A story about how to read well. Poems for reading and memorizing

Goals : broadening the horizons of students, introducing them to the study of historical and cultural heritage, instilling a sensitive and caring attitude towards books, a love of reading, and uniting the class team.

Equipment : an exhibition of books, the necessary equipment for a skit, illustrations for fairy tales, posters with the name of the class hour and a crossword puzzle, a tape recorder, an audio cassette with a recording of a song.

Teacher's opening speech.

From early childhood, a person’s whole life is inextricably linked with books. The child has not yet learned to speak properly, but his ear is already catching his mother’s, grandmother’s fairy tales or jokes. And fairy tales and jokes are from books. We grow up, go to school, to college, and a whole sea of ​​knowledge that we draw from books catches us. Through books we learn about things we have never seen before (and may never see). Through books we learn what thoughts our ancestors had. Through books we have the opportunity to reach out to our great-grandchildren who will live centuries after us. And all this thanks to books.

Books play a very important role in our lives, and therefore they need to be treated with care and love. Humanity has invented libraries to store books. It is about them that I will tell you now, because on October 22 the whole planet celebrates World Library Day.

About the history of the emergence of libraries in our state.

Translated from Greek, the word “library” means “book depository” (from “biblion" - book and " teke" - storage).

The first Russian libraries appeared during the times of Kievan Rus. In Kyiv, Novgorod, Chernigov, Vladimir, church books were translated, copied and stored. The chronicle says. That in 1037, Prince Yaroslav the Wise gathered many scribes in Kyiv, who “copied many books.” The prince “placed some of these books in the Church of St. Sophia”, founding the first library. Yaroslav himself was very fond of books and literacy. Generally inXIcentury, Rus' was one of the most literate countries in Europe. Only during the Tatar-Mongol invasion the number of schools and libraries decreased, but they did not disappear completely. One of the miniatures dedicated to the life of Sergius of Radonezh depicts a school class: five students with books sit side by side on a bench, several more people sit behind them and to the side, and the teacher explains the lesson to Sergius.

Girls usually studied at home, especially the daughters of princes or noble boyars. For example, they wrote about the daughter of the Polotsk prince George Euphrosyne that, without studying in Athens, she achieved Athenian wisdom.

The daughters of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise were also famous for their education. One of them, Anna, married the French King HenryIwho did not know how to read and write. It was Anna who signed state documents, since the king put a cross instead of a signature. Anna's brother Vsevolod was also widely educated - he knew five foreign languages. Yaroslav the Wise himself “was diligent in books, and read often at night and in the day,” that is, he loved books and read often both at night and during the day. Chroniclers, when characterizing the princes, never forgot to emphasize their education.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh also highly valued books. He not only read a lot, but also wrote books himself. In the famous “Instruction for Children,” he gives instructions that are useful to modern young people: “What you know well, do not forget, and what you do not know, learn - like my father, sitting at home, knew five languages...”.

Many Russian libraries did not survive the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Over time, the main custodians of “book wisdom” become large monasteries - Kiev-Pechersk, Solovetsky, Kirillo-Belozersky, Trinity-Sergius ...

The word “library” itself was almost never used in Ancient Rus'. It is first found in the famous Gennady Bible, translated and rewritten in Novgorod at the endXVcentury. In the margin near the word “library”, which is unfamiliar to the reader, the translator made an explanation - “book house”. Before this, in different cities the premises for books were called differently: “book depository”, “storage treasury”, “book cage”, “book chamber”.

One of the most mysterious libraries of that time was the library of Ivan the Terrible. She was brought with her from Byzantium by his grandmother, the Greek princess Sophia Paleologus, who married IvanIII. According to stories, the library, which was kept in secret basements in the Kremlin, contained many priceless, now lost books. By order of Princess Sophia, in 1862, Clerk Vasily Makariev walked through an underground passage from the Tainitskaya tower to the Arsenalnaya tower. Along the way, he saw two chambers filled with chests right up to the vaults. It is believed that it was in them that the library of Ivan the Terrible was kept. These chests were sought by Prince Shcherbatov at the endXIXcentury. Ignatius Stelletsky at the beginningXXcentury... archaeologists carried out work in the Arsenal Tower in 1975. Then the spring in the dungeon of the tower was finally cleared, but the catacombs of the Moscow Kremlin remained a mystery. Until now, scientists hope that this library has not disappeared, but is waiting in the wings in the mysterious Kremlin dungeons. Perhaps one of the klepomaniacs will be able to unravel the secret of the royal library.

