Confession of Frank Hansen. Scientific refutation of the existence of Yeti

Many myths and legends of the world closely resemble real events and encounters that defy explanation. Bigfoot is one of the most controversial figures in history. Although its existence has not been proven, there are eyewitnesses who claim to have encountered a real Yeti.

Origin of the Yeti Image

The first mention of the existence of a huge, hairy humanoid creature living in the mountains is found in ancient Tibetan mythology. There is a record that this territory is inhabited by a humanoid creature of incredible size, possessing the instinct of survival and self-preservation.

The term “Bigfoot” first appeared thanks to people who went on expeditions and conquered the snow-capped peaks of the Tibetan mountains. They claimed to have seen huge footprints in the snow belonging to a mythical creature. Now this term is considered obsolete, because it has become known that yetis prefer mountain forests rather than snow.

While there is an active discussion among scientists around the world about who Bigfoot is - a myth or reality, the inhabitants of the mountainous local eastern countries, and especially Tibet, Nepal and some regions of China, are absolutely confident in his existence and even often come out with Yeti on contact. In the middle of the 20th century. The Nepalese government has even officially recognized the existence of the yeti.

According to the law, anyone who can discover the habitat of Bigfoot will receive a large monetary reward.

Based on this, we can say that the yeti is a mythical or real humanoid animal that lives in the mountain forests of Tibet, Nepal and some other areas.

Description of the yeti's appearance

From Tibetan legends and eyewitness observations, you can learn a lot about what Bigfoot looks like. Characteristic features of his appearance:

  • Yetis belong to the family of hominids, which includes the most developed individuals of primates, i.e., humans and apes.
  • The peculiarity of such creatures is their extremely large growth. The average adult of this species can reach from 3 to 4.5 m.
  • The yeti's arms are disproportionately long and almost reach the feet.
  • The entire body of Bigfoot is covered with fur. It can be gray or black.
  • It is believed that the females of this species of hominin are distinguished by such large breast size that during rapid movement they have to throw them over their shoulders.

The Yeti family is the American and South American Bigfoot. In some sources it is called Big-footed.

Character and lifestyle of the creature

Despite its appearance, the yeti is far from aggressive and has a relatively balanced and peaceful character. They avoid contact with people and deftly climb trees, like monkeys.

Yeti are omnivores, but prefer fruits. They live in caves, but there are suggestions that some species that live deep in the forest are able to build their homes in trees.

Hominids are capable of reaching unprecedented speeds of up to 80 km/h, which is why they are so difficult to catch. Not a single attempt to catch a yeti has been successful.

Encounters with Yeti in reality

History knows many cases of human encounters with Yeti. Usually the main characters in such stories are hunters and people leading a hermit life in forest or mountainous areas.

The Yeti is one of the main subjects of study for people interested in cryptozoology. This is a pseudoscientific direction that searches for evidence of the existence of mythical and legendary creatures. Often cryptozoologists are simple enthusiasts without a higher scientific education. They still put a lot of effort into catching the mythical creature.

The first traces of Bigfoot were discovered in the Himalayan mountains in 1899. The witness was an Englishman named Weddell. According to the eyewitness, he did not find the animal itself.

One of the official mentions of a meeting with the Yeti dates back to 2014 during a mountain expedition of professional climbers. The expeditioners conquered the highest point of the Himalayan mountains - Chomolungma. There, at the very top, they first noticed giant footprints located at a fairly large distance from each other. Later they saw a wide, hairy figure of a humanoid creature, reaching a height of 4 m.

Scientific refutation of the existence of Yeti

In 2017, Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Kamensky gave an interview for the scientific publication “Arguments and Facts”, in which he proved the impossibility of the existence of the Yeti. He used several arguments.

At the moment, there are no places left on Earth that have not been explored by man. The last major primate species was discovered more than 100 years ago. The discoveries of modern scientists are mainly rare small plants, etc. The Yeti is too large to be able to constantly hide from researchers, zoologists and ordinary residents of mountainous areas. The size of the yeti population plays a big role. It is clear that in order to maintain the existence of a separate species, at least several dozen individuals must live in one area. Hiding such a number of huge hominids is not an easy task.

The overwhelming majority of evidence in favor of the existence of Bigfoot turned out to be falsification.

The image of the Yeti in popular culture

Like many other folklore and mythical creatures, the image of Bigfoot is actively used in art and various manifestations of popular culture. Including literature, film industry and computer video games. The character is endowed with both positive and negative traits.

