Practical NLP. NLP techniques that change lives

Beliefs are internal dogmas that guide our consciousness and actions. For most people, life is subject to strict moral principles that shackle their inner “I” into certain frameworks, preventing them from feeling happy and free. We know in advance what will be right and what will not, what we can do and what is prohibited for us. The most popular area of ​​modern psychology is neurolinguistic programming. It is aimed at changing human consciousness.

Briefly about NLP

This teaching combines the best practices and developments of psychology, psychotherapy and linguistic programming. NLP is focused on teaching a person practical techniques that will improve his life, changing it radically. NLP beliefs will help you begin to evaluate the world without focusing on destructive attitudes. After such therapy a person:

  • discovers hidden internal reserves;
  • becomes successful in business;
  • easily achieves goals;
  • finds an approach to people;
  • improves personal life.

Let's take a closer look at what neurolinguistic programming is and how, with the help of special techniques, you can change old and destructive beliefs to new attitudes that will lead to success.

From the history of NLP

Neurolinguistic programming was first studied in America in the late 80s of the last century. A group of doctors combined several common psychological techniques aimed at influencing and working with the patient’s subconscious, thereby making a revolutionary discovery. The scientific achievements of such famous psychotherapists were used: Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir, linguists John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

History of NLP development

NLP is based on the teachings of Milton Erickson, who believed that a person reliably stores all the knowledge and skills accumulated throughout life in his subconscious. Knowing how to use this information correctly, you can easily achieve success and solve any problem. Milton Erickson suggested using memories and feelings to influence your consciousness, thereby causing the desired changes. According to this principle, recovery from serious bodily illnesses occurs when a person not only dreams of being healthy, but, using memories, forces himself to experience these feelings until the body really begins to recover.

Neurolinguistic programming prohibits the use of such a concept as “correct personality” in psychotherapy.

Insisting that no matter how a person behaved in a certain situation, it was the best possible outcome. One model of behavior cannot be considered correct and another not. There is simply a set of reactions that a person applies in one or another life situation. The main task of neurolinguistic programming is to help choose the most effective model in a particular case.

Since NLP is based on hypnosis and Gestalt therapy, by mastering this knowledge you can learn to influence other people.

Neurolinguistic programming techniques are successfully used in acting, public speaking and business management. The fundamentals of NLP have become widely used in advertising, marketing, public communications, politics, journalism and even military affairs.

You can master the techniques of neurolinguistic programming on your own, but it is better to do this with the help of a specialist during a personal consultation or group therapy.

The essence of the technique

Neurolinguistic programming is psychological techniques that help a person succeed in any field. Accustomed to living in accordance with the rules and norms instilled in early childhood, we very rarely use our inner potential to the fullest, which affects the quality of life. A person gets used to working in a job he hates and living with an unloved partner, because he believes that he is unworthy of the best, thereby destroying himself and his life.

Neurolinguistic programming influences a person’s subconscious, changing his internal beliefs, helping him become successful and change the reality around him. With the help of NLP techniques, people easily recover from incurable diseases, build a successful career, become famous and financially independent.

NLP Core Beliefs

Before we talk about NLP methods, it is necessary to understand what this concept means. The term consists of three words. Neuro - human actions are controlled by the brain. Neurons reliably store all our feelings, emotions and experiences. Linguistic is a method of communication through which information is transmitted. Programming is a process that activates mental activity. In the depths of consciousness, a person has certain stereotypes and attitudes about how to behave in a given life situation, embedded from childhood.

Neuro-linguistic programming specialists use terms such as map, mind and body.

  • Map – denotes the basic techniques and methods of NLP, which comprehensively study human psychology (state of mind, motives for actions, underlying attitudes).
  • Consciousness and body are a single concept. Just as the body is controlled by our consciousness, the thought process cannot be imagined without physical activity. All nuances are taken into account: not only a person’s experiences and feelings, but also physical ailments. This is done in order to correctly choose the method of NLP influence (visual, auditory, kinetic).

Neurolinguistic programming capabilities

NLP teaches a person to evaluate himself, his skills and knowledge in a new way, and to perceive the people around him in a completely different way. Neurolinguistic programming techniques cause the following changes in a person’s life:

  • improve communication;
  • facilitate communication;
  • instill new beliefs;
  • help you understand yourself and decide on your life goals;
  • reveal internal needs;
  • relieve old grievances, fears and phobias.

Emotions on which NLP works

Thanks to the use of NLP, a person gains confidence, determination and courage, understands how to achieve what he wants and does not limit himself in achieving his goals. However, to do this, you constantly need to work on yourself, analyzing and identifying your negative attitudes, getting rid of destructive beliefs.

NLP rules

The first rule of NLP states that a person himself chooses who he wants to be in life. Guided by internal aspirations and beliefs, we decide for ourselves what we are worthy of and what we can achieve, so some become leaders by believing in themselves, while others fail.

The second rule is that when we highlight certain qualities in another person, we want to see them in ourselves. We have had them for a long time, but they are not properly developed, so we do not know how to manifest them. The third and main rule of NLP is that everything in the world flows and changes, and so does man. There is nothing wrong with developing and changing your beliefs, abandoning ingrained principles that interfere with your life.

And the last rule is that all experienced feelings, emotions, fears and impressions are securely stored in a person’s subconscious. NLP techniques will tell you how you can use these reserves to achieve your goals and improve your life.

Methods for changing beliefs

The principles and foundations instilled in a child during his upbringing, as well as the knowledge accumulated in the process of life, are our beliefs. When making a decision, making an important choice, we focus on the views that are formed on the basis of the upbringing we received, the influence of authorities, the social environment, and instilled stereotypes. A person has established beliefs in any area of ​​life: personal, professional, religious, social and political.

In work, a person operates with the knowledge that he received during training in his chosen profession. In personal life - the experience accumulated in previous relationships, and the morality instilled by society.

Practicing NLP psychotherapists distinguish two main types of internal beliefs: deep and limiting.

Deep Beliefs

Developed in childhood or during upbringing. The best example of such beliefs is internal complexes, as well as how a person perceives and evaluates himself. This may be an old childhood fear. When the parents did not raise the child, but only scolded him, he develops the confidence: “I am not worthy of love!”, which will certainly poison his personal relationships in adulthood. A person’s conviction, which carries a negative connotation, shapes his life scenario, contributing to the development of all kinds of fears and complexes, which in adult life make him insecure, soft-bodied and indecisive.

Limiting or subconscious beliefs

A person does not even realize that he has hidden beliefs that adversely affect his life, forcing him to make wrong decisions, experience fear and self-doubt. These views are so ingrained in his subconscious that he believes that this is the only way it can be. Such beliefs manifest themselves in the form of phrases: “I can’t”, “not for me”, “I can’t”, “unworthy”, “it won’t work out”.

Such attitudes program a person in a negative way. Outdated and destructive beliefs interfere and prevent you from living a full and happy life, and therefore need to be changed. Neurolinguistic programming helps you get rid of wrong beliefs.

Working with beliefs is about becoming aware of persistent thoughts and attitudes and using psychological techniques that will help change these principles. If you decide to use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques, be careful as beliefs can have both positive and negative effects on a person.

Belief Changing Technique

Changing beliefs using NLP techniques is based on the method of working with the subconscious, which was proposed by the American psychologist Robert Dilts. Let's look at how to use this technique to work with your beliefs.