Another Tsar - PeterI- founded the Academy of Sciences and its library. Books were purchased for her at home and abroad, many books came as gifts from private individuals. M.V. did a lot for the library of the Academy of Sciences. Lomonosov.

Ordinary people - not kings, not academics and not monarchs - could borrow books from libraries for reading at bookstores. For a small fee, reading books were given to everyone.

According to the highest behavior of CatherineIIOn May 16, 1795, a public library was founded in St. Petersburg. A special building was built for it, where the library is located today. First director, A.N. Olenin created a library almost from scratch - there were only 4 Russian books in his collection. The library opened for readers in January 1814. The famous librarians of Publicchka collected books so actively that today it is famous for its largest collection of Russian books, including those published abroad. The Russian National Library, as it is now called, contains 32 million books.

Currently, the largest library in Russia and Europe is the Russian State Library, its collection includes 43 million items.

It's interesting and unusual!

    Better late than never! Forgetful readers have always existed. In 1975, the book “Learn to Knit and Embroider” was returned to one of the English libraries. The reader was so captivated by it that she held onto it for 43 years. But the record for absent-mindedness was set in the Cambridge University library: the book was returned there after... 300 years!

    Living library. It belonged to the wealthy Roman merchant Itzel. It consisted of... slaves. He ordered each of them to be a talking book. One day, after a sumptuous dinner, the conversation turned to academic subjects. “Bring me the Iliad,” Itzel ordered the manager. “Sorry, sir! The Iliad gave me a stomach ache! “He can’t get up,” the manager admitted with horror, expecting severe punishment.

    At Her Majesty's service. The British are known for their commitment to tradition. One of them is observed in the British Museum library: cats are on staff to protect books from mice!

    Precious prisoner. In the Middle Ages, books were very expensive. That is why especially valuable copies were chained to the wall or special music stands - so that none of the readers would “absentmindedly” take the book with them.

And indeed, how many interesting things can be learned from books! How good it is to be able to read!

A student recites a poem by Valentin Berestov by heart"How good it is to be able to read..." :

How good it is to be able to read!

There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to go to grandma:

“Read, please read!”

No need to beg your sister:

“Well, read another page!”

No need to call

No need to wait

Can I take it?

A group of students perform a skit “A nice thing - a book” :

Characters: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter.

D e d (yawns in a chair) . Ahh! Well, it’s wonderful, I slept a little, and it will be. Let's do some exercises: ah, two, ah, two. Now you can get down to business. Just what?(Looks around.) And the weather, the weather! The snow keeps falling and falling. White and white. Pum – puru – rum – pu – rum. What to do, huh? What a waste of time(singing) : “There lived two funny geese with grandma...” Them... Oh(bends over in pain) . Old age is not joy. I'll sit like this now(plays on lips). “Grandpa, grandpa, eat some candy.” - “No teeth! No teeth! - “Grandpa, grandpa, here’s a newspaper.” - “No glasses! No glasses! Ehehehe! What a bore! Ah-ah-ah! I’ll call out to the grandmother and granddaughter. Maybe it will be more fun. Grandma! Granddaughter! They've gone somewhere! Aw! Grandma! Aw! Granddaughter! A? I can't hear! Ah, here you are, dear ones. Hey, why are you buried in the tables and silent? A?

Granddaughter. Grandpa, don't interfere, please.

D e d. Eh?

Granddaughter. Don't interfere, please.

D e d. Look: don’t interfere! I will interfere! I'm bored. Grandma, grandma, go and clean the cast iron and pots!

B a b k a. What are you, old man? I told you: don’t interfere. Today is a day off, and everything is cast iron for you.

