Project "I speak beautifully. Speech therapy rhymes"


1 Preschool educational institution 96 Project “I speak beautifully. Speech therapy rhymes” Teacher-speech therapist Savratskaya N.I. Lipetsk

2 Type, type of project: Information-practice-oriented, short-term, individual. Implementation period: Within 3 months. Number of project participants: (adults and children), children and parents of the speech therapy group, teachers, speech therapist. Age of children: 5-6 years Form of implementation: subgroup, group, individual. Project goal: Activation of children's speech development through the use of poems rich in the sounds being studied. Project objectives. Speech development: Promote cognitive and speech activity of children, the development of mental processes, finger and articulatory motor skills, coordination of movements with speech. Attract the child’s interest and attention to the sounding word. Develop children’s phonemic hearing and perception. Develop the ability to select a paired word for a word that differs from the given word in one sound. Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of phonemic processes in children. Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of sounds, using poems rich in reinforced sounds. Improve the overall sound of speech (tempo, rhythm, diction, intonation expressiveness). Hypothesis: We will play, as well as listen and compose rhymes in order to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully. Summary of the project: Working with children Dramatization games, as well as role-playing and didactic games. Listening to poems and talking about them. Examination of illustrations and reasoning along the course of the poem. Drawing independent drawings and applications to the poems listened to. Making riddles about the characters in poems. Watching performances, cartoons and talking about the content. Learning games and exercises based on poems. (for coordination of speech with movement, development of emotions, intonation expressiveness, consolidation of pronunciation skills).

3 Use of verbal improvisations (acting out episodes of poems and introducing new elements). Modeling the plot of a poem. Children's dramatization of long poems. Compose your own short poetic lines. Creation of an album of rhymes and illustrations for them. Working with families Consultation workshop for parents First steps in literacy. Formation of phonemic processes in children Questioning parents on the topic Phonemic processes in children in order to identify ideas about phonemic processes and the need for their development, in order to attract the attention of parents to this problem. Memo for parents The magical world of sounds (games for the development of phonemic concepts) Making a baby book together with the child Rhymes Working with teachers. Consultation-workshop for teachers Recommendations for teachers on the development of phonemic processes in children Consultation for teachers Formation of sound analysis skills in children with speech disorders Consultation-workshop for music directors Recommendations for the development of phonemic processes in the process of music correction work with preschoolers Compiling an album together with children Speech therapy rhymes. The use of role-playing games and dramatization games in direct educational activities and in free activities with children. Expected results (project product) Practical result of the project Creation of the necessary conditions in preschool educational institutions for the formation in preschoolers of initial skills for the development of speech abilities of children in the speech therapy group. Increasing children's interest in the correctional process, developing cognitive speech activity based on Russian folk art. Introducing games such as dramatizations, rhymes, and nursery rhymes and using them in children’s free activities to develop coherent, expressive speech. Children’s mastery of correct, intonationally expressive speech, development of emotions, consolidation of pronunciation skills and ensuring control by parents and educators over coherent, expressive speech. Development of speech activity, curiosity, communication skills, and cognitive activity in children. Presentation of the album Speech therapy rhymes, practical use of the album when doing homework and in a group. Compiling an album together with children: Speech therapy rhymes. Showing elements of dramatization of K. Chukovsky's poem: The Stolen Sun Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

4 Problem. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, is a very rare phenomenon in preschool children. There are many problems in children’s speech: monosyllabic speech consisting only of simple sentences, inability to construct a sentence grammatically correctly, poverty of speech, insufficient vocabulary, inability to formulate a question competently and clearly, or construct a short and detailed answer. A preschooler with speech disorders subsequently experiences significant difficulties in mastering school knowledge and skills. Therefore, pedagogical influence on the development of speech of a preschooler is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly, talking about various events from the surrounding life. Relevance. What do we know about Russian folk art? All people can speak. They willingly communicate with each other and pass on their knowledge to other people. Poems and nursery rhymes stand at the origins of Russian folk culture; they reflect all the wisdom of the people, love for family, nature, and the Motherland. This introduces children to their national culture and gives positive results when working with preschoolers. The speech therapist chooses his own form of working with poetry: analysis, writing poetry, dramatization, lexical and grammatical exercises, consolidating pronunciation skills based on the material of poems. Children with ODD, along with speech characteristics, are characterized by insufficient development of processes: attention, memory, thinking, decreased motivation, impaired finger and articulatory motor skills. The use of poetry in speech therapy work helps to normalize the above violations. Poems can be used both in collective and individual work with children. What do we want to know? During the conversation it became clear: all children love to listen to rhymes. However, it is still difficult for them to compose their poems. Teachers, parents, and speech therapists can help us with this. First of all, you need to learn to listen, memorize and play rhymes. Here you can use various dramatization games, role-playing games and exercises that need to be selected. In addition, you need to learn to choose words that sound similar: stronger is smarter, deftly rope, tram don’t forget, etc.. What needs to be done in order... To learn how to compose your own poems, you need to: really want to learn it, try , perform all the exercises and tasks of the speech therapist and teachers, and parents and friends can help with this. To learn how to beautifully recite poems and come up with your own, you need to learn to pick out words that sound similar. Learn to tell and play on existing poems, choose interesting facts and events for your poems. Learn to upload a poem you have started, coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly expressing your thoughts, create a library of poems and nursery rhymes. Stages of work on the project.

