Promising primary school program 1. Prospective primary school program

The developmental personality-oriented education system “Prospective Primary School” is an educational and methodological set (UMK) for primary school. The “Promising Primary School” project is the result of many years of work by a team of employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the AIC and PPRO, Moscow State University, and Moscow State Pedagogical University. The teaching and learning complex “Prospective Primary School” is published by the publishing house “Akademkniga/Textbook”.

Conceptual provisions of the training system " Promising Primary School» are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

Educational and educational complex "Promising Primary School" for grades 1-4 includes the following completed textbook subject lines:

- Russian language.
ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. Authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baykova T.A.

- Literary reading.


Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics (grade 4).
Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of secular ethics. Authors: Vasilyeva T.D., Savchenko K.V., Tyulyaeva T.I.

English language “Favourite” (grades 2-4). Authors: Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I.

All UMK textbooks are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

Textbooks of educational complex “Prospective Primary School” successfully passed the examination for compliance with the 2009 Federal State Educational Standard. The textbooks were included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2013/2014 academic year. Newly published textbooks are marked “Second Generation Standards.”

main idea "Promising Primary School" program- optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a learner, or as a teacher, or as an organizer of a learning situation.

Basic principles of the “Prospective Primary School” concept:

  • The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
  • The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
  • The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren.
  • Principles of strength and visibility.
  • The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”:

- Completeness provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability of business communication (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, it is an exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstrate at least two points of view when explaining new material. Moving beyond the textbook into the dictionary zone. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).

- Instrumentality- these are subject-specific and methodological mechanisms that promote the practical application of acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.

- Interactivity– Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of conditions for using a computer in all schools. However, since for many schools the use of Internet addresses is a prospect, the educational complex is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through the systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.

- Integration is the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give schoolchildren an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world. An integrated course “The World around us” has been developed, in which ideas and concepts from such educational fields as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist. The modern literary reading course, which integrates educational areas such as language, literature and art, is subject to the same requirement.

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UMK Promising Primary School

When selecting and presenting educational material, the following provisions were taken into account: the age of the student; different levels of its development; topographical affiliation of the student; different levels of Russian language proficiency; different class sizes.


Literacy training

Literary reading

Russian language

The world around us


My 4 "B" class


Hello, dear parents. (slide 1) My name is Sturchak Victoria Viktorovna. I would like to tell you about the Prospective Primary School program.

This program was introduced in order to ensure variability in education at the initial stage of education. The PNS program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (slide 2)

What is so special about the difference between the PNSh teaching and learning center and other alternative systems? I think that a lot of people do. Namely: the main idea of ​​this educational complex is the optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student is an equal participant in the learning process.

The “PNSh” project is interesting for both teachers and students because it contains interdisciplinary connections. All textbooks are connected by a single intrigue. In the center of “PNSh” is the subject “the world around us” (slide 4). It grows roots into all other objects. The child “needs to be thrown into the world around him so that he becomes a literate and developed person,” the authors of the project believe.

The lives of their peers (the older sister and younger brother Masha and Misha Ivanov) unfold next to the students. UMK heroes have a specific place of residence with a name, history, parents, school, teachers, classmates and friends.

Misha and Masha grow, change, perform different types of tasks. Our students follow suit and develop social skills. This is very interesting for children.

PNS textbooks teach the child to work with all sources of information: reference books, dictionaries, the library, people around him, the computer and the Internet. Already from the 2nd grade, children in Russian language lessons become familiar with five types of dictionaries and constantly use these dictionaries in other lessons. All PNS textbooks contain many drawings, illustrations and diagrams of a didactic nature. Everything is thought out, nothing is superfluous. The textbook from the end of grade 2 to grade 4 is a self-instruction manual for a child. The entire methodology for conducting lessons is contained in the textbooks. Children look at the table of contents, answer questions, open dictionaries, study the topic, and draw conclusions. The teacher directs the children’s work, coordinates their actions, gives the children a tool (textbook) and teaches them to work with it. Let's look at the teaching and learning center of PNSh: (slide 6)

All textbooks on subjects have a continuation - workbooks on a printed basis, in which the child independently or with the help of a teacher or parents completes the corresponding tasks.

