Acceptance of documents to the Minsk Technological College.

  • Region: Minsk region
  • Locality::Minsk
  • Ultrasound type: SSUZ
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • Address:

    220005, Minsk, st. Red, 19b.

  • Phones:

    (8-017) 284-78-15 (director’s reception)

  • URL:
  • Email:[email protected]

On October 20, 1953, the Minsk Technological College of the Belpromsovet was opened, located on the street. Dry.
The first intake of students was carried out in four specialties: Sewing technology; Technologies of carpentry and furniture production; Accounting; Modeling and designing clothing.
In 1958, the technical school settled in a building on the street. Z.Byaduli, and in 1961, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, the technical school moved to a separate wing of the polytechnic building at 85 Leninsky Prospekt. In the same year, the correspondence department began operating.
Since 1970, the technical school has been located in a 5-story building on Krasnaya Street.
In 1973, enrollment began for the specialty “Hairdressing and Decorative Cosmetics,” and since 1982, for the specialty “Photographic Production.”
From 1980-1991, the technical school trained specialists for foreign countries.
The teaching staff is constantly improving pedagogical technologies in the educational process. The college has 37 classrooms and laboratories, which are equipped with methodological complexes in all disciplines, the necessary technical teaching aids, modern equipment, three computer classes, sports and assembly halls, a canteen, a dormitory for nonresident students and workshops for practical training. The college has a psychological relief room, a methodological room, and a library with a total area of ​​505 sq. m. m, which houses a subscription service, a reading room, and a book depository. The library's collection includes more than 52,000 copies of books and periodicals. Library employees serve over 2,600 full-time and part-time readers.
On September 1, 1999, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the technical school was transformed into the educational institution "Minsk State Technological College".
The college structure has 3 departments:
1. The mechanical and technological department combines the following specialties:
Machines and devices for the light, textile industry and consumer services;
Design and technology of garments (in areas):
Modeling and designing clothing;
Sewing technology.
2.The Department of Consumer Services combines the following specialties:

Hairdressing art and decorative cosmetics.
3. The correspondence department combines the following specialties:
Accounting, analysis and control;
Sewing production technology;
Modeling and design of garments.

Based on general basic education (9 grades)

The college trains specialists on the basis of general basic education in full-time education in the following specialties:

2-91 02 31 Photography. Qualification: technologist.
Duration of training is 3 years 9 months.
2-91 02 32 - 01 Hairdressing art and decorative cosmetics (production activities). Qualification: fashion designer.
Duration of training is 3 years 10 months.
2-25 01 35 Accounting, analysis and control. Qualification: accountant.

Duration of training is 3 years 10 months.

Based on general secondary education (11 grades)

Based on general secondary education, the college trains specialists in the following specialties:
2-36 08 01 Machines and devices for the light, textile industry and consumer services. Qualification: mechanical technician.
Duration of training: 2 years 9 months (full-time).
2-50 01 02-01 31 Modeling and design of clothing. Qualification: fashion designer.
Duration of study: 2 years 10 months (full-time)
Training is possible both on a budgetary and paid basis.

Based on vocational education (VET)

On the basis of full-time vocational and technical education, the college trains specialists in the following specialties:
2-50 01 02 - 03 01 Technology of sewing products. Qualification: technologist.
Duration of training 1 year 10 months

Correspondence department

The correspondence department combines the following specialties:
Accounting, analysis and control. Qualification: accountant.
Duration of training is 2 years 9 months.
Sewing technology. Qualification: technologist.
Duration of training is 2 years 10 months.
Modeling and design of garments. Qualification: fashion designer.
Duration of training is 2 years 10 months.

More than 500 students from all over Belarus study at the college in four specialties. During the learning process, the advantageous location of the college is realized during theoretical and practical classes, production practices using the material and technical base of organizations in Minsk and the Minsk region.
The college administration is improving the educational process with new forms of work and regularly replenishing its own material and technical base.

The college has two comfortable dormitories.

The college's students and staff have the opportunity to organize their leisure time in many ways. They actively participate not only in events held at the college, but also visit cultural and historical places of the republic and the city of Minsk.

