Lesson development: categories of cardinal numbers. Methodological development of a Russian language lesson on the topic “Digits of cardinal numbers” (grade 6)

§ 1 Places of numerals

No one doubts the fact that in everyday life it is difficult to do without special words - numerals, with the help of which we can determine a particular date, provide a phone number, find the amount, difference, balance and much more.

Using this part of speech, we conduct a dialogue with a salesperson in a store, consult a doctor, and actively use it when answering questions at school.

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the categories of cardinal numerals.

Numerals denoting an abstract number or number of objects are divided into three grammatical categories:

Cardinal numbers denoting whole numbers;



§ 2 Cardinal numbers

The first group of numerals denotes an integer (three, twelve, seventy-eight).

The second group of numerals - collective - denotes several objects as one whole. Such numerals are combined with nouns used only in the plural form. and with masculine and general nouns naming male persons (seven friends, five children, three wolf cubs).

The last group - fractional numerals - denotes fractional quantities (three sevenths, two thirds, one sixth).

We systematically use numerals of all groups in speech.

In mathematics lessons, we most often turn to fractional numerals and numerals denoting integers. This is what one of the tasks in the textbook sounds like:

“Write down the number 80 five times in a row. Read the resulting number.”

To write this example, two cardinal numbers are used: 5 and 80.

They are whole.

Literature lessons often introduce different folklore genres. Proverbs such as “Seven do not wait for one” and “Two plow, but seven wave their hands” help to understand folk wisdom. In these proverbs, the cardinal numerals seven and two are collective, since they denote a group of people as one whole.

Traveling around our country in a geography lesson is also not complete without the help of numbers. We read in the textbook:

“Russia occupies one sixth of the landmass.”

This sentence uses a fractional number - one sixth.

As can be seen from the examples, numerals of all categories are widely used both in everyday life and in school classes.

Now let’s try together to distribute works of art and proverbs that mention numerals into groups.

In the first column we will write expressions with numerals denoting integers. In the second - with collective ones. In the third we place phrases with fractional numerals.



"35 kilos of hope"

"Three in the boat, not counting the dog"

“I ground it for three days and ate it in one and a half days.”

"Three Comrades"

"Five from One Pod"

SO, quantitative numerals are divided into the following categories:

Numerals denoting whole numbers;

Collective numerals denoting several objects as one whole;

Fractional numerals denoting fractional values ​​rather than integers.

List of used literature:

  1. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov. Russian language. 6th grade. 2012.
  2. N.G. Goltsova. Russian language grades 10-11. 2012.
  3. V.V. Babaytseva. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades. 2012.
  4. G.A. Bogdanov. Russian language lessons in 6th grade. 2012.
  5. BUT. Kramarenko. Russian language lessons in 6th grade. Lesson plans. 2002.
  6. N.V. Egorova. Testing and measuring materials. Russian language. 6th grade. 2011.

Russian language lesson in 6th grade No. 130

Date _________________________________

Lesson topic: Places of cardinal numbers.

Objective of the lesson: Introduction to the categories of cardinal numbers.

Lesson Objectives

Educational: consolidate the concept of the numeral as an independent part of speech, reveal its semantics, introduce the categories of cardinal numerals, reveal some of their morphological and syntactic features, and show the speech function.

Educational: develop creative, speech and mental activity using various forms of work, develop students' interest with the help of additional information.

Educational: formation of respect for the native language.

Lesson type: combined.

Interdisciplinary connections: mathematics, the world around us.

Methodical techniques: independent work, work with a textbook, repeated conversation.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, applications.

Lesson structure

    Organizational moment.

Purpose of the stage: checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Teacher's word.

Purpose of the stage: developing student interest with additional information.

Today we continue our conversation about numerals.

- What role do numbers play in our lives?

Numbers surround us everywhere. We are used to seeing them in stores, hearing about them on television and radio. The number “knows” how many children study in our school. The number will tell you what there are 245 bridges in St. Petersburg, What a starling, in order to feed its chicks, must bring them food about 200 times a day that the world record for appetite belongs to whales, which eat 510 tons of plankton per day, and a blue whale calf drinks 580 liters of mother's milk per day.