1.Mathematics (slide 7) is structured very strictly, it solves traditional problems using unconventional methods. The authors recommend not to deviate one step from the methodology of teaching the subject and believe that thanks to this system of presenting the material, students will develop truly mathematical thinking.

2.Textbooks for teaching literacy, (slide 8) the Russian language (slide 9) and literary reading (slide 10) take into account real pronunciation standards in Russia, speech therapy problems of primary school students, and the neurological psychotype of a modern child. The textbooks have a well-thought-out system of work that encourages students to obtain information themselves and operate with it. To build a holistic picture of the world and for the development of speech, the educational complex has a system for working with paintings; there are reproductions of paintings by famous artists.

3.Children really like the subject of the world around them. (slide 11) They always look forward to this lesson and prepare for it with desire. By the end of the year, even very constrained and restrained children began to feel comfortable. Parents report that their children enjoy going to school. The subject of no less interest to children is technology (slide 12) where children can prepare a variety of crafts with their own hands.

Now my students are in 4th grade. During these 4 academic years there was a lot of different things. There was only one thing missing: boredom. The children studied with interest and pleasure.

The children really liked the textbooks – they were colorful and illustrated. They became family and friends for the children. The guys fell in love with the cross-cutting heroes Misha and Masha. They began to consider them their friends.

As a teacher, I can say with confidence that this program gives positive results.

Conceptual provisions The “Prospective Primary School” programs are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NEO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

The main content of the education system “Prospective Primary School” consists of such educational fields as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural and social sciences, art, and music education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated framework that reflects the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

Basic principles of the “Prospective Primary School” concept:
- The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
- The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
- The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren.
- Principles of strength and clarity.
- The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of the Prospective Primary School program:
- Completeness provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability of business communication (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, it is an exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstrate at least two points of view when explaining new material. Moving beyond the textbook into the dictionary zone. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
- Instrumentality– these are subject-specific and methodological mechanisms that promote the practical application of acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.
- Interactivity– Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of conditions for using a computer in all schools. However, since for many schools the use of Internet addresses is a prospect, the educational complex is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through the systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.
- Integration is the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give schoolchildren an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world. An integrated course “The World around us” has been developed, in which ideas and concepts from such educational fields as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist. The modern literary reading course, which integrates educational areas such as language, literature and art, is subject to the same requirement.

Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School"includes the following completed textbook subject lines:

- Russian language.
ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. Authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baykova T.A.
- Literary reading. Author: Churakova N.A.
- Mathematics. Chekin A.L.
- The world around us. Authors: Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L.A.
- Technology. Authors: Ragozina T.M., Grineva A.A., Golovanova I.L., Mylova I.B.
All textbooks of the educational educational complex “Prospective Elementary School” have successfully passed the examination for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and were included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for use in the educational process in educational institutions.

The teaching aids of the educational educational complex "PNSh" teach the child to work with all sources of information: reference books, dictionaries, the library, people around him, the computer and the Internet. They contain a lot of drawings, illustrations and diagrams of a didactic nature. Everything is thought out, nothing is superfluous

Math is hard built very strictly, solves traditional issues using unconventional methods. The authors recommend not to deviate one step from the methodology of teaching the subject and believe that thanks to this system of presenting the material, students will develop truly mathematical thinking.

Textbooks literacy training , Russian language Andliterary reading take into account speech therapy problems of primary school students. The textbooks have a well-thought-out system of work that encourages students to obtain information themselves and operate with it. Already from the 2nd grade, children in Russian language lessons become familiar with five types of dictionaries and constantly use these dictionaries in other lessons.

