The story "The First Snow". Essay-story about the first snow “It’s snowing”

It's already winter outside. It snowed for the first time last night. It was not thick, and therefore everyone thought that it would soon stop. Snow fell and was lost on the dirty gray asphalt.

I walked down the street, and small wet snowflakes fell on my jacket. They were not pretty at all, just lumps. And they immediately melted. The entire front of my jacket became unpleasantly damp.

In general, at first the first snow did not look like real snow. After all, real winter snow should be thick, fluffy, and beautiful. And the snowflakes should be small patterned masterpieces, so that it looks like you are holding tiny stars in your hand.

This wet snow did not make anyone happy. But he stubbornly continued to fall and spin in the air. Little by little he stopped disappearing on the ground: small snowdrifts even grew.

In the evening I went out for a walk with the dog in the park, and my mouth just opened in surprise. Everything around was white and white: the snowdrifts flickered in the light of the lanterns. The ugly wet snow has changed. It became snow-white and airy. Snowflakes now resembled not dirty lumps, but magical crystals. Each of them sparkled, and together they created a wonderful radiance.

The kids ran around screaming, getting stuck in the snowdrifts and falling into a soft snow pillow. And my dog ​​snorted and for some reason buried his nose in the snow. She came out looking so funny, as if covered in white fluff. I just burst out laughing.

The winter sorceress has finally arrived. It's freezing, and the long-awaited first snow has fallen. It is dazzling white and very fluffy to the touch. When you take it in your hands, your fingers become numb from the cold, and the snow quickly melts. And underfoot it is loose and does not stain shoes at all. If you step into the snowdrifts, you hear a pleasant creaking sound.

With the snow falling, the surroundings immediately became beautiful. The surroundings turned white, and nature was transformed. All the trees were covered with a thick blanket of snow. Their thin branches sparkle in the sun and delight the eye, as if they were made of expensive crystal. Small graceful Christmas trees stand in silvery frost, showing off their new decoration. The majestic pines are dressed in long diamond dresses. All the trees look elegant and quietly rejoice in their new image. At first glance, it is clear that the first snow brought with it a holiday.

The beautiful river glistens under the ice, beckoning the children to renew their skates. And the prankish snowflakes started their magical game, sparkling with their new fur coats and slyly looking into the faces of the children, dusting their noses and cheeks.

What could be more fun than winter fun! It's great to skate, ski, play snowballs and build a snowman. It's so good that it snowed!

And when night falls, the moon will come out solemnly and calmly, showering everything with golden light. Its ghostly radiance makes the crystal icicles that appeared in the sun during the day shimmer like a precious necklace.

Looking at the indescribable beauty around, you involuntarily admire the surrounding landscape. Your soul becomes joyful and even somehow unreal, as if in a children’s fairy tale come to life.

  1. What is the weather like?
  2. Description of snow.
  3. What mood did the first snow evoke?

Finally . We have been waiting for her for a long time. For a long time now, all nature has been preparing for the onset of winter. In the morning, the trees and grass were covered with frost. The clouds above the ground rushed low and filled with lead. The birds had already flown south, and people were taking warm clothes out of their closets. Everyone had long been prepared for the coming of winter, but, as always, it came unexpectedly.

In the morning, when I woke up, I, as usual, looked out the window - and was surprised. Instead of the usual gray gloomy autumn landscape, I saw a white, light landscape. At night, while everyone was sleeping, the first snow fell.

He probably walked all night, because there was a lot of him. Everything around turned white and it even seemed to be moving in a new way now - lightly and cheerfully. The earth, houses, trees turned white - the whole world seemed to be covered with a white blanket. And it was as if the paths trodden by people spread across it in streams. Everything took on an unusual, fabulous, slightly mysterious look.

It seemed that when I woke up, I was transported from the ordinary world to a country where everything sparkles and shimmers. The first snow is always beautiful and majestic, and although there will still be three of my favorite winter months ahead, the first snow is always the most unforgettable and best impression of this glorious time of year - winter.

5-6 grade. Essay “First Snow”

The biggest surprise is the first snow. The day before, a gloomy sky foreshadows bad weather, so the guys are not so drawn to the street. Heavy clouds rush across the sky, reliably hiding the sun. It's very sad to see. But how everything changes when the first timid snowflakes begin to swirl. It seems that everything around is freezing, drowning in silence, and only the dance of white fluffs speaks of the beginning of something unusual.

Just yesterday the whole world seemed gray. And today everything is covered with a fluffy white blanket. The first and most important sign of winter, snow, covered houses and tree branches. Everything seemed to be cheerful. A fairy tale has appeared in this world. This magical country is reminiscent of previous bright holidays. There is no sadness, there is only a good mood.

