Journalistic speech on the topic of my nature. What is the scientist's concern? The fauna of our planet is rich! AND

Speech styles.

Journalistic style of speech.

Stylistics- a branch of the science of language that studies speech styles and their features.

What's happened

"style of speech"?

Style is a type of language that serves any aspect of social life: everyday communication, business relations, science, artistic creativity, etc.

Styles speeches


Officially -



Etymology of the word "journalistic"

  • from Latin publicus, which means “public, state”.


journalism publicist


Socio-political literature on modern, topical topics

Task journalistic style

  • Impact on the reader, listener,
  • Convincing him of something
  • Instilling certain ideas in him,
  • Encouraging him to take action

Genres journalistic style

  • Article in a newspaper, magazine,
  • essay,
  • reportage,
  • feuilleton,
  • oratorical speech,
  • judicial speech,
  • appearance on radio, television,

at the meeting,

  • report.

The journalistic style is characterized by

  • logic,
  • imagery,
  • emotionality,
  • evaluativeness,
  • conscription.

Linguistic means of journalistic style

  • epithets,
  • comparisons,
  • metaphors,
  • appeals,
  • rhetorical questions and exclamations,
  • spoken words,
  • phraseological units.

The structure of a journalistic text

  • Social problem ( Don't forget about addressing the public!)
  • Ways to solve it ( arguments, thoughts)
  • Generalizations and conclusions ( back to the problem).

!!! The text is intended for a wide audience and should be understandable to everyone

All for subbotnik

  • "Slogan". The problem of cleanliness on the street.
  • Why is it necessary to organize a cleanup day? Why do we, people, need this? What needs to be done?
  • Conclusion-appeal.

Let’s try to compose our own journalistic text on the topic “ All for subbotnik

Friends, tell me, which of you doesn’t like cleanliness? Everyone loves cleanliness: people, animals, and nature itself. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a cleanup day.

None of you will live in an unclean house, eat from dirty dishes, or drink stale water. Likewise, our streets must be clean, because it is unpleasant for us to walk along them if there is garbage and dirt all around. It’s not just about our sensations, but also the feelings of nature itself! She literally sheltered us, and we owe her gratitude for such generosity. To do this, you just need to come to the cleanup and make at least a small contribution to cleanliness

Take care of nature! Take care of our World.

Conclusion: journalistic style of speech...

  • The goal is to inform, transmit socially significant information with a simultaneous impact on the reader or listener; inducement to action, call.
  • Style features – logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal. Often the texts are discussions on socially significant topics. It is distinguished by reliability, accuracy, specificity, passion, appeal, and accessibility.
  • Linguistic means - socio-political vocabulary, vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, psychology, etc.; figurative means, figurative words, tropes; various syntactic constructions, homogeneous members, introductory words, participial and participial phrases.
  • Genres - article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speeches on radio, television, report, etc.

We are publicists!

  • Assignment: write an appeal speech on one of the topics
  • Teacher's Day is a necessary holiday.
  • Elderly Day is a special day.
  • “Study, study and, once again, study!..”

(about the problem of academic performance)

4) “Love your neighbor” (about the need for harmony and understanding between people)

Lesson topic: The concept of journalistic style:

features, genres, scope of use

Educational goals:give an idea of ​​the journalistic style, its features, genres, sphere of use; develop the ability to “recognize” texts of a journalistic style, construct sentences and coherent texts in this style.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Speech warm-up.

Read the text to yourself.

My children or anyone else, when listening to this letter, do not laugh... Above all, do not have pride in your heart and mind, but let’s say, we are mortal, today we are alive, and tomorrow we are in a coffin.

Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers.

Don’t be lazy in your home, but watch everything yourself...

(From “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”)

Does the use of verbs in the imperative mood in the text give the right to read it in the tone of an order?

How does vocabulary affect the tone of a text?

Read with correct intonation. (Two or three students read, the rest reviews).