5 1. Search Search and analysis of the problem: Important During the conversation, we decided on the name Speech therapy rhymes, with a list of games for the development of speech communication, and the ability to select different rhymes for the proposed words. Setting the goal of the project: Goal: learn to recite poems beautifully and correctly and compose your own short poems. Objectives: Encourage children to pose and solve a problem; develop the foundations of key competencies, the ability to obtain and use knowledge through practical activities; to develop communicative competencies, basic handling and conversation skills. To develop phonemic hearing and perception of children in speech therapy classes. Train children in the ability to find words that are similar in sound content, establish how they differ, select paronymous words, replacing one sound in a word, and highlight the sound that changes the word. Design the cover of your own little book Rhythmushka, come up with pairs of words, paronyms and draw corresponding illustrations. Develop cognitive abilities and speech activity. Activate the desire to look for ways to solve a problem situation; to form the prerequisites for research and search activities. Develop the ability to present the product of activity, the ability to contribute to the common cause. The teacher’s activities at the first stage: he formulates the problem, the goal, determines the product of the project, introduces children to a game situation, and formulates the task. Children's activities: they enter into a problem, get used to the game situation, accept the task. 2. Analytical. Analysis and selection of resources: We discussed with the children the availability of games in the group, how we will design new games, what is needed for this and where will we get the material? What does it take to make the material colorful? (draw, write down at home, find something interesting on the Internet, make crafts and drawings, photographs) Collection and study of information: For a speech therapist teacher to prepare and conduct a consultation for parents Development of coherent, expressive speech based on Russian and folk art; Together with the children, start keeping an album: Speech therapy rhymes. Help in choosing words, paronyms and rhymes.

6 Use the album in the process of free activity, consolidating the ability to correctly formulate and express your thoughts. At home with parents, playing out the plot of the poem and composing endings to poems on the instructions of the speech therapist. Children’s activities at this stage: Children actively participate in learning and reciting poems, learning role-playing games, dramatization games, help the speech therapist teacher and parents in the colorful design of these games, selecting poems and coming up with a new ending to the poems they have started. Activities of the teacher: Consultation with a speech therapist for educators: Development of coherent, expressive speech based on Russian and folk art Compilation of an album together with children: Speech therapy rhymes. Using the album in the process of consolidating the correct formulation and presentation of your thoughts on the learned poems. 3. Practical During the practical part of the project, children learn to construct sentences grammatically correctly, retell texts, talk about past events, and express their thoughts coherently and correctly. In individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation, use game techniques for the formation of phonemic perception: What sound is lost?, The word has scattered, collect it, etc. When selecting rhymes, use various tables and plans that help in composing rhymed poems. Train children’s ability to tell, supplement, change the ending, come up with their own rhymes, gradually (as they study) design an album Speech therapy rhymes In the process of activities on artistic creativity, cognition, at home with parents, select and make games for the development of phonemic perception, replenishment and activation of vocabulary , creative storytelling: Tell and name, Put in order and tell, Finish in a new way. Take part in the production of a poetic fairy tale: The Stolen Sun Activities of the teacher: The teacher provides practical assistance (if necessary, directs and controls the implementation of the project) Activities of children: Work on replenishing and activating vocabulary, on the development of phonemic perception, creative storytelling. To shape the cognitive and speech development of children through the use of poems. 4. Presentation

7 At this stage, the teacher’s activities: preparation for the presentation. Children's activities: prepare the product of the activity for presentation. 5. Control Children took an active part: actively played role-playing games and dramatization games, listened, memorized and reproduced the poems they had heard, supplemented the poems with missing words, and came up with endings for short poems. Difficulties: found it difficult to come up with other endings for poems and select rhymes for words. Further use of the product of project activity The prepared games are actively used in the group, children continue to study rhymes, retell them, supplement them, invent their own, thereby developing beautiful expressive speech under the guidance of teachers. Significance of the project This project increased the motivation of children to prepare for school. The children actively participated in all stages of the project and were filled with pride in the games they completed. They not only listened to the poems with pleasure, but also took part in their performance. Some children found it difficult to reproduce the poems they had listened to and to select rhymes for various words, while demonstrating mutual understanding and mutual assistance. As a result of this work in everyday activities, children’s psycho-emotional state is normalized, cognitive speech development is improved: coherent speech, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, expressiveness; feelings of empathy, cooperation, self-confidence, and positive character traits are formed.

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Project “Learning to speak correctly”

Project name: “Learning to speak correctly”

Project Manager:Shvedunenko Evgenia Mikhailovna

Project type: creative.

Target Audience: primary school students, parents.


Sounds are the main building material of human speech, and only with their clear, accurate transmission can speech be understood correctly, and therefore serve as a means of communication.

Correct pronunciation is necessary for a child for confident communication, successful learning, competent reading and writing, and harmonious development. Impaired sound pronunciation is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious obstacle to a child’s mastery of written language. It negatively affects the child’s emotional state, his self-esteem, the formation of personality traits, and communication with peers.


Violations of sound pronunciation in children lead to the phenomena of dyslexia and dysgraphia when studying at school.

correction of children's sound pronunciation through entertaining visual and didactic material.


    Arouse children's interest in correctional activities.

    To develop the sound culture of speech in the interrelation of different speech tasks: the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work and coherent speech.

    To form and improve the sound culture of speech in children (to develop articulatory motor skills, diction, intonation expressiveness, phonemic perception).

    To promote the formation of a sound culture of speech in children in all types of activities: in classes, in games, in extended-day group classes.

    Develop children's communication skills, develop self-confidence.

    Form emotional contact between parents and children, enrich child-parent relationships through joint creative activities.

Project stages


    study the experience of famous teachers working on this topic and the experience of colleagues;

    create a developing environment in the classroom (speech corner);

    prepare educational and gaming material for individual and group work with children;

    Conduct diagnostics of children and questionnaires with parents.

Main stage:

    develop sound culture of speech in all classes and lessons

    carry out speech development at school and at home using entertaining material

    involve parents in the process of automating assigned sounds (homework, “For you, parents” corner, consultations, conversations, open classes)

    designing individual folders with tasks for sound automation

Final stage:

    diagnostics of children.

    parent meeting.

    parent survey.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the goals (methods, forms, means of implementation).

To implement the project in correctional classes, we use the following methods and techniques:

    verbal: (pure sayings, proverbs, riddles, sayings, poems, stories);

    visual (demonstration material);

    practical: (board games, didactic games and exercises, crosswords, puzzles).

The use of riddles, stories, crosswords, and puzzles makes the lesson more emotional and interesting. The use of learning tools such as a computer will help make the process of implementing assigned tasks more interesting. Every speech therapist has computer games and programs for developing sound pronunciation.

