleagues, congratulations on Knowledge Day! I wish that responsiveness and understanding are more common in our work, that difficulties are avoided, and that the learning process proceeds easily and naturally. May every day please you with successes and achievements, both your own and those of our students. I wish you health, strength, excellent mood and great prospects!

Have a successful start
Next year
Let there be a lot of strength,
Financial freedom.
And so that there is a return
From all the effort and zeal.
Good luck to you, good luck,
Colleagues, and patience.
Loving your calling
Learn, grow. Happy Knowledge Day!

Dear colleagues,
Happy Knowledge Day!
Patience and endurance
I wish you with all my heart.
May this be a learning year
It won't cause any trouble.
Let there be mood
Excellent. No worries
And without unnecessary worries
I wish you all to live.
Happy Knowledge Day, dears.
May you be happy!

Happy Knowledge Day, colleagues!
Let the autumn mood inspire:
Let successes come without counting,
There will be great, living joy.

Goals and dreams will become achievable,
Those who secretly knock on the heart,
And let the determination not fade in your soul,
To teach and lead!

Here comes the new school year
The crybaby gave us autumn,
Someone believes in him and waits,
Some, to be honest, not so much.

The vacation is over, but we don't shed tears,
Let something sigh sadly.
We're all going to school anyway
Some for a holiday, and some for work!

Well, girls, congratulations,
More strength in the new year!
I wish you smart students
So that everyone can catch it on the fly!

Let the days fly by in a whirlwind,
Good luck to you in your school affairs,
Let only large banknotes
Stored in your wallets!

The bells for class rang again,
The doors of schools and universities are open,
Happy holiday to you, dear colleagues,
New approaches, successful strategies.

So that work brings only joy,
So that fatigue does not suddenly creep up,
Cheerfulness, health, goodness,
It's time for new discoveries!

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge
My dear team,
I wish everyone patience
So that there is positivity in your soul.

More sincere smiles
Compliments and flowers,
And tests without errors,
To praise the students!

Knowledge Day is our holiday, dear colleagues,
You are kind, beautiful, dear,
We have been working and living together for many years,
And school is a home for all of us!

I wish you good luck every day,
To solve all problems easily,
Hard work to bring joy,
Patience, colleagues, a lot of strength!

So that your children love you desperately,
And you taught them wisdom and reason,
To have health for a hundred years,
And joys came to you instead of troubles!

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, on Knowledge Day! We wish that this year will be bright, eventful, fruitful and successful, that every student will awaken an irresistible desire to learn, that every day will contain many wonderful moments, unforgettable stories and bright colors of happiness.

Dear teachers, we cordially congratulate you on the beginning of the school year and Knowledge Day! We wish you patience in your work, wisdom, creative and scientific achievements, and an optimistic attitude! Good luck and may everything work out!

The school year begins.
Let it be bready this time.
And it will bring results.
Let the salary go up.
You won't have any problems with children.
You will be able to learn easily,
There is a lot of success to be had.
Sail brightly on the sea of ​​knowledge
And get children's love.

Dear teachers, congratulations on the new school year. Let it be light and bring only good things. Let there be many new discoveries in it, let all the moments be pleasant and the occasions happy. Let each new lesson become a small educational journey through the world of knowledge. Be a captain for your students who goes on and on. Good luck to the new school year.

The school year has begun
Congratulations, teachers, from the bottom of our hearts!
Let there be very little bad,
Just let the students make you happy.

And may your health grow stronger,
And love always pursues.
Let the inspiration never leave you
Never in your life.

Happy Knowledge Day, teachers, congratulations
And we wish you all the best!
Goodness, health, joy, patience,
A huge inspiration, of course.

Let the children always listen
Let them never upset you.
Let their behavior be wonderful,
Well, you're in a great mood.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. School year, let's start, pay attention, march - to victories and successes, to new knowledge and good grades. We wish you patience and strength, optimism and confidence that everything will work out. Let the students try and, with your help, achieve high results. Good luck to you all this year and have a great mood.

The new school year has begun,
I am sending you congratulations today,
You chose according to your heart
Once a glorious path.

I wish you bright lessons
And inquisitive children
Let every day in your favorite class
Makes you even kinder.

Happy start of the school year to you
We would like to congratulate you!
We wish everything to succeed
So that the heart is filled with goodness,
So that every school lesson
A flow of new knowledge gave us!
With your help, all children at school
Everyone will be smarter in the world!

On this September day, accept
Dear, congratulations,
Start again
Your “joys and pains”.

We wish you patience,
Inspiration and goodness,
So that there are enough of yours in our hearts
Warmth for dear children.

Official and beautiful congratulations on the beginning of the school year on September 1 to the students of the school, gymnasium in prose, original, comic and sincere wishes to all schoolchildren from teachers, parents, director, school administration, text on Knowledge Day in their own words on the solemn assembly.

Text to students with the beginning of the 2019 school year in prose

Dear students! We wish you success and joy in the new academic year. Persistence and perseverance in achieving goals! Let your wildest plans and dreams come true, and let your parents and teachers be proud of you! Be successful not only in science, but also in sports, music and dancing! Discover the world from all sides. Forward to new victories and knowledge!

Knowledge Day is one of the most important and enjoyable holidays for schoolchildren. Today is an incredibly exciting and interesting day! Someone is going to school for the first time and for him it is a sea of ​​emotions and new impressions, and someone will come to the ceremonial assembly on this day not for the first time.

In any case, all of you are united today by the beginning of a new school year! Remember that there is no such thing as too much knowledge. Strive to learn new things, because there are so many interesting and unknown things in the world!

Dear schoolboy! May the new school year give you only joy and a sea of ​​new knowledge! Be diligent and diligent, don’t forget to get A’s and B’s. Make new, interesting friends. Be curious and don't be lazy! And let the world sparkle with new colors. Good luck to you in the new school year!

Dear student! Today, on the day of knowledge, you carry with you a blank diary and notebooks that are simply looking forward to good grades! Please don’t upset them, earn only “excellent” and “good”. Let enthusiasm accompany you, dear friend, in the new school year, and send laziness to rest!

Congratulations on the beginning of the 2019 school year to students in prose

On this wonderful and such an important day for you, I would like to wish you a sea of ​​inspiration! Set new and important goals for yourself and achieve them! We wish you creative success on this difficult, thorny path. Do not give up in the face of difficulties, because they are the “doors” to new opportunities! Set the bar of achievement high. Forward and only forward!

School time is the brightest and most beautiful! Make the most of it and go through life with optimism - conquer new heights of knowledge! Chat with old friends and find new ones! Remember, you are the future of our vast country! And let your achievements become the pride of your family and teachers. Congratulations on the new school year!

Dear friends! Happy new school year! Let it be so different from the previous ones and bring you unforgettable emotions and new knowledge and skills! You had a rest in the summer, gained new strength, and now you are confidently striding towards the fulfillment of your cherished goals! Patience, optimism and health to you, dear schoolchildren!

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