III. Explanation of new material.

1. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. Work on the topic.

1) We continue to talk to you about speech styles. Let's remember what styles you already know and reproduce the scheme you know, which we began to draw up back in 5th grade.


Artistic speech styles

bookish bookish scientific

official business

2) To finally complete our scheme, it remains to get acquainted with one more style -journalistic- and identify its stylistic features and linguistic features.

Let's add the name of this style into the diagram we reproduced and write down the topic of the lesson:“Publicistic style: features, genres, sphere of use.”

Let's start with vocabulary and spelling work:journalistic, public, public, publicist, publish, journalism.

What common root do the words have?

The word public (meaning: people, people) comes from the Latin word public.

Thus, the journalistic style is used to appeal to the masses of people, to the people.

Journalistic style is a complex speech unity; it organically merges the features of different functional styles: scientific, official business, artistic, colloquial.

3) Let’s observe on a specific text, an excerpt from the book by D.S. Likhachev’s “Native Land”, let’s fill out the table based on the stylistic and linguistic features of the journalistic style.

Learn to speak and write

You need to learn to speak and write all the time. Language is the most expressive thing a person has. You need to constantly watch your language. The greatest value of a people is its language, the language in which it writes, speaks, and thinks. He thinks! This means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language.

The surest way to recognize a person is his mental development, his moral character, his character - to listen to how he speaks... But it also happens that a person does not speak, but “spits words.” For each concept he has not ordinary words, but slang expressions. Such a person wants to show that he doesn’t care about anything, that he is higher, stronger than all circumstances, smarter than everyone around him. But in reality he is a coward and timid, unsure of himself.

And if you want to be a truly intelligent, educated and cultured person, then pay attention to your language. Speak correctly, accurately and economically.

If you often have to speak publicly - at meetings, sessions, or simply in the company of your friends, then, first of all, make sure that your speeches are not long. It's important to be understood.

Second rule. To make a speech interesting, everything you say must be interesting to you. Try to have one main idea in your speech, to which all others should be subordinated.

But how to learn to write? To learn to write, you need to write, write letters, diaries. In a word: “To learn to ride a bike, you have to ride a bike.”

What functions are typical for this text? (Impact on the reader and listener. Communication of information).

To have an impact on the reader or listener, what should a journalistic style text be like? Is emotionality and passion inherent in the language of publicists? What style does this bring journalism closer to? (Emotionality makes journalism similar to artistic style).

Appeal is a distinctive feature of the journalistic style.

Is the problem raised by D.S. relevant? Likhachev? (Yes. Nowadays many people consider these skills useless, and by intelligence they mean only having a higher education.)

The task of journalism is to form a certain attitude of many people towards significant problems: social, political, economic, philosophical, everyday, moral. Interest in the general makes journalism similar to the scientific style.

Let's see what syntactic means of language that make it possible to enhance its impact on readers and listeners are characteristic of journalistic speech?

Find in the text:

incentive (based on the purpose of the statement) and exclamatory (based on emotional connotation) sentences;

rhetorical questions (answered by the author himself);


homogeneous members;

parallelisms (similar construction of text sentences).

Who do you think the author is addressing?

How does the text end and for what purpose does the author do this? (In the journalistic style, literary quotes, aphorisms, proverbs and sayings are often used.)

Let us determine what lexical means of communication the author uses. Find antonyms in the text (to speak - “spit words”; ordinary words are slang expressions, the strongest is a coward and timid, etc.); words of book and colloquial speech (possesses, moral character, slang expressions, speaking publicly- book vocabulary;never mind, spits words- colloquial vocabulary).

Find in the text words and expressions used figuratively. What style of speech do they relate our text to? ("Spits words", with artistic style.)

In a journalistic style, words with a figurative meaning and words of so-called “newspaper imagery” can be used. These are standard combinations of words that bring the journalistic style closer to the language patterns of the official business style. For example: white gold - cotton, fiery years - war years.

