Early signs of pregnancy. I'm in a strange state, as if I'm not in my body


Hello! My name is Alexey, I am 35 years old. A year ago I moved to Spain for permanent residence, in the southern region. A year ago, last August at 11 o’clock in the morning I went about my business on foot along the street and without a headdress. The heat is 40 degrees. I was under the scorching sun for about half an hour. I don’t like heat, but I haven’t had any problems with this before. Suddenly I felt that in 15 seconds I would lose consciousness. I went into the first store with air conditioning and waited for about five minutes. But we had to move on. I got out and walked towards the next store with air conditioning. After 100 m I felt that I would lose consciousness in 10-15 seconds. I thought I would fall and they wouldn’t save me; a couple of people died from the heat that summer. I pulled myself together, tuned in for 20 seconds, the store was nearby, and in the mood I walked to the next store. I cooled down a bit and went home. From that day it all began. The next day I was afraid to go outside. In the gym, while doing squats, I felt dizzy and thought I would lose consciousness. I became afraid to train with weights, I thought my heart wouldn’t stand it. A few days later in the evening I felt empty, as if I was not in my body. The feeling that you are about to die. This happened very often and mostly closer to night. I had a full blood test, an ECG, a full cardio test on a bicycle and an ultrasound of the heart - everything is fine. Just not quite good at aerobic endurance. Now after each workout with weights, 20 minutes on an exercise bike. Since that very day I have been in a strange state, as if I am 5 percent out of my body. That is, something is missing quite a bit to become my former self. More is noticed in the evening. I think about death almost constantly. I almost never thought about this before. I am building a house in Spain without permission from the mayor's office. I am in constant tension about how this will end, whether I will be able to pay the fine. The fine is impressive, equal to the cost of the apartment. Loud noises are annoying. I hear what is quiet for my wife on TV. In stressful situations, there was a stabbing sensation in the left side, and there were panic attacks. A state of emptiness and that you are about to die. I had high blood pressure for several weeks. I measured constantly. I don’t measure it now and have completely forgotten. Help. I want to return to myself and my previous state. Sometimes you don't want to live. How to get out of this state? What treatment will you prescribe? Is it even possible to return to the previous state?

Hello! When stressed, the body produces a hormone, the main function of which is to make the body survive. Stress is a normal part of human life and is necessary in certain amounts. If the totality of the challenges of fate and complex tasks becomes very large, then a person’s ability to cope with these tasks is gradually lost. When worries and fears begin to overwhelm a person and affect his daily life, so-called anxiety disorders can occur. Anxiety disorders, including panic, fear of losing a job, specific fears, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and general anxiety, are considered chronic diseases that can progress without treatment. At the moment, there are effective methods of treating them. Generalized anxiety usually develops gradually and is usually not a direct consequence of any specific fear (phobia). The two main signs of stress and anxiety are uncontrollable worry and restlessness. Symptoms may also include muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, impatience, or sleep disturbances and difficulty concentrating. Stress and anxiety can lead to panic attacks, which are characterized by chest pain or discomfort, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, choking, chills or sudden fever, trembling, nausea, numbness or tingling in the extremities. . Panic attacks most often occur in people with a weak stress defense system, when the nervous system lacks special substances (and norepinephrine) that help withstand physical and emotional discomfort. Currently, experts believe that the best way to cope with panic attacks is a combination of drug (with the help of drugs) and non-drug treatment. The medicinal method consists of the doctor selecting the correct antidepressant, which is usually taken for a long period - from three months to a year - and allows you to regulate the level of serotonin and. As for non-drug treatment methods, one should first of all highlight consultations with a psychotherapist, as well as the rational organization of a lifestyle. Learn to cope with stressful situations and use relaxation techniques, such as deep, even breathing. Give yourself enough time to recover from stress. Exercise regularly. By doing so, you will improve your health and well-being and increase your body's ability to respond to stress. Do not consume alcohol or legal drugs. Limit your caffeine intake as it can increase anxiety. Learn to face your fears.

