Are you lying down correctly? Lie down comfortably (clothing should in no case restrict your movements; it is better to have bare feet)

There has long been debate about which is correct - lie down or lie down. However, neither side almost ever justifies its choice, but is only guided by its intuition, which, by the way, quite often fails. In this regard, we propose to devote this article to this topic.

General information

“Lie down on the floor” or “lie down on the floor” - which of the following expressions is correct? Before answering the question posed, it should be said that the spelling of some verbs in the Russian language, which have the form of the imperative mood, directly depends on the processes of alternation in. That is why many people have logical questions about how to write and pronounce such lexical units, without making a single mistake. For example, which of the above is correct: lie down or lie down?

Basic Rule

Verbs used in the imperative mood express an impulse to a specific action, a request or an order. As a rule, such lexical units are used in the second person form. It should also be noted that the forms of the imperative mood do not change by tense; they are formed from the stem of the future simple or present tense using a zero suffix, suffix -And-, zero ending or ending -those. Also, the particle is often added to imperative verbs -ka mitigating the order. Here are some illustrative examples:

  • run;
  • run;
  • be patient;
  • be;
  • come on;
  • read it and so on.

Lie down or lie down?

It should also be noted that verbs are formed only from the stem of the infinitive. Moreover, in this form it is possible to alternate consonant sounds in the root (for example, [zh] and [h] with [g] and [k]). Let's illustrate this feature with a clear example:

  • run - run, run (alternating [g] with [g]);
  • oven - bake, bake (alternating [h] s [k]);
  • cut - cut, cut (alternating [h] with [g]).

It is precisely this feature of the presented rule that explains doubts about the spelling of the following words: lie down or lay down. However, this alternation concerns several other forms. Thus, the imperative verb “lay down” is formed from the stem of the infinitive “lie down” (imperfect form). It should also be noted that the mentioned lexical unit differs in semantic meaning from the similar, but without alternation of consonants in the root form “lie down”, which is formed from the indefinite verb “lie down”.

Formation of forms of imperative verbs

How to pronounce correctly: “lie down and sleep” or “lie down and sleep”? Of course, only the first option will be correct. To prove this statement, let's look in more detail at how the form of the verbs “lie down” and “lay down” is formed.

  1. The root of the indefinite form of "to lie down" is -false-. In this version, the alternation of consonant sounds is completely absent. Therefore, in the imperative mood this verb will look like this: “lie down”, “lie down”.
  2. The root of the indefinite form "to lie" is -lying-. In this variant there is an alternation of consonants in the root - [zh] with [g]. Therefore, in the imperative mood this verb will look like this: “lie down”, “lie down”.

What are the reasons for confusion?

Many people argue about which is correct - lie down or lie down. But why do such doubts arise at all? Experts say: this is due to the fact that the alternation of consonant letters in the root during the formation of the imperative mood does not always occur. That is why in Russian speech, instead of the correct form - “lie down” or “lie down” - quite often its incorrect version appears - “lie down” or “lie down”. Moreover, another mistake is often made in the text. So, a lot of people just lose

How to remember?

In order not to confuse the above options in written and oral speech with the erroneous lexical unit “lie down,” you should understand the differences in the ways of forming the imperative forms of the verb “lie down” and “lie down.” For memorization and comparison, you can use the following examples:

  • Correct: “Lie down next to”; “Lie down on the bed, you will be more comfortable on it”; “Lie down comfortably and fall asleep quickly”; “Go to bed, because it’s early to get up in the morning.”
  • Incorrect: “Lie down next to”; “Lie on the bed, you will be more comfortable on it”; “Lie down comfortably and fall asleep quickly”; “Go to bed, because it’s early to get up in the morning.”

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to correctly use the imperative form of the verb “to lie.” To consolidate the material, we will give you brief recommendations on the use of this lexical unit in speech:

  1. “Lie down” is the only correct form of the (imperative) plural verb. numbers.
  2. The erroneous version of “lie down” is formed due to the imperative mood of the word “lie down”.
  3. The form “lie down” is formed from a stem in which there is no alternation of consonant sounds such as [zh] and [g]. As for the form “lie down,” it occurs with alternation of root consonants.

Lie down comfortably (clothing should under no circumstances restrict your movements; it is better to have bare feet).