D e d. Look, tell me, please! They have no time! Do you think I have any desire to sharpen my lasses with you?

Granddaughter. Don't be angry, dear grandfather. Better sit down with us and read something.

D e d. I’ve already read the newspaper “Dragonfly”...

B a b k a. You can say the same - a newspaper. Don't make the chickens laugh. The newspaper is just anxiety. Either they will promise you the end of the world, or the Colorado potato beetle, or locusts, or they will name terrorists... I’ve lived a century, but, thank God, I haven’t seen anything like that. As the sun rose, it still rises. Well, what do they write about in your “Dragonfly”?

D e d. They write about a lot. There are different kinds of crises, decrees...

B a b k a. Boring, boring!

B a b k a. Like what? A book. Here she is - a friend and assistant.

D e d. What kind of book? We never had them in our house when we were born.

Granddaughter. And now they will be busy, grandfather! Look how many of them there are here, very different, for every taste.

D e d. Where from, granddaughter?

Granddaughter. From the children's library, grandpa. Take whichever one you want and read it. I read Russian folk tales.

D e d. Hmm... Fairy tales. Is this about Kolobok and chicken legs?

B a b k a. Are you old, what kind of chicken legs?

D e d. Don’t be angry, grandma. I'm kidding.(Looks at books.) So... This is not in my nature, these are fairy tales. Grandma, grandma, what are you reading? Let me take a look. “Ku-li-na-ri-ya.” Oh, what pictures, my mouth is watering. Are you really going to cook this, grandma?

Granddaughter. Grandpa, choose a book for yourself and sit down with us.

D e d. Look, choose... “Don’t know.” Hm, some kind of unknown. Granddaughter, and granddaughter, what kind of dunno is this?

Granddaughter. Not like this, but like this. Dunno is a boy who knew nothing, didn’t read books and ended up in the most incredible stories. Read it, grandpa, you'll like it.

D e d. So this is for the little ones! I would like a more solid book. Look, how beautiful - “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” by Jules Verne. Tell me, please, at the age of fifteen, and captain! So! What else is there? Do It Yourself Encyclopedia. Do it yourself! Hm. A good book, an irreplaceable thing in the household! "How to nail a hanger." "How to fix a chair." ABOUT! This is what we need. Now there is no time to be bored. Wow, granddaughter, wow, smart girl.

Granddaughter. This is not a thank you to me, but to those who write, print, design these books...

D e d. And that’s true, granddaughter, thanks to the school library too! Okay, I'm off to fix the stool!

B a b k a. And I’ll go bake apple pies. It's called Charlotte!

Granddaughter. And I’ll take this book to my friend. She had wanted to read it for a long time.(Leaves.) Grandfather! Grandmother! I'll be there soon!

Teacher: Guys, today we will remember fairy tales, because fairy tales are the first books you read. And of course you all love them. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into a mysterious, wonderful world. In fairy tales, extraordinary things happen: either the Serpent Gorynych takes the beauty into his domain, or the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with gold and silver apples, or the cunning fox deceives everyone. Now we will hold a congress dedicated to fairy tales.

Students are divided into two teams, come up with fabulous names for them, and choose team leaders. At this time a song sounds"There are many fairy tales in the world" performed by K. Rumyanova (words by Yu. Entin, music by V. Shainsky)

Competition – warm-up “Who lives here?”

Teams take turns being asked questions that they must answer. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded.

    This dwelling is made of oak wood. And the impudent red fox kicked out the owner of the hut when her own ice melted. Name the unfortunate owner.(Hare.)

    One of them has a quickly made house from straw, another has a more durable one - from branches and twigs, but the third has a stone house with a strong door. Name all three.(Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

    This haven is located on the roof of a Stockholm building. And there is something to see in it: cherry pits, nut shells and candy wrappers on the floor. Who's the boss?(Carlson.)

    This building, on command, turns its back to the forest, its front to the guest, and its owner senses the “Russian spirit.”(Baba Yaga.)

    A very cramped and poor dwelling, however, there is a canvas hanging on the wall, behind which there is a small door, unlocked with a magic key, which was received from Tortila the turtle.(Pinocchio.)

