Delay is like death. Where does the expression “delay is like death” come from?

: Interest-free loan money


Concluding the conversation about ways to get out of financial and credit bondage, I note that everything that was said earlier, all the proposed rules of the game in our individual Russian political system, are possible only if there is an interested political force in society that has the material resources and the necessary will for this kind of economic transformation.

We all use loans, and therefore we know firsthand what kind of sadness this is and where it takes us. The problem is especially acute today, when the international financial elite, in search of a way to expand credit markets, has taken up the task of redrawing the political map of the world. An example of this is the fate of Libya. She, who fully tasted the sincere friendship and love of the leaders of economically developed countries in Europe and the United States, and as a result of this love, was the first to suffer from the world banking backstage, which shamelessly appropriated all her bank deposits and assets for just one attempt to get out of control BILDERBERG CLUB and to live according to your own understanding is no longer possible.

In order not to repeat the fate of Gaddafi, we need to destroy the financial basis of international terrorism and the usury that gave rise to it. It should start like this: outlaw LOAN INTEREST and do this carefully and leisurely, carefully separating the “grains from the grains”.

The reason for our misfortunes, interest on loans - MONEY GROWTH . To understand what this is, we use a simple arithmetic calculation, where:

D - accrual amount according to compound interest on the deposit,

D0 - initially invested amount

t is the number of years, and

i is the percentage value in absolute units.

We get the calculation formula: D = D0 x (1+i)t.

Now let's enter the data. Suppose our distant ancestor in the first year of Christ (2011 years ago) lent a single penny to the bank at a very modest interest rate of 4% per annum. Today we, his heirs, would receive a gigantic sum for the penny we invested, with which we could buy 10,000 balls of pure gold, the size of the globe.

This is how interest rates work. Its incredible effectiveness is determined TIME . A brilliant invention, I tell you! Naturally, a perpetual motion machine, the driving belt of which was TIME. Did the unknown genius understand what a mine he had planted on humanity? Most likely he didn’t understand. Otherwise, he would have buried this idea completely.

Let's turn off this counter for a minute and see how life will change after the death of the bank interest rate, so hated by everyone (from the author: INTEREST-FREE CREDIT MONEY ).

Did you like it? I think yes. But not everything is so simple and easy.

Let's try to understand who is stopping us from freeing ourselves from the yoke of the pawnbroker. To do this, we will divide our society into three main groups. For simplicity.

So who are we:

ENTREPRENEUR CLASS - whose strategic interest coincides with the requirement of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity and contradicts the imposed method of solving production problems by bribery?

OFFICIAL CLASS - (state) or hired top management of private enterprises, present there on behalf of the state, whose main income is associated with illegal status rent (official benefit - bribe)?

The vector of efforts of this group is directed in the absolutely opposite direction from the interests of the first group - entrepreneurs. For officials, INFORMAL rules (illegal) are the key to their own financial well-being.

Or you and I POPULATION - 70% of those whose main source of livelihood is wages? I think it's the latter. Due to our own economic insecurity, our social group is most dependent on public consumption funds (education, medicine, pension services, etc.). However, the lion's share of what society could and does send to public funds does not reach us, due to the fact that on the way to us, our well-being is illegally stolen and appropriated by those who are called upon to protect us and our interests - officials.

As Valery PROMYSLOVSKY rightly believes, the point of intersection of the interests of the first and third groups would be the creation of a mechanism that would make it impossible to redistribute public funds in favor of the class of officials forever. But how long is the path to this cherished point.

In discussions about withdrawing money or limiting its validity in time, the cornerstone has always been and remains the question: how much will this expensive pleasure cost our taxpayers?! Let's figure it out.

The cost of producing money averages 1% of the printed amount. Due to the physical wear and tear of banknotes, depending on the denomination, money is confiscated on average for a period of 6 months to 3 years, after which it is destroyed in special workshops of the Central Vault of the Bank of Russia. The productivity of these workshops is about 3 billion per day or more than 1 trillion per year.

To carry out normal trade turnover, the country needs approximately 500 billion. And we have 3.2 trillion rubles in turnover. 2.7 trillion rubles is our domestic shadow (criminal) capital. Multiplying this amount by the number of turnovers made on average per year, we get a figure approximately equal to 15 trillion rubles, which is about 50% GDP . This is an amount that does not appear in any statement, and therefore is not officially subject to taxes. And unofficially, the tax in the form of a bribe is collected in envelopes by our bureaucratic brethren and leaves the country to foreign banks. Forever. This capital is irrevocable.