The Marketing specialty was opened in 1993. This is one of the most popular specialties, because... Only the ability to work in the market for goods and services ensures profit and enables the enterprise to develop in conditions of fierce competition. Students learn to collect and process information, analyze and systematize the results of marketing research, develop and implement marketing policy measures, calculate and analyze economic indicators of the organization's development, and navigate issues of organizing office work.

The close connection between the college and the enterprises of the Belgospischeprom concern helps students gain practical skills when participating in marketing research, exhibitions and tastings.

Studying commodity science and trade technology allows students to additionally obtain the working profession of “Food Products Seller”. The presence of three modern computer classes makes it possible to master information technology perfectly.

Qualification: Marketing economist.

The first graduation of production technicians was carried out in 1996. In the context of the reform of agricultural organizations and food industry organizations, the creation of multi-industry firms and factories, the development of agro-towns, and the improvement of technology for processing plant raw materials, the demand for specialists with knowledge and skills in the field of production technologies and processing of crop products remains.
Students acquire knowledge and skills not only in engineering and technological disciplines: technology for the production of fruits and vegetables; technology of storage and processing of crop products; machines and apparatus for food production; equipment for enterprises for the production, storage and processing of fruits and vegetables. The study of marketing, economics, accounting, and commodity science contributes to the development of economic thinking, which will help young professionals make the right management decisions.

Duration of training – 2 years 10 months.

The specialty was introduced for the first time in the Republic of Belarus at the proposal of the Belgospischeprom concern. The first intake of students took place in 2002. The college is the only one in the republic that trains specialists with secondary specialized education in this specialty.

Students study the features of manufacturing fat and oil products (vegetable oils, margarines, mayonnaise, soap), comprehend the essence of technological processes, equipment operation, gain knowledge on organizing and conducting technochemical control of products, economics, management, and marketing. Students additionally receive working professions: a fat and oil refining operator, a mayonnaise preparation operator, and a margarine production line operator.

Duration of training – 2 years 10 months.

Qualification – technologist.

Maximum practice, focus on innovation
and comprehensive personality development

We visited the Minsk State Mechanical and Technological Vocational College during the celebration of Processing Industry Day at the educational institution. The red day in their calendar was celebrated by future skinners and meat trimmers, cooks and manufacturers of semi-finished meat products on a special scale. An entertaining quiz with a reward in the form of hearty sandwiches, fascinating master classes on meat carving and the art of cooking, live music and a mass performance of a hymn to sausage - this is what students and teachers will remember about the next decade of specialized subjects.
Of course, this is not all that the capital’s college can surprise its guests with. Read our material about how to learn the basics of the most in-demand professions for the meat-processing and pharmaceutical industries, public catering establishments, and the microclimate and cold industry of the republic.

From two specialties to 19 qualifications

MGMT PTK appeared on the map of educational institutions of the capital back in 1956. By order of the Main Directorate of the Meat Industry of the Ministry of Industry of Meat and Dairy Products of the BSSR, the School of FZU of the Minsk Meat Processing Plant was formed. The history of the educational institution began at 5 Mayakovsky Street (in the Glavka building), where only three classrooms were allocated for its needs. Seven dozen students were the first to sit at their desks, and they were trained in only two specialties: “Livestock fighter, meat deboner” and “Foreman worker for growing and processing poultry.” With the development of meat and meat products processing, the need for workers in this industry has increased. After numerous reorganizations, vocational school-38 was already registered in a separate building on Kazintsa Street, 8.

Over the course of its history, the college has changed its name more than once, but only one thing remains unchanged: it trains the best personnel for the domestic industry. Today MGMT PTK is a dynamically developing educational institution that has united around seven hundred students and seven dozen talented teachers. By the way, among the college teachers there are not only those who can boast of academic knowledge of academic disciplines, but also production workers with solid experience. Also, part-time teachers from the country's main technical university, BNTU, work here.