Without the participation of parents, I think it is impossible to achieve this goal. That’s why I hold parent meetings where we tell them what successes we have achieved. We also conduct workshops and consultations, where we teach parents how to study at home. The school has a corner “For you, parents,” where recommendations are given both on the development of speech sound culture and on other sections of the program. Questionnaires are conducted periodically.

Project implementation schedule.

Estimated date of the event

Event name



Parent meeting “Diagnostic results and planned correctional and speech therapy work for the year”

Master classes for parents on sound automation. Design of the stand “For you, parents”

Designing individual folders with tasks, crossword puzzles, pictures to automate sounds, participation in New Year's events.

Consultations for parents and teachers

Open classes for parents

Children's participation in the festive concert

Week of correct speech, holiday of correct speech

Final classes

Expected result:

    children's interest in learning activities will increase;

    the quality of sound pronunciation will improve;

    the level of development of mental processes will increase.

This project can be used by speech therapists in working with children with sound pronunciation disorders not only at speech centers in secondary schools, but also in correctional schools, as well as in kindergartens, as the number of children with sound pronunciation disorders is increasing.

Assessment of the effectiveness of project implementation:

A diagnostic examination revealed positive dynamics in the development of:

    sound pronunciations;

    mental processes;

    communicative functions of speech.

Further development of the project:

    publication of the project;

    holding a master class with teachers on this topic;

This project is expected to be used:

    in working with newly arriving children in 1st grade;

    introduction of innovative technologies to improve the correctional and educational process;

    exchange of experience with colleagues.

Popova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher-speech therapist MADOU "Cinderella"
Noyabrsk, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia

Speech therapy paths

A practice-oriented project aimed at increasing the potential for full speech development of preschool children.

Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember,
let me try and I’ll understand.
(Eastern wisdom)

Relevance of the project.
In modern conditions, when the rate of obsolescence of information is very high, the reorientation of the educational process from methods that facilitate the assimilation of large amounts of information to methods aimed at developing the ability to think, analyze, independently find and generalize information, and draw conclusions is becoming increasingly important.
Such an approach to the learning process is an educational process when the child becomes the subject of the activity, and active activity forms in him a sense of personal involvement, involvement, and increases interest in acquiring new knowledge.
According to American educators W.H. Kilpatrick, John Dewey, a child should acquire experience and knowledge through “doing”, during the study of a problematic learning environment, making various projects, diagrams, conducting experiments, finding answers to controversial questions. In their opinion, the project involves “energetic, heartfelt activity.”

The method of project activity allows introducing new content into education, developing the mental and cognitive activity of a preschool child, changing motivation, acquiring knowledge through independent search, planning and carrying out consistent systematic work. The child learns to argue his position, pose a problem or task, find solutions, plan, predict, work independently with information, and be a responsible partner, which creates a unique atmosphere of creative exploration and favorable conditions for the optimal development of preschool children.

The project method in kindergarten has become one of the most important components in organizing direct educational activities. Its most important advantage is the independent “acquisition” of knowledge by children. “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me try and I’ll understand,” says Eastern wisdom. Indeed, only by acting independently, through trial and error, does a child acquire—“appropriate”—knowledge and experience.

Design is an important area of ​​children's cognitive activity, which is not compensated by the development of other forms of activity in preschoolers. Project activities have a number of characteristics that have a positive impact on the development of a preschool child.
First of all, during project activities, children’s knowledge about the world around them expands. This is primarily due to the implementation of research and creative projects.
In addition, children’s general abilities develop – cognitive, communicative and regulatory. Already at preschool age, a child acquires the skill of publicly expressing his thoughts.
During project activities, preschoolers acquire the necessary social skills - they become more attentive to each other, and begin to be guided not so much by their own motives as by established norms.
Project activity also affects the content of children’s play activities - it becomes more diverse, more complexly structured, and preschoolers themselves become interesting to each other.
It is impossible not to say about the influence of project activities on the teacher. Design forces the teacher to constantly be in the space of possibilities, which changes his worldview and does not allow the use of standard, template actions, and requires daily creative, personal growth.
During the project activities, parent-child relationships also develop. The child turns out to be interesting to parents because he puts forward various ideas, discovering new things in already familiar situations. The life of the child and parents is filled with rich content. Children's potential for full development, including speech, increases.

But it’s worth thinking about, is it possible for a speech therapist teacher to use the project method in his work with children with special educational needs? Is it worth starting such complex work with those who have problems in speech development? My own experience allows me to answer unequivocally - yes! On the contrary, such children, perhaps even more than others, need to use the project method, since it allows them to increase interest, motivation, and cognitive activity, which, as a rule, are reduced in children with speech disorders. Having understood the subject in detail, it is easier for such children to understand, “accept” new information, and master a new skill.

The only difference is that the speech therapist must study in advance the capabilities of children with speech problems, determine for himself the main goals and directions of work, distribute responsibilities in working on the project, carefully monitor all the children’s actions, but on the other hand, give them the opportunity to independently evaluate their activities, use self-control techniques.

Modern speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with speech disorders.

Experience and modern research show that the pedagogical process can only increase the capabilities and quality of development of a child with speech underdevelopment to the extent that the teacher knows how to competently manage it. Success is determined by the methods and techniques of a student’s education.
The use, along with traditional ones, of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for the education and training of preschoolers with speech impairments, and the project method has become one of the most effective today.

This method is relevant and effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, thereby preparing him for successful learning at school. The knowledge and skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activity are acquired faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy exercises become an exciting activity for the child.

“In productive activities, the development of perception and awareness of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the performance of a particular activity,” writes S.A. Mironova about the importance of practical experience for preschoolers with speech disorders.

By solving various cognitive and practical problems during the design process together with adults and peers, children with speech underdevelopment motivatedly enrich and activate their vocabulary, learn to speak publicly, and communicate adequately with others.

