Problems of space exploration. The main problems of human space exploration

In the course of the development of civilization, humanity has repeatedly faced complex problems, sometimes of a planetary nature. But still, this was a distant prehistory, a kind of “incubation period” of modern global problems.

They fully manifested themselves in the second half and especially in the last quarter of the 20th century. Such problems were brought to life by a complex of reasons that clearly manifested themselves during this period.

In fact, never before has humanity itself increased quantitatively by 2.5 times during the lifetime of only one generation, thereby increasing the strength of the “demographic press”. Never before has humanity entered into, reached the post-industrial stage of development, or opened the road to space. Never before has such a quantity of natural resources and “waste” returned to the environment been required to support its life. All this since the 60s and 70s. XX century attracted the attention of scientists, politicians, and the general public to global problems.

Global problems are problems that: firstly, concern all of humanity, affecting the interests and destinies of all countries, peoples, social classes; secondly, they lead to significant economic and social losses, and if they worsen, they can threaten the very existence of human civilization;
thirdly, they can only be resolved through cooperation on a planetary basis.

Priority problems of humanity are:

  • the problem of peace and disarmament;
  • environmental;
  • demographic;
  • energy;
  • raw materials;
  • food;
  • use of the resources of the World Ocean;
  • peaceful space exploration;
  • overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.

The essence of global problems and possible ways to solve them

The problem of peace and disarmament- the problem of preventing a third world war remains the most important, highest priority problem for humanity. In the second half of the 20th century. Nuclear weapons appeared and a real threat arose of the destruction of entire countries and even continents, i.e. almost all modern life.


  • Establishing strict control over nuclear and chemical weapons;
  • Reduction of conventional weapons and arms trade;
  • A general reduction in military spending and the size of the armed forces.

Ecological- degradation of the global ecological system as a result of irrationality and its pollution with waste from human activity.


  • Optimization of the use of natural resources in the process of social production;
  • Protection of nature from the negative consequences of human activity;
  • Environmental safety of the population;
  • Creation of specially protected areas.

Demographic- continuation of the demographic explosion, rapid growth of the Earth's population and, as a consequence, overpopulation of the planet.


  • Carrying out a thoughtful .

Fuel and raw materials- the problem of reliable provision of humanity with fuel and energy, as a result of the rapid growth in consumption of natural mineral resources.


  • Increasing use of energy and heat (solar, wind, tidal, etc.). Development ;

Food- according to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization), from 0.8 to 1.2 billion people are hungry and undernourished in the world.


  • An extensive solution is to expand arable land, pastures and fishing grounds.
  • The intensive way is an increase in production through mechanization, automation of production, through the development of new technologies, breeding high-yielding, disease-resistant plant varieties and animal breeds.

Use of ocean resources- at all stages of human civilization was one of the most important sources of maintaining life on Earth. Currently, the ocean is not just a single natural space, but also a natural-economic system.


  • Creation of a global structure of the maritime economy (allocation of oil production, fishing and zones), improvement of the infrastructure of port-industrial complexes.
  • Protection of the waters of the World Ocean from pollution.
  • Prohibition of military testing and disposal of nuclear waste.

Peaceful space exploration. Space is a global environment, the common heritage of humanity. Testing various types of weapons could threaten the entire planet at once. "Littering" and "clogging" of outer space.


  • "Non-militarization" of outer space.
  • International cooperation in space exploration.

Overcoming the backwardness of developing countries- the majority of the world's population lives in poverty and squalor, which can be considered extreme forms of backwardness. Per capita income in some countries is less than $1 per day.

The world of science regarding astronautics, despite small advances in this field, has been virtually stagnant for the past 50 years. Although colossal amounts of money are spent on research, this does not bring practical results to humanity. This indicates a deep systemic crisis in the global space industry. Why? This situation is primarily due to the fact that world society is in a state of cultural, moral and spiritual systemic crisis; the consumer attitude to life dominates in the thinking of modern people. Scientific funding has moved from the stage of “benefiting people” to the stage of “it’s prestigious that they are doing this in our country,” but in fact, scientific stagnation occurs.