Calibration (assessment) of a person in NLP

Preparatory stage

First you need to collect and analyze information. Determine which belief is stopping you at this stage of your life. Formulate it. These could be phrases like: “I’m sick all the time!”, “I never succeed!”, “I’m a loser!”, “Love is not for me!”. Record all your doubts and feelings associated with the statement. It is important to understand why a negative attitude prevents you from forming positive thoughts, turning any action into a loss of faith in yourself and your strength.

Imagine what will change in your life when you start thinking differently.

Assess how your acquaintances and friends will react to changes in your behavior. Formulate a new statement. Please note that this phrase must be positive, describing the process by which you will begin to change your life. For example, “I believe in learning to live a healthy lifestyle!” or “Love is present in my life! I love and am loved!

Changing Beliefs Using NLP Techniques

At the second stage, it is necessary to launch the work of the so-called submodalities in the subconscious - channels through which a person receives information about the world around him and the events occurring in it (visual, kinetic, vocal). Smell, color, size and location are signs that help us perceive and distinguish reality.

Now the negative belief needs to be questioned. Perhaps the conclusion you once made in the past is wrong. Using submodalities, replace the destructive attitude with a new belief. In the process of this psychological work on yourself, you need to pay close attention to your inner feelings.

Testing a New Belief

Whether your subconscious has believed in the new belief will be shown by your further behavior. If you are not sure that the NLP technique has worked, it is worth repeating everything again and thoroughly thinking about the new wording of your statement.

The first stage of the technique is considered the most important: how accurately you identify destructive attitudes, their cause and effect, choose words for new statements and believe in success depends on whether you will be able to start a new life. NLP techniques can be used at any age, which is an advantage of this direction in psychology.

NLP methods of influencing other people

Neurolinguistic programming has been successfully used not only for individual growth, but also to influence others. Similar psychological techniques are often used in practice:

  • managers and owners of large companies;
  • politics;
  • creative people (artists, singers, media persons).

Using NLP techniques, you can change the beliefs of colleagues, friends and acquaintances, making them share your point of view. Neurolinguistic programming will help you achieve approval and support in the team, as well as build personal relationships.

There are several most common NLP techniques that will help make a person change his beliefs.

Copy person

This technique will easily help you win the affection of another person. It consists in fully reflecting all the actions of your interlocutor, from the manner of dressing, conducting a conversation, and ending with joint hobbies. You will signal to the person you are interested in that you not only have the same goals, views and hobbies, but also a worldview and life position.

  • The techniques that psychologists advise to use are not difficult to implement.
  • When talking to your opponent, maintain eye contact with him the entire time.
  • Let's make it clear that you are listening carefully to the person, supporting the conversation with head nods.
  • Take the same position as your interlocutor. This simple technique will create a sense of community and belonging between you.


This technique is most often used to influence others. Manipulation makes it easy to achieve what you want using special psychological techniques. During communication, you can suggest to a person whatever you want.

The essence of basic NLP terms

First you need to determine the submodality of a person.

  • If the main way to obtain information is a visual picture, then in a conversation it is necessary to say the following phrases: “great prospect”, “hard to imagine”, “I can foresee”.
  • If your interlocutor is an auditory speaker, the priority words should be changed to: “I focus attention”, “I fall silent”, “piercing result”.
  • When communicating with a kinesthetic learner, use the following phrases: “I feel”, “grab the idea”, “give an award”.

Such expressions will help convey information to the interlocutor in a way that he understands, facilitate communication and make the person support your idea, changing his initial opinion.

Apply the so-called hypnotic gaze. To do this, you should concentrate, without blinking, look at the center of the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose. After successful hypnosis, your opponent will support you and give up his beliefs. You can also build a conversation so that the interlocutor gives you a positive answer 3 times in a row. Then feel free to ask for what you need.

Gypsies often use manipulation to influence people. Attracting attention with their bright appearance, gestures and demeanor, they distract a person and force him to perform actions unusual for him. You can borrow this technique to suggest what you want.

Another NLP manipulation technique is called “pattern breaking.” It consists in showing yourself in the most unexpected way in standard situations. To the question: “How are you?” Instead of the usual phrase - “As usual!”, answer - “Excellent!” While your interlocutor is confused, you can influence him.

NLP tricks

People who master the tricks of the language of persuasion, with the help of NLP, can easily gain favor and trust in themselves, ensuring that their interlocutor changes his opinion about something.

Start the conversation with a positive. Let this be a simple fact known to everyone. Hearing familiar information, a person will relax and open to communication. Use a distraction to gain support. Offer your opponent several possible options to choose from that can solve the problem that has arisen, and then feel free to propose the idea that you are promoting. During the conversation, ask all questions in the affirmative. This technique will create the illusion that a positive response has already been received, and the interlocutor will have no choice but to support you.

If you decide to use NLP techniques, remember that the other person is a unique individual. To understand the motives of other people's actions, try to study their desires and beliefs.

Neuro-linguistic programming should not be used to cause harm.

The benefits and harms of the technique

Just a few years ago, neurolinguistic programming was not considered a serious science. Today the situation has changed dramatically. NLP is recognized in many countries around the world. The effectiveness of the teaching has been proven in practice in many countries: France, Germany, Austria and Sweden. NLP has been recognized by the European Society of Psychotherapy, but there is still a group of scientists who consider neuro-linguistic programming a “fraudulent” science. There is ongoing debate about the ethics of using neurolinguistic programming techniques, which, once you master the basics, can help you gain control over the consciousness of another person.

To independently study NLP techniques, you can use books published by famous psychotherapists, videos, webinars and online courses available on the Internet. But you will get faster results if you attend a training on this topic. The coach will tell you how to correctly use neurolinguistic programming methods, help you identify incorrect beliefs and formulate new attitudes.

The technique of neurolinguistic programming can be compared to an ordinary kitchen knife. Someone will use this tableware to prepare food. In the hands of a bad person, a knife can turn into a murder weapon.

Neuro-linguistic programming is strictly contraindicated for some people, as it can be harmful to their health. These psychological techniques should not be used by those who have nervous disorders or any developmental disorders, as well as by children with fragile psyches.


Neurolinguistic programming is a psychological technique that works with the human subconscious. These practices help to effectively solve pressing problems, achieve success in business and family life, achieve your goals, and establish communication with colleagues. NLP techniques identify a person’s destructive attitudes and teach how to replace them with positive beliefs that will radically change his life. The main thing is to take the time to get to know yourself better. This directly determines how successful the changes will be. By learning to manage your beliefs, you will find harmony and cheerfulness. When using the NLP technique, you must remember that for some people there are contraindications to its use.

More recently, the concept of NLP has come into common use among many people. Techniques and techniques suggest that the human brain can be influenced in a certain way. This is why many people use NLP practice, learning its rules, because they think that we are talking about methods of manipulating the consciousness of others.

In modern society, NLP is something like a “magic wand”, using which you can influence yourself or others. In fact, NLP techniques are indeed effective, but only with conscious use and understanding of brain processes. Psychologists advise using NLP techniques to develop yourself.

What is NLP?

What is NLP? People mostly understand this term narrowly. Neurolinguistic programming is a technology that allows you to influence the course of thinking, behavior of an individual, and control your own mind. Many people try to use these techniques on others. This is why NLP is so common in politics, training, coaching, trading, promotions and even in seduction (pickup).