A consultation with a neurologist on the topic “I’m in a strange state, as if I’m not in my body” is given for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About the consultant


Neurologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, medical experience: more than 17 years.
Author of more than 50 publications and scientific papers, active participant in conferences, seminars and congresses of neurologists in Russia.

Sphere of professional interests:
-diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurological diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of strokes, arterial and venous disorders, memory impairment, attention, neurotic disorders and asthenic conditions, panic attacks, osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic radiculopathies, chronic pain syndrome).
- Patients with complaints of migraines, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness and weakness of the limbs, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, depressive and anxiety states, panic attacks, acute and chronic back pain and herniated discs.
- Functional diagnostics of the nervous system: electroencephalogram (EEG), ultrasound Dopplerography of the carotid and vertebral arteries (USDG), transcranial Dopplerography (TCD), rheoencephalography (REG), echo-encephalography (ECHO-EG).
- Anti-stress back mesotherapy.
- Shock wave therapy.
- Hirudotherapy.
- Mistletoe therapy.

I can’t shake the feeling that I’m over 70, my life has been lived in vain. constantly haunted by universal melancholy, unimaginable grief for myself and enormous annoyance that permeates every micron of my body. I've lost my meaning. things like brushing your teeth or going to the shower turn into an unknown challenge. When I think about having to do this for the rest of my life, I literally want to kill myself. for the rest of my life, wake up, eat, drink, communicate, wash and go to bed again. it's unbearable. the atmosphere is pressing. I am pressured by people's speeches. Everything that surrounds me puts pressure on me. I don’t want all this and I don’t believe in the messiah.
I wish this would end. everything is a burden.
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Ms or Mr, age: 15 / 04/28/2018


My dear! Each of us sometimes thinks about the meaninglessness of our existence. I want you to read the story by Ray Bradberry and Thunder struck. Despite the fact that the story is classified as fiction, it is a real reality! Our birth already carries its own great meaning, only we cannot always comprehend it with our little minds; the meaning clearly surpasses it. Imagine yourself as a cog in a very complex mechanism, where your breakdown will lead to catastrophic consequences for everything. You are a very persistent and unique cog, a lot depends on you, especially the condition of nearby cogs. They need you exactly as much as you need them. Although you may not be aware of it, what does it mean to have a whole mechanism without one screw? It will break sooner or later. You and I are very important and necessary bolts) and who else knows how much!

Fedot, age: 40 / 04/28/2018

I partly understand your condition; at the age of 15 I also had a shock: “is everything going to be like this in life?” This is normal, children are not prepared for adult life, experience accumulates gradually. You need to live a little longer to see how things will turn out. I assure you, life consists not only of the scenario that you described, life is very multifaceted, full of different emotions and feelings. And no matter how difficult life is, it is worth living, even for small, but very happy moments. Just trust me! It’s hard for you now, you need to pull yourself out. This quality in life will definitely help in the future. Think, look around, there is probably something that you like, that you love, there are probably people whom you love and who love you (your parents). Try to switch your brain and notice pleasant moments and consciously not notice negative things, drive away bad thoughts. I'm 30 now, I'm just learning this. Let's try it together!

Katya, age: 30 / 04/29/2018

You know, difficult periods happen in the lives of each of us. Including those when you don’t want to do anything and fatigue accumulates. It doesn't depend on age. Different thoughts arise at such moments, but you cannot give up. It's a shame to lose your life. There is no need to plan anything ahead, it is better to live for today. Try to make it easier, more interesting, more convenient. If you don't have the strength, you can take vitamins. Just consult your doctor in advance to avoid harm. Such symptoms may be caused by decreased immunity. It occurs in many people, especially young people. It is treated quickly and easily. Think about it, maybe this is the case. If not, then you can add variety to your daily routine. It's not difficult, if you have the desire. Change your daily routine a little, your regime. At least on weekends, if it’s difficult to change something because of school. Add something to your day, or, on the contrary, give up something. Even after doing basic physical exercises for two minutes in the morning, strength appears. You can eat differently and you will have an appetite. Every day you eat different food - and you already look forward to the next meal with interest. You can go to school by a different route every day. After class, go somewhere or stop by. In spring and summer the weather is good, be outside more often. Don't be bored at home, you can spend your time in different ways. You can’t stand still, you need to always look for something new and try. You will notice how it has become more interesting. Don't worry about the future now. Changes can happen in life at any moment. We have to move and change jobs. Your social circle changes, new hobbies appear. All this prevents you from getting bored and doing the same thing. I hope you will be willing and will not take unnecessary risks. Good luck.