    There are eight in the house, fraction one

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed Kalancha.(Uncle Styopa.)

Competition "Mail Address"

Teams must correctly write the addresses of fairy-tale characters. Each correct answer earns one point for the team.

    Cat Matroskin (Prostokvashino.)

    Gulliver (Liliput.)

    Vasilisa the Wise(Far Far Away Kingdom.)

    Dunno (Flower City.)

    Absent-minded (Baseinaya street.)

    Great Goodwin (Emerald City.)

    Captain Vrungel(Yacht "Trouble".)

    Alice (Through the looking glass.)

Competition "Let's Draw Pinocchio"

One person from each team must draw Pinocchio with their eyes closed.

Competition "Bulletin Board"

Using the text of the ad, teams are asked to guess who wrote it. For each correct answer - 1 point.

    I offer the services of a governess. I will teach ill-mannered boys to read, count, write, and also good manners.(Malvina.)

    All princes! Don’t bother me with your kisses for the next hundred years—I really want to sleep.(Sleeping Beauty.)

    An experienced carpenter will make your children, and only boys, from the customer’s material.(Papa Carlo.)

    I’ll write your memoirs for you, teach you how to write puffs, sniffles, grunts, etc.(Weenie - Pooh.)

    I guarantee a reward to the person who finds the precious metal key.(Pinocchio.)

    I sell chicken legs left over from the renovation of the hut.(Baba Yaga.)

    I teach artistic whistling.(The nightingale is a robber.)

    The travel agency offers an exceptional trip on the Gray Wolf.(Ivan Tsarevich.)

    Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world.(Doctor Aibolit.)

    A security agency requires 33 strong-built employees for permanent work.. (Chernomor.)

    I rent a roof. Payment in confectionery. (Carlson.)

    Golden eggs. Expensive.(Chicken Ryaba.)

    I'll take the pies to your grandmother.(Little Red Riding Hood.)

    I'll wash everything away! (Moidodyr.)

    Entertainment for you: I sing songs, chew nuts.(Squirrel.)

Captains' competition "Romashka"

Team captains are asked to choose a daisy petal with various questions written on the back. For each correct answer, the captain receives two points.


    Where did the woman get the flour for Kolobok?(She scraped the bottom of the tree and swept the barns.)

    Who are we talking about? A girl appeared in the thicket of a flower, and that girl was a little larger than a marigold.(Thumbelina)

    What did the Fairy make Cinderella's carriage from?(From pumpkin.)

    Name three fairy tales with the main character Ivan.

    Who defeated the Cockroach from Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach”?(Sparrow.)

    Name the girl who saved Kai's brother.(Gerda.)

    What color was Malvina's hair?(Blue color.)

    Who are we talking about? It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path.(Kolobok.)

Competition "Fairytale Crossword"

A poster with a crossword puzzle is hung on the board. Students solve it, and in the highlighted cells they get the surname of a famous storyteller (Andersen). The questions are read to the teams one by one. The team member who gave the correct answer goes to the board and fills in the cells of the crossword puzzle, and the team receives one point.


    What was the name of the boy whose heart almost turned to ice?(Kai.)

    Who could make a magic jug that told. What do they say in every home?(Swineherd.)

    What was the duckling like before he became a swan?(Nasty.)

    What was the name of the girl who makes a long journey in the fairy tale?(Gerda.)

    What helped the princess become the prince's wife?(Pea.)

    Who wanted to swap their tail for legs?(The Little Mermaid.)

    Who flew away in the fall to spend the winter in warm countries?(Swans.)

    What did the old witch in the hollow need?(Flint.)

Summing up.

The teacher sums up the results of the competition, gives prizes (bookmarks) to the teams necessary for reading books, and thanks the students for their active work.

Guys, I see that you all read a lot and have a lot of information. I wish you never to offend books or forget about them. Read more and learn a lot of new things!