This state of affairs also applies to the field of space exploration. There are too many unsolved problems facing the world of science, such as: meteorite danger, astronaut health in space, cosmic radiation (radiation), etc.

An unexpected encounter between a spaceship and a meteorite can end tragically for the aircraft. The speed of meteorites that we see in the night sky as “shooting stars” is on average 50 times faster than the speed of a bullet. Also, artificial space objects, the so-called space debris, such as lost satellites, fragments of exploded rockets, bolts, cables that orbit the earth, pose a considerable danger. The cluttering of space and the reluctance of people to jointly solve these problems creates a threat of deepening confrontation between countries. For example, a unique orbit, the only one for all actively operating communication satellites, is the geostationary orbit. However, today, out of 1,200 objects located on it, only a few hundred are actively working satellites, the rest is “space debris” of civilization. This suggests that in the next 20 years, while maintaining the same intensity of launching satellites into geostationary orbit, the unique resource will ultimately be exhausted and competition for the required place in this orbit will increase many times over.

The inability of the human physical body to adapt to the conditions of outer space. Experimental flights have shown that the lack of gravity has a detrimental effect on human health. A year on Earth does not eliminate the consequences of flight, because... in conditions of weightlessness, bone mass is lost, fat metabolism is disrupted, muscles weaken, and a person, having returned to normal conditions of existence, cannot stand on his feet, and consciousness, sometimes, unable to withstand the drop, simply turns off. Experts say that the consequences of a long stay in space can be very sad for a person: this is not only a problem with memory, but also a possible loss of some body functions associated with the reproductive process, the occurrence of cancerous tumors and much more.

High level of radioactive radiation. Particles released into outer space have a huge energy charge of more than 10 20 eV, which is millions more than what can be obtained, for example, in the Large Hadron Collider. And all this happens because the conditions in which elementary particles are located on Earth and in space have significant differences. Modern science has too few answers regarding the behavior and properties of elementary particles.

Launch into space. Nowadays, astronautics, just like 52 years ago, relies on rocket technology, that is, humanity can only go into space with the help of rocket launches. Currently, astronautics does not have promising carriers capable of making a new evolutionary leap in the development of this industry.

But society can solve any problems if we transfer human development from the vector of selfish consumption to the vector of spiritual creation. Everything in the world consists of elementary particles. But absolute, accurate knowledge is needed about what exactly elementary particles are made of and how to control them. Only with the help of such knowledge can one create the necessary conditions to achieve the desired results and reproduce processes in the required quality and quantity. Already now, thanks to the knowledge of the PRIMORDIALALLATRA PHYSICISTS are conducting scientific research in many areas, including in the field of the latest technologies for space exploration.

, prepared by the international research group ALLATRA SCIENCE: “Knowledge of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS opens access to an inexhaustible source of energy that is everywhere, including in outer space. This is renewable energy, thanks to which elementary particles are created, their movement and interaction occur. The ability to receive it and transfer it from one state to another opens up a new, safe, easily accessible source of alternative energy for every person.” Considering that the visible world consists of elementary particles, knowing their combinations, it is possible to artificially create in the required quantities food, water, air, the necessary protection from radiation, and so on, thereby solving not only the problem of human survival in space, but also the development of other planets.

PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS is built on universal human moral principles; it is capable of providing comprehensive answers and solving not only these problems. This is a science that leads to evolutionary cosmic breakthroughs, this is a huge potential for creating new research and scientific directions. Knowledge of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS gives a fundamentally new understanding of the answers to the questions: “What to fly?”, “How far can you fly?”, “Under what conditions can you fly and how to create artificial gravity, close to earthly conditions, on board a spacecraft?”, "Howlive autonomously in space?”, “How to protect a ship from cosmic radiation?”. They also reveal insight into the Universe itself, which is a natural “laboratory” of elementary particles and performs “experiments” under conditions that are impossible on Earth.