The NLP method is based on the teachings of three psychotherapists:

  1. V. Satir is the founder of family therapy.
  2. M. Erickson is the author of Ericksonian hypnosis.
  3. F. Perls is the founder of Gestalt therapy.

Individuals who adhere to the principles of NLP are convinced that reality is determined by how a person reacts and perceives it, which allows them to change their beliefs, heal psychological trauma, and transform behavior. Behavioral reactions have been studied by psychologists to determine their basis. And in fact, they succeeded, which is what the NLP technique is based on.

NLP psychology

Changes are inevitable - this is how NLP psychology explains. This direction is an independent field that studies individual experience, behavioral reactions, human thought processes, as well as copying successful strategies.

NLP is a field of practical psychology, when a person is engaged not in study, but in practice to transform himself. This trend originated in the 20th century in the 70s. NLP is based on all areas of psychology.

The main goal of NLP is to transform a person into a successful individual. Various ways and techniques on how to achieve this are explored here. It is based on the thought processes used by a particular individual, which is manifested in his emotions, beliefs, and behavioral reactions. That is why the main techniques are aimed at controlling one’s own thinking, emotions and reactions, which should form a successful pattern of behavior that manifests itself in the outside world.

NLP methods are used today in many industries, especially in psychology and commerce. When a person wants to influence, he resorts to NLP techniques, which are aimed at transformation in order to acquire and develop a successful model of behavior. It doesn’t matter what kind of person a person is or what experience he or she has. What becomes important is what a person can do now, change in himself in order to...

NLP does not claim to be an explanation of how the world works. He's not really interested in that. An important tool is one in which theory turns into practice, which helps a person improve his own life and solve problems.

There is no concept of “correct” here. NLP practitioners use the term "appropriate" regardless of whether it is moral or correct. What matters is what works and changes, helps and improves, and not what is considered correct.

According to NLP, a person is the creator of his own misfortunes, successes, bitterness and happy moments. All of them are based on his beliefs and past experiences, which he continues to use at the present moment.

NLP Techniques

NLP is a set of techniques that help a person manage his own brain processes. Here are the following techniques:

  • Anchoring is the most popular in NLP. This is a way of creating an association in a person between his experiences and external circumstances. For example, when playing one music, certain memories that were associated with it arise. This happened because the music sounded at the moment when a significant event happened to a person.
  • Reframing.
  • Love techniques are used in pickup when an individual wants to please the opposite sex. Hypnosis, anchoring and anecdotes are used here. A popular technique is the “Triple Helix”, when a person begins to tell one story, then abruptly moves on to a second, after which he jumps to a third without finishing either one. After the third story, he moves on again to the second, ending it, and to the first, ending it in the same way.
  • The swing technique is aimed at change, transformation. This is done in two ways. The first image is what a person wants to get rid of. The second image is what a person wants to acquire, what to replace with. First, we present the first image in a large and bright size, then the second image in a small and dim size. Then we swap them and imagine how the first image decreases and dims, and the second image increases and becomes brighter. This needs to be done 15 times, and then track the success of the transformation.
  • Language strategies.
  • Inserted message technique.
  • Manipulative techniques are especially popular among people who want to influence the beliefs and reactions of others. Among them are:
  1. "Demand more." At first you ask for more than you need. If a person refuses, then over time you can ask for less - just as much as you need. Because of the inconvenience of being rejected, the person will agree to the second offer so as not to appear bad.
  2. Paraphrasing.
  3. Flattery. Here, through compliments and pleasant words, you harmonize with the sensations and feelings that a person has about himself. This endears the other person to you.
  4. Name or status. A person likes to be called by name. You can win him over by saying his name often. It’s the same with status: the more often you call someone your friend, the more he becomes one.

NLP techniques

NLP techniques are no less interesting than techniques. They are often of a practical nature to influence others. Interesting ones are:

  1. Offering a person what he wants to receive, and then saying what you would like to receive. For example, “You can take a break. Please make me some coffee."
  2. Complicating the situation. When you tell a person a complex mechanism for the development of events so that you can ultimately get what you want. For example, “Tomorrow my friend will come to you to get your phone number so I can call you.”
  3. Using strong words that will motivate people to take action. For example, always, constantly, every time, again.
  4. Repeating the end of the interlocutor’s phrase, continuing it with your own statement.
  5. Using the words “please”, “dear”, “be kind”, etc. at the beginning of a phrase.
  6. Pronouncing an important word that should be emphasized in a loud and clear intonation.
  7. The “closer-farther” technique, which is often used in relationships between people, especially in love. This is when a partner first brings another person closer to him with his love, affection, attention, etc., and then grows cold towards him, moves away, stops paying attention, etc. The stages alternate with each other.
  8. Adjustment is a popular technique that is used to establish trusting relationships. It lies in the fact that you adapt to your interlocutor, copying his gestures, facial expressions, voice intonation, mood, etc.

NLP rules

In NLP there are rules that are additional transformative techniques:

  1. Pay attention to your own sensations, visual images, feelings, states. Any change inside a person indicates that something has changed in him or in the outside world. This will help in monitoring the situation.
  2. All human experience is recorded in his nervous system. It can be retrieved and modified.
  3. A person notices in others what is inherent in himself. In rare cases, an individual notices in others something that is not inherent in him. Therefore, any shortcoming or advantage that you note in others, most likely, is in yourself.
  4. A person decides for himself who he will be in this world and how he will live.
  5. Every individual has enormous potential, which is much greater than he thinks.
  6. Everything in life flows and changes. As you move, new paths and paths appear.

NLP hypnosis is based on different rules, since it uses verbal or non-verbal suggestion techniques. This is introducing a person into a special state in which he will not resist new beliefs. Hypnosis is used by all people in everyday life, since everyone wants to influence each other.

You can also resort to reprogramming, when you tune yourself into different beliefs.

NLP training

Is it possible to learn NLP? There are many trainings that offer similar services. NLP training can be done not only through special trainings, but also from books. Of course, this process will be a little more difficult and take longer to develop, but it will also affect the transformation.

Perhaps everyone would like to master NLP techniques and techniques. However, it should be understood that all of them may or may not work. NLP techniques work best on insecure, weak and low self-esteem people. Successful and self-confident people are difficult to succumb to external influence.

It is better to use NLP in relation to yourself for the purpose of transformation and development. After all, this practice was originally developed so that people would change and improve their lives.

NLP training helps in expanding your skills, establishing communication connections, and self-improvement. Here are collected various techniques and techniques that will suit everyone.

Bottom line

NLP is not a method of manipulation, although it offers technologies that are manipulative in nature. Here, both the theoretical and practical parts of psychology are simultaneously revealed. We are talking about influencing the subconscious, which often happens unconsciously in people. The result is a life that operates and develops according to incomprehensible rules.

To take control of the course of your life, you can use NLP techniques, which show effectiveness not only in influencing others, but also in influencing yourself.

“Damn, David Blaine! How did he do this?!” — I thought about a simple street scammer who showed me real street magic. Although this was not magic at all, but just a manipulation of my consciousness, as a result of which I was left without the 1,000 rubles I had earned an hour ago. Everything happened so quickly that I spent the whole day remembering and analyzing all his actions, which were based on the simplest NLP techniques. Of course, I knew about neurolinguistic programming of the brain, but only to fall for the bait myself. It’s even funny to remember this! Therefore, I would like to talk more about NLP and give some cool techniques that will allow, so to speak, to influence people in the situation we need.

