Talk about family in English. My Family - My family

Forms of organizing students' cognitive activities :

individual, group, frontal

Teaching methods : reproductive and productive, verbal

Lesson equipment: board design, interactive whiteboard

Move classes

1 stage. (Children's organization)

1. Greetings .

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please!

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Thank you. Sitdown, please!

Stage 2. ( Phonetic exercise, updating the studied material.)

Look at the board. Listen and repeat after me.(we repeat the words in chorus andindividually)

[ð] [s][z]

the there lamps mirrors

there where booksbedrooms

this house shelves


Let's remember the names of the rooms! Look at the board again and repeat them after me.

Dining room

Living room




Children's room

And now, children, answer my questions:

How many rooms are there in a house?

What is your favorite room?

3 stage .( Examination home assignments )

Now it`s time to check up your home task, it was to read the text “ Jimmy

must go to school.” Who is ready?(Students readtechton the topic

« Jimmy has to go to school»)

Stage 4 ( Introducing new vocabulary on the topic “ In my room ”)

We`ll review the words on this theme and do some exercises with the turn

there is / there are. Now let`s start.

T:Today we are going to read the text on theme“In my room” . Butfirst

let` slookatthenewwords(students listen to the words, guess about

the meaning of words by context or by translation are possible

pictures). Naming objectse. g. : (agreenarmchair)

a lamp, an armchair, a sofa, a chair, a computer, a bed, a mirror,

a cupboard, a shelf, a book, a refrigerator, a box, a piano

Students make sentences using new words.

Grammatical activities.

(Explanation of grammatical turns there is/there are )

Look at the screen. ( slide 5)

IN English There is special shape expressions of the arrangement of things. For these purposes, revolutions are used there is Andthere are . In this lesson we will look at in what cases and how to use these phrases correctly, as well as some of their distinctive features.

We literally translate the phrase there is/ there are into Russian -there There is , but it is believed that sentences starting with such a phrase are bettertranslate from the end omitting the word "there". For example:

There is one chair in the room. -IN room ( There is ) one chair.
There are some chairs in the room. -
IN room ( There is ) some chairs.

1. The English quite often use the phrase there is/ there are, mainly to mark where and what is located, so the location is present in the sentence. The turnover itselfthere is/th e re are it is customary to putat the beginning of a sentence. Let's look at examples:

There is a knife on the table. -On table ( There is, lies) knife.
There are five balls in the box. -IN box ( There is) five balls.

Please note that the turnoverthere is used before subjectsVsingular , Athere are - in front of subjectsin the plural number.Orderaffirmative proposals next: Subject (There) - Predicate (to be) - Object (Object) - Circumstance (Adverbial modifier).

    Grammar practice.

Look at the screen. ( slide 10) It's Lulu's room. What is there in her room?

a)You know many words on our theme. Let's review them.

Look at the picture for a moment and name all the things you can


Let`s check your knowledge one more. Complete the sentences.

( a living room, a dinning room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom).

Let`s see if you know the names of the rooms in the flat.

1. We cook in the...

2. We sleep in the...

3. We watch TV in the...

4. We eat in the...

5. We wash our hands in the...

6. We take off our overcoat in the...

Now, you know when we want to point at the place where an object or a subject is situated, we use the turnThere is/ there are.

You should use there is in singular, when you speak about one thing, and there are in plural, when you speak about many things.

a) Now let`s do the exercises, look at the smart-board and putis or are.

    There......a bed in the bedroom.

    There.... a table in the living room.

    On the wall there ......... two pictures.

    There .........a cat and two dogs in the room.

    There .........three chairs and an armchair in the living room.

    There…..five books on the shelf.

    There...a wardrobe in the flat.

    There... two boys in the park.

b)Choose the right sentences:

1.a) There is a table in the room.

b) There are tables in the room.

2.a) There are four computers in the office.

b) There are four computers in the office.

3.a) There is a bed in the room

b) There are a bed in the room.

5 stage . Physical . just a minute .

Are you tired? Then let`s do the exercises. Stand up, please.. Doour

exercises. (studentsdochargingundermusic)

Stage 6. (Practical consolidation of knowledge through reading and


T: And now, you are going to read the text “In my room”

I'm sure that you'll understand it.(childrenreadstoryByqueues and

translated into Russian).