Yana Semyonova

Before the start of the first space flights, all near-Earth space, and even more so the “distant” space, the universe, was considered something unknown. And only later did they begin to recognize that between the Universe and the Earth - this smallest particle of it - there is an inextricable relationship and unity. Earthlings began to consider themselves participants in all processes occurring in outer space. The close interaction of the Earth's biosphere with the cosmic environment gives grounds to assert that the processes occurring in the Universe have an impact on

impact on our planet. When developing space activities, it is necessary to make an environmental orientation to astronautics, since the absence of the latter can lead to irreversible consequences.

It should be noted that already at the birth of the foundations of theoretical cosmonautics, environmental aspects played an important role, and, above all, in the works of K.E. Tsiolkovsky. In his opinion, the very entry of man into space represents the development of a completely new ecological “niche”, different from the earthly one.

Near space (or near-Earth space) is the gaseous envelope of the Earth, which is located above the surface atmosphere, and whose behavior is determined by the direct influence of solar ultraviolet radiation, while the state of the atmosphere is influenced mainly by the Earth's surface.

Until recently, scientists believed that near space exploration had almost no impact on the weather, climate and other living conditions on Earth. Therefore, it is not surprising that space exploration was carried out without regard to the environment. The appearance of ozone holes has given scientists pause. But, as research shows, the problem of preserving the ozone layer is only a small part of the much more general problem of protecting and rationally using near-Earth space, and, above all, that part of it that forms the upper atmosphere and for which ozone is only one of its components. In terms of the relative force of impact on the upper atmosphere, the launch of a space rocket is similar to the explosion of an atomic bomb in the surface atmosphere.

Space is a new environment for humans, not yet inhabited. But here, too, the eternal problem of contamination of the environment, this time in space, arose. There is also the problem of contamination of near-Earth space with spacecraft debris. Moreover, a distinction is made between observable and unobservable space debris, the amount of which is unknown. Space debris appears during the operation of orbital spacecraft and their subsequent deliberate destruction. It also includes spent spacecraft, upper stages, detachable structural elements such as pyrobolt adapters, covers, fairings, last stages of launch vehicles, and the like.

According to modern data, there are 3000 tons of space debris in near space, which is about 1% of the mass of the entire upper atmosphere above 200 kilometers. Growing space debris poses a serious threat to space stations and human missions. Already today, the creators of space technology are forced to take into account the troubles that they themselves created. Space debris is dangerous not only for astronauts and space technology, but also for earthlings. Experts have calculated that out of 150 spacecraft debris that reaches the surface of the planet, one is likely to seriously injure or even kill a person. Thus, if humanity does not take effective measures to combat space debris in the very near future, then the space era in the history of mankind may soon end ingloriously.

Outer space is not under the jurisdiction of any state. This is in its purest form an international object of protection. Thus, one of the important problems arising in the process of industrial space exploration is the determination of specific factors of the permissible limits of anthropogenic impact on the environment and near-Earth space. It is impossible not to admit that today there is a negative impact of space technology on the environment (destruction of the ozone layer, contamination of the atmosphere with oxides of metals, carbon, nitrogen, and near space - with parts of spent spacecraft). Therefore, it is very important to study the consequences of its influence from an environmental point of view.


Environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and disruption of ecological connections in ecosystems have become global problems. And if humanity continues to follow the current path of development, then its death, according to the world’s leading ecologists, is inevitable in two to three generations.

The earth is like a library. It should remain in the same state even after we have nourished our minds by reading all her books and enriched ourselves with the ideas of new authors. Life is the most valuable book. We must treat her with love, but try not to tear any

pages to place it - with new notes - into the hands of those who can decipher the language of the forefathers, hoping to honor the world that they will leave to their sons and daughters.

Speaking about the exploration of large space and about flights to other planets, not only our Solar system, but also beyond it, a person forgets that he, in fact, is an integral part of the Earth. And how our body will behave outside its native blue planet, and what problems will generally arise in space exploration, is still unknown. (website)

Although you can even guess how. It is no coincidence that Russian cosmonauts once joked that in orbit a pencil is much more useful than memory, since they noticed that the latter began to malfunction there. And this is still in Earth orbit, but what about flights to other planets...