Relaxation before entering the astral plane.

Quick relaxation

1) Lie down comfortably (clothing should in no case restrict your movements; it is better to have bare feet). You can cover yourself with a light blanket.

2) Close your eyes and watch the thoughts that arise in your head. Don’t chase away the mental images, let them do what they want.

3) Create some pleasant idea (remember something or fantasize a little). If unpleasant visions continue to appear in the future, do nothing. Don't try to get rid of them by force of will.

4) Bend your legs in a “U” shape and pat them from bottom to top and back - this will relax your muscles.

5) After taking a deep breath, hold your breath. Without exhaling, draw in your stomach and press your protruding lumbar vertebrae to the mat on which you are lying. Fix this position (lie like this until it becomes a burden for you). Exhale and relax completely. Lie still for a while. Repeat this exercise three times.

6) After inhaling, hold your breath in your chest for as long as possible. After exhaling, lie down in a relaxed state (do not forget to start breathing again, but do not influence your breathing, let the body breathe on its own). Repeat this three times.

7) After inhaling, hold your breath and, crossing your arms, hug yourself by the shoulders, squeezing them as tightly as possible. Once you have enjoyed it, exhale and relax. You can leave your hands in the same position. Lie down for a while.

8) Continue holding your arms in the “hug” position (if before this you were lying with them stretched along your body, then return to the indicated position). With your knees bent, if it is more comfortable, sway from side to side. After pampering yourself in this way, unclench your arms and, remaining in a lying position, feel relaxed.

9) Do not rush to finish relaxation (this is a general rule for all such techniques). Lie as long as you want. Then stretch as if after waking up from sleep and, slowly opening your eyes, slowly sit up.

Previous page.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) At the beginning of the 19th century, the French Academy made a decision not to consider works containing descriptions of stones falling from the sky: it seemed to scientists that all descriptions of meteorites - “heavenly stones” - were a figment of fantasy, ______ stones had nowhere to fall. (2) This is a very dangerous path - to deny everything that has not yet been explained. (3) Denial of the existence of the incomprehensible has more than once hampered the development of science.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Science denies what it cannot explain, trying to avoid dangerous paths.

2. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French Academy decided not to consider works containing descriptions of stones falling from the sky.

3. The resolution of the French Academy on the refusal to study meteorites is just one example of how the denial of the incomprehensible hindered the development of science.

4. In the 19th century, all descriptions of meteorites - “heavenly stones” - were considered a figment of fantasy.

5. Denial of what has not yet been explained has repeatedly hampered the development of science, which is confirmed by the decision of the French Academy on the refusal to study meteorites.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. nevertheless

4. because


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word FRUIT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

FRUIT, -a, m.

1. The part of a plant that develops from the ovary of a flower and contains seeds. Single-seeded, multi-seeded. Juicy fruits (fruits, berries). Dry fruits (beans, pods, nuts, acorns). Ripe, unripe n. Edible fruits.

2. The human (animal) body in the womb (female). Fetal development.

3. trans., something. Generation, result of something. The fruits of reflection. P. many years of work. P. negligence.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.


more beautiful



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. For the interior decoration of a room, it is very important for a designer to choose the right colors, that is, to make a GOOD color choice.

2. The international meeting once again confirmed the EFFECTIVENESS of the work of Russian diplomats.

4. A leader must be a charming, bright, INTEGRAL person.

5. The new aesthetics that emerged in the work of avant-garde artists RADICALLY changed the previous Greco-Roman ideas about the artistic value of art.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

fresh CAKES


less than FOUR HUNDRED years old




Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) L. Obukhova talks about the first cosmonaut of the Earth in the article “Favorite of the Century.” 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) The athlete's legs should be slightly bent while holding the tow rope. 2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Thanks to the available sources, literary scholars have come to the conclusion about the real fact of awarding M.Yu. Lermontov with a military award for participation in the battle of Valerik. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) One of the facts of the biography of A.P. Chekhov, which recently became famous, was the construction of four rural schools at his own expense. 4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) Each of those who visited the international film festival in Moscow saw the best domestic and foreign films of the year. 5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

warm up




fall asleep


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..despondency, pr..hail hurt, to..give

un..take, n..tear off


o..give, set



take over



key.. howl


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.




getting to know each other


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. Dahlias that have (NOT) HAPPENED to bloom are killed by early frosts.

