Five reasons why people drink alcohol. Why did people drink, drink, and it seems like they will continue to drink for a long time? And is it good?

They probably wondered why a person drinks. I have prepared an article for you where I will try to answer this question.

Much will be a revelation for you, you will learn a lot of new things, so read.

The problem of excessive alcohol consumption in Russia is growing every year. According to statistics, more than 5 million people in the country suffer from alcoholism, and about 500 thousand men and women die every year as a result of this addiction.

Ischemic heart disease, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, suicide attempts, and domestic homicides lead to early mortality due to alcoholism. In addition, the frequency of consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages and alcohol substitutes is growing, which accounts for up to 40 thousand cases of poisoning per year, including deaths. Why do people drink alcohol? Why do they feel such a painful attachment to strong drinks? There are many reasons, let's look at the main ones.

Genetic factor

Scientific research and observations of experimental groups of people from various social strata have proven the influence of genetic predisposition on the occurrence of alcoholism. In other words, in people’s DNA there is a special gene for alcoholism, which affects the tendency to drink excessively and quickly become addicted to ethyl alcohol.

Thus, a person who does not have such a gene does not experience euphoria when drinking alcohol. On the contrary, she feels a deterioration in her general condition, nausea, and headaches. Addiction to ethyl alcohol rarely develops over a long period of time. People who are carriers of a pathological gene, when they first become acquainted with alcoholic beverages, feel a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and pleasant relaxation. Addiction sets in quickly and leads to a painful craving for ethanol.

Social factor

The social environment and close circle of a person from birth influences his worldview and understanding of the world. If a child was born from a drinking mother who drank alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then the risk of developing an addiction increases tenfold. A child becomes dependent on ethyl alcohol from infancy. Growing up in a drinking family strengthens children's craving for alcoholic beverages, which leads to childhood and youth alcoholism in 90% of cases.

The harmful influence of society does not necessarily come from the family. There are many known cases of alcoholism in children of non-drinking parents. In adolescence, a child, due to his psychological characteristics, becomes a rebel against family, school, and the rules of behavior accepted in society. If you find yourself in bad company who are fond of alcoholic drinks, you quickly succumb to influence and do not notice how a bad habit becomes a serious illness. Alcohol advertising in the press and on television, as well as films with main characters boldly walking through life with a glass of strong drink, play a significant role.

Psychological factor

The most powerful factor that gives birth to millions of alcoholics around the globe is, of course, psychological. Like any other drug, alcohol initially causes psychological dependence. No one doubts that ethyl alcohol can be classified as a narcotic substance. Unlike heroin and cocaine, alcoholic drinks form physical dependence - hangover syndrome, delirium tremens, delirium tremens 7-15 years after the start of drinking alcohol.

Of course, the time of onset of physical dependence is influenced by the quality and quantity of alcohol consumed, standard of living, state of health and the presence of a pathological gene, but on average statistics usually indicate such figures. People have been poisoning their bodies for years just because of the feeling of relaxation and false happiness that ethanol brings. Mental dependence becomes a powerful factor that forces you to take alcohol again and again.

Scientists have proven that ethyl alcohol causes increased production of endorphins in the human body, the so-called “hormones of happiness.” They are the ones who dull the feeling of shame, anxiety, shyness, liberate and give a feeling of freedom. After drinking alcohol, problems fade into the background, life seems easy and relaxed, self-esteem increases - people feel happy. With regular consumption of alcohol, your own endorphins cease to be produced, which forces you to take strong drinks in order to again feel a state of euphoria.

Unfortunately, the understanding that minutes and hours of euphoria in an alcoholic stupor does not bring real happiness, does not solve problems, does not lead to development, comes quite late or does not come at all. A drinking person loses his family, job, friends, property. The alcoholic becomes lonely or is surrounded by equally dependent people, which reinforces the “normality” of such behavior in the mind.

People often start drinking after the tragic loss of a loved one, as a result of a financial crisis, or disappointment in the world around them. Great stress brings injury, leading to disfigurement or disability. Unfulfilled hopes of achieving a high position in society or recognition among athletes, artists, artists, and politicians usually lead to alcohol addiction. Easy money turns the unattainable into accessible, makes a choice in favor of a wild life and, as a result, loads people with an addiction as an integral attribute.