Problems of human space exploration

NASA is currently conducting a long-term experiment involving single-celled twin astronauts. The first spent a whole year on the ISS, and the second lived quietly on Earth at that time. Please note that NASA employees, despite Scott's return from the international space station, are in no hurry to draw conclusions, saying that final results can only be expected in 2017.

However, researchers in many countries have been studying this problem for a long time, since the development of astronautics on Earth will largely depend on its solution. And science still cannot answer even the question of how long a person can stay away from Earth, not to mention many others.

Firstly, a person cannot exist for a long time without what is familiar to him, and so far this problem in space exploration has not been solved. Secondly, modern technologies cannot protect an astronaut from the effects of radiation and other cosmic radiation that literally permeate everything. Astronauts on the ISS, for example, even with their eyes closed, “see bright flashes” when these rays affect their optic nerves. But such radiation penetrates the entire body of a person in space and can affect the immune system and even DNA. In this case, any protection of the astronaut automatically becomes a source of secondary radiation.

The impact of space on human health

Researchers at the University of Colorado recently examined mice that had spent two weeks in orbit (aboard the space shuttle Atlantis). Just two weeks! And during this short time, unpleasant changes occurred in the rodents’ bodies; they all returned to Earth with signs of liver damage. Before this, notes Professor Karen Jonscher, space researchers did not even imagine that it was so destructive to the internal organs of everything living on Earth, including humans. It's no coincidence that astronauts often return from orbit with symptoms similar to diabetes. Of course, on Earth they are immediately treated, but what will happen to a person during a long stay in space, and even far from his home planet? Will the problem of the influence of space on humans be fully resolved?

By the way, scientists are constantly interested in this question - conception and reproduction in space, since people are planning long-term, or even lifelong flights to other planets. It turns out that in conditions of weightlessness, eggs, for example, are divided completely differently, that is, not into two, four, eight, and so on, but into two, three, five... For a person, this is tantamount to the absence of conception or termination of pregnancy in the earliest stages.

True, the other day Chinese scientists made a “sensational statement” that they were able to achieve the development of a mammalian embryo in microgravity conditions. And although the article by journalist Cheng Yingqi sounds ambitious - “A giant leap in science - embryos grow in space,” many researchers were very skeptical about this information.

Disappointing results regarding human exploration of space

So, if we summarize, even without waiting for the results of NASA’s experiment with twin astronauts, we can draw a disappointing conclusion: humanity is not yet ready for flights into deep space, and it is not yet known when this will happen. Some researchers even argue that we are not even ready for flights to the Moon (from which we can conclude that the Americans have never flown there), not to mention Mars and other grandiose space plans.

Ufologists, in turn, insist on the no less authoritative opinion of other scientists that overcoming outer space, as we are going to do now, is a dead end. In their firm belief, the developed travel in the Universe in a completely different way, for example, using wormholes - time-spatial holes that allow them to instantly move to any point in the Divine universe. Perhaps there are more advanced methods that are beyond our understanding. Earth's space rockets so far only claim to master the near-Earth orbit, and exclusively in all respects, from the snail's speed (by the standards of the Big Space) of movement to the complete vulnerability of astronauts in these primitive devices...

Pavlyukhina Daria

The problem of space debris remains unresolved throughout the world.

So what should we do?




Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 24"

Space debris: problems and solutions.

Student 8 "A" class

Pavlyukhina Daria

Head of work:

biology teacher

Staselko E.O.

Bratsk, 2011

I. Introduction................................................... ........................................................ ...............

II. Space exploration: prospects and problems.................................................... ..........

1.Characteristics of space debris.................................................... ........................

2. Space debris in Orbit.................................................... ...................................

3. Problems of space debris.................................................... ...................................

4. Impact of space rocket launches on the near-Earth environment....................................

5. Solutions................................................... ........................................................ .............

III. Conclusion................................................... ........................................................ ..............

IV.References......................................................... ........................................................ ..