Bigfoot in literature

The Yeti character is actively used in their works by writers all over the world. The image of a huge hairy hominid is found both in fantasy and mystical novels, popular science works, and in children's books.

The yeti plays one of the main roles in the novel by American science fiction writer Frederick Brown “The Terror of the Himalayas.” The events of the book take place in the Himalayan mountains during the filming of a movie. Suddenly, the actress who played the main role in the film is kidnapped by a yeti - a huge humanoid monster.

In the fantasy series “Discworld” by the famous British novelist Terry Pratchett, yetis are one of the main races inhabiting the magical world. They are distant relatives of giant trolls, living in the permafrost region behind the Ovtsepik Mountains. They have snow-white fur, can bend the passage of time, and their giant feet are considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Alberto Melis's children's science fiction novel, Finding the Yeti, describes the adventures of a team of explorers who travel to the Tibetan mountains to save Bigfoot from the ubiquitous hunters.

Character in computer games

Bigfoot can be called one of the most common characters in computer games. They usually live in tundras and other icy areas. For games, there is a standard image of Bigfoot - a creature that resembles something between a gorilla and a human, of gigantic stature with snow-white and thick fur. This color helps them effectively camouflage in the environment. They lead a predatory lifestyle and pose a danger to travelers. In battle they use brute force. The main fear is fire.

Bigfoot and his history

Bigfoot or Sasquatch is a relative of the Tibetan Bigfoot that inhabits the forests and mountains of the American continent. The term first appeared in the late sixties thanks to the American bulldozer driver Roy Wallace, who discovered traces around his house that resembled human ones in shape, but reached enormous sizes. Roy's story quickly gained popularity in the press, and the animal was recognized as a relative of the Tibetan Bigfoot.

Almost 9 years later, Roy presented a short video to the media. In the video you can see a female Bigfoot moving through the forest. This video was examined for a long time by all kinds of scientists and others. Many recognized it as real.

After Roy's death, his friends and relatives admitted that all of Woless's stories were just fiction, and the confirmations were falsifications.

  • For the footprints, he used ordinary boards, cut in the shape of large feet.
  • The video showed the bulldozer driver's wife dressed in a suit.
  • The rest of the materials that Roy regularly demonstrated to the public also turned out to be false.

Although Roy's story turned out to be false, this does not mean that there are no anthropoid hominids in America. There are many more stories in which the Sasquatch appears as the main character. The Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of America, claim that huge hominids lived on the continent long before themselves.

Externally, Bigfoot looks almost the same as its Tibetan relative - Bigfoot. The main differences are that the maximum height of an adult reaches 3.5 m. The color of the American bigfoot is red or brown.

Albert is captured by Bigfoot

In the seventies, a certain Albert Ostman, who worked all his life as a lumberjack in Vancouver, Canada, told his story of how he lived as a captive of a family of Bigfoots.

At that time, Albert was only 19 years old. After work, he stayed overnight on the outskirts of the forest in a sleeping bag. In the middle of the night, someone huge and strong grabbed the bag along with Albert. As it turned out later, Bigfoot stole him and took him to a cave where a female and two children also lived. The creatures did not behave aggressively towards the logger, but rather treated him like people treat their pets. A week later, the guy managed to escape.

The Bigfoot Story at Michelin Farm

At the beginning of the 20th century. In Canada, unusual events took place on the Micheline family farm for some time. For 2 years they encountered Bigfoot, which eventually simply disappeared. Over time, Micheline's family shared some stories of encounters with this creature.

The first time they came face to face with Bigfoot was when their youngest daughter was playing near the forest. There she noticed a large, hairy creature that reminded her of a man. When Bigfoot saw the girl, he headed towards her. Then she began to scream and men with guns came running, scaring away the unknown monster.

The next time the girl saw a hominid, she was doing household chores. It was noon. She raised her eyes to the window, then collided with the gaze of that same Bigfoot, who was now closely watching her through the glass. This time the girl screamed again. Her parents came running to her aid with a gun and drove the creature away with shots.

The last time Bigfoot came to the farm was at night. There he encountered dogs that barked loudly, causing him to disappear. After this, the hominid no longer appeared at Michelin's farm.

The History of Frozen Bigfoot

One of the most sensational stories related to the meeting of man and Yeti is the story of the American military pilot Frank Hansen. In 1968, Frank appeared in a famous touring exhibition. He had an unusual exhibit - a huge refrigerator, inside of which there was a block of ice. Inside this block one could see the body of a humanoid creature covered with fur.