Snow brings so much joy that it is simply impossible to stay at home. You just want to run out into the street and leave your footprints on the untouched snow cover of the white paths. So many plans are born at once. We need to gather friends to build a slide and slide down it together. I want to make a snow woman, play snowballs with friends, build a fortress.

Snow smells fresh. I just want to breathe in this air and hold it in myself for a long time. It seems that then so much strength will appear. And indeed, the mood is only for games. And none of my friends are drawn home. The time when the first snow falls belongs entirely to us, the children.

There will be a second and third snow. But it brings so much joy and fun, gathers so many friends in the yard, just the very first white cover. It is he who reminds the children of the miracle.

7th grade. Essay on the topic “First snow

This morning I woke up, looked out the window as usual, and was amazed. Just yesterday, withered leaves lay on the sidewalks, the picture was gray and dull. Now everything was unrecognizable, clean and white, because the first snow had fallen. The weather was calm and windless. I noticed gray clouds in the sky, from which large flakes of snow continued to fall. They did not melt when they touched the ground, because it was already quite cold outside. Snow fell on houses, on sidewalks, on passers-by. I couldn’t wait to run out into the street and take a closer look at all this beauty, because it is known that all snowflakes are different, they are very different from one another. After some time, the clouds cleared and the bright sun came out. The picture became even more fascinating. The sun's rays fell on the clean, fallen snow. The snowflakes sparkled and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. The trees instantly turned out to be white and fluffy. I immediately remember the paintings of artists in which they display all this natural beauty and uniqueness. From some branches snow fell down in large armfuls, because so much of it had fallen. The air was clean, fresh, frosty.

Our yard has changed beyond recognition. The kids were already running all over it, throwing the first snowballs, because they had been waiting for this for almost a whole year. The snow was soft and airy, and I just wanted to plunge into it. There was immediately a feeling of celebration. Everyone was literally looking forward to the New Year holidays and the upcoming long holidays. The mood was simply wonderful. I wanted to rejoice, have fun, throw the snow up and admire how it sparkles from the sun's rays, shining and shimmering.

Most likely, this snow will melt in a few days or even hours. But the impression of the first snow cover will remain in my memory for a long time. It is for these unforgettable experiences that I love winter.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Denis. I am a simple boy of eleven years old. Like all guys my age, I love winter. You may ask why. And I’ll answer you: well, firstly, my birthday is in the winter, secondly, I know a lot of winter games, and thirdly, when you play them, you’re not afraid to fall and get a bruise or hurt your knees. So I’ll tell you a story that happened to me on one of these winter days...

One day, it was at the beginning of January, I did something wrong and was not allowed to go out for a walk. I stood at the window and looked at the asphalt wet from the rain. Suddenly white feathers fell from the sky. It was snow. The first, long-awaited
Do you know how to enjoy the first snow? In an instant, all the bushes turned gray, down to every twig, the street became brighter and more elegant. And snowflakes flew and flew to the ground on white parachute umbrellas. It was as if they were dancing and calling out to the street to get to know each other better. That evening the Winter Queen seemed to embrace the whole earth with her hand in a snow-white glove.
The next day, fortunately it was a day off, I tearfully begged my parents to let me play in the snow.
Running out into the street, I stopped on the porch. For some reason it was scary to take a step on such a white and clean blanket. But my neighbor, who followed me out of the entrance, was not so dreamy and with a firm step went to start his car.
I somehow sadly wandered in the same direction.
Suddenly my gaze stopped on some bright spot in the front garden in front of the house. It was an island of green grass under the snow. She was barely visible, although she was already covered until spring with a blanket of white feathers.
Nature also needs to rest. The island said goodbye until spring and finally tried to please passers-by with its green smile.
I got really sad and decided to return home. Maybe playing my favorite computer game will take my mind off sad thoughts. I decided firmly, and, turning home, quickly walked back along the beaten path.
And when I was already approaching my entrance, I saw a small spotted puppy. He pressed his warm side against the door, looked sadly at everyone entering and leaving the entrance, trembling and whining pitifully about something. I felt sorry for him, and I took my spotted friend with me. Yes, yes, you understood correctly. From the moment the trembling surprise for my parents was in my hands, it became dear to me. I began to consider him a friend. This was probably due to the loneliness that was with me at that moment.
The surprise was a success, but now Nick and I are never separated for a single moment. He doesn't want to lose me and be alone like that winter day. And an island of grass awaits the sun. And it warms my heart to think about the imminent arrival of spring.

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