2. A (NOT) BRIGHT, but pale moon hung over the city.

3. There were (NOT) vacationers in the park next to the hotel.

4. Timokhin looked at his commander with fear and (NOT) BELIEF.

5. (NOT) lingering at the door, the guests immediately entered the hall.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. An amazing creature - a cat! She often goes (TO) MEETING danger. (C) DIFFERENT from other animals, this animal is unusually patient and hardy.

2. Sparrows are engaged in catching caterpillars (B) FOR three weeks until the chicks grow up, and when they fledge, then (B) FOLLOWING their parents they will get their own food.

3. The bays of Lake Onega have a completely unusual shape. One of them is (IN) THE SIMILARITY of an elephant’s trunk, the other appears to many tourists (IN) THE VIEW of a huge crayfish’s claw.

4. The hero of Moliere's comedy Don Juan appeared in the play as a complete atheist, (YET) witty, fearless and irresistibly attractive, (NOT) LOOKING at his vices.

5. (C) Throughout the entire evening, the trills of SOME kind of bird were gently ringing in the garden.


Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written.

And thick milk pouring from a clay (1) jug, and a lush loaf in a skillfully woven (2) basket, and a sliding napkin written out (3) by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Increasingly, angry and cold winds blow and tear off the leaves.

2. Poetry glorifies either the majestic distances or the inexhaustible scattering of stars.

3. I wish I had given this cigarette case to someone a long time ago, but I don’t dare!

4. In the distance he saw a village of five or six courtyards.


The wind (1) rustling and rustling in the birch forest (2) ran across the fields (3) covered with white flowers (4) absorbing the aromas of herbs.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

The ethical quests of Leo Tolstoy (1) of course (2) still retain their significance. Now (3) in my opinion (4) it is especially important to make Tolstoy’s principle of moral self-education publicly available.


Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

In one of the bays of the Pacific Ocean (1) a giant squid (2) was discovered whose eye (3) diameter (4) is equal to a quarter of a meter.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Gulyaev was a strong man (1) and (2) when he returned to the Urals (3) the brilliant glory of a millionaire followed him (4) to whom everything was available.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

Residents of Ufa could observe an unusual natural phenomenon last Sunday.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) The city is burning. (2) Not even the city, but the entire coastline throughout the entire distance visible to the eye. (3) It’s hard to even say whether it’s a fire. (4) This is something more.

(5) This is probably how the taiga burns - for weeks, months, for tens, hundreds of kilometers.

(6) The crimson swirling sky, the black silhouette of a burning city, as if cut out with a jigsaw. (7) Black and red. (8) There is no other. (9) Black city and red sky.

And the Volga is red. (11) “It’s like blood,” flashes through my head.

(12) The flame is almost invisible, only in one place, downstream, short jumping tongues. (13) And against us, crumpled, like paper cylinders of oil tanks, fallen, crushed by gas. (14) And from them flames - mighty prominences break away and are lost in heavy swirling fantastic clouds of lead-red smoke.

(15) As a child, I loved to look at an old English magazine from the period of the fourteenth war. (16) It had neither beginning nor end, but there were amazing pictures - large, full page: English Tommy guns in the trenches, attacks, naval battles with foaming waves and destroyers ramming each other, funny, like whatnots, floating in air "Bleriot", "Farman" and "Taube". (17) It was difficult to tear myself away.

(18) But the most terrible thing was the huge, shudderingly gloomy image on the two middle pages of Louvain burning from the German bombings. (19) There were flames, and clouds of smoke that looked like cotton wool, and running people, and destroyed houses, and searchlights in the ominous sky. (20) In a word, it was so scary and captivating that there was no strength to turn the page. (21) I redrew this picture an infinite number of times, colored it with colored pencils, paints, small crayons and then hung these pictures on the walls.

“Lie down or lie down” is the question. And we begin to think about the answer only when it comes to a specific situation, for example: “lie down on the couch” or “lie down on the couch.”

How to say or write correctly?