A year later, Frank allowed two scientists to study the frozen creature. Over time, the FBI began to show interest in Frank's exhibit. They wanted to get the frozen corpse of Bigfoot, but he mysteriously disappeared for many years.

After Hansen's death in 2012, his family admitted that Frank had kept a refrigerator containing a frozen corpse in the basement of his home for decades. The pilot's relatives sold the exhibit to Steve Basti, the owner of the Museum of Oddities.

Professional examination of the exhibit

In 1969, Frank Hansen allowed zoologists Euvelmans and Sandersen to examine the exhibit. They wrote a small scientific paper describing their observations.

Hansen refused to say where he got the Bigfoot corpse, so zoologists initially suggested that it was a Neanderthal preserved in a block of ice from the Stone Age. It was then discovered that the creature died from a bullet wound to the head and was in the ice for no more than 2-3 years.

  1. The individual was male and reached almost 2 m in height. The peculiarity was that the entire body of the hominid was covered with thick, long black hair, which is absolutely not typical for people, even in the presence of diseases of excessive hair.
  2. Bigfoot's body proportions are quite close to those of humans, but are more reminiscent of the physique of a Neanderthal. Broad shoulders, too short neck, convex chest. The limbs were also distinguished by their prehistoric proportions: the legs were shorter than human ones, curved, and the arms were too long and almost reached the hominid’s heels.
  3. Bigfoot's facial features are also more reminiscent of Neanderthals.
  4. A small forehead, a large mouth without lips, a large nose with swollen eyebrows that are very visible to the eyes.
  5. The feet and palms are much larger and wider than human ones, and the fingers are shorter.

Confession of Frank Hansen

There he wrote that he once went hunting in the mountain forests. He followed the trail of a deer, which he had been tracking for some time, and completely unexpectedly saw a picture that shocked him. Three huge hominids, covered with black hair from head to toe, stood around a dead deer with its belly ripped open and ate its entrails. One of them noticed Frank and headed towards the hunter. Frightened, the man shot him straight in the head. Hearing the sound of the shot, the other two Bigfoots ran away.

At first, Frank wanted to leave the body of an incomprehensible creature in the forest, but he returned for it soon and placed it in an ice coffin.


Bigfoot is a mythical creature from Tibetan legends about huge, hairy humanoid creatures that live in the mountains. Some eyewitnesses tell stories of unusual encounters with Bigfoot. Attempts to catch a hominid still occur among cryptozoology enthusiasts. A relative of the Tibetan yeti is considered to be Bigfoot, who comes from America.

The events in the village of Shuburum apparently seemed so significant and stunning that a variety of people from a variety of places, near and far, became interested in them. And today so many people have flocked here than the Kunaks have gathered in all the years: pilgrims to the holy grave of Adam, curious tourists who heard about an amazing village in the sky, a whole detachment of scientists and experts on snow people - a well-organized and richly equipped expedition; The inspectors who came to find out what damage the bigfoot had caused to the collective farm warehouse were also here; Representatives of public order also arrived, who, however, were going to catch not Bigfoot, but a murderer who had escaped from prison... Never before had there been such excitement in Shuburum. The children were completely off their feet: they had to get everywhere, see everything, look into the windows of the village council and collective farm administration, discuss the clothes, glasses, cars of scientists, beg them for a badge or stamp for the collection, visit the holy grave, marvel at tourists with cameras and binoculars...

It seemed that there were more visitors to the village than indigenous residents: just last night, many left Shuburum. Now there was no shortage of free premises, and Mukhtar and Chamsulla cordially greeted visitors, without asking who had arrived or why, but simply took them to empty sakli, saying: “Welcome, settle in and live as long as you like; We’ve been waiting for you for a long time, it’s rare that we have such respectable people!” Nothing can be done: this is the custom of mountain hospitality... And to those who came to catch the snowman, Chamsulla and Mukhtar said: “We hope you will be lucky and catch this snow devil; please, he is at your service, he is in our mountains - we ourselves saw and heard his cry. Get rid of him: it was because of the kaptar that people left the sakli prematurely... However, someday this had to happen anyway, the past cannot resist the wind of time... No matter how sorry it is, we must part with the mountains!