Mikhail, age: 28 / 29.04.2018

I myself had the feeling that I was many, many years old, this daily routine seemed meaningless to me, and preparing dinner was a difficult task, I had to mentally prepare myself for it. Everything is familiar.
I can say that you need to help others. No matter how simple it may sound, when you come out of your cocoon and generally pay attention to those people who surround you, you finally begin to forget about yourself. There are a lot of people in need - disabled people, sick people, orphans. They need help! Very often these people are capable of being incredibly grateful and joyful. Go to the hospital as a part-time orderly or just ask for help. There are lonely old people there who are not needed by anyone, but who are very sensitive to a smile, attention, and care. And it's not about cleaning, it's about sympathy. Forget about your troubles, about difficulties, about being lost, at least once a week go into a world that is unfamiliar to you and do good to people. And there, you look, and you will understand why everything else is.

Tatyana, age: 33 / 04/29/2018

Hello. Most likely, this is a transitional age. So you just need to wait. Go to a psychologist, maybe a school psychologist; advice from a specialist can often be very useful. Read articles on the Internet about the difficulties of this period. Cheer up!

Irina, age: 30 / 04/29/2018

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Derealization with VSD is a mental state in which there is a feeling of unreality of what is happening. The surrounding reality is perceived as something alien, distant, devoid of bright colors, or, conversely, is accompanied by increased sounds and rich colors. Everything around becomes fake, and the usual surroundings seem like pale scenery. Objects and phenomena are not perceived as before.

There is a persistent feeling of the unreality of what is happening, that everything familiar and ordinary has become unnatural, alien. Fantastic changes are palpable, but none of the patients can explain how such a transformation occurred. And they also fail to clearly formulate what changes have occurred. Statements on this matter lack specificity. When describing their feelings and experiences, people use the words “as if,” “most likely,” “possibly.” It seems that patients are making guesses rather than stating anything definite.

A person sees reality as if in a dream or through a cloudy glass. When the symptoms are severe, he loses his sense of reality. For example, a patient in this condition will not say what he ate for breakfast. It is difficult for him to remember his usual route from home to work, and it is easy for him to get lost on a well-known street or in a public building. The patient may lose track of time. There are cases when the feeling of unreality turns into an aggravated state and people even cease to feel their existence in the world.

Symptoms of derealization:

  • The surrounding world is perceived “through the fog” or as a dream;
  • Orientation in time and space is disturbed. Sensations, sounds, and sizes of surrounding objects are distorted;
  • Trust in current events disappears;
  • There is a fear of going crazy. Constantly haunted by a feeling of “déjà vu”;
  • The sense of reality completely disappears (severe course of the syndrome).

A similar condition can be observed even in mentally healthy people who experience severe overwork, systematic lack of sleep and constant stress. The psychotic nature of this syndrome is often combined with depression, various neuroses and is accompanied.

Causes of derealization and depersonalization

In modern society, people are subject to negative influences. Interpersonal conflicts and increased emotional and physical stress occur. It is necessary to withstand the busy rhythm of life. Depersonalization may occur with VSD.

The cause of the syndrome is most often associated with deprivation. Suppression, over a long period of time, of a large number of conscious and unconscious needs and desires, awareness of one’s real capabilities, which are not enough to achieve one’s goals, unsuccessful attempts to achieve success in one or another area of ​​life.

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Subsequently, the perception of the surrounding world or oneself may be disrupted. Thus, the body turns on a protective mechanism, where derealization acts as a pain reliever, reducing the consequences of emotional shock. For this reason, the largest category of patients includes people who do not recognize the possibility of error, avoid ambiguity and uncertainty, and strive to achieve perfection in everything.