Humanity has always had an inherent desire to explain various weather deviations from the “norm”, or, simply put, from certain average weather conditions observed over a very limited period of time on a historical scale.

Naturally, for such explanations, some new types of human activity have been and are being used, which are entering our lives on a large scale and visibly. It is appropriate to remember that in the past, very unflattering statements in connection with the possible influence on the weather were heard, for example, about radio. In any case, it is known that in 1928 the English joint-stock company “Radio Broadcast” was forced to contact the English Meteorological Society with a request “... to refute the belief among wide circles of the population that radio causes worsening weather, and to remove from radio broadcasts the grave accusation of involvement in bad weather this summer."

Nowadays, in a crowd of people hurrying about their business in the next rain, no, no, and you can hear something said, more jokingly than seriously: “Again, the satellite was probably launched - the weather was ruined.” In this regard, it should immediately be said that artificial Earth satellites do not have any effect on the weather. And if we are to discuss space flights in connection with the weather, then first of all we should talk about the most valuable meteorological information that is obtained with the help of satellites and during the work of astronauts on board orbital stations. Satellite images of cloud cover, shown on Central Television in connection with the next weather forecast, have become familiar to us. It is not surprising that a television studio directly addressed the astronauts working on board the orbital station with a question about the likelihood of sunny weather over the coming weekend.

It must be said that anthropogenic impacts associated with the influence of human activity on the weather, climate and, in a broader sense, on the natural environment, in some cases are now becoming comparable to the planetary scale of natural processes. There is a gradual pollution of the World Ocean, natural moisture circulation is disrupted, , although still insignificant, changes in the composition of the atmosphere, etc.

All this gives reason to say that outer space will gradually become a unique part of the environment for human habitation and activity, and the content of the concept “natural environment” will expand to include near-Earth space in this concept. Thus, the process of greening space is already underway, which means “the expansion of the sphere of human habitation, his interaction with nature to a cosmic scale, the expansion of the sphere of interaction between society and nature beyond the planet, the process of exploration, “socialization” of the Universe.”

On the other hand, space technology itself can also cause certain disturbances in the surrounding space environment. This occurs due to the release of combustion products of rocket fuel into the atmosphere during spacecraft launches, due to the emissions of various gaseous, liquid and solid substances from spacecraft during their operation in orbit and when moving in outer space, etc. However, available data show that that at present the total impact on the atmosphere associated with human space activities is significantly less than the impact caused by its economic activities on Earth.

In order to study the problem of anthropogenic impacts on near-Earth space associated with human activities both on Earth and in space, in 1976, by decision of COSPAR (Committee on Space Research of the International Council of Scientific Unions), a commission was created to consider such possible harmful impacts on the space environment. At the COSPAR conference in 1979, this commission reported the main directions of ongoing research, and in 1982 some preliminary results of research on the problem of anthropogenic impacts on near-Earth space were published.

I am very interested in this question and I want to find an answer to it.

Purpose of the work: study the problems of space debris.

Job objectives:

  • get acquainted with the literature on this topic;
  • analyze literary sources;
  • identify the main problem of space pollution;
  • find ways to solve space pollution problems

Space exploration: prospects and problems

At the dawn of the space age, in the 60s, several scientific symposia were held, the participants of which tried to determine the prospects for the development of astronautics. Experts from different fields, diverging in the details of their views on specific ways to develop research and exploration of outer space, were unanimous in the fact that in the conditions of the peaceful development of civilization, space exploration opens up fundamentally new opportunities for increasing the scientific and technical potential of mankind. In the 70s, some fundamentally new ideas were put forward and new experimental data were obtained, which determined the path for further exploration of outer space.

The main trend in the exploration of near-Earth space, which clearly manifested itself in the 70s, was the solution of a wide range of applied problems using a wide variety of space technology.

In connection with the creation of modular long-term orbital stations of a new generation and the need to construct other large-sized space structures (for example, multi-purpose space platforms, orbital radio astronomy complexes, etc.), construction and installation work in space is becoming increasingly important.