Chamsulla and Mukhtar were standing with honorable guests near the village council when everyone noticed a strange procession: they were returning, trudged, barely moving their legs, brave daredevils, the first hunters of the kaptar. Ali-Khuzha walked ahead with a bandaged head, crouching on one leg; he looked the bravest of all and even carried two hunting rifles on his shoulder, but never before had the people of Shuburum seen the old man so gloomy... Behind him were the tired, exhausted, tattered and crippled, hungry and chilled Kara-Khartoum and Kasum, carrying Khamzat on a makeshift stretcher with a bloody face. "Wow! - thought Mukhtar. “The captain butchered them well!”

Meanwhile, the captain had nothing to do with it... That same night, when they met and wounded Khazhi-Bekir, they felt something was wrong in the hut on Shaitan Pass: someone more than once came to the door and seemed to sniff. The hunters jumped out - animal tracks were clearly visible in the snow! They ran along the tracks, went around the hut, thought to see the kaptar, but saw the burning eyes of a black wolf, ready to rush at any victim: the winter that year was hungry for the animal, and the wolf’s belly had dried to her spine. And then... They say that in every country there is a mile of bad road, and every brave man has a moment of cowardice! And then the fearless, tireless hunter Kara-Khartoum suddenly cried out in a hare’s voice and began to run. The she-wolf rushed after him, his friends rushed to the rescue; in the confusion and turmoil of the struggle, Ali-Khuzha fell off a cliff, hurt his head, dislocated his leg... Still, Kasum struck the she-wolf with Mukhtarov’s dagger. They tore off the skin and shook out everything else. But now a dispute has begun over the skin. “My skin! - Kara-Khartoum shouted furiously. - I know this she-wolf well. I tracked her for three months!” - “So why did you run away?!” - Ali-Khuzha was indignant. “And you thought that I was scared?!” Ha ha ha! I just wanted to take the she-wolf aside. You can’t shoot when you’re all in a heap near her!” - "Enough! - Ali-Khuzha shouted. “My skin: I suffered more than you on this damned hunt.”

While Ali-Khuzha and the hunter were pulling the skin from each other’s hands, Khamzat and Kasum argued on other topics; about Aishat and love. And so lovingly, in the heat of an argument, they began to punch each other with their fists, trying to hit the only place not covered by a sheepskin coat - in the face, that they fell off the same cliff from which Ali-Khuzha fell. However, due to their youth, they suffered less... However, Khamzat declared that he could not move, and Kasum and Kara-Khartoum had to drag him on a makeshift stretcher; who knows, maybe Khamzat took revenge for the defeat of Kasum by forcing himself to bear it? Jealousy and revenge are inventive, and especially on the Shuburum heights!

When they entered the village, people came running from all sides, thinking that they were carrying a bound kaptar. But they saw the beaten face of the veterinarian and turned away with disappointment, as if Khamzat was not worth even the little finger of a captain! This is what the people of Shuburum have come to: now they were valued less than Bigfoot!

The rumor about the unsuccessful hunt for the kaptar spread throughout the village - and several more families began to pack their things in order to descend from the damned heights to the blessed valley, where there are no Bigfoot people and there is a lot of fertile land. This time, Mukhtar and Chamsulla did not interfere with those who wanted to leave the village that had already been abandoned by many: after long negotiations and requests, the Shuburum residents were allowed to move to a plateau in the Chika-Sizul-Meer mountains, where the largest hydroelectric station of the Sulak cascade - Chirkey - is being built and has already grown a village of two- and three-story town houses.

Only Heva lived in Adam’s hut without worries and worries, with no plans to move anywhere. And why should she worry? She has everything stored for the winter: dried meat, and flour in bags, and fathoms of firewood in the yard, and potatoes in the cellar under the straw; When it ends, they'll bring it again. And in return, she just needs to tell people about the holiness of her second husband, her beloved, dear, adored, as she now says, Adam, who left her so untimely: apparently, Allah needed him more! And she never gets bored: there are always people, stories, news... Today she was tidying up the rooms, preparing to receive new pilgrims to the holy grave. Now she didn’t care about Khazhi-Bekir at all. “Compared to Adam, he was a real devil! - she said. - Damn him for raising his hand against Adam! Is it possible to offend such an angel?

She was tidying up the living room when Adam appeared before her.

At first Heva didn’t even pay attention and just said, as usual:

Come in, come in, dear guests. May Allah hear you!

Well, I'm not a guest, I'm your husband, Heva! Don't you recognize it? - Adam answered, trying to speak more quietly so as not to scare him.

Kheva looked and was stunned. I wanted to scream, but there was no voice; She covered her face with her hands and muttered something like “astakhpirullah, astakhpirullah,” - apparently, the pilgrims managed to teach something from the Koran. She took her hands away and again looked with horror and bewilderment at the smiling Adam.