What is NLP?

NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is a popular area of ​​practical psychology that was founded in the 60s of the 20th century. The founders of NLP are linguistics professor John Grinder and student Richard Bandler from the University of California. For a long time they studied many of the works of famous psychotherapists, conducted various seminars and communicated with their patients. As a result, they managed to separate neurolinguistic programming from psychology and gelstatt therapy.

NLP this is a complex of psychotechnics, as well as verbal and non-verbal techniques that can « bring in » into a person’s brain with certain information in order to change his thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is based on working with the human consciousness.

Now I’ll tell you what NLP is capable of. Believe me, very, very much!

NLP allows a person to completely control himself: his body, physical condition and health, his thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears and prejudices. A person is able to regulate his weight, blood pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, and general well-being. With the help of NLP techniques, you can induce a feeling of joy in yourself and easily get rid of any negative experiences.

NLP allows you to manipulate other people. Fall in love with yourself, fall out of love. To win over anyone, to come to an agreement with even the most intractable person. Get the answer you need. Successfully negotiate, gain sympathy from the boss, and so on.

NLP gives a new perspective on problems, allowing you not only to solve them in the easiest and fastest way, but also to derive maximum benefit from it.

NLP helps you achieve your goals in life faster, which is very important if you are developing yourself as an individual. And it doesn’t matter whether you want to get rich, buy real estate abroad, get married or lose weight. Any goal becomes closer and more accessible if you use NLP techniques.

I think you've already developed an interest in neuro-linguistic programming! And even if you don’t study psychology, you can still find a solution to apply it to your personal issue that has been tormenting you for so long or a problem that you would like to solve once and for all.

Where can NLP techniques be used?

NLP was originally used to treat various phobias and mental disorders. The results of treatment of patients were positive in a large percentage of cases. When it became clear that NLP techniques are very effective, they began to be used in a variety of areas.

Sales- almost all sales trainings have NLP techniques in their arsenal; when planning, when setting tasks, during psychological preparation for a visit and during the visit, knowledge of NLP can be extremely useful.

Negotiation— knowledge of NLP is essential for negotiating, for understanding the client and better adapting to him, for manipulation and counter-manipulation, for working with one’s condition, for identifying the client’s decision-making strategy.

Communication, psychotherapy, goal setting, modeling- these are the constituent parts of NLP, part of this knowledge deals with communications and their effectiveness (rapport, adjustment, maintenance, calibration)

Psychotherapeutic part is a large arsenal of therapeutic techniques (“Swing”, “Collapse of Anchors”, “Creating a Resource State”, “Rapid Treatment of Phobias”, “Technique for Treating Allergies”, “Six-Step Reframing”, “Contract of Parts”, “Re-imprinting” and more) many others)

In setting goals and working with them, we are helped by such sections of NLP as Well Formed Result (HFR), TOTE, SCORE (in psychological counseling, understanding the client’s goal and ways to achieve it), neurological levels, time line, mission.

Modeling- This is the basis of NLP. NLP grew out of modeling and all its knowledge emerged from modeling the behavioral strategies of brilliant people.

Public speaking- working with your condition. group calibration, controlled spontaneity, “Chamomile” technique, spatial anchoring, working with voice, using various predicates.

Acting— one of the basic presuppositions of NLP says: “mind and body are parts of one cybernetic system.” This means that when our thoughts change, our emotions change, and our body clearly reacts to these changes, and vice versa, changes in body position and posture change our emotions. Many acting schools are based on this.

Education- modeling is one of the ways of learning. The use of successful strategies, beliefs, behavioral patterns, different approaches to achieving goals, systems thinking, different filters of perception, resource state increases the effectiveness of learning.

Sport— ideomotor, widely used in sports, adopted from NLP, working with the state, coaching-style training and much more.

Coaching— almost all NLP tools are used in coaching (adjustment, guidance, calibration, coaching position, goal setting, neurological levels, three-positional perception, anchoring, time lines, all therapeutic techniques.)

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Recruitment— knowledge of the candidate’s meta-program filters allows you to understand what type of activity he is more predisposed to, what motivates him better, how he will endure stress, whether he is a team player or a loner, how he makes decisions and what his values ​​are, and much more.

Interpersonal relationships- understanding basic presuppositions, they are also the beliefs of brilliant people, gives us the opportunity to better understand other people, to understand that we are all different and each of us needs a special approach, that a person is a system and that two people are even more so a system, knowing the systemic laws system interactions can be more easily understood.

Seduction— all seduction training trainers have completed NLP courses, all seduction techniques are based on NLP techniques. So why study the interpretation of what is being interpreted when you can turn to the original source.

Army- collection of information, interrogations, working with one’s condition, the “Drug of Choice” technique, used by special forces in many countries around the world.

Customs— information collection, calibration Yes/No, true/false, Ocular Access Signals

Intelligence— information collection, recruitment patterns, calibration, working with your condition

Cinema- in many films, heroes use NLP techniques and skills or Ericksonian hypnosis, there are films that are directly dedicated to NLP, even if NLP is not called there ("Lie to Me", "The Manipulator", "Wild Orchid" and many others).

Self-development– formation of the necessary attitudes to achieve success in any area where you consider it necessary to “upgrade” yourself.

WATCH THE VIDEO! NLP in 10 minutes.

I will say this, NLP is not an easy “science” and requires a very serious approach. Even mastering the most basic techniques. But this still does not prevent neurolinguistic programming from being one of the most exciting and interesting areas in psychology. Thanks to the Internet, today there are a large number of options for where you can get knowledge about NLP.

Firstly, these are various sites where a sufficiently large number of informative articles have already been written to begin to understand this topic. Secondly, various seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified specialists in this field. And thirdly, these are, of course, books, which are the most convenient and popular way to start learning NLP.

There are a very large number of books themselves. Your eyes may wander at first. There are both for beginners, where basic skills are considered, and for “advanced” ones, with consideration of the application of NLP in any already defined area. Of course, I have chosen for you some of the best, most interesting and popular books on NLP that I myself have read. There are even two in my personal library.

I recommend the books that will now be discussed not only to those who are interested in NLP itself and its methods, but also to those who have decided to begin their path of self-development and are determined to improve their personal characteristics, improve their understanding of themselves and the people around them in life in general. So, let's go.

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP Practitioner"

This book is a must read first. It is a collection of the most interesting materials on NLP. From this NLP book you will learn general information about neurolinguistic programming with a description of the methods and methods used by this “science”. I would like to note the large number of examples and exercises that promote effective learning of the material. I recommend it if you don’t even know what NLP is.

Joseph O'Connor NLP. A practical guide to achieving the desired results"

The author offers effective practical techniques for acquiring self-improvement and suggestion skills. You will gain knowledge that will allow you to better understand people and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in D. O'Connor's practical guide can be applied in education, law, management, business, sports, etc.

R. Bandler, D. Grinder “From frogs to princes”

Recording of an introductory lecture on NLP, revised and adapted for reading. The materials of this three-day lecture, given by the authors in 1978, will help you get a general impression of the science of NLP, understand the basic mechanisms of influence and teach you how to gently and tactfully guide any person to the goal. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to everyone who is interested in issues of communication between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Manly Hall "77 Best NLP Techniques"

The book by specialist Michael Hall contains the most effective NLP techniques. The use of the proposed methods will help in personal development, communication skills, and unlocking your own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques is applicable to activities in business, education, psychology, sociology, and management. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person striving for self-development. I highly recommend this book! She's just a bomb!