Determine what is meant by the following combinations of words:

blue roads are waterways,

white death - sugar,

battle for the harvest - harvesting,

black gold - oil,

green earth shield- forest,

queen of sports - athletics.

Give your own examples of “newspaper imagery.” Are they in the text? What are the standard combinations? (Moral character, conscious life, mental development.)

So, we have examined the stylistic and linguistic features of the journalistic style. It should be noted that not every text can contain a complete set of these features.

Journalism is characterized by direct contact with the audience. Where is the journalistic style implemented in oral and written speech?

As a result of working with the text, you should get the following table:

Purpose of the statement







Communicating information, influencing listeners or readers


passion. Appeal, Relevance.



Socio-political vocabulary;

Combination of solemn vocabulary and colloquial means;



Incentive and exclamatory sentences;

Rhetorical questions;



Homogeneous members;


Use of literary quotes, aphorisms, proverbs, sayings

In oral speech:

speeches at rallies, meetings, congresses, in radio and television broadcasts; in writing: articles in newspapers, magazines

4) Now that we have identified the features of the journalistic style, let us turn again to the “Instruction” and try to see them in this text, written back in 1117.

To what extent does the ancient text reflect the features of the style? For a more complete answer, use the materials in the table.

5) The main stylistic features and linguistic features are most specifically expressed in different genres characteristic of the journalistic style.

Let's write them down and give an interpretation:

Note - a short message in the press.

Article - a small scientific or journalistic essay in a collection, magazine or newspaper.

Essay - a short literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant).

Reportage - reporting on local events, events of the day, operational information (in print, on radio and television).

Interview - a conversation intended for print (or broadcast on radio and television) in the form of questions and answers with any person.

Review - a response, an opinion about someone or something, an assessment of someone or something in print or orally.

Review - critical review of an essay, performance, film, etc.

Feuilleton - a newspaper or magazine article on a topical topic using satirical and humorous presentation techniques.

V.G. Belinsky said that there are no clearly defined boundaries between these genres. However, each of them has a special purpose and its own composition.

What genres of journalistic style are you familiar with? You have worked with them since the 5th grade. (Feedback, review.)

Try to identify unfamiliar genres by the interpretations we have written down.

Text No. 1

Transport robbers

Spring break was very long-awaited, but also very short. They rushed by, rushed by, like Gogol’s “bird three”. Before the holidays, I practically did not travel on trolleybuses and buses, but during the holidays I literally did not leave our city transport, traveled to all corners of the city and was amazed at the behavior of people in it. How much anger, selfishness, cruelty is invested in each of their movements. Taking a seat on a trolleybus is almost the goal of life. It’s scary to even watch how people enter the transport, preventing the last passengers from leaving the door, pushing those around them with their elbows, with burning eyes, focused on only one goal - an empty seat, flying, blocking the path to it (if possible) with bags. Let an old grandmother or grandfather, a pregnant woman or even a disabled person stand nearby, it doesn’t matter to them. It is a rare person whose conscience awakens and he gives way.

And each of us asked ourselves: “Why is this so? Doesn't it depend on me? And maybe it’s me who can stop this wind of discord and hatred walking in our souls?”

(Olga Privalova, school No. 69, 11th grade)


Text No. 2

Penza residents saw two works by director Nikita Shiryaev: “Cursed Love” and “Ruy Blaz”. Confident, stylish, infectiously cheerful. They contained laughter, sadness, love, and hatred. It was fun, but serious. For us and about us. Another very special language and the firm hand of the Master.

(From the newspaper)


And what genre does the text we analyzed by D.S. belong to? Likhachev “Learning to speak and write? (Article.)

6) Let’s take a closer look at another genre of journalistic style - interview . As we found out earlier, the word interview - English is a conversation between a journalist and one or more people on some topical issues.