What kind of guest am I? I am the owner, wife!

I am Adam, lame, hunchbacked, squeaky Adam, your husband!

Why, why...

Why did you come back from there? Who called you?

Prayers to you and your pilgrims, Heva.

You're dead! You were buried...

Eh, Heva! Now you still won’t understand... Better put on the khinkal and choose a richer brisket, - said Adam and calmly settled down on the ottoman: he placed pillows more comfortably and lounged, like a haymaker at lunchtime. - Oh, it’s good to be home! - he said blissfully and immediately began snoring throughout the house: like a hippopotamus rinsing his mouth.

Heva thought she was going crazy. Pale, she either froze in place, then rushed around the room, grabbing and immediately releasing things. I thought: is he really sleeping? But I tried to wake up and couldn’t! I jumped out onto the veranda and looked around: no, nothing has changed in the world: mountains covered with snow, rocks, earth, the sun is shining. She pinched herself and gasped in pain. She returned to the room: no, the ghost had not disappeared, she was lying on the ottoman and snoring so loudly that the dishes clinked subtly. She quietly approached the ottoman, bent down, and peered: no doubt, Adam! She touched it carefully: warm, dense, corporeal, not incorporeal... She went out again and returned again. He did not disappear: Adam was lying in a warm room on an ottoman in his hut! “Maybe after khinkal with brisket it will disappear?” - Heva thought very strangely: no, she could not even imagine that Adam had returned from the other world forever... “We must quickly prepare khinkal for him, he asked for it!” - Kheva thought and chose the fattest brisket: it was her first time treating a saint!

Returning from oblivion to people, Adam and Khazhi-Bekir walked side by side and talked amicably, as if neither a black nor a gray cat had ever run between them. They ascended to Shuburum from the east, and here, on the outskirts, at the very fork in the roads, Adam saw a square structure made of cut stone with an onion dome topped with a ball; near him, many people either prayed on rugs or sat, fingering their rosary, despite the frost and snow.

What, a new sheikh has appeared? - Adam was surprised.

Yes,” Khazhi-Bekir smiled. - You can be happy.

But this saint is you!

How am I?!

This is your grave.

My grave? And you, of course, were in a hurry to dig my grave?

There is no other gravedigger in Shuburum...

Adam suddenly grinned.

What if I announce to the pilgrims that I’m alive, huh?

They won't believe it.

Perhaps you’re right... They are so passionate about their work that they probably don’t care who is buried here: either the sheikh, or Shakhnazar, or the bones of his horse and my hat... But still, it’s nice...

What pleases you?

Yes, just like that, stand in front of my grave and look at the people who enthusiastically honor my memory. I am sure that when I actually die, there will be no such honor...

No, no, for the sake of Allah, don’t die! And in general, a person is supposed to die once, die twice - this is already ridiculous!

Um, yes. You are right.

And I need you alive, not dead! Went! Don't stop people from praying.

Still, we need to tell them!

No no! This would be blasphemy, a desecration of the grave of St. Adam.

Well, I'm not dead yet!

Well, you know, from their fists you can become a dead man if you get angry.

Do they really prefer me not alive, but dead?!

This is our faith: in life, a person is no more expensive than an ant... Well, let's go, let's go, the pilgrims are already looking askance, they think that we are laughing at them.

How can you not laugh?! People considered me, a village barber, to be a kaptar, when here they are - a whole herd of kaptars!

Adam did not want to go, he was still going to reason, but Khazhi-Bekir forcibly pulled the hairdresser away from his grave and dragged him to the village. However, when they reached the gate of his sakli, Adam resisted and resolutely refused to go further. Khazhi-Bekir begged Adam to first show up at the village council; the hairdresser was relentless.

“Whoever needs it, let them come to me,” he proudly declared and left.

Adam called Khazhi-Bekir to him, but he only shook his head; he did not want to meet Heva; in the end, it was she who almost gave him up to lynching by an angry crowd...

And Khazhi-Bekir went straight to the village council alone.

The square was crowded with people. Aishat was still fussing about: bandaging the wounds of the brave kaptar hunters. Khamzat almost jumped out of the stretcher when he saw how carefully and even tenderly Aishat bandaged Kasum’s face. Maybe he would have gotten up to hit the correspondent, but then Khazhi-Bekir appeared. The gravedigger was immediately surrounded by guards of public order and told that he was under arrest in the name of the law.