Anvar Bakirov “How to manage yourself and others using NLP”

This is my reference book! Written in the spirit of innovation with a lot of anecdotes. Therefore, there is no need to read this book seriously. From this book you will learn how to inspire trust at first sight, manage your own and other people’s emotions, benefit even from defeats, easily unravel the most advanced conflict situations, and lay all these “daily victories” in the foundation of one big building called LIFE SUCCESS. This book is distinguished by the effective structure of the material and the ease of its comprehension.

Sergey Gorin “NLP. Techniques in bulk"

A collection of fragments from NLP seminars conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction between a psychotherapist and patients allow non-specialists to understand the subject of study. The only condition is knowledge of basic NLP terms, without which understanding the text will be difficult. Many techniques from the arsenal of Valery Khmelevsky, one of the authorities in the Russian school of neurolinguistic programming, are described.

Harry Alder "NLP: The Art of Getting What You Want"

A topic worthy of attention is how a dream “works”. Some call it castles in the air, others encourage you to dream as much as possible. One thing is clear - we love to do this. And the author of the book clearly shows the mechanism of how dreams work. We are all a product of dreams. The quality of your dreams determines the quality of your life.

See also:

7 NLP techniques for manipulation and more

Most of us do not even realize that on a daily basis their consciousness is controlled by other stronger personalities, who are subject to many NLP techniques for manipulating people. It is interesting that each method of such hypnotic control is effective in itself, and it is difficult to imagine the power that arises if you combine several techniques at the same time. By the way, you need to know them not necessarily in order to control others, but for the purpose of possibly countering many criminal hypnotists, government officials, scammers, etc.

NLP technique 1. JOINING
This is the first technique that any NLP specialist starts with. When a stranger approaches, the human brain signals danger and tries to intuitively defend itself. It is unrealistic to suggest something to a wary person. To establish contact, you need to start copying your interlocutor in some way. Ways of adjustment: postures, gestures, gait and breathing, voice, etc. The scammer who deceived my friend and I started by adjusting his gait on the street and followed us to the beat for several minutes.

NLP technique 2.RAPPORT

Following the adjustment comes the building of trusting relationships. This is rapport. If the adjustment is high-quality, then the NLP-er and another person create a certain system, a common space of trust. Do you remember the infallible phrase from Kipling’s “Mowgli”: “You and I are of the same blood: you and I!” It is this formula that works in rapport. In this state, the threshold of criticality towards a person decreases, sympathy and unconscious trust arise. “It seems like we’ll find headphones there,” I said to Kostya, pointing to the store sign. “Guys, I’m a seller in this store, I can sell you headphones. Which ones do you want? - said the scammer.

NLP technique 3.3 YES

After rapport has been established, you can begin to manipulate and first you need to send the person into a light trance. This is done through 3 questions to which the person must answer with a positive YES. This technique is based on the law of inertia, i.e. the movement of thought accelerates in a certain direction. After a series of questions from the scammer for the 4th time, he said: “Guys, you have a thousand rubles. Do I urgently need to change the money and give it to the person?” "Yes, sure!" - I said and took out a bill.”


A pattern break is an unexpected phrase or non-standard action performed in an ordinary situation. Breaking the pattern is easy. You choose a pattern of behavior that you are going to change and act in the opposite or other unexpected way. As an example, I can give a very real life situation. On one date, I told the girl that we would eat cake together at my place, but without sex. For her, this was still a break in the pattern. I understood that she already wanted me. There was sex, of course. The scammer also broke the template about his work. I don’t remember it verbatim.


The essence of this technique is simple. You divert a person's attention to another topic with a question or to another object of attention. Our brain or our vision can focus on one thing. You can do whatever you want with the rest of the area. This technique is often used by illusionists, and scammers too! “Guys, be careful with your money, there are drug addicts on the corner over there, stay away from them,” he told us, pointing his finger at the men 50 meters away from us, while changing bills.

NLP technique 6. MANAGEMENT

When the basic NLP techniques have been worked out, you can do whatever you want with a person. This is called "leading". Leadership is impossible without trust. Guys, go warm up to the store and look at the headphones. In the meantime, I'll go give the money. And off we went! Entering the store, we quickly came out of our trance. They looked at each other, realizing what had happened, and immediately rushed out into the street. It disappeared, just like our newly earned money. I will remember this story all my life. And I know for sure that NLP techniques work quickly and effectively. How many such approaches are needed to do everything so masterfully? Probably a lot. That's why they are scammers.

NLP technique 7. REFRAMING

One of my favorite techniques. It is very simple and gives a very cool result. This is no longer about manipulation, but about attitude to life. I use it when I realize that a negative situation is beginning to “suck the energy out of me.” Reframing is a technique that allows you to change your point of view, and therefore the perception of an event or subject. When a bad situation happens, I say: “My world takes care of me.” And I understand that this is the best option that can happen at the moment in my life. I took this technique from Reality Transurfing by V. Zeland.

WATCH THE VIDEO! NLP: psychology of wealth. Techniques for attracting money.

So you have become acquainted with 7 effective NLP techniques that can be used every day. It will be better if you use the techniques for yourself, to develop your effectiveness in life. Good luck to you!

In psychology, there are special methods that allow you to influence the psyche of an individual for personal gain. With their help, you can win over potential partners during important negotiations, as well as attract the attention of the right clients. These psychological methods of influence are called neurolinguistic programming (NLP). They can be used for promotions, solving various problems, and establishing trusting relationships with others.

NLP is a series of psychological techniques that make it possible to influence the subconscious of an individual and change his thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is a branch of practical psychology that uses the teachings of psychotherapy, programming and linguistics. Although NLP methods are criticized by the scientific community, they are successfully applied in life and allow you to achieve the desired results.

With the help of NLP you can manage your physical and emotional state. This technique is used to get rid of phobias and prejudices. An individual can independently put himself into a carefree, joyful state and forget the negative moments of life.

Thanks to NLP, it is possible to manipulate other people. Even without an attractive appearance, you can please a person and force him to act not in his interests, but in his own interests. With the help of simple techniques, any individual can achieve the desired result during negotiations with clients. Using the developments of this discipline, it is possible to come to an agreement with an intractable person and obtain secret information from him.

Any problems can be easily solved if a person knows. For example, you can quickly resolve conflicts in the family, achieve a promotion, correct a difficult financial situation, and lose excess weight. There are special developments that allow you to easily achieve your goals and succeed in any area of ​​life.

This direction in psychology appeared in the late 60s of the last century. American scientists wanted to understand why some psychotherapists manage to achieve outstanding results when treating difficult cases. Initially, the work of psychologists was monitored. Subsequently, it was possible to identify the most effective methods.

NLP has received such recognition because it is based on the positive experience of famous psychotherapists and communication specialists in the field of psychoanalysis, linguistics, and Gestalt psychology. Later, the scientists' findings were used in practice.

In what cases is NLP used in psychology?

NLP is used in various areas of life. For example, in psychotherapy, interpersonal communication, the art of sales. It is advisable to use it in personnel management, time management, journalism, acting, and jurisprudence. The techniques of this discipline allow you to behave correctly in any situation, find a common language with strangers and influence their way of thinking. Psychological methods help to get rid of various phobias, normalize mental state, and maintain mental balance even in crisis situations.