Let's see how the interview is structured (write it down in your notebook):

1. At the very beginning of the interview, the journalist introduces his interlocutor to the listeners, or the interlocutor, at the request of the journalist, introduces himself.

2. The main part is a conversation between the journalist and the person being interviewed.

3. In the final part, the journalist asks his interlocutor to talk about plans for the future, expresses good wishes, and thanks for the interview.

IV. Lesson summary.

V. Homework assignment.

1. Prepare a message about journalistic style using the table.

2. Compose an interview with an imaginary interlocutor - the hero of one of the literary works you read.


My great Tuva!
My beloved Tuva!
Snowy passes,
Whitening Hairakans...

Elena Klokova, Tyva

Falcon - Master of the land of Tyva

The endless expanses of the huge Bai-Taiga... A beautiful place in Tyva, Siberia... You are harsh, unpredictable, mysterious. It seems like the man settled in Bai-Taiga a long time ago, but still he seemed to be visiting her. It seems that everything around is quiet, silent. But that's not true. Everything is subject to the single vital law of nature. And this law is protected by a white bird - a falcon. This mysterious and enigmatic bird is the image of the owner of all of Tyva.

Since ancient times, people have revered the falcon and considered it a symbol of courage, goodness and peace. In many fairy tales and legends, falcons act as insightful birds, messengers, and bearers of unusual secrets. They have small but expressive eyes. Even during the night he sees perfectly. Who else but him should be the guardian of Tuva? He himself is white, like a snowball. White color represents divine wisdom, knowledge, purity and openness. This is the color of reconciliation. This means that everything around will be quiet, peaceful, calm and harmonious. This is a living symbol of our small Motherland. Grandmother said that whoever sees a white falcon early in the morning, that person will rule the country or will be a big “dargah”. If the falcon does not fly on the day of consecration, then man’s reign will be short-lived and he will be quickly forgotten.

When my brother and I were little, my mother read us an interesting fairy tale about a falcon who saved Genghis Khan from the poison of a snake.

...One morning Genghis Khan and his retinue went hunting. His companions armed themselves with bows and arrows, and he himself held his beloved falcon in his hand. No shooter could compare with him, because the bird looked out for the victim from the sky, where a person is not able to climb.

And yet, despite the excitement that possessed the hunters, none of them ever got anything. Disappointed, Genghis Khan returned to his camp, and in order not to take out his bad mood on his comrades, he retired from his retinue and went alone.

He stayed too long in the forest and was exhausted from fatigue and thirst. Due to the drought that happened that year, the rivers dried up, and not a sip of water could be found anywhere, but suddenly - lo and behold! – he noticed a thin stream of water flowing from the rock. He immediately took the falcon from his hand, took out a small silver bowl that was always with him, placed it under the stream and waited for a long time until it was filled to the brim. But when he was already raising the cup to his lips, the falcon flapped its wings and knocked it out, throwing it far to the side.

Genghis Khan adored the bird, but he could not allow himself to be treated with such disrespect. He drew his sword, and with his other hand he lifted the cup and placed it under the stream, with one eye watching the water and the other the falcon. When there was enough water to quench his thirst, the falcon flapped his wings again, touching the bowl, but this time he killed the bird with his sword.

And then the trickle dried up. Determined to get to the source at any cost, he began to climb the rock. He found it surprisingly quickly, but in it, right in the water, lay a dead snake - the most poisonous of all the snakes living in those places. If he had drunk the water, he would not have lived.

Genghis Khan returned to the camp with a dead falcon in his hands and ordered a statue of it to be made from pure gold.

We, people, have long learned to live in the harsh conditions of Tyva, to see and appreciate the beauty of the nature that surrounds it, and to depict it in drawings, as well as in ornaments, investing a certain meaning.

Every living grain of sand is given the right to life. Bai-Taiga is the beginning of a new life, Falcon is its reincarnation and continuation - the eternal law of Her Majesty Nature.

