Public transport topic in English. City transport: a convenient phrasebook in English

To my mind the best way to travel along the city is to walk. When you go on foot, you do not depend on any kind of transport. You can observe the beauty of the buildings and landscapes wandering along the streets, you can go anywhere you like. These are the advantages. But, of course, the disadvantages of foot walks are the time you spent while walking.
If you are short of time and you are in a hurry, it is better to take advantage of any means of public transport. If you live not far from the underground, I advise you to use this mean of transport. First of all it"s the fastest. Underground trains run every 3 to 5 minutes. It is also the most reliable type of transport.
With trams, trolley-buses and buses, there are lots of things that may interfere with their normal operations. But all years I have been traveling by underground it has never let me down.
As for the fare, its a little more expensive than trams and trolley-buses but cheaper than most buses and shuttle minibuses (route taxis). The only problem with the underground that it does not cover the whole city. But every metro station has good trolley-bus, bus and shuttle minibus connections.
You can also travel along the city by car if you have one. But the traffic in the city is very heavy, especially during the day time. There are a lot of traffic jams on the roads, so maybe it is more convenient to go by underground.
If you want to reach the place of destination without any problems and in a short period of time you can order a taxi by telephone. But bear in mind that it can be rather expensive. I wish you to have a good time and nice impressions of the city.

Public transport

In my opinion, the best way to travel around the city is on foot. When you walk, you are not dependent on any form of transport. You can admire the beauty of the buildings and landscapes; walking along the streets, you can go wherever you like. These are all advantages. But, of course, the inconvenience of walking is the time you spend on it.
If you don't have enough time and are in a hurry, it is better to use any type of public transport. If you live near the metro, I advise you to use this mode of transport. First of all, it is the fastest. Electric trains travel every 3-5 minutes. This is also the most reliable form of transport.
As for trams, trolleybuses and buses, there are many factors that can interfere with their normal functioning. In all the years of my trips on the subway, it has never let me down.
As for the fare, it is slightly more expensive than the tram and trolleybus, but cheaper than most buses and minibuses (minibuses). The only drawback of the metro is that its lines do not cover the entire city. But near every metro station there are trolleybuses, buses and minibuses.
You can also travel around the city by car if you have one. But moving around the city is very difficult, especially during the daytime. There are a lot of traffic jams on the roads, so it is more convenient to take the metro.
If you want to arrive at your destination without any problems and in a short time, you can order a taxi by phone. But take into account that it can be quite expensive. I wish you a good time and good impressions of the city.

Level B. Other.

Kinds of transport

Nowadays there are a lot of kinds of transport such as a plane, a ship, a bus, a taxi, a bicycle… And now I will try to explain my opinion.

One of the most common kinds of transport is a bus. This kind of transport is one of the oldest. It is usual for old people or teenagers. For old people it is cheap and comfortable. For teenagers a bus helps to get at school. As for me, I like getting to school by bus. There are always good and quiet drivers on my route. I often face funny occasions with old people. I always help them. So you can see that there is a kind of atmosphere in a bus. Another kind of transport is a taxi. It is rather an expensive transport. It is a good idea if you need to go a big distance. I do not like this kind of transport. Taxi drivers are always angry and unpleasant people, or, at least, I have met such. Taxies are often old and dirty with an unpleasant smell. And it is very annoying when a taxi driver does not know the way you need. You have to explain it to him.

It is a well known fact that ecology plays a great role in modern life. Cars pollute a lot. In such situation cycling is the best alternative. Cycling is absolutely ecological kind of transport. It is mobile, and it is easy to cycle. And it is great for health, especially for your heart or legs.

But I prefer walking. It's really amazing. You can just stop and watch various sights, enjoy the weather and communicate with people. You can take your friends with you for fun. With them your way becomes more interesting and full of positive emotions.

All in all, every kind of transport has its pros and cons. It is a vital problem of the day for many people. Somebody does not like taxes, others do not like walking. Tastes differ. And everyone can have his own opinion.

Nowadays there are many modes of transport, such as plane, ship, bus, taxi, bicycle... And now I will try to explain my opinion.

One of the most common types of transport is the bus. This type of transport is one of the oldest. It is common among older people or teenagers. For older people it is cheap and convenient. For teenagers, the bus helps them get to school. As for me, I like to go to school by bus. There are always good and quiet drivers on my route. I often come across funny incidents with older people. I always help them. So you can see that there is a kind of atmosphere on the bus. Another type of transport is a taxi. This is quite expensive transport. This is a good idea if you need to walk long distances. I don't like this type of transport. Taxi drivers are always angry, unpleasant people, or at least I've met them. Taxis are often old and dirty and smell bad. And it is very annoying when the taxi driver does not know how to get to the place you need. You have to explain to him.

It is a well-known fact that ecology plays a big role in modern life. Cars pollute a lot. This kind of bike is the best alternative. A bicycle is an absolutely environmentally friendly form of transport. It is mobile and easy to ride. And it's good for your health, especially for your heart or legs.

But I prefer to walk. This is truly amazing. You can simply stop and look at the various sights, enjoy the weather and interact with people. You can take your friends with you for fun. With them, your path becomes more interesting and full of positive emotions.

In general, each type of transport has its pros and cons. This is a vital question for many people. Some people don't like taxis, others don't like walking. Tastes differ. And everyone can have their own opinion.