However, the most banal and less tragic reason is drinking in company. There is probably no more senseless reason for drunkenness. Seeming like everyone else, being on trend, and joining the company makes people drink alcohol regularly. A cheerful life in a circle of tipsy friends leads to alcohol addiction, and subsequently to moral, physical and social degradation.

Who is most likely to suffer from alcoholism?

Genetic, social and psychological factors can act together or individually, thereby causing addiction to ethanol. However, these factors can be counterbalanced by upbringing, determination, culture of behavior, high moral principles and religious beliefs. A passionate person will never have a problem with alcoholic beverages. It doesn’t matter what a person is passionate about - work, family, sports, hobbies, faith in a higher power, travel.

Busy people who have a goal and the will to achieve it do not fall into the ranks of alcoholics. The ability to switch from problems to positive thinking, to rise from your knees after family grief or financial collapse, no matter what, does not give alcohol a chance to take over your soul and body. A person who sincerely loves life will not allow a drunken fog to change it and make it unreal.

They say that statistics are a stubborn thing. And she points to the growing problem of domestic drunkenness and alcoholism every year. But it’s worth thinking about why this happens? Of course, it’s easier to drown your grief with vodka or lose your individuality in order to be like everyone else. But what will this life position lead to? Mental emptiness, unemployment, tears of loved ones, alien surroundings of the same losers as a drinking person becomes. If there is even one chance to stop drinking alcohol, you need to take it. And every person has such a chance.

Main reason for drinking alcohol

And now I will tell you the main reason for drinking alcohol. We can say this is the root of all other reasons. And here lies the secret of how to finally get rid of the addiction to alcohol, i.e. stop drinking once and for all. After all, only by eliminating the root cause, or one might say the cause of all causes, will we no longer want to be poisoned by this terrible poison.

So, attention. But first I will say that the main reason lies not in physiological or even psychological factors. Yes, alcohol, like a drug, leads to addiction, and subsequently the body will need more and more new doses. This is physiology. Psychological factors also play a significant role. But still, the root of the problem is buried in the deep spiritual essence of a person, in his soul. It is in the discord between the soul - the higher self and the psyche, the lower self or ego, that lies the main reason for drinking alcohol. You are surprised. I'll explain everything now.

In the meantime, that's all happiness and health to you .

There are many problems associated with alcohol, and the most important of them is alcoholism. But not all drinkers suffer from alcoholism. If you know when to stop and don’t drink often, then an ordinary person who occasionally drinks a glass of vodka or a glass of wine on a holiday will not be in danger of developing a persistent dependence on alcohol. But if you compare an ordinary healthy person who sometimes drinks an intoxicating drink, and an alcoholic, then each of them has their own reasons for starting to drink. Understanding these reasons helps to understand what makes some people start drinking more and more and become alcoholics, while others need to know when to stop and never cross this line. Moreover, understanding the reasons for craving for alcohol allows you to get rid of alcohol addiction. Psychological rehabilitation in the treatment of alcoholism is one of the important components of successfully overcoming addiction. The main task of such rehabilitation is to identify and eliminate the cause.

Stages of alcohol consumption

Usually the answer to the question of why people drink is of more concern to women who suffer next to an alcoholic husband. However, some representatives of the fair sex also have a craving for drinking alcohol. And on the contrary, they are not interested in finding the cause.

In surveys and studies conducted to find out why people start drinking, five main stages in the development of cravings for alcohol have been identified:

  1. Often a person drinks his first glass for company or out of interest. Most people drink alcohol for the first time during adolescence. But it’s too early to talk about the development of alcohol dependence. Typically, such early use of intoxicating drinks is associated with the teenager getting into a drinking company or with interest that arose against the background of stories from more “experienced” comrades about the state of fun and euphoria after drinking alcohol.
  2. Subsequently, the person begins to drink in order to once again feel the feeling of intoxication and relaxation. This usually happens in the same company where the teenager got his first experience. At the same time, a feeling of relaxation, fun and euphoria again visits the person, and the positive experience of drinking alcohol is repeated. At this stage, people drink alcohol because they enjoy it. This is the initial stage of addiction formation.
  3. Formation of psychological dependence on alcohol. At this stage, a person likes to drink on holidays, but over time he tries to find more and more reasons to drink. Thus, the interval between drinking alcohol is reduced. Drinking an alcoholic drink improves mood, and without it a person experiences depression, bad mood, irritability and aggressiveness.