The first thing you need to remember is how verbs change their original form, acquiring an imperative tone. It is during this period that the consonants in the root of the word are replaced. Thus, the letter "zh" changes to "g", and "ch" to "k". For example, to run - run.

Why do we start getting confused about spelling?

Due to exceptions to the rule for replacing letters in the imperative mood. This is why literacy is disrupted from the correct “lie down” to the incorrect “lie down”. Plus, most people simply forget about the soft sign.

How to remember?

  1. the Russian language recognizes the only correct form of the imperative mood as “lie down,” that is, “lie down” is a gross speech and spelling error;
  2. We incorrectly consider “lie down” to be a derivative form of “lie down”;
  3. in the verb “lie down” there is never a replacement of letters, while “lie down” is formed precisely by their replacement.

Summing up

This rule is worth learning. If at some point you still forgot how to say or write correctly, then simply replace “lie down” with “lie down.”

Lie down or lie down, which is the correct spelling? Lie on the floor properly

“Lie down” or “lie down”, which is the correct spelling?

Correctly say and write “lie down” (on your back, on the floor, on the sofa, on the bed, on the rug, etc.) according to the morphological norm of the modern Russian literary language.

In everyday life, in everyday speech, in the description of various kinds of gymnastic and health-improving sets of exercises, the word “lie down” is in demand. This version of the word “lie down” is also often heard. Which version of the verb is correct, “lie down” or “lie down”?

From the point of view of the morphology of the Russian language, the word we are interested in is a form of the imperative mood of the verb, which expresses a request, wish, order and answers the question: what do you do?

Typically, the 2nd person singular and plural forms of the imperative mood are formed from the base of the present tense (imperfect form) or simple future tense (perfect form) of verbs using the formative suffix -i- and the postfix -te, or the suffix in their morphemic composition is zero, for example :

  • erase - erase, erase;
  • tear - tear, tear;
  • burn - burn, burn;
  • cut - cut, cut off;
  • eat - eat, eat.

Perhaps, by analogy with the forms of the imperative mood of the verbs “eat”, “eat”, “cut”, “cut”, colloquial forms of the monosyllabic verb “lie down” - “lie down”, “lie down”, which are beyond the borders of the Russian literary language. The use of these forms in speech, oral or written, is a speech error.

Nevertheless, according to the morphological norm of the Russian literary language, the verb “lie down” forms two forms of the imperative mood:

  • singular form (what will you do?) lie down;
  • plural form (do what?) lie down.

In accordance with this norm, we will correctly say or write:

  • lie down, lie on your back;
  • lie down, lie down on the floor;
  • lie down, lie down on the sofa;
  • lie down, lie down on the couch;
  • lie down, lie down on the gymnastics mat.

A couple of chords on the guitar, and we’ll hear the easily recognizable, hoarse voice of the famous poet of the 20th century:

If you are in your apartment, lie down on the floor, three or four, perform the movements correctly.

V. Vysotsky. Morning exercises

Along the way, we note the most common speech errors in the formation of imperative forms of some verbs:

  • go, go, go instead of lit. go, go;
  • lodges, lodge instead of lit. put, put;
  • say, catch instead of lit. catch, catch;
  • put - instead of put;
  • look instead of look;
  • come out instead of lit. come out.

How do you spell "lie down" or "lie down"? How to say "lie down" or "lie down"?

Correctly say: Lie down.

The word lie down simply does not exist, there is the word lie down, lie down.

There is a word lie down, lie down.

And correctly say and write the word lie down.

If it’s very difficult to tell people to lie down, then you can use Lie down.

And it is written and said in Russian correctly, not lie down, but lie down. If we talk about the imperative form used in relation to the singular, then the correct sound would be as follows: please lie down and rest. Or, like this: Lie down, please, you need to sleep.

Both options will be correct.

Forms such as lyazh, lyazhte take place in the vernacular of the Russian language and are considered absolutely incorrect.

By using such imperative forms, asking a person to take a horizontal position, you have every chance of being branded as an illiterate person who does not know the Russian language well.

There is no such word at all, lie down. It would be correct to write and say lie down, or you can also say lie down, lie down, lie down, but under no circumstances lie down or lie down.

Lie down - this is a vulgarism like lie down

Instead of the terrible lie down, you can say tozhitesb, please - how much more euphonious is heard!