People use various means of communication to get from one place to another.

In the old days people had to travel several days, weeks and months to get to the place they needed. They either walked on foot, by coaches driven by horses or on horseback or by boats and ships. Then trains, trams, cars, buses, airplanes, underground and other means appeared.

Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want.

People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another.
Do you know what means of communication Londoners use? Londoners use the underground railway. They call it "the tube". London's underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.

Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904. Today there are hundreds of routes there. The interesting thing is that some of the routes are the same as many years ago. London's buses are double-decked buses.

Londoners do not use trams, though London was the first city where trams appeared. And now it is one of the biggest cities in the world where there are no trams. The last tram left the streets of London many years ago.

Londoners use cars. You can see a lot of cars in London streets.

On a daily basis we used to use various means of transport to get from one place to another one: trams, cars, buses, planes, underground and other transportation means.

In times gone by, people had to go from one city to another for weeks and even months to get to the destination place, because they used horses, boats or their own feet to travel. Nowadays everything is changed and men cross the country or waters in some hours.

The most rapid means of transport is traveling by plane. Other people prefer car, train or bus, because they are cheaper and it is possible to enjoy passing villages, forests and fields through windows.

Life in a big city makes people be dependent on transport, especially if they live in the countryside. Sometimes people have to change two or more transportation means (metro, suburban train, bus, share taxi, tramway, etc.) to get to a workplace or come back home after a hard working day. The choice of the transport facilities depends on many factors: a financial ability, the distance between workplace and home place, time, comfort and other things. Most people prefer to get a car, because today it helps to be a little more independent from public transport.


We are accustomed to using various modes of transport every day to get from one place to another: trams, cars, buses, planes, subways and other vehicles.

In the distant past, people had to walk from one city to another for weeks or even months to get to their destination because they used horses, boats or their own feet to travel. Nowadays, everything has changed, and people cross a country or an ocean in a few hours.

The fastest mode of transport is traveling by plane. Other people prefer a car, train or bus because they are cheaper and you can enjoy glimpses of villages, forests and fields along the way.

Living in a big city forces people to be dependent on transport, especially if they live outside the city. Sometimes people have to change two or more means of transport (metro, commuter trains, buses, minibuses, trams, etc.) to get to work or return home after a hard day at work. The choice of transport depends on many factors: financial capabilities, distance between the workplace and place of residence, time, comfort and much more. Most people prefer to drive because these days it helps them gain a little more independence from public transport.

Nothing brings people together like transport. Especially public ones. And although, now that people stop loving each other, preferring to spend a couple of hours alone in their cages on wheels rather than half an hour in a bus crush, it is transport, being one of the driving forces of globalization, that erases the distances between countries and peoples in a matter of hours. If only this would quickly erase all differences. Life might have been easier and more friendly, just as everyone gets off together at the final stop. What kind of transport is your favorite?

Essay on Future transport

There is no doubt that transport plays a significant role in our everyday life. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the majority of people have never dared to think and dream about traveling farther than a few miles. A great bulk of humans, wherever they would like to go, had to reach their destinations on horseback or by carriage. Nowadays, nobody is able to imagine our modern world without different means of transport. Hundreds and thousands of people travel every day either on business or simply for pleasure. These humans have a possibility to travel by air, rails, road or by sea. Unfortunately, if supplies of oil run out in the nearest future, it will be pretty much impossible to do.
So, what will transport be like then? In any case, this topic is utterly disputable though curious. To my mind, human beings will have to tackle this obstacle by using an electric engine, for instance, and by implementing sophisticated technology, which is based on alternative energy sources. It includes wind, ocean, solar, geothermal and bio energy. It gives an opportunity to evolve compact vehicles that don"t damage the ecology of the planet. Anyway, there is no point to use vestiges of the past and rely on that old transportation forms, because they don"t meet the requirements of humanity in general.
Frankly speaking, in conclusion, I could admit, there is probably no clear-cut answer to this question, "cause there is a variety of choices and options. Nevertheless, everyone could agree, those future ways of transportation depend on many factors like government , the welfare of one particular nation, development level etc. So many men, so many minds. Our future is a great mystery and nobody knows what will be tomorrow.

Essay on the topic Transport of the future

There is no doubt that transport plays an important role in our daily lives. In the 17th and 18th centuries, most people never dared to think or dream of traveling more than a few miles. Most people, wherever they went, were forced to get to their destination on horseback or in a carriage. Currently, no one can imagine our modern world without various vehicles. Hundreds and thousands of people travel every day because of work or just for pleasure. These people have the opportunity to travel by plane, train, car or sea. Unfortunately, if oil supplies run out in the near future, this will be virtually impossible.
So, what will happen to transport? In any case, this topic of discussion is controversial, although interesting. In my opinion, people will have to overcome this obstacle by using, for example, an electric motor and introducing advanced technologies based on alternative energy sources. These include: ocean energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and bioenergy. This makes it possible to create small-sized vehicles that do not harm the ecology of the planet. In any case, there is no point in using relics of the past and relying on old vehicles because they do not meet the requirements of humanity as a whole.
Honestly, I would conclude by admitting that there is probably no clear answer to the question because there are many alternatives and options. However, everyone can agree that future modes of transportation depend on many factors such as government, wealth of any one particular nation, level of development, etc. How many people, so many opinions. Our future is a great mystery, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

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