  1. Further causes of drunkenness are no longer associated with a state of joy and pleasure, but with “treatment”, because an alcoholic needs to fight a hangover, and with a new dose of alcohol you can simply and quickly improve your well-being in the morning. Moreover, this stage of alcohol dependence is formed in people who like to drink almost every day. In this case, the answer to the question of why people drink lies in the physical dependence on ethanol. This substance is firmly integrated into the metabolic processes of the body, which cannot work without alcohol. Moreover, it is very difficult to start quitting drinking at this stage, because the craving is so strong that a person cannot control his desires. If he starts taking vodka in the morning to get a hangover, he quickly enters a state of binge drinking.
  2. At the very last stage of alcoholism, the patient cannot imagine his life without alcohol. And as soon as he tries to get out of the binge, his condition worsens sharply and the alcoholic has to drink again and again in order to feel normal. In this case, alcohol will not be a pleasure for him, but a vital substance that slowly kills a person.

As you can see, at each stage of drinking alcohol there are reasons that push a person to drink. Therefore, in order to answer the question of why people drink, you need to understand at what stage of acquaintance with alcohol a person is. Psychology is such that a teenager who has not tried alcohol cannot drink to get drunk, and the cause of alcoholism at the last stage cannot be the desire not to stand out from the company.

Psychological reasons

To understand why people drink alcohol, it is worth going beyond the five stages of addiction that we discussed above. There are a number of reasons that are not so obvious and visible, but this does not make them less significant and serious. So, to understand why people drink, you need to study the psychological aspects.

Important: as a rule, if everything is good in a person’s life: there is a friendly family, beloved children, an interesting, well-paid job, varied leisure time, friends who don’t drink or drink in moderation, everyone is healthy and happy, then there are reasons to drink alcohol regularly, there is no person.

Some of the psychological reasons why people start drinking include the following:

  1. Loneliness is the reason for the development of alcohol addiction. When there is no one to talk to about life, its problems and sorrows, when there is no supportive and understanding person nearby, then drinking alcohol temporarily makes the world less hostile and the feeling of loneliness is temporarily dulled.
  2. A person may not love himself, his shortcomings, or experience self-doubt. He tries to smooth out all this with the help of alcohol. Some people with obvious defects in appearance or speech feel awkward in society and are embarrassed about themselves, so they try to drown out this feeling with alcoholic drinks.
  3. A person may start drinking to numb the severe mental pain that is associated with the loss of a loved one or a serious illness.
  4. A fairly common psychological reason is: for courage. To drown out fears, anxieties and concerns, a person can drink alcohol and become more confident and relaxed if he does not overdo the dosage.
  5. Sometimes the answer to the question of why they drink lies in the nervous and psychological stress that many of us experience after a hard day. In this state it is difficult to relax and fall asleep. To get rid of psychological burden after work, not only some men drink beer, but also representatives of the fair sex relieve nervous tension in this way. At first it helps, but then the person experiences psychological, and later physical, dependence.
  6. Some men, in response to the question of why they drink alcohol, namely beer, say that they like the taste of this foamy drink and this is how they quench their thirst.

Social reasons

In addition to psychological aspects, our desire to drink can also be driven by social reasons. Among them are the following:

  • dissatisfaction with your life (work, family), financial and domestic problems;
  • psychological pressure from colleagues, family members, superiors;
  • lack of self-realization in family life, work, career, children, etc.;
  • low social status;
  • a drinking party that never misses a single holiday or celebration;
  • traditions of drinking on all holidays;
  • teenagers try to attract attention to themselves using alcohol.