To build a holistic picture of the world and for the development of speech, the educational complex has a system for working with paintings; there are reproductions of paintings by famous artists.

Children really like the subject the world around us . They always look forward to this lesson and prepare for it with desire. By the end of the year, even very constrained and restrained children began to feel comfortable. The subject of no less interest to children is - technology , where children can prepare a variety of crafts with their own hands.

The “PNSh” project is interesting for both teachers and students because it contains interdisciplinary connections. All textbooks are connected by a single intrigue. In the center of “PNSh” there is the subject “the world around us”. It grows roots into all other objects. The child “needs to be thrown into the world around him so that he becomes a literate and developed person,” the authors of the project believe.

The lives of their peers (the older sister and younger brother Masha and Misha Ivanov) unfold next to the students. UMK heroes have a specific place of residence with a name, history, parents, school, teachers, classmates and friends.

Misha and Masha grow, change, perform different types of tasks. Our students follow suit and develop social skills. This is very interesting for children.

The work program "Prospective Primary School" is based on student-oriented provisions. It fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for general primary education.


The standard is based on a structured approach, which implies the presence of the following elements:

  1. Education of personal qualities. It is based on respect for the multicultural, multinational and multi-confessional composition of the society of the Russian Federation. This item meets all the requirements of the information society.
  2. Providing the following types of education: preschool, general primary, basic and complete secondary general.
  3. Guaranteed to achieve the desired results. Mastering the basic training program of the initial type.
  4. Focus on quality education. The development of a student’s personality is carried out on the basis of mastering universal programs. The ultimate goal and educational result is knowledge of the surrounding world.
  5. The individual psychological, age and physiological characteristics of the student are taken into account as a whole. Its forms of communication and activity are determined to identify the goals of education, ways of the educational process and achieve the best results.
  6. Personal, cognitive and social development of the student. Recognition of the content of the educational process as a decisive factor. An approach to organizing training and interaction between its participants.
  7. Taking into account the individual qualities of each student (including students with disabilities and gifted children). A variety of forms of organizing the educational process, ensuring an increase in creative abilities, improving interaction with classmates and adults during cognitive activity.

As parental reviews testify to the use of the “Promising Primary School” course, all of the above elements are developing and functioning successfully in the educational structure. The system is based on student-oriented principles of the educational process. The features of the educational methodological set are used.

Main tasks

The result of quality education depends on many fundamental factors. The key ones are:

  1. student.
  2. Interest in the educational process. The course "Prospective Primary School. 1st grade" pays special attention to this point. Feedback from parents whose children are taught using such methods indicate that students take great interest in classes and perceive the material being studied more easily.
  3. Formation of the ability and desire to learn.
  4. and moral qualities.
  5. Direction towards a positive perception of yourself and others.

In order to solve all these problems, it is necessary to build on the data of educational psychology and humanistic beliefs. When the necessary conditions for a fruitful education are created, absolutely all children are able to learn successfully. One of the main factors is a person-oriented approach to each student. In this case, the emphasis is on his life experience.

Proposed teaching and learning kit

The Promising Primary School program pays close attention to the child's experience. It is assumed that this concept includes not only the age of the student. Experience also includes the image of the world, which is determined by its accelerated development in the natural environment. This concept is not limited only to urban life with its many different sources of information and developed services. Rural everyday life plays a big role. Its natural rhythm of life is far beyond the boundaries of large cultural objects and preserves the integrity of the overall picture of the surrounding world. The authors of the educational and methodological set “Promising Primary School” take into account all the features of the environment of a young student permanently residing in the village. The student must understand that each benefit of the system is addressed to him personally.