In my room.
I have a nice room.
There are a lot of things in my room.
There is a bed and there are four chairs in my room.There are two pictures and there is a computer table in my room. There is a lamp and there are four books on the table. There is a mirror, a wardrobe and a carpet in my room. I like my room

T: You’ve read the text and now be ready to do the following task. Say true or false.

1. I like my room
2. There are two tables in my room.
3. There is a carpet in my room.
4. There are two lamps in my room.
5. There are two pictures in my room.

7 stage . ( Summing up results classes )

Now let’s play the game “Who is the winner?”

Now children, you will devided into the three groups and you will answer

the given questions.

What new words do you know?

What did we do today?

You have worked very well today. Your marks for the lesson are...

Now write down your hometask.

Please open your record-books and write down your home task.

Stage 8. (Homework information)

Your hometask is Lesson.27.1-5 p.79

9 stage .( Reflection classes )

Do you like the lesson?

Was the lesson difficult?

Are you tired?

Thank you very much and good-bye children!

Thank you for your answers.

IX . Summing up.

You have worked very well today. Your marks for the lesson are...

Now write down your hometask.... Thank you very much. The lesson is

over. Good bye.

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

  • Educational: activating the use of the structure There is/are and developing skills in using this structure in speech
  • Developmental: speech development
  • Educating: fostering respect for each other
  • Teach students to name the components of an apartment
  • Teach students to talk about the apartment using There construction is/are

Visuals: Power Point slides, screen, cards with the poem, a pen, a pencil, a dog, a box.

Lexical: Living room, dining room, bedroom bathroom kitchen, toilet, house.

Grammar material: Structure There is/are (Formation of affirmative sentences and general questions)

Phonetic drills: intonation in general questions with There is/are

Lesson progress

Introductory part

T: Good morning, children!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I am very glad to see you. How are you today?

P: We are fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today? Who is on duty today? Can you tell me, who is absent today?

Full name: Oorzhak Chinchi Valerievna

ID: 235-990-378

T: Let"s start our lesson. Today we"ll speak about structure There is/are. Then we will learn some new words, we"ll make up the sentences in English with them. At the end of the lesson we will play a game.

Main part of the lesson

Speech exercise

Let "s start our lesson with the poem: “Be polite.” Look at the screen and listen to me. (Slide No. 2)

Always try to be polite
In everything you do
Remember to always say “Please”
And don't forget “Thank you”

Repeat after me. Let's read all together.

And who can read the poem alone? (Translate me the poem into Russian)

I advise you to be polite in everything you do. That is all.

Vocabulary of the lesson

Open your copybooks and write down the date today.

We know a lot English words to describe our houses. Today we will learn to name rooms and learn to talk about what is in the house. Here are some new words. Listen and repeat the words after me. (Slide No. 3)

  • Living room - living room
  • Dining room - dining room
  • Kitchen - kitchen
  • Bathroom - bathroom
  • Bedroom - bedroom
  • Toilet - toilet
  • House - house

Read the words. We will make up the sentences with these new words. Try to remember.

Introduction of a new topic

T: Today we will learn to talk about our houses. We have just learned the names of the rooms and know the names of the furniture. We know how to talk about what we have in the house. But the English often use another expression, it helps us talk about what is in our homes. These are the words There is/are. (Slide No. 4) It indicates the presence of something in the present tense. If a sentence in Russian begins with words that answer the question Where?, then the English sentence begins with there is/are.

There is is used in singular form

There are - plural.

Look at the screen. (Slide No. 5) Listen to me and repeat.

Activation of introduced speech patterns in oral and written speech.

That's all. Now let's do exercise on the blackboard. Look at the screen. (Slide No. 6) Read the task of exercise.

Now make up the sentences about our class. And tell me what is there in our class? Describe me this classroom.

Excellent! Your sentences are very true! Now you can describe the room.

Physical education minute

Children, you are tired. Let's have a rest and do our exercise.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Go on our lesson.

Introduction of interrogative structures with the phrase there is/there are.

We learned to talk about our room using the there is/there are structure. This expression can be used not only in affirmative sentences, but also in questions. When asked verbs is or are are rearranged to first place and such an interrogative sentence is pronounced with rising intonation. For example:

Is there a book on the table? Yes, there is. No, there isn't.