Attention: do not forget about the hereditary predisposition to alcohol addiction. If someone in your family suffered from alcoholism, then there is a high probability that when certain reasons or a combination of them appear, the person will start drinking.

False reasons

To find the answer to the question of why alcoholics drink, it is worth looking at the stages of alcohol consumption described above. The answer is obvious, they suffer from psychological and physical dependence. These are the two main reasons for drunkenness. But many addicted people try to justify their addiction with completely justified (in their opinion) reasons:

  1. Drinking improves your mood. The catch lies in the fact that improvement in mood occurs only at the beginning; if a person continues to drink, then euphoria and joy are quickly replaced by irritability, aggressiveness, or, conversely, a depressed mood. To understand how unfounded this reason is, it’s worth remembering what a chronic alcoholic looks like. He certainly does not resemble a person in a good mood and spirit.

Important: the stage of alcoholic euphoria is only available to people at an early stage of addiction.

  1. If alcohol is taken to normalize relationships between people, make new connections and acquaintances, then it is worth noting that ethanol destroys brain cells, which leads to dementia, and this, in turn, certainly does not attract people around you. Moreover, in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication, only a fellow alcoholic can understand a person with unrelated speech and a slurred tongue, but not his wife, relatives, children or work colleagues and superiors.
  2. Another myth is that alcohol makes a person bolder. Here it would be more correct to say not bolder, but deprives him of his sense of self-preservation, which is why serious accidents, crimes and suicides so often occur while intoxicated. Moreover, a person under the influence of alcohol inadequately perceives the world around him and cannot assess the real threat to his life.

  1. Treating a morning hangover with alcohol is also not the right way out of the situation, since it promotes binge drinking. It is better to improve the condition of the body with the help of medications and folk remedies than to poison the liver and brain with ethanol again.

As you can see, all the reasons that force a person to drink are related to pleasure, imaginary self-confidence, the ability to drown out problems, improve mood or get a dose of courage. But in any case, alcohol gives only a temporary effect, after which not only a severe hangover sets in, but also addiction gradually develops, which in no way contributes to improving your life, solving problems and lifting your mood.

Our civilization became acquainted with alcohol over 6 thousand years ago, since then it has become an integral attribute of the lives of millions of people and even entire cultures. Many of us have never wondered why our friends, loved ones and ourselves drink alcohol. It's time to look into this issue.
There are several basic reasons for drinking alcohol, they are as follows:

1. The desire to relax. Stress and nervous tension have begun to haunt modern man everywhere. After work or study, we have little time to recover and relax. Sometimes you just want to forget about all the troubles and tune in to a “positive wave”.

But it is very difficult to quickly change your emotional state. In this case, alcoholic drinks come to the rescue, which for some time allow a person not to remember life’s difficulties. Whatever sobriety fighters say, alcohol can be used as an antidepressant. The main thing is not to abuse it (relax with alcohol once or twice a month); relieving everyday stress with alcohol leads to hangover and alcoholism.

2. Trying to become bolder. Among us there are individuals suffering from various complexes and phobias. Having been “taken to heart”, such people feel like real heroes, capable of doing great things (meeting a girl, dancing on a table, fighting with the first person they meet, etc.).

There are also more advanced cases when a person makes even serious decisions (getting a job, making a business deal) only after a few glasses of alcohol. In this situation, alcohol removes psychological restrictions, but does not solve the problem of insecurity itself. Therefore, insecure people need to learn to act decisively without the help of alcohol; here, alcoholic drinks are more likely to harm than help.

3. Social influence. Try staying sober at weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. If you do not drink alcoholic beverages in such cases, you will be misunderstood and made an outcast. Any person is influenced by the environment in which he finds himself. We try to imitate those around us, seeking their favor. It's human nature, you can't argue with it.

We have two options. The first is to adapt (start drinking alcohol). The second is to change your environment. It is very difficult not to drink alcohol in a drinking company. They may not make comments to you just out of politeness, but mentally everyone present will give your behavior a negative assessment.

4. Love of alcoholic drinks. There are people who like the smell, taste or something else about alcohol. These are connoisseurs and gourmets who drink alcoholic beverages only for the pleasure of the process itself.