In what areas is NLP used?

  1. In negotiations. Knowledge of this technique allows you to better understand the client, correctly build a line of conversation with him, manipulate his consciousness, insist on your own, and achieve success in any discussion.
  2. In sales. All training aimed at working with clients in the field of sales uses NLP techniques. With their help, you can “hook” the buyer and sell him anything.
  3. In psychotherapy. With the help of such therapeutic techniques as “Allergy Treatment”, “Collapse of Anchors”, “Flash” and others, it is possible to influence the consciousness of the individual and transform his internal state.
  4. In setting goals. Thanks to various NLP techniques (SCORE, XCP, Mission, Time Line), it is possible to correctly identify the goal and find all the necessary ways to achieve it.
  5. In modeling. To model the behavioral strategy of successful and brilliant people.
  6. In acting. Special techniques allow you to change a person’s way of thinking, emotional state, and set the desired behavior. Body position can also affect the way you think, and certain emotions can cause changes in body position.
  7. In public speaking. There are various techniques (Chamomile, Working with voice, Spatial anchoring, Working with your condition) that help you gain confidence and get rid of stiffness in public.
  8. In education. Behavioral patterns, successful strategies, and various approaches to achieving goals are often used in the learning process.
  9. In coaching. Various NLP techniques (Tuning, Leading, Goal Setting, Anchoring) are used in trainings aimed at helping to achieve clearly defined goals.
  10. In interpersonal relationships. There are basic presuppositions that help to better understand other people and find an approach to each individual.
  11. You can change your way of thinking, tune in to the positive, and achieve success in the right areas of activity thanks to NLP techniques.

NLP techniques do not cause any harm to the body. They are focused exclusively on the thought process. To a greater extent, this discipline pays attention to identifying its own hidden reserves. The main task of this direction in psychology is to discover the potential of the individual, the talents of individuals, and teach the skills of quickly assimilating knowledge. NLP is unthinkable without rules that help improve well-being. The main thing is to pay attention to gifted people every day. This way you can develop your own talents.

Rules and principles of NLP

To achieve success, a person must know the rules of NLP. In addition to rules, there are principles that should be accepted as an axiom. They are aimed at achieving maximum effect during training in NLP practices.

NLP rules:

  1. Mind and body influence each other. If an individual’s body is in excellent condition, then the person’s mood is positive and vice versa. If a person is beaten, his nervous system reacts with outbreaks of fear, pain, and irritation. If people are told bad news, their heart rate increases and their blood pressure rises. By realizing the power of thoughts over the body, you can achieve the desired result (lose weight, get better).
  2. People have enormous internal resources, but rarely use them. With help without pills. If you listen to your own intuition, you can avoid danger and even death. If a person does not know what hidden talents he has, he needs to remember what admires him most in other people. You can develop similar skills yourself.
  3. An individual notices in other people those qualities that potentially live in himself. If a person likes a beautiful voice, it means that he himself has a talent for singing. Other people's shortcomings are noticeable to those people who themselves have the same traits.
  4. It depends only on the person who he will be in this life - a winner or a loser. With the help of NLP, you can control your destiny, achieve success in all your endeavors, be healthy, and marry your beloved one. You can become the master of your own life if you believe in yourself, are not afraid to take responsibility, and use all your abilities.

NLP principles:

  1. The map is not the territory. Man cannot fully comprehend reality. NLP methods work with the subjective perception of reality.
  2. Each individual has his own map of the world. His reactions depend on the way he thinks and perceives reality.
  3. The basis of any individual behavior is a positive intention.
  4. A person behaves in a certain situation in the way he considers most correct. The choice of behavior depends on the abilities of the individual and his capabilities in a particular situation.
  5. All life processes strive to reach a state of optimal balance. Man constantly interacts with the environment. Influences her and acts under her influence.
  6. Personality and behavior are different concepts. You cannot judge their internal state by their actions.
  7. The most flexible person can get out of any deadlock.
  8. Unsuccessful results cannot be a reason for disappointment. Any defeat is a good lesson. Thanks to him, a person will learn to do the right thing.
  9. The world around us and contexts are constantly changing. The same actions may not always lead to the same result. You always need to act according to the situation and change your behavior until the desired result is achieved.

What NLP methods exist in psychology?

At first glance, NLP seems difficult to put into practice. However, as experience shows, anyone can master the methods and secret techniques of NLP. You can master the theory and practice of this discipline on your own using books and articles from the Internet or with the help of trainings. Neurolinguistic programming classes are taught by experienced specialists. For example, a psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin. Also, for those who, along with NLP, are still interested in hypnosis, it is recommended to take the online course “Training in modern hypnosis.”

What NLP methods and techniques exist:

  1. Change of submodalities. The technique allows you to change your attitude towards some event or phenomenon. With its help, you can take a fresh look at past events and change your feelings about them. This technique works like this: you take a situation to which you need to change your attitude, and a situation in which the individual experiences only positive emotions. Differences are found between both cases, and then the submodality of the first case is replaced by the submodality of the latter.
  2. Setting software goals. This abbreviation reflects the criteria that a person’s intended goal must meet. When describing a task using this technique, the individual must clearly understand what he wants. Determine the benefits, weigh all your options, identify your motives. Calculate the time it will take to achieve a specific task.
  3. Technique based on Walt Disney's experience. Any question must be looked at from three points of view: the dreamer, as well as the realist and critic. At the very beginning of any activity you need an idea. The dreamer takes on this role. A realist thinks about how to bring his idea to life and moves on to action. The critic looks for weaknesses in the project and pays attention to all possible benefits.
  4. Logical levels. If a person sets out to change his life, such a task must be consistent with his beliefs and moral values. There are higher and lower levels of human perception of reality. There is a relationship between them. Having realized a problem or goal at a lower level, you need to work with it both at the same and at a higher level.
  5. If a person wants to influence other people, he can use a method such as the three “yes” technique. This technique is based on the inertia of the individual’s psyche. A person, by inertia, will answer in the affirmative if he is asked several secondary questions before the main question. Moreover, each of them must assume an affirmative answer. You can manipulate people's minds using trap words. For example, you can ask: “After this drink, do you become more cheerful and beautiful?” Any person will answer this question in the affirmative. Another technique is based on asking a person to do something not in the form of an order, but in the form of a question. People are more likely to agree to someone's request when they are asked for their opinion. For example: “Do you think the music is playing too loud? Can it be made quieter?
  6. Swing. This technique helps replace destructive phenomena with positive ones. Using this method, you can get rid of bad habits and correct problematic behavior. First, the situation that requires adjustment is identified. Then the factors that cause a person to act in this way are identified. After this, they make a “swing”, that is, they change the negative image to a desirable one.
  7. Generating new behavior. This technique helps an individual get rid of many problems and gain confidence in their own abilities. First, a situation is identified that does not suit the person. It is worked out in every detail. After this, a new interpretation of an already known situation is created. If a person, after examining it in detail, experiences positive emotions, then the goal has been achieved. The individual’s reaction to the manifestation of reality has changed for the better.
  8. Six-step reframing. Sometimes an individual cannot get out of a problematic situation for a long time. His own thinking interferes with him. It seems to the person that things will get even worse. The essence of this method is this: with the help of meditation, an individual communicates with his own subconscious and asks it whether there are benefits in the current situation. If they are not there, then how to get rid of the problem. A person needs to carefully analyze the information received. Subsequently, he will be able to move on to real action and change his life.
  9. Reimprinting. The technique allows you to find resources for changing established negative beliefs and updating incorrect behavioral patterns. A situation that causes strong feelings is reviewed, analyzed from several points in time, and benefits and positive intentions are sought from reactions to it. All information received is analyzed. Based on them, the behavior model or thinking of the individual changes.
  10. . The technique allows you to change your attitude towards an unpleasant event. With its help, attitudes towards people also change. For development, a period is determined that requires analysis and change. It is necessary to create a kinesthetic anchor, that is, remember some pleasant incident from life and fix this moment with a movement (snap your fingers). During the selected period, you need to remember positive and negative situations. Re-experience the positive moments of life, just watch the negative ones from the sidelines. When considering negative situations, it is important to remember your resource anchor. It will help you see the positive aspects even in negative moments.