The use (for example, in space construction) of materials of extraterrestrial origin seems promising. At a certain stage, this may turn out to be more economically profitable compared to delivering materials from Earth. The mineral resources of the Moon and some asteroids are considered as raw materials for the production of space building materials. In this regard, real work is already underway on various projects for lunar settlements, on the basis of which mining complexes and processing enterprises could be created in the future.

It is planned to use a nuclear reactor to supply energy to lunar settlements; it is planned to create closed life support systems, transparent domes for growing crops, etc. Of course, the industrial development of the Moon involves the need to solve many complex technical problems and will be carried out in stages over decades.

It must be said that predicting the development paths of astronautics in the context of its rapid progress, the constant emergence of new scientific and technical information, new ideas, projects and developments, of course, is an extremely difficult matter. Over the past few years, before our eyes, many major space projects have been subjected to a radical reassessment.

But regardless of the specific ways of further development of astronautics, the expansion of the scale of human economic activity in space in the future may require solving problems of the ecology of near-Earth space, which are to a certain extent characteristic of terrestrial ecology: the problem of the impact of space vehicles on near-Earth space and the problem of its pollution by emissions gaseous, liquid and solid waste from space production complexes.

Of course, the aggravation of these problems can be expected, apparently, only in the next century, but it is very important now to deeply and carefully study all types of anthropogenic impacts on the space environment, to analyze the environmental prospects of activities in space, since neglect of the requirements of ecology and environmental protection can ultimately negate the fruits of technological progress.

Speaking about the problems associated with space pollution, one cannot fail to mention the proposed projects for sending highly toxic and radioactive waste from ground-based industrial enterprises into space. Although it would seem that removing such waste into space is more favorable for the Earth’s biosphere than burying it in mines or in the depths of the ocean (subject, of course, to guaranteeing absolute safety and reliability of the operation itself of sending waste from Earth), such projects require careful environmental considerations. examinations.

The near-Earth space as a whole is a very dynamic and unstable system, which under the influence of external influences can transform into an unstable state.

Characteristics of space debris

What is space debris?

Space debris-these are failed satellites that remain in orbit, upper stages and upper stages of launch vehicles, discarded fuel tanks, fragments of destroyed space objects, as well as springs, bolts, nuts, plugs and similar small items. Space debris refers to all artificial objects and their fragments in space that are already faulty, do not function and will never again be able to serve any useful purposes, but which are a dangerous factor affecting functioning spacecraft, especially manned ones. In some cases, space debris objects that are large or contain hazardous (nuclear, toxic, etc.) materials on board can pose a direct danger to the Earth - in the event of their uncontrolled deorbit, incomplete combustion when passing through dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere and debris falling out to populated areas, industrial facilities, transport communications, etc.

Space debris problem

We usually associate the concept of “boundless” with space, but in a certain sense, the tightness in space is already really beginning to be felt, and here again an analogy with earthly environmental problems inevitably arises. Just as with a small number of cars several decades ago, the issue of air pollution was not an urgent issue. exhaust gases and the danger of collisions of cars with each other was very insignificant, and the relatively small number of spacecraft launches to date does not yet raise serious concerns about space “traffic accidents”.

However, in the future - during the construction and operation of near-Earth production complexes, during the industrial development of the Moon - the situation may change greatly. It will be necessary to organize large-scale cargo transportation on the Earth-to-space route, large-sized objects will appear in orbit, and the number of artificial objects in near-Earth space will significantly increase. Therefore, the foundations for a rational solution to future space transport problems, including their environmental aspect, must be laid now.

Modern powerful launch vehicles, when launching a payload weighing several tens of tons into orbit, consume fuel 20-30 times more than the mass of the payload. For example, the launch weight of the American Saturn 5 rocket was 2900 tons, while its payload was about 100 tons. As a result, with each launch of a powerful rocket, hundreds of tons of combustion products were released into the atmosphere.

Due to the combustion of various types of fuel on Earth, more than 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide and over 700 million tons of other gaseous compounds and solid particles, including about 150 million tons of sulfur dioxide, are now released into the atmosphere annually. The latter, combining with atmospheric moisture, forms sulfuric acid, which can lead to so-called acid rain, which negatively affects flora and fauna.