In the end, I want to believe, as at the end of the parable, the skilled stone cutters of Bai-Taiga will make a statue of a falcon from stone at the foot of Bai-Taiga. This would be a truly living symbol...

For the republican competition “My small homeland: nature, culture, ethnicity”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kara-Khaak secondary general education school"

municipal district "Kyzylsky kozhuun"



The work was completed by: Salchak Bailak Belekovna, 10th grade student

Leaders: teacher of Russian language and literature Ochur-ool Svetlana Salchakovna, teacher of native language and literature Mongush Alekmaa Sygdykovna

Kara-Haak, 2016

Russian language lesson in 6th grade on the topic:

“Preparation for an essay-argument on a journalistic topic: Take care of nature!”

Teacher MOU SSh No. 9, Dimitrovgrad Shitikova Liliya Gennadievna

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


    teaching students to select and organize material related to the topic;

    training in constructing a statement based on the collected material, establishing a logical sequence of parts of the text and choosing linguistic means to connect them;

    expanding and deepening knowledge about styles and types of text.


    activation of independent activities;

    development of cognitive activity.


    education of communication skills;

    nurturing a love of nature, respect for the environment;

    instilling a culture of communication;

    nurturing interest in the subject.



    multimedia console

    digital camera

    presentation “Take care and protect nature”

Combined lesson using ICT.

Nature has taken everything into account and weighed it -
Don't upset your balance!

V. Shefner

Lesson progress

I.Organizational moment

Teacher's word:

- Guys, today our lesson is unusual. It is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher, teacher of the Russian language E.I. Nikitina.

Tree, flower, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.

The topic of the lesson is “Preparation for an essay-argument on a journalistic topic: Take care of nature!” Our task: to describe the surroundings of the city. Have they changed in recent years? This requires specific facts. Maybe the rivers and lakes have become cleaner, more transparent? Or vice versa? Has the forest become denser, is it better guarded? Do they remove old rotten trees and plant young ones? Or vice versa: slender, strong trees are cut down and sold; is the underbrush trampled? What should and can schoolchildren do to preserve their native land? Let's talk about this topic.

Recently, all the inhabitants of our planet are concerned about the protection of nature, which is now in danger. It is easy to upset the balance in nature, but it can be very difficult to restore.

It’s not without reason that they say: “I caught a butterfly - it died, I picked a flower - it withered, and then it became clear that you can touch beauty only with your heart. By touching with our hands, we destroy beauty, which is now in danger. It’s easy to upset the balance of nature, but it can be very difficult to restore.” Nature itself is restored, but very slowly, so people must protect and protect the world in which they live. To love all living things that surround him.

II. Learning new material.

1. The teacher’s word (on the slide there is a portrait of N.N. Nosov).

You all know and love the stories and stories of N.N. Nosov. His last work was the autobiographical story “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (published in 1978).

The passage “Bullfinches” is a memoir telling about a time in the life of the future writer, when he was six or seven years old. The Nosov family then lived in Kyiv, on one of the outlying streets, in a small wooden house.

2. Reading the text to students.

— Why does the writer remember bird cherry? (Because there were bullfinches on it in winter.)

- Why does he talk about what bird cherry was like in spring and summer?

—Which picture does the writer call fabulous? Draw it with words.

— How are the following parts of the text related to this picture? (The fairy-tale picture inspired dreams in the boy that were not allowed to come true. This joy is understandable to us, natural, for it is spoken about by the one who felt like the happiest person in the world precisely when he looked at his favorite birds from the window, i.e. when I saw them free.

Seeing bullfinches, like other birds, in freedom is happiness.)

— This is the main idea of ​​the text; its theme is the memory of bullfinches.

The author of the story “Butterfly” is the famous children’s writer Yuri Iosifovich Koval (1938-1995), a kind, wise man with a subtle sense of humor. In his youth, he was a village teacher, teaching wisdom to the village children. It was for them that he began to write.