For what? - the gravedigger asked loudly.

For the murder of hairdresser Adam! - said Mukhtar, approaching.

What if I didn't kill? - Khazhi-Bekir smiled.

By escaping from prison you yourself proved your guilt. Take me away!

No, no, wait! Ha ha ha... Adam is alive! - Khazhi-Bekir shouted triumphantly.

How is it - alive?! - they made noise all around. - We buried him ourselves! Why is he fooling us?! He's just gone crazy!

Laughing, Khazhi-Bekir told everything: that only now he had escorted Adam safe and sound to his hut, that there was no kaptar and there never was, but Adam’s revenge on mockers and mischief-makers, that rumors about Bigfoot were simply the idle fiction of talkers and gossips... They listened to him mouths agape.

And the scream? - someone asked. - Adam had a thin, squeaky voice...

Yes, everything is possible,” Ali-Khuzha noted thoughtfully. - I myself saw with my own eyes how chickens are hatched without a hen!

No, after all, no one wanted to believe.

Why listen to his tales! Let's go to Adam! Hold this liar tight so he doesn’t run away again!

Now I won’t run away, dude! - Khazhi-Bekir laughed.

At the noise, a frightened Kheva came out of the hut and said?

He's sleeping, keep it down please!

From childhood she was accustomed to reverence the saints.

Wake me up! Immediately! - the crowd roared.

And then a sleepy Adam came out onto the veranda, wincing with displeasure.

Wah, wah, wah! - shouted in the crowd. - He's alive! Actually alive! It's Adam! Yes, yes, our Adam!

What's the matter? - asked the hairdresser, stopping at the railing and putting his hands behind his back; he was still celebrating his victory over the village. - What, did you smell the khinkal that my Kheva prepared? Welcome to the khinkal! Just don't forget to bring wine...

Numb, stunned, confused, petrified with surprise, the people of Shuburum stood in front of Adam’s hut: they had never heard Adam speak so clearly, courageously, articulately.

And the scream? - someone remembered. - The captain's cry! Let him scream!

Adam didn’t want to shout: he sensed mockery in this - they were mocking him again! They demand that he portray a kaptar for their entertainment... But Khazhi-Bekir fell to his knees, begging:

Don't let me down, be a friend! They don’t believe me, they think I’m lying! I don’t demand that you say those damned words, the beginning of all my troubles...

Finally Adam relented; The hairdresser covered his own ears with his palms, threw back his head, opened his mouth - and a thunderous roar swept through Shuburum! The rocks responded, the mountain echo began to wander and echo; the children buried their heads in their mother's skirts and began to sob; Women clung to their husbands in fear, seeking protection.

So everyone was convinced that the myth about Bigfoot had burst, like an overinflated sheep’s bubble.

And perhaps the most severe disappointment fell on the veterinarian Khamzat for a long time: there was no one to catch in the surrounding mountains, because there was no captar; which means there is no hope of winning the hand of the beautiful Aishat... And there will be no dissertation! And the article published by Khamzat in the newspaper: “About a fossil animal incorrectly called Bigfoot” will now only cause ridicule and mockery...

From Shuburum, the guardians of public order, instead of Khazhi-Bekir, took away One-Eyed Rajab, who, due to the complete absence of a kaptar, now had to soberly admit that he himself had set fire to the documents in the warehouse...

They said that from Adam’s cry, even from his own sakla, several stones fell out in full view of everyone - and this was the beginning of the destruction of Shuburum, an aul in the sky, which is closer to Allah than to the earth, the beautiful, fertile, blooming, fragrant land of his native Dagestan.

12/08/2010 | Bigfoot: new sensation or soap bubble?

Where has the yeti set foot, according to the “eyewitnesses” who discovered his trails! And again a sensation! This summer they started talking seriously that a relict creature (cave man) had settled in the Nurgush nature reserve, which means already in the Kotelnichsky district of the Kirov region...

To believe or not to believe? And if the photo shows a Yeti hut in a clearing, what is not proof! The old-timers of those protected places, who allegedly even saw a whole “snowy” family cracking branches in the forest, will be left alone this time. Let's find out the opinion of Vyatka scientists: can a representative of a degraded branch of Neanderthals live here? What arguments provide a compelling counterbalance to someone's observations and evidence?