Development of an extracurricular activity


Maintain interest in students' knowledge;

Foster a positive attitude towards reading;

Develop the ability to communicate, develop joint work skills - develop mental operations during the game;

Equipment: poster with the inscription “Farewell, ABC!”, balloons, multimedia projector, projector screen

Teacher. Dear guys! Dear guests! Today we have gathered for a wonderful holiday - farewell to the alphabet. Thanks to this smart and interesting book, our first-graders learned to read. During this time that the children studied at school, they learned a lot of new things.


  1. At what time of year and in what month do schoolchildren begin school?
  2. School desk
  3. What school supplies do schoolchildren wear?
  4. The only school lesson where they allow you to run, jump, and kick a ball.
  5. A school lesson where they allow you to sing loudly.
  6. Break between lessons.
  7. Signal for lesson.
  8. Why do they go to school?
  9. What grade are students happy about?
  10. The first letter in the alphabet.
  11. Last letter in the alphabet

12. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet.

13. What letter is the first in all the names of the three little pigs?

Let's listen to what the first graders tell us

Dramatization of the poem "Main Words"

Welcomes you now

First class

We're talking about the most important things

Let's tell the story now

Walls, roof, windows in it

Before us is a strong HOUSE

Who in the house gets up so early?

Are you worried about everyone? - MOM

Who else lives in the house?

Dad, daughter and son.

Answer me, friends,

Together, who are they? - FAMILY.

Go hunting

Mom and dad go to work.

Taking the briefcases. soon - soon

The children ran to school.

The SUN is looking at us,

Fills the classroom with light.

The sun is shining on the village

What should we call him?

And in the village there are ordinary people

BREAD grows, WORK lives.

Let's continue our story

Somewhere far from us

Shines brightly like a star

Our main city is MOSCOW

Moscow is the capital of the entire country.

Where we all live together.

There is no more beautiful country for us

Our Motherland - RUSSIA.

Let's remember the forty-first year,

How our people fought

How the whole country found out

The terrible word is WAR

The Nazis destroyed the house,

Bread was burned, people were killed

The sun disappeared into blue smoke.

Russia was all on fire.

The enemy ruled the country

I was also approaching Moscow.

People stood like a wall here.

They fought like heroes.

Without letting the enemy into Moscow,

Defended the whole country

The world was saved from fascism

And they brought VICTORY!

It was so long ago

But we are not allowed to forget

About battles and troubles,

About the great Victory

Let's repeat it all again,

We need to know about this:



WORLD, RUSSIA - this is, children!

The most important words in the world!

But we don't want war

We will not let the world be destroyed.

(tear up the sign with the word WAR)


Every morning

We need to study

We don't take our eyes off the board,

And the teacher teaches us.

Spruce, axe, shovel, hands -

We hear sounds in every word.

These are different sounds:

Vowels, consonants.

The vowels drag on in the ringing song,

They may cry and scream

In the dark forest calling and calling

And rock the baby in the cradle.

And the consonants agree

rustle, whisper, whistle,

Even snort and squeak,

But I don’t want to sing to them!

Ssss - a snake whistle is heard.

Shh-sh-sh – a fallen leaf rustles.

Zh-zh-zh - bumblebees are buzzing in the garden.

Rrrr - the engines rumble.

A vowel and a consonant are friends,

Putting together a syllable.

Ma - and sha, and together Masha

They came to our lesson.

If the syllables come next to each other -

The resulting words are:

You and kva, and together - a pumpkin,

So - and wa, so, an owl.

We know the letters, we know the syllables,

And gradually, little by little

Divide words into syllables,

Revealed the secrets of many books.

Any of us is used to it!

We will say thank you to the alphabet

And we'll sing a song for her

(First graders sing the song “What They Teach at School”)

If anyone is curious,

Wants to know everything in the world

He won't be lazy

Just for questions

The letters began to answer,

You guys (we really ask)

You need to know the letters firmly.

We build the letters in order.

Look! Wonderful view!

We will write them down in a notebook -

The result is an alphabet

33 funny letters,

Not a single one can be forgotten.

What we hear will help us.

Make it visible, friends.

During reading lessons we read poems, riddles, and short stories. Let's listen to how first-graders learned to solve riddles.

I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important. (briefcase)

If you hone it.

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (pencil)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,

Be able to write about them!

You can also draw.