Educational materials

The concept on which the creation of an educational kit for schoolchildren from first to fourth grades inclusive was based did not appear by chance. This set of materials is based on the generalized functioning of publications that have been in use for a long time. Only those copies that are effective and popular in many progressive educational institutions today were selected. First of all, the programs included in the course “Prospective Primary School” are D. B. Elkonika, L. V. Zankova. This group also includes a set of textbooks “Harmony” and “School of the 21st Century”. A new teaching aid was developed taking into account the best elements of each area.

The main idea and purpose of the educational kit

"Promising Primary School" sets clear goals. Pedagogical support for the student is based on the development of each individual’s individual qualities (abilities, interests, age, inclinations). All this is carried out under the conditions of organizing a special educational program. In it, the student can try himself in the role of a learner, a teacher, and also a creator of various learning environments.

Maintaining each child's individuality

This aspect of the educational process always raises one of the key problems of the relationship between development and learning. The zone of possible progress for each student is based on taking into account the level of his personal interests and intellectual capabilities. This is due to a system of tasks of various types of complexity, the relationship between the child’s individual educational successes and his activities in small groups and participation in joint projects. All these aspects make it possible to create special conditions under which the learning process goes far ahead of development. Those complex tasks that the student is not able to complete individually, he can solve in a small group or with the help of a neighbor at his desk. At the same time, in the process of collective work, tasks that were difficult for a specific team to solve become accessible to understanding. A wide range of tasks and questions, as well as their number, allow the student of younger age to acquire knowledge in the conditions of current advancement and creates the opportunity for his personal progress.

Characteristics of meaningful concepts of individual development

  1. Formation of interests in learning among students. Readiness for independent educational work is based on each person’s individual inclinations to study specific subjects. Helps develop creative thinking and mental abilities. respect for a high level of erudition.
  2. Assistance in socio-psychological adaptation to interaction with the team and the educational process. During education, the student learns:

3. Development of physical culture of a younger student:

  • instilling healthy lifestyle values;
  • a detailed explanation of the harm of drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • increasing the level of knowledge in various areas of the subject;
  • ensuring life safety.

4. Formation of artistic taste and aesthetic consciousness among young students. Developing the ability to perceive the surrounding beauty, as well as understanding the meaning of works of fiction.

5. Moral education of students:

The main content of the educational and methodological kit

The educational system consists of various fields of education. Among them there are the following areas: mathematics, philology, art history, music. Social studies and natural sciences are also studied. The educational program for each subject is based on an integrated base. At the same time, it reflects the integrity and unity of the scientific representation of the world.

Selection of educational material

The project team made it their goal to create a special educational kit. It takes into account the advantages and difficulties of the educational process in a structured manner. In addition, the characteristics of not only urban institutions, but also rural ones are taken into account. Many parents comment on the quality and rigor of the Promising Primary School work program. Teaching materials are designed for children, regardless of their place of residence or family social status. The following aspects were taken into account in the development of the methodological apparatus:

  1. Age of the student (6-8 years inclusive).
  2. Features of development.
  3. Place of permanent residence. The child's topography and relevant experience must be taken into account.
  4. Level of knowledge of the Russian language, as well as proficiency in it. Most often, students have many speech therapy problems.
  5. Individual perception of a student.
  6. Class occupancy.


The course "Prospective Primary School. Grade 2" consists of the following subjects:

  • mathematics;
  • literary reading;
  • Russian language;
  • the surrounding world;
  • ICT and computer science;
  • physical culture;
  • technology;
  • fine arts;
  • English language;
  • music.

All these disciplines are contained in the Federal List of Recommended Educational Materials. The course "Prospective Primary School. Grade 3" includes the same subjects as listed above. However, disciplines at this level of knowledge acquisition are studied in more depth. The subject "Fundamentals of secular ethics and religious cultures" has been added to the course "Prospective Primary School. Grade 4".

In 2015, grade 1A is studying under the “Prospective Primary School” program. What is this educational complex? I present to your attention general information about this program.