Of course, the project method cannot be considered as independent in speech therapy; it becomes part of generally accepted time-tested technologies, and introduces into them the spirit of modernity, new ways of interaction between the speech therapist and the child, new incentives, serves to create a favorable emotional background, promotes the inclusion of intact and activation of impaired mental functions.

Many years of experience in speech therapy work have made it possible to identify some difficulties and contradictions that may arise in the process of implementing this issue.
Firstly, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of children with speech disorders. Solving speech correction problems is a hot topic in preschool age.

Secondly, the information density of the preschool stage of children’s education and preparing them for school requires the speech therapist to solve complex problems of finding effective forms and methods of work. To increase children's interest in speech therapy classes, we need a variety of creative tasks and new approaches to correctional work.

Thirdly, the child’s weak motivation for cognitive activity, the lack of full speech activity on the one hand, and the low level of interest and competence of parents in matters of children’s speech development.

Fourthly, the degree of development of the problem. In modern literature, more and more articles and publications are appearing that in one way or another touch on the topic of using the project method in working with preschoolers. But the area of ​​application of this method in speech therapy practice remains poorly developed.

I was faced with the problem of organizing a system of work using project methods in solving problems of preventing and correcting speech disorders with preschool children.
One of the ways to solve this problem was the development of the Speech Therapy Paths project. The project is aimed at creating conditions for the full speech development of preschool children.

Speech therapy paths are various directions in correctional work with a child with speech impairments, “paths” leading the child to fully developed speech: the formation of articulatory motor skills, the development of correct speech breathing, phonemic processes, the acquisition of correct sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, coherent statement. And each such path the child must “pass” consciously, understanding and accepting, appropriating as much knowledge and experience of this activity as possible, and, as expected, one of the most effective methods in solving this problem is the project method in speech therapy practice. This method of speech therapy projects is presented as a way of organizing the correction process, based on the interaction of the speech therapist teacher, child, parents and educators.

The project is intended for children 5 – 7 years old

Project participants: children with speech disorders, speech therapist, educators, parents.

Goal: increasing the potential for full speech development of preschool children.

The hypothesis of the project was the assumption that the use of the project method in speech therapy work with preschool children will allow pupils to quickly, easily and more firmly “appropriate” the knowledge and skills that the child acquires in the process of practical activities, will increase the child’s motivation and the interest of parents in their speech development children.

Project objectives
1. Awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of speech correction.
2. Develop children's speech and creative abilities.
3. Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory.
4. Increase the volume of corrective action,
5. Increase motivation and interest in speech therapy classes, and involve children in the process of active learning.
6. Encourage children to collaborate.
7. Unite the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders, and make wide use of parental potential.
8. Stimulate joint productive activities of children and parents.

Expected result:
1. Using the project method in correctional work will contribute to the successful development of children’s communicative and creative abilities.
2. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of children’s speech development.
3. Increasing parents’ interest not only in the results, but also in the process of correctional and educational work itself.

Effectiveness of these results
For children:
- positive dynamics of speech development;
- successful social adaptation in preschool educational institutions and family;
- development of sustainable motivation for speech self-realization.

For parents:
- positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution;
- readiness and desire to help;
- activation of the pedagogical potential of parents,
- acquisition and use of knowledge on issues of speech development of children;
- parents mastering regular reflection of the child’s achievements;
- a feeling of satisfaction from joint creativity.

For teachers
- positive psychological climate between the speech therapist and teachers;
- teachers’ interest in creativity and innovation;
- satisfaction with one’s own activities;
- improving the professional skills of teachers on issues of speech development and education of preschool children through
various forms and methods of work;

For preschool educational institutions
- favorable conditions for the professional growth of teachers;

Practical significance of the project
The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system for applying the project method in the correctional and speech therapy process can be used in the speech development of children without speech disorders, as a prevention of speech development disorders in preschool age, as well as dysgraphia and dyslexia at school age.

Project type: practice-oriented, long-term.

Project implementation period – 1 year

Project implementation stages and strategy

I. Preparatory stage (information and analytical):
Disclosure of the meaning and content of the upcoming work, development of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.

1. Study the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, justify the conceptual apparatus of the study.
2. Identifying the problem - diagnosing the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children).
3. Determination of the system of speech therapy projects, conditions for their implementation.

II. The main stage of the project implementation (practical):

1. Speech therapy project “Obedient Breeze”
Forming in children the concept of a healthy lifestyle and proper breathing; teaching children the technique of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing
Children's acquisition of skills in differentiating nasal and oral breathing and the effectiveness of using speech breathing
Formation of strength, smoothness and direction of the exhaled air stream;
Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of correct speech breathing in children.

Project type: Practice-oriented, short-term, collective
Implementation period: September-October

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Development of the strength and focus of the air stream in
children in speech therapy classes, when performing gymnastics
exercises and games during morning exercises and physical education classes.
Game exercises for the development of physiological (lower diaphragmatic) and speech breathing using multimedia presentations, colorful illustrations, and special aids;
Lesson with children on the topic “Health”
Inventing and making a breathing exercises manual
Working with family
Consultations for parents on the topics “Formation of correct speech breathing”, “Breathing and unity of speech”, “Breathing exercises”
Memos for parents “The obedient breeze”, “Let’s breathe correctly. Game exercises for breathing development"
Together with children, inventing and producing manuals for breathing exercises
Working with teachers
Consultation with the workshop “Games for the development of speech breathing in children”;
Production of special aids for conducting breathing exercises with children;

Design of the exhibition “Obedient Breeze”

2. Speech therapy project “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”
Formation of ideas about the organs of speech, their importance for correct sound pronunciation,
Development of subtle differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus using non-traditional complexes
Increasing the competence of educators in this area.