This is a common reaction of a mentally healthy person. It helps maintain reasonable behavior during emotional turmoil. In times of danger, it is important to step back from what is happening in order to maintain the ability to act effectively. But for a person with VSD and derealization, even a banal everyday situation can cause anxiety and stress. At the same time, he begins to analyze his condition, looking for any deviations, as well as the reasons that caused them. A negative assessment of what is happening further aggravates the situation and leads to a depressive state.

Derealization in VSD is not a mental illness or psychosis. There are no hallucinations, the person understands that his condition is abnormal, unlike a madman who can rarely realize this. Sometimes, a patient with VSD even claims that he has gone crazy or defines his condition as borderline.

Thus, several main causes of this syndrome can be identified:

  • Extreme stress;
  • Depression;
  • Traumatic situation;
  • Use of psychotropic drugs.

Most often, the syndrome develops under the influence of prolonged, severe stress. Exhaustion of the nervous system causes a decrease in sensitivity as a protective mechanism. Then the individual unconsciously creates a distorted perception of reality.

Factors that provoke the development of derealization may be psychophysiological in nature. These include:

  • Learning problems;
  • Difficulties in professional activities;
  • Difficult relationships with other people;
  • Bad environment;
  • Lack of minimal comfort, for example, constant travel in crowded transport, poor living conditions.

The causes of derealization include somatic disorders:

  • Osteochondrosis, especially of the cervical region;
  • Muscle hypertonicity;
  • Some mental disorders;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

Among the causes of the syndrome, drug addiction and alcoholism can be particularly noted. A state of intoxication caused by drugs or alcohol can turn into derealization. Overdoses of certain drugs cause a feeling of fantastic or distorted space, an incorrect perception of oneself, which is accompanied by numbness of the limbs, the appearance of peculiar visual images, etc. Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens) is almost always complicated by derealization syndrome and hallucinations.

So, we can identify several main risk factors that contribute to the development of derealization:

  • Characteristics that make it difficult for a person to adapt to difficult circumstances;
  • Hormonal changes, especially during puberty;
  • Drug use;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Some somatic disorders.

Any manifestations of this syndrome cannot be ignored. Regardless of the degree of its development, you need to seek help from a specialist. The sooner this is done, the less time the treatment will take.

Treatment of derealization

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The treatment of derealization is carried out not by psychiatrists, but by psychologists and psychotherapists, since it is not a disease, but a pathological condition. Prescription of antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers is common. Sometimes doctors prescribe nootropics. It is believed that anti-anxiety medications may reduce some of the symptoms of this syndrome.

It is possible to select the necessary treatment only by taking into account the psychological characteristics of a person and his general condition. Modern methods of psychotherapy are aimed at eliminating all symptoms using various modeling psychological methods, psychotherapeutic recovery methods, and hypnosis techniques. Synchronization and sensory modeling, color treatment and cognitive therapy are also successfully used.

Positive results can be obtained by improving the patient’s usual living conditions, normalizing the daily routine, changing jobs, and practicing various types of recreation.

In the future, to prevent relapse of the abnormal condition, preventive measures will be of great importance. You should periodically change your usual conditions and environment, try to fill your life with new impressions, and focus only on the positive aspects of what is happening.

Individual therapy is prescribed by a doctor after solving the following problems:

  1. Identification of factors that caused the syndrome.
  2. Analysis of the patient’s condition taking into account individual symptoms.
  3. Conducting testing.

Experience has shown that derealization is difficult to treat with medications and often aggravates the problem rather than solving it. The reason that caused the mental disorder cannot be eliminated only with the help of medications, since many psychological aspects are not taken into account during drug treatment. There is often resistance to the treatment of this disease with pharmacological agents in NCD. Getting rid of symptoms in itself does not make any sense. Only by influencing the causative factor can this problem be completely solved. By following these recommendations, you can change the situation for the better:

  • Quitting alcohol;
  • Systematic physical education and sports. Fitness and yoga are very suitable;
  • Recreation, including active recreation;
  • Auto-trainings;
  • Normal sleep;
  • Taking vitamin complexes, especially those containing calcium and magnesium;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Meditation;
  • Water treatments, various relaxation methods.