The conceptual provisions of the “Prospective Primary School” education system are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

Main content Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School" consists of such educational fields as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural and social sciences, art, and music education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated framework that reflects the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

The educational complex “Prospective Primary School” includes the following completed subject lines of textbooks:

  • Russian language.
  • ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
  • Russian language. Authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baykova T.A.
  • Literary reading. Author: Churakova N.A.
  • Mathematics. Chekin A.L.
  • Computer science and ICT (grades 2-4). Authors: Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.
  • The world around us. Authors: Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L.A.
  • Fine arts. Authors: Kashekova I.E., Kashekov A.L.
  • Music. Authors: Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V.
  • Technology. Authors: Ragozina T.M., Grineva A.A., Golovanova I.L., Mylova I.B.
  • Physical culture. Authors: Shishkina A.V., Alimpieva O.P., Brekhov L.V.

All UMK textbooks are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

The textbooks of the educational educational complex “Prospective Primary School” have successfully passed the examination for compliance with the 2009 Federal State Educational Standard. The textbooks were included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2015/2016 academic year.
The main idea of ​​the “Promising Primary School” program- optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a learner, or as a teacher, or as an organizer of a learning situation.

Basic principles of the “Prospective Primary School” concept:

  • The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
  • The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
  • The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren.
  • Principles of strength and visibility.
  • The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”:

  • Completeness provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability of business communication (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, it is an exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstrate at least two points of view when explaining new material. Moving beyond the textbook into the dictionary zone. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
  • Instrumentality– these are subject-specific and methodological mechanisms that promote the practical application of acquired knowledge. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.
  • Interactivity– Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of conditions for using a computer in all schools. However, since for many schools the use of Internet addresses is a prospect, the educational complex is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through the systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.
  • Integration is the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give schoolchildren an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world. An integrated course “The World around us” has been developed, in which ideas and concepts from such educational fields as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist. The modern literary reading course, which integrates educational areas such as language, literature and art, is subject to the same requirement.

The main methodological features of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”:

  • The teaching materials for each academic subject, as a rule, include a textbook, an anthology, a notebook for independent work, and a methodological manual for the teacher (methodologist).
  • Each methodological manual consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, which can be used by the teacher as a theoretical basis for improving his qualifications. The second part is direct lesson-thematic planning, where the course of each lesson is outlined, its goals and objectives are formulated, and also contains ideas for answers to ALL questions asked in the textbook.
  • The main goal of the kit is attention to practical tasks. Knowledge is a part of life, not something abstract.

The tasks in the textbooks are aimed at activating cognitive activity, developing independence and initiative in learning, and forming a conscious interest in the subject. The child feels that learning is the joy of small discoveries.

They are designed in such a way that they immediately attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. I want to leaf through them, look at them, and just hold them in my hands. The presence of a large number of illustrations attracts attention, children live life moments together with the characters, empathize and help them, the illustrations help solve certain didactic tasks.

In the textbook of mathematics by A.L. Chekin clearly shows a system of various exercises to develop the arbitrariness of mental processes (“put it in a red frame, circle it with a blue pencil,” step-by-step completion of tasks, etc.), daily work to develop fine motor skills (“color, circle, draw”). Children's acquaintance with basic geometric concepts is based on children's life experience and ideas about the shapes of objects. A variety of geometric material, diagrams and drawings in the textbook, and the entire system of tasks significantly develop children's visual and figurative thinking.

The presence of two points of view on the problem under study allows the child to try on his opinion, his life experience to one of them, children learn to prove the correctness of their own judgments. No one is surprised anymore by the presence of several correct solutions in a task.

At first glance, the Russian language textbook does not even look like a textbook. In 1st grade, children with fairy-tale characters simply travel through the Magic Forest, save its inhabitants, help them, thereby comprehending the secrets of the language and solving certain language problems. The texts of the textbook fascinate with their fabulous atmosphere. But all the tasks in the textbook are designed in accordance with the basic principles of the program. With the help of markings that are the same for the textbook and notebook, the children can now freely navigate the manuals, find a new topic, return to what they have learned, use hints, work in groups and carry out checks.