This confirms one thing: the new monetary system will not require absolutely no additional costs, and if we take into account that it will lead to a real boom in electronic payments, and therefore to an increase in tax revenues, then the costs of producing and circulating cash will be much lower than the current ones.

The international aspect of the problem is even more significant. “An inseparable companion of the shadow economy has become the criminal world (organized crime, drug mafia, corruption, illegal emigration, etc.), which has long crossed national borders. Money is “made” in one state, “laundered” in another, invested in a third, and it becomes simply impossible to trace this criminal chain: money has no smell!

Law enforcement agencies are ineffective when criminal communities have patrons at all levels of government. In addition, they themselves often find themselves involved in unseemly acts.

International terrorism is absolutely impossible without adequate financial support. This is what gray money has become. Legal amounts allocated to fight terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, corruption, illegal emigration, as well as to create new domestic and international anti-terrorism structures, sadly, do not achieve their goals, because the solution to these problems is far beyond the current scope current monetary and financial mechanism"

This means that you and I need to solve these problems first of all.

Time has passed. DELAYING DEATH IS LIKE .

Delay is like death

Delay is like death
A common speech pattern that was widely used in Russian journalism at the beginning of the 20th century. For example, from V.I. Lenin: “Delay in the uprising is like death” (“Letter to the Bolshevik comrades participating in the regional congress of Soviets of the Northern region” dated October 8, 1917), “Delay in the uprising is like death”, “Delay in the uprising of death similar” (“Letter to members of the Central Committee” dated October 24, 1917). Also from the Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko: “Any delay is like death” (telegram to Emperor Nicholas II dated February 26, 1917).
Even earlier, this expression is found in the Russian Emperor Peter I. Preparing for the Prut campaign against the Turks, he sent a letter (April 8, 1711) to the newly established Senate. Thanking the senators for their efforts to equip the troops, Peter demanded to continue to act without red tape, “before missing the time of death is like irrevocable death” (S. M. Solovyov, History of Russia since ancient times. T. 16. M., 1962).
The primary source is the phrase periculum in mora (from Latin: delay is dangerous) from the “History” of the Roman historian Titus Livy, which in Russia was often used without translation.
It is believed that this expression was first heard in ancient times, as a “historical phrase” by the Persian king Darius I (522-486 BC). But he said it before he became the ruler of Persia.
When the first Persian king Cyrus (who conquered the fabulously rich king of Lydia Croesus) died, his eldest son Cambyses ascended the throne, becoming a cruel, reckless ruler (530-522 BC). Fearing that his angry subjects would overthrow him and place his younger brother on the throne, the king ordered his secret death. And he simply “disappeared,” which was announced to the country.
When Cambyses went on a campaign against Egypt, the Median magician Gaumata, who ruled the royal court, took advantage of the situation. He announced that the “missing” prince had returned, and he himself began to rule the country on his behalf, without leaving the royal chambers. When Cambyses found out about this, he decided to urgently return to Susa, the capital of Persia, but on the way he died of blood poisoning. So Gaumata became the sole, sovereign ruler of Persia.
Nevertheless, the noble Persian Otan, whose daughter was the wife of the murdered prince, learned the truth. Despite the fact that the “returned” prince met with his wife only at night, in complete darkness, she noticed that his ears were cut off - just like Gaumata, whom Cambyses once punished in this way for some offense. Otan immediately gathered the seven most noble, respected Persians and revealed to them a secret - the country was ruled not by a prince, but by an impostor, the magician Gaumata.
It was decided to find a way to overthrow this impostor. But Darius suggested doing this immediately, since one of those gathered might report the conspiracy and then everyone else would die. “Delay is like death!” - he said and demanded that none of those initiated into the secret leave the room until the evening. And in the evening everyone must go to the palace and kill Gaumata. This was done, and the impostor magician died from the sword of Darius himself, who became the new ruler of the Persian state.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

Delay is like death

In 1711, before the Prut campaign, Peter I sent a letter to the newly established Senate. Thanks to the senators for their activities, he demanded that they continue not to delay the necessary orders, “before the loss of time is like death is irrevocable” (I.I. Golikov. Acts of Peter the Great... collected from reliable sources..., part III., 1788, pp. 340-341). CM. Soloviev in “History of Russia since ancient times” (vol. 16. – M., 1962, p. 445), quoting Peter’s letter dated April 8, 1711 in the original, quotes his words in the editor’s office: “Before missing the time of irrevocable death is like ". Peter’s words received winging in a more concise form: “Delay is like death.”