It is clear that, on a global scale, the atmospheric emissions generated by launching even more powerful rockets over the course of a year are negligible compared to industrial emissions.

The issue of possible atmospheric pollution by combustion products of satellites that cease to exist in dense layers of the atmosphere was also specially studied. True, calculations show that even with the expansion of space activities planned in the coming decades, the combustion of satellites and other spacecraft in dense layers of the atmosphere should not lead to severe pollution. For example, the expected increase in nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere is no more than 0.05%. A significant accumulation of various toxic compounds in the atmosphere due to such combustion is also not expected.

One can, of course, assume the possibility of local pollution of the atmosphere (and even the earth's surface if combustion products reach it), although such effects have not been observed. Nevertheless, one of the requirements for spacecraft materials is the release of a minimum amount of toxic substances during combustion in the atmosphere.

Impact of space rocket launches on the near-Earth environment

Already in the 60s, researchers who carried out observations of the ionosphere during launches of powerful launch vehicles drew attention to unusual phenomena in the ionosphere: after the launch, the ionosphere seemed to disappear near the rocket’s wake, but after an hour or two the picture of the normal ionosphere was restored. It has been suggested that the gases released into the ionosphere during rocket flight “push out” the rarefied ionospheric plasma. As a result, a region with a reduced plasma density—a “hole”—is formed in the ionosphere, which closes again after the gas cloud spreads.

The impetus for further research into the phenomena in the ionosphere accompanying launch vehicles was the discovery of the so-called “Skylab effect,” which was identified during the launch in May 1973 of the powerful Saturn 5 launch vehicle, which launched the Skylab station into space. The launch vehicle engines operated up to altitudes of 300-400 km, i.e. in the F-region of the ionosphere, where the maximum ionization of the ionosphere is located. A comparison of data on the concentration of electrons in the ionosphere during the launch of the Skylab station and the day before showed that this concentration after the launch of the launch vehicle decreased by 50%, and the area of ​​disturbance in the ionosphere, according to observations of radio beacons, reached approximately 1 million square meters. km.

Data on ionospheric disturbances during launches of powerful launch vehicles have confirmed the need for a thorough and comprehensive study of the impacts of existing and future space transport systems on the near-Earth environment. To date, a number of experimental studies and model assessments of the impact that emissions from propulsion systems of these systems have on the chemical composition of the atmosphere have also been carried out.

Thus, aerosol particles ejected by launch vehicle engines can exist in the stratosphere for up to a year or more, which can affect the thermal balance of the atmosphere. In addition, combustion products such as compounds of chlorine, nitrogen and hydrogen are catalysts for reactions involving ozone molecules and their role in the photochemical ozone cycle is great, despite their relatively low concentrations in the stratosphere.

The ionosphere is “polluted” not only by launch vehicles. During flights of large spacecraft, for example orbital stations, as a result of microcurrents and gas separation of materials, as well as the operation of various onboard systems, the already mentioned own atmosphere of the spacecraft is formed, the parameters of which may differ significantly from the characteristics of the environment. Based on measurements of environmental parameters near the Skylab station and the MTSC, an increase in pressure near these spacecraft was recorded by 3-4 orders of magnitude compared to the pressure in the surrounding atmosphere. Noticeable changes in the neutral and ionic composition were also noted, due to the gas release of station materials, in electromagnetic radiation, and flows of charged particles.

It received official status at the international level after the report of the UN Secretary General entitled “The Impact of Space Activities on the Environment” on December 10, 1993, where it was especially noted that the problem is of an international, global nature: there is no contamination of national near-Earth space, there is contamination of outer space space of the Earth, which equally negatively affects all countries directly or indirectly involved in its development.

Contribution to space debris creation by country:

China - 40%; USA - 27.5%; Russia - 25.5%; other countries - 7%.