The literary reading course solves many problems for the entire set: developing the ability to find the necessary information in a book, focusing on the “Contents” page; the ability to determine the content of a text by its title. The textbook, reader and notebook for independent work are structurally connected by a circle of ideas. Masha and Misha, the heroes of the entire course, travel with the children for all four years. This creates a sense of continuity and consistency of learning. Literary reading textbooks contain a colossal amount of art history material, including amazing quality art reproductions and discs with musical works.

I would especially like to say about working in mini-groups. Children of this age are characterized by a certain possessive position. They don’t even like it when their desk neighbor looks into their notebook, and they won’t allow anyone to draw or color a picture in their textbook. Children cover the completed work with their palms and move away. The textbooks of the educational educational complex “Prospective Primary School” already use pictograms to direct children to work in a group, offer to look at a neighbor’s house, and exchange notebooks. Such daily work contributes to the formation of the moral foundations of the individual: it teaches children to establish contacts, trust their desk neighbor, plan common work, and distribute responsibilities.

The children really like the textbook “The World Around us”: it’s colorful, bright, and they work with great pleasure in their notebooks. The texts and tasks in the textbook and notebook are addressed personally to students and are designed for work in groups. All tasks are designed for multiple-choice answers. The study of the surrounding world proceeds through comparison. By observing and comparing, children make their first independent conclusions. The tasks are aimed at search activities (for example, dividing plants into groups)

When selecting educational material, developing the language for presenting the material, and developing the methodological apparatus of the set, the following provisions were taken into account:

  • the age of the student (a first grader can be either 6.5 years or 7-8
  • different levels of his development (a student who has not attended kindergarten often comes to school with unformed sensory standards);
  • topographical affiliation of the student. This is not only an urban, but also a rural schoolchild;
  • different levels of language proficiency (not always a native speaker of the same language or has speech therapy problems);
  • Peculiarities of the worldview of a schoolchild who often communicates with one carrier of knowledge - the teacher
  • The different class sizes were also taken into account.

A well-thought-out system of tasks and questions, experiments encourage children to be observant and attentive to everything that happens; children are happy to involve their parents in this process, look for additional information in reference books, thereby learning to work with additional literature.

For this purpose, the educational and methodological set “Prospective Primary School” includes a huge set of teaching aids such as a textbook, anthology, workbooks for independent work, notebooks for monitoring knowledge and skills. By developing a child’s independence from the first steps at school, Prospective Primary School achieves good results in learning reading, writing and arithmetic. Children quickly master the skills of fluent reading and writing, and solving logic exercises does not cause difficulties for students. The educational complex “Prospective Primary School” is built on the principle of making educational material more complex, with many interesting and creative tasks that develop the child’s thinking and memory.

Firstly, these textbooks paint children a complete picture of the world, while relying on the life experience of the child himself. You rarely see this in educational literature. Secondly, they learn to speak (not only literature and the Russian language work here to develop speech, but even mathematics and “The World Around Us”), observe and... read. Do not look through the pages diagonally, but read - greedily and with passion. A child may generally get the impression that this is not a textbook at all, but an entertaining adventure story about a smart girl Masha, her younger brother Misha, about their friends, classmates and a wonderful teacher Evdokia Vasilievna, whose explanations are simple and intelligible. This storyline captivates the reader immediately and for a long time: who wouldn’t want to share all their trials with their favorite characters? By the way, such “readiness” has another serious advantage. If, having fallen ill, a child misses classes, then from now on this is no longer a tragedy for the parents: they read it, sorted it out, completed it together and did not lag behind the program.

The task of the school is not just to give children a set of knowledge, but to teach them to acquire this knowledge on their own. I believe that the entire set of textbooks successfully copes with this task.

Teacher of class 1A Buslaveva Marina Valerievna

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