Of course, time makes its own adjustments to the list of professions in demand in the labor market. Today the college offers training in 19 qualifications. Specialties such as “Technical operation of food production equipment”, “Technical operation of equipment”, “Production of medicines, vitamins and biosynthetic preparations”, “Mechatronics”, which are rare throughout the republic, can only be obtained within the walls of this educational institution. In addition to a high-quality educational building, the children have at their disposal a comfortable dormitory with 460 beds.

About recruitment rules and the most popular specialties

To join the ranks of MGMT PTK students, you must strictly adhere to the deadline for submitting documents: from June 15 to August 20. Our competitive selection is carried out on the basis of the average score of the certificate of general secondary education or a certificate of general basic (or special) education, - the director of the educational institution introduces the matter. – Children have the opportunity to master a working specialty at the level of vocational education. In addition, since 2014, we have been training mid-level specialists (MTR level). In both the first and second cases, full-time and part-time forms of education are provided.

According to Svetlana Vasilyevna, there have never been any problems with both the enrollment of students and the subsequent employment of young specialists at the college. And all because the educational institution works closely with personnel customers, enterprises in the meat processing and pharmaceutical industries, public catering, and the microclimate and cold industry of our republic. It trains specialists who are needed by the real sector of the economy. And precisely in the quantity that is necessary so that graduates can find employment without problems, and enterprises do not feel a lack of qualified personnel. For example, starting from the current academic year, MGMT PTK has been training students with basic education in the specialty “Cooking of flour products. Cook". Its opening was initiated by Tabak Invest OJSC. By the way, the passing grades for this specialty this year were the highest - 7.2. Soon, 25 college graduates will join the staff of the Korona retail chain, where they will work as testers.

The specialty remains one of the most in demand “Manufacturer of semi-finished meat products. Cook". Which, however, is not surprising, because in Minsk alone today there are 450 vacancies for cooks. Interestingly, there are more and more guys among those who want to master this profession. For example, in one of the student groups the ratio of boys to girls is as follows: 23/2.

The specialty “Operator of Fermentation of Biosynthesis Preparations” is also popular among school graduates. A wide-range operator for the production of chemical and pharmaceutical preparations.” If in the future you see yourself as a specialist in the pharmaceutical industry, keep in mind: recruitment for this specialty takes place every year and competitive selection for it is carried out only among children who have a general secondary education.

Of course, you need to understand that, first of all, this is a working specialty. There are cases when guys come to us without realizing it. Young people want everything at once, not understanding that they have to climb up the steps: first, second... Our college is the very first step, thanks to which you can make your dream come true, explains the director. – We train specialists for the pharmaceutical industry under contracts. The basic ones are such enterprises as Academpharm and Belmedpreparaty. Issues of cooperation with cosmetic companies “Modum”, “Belita” are being worked out... So in the near future this specialty is expected to undergo transformation.

In addition to working with graduates of basic and secondary schools, MGMT PTK provides vocational training, retraining, and advanced training for workers in technological and technical professions as part of the implementation of educational programs for additional adult education.

Resource center as the foundation of the educational process

A resource center for training, retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists for refrigeration industry enterprises is the pride of MGMT PTK. The unique educational platform began its work in 2014 and has already managed to make itself known, bringing several significant awards to the educational institution. Thus, last year, the educational stand “Diagnostics of refrigeration equipment malfunctions” took 1st place in the city gathering of inventors and innovators in the “Best teaching tool” category. 2018 was also encouraging: the design of a refrigeration machine with automatic elements was recognized as the best teaching tool based on the results of the city review of innovative and technical creativity of students and employees of VET and SSE institutions.

This year, the only resource center in the republic for training specialists for enterprises in the microclimate and refrigeration industry is included in the “Youth Policy and Education” program.