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “Delay is like death” in other dictionaries:

    Delay is like death- wing. sl. In 1711, before the Prut campaign, Peter I sent a letter to the newly established Senate. Thanks to the senators for their activities, he demanded that they continue to not delay the necessary orders, “before missing time is like death... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    delay is like death- You can’t hesitate, it’s unacceptable. These are the words of Peter I in a letter to the Senate in 1711 before the Prut campaign. Peter thanked the senators for their work and asked them not to postpone important decisions in the future, “lest the time of irrevocable death pass... ... Phraseology Guide

    DELAY, delay, cf. (book). Action under Ch. delay; delay, delay. “Delay in speaking is like death.” Lenin. Proceed with the implementation of the plan without further delay. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    The abdication of Emperor Nicholas II from the throne is the abdication of the throne of the Russian Empire by the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, which occurred on March 2 (15), 1917 and became one of the key events of the February Revolution... ... Wikipedia

    Noun, g., used. max. often Morphology: (no) what? death, what? death, (see) what? death, what? death, about what? about death; pl. about death, (no) what? deaths, what? deaths, (see) what? death, what? deaths, about what? about deaths 1. Death... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Uzbek Qo qon xonligi ← ... Wikipedia

    PETER I- Russian Tsar* since 1682, first Russian Emperor (since 1721). The youngest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter was elevated to the royal throne in 1682 in violation of the rights of his older brother Ivan. As a result, an uprising broke out in Moscow*, the main... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    - (1711 1765) scientist of world significance, poet, artist, historian Dare to glorify your fatherland with courage! Only in a cheerful, hot outburst, in passionate love for one’s native country, courage and energy, will victory be born. And not only and... ...

    - (1672 1725) the first Russian emperor, an outstanding political and military figure. Those who themselves do not know can be greatly instructed. I heal my body with waters, and my subjects with examples. In both cases, I see slow healing. Everyone... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Alexey Alekseevich Manikovsky (March 13 (March 25) 1865 January 1920, Turkestan) artillery general (1916). Temporary manager of the War Ministry of the Provisional Government (1917). Head of the Artillery Department and... ... Wikipedia

Comment from Jaxor

"Put them in the Iron Maiden"

"Iron Maiden? Excellent!"

Comment from LifeFeel

Iron Maiden can"t be fought, Iron Maiden can"t be sought!

Comment from Calornathall

This achievement actually sounds like a good way to do this fight, as when one of them gets critically low on health they get all of their iron fury (which gives them all their abilities) and their damage starts escalating over time. Needless to say, if one is at this "critical health" (it"s not specified in the dungeon journal, oops) and another is at 80%, it"s not going to be fun.

Comment from Jeremybell

The hardest part of this achievement is the damage from Marak the Bloody with his ability Bloody Strikes . The longer the fight goes on, the higher the damage will be. It will therefore turn into a dps race.

When we received credit for this achievement, we had only 4 people alive due to various people dying from the raid-wide damage.

Keeping the health of the bosses on the same level is fairly simple, just dps them equally and adjust accordingly when necessary. Keep in mind that when a boss jumps to the boat, you can not dps him. We roughly damaged the bosses on the main platform for 10% when the other boss jumps back. Therefore if the boss that you want to let jump to the boat has about 10% less health before he jumps, you should be fine.

Also keep in mind the longer the fight goes on below 20% health, the bosses gain Iron Will which increases the raid-wide damage even more. It is therefore advisable to use heroism when the bosses drop below 20% health. No boss will jump on a boat when below 20% health, so you are not forced to dps only 1 boss 10% down.

What is “Delay is like death”? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