In 1966, he published his first story for children, “The Tale of How the House was Built.” This book was followed by such famous works as “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov” (1971), “Cap with Crucians” (1974), “Napoleon the Third” (1975), “The Lightest Boat in the World” (1984), etc. During the years of perestroika, Koval’s Christian works were published (the author himself called them “enamels”) - most notably, “Entrance into Jerusalem” (1991). In 1995, Koval’s last book was published - the novel “Suer-Vyer”, for which the writer a year later (posthumously) was awarded the “Wanderer” literary prize.

Think about the theme of the story.

Story by Yu.I. Koval “Butterfly”

Next to our house lies an old, rotten log. After lunch I went out to sit on a log, and there was a butterfly on it.

I stopped to the side, and a butterfly suddenly flew over to the edge - they say, sit down, there’s enough room for the two of us. I carefully sat down next to her.

The butterfly flapped its wings and spread them again, pressing against the log, heated by the sun.

“It’s not bad here,” I answered her, “it’s warm.”

The butterfly waved one wing, then the other, then both at once.

“It’s more fun with two,” I agreed.

There seemed to be nothing to talk about.

It was a warm autumn day. I looked at the forest, in which other people’s butterflies were flying between the pines, and mine was looking at the sky with its huge eyes painted on its wings.

We sat like that until sunset.

4. Conversation based on the story.

-What is the theme of the story? (What is this text about?)

(The theme is unusual: communication between the narrator, a man and a butterfly.)

- Why is this possible?

- Main idea, idea (what does the author convince us of?)

(Man and the surrounding nature are a single whole, which must be in harmonious unity.)

- Type of text? (Narration)

- Text style? (Text style is artistic.)

III. Working on an essay.

1. Conversation with students. (During the work, theoretical information is used from the textbook by E.I. Nikitina pp. 105-109, 162-167)

— What style of speech will you use when writing your essay? (Publicistic)

— What are the similarities between these two styles? (The task of both artistic and journalistic style is to influence the reader’s feelings, to convince them of something)

— What do we need to convince the audience we are addressing?

(Love and protect nature, be in unity with it.)

— Name the features of the journalistic style, the goals of the style, its use, as well as the features of the language characteristic of the journalistic style.

(In newspaper and magazine articles, in oral speeches at rallies and meetings, on radio and television, a journalistic style is often used. This style is characterized by such means of language that make it possible to enhance its impact on readers and listeners: appeals, incentive and exclamatory sentences, solemn vocabulary, antonyms, words with a figurative meaning, etc. Words, phraseological units and descriptive phrases denoting phenomena of social life are widely used.)

— What essay form can be used when writing an essay? Type of text?

(The type of text is an argument, the form of the essay can be different: an article in a newspaper, an appeal to television viewers or listeners of a radio program, etc.)

Essay plan:

1. Thesis (the main idea that needs to be proven).

2. Evidence. Arguments.

3. Conclusion. (Conclusion).

d) Work on the content of the essay using a presentation.

2. Teacher's word:

— Now you will see photographs of our neighborhood. For many, these are familiar and dear places from childhood. And your task is to review them very carefully to note the positive and negative changes that have occurred at the present time, as well as to talk about your personal observations.

What did you like? What positive changes have you noticed?

(View slides with photographs of negative phenomena)

- Why were you ashamed? What would you like to change?

Working on the content of the essay

What should the introduction of your essay include? (It needs to express your attitude towards nature; draw attention to the environmental problem.)

The main part?

(1. What positive changes have occurred at present? What pleases you?

2. What excites, causes protest?)

Conclusion? (What can and should be done in the name of nature conservation?)

I V. Student work in drafts.

V. Reflection.

1. Did you like the lesson?

2. Have the goals that were set at the beginning of the lesson been achieved?

3. What conclusion can we draw at the end of our lesson?

(We must live in harmony with nature, cherish and protect it. Remember that our life is directly connected with nature.)