What am I? (notebook)

Black, crooked.

Dumb from birth

Will stand in a row -

Now they'll talk! (letters)

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but a sewn one,

Not a person, but a storyteller! (book).

Now let's play the game "Guess the letter."

Does this letter look like a rocket? (A); on the wheel? (ABOUT); on a knot (U); on the crescent (C); to the antenna (T); to the hut? (L); on the sail (P); on a ladder that broke? (E); to the gate (P); for curls? (Z); on a barrel? (B); on a keg with a tap? (C); to the house?

(D); on a poker? (G); to the number 4? (H); on a beetle? (AND); on an open scissor? (X); for a comb, brush? (SCH); on a ladle? (ъ), the master turned the chair over and the chair began to look like a letter? (C)

Now solve the puzzles

Slide 1

Slide 2

Guess what sound needs to be replaced and what word should be in funny poems

The bug didn't finish the booth: The boiler gored me

Reluctance. Tired of it. I'm very angry with him

The hunter shouted at the yellowed grass - Oh!

The lion drops your leaves at the door to chase me

The snow is melting. A stream flows. Look, guys.

The branches are full of doctors. Crayfish grew in the garden!

In full view of the children, we collected cornflowers

The rat is being painted by painters. We have puppies on our heads.

Mom went with the barrels. The goalkeeper had a big catch.

On the road along the village, five oxen flew into the net

In a clearing in the spring, sit in a spoon and off you go!

A young tooth (oak) grew along the river back and forth

In addition to lessons, there are breaks at school. Now I’m offering a competition: who can drink juice through a straw the fastest?

Slide 3

Game "Confusion".

There are two columns of words on the board that need to be connected with arrows.

The dog croaks

Cow barks

The frog hisses

The snake moos

Slide 4

Game “Live the word” (replace the first letter with another letter)

Poppy (crayfish), house (catfish), drop (heron), cauldron (goat), door (beast), bow (beetle)

Once upon a time there were letters in the ABC, different - vowels, consonants. We went to visit each other. Consonants went to vowels. The letters lived without grieving, because everyone was friends. One day they quarreled.

Game "Protect your ball."

Two participants come out. Each person has a ball tied to their foot. At the signal, they must try to step on the opponent’s ball and crush it with their foot. The one who keeps his ball is the winner.

Game "It's Me."

Teacher. Friends, I will ask questions, and you, clapping your hands together, answer: “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!” But if you don’t agree, say: “And not me, and not me, and not everyone my friends."

Which one of you brought it here?

Songs, jokes, laughter to tears?

Who is a cheerful band

Going to school every day?

Which of you through your labor

Decorates home and classroom

Which one of you comes to school?

An hour late?

Which one of you keeps things in order?

Books, pens and notebooks?

Which one of you, brothers, tell me,

Forgets to wash your face?

Which one of you, say out loud

Catching flies in class?

Which one of you doesn't look gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

Let's listen to our heroes of the occasion who still want to speak.


You got into the alphabet for the first time,

Reading syllable by syllable.

Then you will read hundreds of books

Towards conscious years.

And you will understand: without alphabet

My whole life would be in vain!

Thirty-three heroes

On the pages of the alphabet


Every literate person knows.

Laughter and tears

Joy and sadness

We had a chance to experience it.

But we don’t regret our efforts:

Teacher. Now we will check how you learned to read. (Students read at a sentence)

Slide 5

2nd lesson There is no need to pester your mother.

Lesson 3 No need to shake grandma:

“Read, please read!”

4th lesson No need to beg your sister:

“Well, read another page!”

All No need to call,

No need to wait

Can I take it?

V. Berestov

Slide 6

Game "Decipher"

6-3=O 10-1=P 5+1=Z 9-5=B

5+3= Ш 5-3=П 3-2=К

9-2=Y 8-3=A 6-6=U

Teacher. Dear guys! Congratulations on completing your ABC study and I wish you to read many beautiful, kind poems and fairy tales, short stories and stories on your own. Let the school alphabet become for you a shining beacon of knowledge, towards which you will tirelessly walk throughout your life! In memory of this event, I would like to present you with diplomas. (The teacher presents diplomas to the students.)