True connoisseurs know almost everything about their favorite alcoholic drink, and in many cases they can even prepare it themselves. It is in this group that the fewest alcoholics are found, since the process of drinking is what is important here, and not the consequences that occur after drinking alcohol (good mood, lack of fear, etc.).

The situation is considered normal when a person is in the last group; in all other cases, it is worth thinking about your behavior.

“Alcohol causes more harm to humanity than war, famine
and the plague together" (Charles Darwin)

Stupid features, irritability, uncertainty, dull eyes, feelings of guilt and shame... All this can be read on the face of a drinking person.

Why do people drink alcohol if it brings so much trouble and grief that even wars do not? Murder, robbery, fight, betrayal, accident, broken family, loss of job - this is just a grain of what comes with alcohol.

There are 4 main reasons that explain why people drink alcohol:

1. The alcohol program of the subconscious is a set of beliefs and beliefs that drinking is normal and even necessary;
2. The habit of celebrating any occasion and drinking on weekends, holidays, during meetings, after work;
3. Need for alcohol;
4. Alcohol addiction.

Let's take a closer look at them.

1. People drink alcohol because there is an alcohol program.

This subconscious program is formed from childhood. The child sees how close people drink alcohol on holidays, rejoice, sing songs, and dance. They feel good and have fun. The kid notices that if dad drinks, he becomes kinder, buys toys and laughs more often.

Children sit at a common festive table, listen to toasts and clink glasses with adults. Yes, there is juice in a child’s glass, but the belief is already ingrained in your head that you can only celebrate with alcohol.

"Ratatouille" (cartoon for children)

There were cases when children came to kindergarten after the New Year holidays and played on holiday: they sat at the table and clinked their toy cups.

The alcohol program is also established through television, magazines, films, songs, and sayings. Remember any movie or TV series - people drink everywhere. “Enjoy Your Bath”, “Old New Year”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Kitchen”, “Interns”, “Univer”...

Everywhere people go through various life tests, adventures, events and drink alcohol. This forms deep-seated beliefs in the viewer’s subconscious that drinking alcohol is not only possible, but also necessary.

“The Diamond Arm” (cult Soviet film for the whole family)

It's the same in songs and sayings. “Wine has been given to us for joy,” “Whoever doesn’t smoke or drink will die healthy,” “The sea is knee-deep for a drunk,” “I’m drunk and drunk...”, “I drink to the bottom for those who are at sea.” There are hundreds and thousands of examples. And every time, listening and singing along, a person strengthens his subconscious alcohol program.

2. People drink alcohol because it's a habit.

Culture and tradition shape the drinking program, which creates drinking habits. If we meet with friends, we definitely drink. If we celebrate a holiday, we drink. We go fishing, to the bathhouse, to nature, to a disco - we drink.

When a person starts drinking regularly: on holidays, weekends, after work, he develops a drinking habit. And the question no longer arises: to drink or not to drink, but the question arises: what to drink? Beer or wine, vodka or whiskey. That is, the question already falls into another plane, where any choice is false.

There was a time when every evening after work I would board a commuter train and drive home from Moscow. I bought beer to relax and distract myself on the road. At first it was one bottle, then two, three... And I could no longer imagine that I could drive home from work and not drink. It became a daily habit.

3. People drink alcohol because there is a need.

This happens when a person can no longer give up alcohol. He drinks regularly, once a week or more often.

Yes, he can regularly go to work, raise children, drive a car, manage people, that is, be a normal worker, husband, father. But without alcohol, this person can no longer rest, relax, he is always missing something. He's already looking for an excuse to drink. Finds and drinks.

I was just at this stage when I realized what a trap I had been sucked into.

4. People drink alcohol because they are addicted.

Need develops into addiction. A person can no longer control himself; he is controlled by alcohol. At first he is ashamed of his addiction and drinks on the sly. Then he no longer hides and drinks in front of everyone.