Today, the resource center is undergoing a large-scale modernization of existing and installation of new educational and laboratory refrigeration equipment, supplied as part of public procurement by the RIPO. Everything that will be housed in the resource center is unique and created to special order. With the help of this equipment, the guys and I will study in practice the structure and operating principle of refrigeration machines of various designs with original automation systems. This is indeed a huge step forward in the process of quality training of refrigeration industry specialists, - the head of the resource center is proud of his brainchild Andrey ZENOVCHIK. – Being impressed by the internship in Germany, with my colleague, senior lecturer at BNTU Nikolai Zhuk, we decided to do something similar on the scale of our republic. Of course, this is not a blind copying of foreign experience; it has its own twist. Nikolai Petrovich is a theorist with extensive experience, I am a practitioner with more than three decades of experience in the profession. In my opinion, we have a wonderful complementary tandem. It took about six months to discuss the project, write technical specifications - and here it is, the result. After completing basic training, each student will be able to assemble a real refrigeration machine using the proposed scheme. This is a creative process, so we will not limit the impulse of their imagination. We will involve the best guys in commissioning work.

According to Andrei Nikolaevich, the resource center opens up completely different opportunities for the highest quality training of students in specialties “Fitter and assembler of household appliances. Refrigeration unit operator" And "Mechatronic". Practical classes at this unique site are held not only for students of MGMT PTK; students of BNTU and students of the College of Electronics have already visited here.

Our specialties are specific, complex, and there are certain dangers. But if your soul is still inclined to this, you need to study all your life. The approach to the educational process must be fundamental, - emphasized the head of the resource center of MGMT PTK. – Our college takes part in the implementation of the UNDP/GEF international project “Promoting the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances”. IN European countries today are abandoning freons in refrigeration equipment, because they have a detrimental effect on the environment. Of course, this is a long process, a lot needs to be changed, personnel must be trained... This is what we are doing, we are doing everything to produce workers and specialists in demand at enterprises. Competition in the labor market today is quite high, so we must keep up with the times.

With such fundamental approaches to training, it is not surprising that college graduates are in demand among enterprises in the refrigeration industry of the Republic of Belarus. As a rule, after six months of training, having attended industrial practice, the guys who decide to connect their lives with Mechatronics are assigned to enterprise teams. By the way, graduates of this specialty, according to the agreement, upon admission to BNTU are immediately enrolled in the third year of correspondence education, where they can receive the specialty “Refrigeration Equipment Engineer”. MGMT PTK is also exploring the possibility of such cooperation with the Mogilev State University of Food.

Time for business, time for fun

The teaching staff of the college cares not only about the professional development of the younger generation, but also about its comprehensive development. There are 11 interest associations operating on the basis of the educational institution. At the same time, the main emphasis is on the artistic and sports education of young people.

Two associations - “Leader” and “Tennis Fans Club” operate on the basis of our dormitory, the rest - in the college itself. I would like to note that the hostel is located just across the road, so, if you wish, you can get everywhere in time. Associations of interests are open until 21:00: there is an opportunity to relax a little after classes and spend the rest of the day usefully, – informs the deputy director for educational work

Employees of the educational institution make great efforts to ensure that from the first days of training, first-year students feel like members of a large and friendly family. At the traditional creative meeting “Let's get to know each other,” students talk about their small homeland, their hobbies and talents. By the way, this year the college accepted 230 freshmen from various parts of our republic. Among the students there are also guys from Georgia and Ukraine.

MGMT PTK is a regular participant in numerous amateur art competitions not only on a city, but also on a republican scale. Students can also show their talents at the “I Can” competition, held at the college together with the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO “Belarusian Republican Youth Union” of the Oktyabrsky district. The Decades of Special Subjects and Miss and Mister College competitions have become traditional. The guys are looking forward to the sports quest dedicated to Victory Day with great impatience.

Our children are good and do not suffer from idleness. If a free minute appears somewhere, they try to spend it usefully. Many from the first year, after completing industrial practice, find part-time work, Natalya Petrovna shared. – Of course, like all young people, they are very ambitious, they want everything at once. Young people do not understand and do not accept the fact that while you are a student, you may have to work on a voluntary basis, earn a name for yourself, get better at it and become Someone. Therefore, I wish our graduates, students and future applicants perseverance in realizing their ideas, self-confidence and good luck everywhere and in everything!

Elena Kunakhovets-Plevako,

and from the archives of the educational establishment "MGMT PTK"

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