A story about any company. History of McDonald's and Coca-Cola; The story of McDonald's and Coca-Cola - English topic

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the Company in 1975.
Microsoft is the best-known American company involved in software production. Microsoft's wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market value tops that of Ford, General Motors.
Some time ago, Microsoft dominated the PC market with its-MS-DOS operating system, the basic software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, appeared in the beginning of the 80s. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the worlds IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.
Firstly, Microsoft released Windows "95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced by DOS in future versions. Then, Microsoft released Windows "98, Windows NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP .
Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world's software applications. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (databases ) and Outlook Express (e-mail)- There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. ,Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.
It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies. Many of the company's shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen are billionaires. Microsoft is no doubt the fastest growing company in the PC software industry.

Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the company in 1975.
Microsoft is a well-known American software company. Microsoft's wealth and power have been growing for years. This is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market surpasses the markets of companies such as Ford and General Motors.
For some time now, Microsoft has dominated the market with its MS-DOS platform, an operating system introduced in the early 1980s that allows the computer to understand and execute commands. There were three versions of MS-DOS. MS-DOS ran on 90% of all IBM computers and IBM-compatible computers. Microsoft then expanded its presence in the market with the release of Windows, which is probably the most important and most popular operating system in the world at the moment. It now dominates the market.
First, Microsoft released Windows 95 in 1995. It was a graphical shell interface that ran on top of MS-DOS and in the future replaced DOS. Then Microsoft released Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium and Windows HR.
Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of all software in the world. Among them are three well-known office suites, also called Microsoft Office programs, such as Xcel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (text editor), Access (databases) and Outlook Express (email). There were releases in 1997, 2000 and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also present in the networks, multimedia, and even books markets. Because Microsoft initially supported the Macintosh company, Microsoft virtually owns the Macintosh computer application market.
It has been estimated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the total personal computer software market. The company's assortment includes hundreds of types of products and thousands of employees, which makes it the largest company. Many of the company's shareholders are millionaires, and some, including Bill Gates and Paul Allen, are billionaires. Without a doubt, Microsoft is the fastest growing company in the personal computer software market.


1. Who founded the Company?
2. When was Microsoft founded?
3. What does the company produce?
4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC market?
5. How many Windows operating systems did Microsoft release?
6. Is it a rich company?
7. Does the Company dominate the PC market?


to found - to found
to involve - touch, affect
software - software, programs
wealth - cost
PC market - PC market for personal computers
MS-DOS operating system - MS-DOS operating system
to carry out - carry out
to extend - expand, increase
to release - release
graphics interface - graphical interface
to supply - to supply, supply
application - application
spreadsheets - spreadsheet calculation program
word processing - text editor
networking - organization/creation of networks; networking; network connection
multimedia - multimedia (using various media)
virtually - virtually
entire - whole, whole
employee - employee
shareholder - shareholder, shareholder, owner/holder of shares
doubt - doubt

The ability to talk about your work in English is a must for communication in the modern world. Sooner or later, everyone faces the task of presenting themselves in English and talking about their work. For example, there is an important business event coming up, where you will probably have to answer a lot of questions about your professional activities. You are worried and worried. But under no circumstances should you try to find someone else’s story on the Internet in order to learn it! Nothing good will come of this.

I assure you that you will be able to write a story about your work in English on your own. It's very simple. Especially for readers of the ENGINFORM blog, I prepared this practical lesson, which included a number of necessary words, phrases and expressions with explanations and examples of their use. After studying this material, in 15 minutes you will be able to independently compose a ready-to-use story about your work. Get yourself a dictionary, get ready to write down your ideas and examples, and let’s go, let’s get started!

So, you've heard the question:

What do you do?
What's your job?
What do you do for a living?
In what field are you?

What to say if you are not currently working? You can answer like this:

I haven’t got a job at the moment. - At the moment I don’t have a job.
I am unemployed. - I'm unemployed.
I am retired. - I'm retired.
I am a student. - I'm a student.
I am looking for a job at the moment. - I'm looking for a job at the moment.

If you have a job, then the first thing you can say is to name your profession. To do this, use . A list of the most common professions with transcription and translation is presented in the article:

I am a teacher. - I'm a teacher.
I am a lawyer. - I'm a lawyer.

A more “complicated” version is with the verb work, after which the word as is required:

I work as a manager. - I work as a manager.
I work as a secretary. - I work as a secretary.

My responsibilities include... - My responsibilities include...
My daily duties include... - My daily duties include...
I am involved into… - I take part in… I work on… - I am working on…
My responsibilities include meeting customers. - My responsibilities include...
My daily duties include transporting goods. - My daily responsibilities include...
I am involved in creating new design. - I take part in the creation of a new design.
I work on testing new drugs. - I'm working on testing new drugs.