Alcohol becomes the meaning of his life. Relationships with loved ones collapse, he loses his job. Now he is surrounded by alcoholic drinking buddies. They gather in the morning somewhere in a “patch” near a store or in the courtyard on a bench and figure out how they can buy something to drink. They ask passers-by for money, take out everything that can be sold from the house...

And it all started so beautifully: a glass of champagne, cold beer with fish... Moderate “cultural” drinking creates alcoholic habits that lead to need and dependence.

In order to get rid of the alcohol habit, need and dependence, it is important to start by changing the alcohol program, which is embedded in the subconscious. It is this program - a set of false beliefs and beliefs - that is the root of all problems with alcohol.

To change these beliefs and change the program of the subconscious, you just need to find out the truth about alcohol.

What is alcohol and how does it work?

Alcohol, or spirit of wine, is an ethanol drug with the formula C2H5OH. Its effects have long been recognized by doctors around the world as toxic and narcotic.

Alcohol is also a huge, serious business that earns billions. The cost of a bottle of vodka is approximately 20 rubles. The cost in the store is from 200 rubles and above. The only more profitable trade is drugs and weapons. Alcohol magnates invest incredible amounts of money in promoting so-called “cultural” drinking.

But in society, alcohol is perceived as a food product that is served for a holiday. He amuses, fools, and with him people experience various adventures. And most importantly, he justifies the stupidity that a person commits while drunk: “Well, I was drunk, what can you take from me.”

There is not a single organ in the human body that does not suffer from alcohol. But the brain suffers the most.

I'll explain how this happens.

There are capillaries in the human body - the thinnest vessels through which oxygen and nutrients flow to all organs. Erythrocytes move through the capillaries - red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the body. Red blood cells are covered with a lipid layer - a lubricant that allows them to easily slide through the capillaries.

Alcohol removes the lipid layer from red blood cells, and they begin to stick together. And they are already moving through the capillaries not one at a time, but in lumps, in the form of a bunch of grapes.

In the head, there are areas in the brain tissue where the capillaries are so thin that red blood cells (blood cells) can only pass through them one at a time. And when a lump of red blood cells that have stuck together under the influence of alcohol enters this capillary, a blood clot forms there. Like a traffic jam or a plug in a pipe.

The next morning, the dead cells leave the body along with water. Why do you feel so thirsty in the morning when you have a hangover? Because the body needs water to flush out the corpses of decaying cells from the head. They literally tear away from the brain tissue, which is why hangovers cause so much headache. Dead cells leave the body in urine. Any conscientious doctor will confirm this to you - a drunkard urinates his brains in the morning.

And this does not depend on the dose. Any dose of alcohol - a glass of champagne, a bottle of beer, a can of cocktail or a shot of vodka - destroys the brain. It’s just that the more a person drinks, the more destruction there is.

Look at the face of a drinking person - everything is written on it. You want to quickly look away from such a face. Why do you think? Because, like in a mirror, it reflects what you don’t want to accept in yourself. Any dose of alcohol brings you closer to such a face. And this process is irreversible; brain cells are not restored.

Think about this the next time you pick up a bottle of beer or glass of wine. Remember the face of a drinking man, his gloomy life, his terrible appearance, his depression and helplessness.

Do you really want to be the same?

Why does a person drink alcohol?

This is not like a medicine, not a magic pill that gives you vigor. Alcohol does not make us better, does not get rid of problems, but only postpones their solution.

Then why do people drink? And often: on weekends, on holidays, for any reason. Some people manage to drink in the middle of the week, and others at work.

Is alcohol really, if not important, then essential in the lives of drinkers?

Is it really impossible to ignore it and choose another pastime?

For example, go skiing with your family, go to the gym with friends, read a book, start developing, etc.

Apparently not. Let's first look at the main reasons why people drink alcohol, and then the reasons that I pulled out of my head.

Statistics say that man became acquainted with alcohol and all its “delights” more than 6,000 years ago.

Most people can assure you that they drink just like that, on holidays, in order to relax and free their heads from pressing problems.

But in reality it is not so simple.

If a person says that he drinks alcohol only on holidays, then almost always he does it for completely different reasons, but ties them to certain dates.

It's time to figure out who is lying and who is not.