VI. Homework: editing essays, rewriting them into a clean copy.

Used literature:

Nikitina E.I. System of work on the development of coherent speech of students, 6th grade - Ulyanovsk, IPKPRO, 1994.

Nikitina E.I. Russian speech: A guide to the development of coherent speech: 5-7 grades.-M.: Enlightenment.

Russian language lesson in 6th grade on the topic:

“Preparation for an essay-argument on a journalistic topic: Take care of nature!”

Teacher MOU SSh No. 9, Dimitrovgrad Shitikova Liliya Gennadievna

Goals and objectives of the lesson:Educational:

    teaching students to select and organize material related to the topic; training in constructing a statement based on the collected material, establishing a logical sequence of parts of the text and choosing linguistic means to connect them; expanding and deepening knowledge about styles and types of text.
    activation of independent activities; development of cognitive activity.
    education of communication skills; nurturing a love of nature, respect for the environment; instilling a culture of communication; nurturing interest in the subject.
    computer multimedia console screen digital camera presentation “Take care and protect nature”
Combined lesson using ICT.

Nature has taken everything into account and weighed it -
Don't upset your balance!

V. Shefner

Lesson progress

I.Organizational moment

Teacher's word:

Guys, today our lesson is unusual. It is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher, teacher of the Russian language E.I. Nikitina.

Tree, flower, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.

The topic of the lesson is “Preparation for an essay-argument on a journalistic topic: Take care of nature!” Our task: to describe the surroundings of the city. Have they changed in recent years? This requires specific facts. Maybe the rivers and lakes have become cleaner, more transparent? Or vice versa? Has the forest become denser, is it better guarded? Do they remove old rotten trees and plant young ones? Or vice versa: slender, strong trees are cut down and sold; is the underbrush trampled? What should and can schoolchildren do to preserve their native land? Let's talk about this topic.

Recently, all the inhabitants of our planet are concerned about the protection of nature, which is now in danger. It is easy to upset the balance in nature, but it can be very difficult to restore.

It’s not without reason that they say: “I caught a butterfly - it died, I picked a flower - it withered, and then it became clear that you can touch beauty only with your heart. By touching with our hands, we destroy beauty, which is now in danger. It’s easy to upset the balance of nature, but it can be very difficult to restore.” Nature itself is restored, but very slowly, so people must protect and protect the world in which they live. To love all living things that surround him.

II. Learning new material.

1. The teacher’s word (on the slide there is a portrait of N.N. Nosov).

You all know and love the stories and stories of N.N. Nosov. His last work was the autobiographical story “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (published in 1978).

The passage “Bullfinches” is a memoir telling about a time in the life of the future writer, when he was six or seven years old. The Nosov family then lived in Kyiv, on one of the outlying streets, in a small wooden house.

2. Reading the text to students.

Why does the writer remember the bird cherry? (Because there were bullfinches on it in winter.)

Why does he talk about what bird cherry was like in spring and summer?

What picture does the writer call fabulous? Draw it with words.

How are the following parts of the text related to this picture? (The fairy-tale picture inspired dreams in the boy that were not allowed to come true. This joy is understandable to us, natural, for it is spoken about by the one who felt like the happiest person in the world precisely when he looked at his favorite birds from the window, i.e. when I saw them free.

Seeing bullfinches, like other birds, in freedom is happiness.)

This is the main idea of ​​the text; its theme is the memory of bullfinches.

The author of the story “Butterfly” is the famous children's writer Yuri Iosifovich Koval (1938-1995), a kind, wise man with a subtle sense of humor. In his youth, he was a village teacher, teaching wisdom to the village children. It was for them that he began to write.

In 1966 he published his first story for children, “The Tale of How the House was Built.” This book was followed by such famous works as “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov” (1971), “Cap with crucian carp” (1974), “Napoleon the Third” (1975), “The lightest boat in the world” (1984), etc. During the years of perestroika, Koval’s Christian works were published (the author himself called them “enamels”) - first of all, “Entrance into Jerusalem” (1991). In 1995, Koval's last book was published - the novel "Suer-Vyer", for which the writer was awarded the "Wanderer" literary prize a year later (posthumously).