Top 5 NLP techniques that will be useful for every day

If you know some NLP techniques, you can manage people and achieve the desired result from them, for example, consent, some kind of benefit. Manipulation methods help to avoid unpleasant incidents and not fall into the trap of scammers.

What NLP techniques can be used daily:

  1. Joining. If a stranger approaches a person, he perceives him as a danger. It is difficult to strike up a conversation with anyone on the street. It’s even harder to inspire trust in a person and inspire something in him. You must first take a close look at the individual and copy him. By adjusting to the rhythm of a stranger, you can easily lure him with your offer.
  2. Rapport. Building trusting relationships with the individual. It is necessary to find common character traits in the person you managed to “join”. It is important to break down the psychological barrier, lull caution, and arouse sympathy and trust in yourself.
  3. Three positive answers. The individual is put into a light trance with the help of three questions to which the answer must be “yes”. By inertia, a person will respond affirmatively to an unfavorable offer.
  4. Switching attention. If they want to distract a person from an important issue, their attention is transferred to another object. An individual's brain, like his vision, is capable of focusing on only one object. By switching his attention to another situation or thing, the individual escapes previous information that may be important to him.
  5. Template break. With the help of a non-standard action, you can unsettle a person and force him to do what the manipulator wants. It is important to carefully monitor the individual’s reaction and respond in a timely manner to his numbness.

What books on NLP can you read?

In order to understand NLP methods, you need a book dedicated to this issue. Beginners who have just begun to become interested in this issue, as well as specialists who have been using psychological techniques for many years, will find a lot of useful information in books on NLP.

Popular books on NLP:

  1. Michael Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques"

This work contains many methods that change an individual’s life for the better, make him a genius, and improve character traits. The author described techniques that are applicable in practice. The book changes your perspective on familiar things, helps you change and achieve your goals.

  1. Richard Bandler, The Art of Persuasion.

The book is dedicated to the art of trading. It tells you how to succeed in business by offering the customer what they want. You can sell your product to a person if you capture his attention, talk to him sincerely and kindly, determine his needs and, during a confidential conversation, slowly build your winning strategy.

  1. John Grinder "From frogs to princes."

The book presents NLP training, which the author conducted together with Richard Bandler. The work is a recording of a seminar on NLP methods. The book examines problems of behavioral psychology and social communication.

  1. Joseph O'Connor NLP. A practical guide to achieving the desired results."

The book describes techniques that will help you better build relationships with people. With the help of special techniques, it is possible to instill in an individual the desired attitude and use this to achieve his goal.

  1. Anvar Bakirov “How to manage yourself and others using NLP.”

The work is easy to read and has many funny moments. The methods described on the pages of this book allow you to manage emotions, instill trust in a person, and use the initiated situation for your own benefit. The author tells how, using simple techniques, you can easily get out of a crisis situation and achieve success in life.

NLP methods in psychology help an individual solve his problems through self-development and influencing the psyche of other people. Some scientists consider such a discipline unnecessary and dangerous for society. After all, she proposes to intervene in the subconscious of an individual and provoke him to certain actions. However, knowledge of NLP is useful for gaining self-confidence and self-improvement. Some psychological NLP practices are presented in video works of N.V. Baturina.

NLP- one of the currently most popular areas of psychotherapy, which originated in the early 70s. Its founders are Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They, in turn, acknowledge that the starting point of their work was the generalization of the experience of Frederick Pearls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson.

However, the basic scheme of therapeutic effects NLP has existed since time immemorial, when priests, shamans, healers, as well as some rulers and generals used the “magical” power of the word, capable of causing changes in consciousness and behavior under appropriate conditions and conditions. This mechanism is used both in suggestion (including hypnosis) and in self-hypnosis (from traditional auto-training to self-hypnosis).

The theoretical justification for such an effect is perfectly presented in the works of I.P. Pavlov, V.M. Bekhterev, K.I. Platonov and other outstanding domestic and foreign physiologists, psychologists and psychotherapists. Thus, Pavlov wrote: “The word, thanks to the entire previous life of an adult, is connected with all external and internal irritations coming to the cerebral hemispheres, all of them signal, all of them replace them and therefore can cause all those actions, reactions of the body that determine those irritations "

In NLP, the mechanism of the influence of words is combined with various physical “fixers” (anchors), which also corresponds to the mechanisms of the combined reflex according to V.M. Bekhterev or conditioned reflex according to I.P. Pavlov. (As we know, their works, especially the conditioned reflex theory and the research of I.P. Pavlov, are very highly valued and intensively used in the USA.)

And yet, neurolinguistic programming in its modern form can be spoken of as an independent direction of psychotherapy.

According to NLP, each person has a predominant channel for receiving information: modality. That is, although any normal person perceives the world with the whole range of senses: hearing, vision, smell, muscle-motor (kinesthetic), etc., however, in one person leading modality is visual perception, another is auditory (and others complement them).

Moreover, within this leading modality, NLP specialists see a further gradation of signs that clarify the individual characteristics of receiving and processing information.

To clarify the dominant channel, direction and characteristics of information reception in NLP, type analysis plays an important role scanning eye movement.

Thus, scanning eye movement shows which representative system for obtaining information a person uses at certain moments.

It is believed that eye movement up and to the left signals the process of retrieving eidetic (visual) images from visual memory.

According to the NLP classification, there are eight main types (patterns) of directions of eye movements and their corresponding representative systems:

1) scanning movement of the eyes up and to the left - visual eidetic image;

2) up and to the right - visual constructed image;

3) direct defocused (not focused closely on an external object) gaze - the visual image being represented;

4) eyes at the middle level to the right - auditory construction;

5) eyes at the middle level to the left - auditory images;

6) eyes closed, gaze turned inward - internal dialogue;

7) eyes down and to the left - telephone-type listening;

8) eyes down and to the right - kinesthetic sensations, feelings.

Clarification of the prevailing representative system is facilitated by content analysis(content analysis) used by the client sensory-specific terms. For example, the use of words like look, see, draw, show, bright, red(or other color), etc. typical for visual representational system. For dominance kinesthetic(musculoskeletal) representative system Typical words are: touch, warm, soft - hard, smooth - rough, feel, grab, stroke, touch etc. With predominant auditory perception, words predominate: loud - quiet, noisy, melodic, hear, shout etc.