Are there books in the bag? Yes, there are. No, there aren't. (Slide No. 7)

Activation of interrogative structures in oral speech

a. It is time to do exercise. Read the task... We must make up questions. Let's do. (Slide No. 8)

Well done! Now you can make up different kinds of sentences. That's great!

b. Ask your friends about their houses, using There is/are. Remember to say “Please”.

1. Please, tell me, is there a kitchen in your house?

2. Are there two bedrooms in your house?

No, there aren't. There is one bedroom in my house.

3. Please answer my question, is there a living room in your house?

Very good! You can ask and answer the questions.

Speech warm-up

Game “What is there in my box?”

T: And now let's play a game “What is there in my box?” Who will be a chief?

T: Please come to the blackboard take this box. You will answer your friends" questions.

T: Ask some questions about the things in the box. Remember about magic words which help us to be polite and kind.

a. P2: Can you tell me is there a pen in the box?

P1: Yes, there is. There is a pen in the box.

b. P3: Please, tell me, are there pencils in the box?

P1: Yes, there are. There are pencils in the box.

c. P4: Could you tell me is there a dog in the box?

d. P1: Yes, there is. There is a dog in the box.

Answer my question, please, are there balls in the box?

P1: No, there aren't. My box is empty now. Here you are!

T: That's all. Thank you very much. You were very polite. You must be kind when you ask something.

Lesson Summary

T: At the end of the lesson let's read the poem. (Slide No. 9)

There is a kitchen in my flat
There are chairs in the kitchen
There is a table in the middle
There is some food on the table
Let's have dinner all together

T: You work very hard today. Answer my question, please! What can we do now?

We have learned a new grammar rule. You asked and answered some questions, played a game. The marks for the lesson… your homework: learn by heart the poem. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye!

Family is one of the most popular topics for stories not only at school and university, but also in language courses. Most often, this topic is offered to those with an intermediate or below-intermediate level of language. A story about a family in English or just a short text on the topic “My family” is very easy to write if you follow certain points.

How to talk about your family point by point

To make it easier to write a story on any topic, it is best to use a narrative outline. Such a plan will tell you in what sequence to compose your story so that it is logical and understandable to listeners/readers. We have prepared a five-point plan for you:

  1. Greetings

  2. Introducing yourself

  3. Head sentence that introduces the topic

  4. Main part of the story:
    • Tell a big family or a small one.

    • Name all family members and tell about them.

    • A short description - you can talk about the positive features of the family.

    • Talk about your general pastime.

  5. Final offer.

Useful Phrases to Start a Story

The purpose of the title sentence is to explain to the listener/reader what topic you are going to talk about. When you're planning a story about family, this sentence is where you need to communicate it. We have prepared for you several versions of this sentence with translation:

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Irregular verbs English: table, rules and examples

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Useful phrases for the middle of a story

Of course, each storyteller will have their own unique story about the family. To make it easier to work with the main content, we have prepared for you 15 phrases that can be used in the story as is, or changed to suit you.

Phrase in English Translation into Russian
I have two parents. I have two parents.
I have only one parent. I only have one parent.
I am adopted. I was adopted.
My father is a pilot. My father is a pilot.
Every week we go to the theater. Every week we go to the theater.
Also I have grandfather and grandmother. I also have grandparents.
I am the only child. I'm an only child.
I have a sister. I have a sister.
My brother is older than me. My brother is older than me.
My mother's name is Sara. My mother's name is Sarah.
Also we have a dog. We also have a dog.
I spend a lot of time with my family. I spend a lot of time with my family.
I see them only on holidays. I only see them on holidays.
My father Tim is 42 years old. My father Tim is 42 years old.
I have many cousins. I have many cousins.

Useful Phrases to End a Story

Any story needs to be able to end beautifully and competently. To do this, there are many universal phrases, knowledge of which will help you not get confused at the right moment. We have prepared for you several such phrases with translation:

Example of a story about a family

Hello everyone. My name is Clara and I want to tell you about my family. I have a big family. I have two parents, sister, two twin-brothers and a cat. Also I have grandmother. My father Tim is 42 years old. He is a lawyer. My mother Ann is 40 years old and she is a lawyer too. My grandmother is retired. All of my siblings are older than me.