Project type: Information-practice-oriented, short-term, collective
Implementation period: October

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Introduction to the structure of the speech organs through a speech therapy fairy tale
Subgroup/individual learning of sets of articulation exercises using colorful illustrations, multimedia presentations “Tales of the Merry Tongue”, didactic dolls
Collective invention of the fairy tale about the Merry Tongue
Drawing illustrations for the fairy tale about the Merry Tongue
Working with family
Reminders “Structure of the articulatory apparatus”
Practical lesson “Performing basic articulation exercises”
Individual demonstration of performing exercises aimed at developing the articulatory structure of a specific group of sounds.
Making a page or articulating cube “The Tale of the Merry Tongue” together with your child
Working with teachers
Workshop “The Place of Articulation Gymnastics in Group Mode. Methodology for performing articulation exercises"
Practical application of the results of child-parent creativity in morning correctional gymnasts
Practical result of the project
Final lesson – “Presentation of articulation cubes, a collective homemade book “Tales of the Merry Tongue”
Practical application of project products in morning corrective gymnast

3. Speech therapy project “Rhymes”
Attracting the child's interest and attention to the sounding word
Development of phonemic hearing and perception in children.
Development of the ability to select a paired word for a word that differs from the given word by one sound.
Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of phonemic processes in children.

Project type: Practice-oriented, short-term, individual
Implementation date: November

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Development of phonemic hearing and perception of children in speech therapy classes.
Children acquire the ability to find words that are similar in sound content, establish how they differ, select paronymic words, replacing one sound in a word, and highlight the sound that changes the word.
Designing the cover of your own little book “Rhymes”, coming up with pairs of paronyms and drawing corresponding illustrations
Working with family
Consultation-workshop for parents “First steps in literacy. Formation of phonemic processes in children"
Questioning parents on the topic “Phonemic processes in children” in order to identify ideas about phonemic processes and the need for their development, in order to attract the attention of parents to this problem.
Memo for parents “The Magic World of Sounds” (games to develop phonemic awareness)
Making a baby book “Rhymes” together with your child
Working with teachers
Consultation-workshop for teachers “Recommendations for teachers on the development of phonemic processes in children”
Consultation for teachers “Formation of sound analysis skills in children with speech disorders”
Consultation-workshop for music directors “Recommendations for the development of phonemic processes in the process of music correction work with preschoolers”
Practical result of the project
Presentation and exhibition of baby books “Rhymes” made by children’s hands,
Creating a mini-library of homemade books

4. Speech therapy project “Difficult sounds”
Identification of organs involved in the formation of human speech sounds
Research and understanding by the child of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being practiced
Conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects.
Increasing parents' interest in the correction process
Increasing the competence of educators in this area

Project type: Research, practice-oriented, long-term, individual
Implementation period: During the entire period of sound pronunciation correction

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Getting to know the organs of articulation through “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”
The use of articulation analysis game techniques in individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation: “Teach an alien to pronounce a sound correctly”, “Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation...”, etc.
Using the manual “Articulatory patterns of sounds” when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied
Study of the pronunciation features of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet “Difficult Sounds”
Working with family
Consultation for parents “Sound pronunciation disorders and its causes”;
Maintaining an individual booklet “Difficult Sounds” together with the child
Using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist teacher.
Working with teachers
Consultation “Sound pronunciation disorders. Reasons. Types"
Compiling together with the children a general booklet “Difficult sounds” (for all sounds)
Using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist.
Practical result of the project
Presentation of individual booklets “Difficult sounds”, their practical use when doing home exercises.
Compiling together with the children a general booklet “Difficult Sounds” (for all sounds) and using it in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist.

5. Speech therapy project “Everything in order”
Forming in children the skills of constructing a coherent and holistic descriptive story;
Development of logical and figurative thinking and observation in children;
Formation in preschoolers of the ability to operate with generic concepts ("animals", "insects", "dishes", etc.);
Deepening children's knowledge about the environment;
Improving children's communication skills
Increasing parents' interest in the correction process
Increasing the competence of educators in this area

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Using visual support diagrams to compose descriptive stories on various lexical topics;
Formation of an album of descriptive stories developed independently by children and compiled together with the teacher;
Working with family
Lecture for parents “And speech flows like a river” (development of a holistic, consistent, coherent utterance of children)
Working with teachers
Pedagogical piggy bank “Development of a full-fledged coherent statement of a senior preschooler.”
Helping children create their own descriptive story plans to form a collective album “Everything in Order”
Its practical use;
Practical result of the project
Design of the collective album “Everything in Order”, its presentation in classes,
Practical use
Replenishing a mini-library of homemade books

6. Speech therapy project “Very important words”
Development of grammatical structure of speech
Formation in children of the idea of ​​prepositions as separate independent words;
Developing children's interest in their native language
Increasing parents' interest in the correction process
Increasing the competence of educators in this area

Project type: Information-practice-oriented, long-term, collective
Implementation period: During the academic year

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Introducing children to prepositions in classes and in specially organized games,
Using preposition patterns
Making sentences with a given preposition
Observation of prepositions in Russian
Participation in the creation of pages for the “Very Important Words” piggy bank
Working with family
Lecture for parents “Formation of literate speech of a preschooler”
Periodically filling out the “Very Important Words” page in the child’s individual folder with drawings of models of the prepositions being studied.
Working with teachers
Organization of special games and exercises to develop the ability to use prepositions in speech;
Together with the children, replenish the “Very Important Words” piggy bank for each pretext practiced by the speech therapist teacher in special classes.
Practical use of this manual.
Practical result of the project
Creating a piggy bank “Very Important Words”
Practical use

7. Speech therapy project “Such different words”
Observation of linguistic reality, words of various categories;
Formation of initial ideas about the variety of words in the Russian language;
Development of linguistic sense.
Involving parents in children's search activities
Forming children's interest in their native language.