The need for measures to reduce the intensity of man-made space debris becomes clear when considering possible scenarios for space exploration in the future. Thus, there are estimates of the so-called “cascade effect”, which in the medium term may arise from mutual collisions of objects and particles of “space debris”, when extrapolating the existing conditions of contamination of low Earth orbits (LEO), even taking into account measures to reduce the number of orbital orbitals in the future explosions (42% of all space debris) and other measures to reduce man-made debris, can in the long term lead to a catastrophic increase in the number of orbital debris objects in LEO and, as a consequence, to the practical impossibility of further space exploration. It is assumed that “after 2055, the process of self-reproduction of the remnants of human space activities will become a serious problem”

Russian cosmonautics is increasingly gaining international importance. More than half of the world's spacecraft are launched into orbit by Russian rockets. Cosmonautics today is a social phenomenon. It is no coincidence that the Russian leadership is paying attention to the space industry.

Not long ago, an event occurred in orbit that forced the crew of the International Space Station to leave work at the station and take refuge in the Soyuz descent module. The danger of approaching space debris had passed, and the crew did not have to leave the station and return to Earth. But this situation has once again sharpened attention to the problem of space debris.

The problem with debris in space is quite acute. Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Fyodor Yurchikhin, in the studio of the Vesti TV channel, asked questions on this topical topic in the space field to Igor Evgenievich Molotov, a senior researcher at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, the leading organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of space debris.

The situation on the ISS is an untimely forecast of a dangerous approach. Why?

Because this time the dangerous approach was with an object that was approaching in a highly elliptical orbit. This is an orbit that is difficult to observe from one side, so it is not very well controlled.

Ways to solve space debris.

To solve this problem you need to:

  • formation of technologies and designs leading to waste minimization;
  • development of space equipment designs, including service systems and scientific equipment, adapted for use in space after the expiration of their service life;
  • selection of the most effective areas for the use in space flight of waste generated as a result of the operation of equipment and the life of the crew;
  • it is necessary to think in advance about measures to eliminate space debris;
  • it is important to reduce the number of vehicles launched into space and the use of multi-purpose satellites;
  • after exhausting the resource, take them into dense layers of the atmosphere, where they will burn, or into less “populated” orbits;
  • formation of the interior of living compartments, formation of additional radiation protection equipment, formation of equipment used on other celestial bodies.


First - forests, lakes and rivers, then - the atmosphere, seas and oceans... Humanity is not very careful about its native planet, otherwise the problem of environmental pollution would not be so acute today. But if our Earth still has limited dimensions, then the Universe is infinite, and it would seem that it cannot be filled with garbage. No matter how it is! The laws of gravity cause most space debris to accumulate in near-Earth space. Meanwhile, although less than half a century has passed since the beginning of space exploration, which is a vanishingly small period of time by the standards of the Universe, humanity in such a short period of time not only managed to carry out more than 4 thousand launches of launch vehicles, but also managed to significantly pollute outer space. If we do not take care of the environment, then everything around us and people may die. Space also requires care.















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Space debris: problems and solutions.

Purpose of the work: To study the problems of space debris.

Objectives of the work: To get acquainted with the literature on this topic. Analyze literary sources. Identify the main problem of space pollution. Find ways to solve problems.

Space junk?

Space debris in Orbit. Contribution to the creation of space debris by country: China - 40%; USA - 27.5%; Russia - 25.5%; other countries - 7%.

Space debris problems. “The French spy satellite became a victim of “stellar debris” that had accumulated in the vicinity of our planet,” this is the first space accident! Space debris reduces the accuracy of weather forecasts. At the end of March, the new communications satellite “Express-AM11” stopped operating, as a result of which television broadcasts were interrupted in the eastern regions of Russia and serious interruptions in the Internet began. Dump in the sky - trouble on Earth

Ways to solve space debris. It is necessary to think in advance about measures to eliminate space debris. It is important to reduce the number of vehicles launched into space and the use of multi-purpose satellites. After depleting the resource, take them into dense layers of the atmosphere, where they will burn, or into less “populated” orbits.

Conclusion: If we do not take care of the environment, then everything around us and people may die. Space also requires care.

List of references: http:// http://forumru. http://www

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