When you talk about responsibilities, use the have to construction. It is not as strong and categorical as must and is very suitable for describing responsibilities:

I have to travel a lot. - I have to travel a lot.
I have to read documentation every day. - I have to read the documentation every day.

We talk about the type, place of work, and working hours.

Do you have a permanent job or a temporary job, do you have a full-time or part-time job? Let's learn how to talk about this in English:

I have a full-time job. = I work full-time. - I work full time/full time.
I have a part-time job. = I work part-time. - I have a part-time job.
I have a permanent job. - I have a full-time job.
I have a temporary job. - I have a temporary job.

Let's talk about your schedule. In English they use the word hours - hours of work. Pay attention to the pronunciation - the first letter is not pronounced:

I have regular working hours. - I have a constant schedule.
I have fixed working hours. - I have normal working hours.
I work nine-to-five. = I have a nine-to-five job. - I work from 9 to 6.
I work flexible hours. - I have a flexible schedule.
There is a system of flexitime in my company. - We have a rotating schedule in our company.

If your job involves a shift work schedule, remember the word shift: shift:

A day shift - day shift
A night shift - night shift
I work in shifts. - I work in shifts.
I change shifts every two weeks. - My shifts change every two weeks.

To tell where you work, you will need the following phrases:

I work in an office. = I have an office work. - I have an office job.
I work outside. - I work outdoors.
I work from home. - I work from home.
I telecommute. / I telework. - I work remotely.

Perhaps you still have a minimal vocabulary or you are not yet familiar with some of the grammatical topics that I mentioned today. So that you can quickly master them, improve your level and speak English, I invite you to ENGINFORM. We have developed a course specifically for those who urgently need English for work and career. Basic terminology and business vocabulary, only the necessary grammar, developing communication skills in a business environment, writing letters, negotiating, passing a job interview, working with case studies of real companies and lots and lots of discussions, listening, useful reading and speaking.

Even if your level is not yet high, you can try right now and find out what English is on Skype, sign up with a teacher. You will receive an assessment of your level and personal recommendations for learning English, and you will also practice speaking about your work in English. After all, now, after studying this material, you have everything you need: vocabulary, templates of phrases and expressions.

To begin with, your story may be small, in the form of a few sentences, but in the future, by learning new words, deepening your knowledge of grammar and getting enough speaking practice in individual lessons, you will complement and improve it.

15 Sep

English topic: History of McDonald's and Coca-Cola

Topic in English: The story of McDonald's and Coca-Cola. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

History of McDonald's

The history of McDonald's goes back to 1937, when two brothers, Dick and Mark, opened their own small restaurant in California, selling hot dogs and milkshakes. By 1945 they already had 20 waiters. Hamburgers were extremely popular among teenagers in the city. In 1948, the restaurant introduced plastic boxes and bags for hamburgers. This helped reduce the price from 30 to 15 cents. There was no longer a need for waiters; the establishment began to operate on a self-service system. Buying food has become more convenient - cheaper and faster. In 1960, McDonald's already owned a large chain of restaurants throughout the United States. In 1971, the brothers opened new restaurants in Japan, Germany and Australia. Today there are more than 14 thousand restaurants in the chain in 70 countries. Every child and teenager knows what McDonald's is.

History of Coca-Cola

The history of Coca-Cola began much earlier than the emergence of McDonald's. It happened in Atlanta in 1886. A man named John Pemberton invented a new drink. The only ingredients used were the South American coca leaf and the African kola nut. He didn't have any ideas for a name for the drink until his partner Frank Robinson suggested the name Coca-Cola. The famous design of the Coca-Cola bottle did not appear until 30 years later. For many years, Coca-Cola was the only drink produced by the company. In 1960, people tried new drinks - Fanta and Sprite. The recipe for Coca-Cola is kept secret. Today it is sold in 195 countries and enjoyed by millions of people. Coca-Cola has become the most famous brand in the world.

Download Topic in English: History of McDonald's and Coca-Cola

The story of McDonald's and Coca-Cola

The story of McDonald's

The story of Coca-Cola

The story of Coca-Cola began much earlier than that of McDonald’s. It happened in Atlanta in 1886. A man whose name was John Pemberton invented a new drink. The only ingredients that he used were the South American coca leaf and the African cola nut. He didn’t have any good ideas of how to name the drink until his partner Frank Robinson suggested it to be Coca-Cola. The famous Coca-Cola bottle design appeared only thirty years later. For many years Coca-Cola was the only drink produced. In 1960 people tried some new drinks – Fanta and Sprite. The recipe of Coca-Cola is a secret. Today it is sold in 195 countries and millions of people enjoy drinking it. It has become the most famous trademark in the world.

Microsoft Company - Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the Company in 1975.