The best cure for derealization, as well as for VSD, are positive emotions. Getting them when the nervous system fails is not an easy task. But it is possible to influence the attack itself and try to reduce its intensity using the following recommendations:

  • Try to relax;
  • Remember that the distortion of reality is only a temporary, passing reaction that has nothing to do with madness;
  • Try to focus attention on one subject, but do not try to consider the nuances, as this can lead to additional stress;
  • Focus on a specific thought about everyday things. Therefore, it is important to find the cause of the disorder during a psychotherapy session.

In such ways, it is indeed possible to cope with attacks. However, the state of derealization that autonomic dysfunction causes will still have a negative impact on the psyche and, thus, reduce the quality of life.

The role of psychotherapy in the fight against derealization

Psychologists and psychotherapists can eliminate pathological mental attitudes that they can detect in an individual. The disorder may be associated with childhood trauma, severe emotions, or as a result of the loss of a loved one. The disorder can be caused by stressful situations at work, unfulfilled hopes, troubles in your personal life and other factors. Without working through the causes, it is impossible to talk about an exact favorable prognosis for treatment. In most cases, the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, Ericksonian hypnosis and other methods of psychotherapy can help.

Success in recovery is also determined by the participation of the patient himself. It is necessary to constantly monitor yourself in various circumstances, under various emotional stress. For progress in treatment, a person’s attitude towards derealization is important, whether he considers it terrible, incurable, or is determined to get rid of it quickly. A strong will and a firm desire to get rid of the disease are required.

A high quality of life is impossible without the presence of harmony and positive emotions in it. It is not necessary to cope with difficulties and bring joy with the help of antidepressants and tranquilizers. In life itself you can find a lot of reasons to smile and cheer yourself up.

Every person has sufficient resources to survive failures, continue to act, and be optimistic. The psychotherapist points out the peculiarities of the patient’s psyche, helps him apply healing practices that can protect his health and defeat derealization forever.

Ecology of relationships: If there is a crisis in a relationship, you need to sort it out. It is important to understand what connects you and realize that love cannot always be as strong as at the beginning. Many people break up when the inspiring feeling and passion wears off.

How to understand that love has passed? When should you break up? Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

If there is a crisis in a relationship, you need to figure it out. It is important to understand what connects you and realize that love cannot always be as strong as at the beginning. Many people break up when the inspiring feeling and passion wears off.

However, over time, feelings inevitably become calmer, while you discover more and more new sides in a person, get to know him.

How can you understand that love has really passed?

7 symptoms that feelings have gone away

1. The first sign is irritation. You begin to be annoyed by the habits and behavior of your once loved one. You suddenly notice that you don’t like the way he smells or the way he smiles. You notice flaws in his appearance.

2. You want to spend time together less and less. You are not in a hurry to get home from work, you each meet with your friends, and joint leisure does not bring joy and pleasure.

3. You have moved away from each other - you have stopped sharing your innermost thoughts and impressions, you have begun to communicate less often, you often become bored and even burdened in the company of your partner.

4. Sexual desire has disappeared. If sex has become perceived as a duty and does not bring much pleasure, this is a bad sign.

5. You have become indifferent to quarrels - you do not strive for reconciliation, you do not try to sort things out.

6. The person has stopped occupying your thoughts. During the day at work, you may not think about it even once. You don’t care about his problems and experiences - you just stopped thinking and caring about him.

7. Finally, imagine that the person you are with becomes seriously ill. Of course, such thoughts in everyday life need to be driven away from oneself. But it’s worth thinking about whether you are ready to care for a very sick person, whether you are ready to sacrifice something for him. Ask yourself and answer the question honestly. This way you can assess the depth of your feelings.

Do not cling to relationships if love has long grown into the habit of being together. Living with an unloved person, you only torment each other. Listen to yourself, and if you don’t find in your heart the desire to maintain the relationship and rekindle your feelings, it’s time to leave.