For those who love adventure.

I'll tell you my secret

More fun than reading

There's nothing in the world

The word for congratulations is given to the parents. (Parents congratulate their children and give them gifts.)

With this our holiday has come to an end. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to come here today and share our joy. Special words of gratitude to the parents who took an active part in organizing and holding the holiday.

Alfiya Kadyrova
Summary of a lesson on memorizing the poem “How to be able to read well”

1) Introductory part 3 min.

Organizational moment

Creating a motive for children's activities

2) Main part 23 min.

Conversation on the topic "School".

Reading poems by teacher B. Berestov “How good to be able to

Game “What’s extra?”.

Talking with children about school supplies.

Inventing riddles with children according to the scheme.

Memorizing a poem.

Game "Question - Answer".

Storytelling poems by children.

Fizminutka "Recess".

Conversation with children about the first book of a first-grader.

Productive activity, application.

Final part 3 min.

3) Assessment of children's activities

Summing up the GCD

GCD duration 30 min.

Subject: « Memorizing Poem B. Berestov “How good to be able to

Target: memorizing a poem children by heart and expressive it



Systematize children's knowledge about school.

Continue to teach children to listen to a poetic work and understand it.

achieve good memorization of the poem using various


Develop a poetic ear.

Development of thinking and memory.


Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Cultivate desire memorize poetry.

Equipment: portrait of V. Berestov; riddle diagram; primer; bookmark;

colored stripes; geometric shapes; glue; oilcloths; napkins.

Preliminary work: learning poems, writing riddles

according to the scheme.

Progress of educational activities

Hello children!

Invented by someone wisely and simply

Say hello when you meet: "Good morning"

Good morning to the sun and birds

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting!

May good morning last until evening!

Let's smile at each other so that you and I can have good mood.

Sit down on the chairs.

Tell me guys, what do you like to do?

Play, dance, sing, draw.

You said that you like to play, I suggest you play the game “What

1) ABC book - rubber band - machine Why?

2) Notebook – violet – pen – briefcase

3) Pen – album – ruler – swallow

4) Diary - book - apple

That's right guys, I listed school supplies. Who needs

school supplies?


Tell me what is the primer for?

Alina, what is the notebook for?

To write in it, to study.

Guys, why a briefcase?

To fold and carry school supplies.

Volodya, do the students need the album?

To draw in it.

Guys, why a diary?

To write down homework so that grades can be given.

Well done! You and I can Fine we can also solve riddles and

compose them. I will now tell you riddles according to the scheme.

For example:

It can be multi-colored, BUT not a rainbow;

It is square or rectangular in shape, BUT not a table;

It is carried to school, BUT not a book;

It's leather, BUT not shoes. What is this? "Briefcase"

Well done guys, now you try to make a riddle according to the diagram, and we

Let's guess with the guys. (Children make up riddles about school


There is very little time left and you will go to school. What is it for?

go to school?

To study, gain knowledge, be smart.

Well done, you will learn a lot of interesting things at school. What have you learned

kids in kindergarten?

That's right, you've learned a lot and of course READ! No wonder

They say: Reading is the best learning. I'll tell you now I'll read a poem

Valentina Berestova "How be able to read well» .

There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to shake grandma:

“Please read it! Read it!”

No need to beg your sister:

"Well, read another page» .

No need to call

No need to wait

Who wrote poem?

Valentin Berestov

What is it called poem?

About what poem?

Well done, now let's play a game "Question - Answer". I'm asking you

questions, and you answer me with suggestions poems.

Should I pester my mom? (no need to pester mom)

Do you need to shake grandma? (no need to shake grandma, please read!

Should I beg my sister? (no need to beg your sister, well, read more


Should I call? (no need to call)

Should we wait? (no need to wait)

Well done. I will tell you again I'll read a poem, and you try

remember it. V. Berestov "How be able to read well» .

will finish. (2 times)

Well done! 2 – 3 people read in full.

Thank you. Guys, what is the name of the time when students study in

What about the time when students rest?


That's right, you and I are having a break now.