I spend a lot of time with my family. Every day we have breakfast together and every weekend we do something together. Last weekend we were at the zoo.

I love my family so much.

Translation of example

Hi all. My name is Clara and I want to tell you about my family. I have a big family. I have two parents, a sister, two twin brothers and a cat. I also have a grandmother. My father Tim is 42 years old. He's a lawyer. My mother Ann is 40 and also a lawyer. My grandmother is retired. All my brothers and sister are older than me.

I spend a lot of time with my family. Every day we have breakfast together, and every weekend we do something together. Last weekend we went to the zoo.

I love my family very much.

Video on the topic “My Family”:

For each of us, family is the most precious thing there can be. Often, when meeting people, we are asked to talk about how we live, about our family, about our parents. If you are learning English, then let this topic help you talk about your family. How can children tell about their family in English?

This topic will also be useful for children. Because at the end school course English speaking, a child must have a certain knowledge of topics that he can talk about, build a dialogue, and tell. The theme of family is one of them.

Each family ( family), usually consists of several people. Sometimes these are some distant relatives, godparents, etc. But now we will look at the most basic family members in English, parents and close relatives ( parents and close relatives). So, let's figure out who is who in the family in English:

  • Grandfather (grandpa, granddad) - grandfather
  • Grandmother (grandma, granny) - grandmother
  • Father (daddy, dad) - father
  • Mother (mummy, mum, mom) - mother
  • Sister - sister
  • Brother - brother
  • Son - son
  • Daughter - daughter
  • Uncle - uncle
  • Aunt - aunt
  • Cousin - cousin/cousin

It is important for children to be able to tell something about each family member. Who is who by profession, what hobbies, etc. In English it can be done something like this:

  • My father is a builder. He builds houses. He is strong and clever. — My father is a builder. He builds houses. He is strong and smart
  • My mother is a teacher. She likes children and she likes to read books. — My mother is a teacher. She loves children and loves to read books
  • My granny doesn't work. She is pensioner. She tells very interesting fairy tales. — My grandmother doesn’t work. She is a pensioner. She tells very interesting tales
  • I have a sister. She is a university student. She likes sports. - I have a sister. She is a university student. She loves sports.

If we're talking about about spouses (spouses), here they are in English:

  • Husband - husband, spouse
  • Wife - wife, spouse

Pay attention to example sentences with these words:

  • I love my husband, he is the best. — I love my husband, he is the best
  • John's wife is very hard-working. — John's wife is very hardworking.

Also, we would like to bring to your attention a small set of words that relate to more distant relatives. It will be interesting and useful not so much for children as for beginners learning English. So:

  • Father-in-law - father-in-law, father-in-law
  • Mother-in-law - mother-in-law, mother-in-law
  • Daughter-in-law - daughter-in-law
  • Son-in-law - son-in-law
  • Stepfather - stepfather
  • Stepmother - stepmother
  • Stepbrother - stepbrother
  • Godfather - godfather
  • Godmother - godmother
  • Godson - godson
  • Goddaughter - goddaughter

Examples of sentences with these words and their translation into Russian:

  • My son got married; now I have a daughter-in-law. — My son got married, now I have a daughter-in-law
  • My father-in-law is a very wise man. — My father-in-law is a very wise man
  • I am going to visit my godfather. — I'm going to visit my godfather.

Family members in English and example sentences with them

How to talk about family in English?

This is very important for children. This topic often found in textbooks, on exams, and in simple conversation. The words we cited above, as well as a few more details, will help you talk about your family.

Describe each member of your family, tell us what they are interested in, where they work. Tell us about each of them's hobbies. Briefly tell us about family traditions and holidays, and what you do when you get together. Don't forget to mention yourself, because you are also a member of your family.

So, you can tell about your family something like this:

My family is not big. We are four: my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a doctor, he treats people. He likes his work very much. Also he is fond of taking pictures.
My mother is an economist. She likes mathematics. When she has some free time, she cooks very tasty cakes. We always help her all around the house.
My brother is a university student. He is learning to be a doctor like our father. He is also a good sportsman, he plays tennis and football.
My name is Alex, I am a pupil. I also like sport and reading books.
I like when our family gets together. Then we discuss films and books, listen to the music. On weekends we visit our grandparents. In summer we go to the seaside or to the mountains.
I love my family very much. It is the best family in the world.