Consider whether you are staying in a relationship out of fear of being alone. Perhaps you are afraid that you will not meet the best person. Or the very prospect of finding your other half is frightening. In any case, there is no point in continuing such a relationship - this is a road to nowhere. Find the strength within yourself to let the person go.

What relationships should you end?

In what other situations should you think about breaking up?

If your relationship is built on control and manipulation. Don't let a person subjugate you and control your every step. If you encounter such an example of oppressive influence, it is better to end the relationship.

If your partner does not respect you, he constantly belittles you, criticizes your appearance and actions, and makes unconstructive remarks.

If for some reason a person is embarrassed about your relationship - he doesn’t take you out with him, doesn’t want to introduce you to friends, keeps your relationship a secret. Your loved one should be proud of you.

Of course, saying goodbye to someone with whom you have many memories is not easy. Make this decision with confidence that you are doing the right thing.published

There are many signs that indicate the need to change your life.

Unfortunately, most people live for a long time without paying attention to these signals, and only when the situation becomes critical does an understanding of the need for change come.

Indicators of changes may include unexplained anxiety or a feeling of irritability. These are signs that you need to carefully analyze your lifestyle.

10 signs that changes are needed:

Feeling afraid of having to go to work

A person spends most of his life at work. Therefore, if towards the end of the weekend a feeling of anxiety or discomfort appears, you need to think about why these feelings occur. A bad sign is a systematic reluctance to go to work after waking up in the morning.

It is advisable to find the reasons for such discomfort. To do this, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of the situation, identify the problems that make going to work a problem.

Thoughts about the past or dreams about the future

Excessive focus on the past or frequent dreams of a bright future are evidence that a person has problems. Thus, he tries to abstract himself from the world around him, to escape from reality. Confirmation of the existence of a problem is frequent dreams about the past or future. Often, they are very pleasant.

Interlocutors constantly offer to relax

If during a conversation with friends and acquaintances they often advise you to relax and not be nervous, it means that there are irritating factors and you should pay attention to them. The exception here is cases when it is advised to relax in order to make a catchy word, to enhance the emotional coloring of the remark.


If a person begins to envy other people and their achievements, it means that he himself is not happy with life and his current situation. Often this concerns career growth. Envy is a purely subjective feeling that has nothing to do with other people; it indicates that it is time to analyze the situation and make appropriate adjustments.

Constantly feeling tired

After a night's sleep, you periodically feel tired - this is a clear sign of dissatisfaction with work and the way of life in general. The body cannot fully rest if it is constantly under the yoke of anxiety and fear. Also, chronic fatigue indicates the struggle that a person is waging and that he is tired of it. But don’t give up; the best option would be to review the situation and make decisions that will help normalize your psychological state. In order not to get tired, you need to be happy.

Feeling anxious

You should think about changes in life if you still feel the need to do something or go somewhere. Thus, the body says that a person is doing something he doesn’t like. Therefore, it is important to find out what can eliminate these manifestations.

Spreading gossip

Gossip is the best way to abstract yourself from work that you don’t want to do. If a person often spreads and collects rumors, you need to understand why he does it and how to stop it.

Everything around is annoying

When a person finds shortcomings, shortcomings, and shortcomings in everything, this means that he is captive of negative emotions. The desire to find negative aspects in everything and make claims is a sign of the presence of various problems. But they all lie in the plane of dissatisfaction with one’s own life.

Premonition of the inevitable

Very often a person is haunted by an incomprehensible feeling of impending problems. This expectation causes difficulties to actually begin to appear. To avoid this, you need to focus on current affairs and not try to look into the future.

Dreams of more...

You should not be biased towards dreams. Their presence is a sign of untapped potential and development opportunities. There is no need to isolate yourself from aspirations, you need to follow them and realize your dreams. At the same time, you should not assume that everything will work out right away; instant changes in life often bear fruit only over time. Therefore, you should not despair and give up; even small changes will help minimize the manifestations of dissatisfaction with your life.

It should be remembered that what a person is doing at the moment is of great importance. Joseph Campbell said it well: “We must give up our planned life in order to accept the life that is destined for us.”

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