Change! Change! - walk in a circle, one after the other

Take a rest good: - perform jumps

You can run and make noise, - run in circles

Dance and sing songs - dance movements

You can sit down and be silent - they squat

Just - mind you! You can't be bored! – perform jumps on their toes.

Guys, when you go to first grade, you will have your first book there.

Primer. Do you know that books must be handled carefully and not dirty?

do not wrinkle them, use a bookmark for this.

I am a beautiful bookmark.

You need me for order.

Don't flip the pages in vain.

Where is the bookmark? read.

And today we will make a bookmark for our first book.

To make a bookmark we need will: take long strips and

decorate them with a pattern of geometric shapes. Tell me which ones

Do you see geometric shapes on the tables?

Triangles, ovals, circles, rectangles.

(Children make an applique - bookmark).

Well done, everyone turned out some beautiful bookmarks today. Look

what an interesting combination of colors, how neatly the work was done. All

Well done guys. What did we do today?

We talked about school; made bookmarks, studied poem.

Valentin Berestov

What's it called poem?

How good it is to be able to read!
There is no need to pester your mother,
No need to shake grandma:
“Please read it! Read it!”
No need to beg your sister:
“Well, read another page.”
No need to call
No need to wait
Can I take it?
And read!

What does reading give a child? Reading gives new knowledge, develops creative imagination, fantasy, memory, visual and auditory attention, emotional sphere, perseverance, composure, and broadens one’s horizons. Independent reading improves a child’s vocabulary and vocabulary. Of all the sources of information available to a child, only reading books helps the visual perception of spelling. A child may not know some rules, have no idea about the meaning of some words, but he will learn to write and speak correctly if he reads a lot.

Children say:

I learned to read at the age of 4.
Now in kindergarten I’m learning to read books, I’m reading. I like to read books by syllables, I like to read syllables, fairy tales “At the Command of the Pike”, “Three Kittens”. I read in order to learn a lot of new things, numbers, letters and a lot of interesting things.

I learned to read when I was almost 5 years old. Reading has been useful to me everywhere: at home, in kindergarten, in the store, and at school. I love reading everything! Now, for example, I’m finishing reading the book “Everything about Dedmorozovka.” I read to know everything!

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

From the paradise of childhood life you send me farewell greetings,

Friends who haven't changed

In a worn, red binding.

A little easy lesson learned,

I used to run to you immediately.

It's too late!

Mom, ten lines!...

But, fortunately, mom forgot. The lights on the chandeliers are trembling... How nice it is to read a book at home!

M. Tsvetaeva

Our conversation will be about the book, about reading - the greatest miracle, an amazing invention. To the question - what is a book? why should you read? - There seems to be no need to answer: everyone knows this. But still, let’s try to figure it out, maybe we’ll discover something new!

It is difficult to remember the day and hour when I first picked up a book. The book is always present in my life, because in our family it is customary to live with a book.

“Reading is the best teaching,” says the wisdom of the people. As you read, you begin to think about many seemingly clear things, you begin to dream and enjoy life. I want to know so much! Receive and transmit information, knowledge, experience... An indispensable assistant in all this for me and my friends is a book, wise and thoughtful reading. How interesting and pleasant it is to communicate with people who love to read, with people who can tell you a lot of interesting things, give advice and, together with you, immerse yourself in the world of books. Reading people are thinking people who know how to compare, analyze and make the right choice. These are people who think about good and evil, about truth and lies, about the difference in actions, about the necessary choice. It is reading that helps us think. Unfortunately, today our country cannot be called reading, but rather playing with all modern devices. But I think it’s great that we are talking about reading, about the joy of communicating with a book, and I believe that there will be more people reading. How great it is to rustle the pages of your favorite books and flip through them, getting the opportunity to think, guess, evaluate!

I walk through the pages of my favorite books: “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “Robinson Crusoe”, “Deniska’s Stories”, “Mary Poppins”, “Fahrenheit 451”, “The Mystery of White” stone”... and I understand that I am a happy person, because I read, because I talk to you who love to read, and I live in Russia, where there are more and more people who read!

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