The same story happened with the cartoon Well, wait a minute:

everyone said:

Well wait.

This word answers the question What should you do? - lie down/lie down.

Thus, it is the imperative form of the infinitive verb to lie down.

The correct spelling of this word would be the first option - with the letter g.

So, correctly write and say lie down.

Which is correct: lie down or lie down?

Only through the letter G. Forget about F.

Lie down, lie down.

Through F just LIE, LIE, etc.

Lying down (as a request to lie down) is also wrong. Lie down - right.

In general, take the letter G into service and you won’t get confused.

It's correct to say lie down, or lie down.

To pronounce and write correctly you need to LYE UP.

It is better not to use the word lie down, as you may be accused of illiteracy and a low level of development.

If you already use it, then you need to write it with a soft sign, and pronounce it only in close surroundings. It can even be modernized to lyagaite (from lie down, dialect form).

It’s easy to remember: lie down and lay down, not lie down and lie down.))

There are imperative forms lyazh, lyazh, lyazhte and lyazhte in the Russian language. More precisely, they exist only as complete colloquialisms that go beyond the framework of literature.

Therefore, it is correct to say lie down (in the singular - lie down). It's spelled exactly the same way.

The doubts are quite understandable. The infinitive of this verb (to lie down) is not very similar to lie down. The imperative mood is indeed formed in some strange way. However, this, as they say, is not discussed in the language. Language grammatical traditions do not always seem logical and correct, but the construction of the various forms is not like Tetris. Not all words are equal bricks.

And it is written and spoken correctly with the word lie down. If you are extremely uncomfortable saying this or you forget, try to come up with or rephrase a word for another one, for example, be so kind as to lie down (lie down)... in such and such a position.

It is spelled and said correctly, of course, lie down. Lie down sometimes makes me cringe, to be honest. Although quite a lot of people say this, this is a common mistake from the category of ringing and the like. An ideal option to infuriate a philologist: “And you lie down and set it on fire until he calls.”

I'll go to bed. We'll go to bed. You lie down! You lie down! How does it hurt your ears when you lie down! Lie down! Isn't it true?

To choose the correct version of the word lie down or lay down, we first determine that it appears to be the imperative form of the verb lie down. This word is used to express an order, wish or request.

The only correct form, corresponding to the morphological norms of the modern Russian literary language, is the word lyag in the singular or lyagte in the plural.

Lie down on your right side and you'll soon fall asleep, my baby!

Please lie down on the couch.

The prefix forms of the verb are formed in the same way:

lie down - lie down, lie down.

All other word creation is vernacular, located outside the boundaries of the literary language.

Which is the correct spelling: lie down or lie down?

The spelling of some verbs in the imperative mood depends on the processes of alternation of sounds in the root of the word. In this regard, questions arise about how to pronounce and write such words without making mistakes. For example, which form of the verb is correct: lie down or lie down?

In the Russian language, the imperative form of verbs is formed from the base of the infinitive, in which alternation of root consonants [zh] and [h], with [g] and [k] is possible: run - run, run; cut - cut, cut; oven - bake, bake.

This alternation occurs in the root of the imperative verb lie down, lie down. This form is derived from the stem of the infinitive of the imperfective verb to lie. It differs from the form, which is similar in semantic meaning, but does not have alternation of root consonants, lie down, lie down, formed from the infinitive of the verb to lie down.

Since the alternation of root consonants in the formation of the imperative mood of a verb does not always occur, in speech, instead of the correct form lie, lay down, its incorrect form, lie down, often appears. Another mistake is made in the letter: the soft sign is lost.

Understanding the differences in the way of forming the forms of the verb lie down and lie down will allow you not to confuse these options with the erroneous lie down in oral and written speech.

For comparison and memorization, you can use the following examples: gives the following recommendations on the use of forms of the verb lie down and lie down in speech:

  1. The imperative form of the plural verb lie in the Russian language is the only correct one. The use of this verb in the form lie down is a gross speech and spelling error.
  2. The erroneous variant of the verb form lie down arises by analogy with the imperative mood of the verb lie down.
  3. The form of the verb lie down is formed from a stem in which there is no alternation of consonants –zh-/-g-. The form lie is formed by alternating root consonants.

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