Microsoft is the best-known American company involved in software production. Microsoft's wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market value tops that of Ford, General Motors.

Some time ago, Microsoft dominated the PC market with its-MS-DOS operating system, the basic software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, appeared in the beginning of the 80s. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the worlds IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.

Firstly, Microsoft released Windows "95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced by DOS in future versions. Then, Microsoft released Windows "98, Windows NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP .

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world's software applications. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (databases ) and Outlook Express (e-mail)- There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. ,Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.

It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies. Many of the company's shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen are billionaires. Microsoft is no doubt the fastest growing company in the PC software industry.

Text translation: Microsoft Company - Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the company in 1975.

Microsoft is a well-known American software company. Microsoft's wealth and power have been growing for years. This is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market surpasses the markets of companies such as Ford and General Motors.

For some time now, Microsoft has dominated the market with its MS-DOS platform, an operating system introduced in the early 1980s that allows the computer to understand and execute commands. There were three versions of MS-DOS. MS-DOS ran on 90% of all IBM computers and IBM-compatible computers. Microsoft then increased its presence in the market by releasing Windows, which is probably the most important and most popular operating system in the world at the moment. It now dominates the market.

First, Microsoft released Windows 95 in 1995. It was a graphical shell interface that ran on top of MS-DOS and in the future replaced DOS. Then Microsoft released Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium and Windows HR.

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of all software in the world. Among them are three well-known office suites, also called Microsoft Office programs, such as Xcel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (text editor), Access (databases) and Outlook Express (email). There were releases in 1997, 2000 and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also present in the market of networks, multimedia, even books. Because Microsoft initially supported the Macintosh company, Microsoft virtually owns the Macintosh computer application market.

It has been estimated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the total personal computer software market. The company's assortment includes hundreds of types of products and thousands of employees, which makes it the largest company. Many of the company's shareholders are millionaires, and some, including Bill Gates and Paul Allen, are billionaires. Without a doubt, Microsoft is the fastest growing company in the personal computer software market.

Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the Company in 1975.

Microsoft is the best-known American company involved in software production. Microsoft's wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market value tops that of Ford, General Motors.

Some time ago, Microsoft dominated the PC market with its-MS-DOS operating system, the basic software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, appeared in the beginning of the 80s. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the worlds IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.

Firstly, Microsoft released Windows "95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced by DOS in future versions. Then, Microsoft released Windows "98, Windows NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP .

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world's software applications. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (databases ) and Outlook Express (e-mail)- There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. ,Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.

It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies. Many of the company's shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen are billionaires. Microsoft is no doubt the fastest growing company in the PC software industry.

Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the company in 1975.

Microsoft is a well-known American software company. Microsoft's wealth and power have been growing for years. This is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market surpasses the markets of companies such as Ford and General Motors.

For some time now, Microsoft has dominated the market with its MS-DOS platform, an operating system introduced in the early 1980s that allows the computer to understand and execute commands. There were three versions of MS-DOS. MS-DOS ran on 90% of all IBM computers and IBM-compatible computers. Microsoft then increased its presence in the market by releasing Windows, which is probably the most important and most popular operating system in the world at the moment. It now dominates the market.

First, Microsoft released Windows 95 in 1995. It was a graphical shell interface that ran on top of MS-DOS and in the future replaced DOS. Then Microsoft released Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium and Windows HR.

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of all software in the world. Among them are three well-known office suites, also called Microsoft Office programs, such as Xcel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (text editor), Access (databases) and Outlook Express (email). There were releases in 1997, 2000 and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also present in the networks, multimedia, and even books markets. Because Microsoft initially supported the Macintosh company, Microsoft virtually owns the Macintosh computer application market.

It has been estimated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the total personal computer software market. The company's assortment includes hundreds of types of products and thousands of employees, which makes it the largest company. Many of the company's shareholders are millionaires, and some, including Bill Gates and Paul Allen, are billionaires. Without a doubt, Microsoft is the fastest growing company in the personal computer software market.


1. Who founded the Company?
2. When was Microsoft founded?
3. What does the company produce?
4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC market?
5. How many Windows operating systems did Microsoft release?
6. Is it a rich company?
7. Does the Company dominate the PC market?

to found - to found
to involve - touch, affect
software - software, programs
wealth - cost
PC market - PC market for personal computers
MS-DOS operating system - MS-DOS operating system
to carry out - carry out
to extend - expand, increase
to release - release
graphics interface - graphical interface
to supply - to supply, supply
application - application
spreadsheets - spreadsheet calculation program
word processing - text editor
networking - organization/creation of networks; networking; network connection
multimedia - multimedia (using various media)
virtually - virtually
entire - whole, whole
employee - employee
shareholder - shareholder, shareholder, owner/holder of shares
doubt - doubt

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