If you have any difficulties with the translation, here it is:

My family is small. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is a doctor, he treats people. He loves his job very much. He is also interested in photography.
My mother is an accountant. She loves mathematics. When she has free time, she makes very tasty cakes. We always help her around the house.
My brother is a university student. He is studying to be a doctor, like our dad. He is also a good athlete, he plays tennis and football.
My name is Alex, I am a student. I also love sports and reading books.
I love when our family gets together. Then we discuss films and books, listen to music. On weekends we visit our grandparents. In summer we go to the sea or to the mountains.
I love my family very much. This is the best family in the world.

This or something like this is how you can talk about your family in English. I repeat that this topic is very important for the lexicon. Practice doing this with your child, using our text as a template.

We wish you good luck!

Jane: What is your name and where are you from?

Sarah: I am Sarah and I`m from Canada.

Jane: What are you and how old are you?

Sarah: I`m a student and I`m twenty.

Jane: Sarah, do you have a family?

Sarah: Certainly. I have my parents and a younger sister Jennifer. She is seventeen. She goes to senior high school. I also have grandparents on my mother`s side. So, I have a big family.

Jane: What does your father do?

Sarah: My father has a café. It is our family business. He runs this café for more than twenty years. He was born in Milan and his café is a pizzeria.

Jane: How old is he now?

Sarah: My father is fifty-six.

Jane: And what about your mother?

Sarah: My mother is fifty-one and she is a painter. She is painting beautiful landscapes.

Jane: What is your mother`s origin?

Sarah: She is Irish. And she can`t forget the beauty of her native land. I`m also very influenced by her.

Jane: Do you have any relatives in Italy and in Ireland?

Sarah: Yes, I have them. My grandpa on my father`s side lives in Brescia. And my grandparents of my mother`s side live in Dublin. They are very old now and I try to visit them more often.

Jane: And what about your younger sister which is seventeen now? Is she doing well?

Sarah: Yes. She is a very clever and self-sufficing girl. I suppose she will succeed in life.

Jane: Do you like to be a senior sister?

Sarah: It is not difficult and it is very nice. My younger sister is independent and she doesn`t need to rely on me much. But I always wanted to be the youngest child in my family.

Jane: Is your relationship with your younger sister friendly?

Sarah: When I was a little girl my sister used to follow me everywhere. She always wanted to do what I was doing. Then I didn`t want her to follow me. Now I enjoy her company and I like our conversations.

Jane: Does your sister show her respect to you?

Sarah: She enjoys being together with me.

Jane: You are happy.


Dialogue: Family

Jane: What's your name and where are you from?

Sarah: My name is Sarah and I'm from Canada.

Jane: What is your job and how old are you?

Sarah: I'm a student and I'm twenty years old.

Jane: Sarah, do you have a family?

Sarah: Of course. I have parents and a younger sister, Jennifer. She is seventeen years old. She goes to school and is in high school. I also have maternal grandparents. That is, I have a big family.

Sarah: What does your father do?

Sarah: My father has his own cafe. This is our family business. He was born in Milan and his cafe is a pizzeria.

Jane: How old is he now?

Sarah: My father is fifty-six years old.

Jane: And your mother?

Sarah: My mother is fifty-one years old and an artist.

Jane: Where is your mother from?

Sarah: She's Irish. And she cannot forget the beauty of her homeland. And she has a very big influence on me.

Jane: Do you have any relatives in Ireland and Italy?

Sarah: Yes, I have them. My grandfather on my father's side lives in Brescia. And my grandparents on my mother’s side live in Dublin.

Jane: What about your little sister, who's seventeen now? Is she okay?

Sarah: Yes. She is a very smart and self-sufficient girl. I think she will achieve success in life.

Jane: Do you like being a big sister?

Sarah: It's not difficult and very pleasant. My little sister is independent and she doesn't rely on me too much. But I always wanted to be myself youngest child in the family.

Sarah: Do you have a friendly relationship with your little sister?

Jane: When I was a little girl, my sister followed me everywhere. She always wanted to do the same thing as me. Then I didn't want her to follow me. Now I enjoy her company and I enjoy our conversations.

Jane: Does your sister respect you?

Sarah: She enjoys spending time with me.

Jane: You're happy.

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