Project type: Information-practice-oriented, long-term, collective/individual
Implementation period: During the academic year

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Introducing children to some synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, unchangeable words in classes and in didactic games;
Selection of material and illustration of pages for the collection of dictionaries.
Working with family
Creating pages for a dictionary collection together with children
Lecture for parents “Development and enrichment of a preschooler’s vocabulary”
Memo for parents “Give me a word” (games to enrich a child’s vocabulary)
Working with teachers
Pedagogical piggy bank “Games and exercises to enrich the vocabulary of preschool children”;
Practical use of a collectively produced collection of dictionaries, assistance in its periodic replenishment
Practical result of the project
Creating a collective collection of dictionaries:
- “Stubborn words” (unchangeable)
- “Words-friends” (synonyms)
- “Words in reverse” (antonyms)
- “Twin words” (paronyms)
Replenishing a mini-library of homemade books
Familiarization of children and parents with the results of the project at the final presentation

8. Speech therapy project “Treasury of “difficult” words”
Formation of the syllabic structure of words
Development of phonemic processes

Project type: Practice-oriented, long-term, individual
Implementation period: During the entire period of correctional work

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Games and exercises to prevent violations of the syllabic structure of words;
Direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular child. (careful and consistent development of each type of syllable structure, first on the material of words, then on the material of phrasal speech)
Design of the cover of a piggy bank book of “difficult” words, gradual accumulation of pictures with the corresponding syllable patterns under them as difficult words and phrases are practiced
Working with family
Lecture for parents “Oh, these “difficult” words” (prevention of violations and development of the correct syllabic structure of the word)
Memo for parents “Oh, these difficult words”
Helping the child in designing a piggy bank book of “difficult” words, gradually accumulating pictures with the corresponding syllable patterns underneath them as they practice difficult words and phrases.
Using this manual to reinforce speech material during homework.
Working with teachers
Diagnostic tools to help teachers of various age groups in kindergarten to monitor the level of development of the syllabic structure of words in children
Pedagogical piggy bank “Formation of the syllabic structure of words in ontogenesis. Recommendations for the prevention of disorders and the development of syllable structure in preschool children"
Practical result of the project
Design of a piggy bank book for “difficult” words.
Replenishing a mini-library of homemade books
Familiarization of children and parents with the results of the project in individual lessons

9. Speech therapy project “ABVGDEYKA”
Mastering the image of a letter;
Involving each child in an active educational creative project to create a “Fun ABC”
Training in selecting tools and materials to implement your creative ideas, presenting the results of your work in the form of a presentation.
Fostering children's interest in creative interaction when working together.
Attracting the attention of parents and teachers to joint work on the development of the syllabic structure of words in children.

Type of project: Research and creative, long-term, collective
Implementation period: During the academic year

Contents of the work:
Working with children
Preliminary work: Games and exercises for mastering the image of letters.
Analysis of existing ABCs.
Illustrating each letter as you learn it,
Presentation (story about the letter, examination of the collage), placement of a page with the letter at the exhibition “Fun Alphabet”
Preparation and participation in the holiday “ABVGDEYKA”
Working with family
Help in making a page with a letter (drawing, making it from various waste materials...),
Creating a collage for a given letter (selecting words based on the sounds that the letter stands for, determining the position of the sound in a word)
Working with teachers
Conducting games and exercises to master the image of letters.
Coordination of the creative research process,
Helping children find sources of information,
Supporting and encouraging children to be active
Practical result of the project
Final exhibition-presentation “Fun ABC”
Speech holiday "ABVGDEYKA"

III. The final stage of the project:

1. Analysis of project activities and assessment of the results of the effectiveness of the use of speech therapy projects in the correctional process.
2. Final presentation of the results of project activities of children and parents through exhibitions, presentation of a mini-library of homemade books, collectively created albums, organization of the ABVGDEYKA holiday.
3. Presentation of the project “Speech therapy paths” for speech therapists and teachers of the Moscow Academy of Preparatory Educational Institutions and the city.

The final product of the project will be:
Formed stable motivation of children for speech self-realization.
Increasing the literacy of parents in matters of raising and educating children with speech disorders, providing them with support and assistance in the correction process
Increasing the professional competence of teachers of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution in providing support to children with speech disorders

Forecast of possible negative consequences.
The following possible difficulties and ways to overcome them are assumed:
1. Weak motivation of project participants.
Ways of correction: introducing additional forms of stimulation and encouragement, using new, more interesting forms of work.
2. High morbidity among children, low kindergarten attendance.
Ways of correction: periodic return to the material already covered.
3. Lack of conditions for carrying out any planned event.
Ways of correction: carrying out another event that contributes to the achievement of the intended goals and implementation of the assigned tasks.

In the future: the search and development of new innovative forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders in interaction with all participants in the educational process.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of project activities is quite possible and even necessary in the correctional and speech therapy process for children to more firmly and fully master new skills and abilities.
But this activity should have a correctional focus, that is, by solving various cognitive and practical problems during the design process together with adults and peers, children with speech underdevelopment should exercise their speech abilities, train language skills and abilities.

List of used literature:

1. Babina E.S. Partnership between a preschool educational institution and family in speech therapy work - Logoped magazine - No. 5, 2005.
2. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activities of preschoolers. M., 2010
3. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. Sphere. M.2005
4. Kiseleva L.S. project method in the activities of a preschool institution. Artie. M., 2005
5. Mironova S.A. Speech development of preschool children in speech therapy classes. -M. 2007.
6. Fadeeva Yu.A., Zhilina I.I. Educational projects in a group for children with special needs. M., 2012

Speech therapy project “When we play, we study, speak and understand”

Completed by teacher - speech therapist

MDOU d\s No. 5 "Topolyok"

village Kokuy

Zlobina A. A.

Section I Information part

1. Passport project

1. Abstract project

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that it is aimed at solving project.

3. Goals and objectives project

4. Novelty project and practical significance

5. Anticipated risks

6. Expected result

7. Effectiveness of these results

8. Participants project

9. Duration project

10. Stages of work

11. Layout project

12. References

Passport project

Name project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand" “Development and use of gaming tools and methods to increase the motivation of children in the system logocorrection work»

Type project Short term, practice-oriented

Annotation project

Given project aimed at providing correctional developmental speech therapy helping children through the use of play methods. Project designed for children 6-7 years old attending speech therapy group in a preschool institution.

Project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand» wears open character: having studied traditional and non-traditional forms speech therapy work, relying on material and technical equipment speech therapy room, at the beginning of 2016 I have planned work on the use and development of gaming methods in speech therapy working with children of senior preschool age who have speech impairments.