On the road from nowhere to nowhere

Pavel Lvovich Borodin, senior researcher at the Kirov City Zoological Museum, candidate of biological sciences:
- Among the “killer” evidence of the yeti’s habitat in our country is a photo of its home? But at first glance, and at all subsequent glances, it is clear even to a layman that the photograph depicts an ordinary element of the forest - a mossy upside-down tree fallen by the wind. The composition of the forest indicates that the photograph was taken not in the slums of the reserve itself, but in the pine forest of its buffer zone, that is, in an area frequently visited by people. Here local residents have long been supplied with mushrooms and fuel.

When preparing firewood, the favored trunk was taken away long ago, but a raised mound of earth (an eversion with protruding roots) remained. The age of the forest in the photo shows that there was once a plot here or a hurricane raged, which means that such inversions (both large and small) are not uncommon in the area. Moreover, any “sane” yeti would never set up his home in a clearing! This is for everyone to see!

They also talk about “huts” - dwellings, already in the plural, solely in order to move from them (as a set of local Yeti landmarks) to the navigation system designed by relict animals. By the way, this is in tune with the latest ideas of American researchers, who see in such “huts” peculiar markers with which yetis mark their territory.

Why act like an ape, pulling an alien idea by the ears? In the Nurgush forests you can find many such structures, from a distance similar to the roofs of dugouts and huts, the author of which was nature. They are located on the territory depending on the forest vegetation and mechanical properties of the soil, the strength and direction of the winds, without representing any “man-made” system. In addition, local (Borovsk and Morozov) fishermen often spend the night in the vicinity of reservoirs, hunters leave huts behind them, and boys have always built shelters and dugouts here. This is the nature of this age.

The habitat of Bigfoot is primarily related to the number of individuals, the size and food capacity of the territory. And if we talk about reproduction, then in relation to the yeti you need to know whether he has promiscuity (promiscuity) and what is the minimum acceptable size of a group of individuals. Below a certain threshold level, inbreeding condemns the population (or group) to extinction. In everyday life, in such cases they say that fresh blood is needed. That is why serious scientists did not believe in the existence of the Loch Ness monster. Same with Bigfoot. Think for yourself whether it is possible for even the tiny yeti population to feed and successfully reproduce in the Vyatka forests, because the rations of each such giant weighing 200 and 300 kg must be very large. Busy with a constant search for food, they would meet here at every turn and engage in... looting. Then the local residents would have sounded the alarm loudly.

The object encountered by “eyewitness” B. Liberov could have been anyone - a bear, a moose, a lost horse in the vicinity of the reserve. And, finally, the hefty Uncle Vanya and his neighbor in search of this horse. It is alleged that along the way the object cracked branches, without fear of anyone. This is nonsense. Only “our” people can walk so carelessly.

They say fear has big eyes. The “eyewitness” remembers that both yetis were gray, but mistakenly believes that “there are no gray bears.” For some reason, he is silent, like a partisan, about the huge footprint he encountered earlier in these places. And this bast is in line here! The Moscow “cannibalists” from “Cosmopoisk”, who once flew near Razboiny Bor, still found no one and nothing.

Why do I dismiss the presented “facts” of Bigfoot habitation? I had to work in the reserve as deputy director for scientific work from its creation until 2006, that is, more than ten years. The scientific department carried out an inventory of all living things, including animals. In addition to full-time employees with academic degrees, visiting candidates and doctors of science took part in the work, and educational and practical training was conducted for students of the VSAA, Vyat GSU and other universities.

The staff of the reserve walked many miles through these forest slums, for example, geobotanist Borodin, during forest management work with the taxator Olkhovik, literally combed the entire reserve up and down, without choosing paths, and earlier - with the famous geobotanist Vasilevich. If there were traces of someone’s life activity that were incomprehensible to them and to me, if we heard strange night sounds, then we would get to the bottom of the truth, no doubt!

I know the local old people who still often visit the surrounding forests well, because I myself lived either in the village of Morozov or in the village of Borovka. Of course, I was also interested in the past of these places. People are different, and I know which of them you can trust and which of them you can listen to stories about.

Let's assume that the reserve is a “wormhole”: a tunnel or corridor connecting different parts of space and time. So, if the yeti (or anyone else) enters this corridor, he can go to the past, the future, to another galaxy and even to another universe, and then return to his native Nurgush forests. This means that until 2007 he wandered somewhere in the other world, and now he has returned, started building houses, updating the marker system, and at the same time “patched” entire trails? To add “truth,” why not remember that the reserve, like the villages of Suvodi and Razboiny Bor, is located above the Vyatka avalkogen - a tectonic fault in the Earth’s platform (and this is an established fact). After all, it’s usually the anomalous “things” that gravitate towards them - like Bigfoot and UFOs.