Dominance in the use of the corresponding type of sensory-specific words indicates the main one for a given individual ( primary) representative system, that is, the sensory system of perception that is used by a given person more often than others.

In order to establish the most effective contact with the client, the psychotherapist must identify his dominant perception system (modality) and use predominantly verbal (verbal) or nonverbal (facial and body language) communication. Moreover, during verbal communication, he must rely on terms that are most typical for the identified primary modality, terms or actions characteristic of it.

The psychotherapist carries out adjustment to the client’s primary representative system and only after that begins to introduce into the established contact a strategy for the necessary changes in the client’s behavior and state.

NLP specialists see one of the reasons for the lack of mutual understanding and sexual dissatisfaction between spouses in the fact that spouses have different primary representative systems and do not know how to adjust to each other.

One of the key working terms of NLP is the concept of “anchor”, which means some specific sensation (for example, pressing on a shoulder, arm, knee), the client’s experience of a corresponding state. By specifically inducing or “watching for” this state, the psychotherapist secures it each time with an anchor (i.e., a muscle or other fixed sensation). With such repetitions, a conditioned reflex connection is established between the anchor and the desired state, and in the future, just the use of the anchor will cause this state.

So, the first task of the psychotherapist NLP is to identify the leading representative system of perception and communication for a given client. Next, the psychotherapist must adapt to the identified dominant system, that is, speak to the client in his language.

Then it is necessary to clarify which undesirable conditions and their behavioral manifestations require therapeutic correction.

This is usually done in stages as follows.

First stage

Identification of a characteristic feature (foreign key) of the desired undesirable state.

Second stage

Fixing this state with an anchor.

Third stage

Securing the anchor by regularly repeating it simultaneously with the appearance of an undesirable condition. For this the client is asked go back through your memory, remembering as vividly as possible the situations that gave rise to precisely these unwanted feelings. Having felt these states, the client signals them to the psychotherapist, who anchors them.

Fourth stage

The therapist brings the client back to the present, creates a feeling of safety and satisfaction, and asks him to present his version of what this journey into the past has taught him.

Only after clarifying and bringing to the client’s consciousness the reasons for the occurrence of undesirable conditions and behavioral reactions, the work of reframing (reshaping) begins.

Reframing distributed over six stages (steps).

First stage

The goal of the first step is to ensure that you have accurately localized the unwanted behavior or external symptom of the client's unwanted condition or uncontrollable physiological symptom.

Second stage

At the second stage, the psychotherapist comes into contact with psychological part client causing unwanted behavior or symptoms. This is where building a bridge between the conscious and unconscious spheres of the client’s psyche begins.

The client is recommended to begin a concentrated penetration into his inner world with the question: “ Does the psychological part of me that creates this behavior want to talk to me?“Listening to the answer to this question repeatedly addressed to himself, the client tries to sensitively capture and remember any reactions (sensations, visual images, feelings, words, involuntary actions) that arise in his inner world.

At the same time, the psychotherapist not only analyzes the client’s impressions, but also monitors any behavioral reactions and symptoms, which are often not noticed or incorrectly recorded by the client.

Third stage

At the third stage, it is necessary to separate intentions from their behavioral manifestation, and then establish and analyze the connection between the intention and the corresponding or distorted behavioral response. The challenge is to discover the intention behind the behavior.

Invite the client to ask his psychological part responsible for this behavior. " What are you trying to do for me?“The answer can come not only in words, but also in visual images, sensations, feelings, etc.

The psychotherapist constructs his questions, gradually penetrating into the depths of the reasons that give rise to undesirable states and behavior patterns. So, for example, if a client says that some psychological (mental) part of him tells him: “ I will not allow you to have sexual relations", you ask him to ask this part next question: " Why are you forbidding me to do this?

Here a more rational answer like “ Because if you don't listen to me and have sexual relations, you will be harmed and feel bad" That is, we see that behind the first reaction of prohibition there is a reaction of defense.

Fourth stage

The therapist helps the client find three new ways satisfy intention. To do this, the client turns to his creative(creative) parts with the task of finding or inventing three new, more acceptable options for satisfying desire.

If you can't find creative part- the psychotherapist must form it. This is usually done by recalling situations in which the client showed himself to be creative and resourceful. As soon as such a situation can be revived in the client’s memory, the psychotherapist secures it with an anchor (that is, some kind of conditional touch, movement, word), which will help connect with the creative part of the client.

It is advisable that the client himself finds his creative (creative) part, and then develops three new ways to satisfy the need. The psychotherapist should play here only the role of a consultant, a stimulator. However, there are often cases when the client does not have enough independence to solve this problem. In these cases (and only in these cases) the psychotherapist himself offers the client appropriate options.

Fifth stage

At the fifth stage, the psychotherapist invites the client to feel that the part of him that knows with this behavior, accepts, recognizes the new options found as effective and takes responsibility for their application in the right situation. (Here it is very important not to confuse this part, which is in charge of this behavior, and the creative part found or created by the client, which develops and offers new models of behavior to the part in charge.)

To do this, the client first asks the knowing part of himself whether she agrees that new options for solving the frustrating situation (developed creative part) are more effective than the previous ones, which did not bring the desired result. If the controlling part recognizes this and agrees, you should ask it if it agrees to accept responsibility for implementing new models of behavior in previous situations.

If this part does not agree that the new possibilities are better than the original behavior, suggest that the client ask the controlling part to approach the creative part and work with it to better understand the new possibilities that are opening up. That is, the client plays a game in which he distances himself from an unsuccessful solution to the problem, transferring it for discussion to the persuasive and opposing parts of himself. I.

There is nothing strange about this - after all, in fact, we constantly argue with ourselves on various issues, convincing and refuting ourselves in search of a satisfactory solution. The authors of NLP believe that such an internal dispute will be more constructive if we remove ourselves from the arguing parts and are able to consider the arguments of our internal opponents less emotionally and more soberly.

If, nevertheless, the part in charge does not accept the arguments of the creative part and does not take responsibility for the use of new models of behavior, the psychotherapist offers (and helps) the client to find another psychological part within himself that will agree to do this.

Sixth stage

At the sixth stage, a so-called environmental audit is carried out. To do this, the psychotherapist invites the client to ask himself whether any part of him is resisting the interventions. working negotiations different parts. If agreement between the parts is achieved, it is considered that the task of this stage is completed and one can move on. If some part is not satisfied with these negotiations, the psychotherapist and the client go back through the steps taken in order to separate the client’s intention to carry out this process from some private objections, determine the reasons for this resistance and try to eliminate them.

Only when environmental audit shows the absence of resistance of all involved (two or more) parts to their working interaction, the process is considered complete.

The given step-by-step scheme for implementing NLP is the most typical, but far from the only one.

Currently, a large number of options are used in NLP practice, depending on specifically formulated goals. Nevertheless, we can say that they all fit into the above scheme in one way or another.

During family counseling, it is especially important for a psychotherapist to be able to identify differences in modalities (representational systems) among spouses and, by taking on the role of a translator, to help them better understand each other, and in the future gain the ability to better understand the other’s language and take into account signals of an increasing conflict in advance in order to prevent it or, if it has already happened, it is easier to overcome.

Self-test questions

1. What is the essence of NLP?

2. Name and briefly describe the main working terms of NLP

3. What is the master (primary) modality?

4. What is an anchor and how is it used?

5. What is reframing and what is its essence?

6. List and briefly describe the six steps of reframing.

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