Think about the theme of the story.

Story by Yu.I. Koval “Butterfly”

Next to our house lies an old, rotten log. After lunch I went out to sit on a log, and there was a butterfly on it.

I stopped to the side, and a butterfly suddenly flew over to the edge - they say, sit down, there’s enough room for the two of us. I carefully sat down next to her.

The butterfly flapped its wings and spread them again, pressing against the log, heated by the sun.

It’s not bad here,” I answered her, “it’s warm.”

The butterfly waved one wing, then the other, then both at once.

“It’s more fun together,” I agreed.

There seemed to be nothing to talk about.

It was a warm autumn day. I looked at the forest, in which other people’s butterflies were flying between the pines, and mine was looking at the sky with its huge eyes painted on its wings.

We sat like that until sunset.

4. Conversation based on the story.

What is the theme of the story? (What is this text about?)

(The theme is unusual: communication between the narrator, a man and a butterfly.)

Why is this possible?

Main idea, idea (what does the author convince us of?)

(Man and the surrounding nature are a single whole, which must be in harmonious unity.)

Type of text? (Narration)

Text style? (Text style is artistic.)

III. Working on an essay.

1. Conversation with students. (During the work, theoretical information is used from the textbook by E.I. Nikitina pp. 105-109, 162-167)

What style of speech will you use when writing your essay? (Publicistic)

What are the similarities between these two styles? (The task of both artistic and journalistic style is to influence the reader’s feelings, to convince them of something)

What do we need to convince the audience we are addressing?

(Love and protect nature, be in unity with it.)

Name the features of the journalistic style, the goals of the style, its use, as well as the features of the language characteristic of the journalistic style.

(In newspaper and magazine articles, in oral speeches at rallies and meetings, on radio and television, a journalistic style is often used. This style is characterized by such means of language that make it possible to enhance its impact on readers and listeners: appeals, incentive and exclamatory sentences, solemn vocabulary, antonyms, words with a figurative meaning, etc. Words, phraseological units and descriptive phrases denoting phenomena of social life are widely used.)

- What essay form can be used when writing an essay? Type of text?

(The type of text is an argument, the form of the essay can be different: an article in a newspaper, an appeal to television viewers or listeners of a radio program, etc.)

Essay plan:

1. Thesis (the main idea that needs to be proven).

2. Evidence. Arguments.

3. Conclusion. (Conclusion).

d) Work on the content of the essay using a presentation.

2. Teacher's word:

Now you will see photographs of our neighborhood. For many, these are familiar and dear places from childhood. And your task is to review them very carefully to note the positive and negative changes that have occurred at the present time, as well as to talk about your personal observations.

- What did you like? What positive changes have you noticed?

(View slides with photographs of negative phenomena)

- Why were you ashamed? What would you like to change?

Working on the content of the essay

What should the introduction of your essay include? (It needs to express your attitude towards nature; draw attention to the environmental problem.)

The main part?

(1. What positive changes have occurred at present? What pleases you?

2. What excites, causes protest?)

Conclusion? (What can and should be done in the name of nature conservation?)

IV. Student work in drafts.

V. Reflection.

1. Did you like the lesson?

2. Have the goals that were set at the beginning of the lesson been achieved?

3. What conclusion can we draw at the end of our lesson?

(We must live in harmony with nature, cherish and protect it. Remember that our life is directly connected with nature.)

VI. Homework: editing essays, rewriting them into a clean copy.

Used literature:

Nikitina E.I. System of work on the development of coherent speech of students, 6th grade - Ulyanovsk, IPKPRO, 1994.

Nikitina E.I. Russian speech: A guide to the development of coherent speech: 5-7 grades.-M.: Enlightenment.

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