But isn't it more plausible to consider Bigfoot a migratory creature? Then it becomes clear that this eternal wanderer is encountered everywhere in passing - in the Kirov and Novgorod regions, in Karelia and Tibet... It is difficult to catch him in one place. It is possible that somewhere in the Caucasus, our yetchka, flirting, told her yetik friend about how she met a hunter in the Vyatka forests not far from the Big River, but did not catch up with him, deciding to “make a mess” for the next meeting.

Of course this is a joke. But if it turns out that Bigfoot is really an “Itinerant”, then B. Liberov will be the first one to whom I take my hat off. And I will never believe that traces of Bigfoot were found in “Nurgush” (a dwelling and a path - a road from nowhere to nowhere)!

...And a size 47 footprint

Valery Alekseevich Makarov, head. VNIIOZ laboratory, candidate of biological sciences:
- Several years ago, I was fishing with a game manager on the Kishkil River in the Verkhoshizhemsky district. There, by chance, we had to learn about the “fact” of the existence of Bigfoot on Vyatka land, so much so that we almost burst out laughing. Never in my life before or since have I laughed so heartily!

We caught some fish, cooked some aromatic fish soup, and it wasn’t a sin to have a glass or two with this appetizer. But before we had time, a man came ashore to us from the forest. Oh, fathers! Overgrown with stubble, shaggy hair. It’s May on the street, and on his feet he has some kind of onuchi or felt boots, cut off at the ankle. Probably a size forty-seven, or even larger. And on one leg.

We are not timid people, we have walked and traversed forests, and we have seen all sorts of animals in our lifetime due to the duties of our professions. They immediately realized that the stranger looked neither like a Bigfoot nor a goblin. An ordinary tramp, a homeless person with hungry eyes. They invited him to the fire and poured him a bowl of fish soup. We got talking...
The man said that he was from St. Petersburg. He served 15 years in prison for “the mistakes of his youth.” And when he was freed, he was afraid to return to his native place, as if he had somehow annoyed the lads: “And before I can say a word, they’ll kill you and find you in any city.” The former prisoner went to the Verkhoshizhem forests and built himself a dugout. Of course, it was brutally cold at night - I picked up rheumatism. My legs became swollen and my gait became a waddle due to pain in my joints.

Word for word, the stranger told us how he once found a feeding trough in the forest, built by people. Every day they poured grain and different cereals there. Why not take advantage of such a treat! I ate - I wasn’t shy. He even carried away the grain and exchanged it for vodka in the village.

Of course, he left a lot of marks near the feeder. Size 47. This homeless man, it seems, was mistaken for Bigfoot by members of the Moscow expedition from Cosmopoisk, who at that time were mining evidence of the habitation of a relict creature in the Verkhoshizhemsky forests. And they set food “baits” for him.
This all sounds like a very funny joke. But you have to feed something into the myth about the existence of Bigfoot if someone really, really believes in it! Once - and the sensation is ready! But in reality it is a soap bubble.

Ordinary draw

Vera Vasilievna Drovosekova, the oldest lecturer at the Kirov Planetarium:
- I categorically do not believe in the existence of Bigfoot, although its place in the structure and evolution of the biosphere is between humans and apes. Once upon a time, a long time ago, a division occurred on the evolutionary branch: some Neanderthals had decreased physical strength and a more complex brain, resulting in homo sapiens; the other part, on the contrary, increased physical strength, but simplified brain processes. This degraded branch could lead to the appearance of Bigfoot. But... There is no evidence that he survived to this day!

Although 750 cases of yeti capture have already been registered around the world. But which ones? In the Stavropol Territory, a snow giant was allegedly caught and stuffed into the trunk of... a humpbacked Zaporozhets. In 1956, in Komi, a whole family of “forest people” was running through the forests and somehow scared one group of tourists very terribly. According to the testimony of the latter, the “Yag-Morgs” were of excellent physique, with beautiful hair and... laughed. Humanly. Apparently, someone decided to play a joke on the tourists, and he was very happy about it.

And the sensational American forty-meter film, where Bigfoot walks and even looks into the camera lens? Well, who hasn’t seen this film fact! The film, shot in 1978, was then examined dozens of times. And they even argued that a “simply” person cannot move like that, and that’s where all the skeptics should shut up. Forever!

Galina VARAKSINA, "Vyatka region"

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