“The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. We must not only give him time play, but he must imbue his entire life with this game. His whole life is game».

A. S. Makarenko

Every year, especially recently, in the process of work we have to face the fact that the level of speech development of children is decreasing.

As a result, children encounter difficulties in the learning process and poorly assimilate program material. In this regard, the need arose to use effective methods of teaching and correctional work to ensure that children successfully master the knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the program and come to the rescue game, and becomes an important area of ​​correctional work.

Make the activity with children interesting, but not entertaining, effective, but not spectacular, teach, playing, not just play- these are the main problems that need to be solved speech therapist in working with children in kindergarten.

On mine it's still short speech therapy In practice, I have met many children who feel disadvantaged by the awareness of their defect. The child has a different attitude towards himself, the team, and the assessments of others.

Working with the use of game techniques, we can draw some conclusions about their significance in the development of children with speech disorders.

1. Games distract the child’s attention from the speech defect and encourage him to communicate.

2. They free children from tedious, unnatural immobility for their age in the classroom.

3. Help to diversify the types of activities of children in correctional classes in all sections of the program, including various levels of regulation in the work.

4. Develop gross and fine motor skills, the ability to navigate in space.

5. Help to work on the development of prosodic (melodic-intonation) components of speech.

6. Games develop and normalize the emotional-volitional sphere, which is especially important for hyperexcitable children.

All this contributes to better functioning of the speech organs and has a positive effect on the development of correct speech skills in children. Task speech therapist together with the parents, convince the child that speech can be corrected, you can help the child become like everyone else. It is important to interest the child so that he himself wants to participate in the process of speech correction. And for this purpose, classes should not be boring, like a lesson, but should become an interesting game.

“For preschool children, games have an exceptional meaning: the game is learning for them, game for them is work, game for them it is a serious form of education.”

Krupskaya N.K.

Work out on speech therapy classes, playing, fun and interesting. As a result of emerging interest in games, the given sounds are quickly consolidated, speech becomes grammatically correct, and boring and uninteresting exercises in word inflection and sound analysis become exciting tasks for the child.

Using games on the system speech therapy work allows you to reduce fatigue and increase the emotional interest of the child.

Application of gaming methods to speech therapy classes, interesting, educational and exciting for children. They attract attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children.

All these facts contributed to the development of this project. We need to develop new gaming approaches, means to speech therapy work, captivating children, their parents and teachers.

Creation and organization of conditions for the use of gaming methods in speech therapy classes to improve teacher efficiency - speech therapist, as well as the effectiveness of gaming technologies as a means of developing motivation and increasing the cognitive interest of pupils in speech therapy classes.

1. Get acquainted with traditional and non-traditional gaming methods.

2. Use modern gaming technologies in the learning process speech therapy classes.

3. Improve the subject-development environment.

4. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes.

5. Systematize teachers’ knowledge of using game methods in the classroom.

6. Share work experience through active forms work: Internet resources, media.

Novelty the project is that it presents new approaches to game methods of correctional work.

Practical significance

Practical significance the project is that the conclusions contained in it will provide a qualitatively new approach to working with children both in the correction of speech disorders and in various areas of the educational process in general.

Estimated risks

1. The administration will not support the idea of ​​implementation project, since this event involves material support.

2. Some teachers will not understand the relevance project.

3. Parents will not be interested in the topic project, are not sufficiently competent in the formation of children’s speech.

Expected result

1. The use of game methods in correctional work will help increase motivation and the successful development of children’s communicative and creative abilities.

2. Promotion psychologically- pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of the impact of play on the speech development of children.

3. Creation of a rich collection of game materials for correctional work.

4. Presentation project in the form of entertainment.

Effectiveness of these results

Positive dynamics of speech development (decrease in the number of children in need of speech therapy assistance);

Development of sustainable motivation of children for speech self-realization;

Positive assessment of the activities of preschool educational institutions in "eyes" parents;

Acquisition and use of knowledge on gaming methods in the speech development of children;

Teachers' interest in creativity and innovation.

Participants project

Participants project: preparatory children speech therapy group, parents, teacher- speech therapist, teacher, music director.


Duration: 4 weeks

Stages of work

1. Definition of the topic. Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic project.

2. Drawing up a diagram project

3. Discussion project at a parent-teacher meeting with parents

4. Discussion project with a teacher, musical director

5. Collection of information, literature, additional material

6. Development of gaming complexes for different directions speech therapy assistance.

Plan diagram

working with children, parents and teachers to implement project

1. Preparatory –

January 18, 2016 – Conversation with parents "Getting to know project» (parent meeting)- teacher- speech therapist

January 18, 2016 – Studying methodological literature, selection of games and gaming methods - teacher- speech therapist

January 19 - Parent survey "My child's favorite games"- teacher- speech therapist, teacher

January 20 Consultation for teachers “The role of games in the educational process”- teacher- speech therapist

2. Practical -

January 21 Writing rhymes together with children about "hedgehog" for using massage balls in the development of fine motor skills - teacher- speech therapist

January 18-January 22 – Adjustment and conduct of individual and subgroup speech therapy classes to introduce a playful character into each direction speech therapy assistance – speech therapist teacher

January 25 – January 29 – Creation of didactic educational materials together with children and parents toys: frogs, gloves, tongue (articulation gymnastics and the use of bioenergoplasty)- teacher- speech therapist, teacher, parents.

February 1 – Fun activity "Our Games"- teacher- speech therapist, musical director

February 3 – Together with children, inventing and making game materials for breathing, articulation, and sound production classes – teacher- speech therapist

February 4 - Organization of special games and exercises to develop the ability to use prepositions in speech (didactic game"Dog in the House"- teacher- speech therapist

February 5 - Creation of a memo for parents "Teach playing» - teacher- speech therapist

February 8 - Master class for teachers “Game techniques in teaching and raising children”- teacher- speech therapist

3. Final

February 9 - Design of a photo exhibition for teachers and parents "This is how we do things, let's play, we are developing"- teacher- speech therapist

February 10 - Presentation-entertainment “We playing, we don’t miss you, it’s even better we understand" - Teacher- speech therapist, music hands

February 11 - Summing up the implementation results project at the teachers' meeting - Teacher- speech therapist

February 12 - Implementation report project at a general parent meeting - teacher- speech therapist

January 18 – February 12 - Update of the subject-development environment in speech therapy room - Speech therapist teacher


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3. Borisova E. A. Individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers: met. allowance. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

4. Gening M. G., German N. A. Teaching preschoolers the correct speeches: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - Cheboksary: Chuvash book publishing house, 1980.

5. Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2008.

6. Ivchatova L. A. Su-Jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children// Speech therapist. – 2010. №1.

7. Novikovskaya O. A. Mind at your fingertips. Finger Games Academy. M.; St. Petersburg, 2007.

8. Tsyntarny V.V. Let's play fingers and develop speech. M.: Center Polygraph, 2005.

Without the help of parents, the work of a speech therapist can be very long and even useless.
Everything that we study in class with a speech therapist, we definitely reinforce at home with mom and dad!!!

The project is aimed at increasing the competence of parents in matters of speech development of primary schoolchildren

Situation analysis

Nowadays, it is no secret to anyone that every year the issue of educating children with speech pathology becomes more and more pressing. It is obvious that for full-fledged speech therapy work, close cooperation between the speech therapist, teacher and parents is necessary. First of all, it is worth noting the need to create motivation for classes among parents. Many parents have very vague information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

Relevance and demand The project is that the participation of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process is necessary.

Project participants: teacher-speech therapist, children of primary school age, parents, psychologist, primary school teachers.

Project goal: increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development.

- to find out the educational needs of parents and the level of their competence in matters of speech development,
- explain and show parents what the work of a speech therapist at school is.
- increase parents’ interest in issues of children’s speech development and provide the necessary information.
- develop and accept uniform requirements for the child, a common approach to education.

Expected results: Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child speech development.
Parents are actively involved in the correctional and developmental process, follow the recommendations of the speech therapist, independently use materials from the information and methodological stand “Tips from a speech therapist”, from the school website in the section “Speech therapist’s page.

Practical significance The project is that the proposed system of step-by-step inclusion of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process can be used by speech therapists.

Dates - academic year
Project description:
Work on interaction between a speech therapist and parents on issues of children’s speech development takes place in 3 stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory(information and analytical).
Result : obtaining a real picture, analyzing the characteristics of the family and family upbringing of the child, developing tactics for communicating with each parent.

Stage 2 - main(practical).
Result :
Increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development

Stage 3 - final(control and diagnostic).
Result :
analysis of the effectiveness of a speech therapist teacher’s work with parents on issues of children’s speech development and the effectiveness of correctional work with children.

Long-term project implementation plan

Forms and methods of work

Stage 1. Preparatory stage


Questioning parents

"Me and

Meet the parents;
-collect anamnestic data on the progress of the child’s breakdown;
- - to study the adequacy of the parents’ position in relation to the child and his speech defect
-to study the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development

Stage 2. Basic


Individual consultations

"Diagnostic results"

Introduce parents to the results of a diagnostic examination of students, outline ways to overcome speech defects;
- talk about the requirements for students attending speech therapy classes.

Publication on the school website “Speech therapist page”

“Speech development norms for 7-year-old children”
“Organization of the work of a speech therapist at a school speech center

To acquaint parents with the norms of speech development of children, with the main directions of speech therapy work within the framework of the school speech center.

Individual consultations

“Plan for correctional and developmental work with a child”

To acquaint parents with the main directions of correctional and developmental work with children

Publication on the site


Introduce parents to the basic concepts of correctional work and special terminology;

Feedback forum


Answer questions parents ask.

Individual consultations


Answer questions that concern parents

Publication on the site

“Dysgraphia - what is it? Types of dysgraphia"

To acquaint parents with the concept of dysgraphia, with the main types of dysgraphia”;
-show parents examples of work by children with dysgraphia.

Feedback forum


consult parents online using the feedback forum on the website;

Publication on the site

“Dyslexia - what is it? Types of dyslexia"

To introduce parents to the concept of “dyslexia” and the main types of dyslexia

Feedback forum


consult parents online using the feedback forum on the website;

Open Day

"Open lesson"

Attendance of individual and subgroup classes by parents.

Parents meeting

“Summing up the first half of the year”

Introduce parents to the dynamics of children’s speech development, outline a work plan for the next six months

January, February, March, April

Master class

“The child is dysgraphic. How to behave correctly"

Feedback forum


consult parents online using the feedback forum on the website;
-answer questions that parents leave.

Individual consultations


answer questions that concern parents.

Publication on the site

“We develop a child’s speech in the kitchen, on a walk, in the country”

Introduce parents to the concept of “speech therapy” in the family environment.

Individual consultations

“Results of the year. Question and answer"

Answer questions that concern parents.

Publication on the site

“Working with a child during the summer holidays”

Introduce parents to methods of working during the summer holidays;
- convey to parents the need for classes to consolidate children’s existing knowledge and skills during the summer holidays, arouse the parents’ interest in studying with their child in the summer.

Parents meeting

"Results of the year"
"Work in the summer"

Demonstrate a presentation highlighting methods and forms of working with children during the summer holidays;
- highlight the results of the work for the year, analyze the effectiveness of the interaction between the speech therapist and parents on issues of children’s speech development and the effectiveness of correctional work with children.
- discuss the lists of children who continue to work at the school logo station, as well as the list of graduates.

Meeting for parents of future first-graders

“Norms for speech development of children in the seventh year of life”
“Prevention of written speech disorders”

introduce parents to the norms of speech development of seven-year-old children;
demonstrate a presentation highlighting methods for preventing speech disorders;

identify children with speech pathology;
answer parents' questions.


Design of the information and methodological stand “Speech therapist’s corner”

“Do you know?”

Theoretical material aimed at developing parents’ knowledge about the development of children’s speech

Final stage


"Parent survey"

Identification of the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development

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