Main psychological reasons

There are three main psychological reasons why people drink alcohol:

People think that alcohol will help them cope with emotional stress, and they will be able to achieve what they want.

Only this is a real illusion, which will instantly evaporate as soon as the person sobers up.

Main physiological reasons

Physiological reasons = alcohol dependence.

When a person is “under the influence”, over time he begins to develop dependence.

The brain remembers the pleasant feelings of intoxication and wants to repeat them again. To do this, it sends a signal “I want more.”

A person of weak will reacts very strongly to this and begins to look for any reason to drink, but does not yet admit it to himself.

He believes that this is normal: if the body demands it, then it must be so.

This is the first reason.

Second reason funny to the point of absurdity. You've probably met people more than once who say they drink to warm up.

In this way they are trying to justify themselves, which is very stupid and now I will explain why.

Alcohol is indeed capable of dilating blood vessels, but in response this causes a much stronger heat transfer from the body, and as a result, leads to freezing. This is another myth about the benefits of alcohol.

Many people like the taste of alcoholic drinks and enjoy its taste. Brad, isn't it?

How can the taste of poison be pleasing?

For some reason, many people have forgotten about the first time they tried beer: it seemed to them bitter, tasteless, like “piss,” excuse the expression, but that’s how it is.

I’m generally silent about vodka and other drinks.

Any reason, as a rule, implies some stage of alcoholism. Or already on the way to it.

My opinion

I can agree with some of the above reasons, but I have a few assumptions of my own.

Firstly, alcohol is poison. Does everyone want to poison themselves? No.

Another problem is that 90% of people know, but do not realize, that it is poison.

The other 10% simply don’t drink because they once “turned on their brains” and now live well.

Secondly Not every drinker becomes an alcoholic. I don't have statistics, but it's a fact.

Based on this, a certain percentage of people allow themselves to freely drink beer with friends on weekends or in the middle of the workday.

All this leads to the fact that a person becomes a habit, and when this habit is not fulfilled for any reason, the brain becomes indignant.

He asks for “more.”

A reasonable person will do something else; an unwise person will start drinking alone.

This is why not all drinkers are alcoholics, but they drink because they are used to it.

Thirdly, many people simply have nothing to do on the weekend. They wander from corner to corner, lie on the sofa, watch TV. Well, what they need is a bottle of beer and fun company.

Drinking because you're bored is a terrible reason and it's what most often leads to alcoholism.

In addition, there are a lot of small and seemingly absurd reasons, but they also have their place.

I am posting the results of a discussion I had a long time ago in a group of alcoholics: I drink because -

  • I want to become bolder and more decisive; I want to become the life of the party; I want to be respected.
  • I want others to understand me (exactly what we talked about above). I like being drunk, it makes life easier.
  • This is how I get rid of problems, this is how I
  • I have such an environment. They force me (even this happens).
  • I don't know how to rest any other way.
  • I need
  • What else to do on the weekend if not drink?

As you can see, the result is obvious. Why then find out the reasons if they are simple and banal, but do not justify themselves in any way?

I don’t see a single reason based on which one could say - well done, keep drinking!

To summarize, there is only one reason - people’s brainlessness and negligent attitude towards their health.

The state is simply making us drunk, those who are smart have long understood this, stupid people are always profitable because they are easier to manage.

Alcohol and other drugs as weapons of genocide


Any reasons for regular alcohol consumption are an excuse to yourself.

To stop drinking, you first need to change your attitude towards alcohol.

Alcohol does not equal fun, alcohol = poison.

I hope the video gave you some interesting food for thought.

People don’t know the measures, and if they do know, then only a few. Everything else is alcoholism, and not a “drinking culture,” as many people like to say.

  • A short excerpt from life: it was Wednesday, it was 14:00, I was running home after training, in a hurry to have lunch. I think I’ll go to the red and white, some products there are much cheaper: eggs, sandwich bread, sweets, juices.

I go into the store, take some groceries, and there’s a drunk group standing at the checkout.

In their hands, three bottles of vodka and a bunch of small change that they can’t count. From the outside it looks terrible.

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