Delay is like death Delaying death is similar to a common speech pattern that was widely used in Russian journalism at the beginning of the 20th century. For example, from V.I. Lenin: “Delay in the uprising is like death” (“Letter to the Bolshevik comrades participating in the regional congress of Soviets of the Northern region” dated October 8, 1917), “Delay in the uprising is like death”, “Delay in the uprising of death similar” (“Letter to members of the Central Committee” dated October 24, 1917). Also from the Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko: “Any delay is like death” (telegram to Emperor Nicholas II dated February 26, 1917). Even earlier, this expression is found in the Russian Emperor Peter I. In preparation for the Prut campaign against the Turks, he sent a letter (April 8, 1711) to the newly established Senate. Thanking the senators for their efforts to equip the troops, Peter demanded to continue to act without red tape, “before missing the time of death is like irrevocable death” (S. M. Soloviev, History of Russia since ancient times. T. 16. M., 1962). The primary source is the phrase periculum in mora (from Latin: delay is dangerous) from the “History” of the Roman historian Titus Livy, which in Russia was often used without translation. It is believed that this expression was first heard in ancient times, as a “historical phrase” by the Persian king Darius I (522-486 BC). But he said it before he became the ruler of Persia. When the first Persian king Cyrus (who conquered the fabulously rich king of Lydia Croesus) died, his eldest son Cambyses ascended the throne, becoming a cruel, reckless ruler (530-522 BC). Fearing that his angry subjects would overthrow him and place his younger brother on the throne, the king ordered his secret death. And he simply “disappeared,” which was announced to the country. When Cambyses went on a campaign against Egypt, the Median magician Gaumata, who ruled the royal court, took advantage of the situation. He announced that the “missing” prince had returned, and he himself began to rule the country on his behalf, without leaving the royal chambers. When Cambyses found out about this, he decided to urgently return to Susa, the capital of Persia, but on the way he died of blood poisoning. So Gaumata became the sole, sovereign ruler of Persia. Nevertheless, the noble Persian Otan, whose daughter was the wife of the murdered prince, learned the truth. Despite the fact that the “returned” prince met with his wife only at night, in complete darkness, she noticed that his ears were cut off - just like Gaumata, whom Cambyses once punished in this way for some offense. Otan immediately gathered the seven most noble, respected Persians and revealed to them a secret - the country was ruled not by a prince, but by an impostor, the magician Gaumata. It was decided to find a way to overthrow this impostor. But Darius suggested doing this immediately, since one of those gathered might report the conspiracy and then everyone else would die. “Delay is like death!” - he said and demanded that none of those initiated into the secret leave the room until the evening. And in the evening everyone must go to the palace and kill Gaumata. This was done, and the impostor magician died from the sword of Darius himself, who became the new ruler of the Persian state.

Delay is like death

Procrastination is like death - you need to act today, now, immediately, otherwise the situation will change and the opportune moment will be missed.
Phraseologism has been known since antiquity.
They say by argument “delay is like death” influenced his comrades in the palace coup in 522 BC. e. future king of Persia Darius. As a result, the ruler of Persia, Gaumata, was killed, and Darius took his place.
The Roman historian Titus Livius in “History of Rome from its Foundation” described an episode of the war between Rome and the Gauls: “ ... the consul set off from the camp with a guard of horsemen, and was already not far from the agreed place (negotiations), when he suddenly saw Gallic horsemen rushing towards his detachment with clearly hostile intentions. The consul... accepted the battle, and at first his horsemen fought steadfastly; then they gradually began to retreat, without, however, disturbing the formation; finally, seeing that there was more than defense in maintaining the formation, they mixed ranks and fled.”

(Book XXXVIII, Chapter 25)
So in Latin the slogan “delay is like death” is no less known than in translation

Periculum in mora

In a letter recently (March 2, 1711) to the Senate he created, he wrote on April 8: “ I thank you for putting things right, in which we must continue to work and prepare everything in advance in a timely manner, as soon as possible»
K. Marx wrote to Engels on March 29, 1858: “ …I don’t have time to write today. Just this. Give up "Bülow"... if the search for material delays you too much, move better with "Cavalry".»
I really loved this formula and used it every now and then.
« Comrades! our revolution is going through a highly critical time... The moment is such that"(Letter to the Bolshevik comrades participating in the regional congress of Soviets of the Northern region" dated October 8, 1917)
« Comrades!... the situation... is critical. It is clearer than clear that now... ....everything is hanging by a thread, the next in line are issues that are not decided by meetings, not by congresses, but exclusively by the people.... We cannot wait!! You can lose everything!! History will not forgive the delay of revolutionaries who could win today, but risk losing everything tomorrow"(Letter to members of the Central Committee, October 24, 1917)

Use of the expression in literature

« Arsen cried. - Delay is like death! - He had a weakness for high style and commanding manners"(Dina Rubina "Russian Canary")
« Hurry, hurry, hurry! Delay is like death! - I’m telling you, you’re a gloomy person."(G. E. Nikolaeva “The Battle on the Way”)
« With these words, the grandmaster, realizing that delay was like death, scooped up several pieces into a handful and threw them at the head of his one-eyed opponent."(Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov “Twelve Chairs”)
« You can't hesitate. Any delay is like death. I pray to God that at this hour the responsibility does not fall on the crown bearer"(A. N. Tolstoy “Walking through torment”)

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