Numbers play a huge role in our lives.

How to do without numbers

A whole science could?

In any case, calculation is needed.

And be friendly with the numeral.

During the lesson we will repeat everything we know about this independent part of speech and learn a lot of new things. So let's get started! We open the notebooks, write down the number, great job.

    Updating knowledge.

Purpose of the stage: testing students' knowledge.

Vocabulary work with self-test.

We will start the lesson with vocabulary work, during which we will also test your mathematical abilities.

Large artificial pond


Three years old girl

three year old


Term of one hundred years


four hundred

two hundred

Three hundred eight




six hundred

Ten identical items


Appendix 1.

- Now check whether you wrote the vocabulary words correctly (self-test). Raise your hands who hasn't made a single mistake? Well done.

    From the written words, read only those that relate to numerals. Emphasize them.

    Why are other words not numerals?

    Give the definition of a cardinal number.

    Remember which numerals are simple and compound?

    Label simple, complex and compound numerals.

    Target setting.

Purpose of the stage: formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Lesson topic.

Places of cardinal numbers.

What would you like to know about this topic?

Formulate the objectives for the lesson.

    Learning new material.

Purpose of the stage: familiarization with the categories of cardinal numbers.

Today in class we must look at the categories of cardinal numbers. And what they are, you tell me yourself. For this answer me the following questions.

    How many months are there in a year? (There are twelve months in a year.)

    How many students sit at one desk? (Two people each.)

    Now imagine that they served apples in our dining room. You managed to eat half of it before the bell rang. How much of the apple did you eat? (I managed to eat one second part of the apple.)

- Now check if these are all numerals. Why?(They all answer the question How many?)

- What do they have in common? Quantitative.

- How are they different?

- Compare the numerals twelve and one second.

-What do these numbers mean? (integer, fractional)

- What is the meaning of the numeral two? Several objects taken as one whole. United by something in common. Not five or six, but five and six.

- How would you call such numbers? Collective (from the verb to collect).

There are few such numbers. They can be listed: two, three, four, five, six, seven (three more, which are almost never used in modern language: eight, nine, ten). And both (both).

- So, what categories of cardinal numbers have we identified? Whole, fractional, collective.

Cardinal numbers

twelve two one second

(integer) (collective) (fractional)

Open your textbook and read the theoretical material on page 51.

    Consolidation of the studied material.

Purpose of the stage: consolidation of the concept of the numeral as an independent part of speech, disclosure of its semantics, disclosure of some of their morphological and syntactic features. Development of creative, speech and mental activity using various forms of work.

    Selective dictation.

Write down cardinal numbers and determine their rank.

17 rubles, five friends, two tenths of the harvest, three days, 11 days, three quarters of a kilometer, forty-two students, four days, one quarter of the garden, sixteen books.

    Working on a card. Appendix 2.

Read the text. Explain the missing spellings. Write cardinal numbers in I.p. in three columns, dividing them into categories.








Two thirds

Four fifths




Add two more examples to each column.

3. Intellectual warm-up.

Verbally replace these words with others: a dozen, damn dozen, one and a half, one and a half hundred, What words did you come up with?

Twelve, thirteen, one hundred and fifty– whole

One point five– fractional number.

4. Ex. 410 (u.)

5. Creative task. Appendix 3.

    Lesson summary.

Purpose of the stage: generalization and systematization of what has been studied.

A. Conversation.

What topic did we study in class today?

What categories of cardinal numbers did we get acquainted with in the lesson?

What is the meaning of each of these digits?

What ordinal or cardinal number will help us not to forget about this day? (date of lesson)

How long were we in class? (40 minutes)

What grades will you give yourself? (Four, five...)

B. Test.Appendix 4.

And now a little test to test your knowledge of numerals.

Q. You can get a good grade for the next assignment.

Within 5 minutes, remember and write as many literary works as possible that contain cardinal numerals in their titles. “The Three Musketeers” by A. Dumas, “Two Captains” by V. Kaverin, “Five Weeks in a Balloon” by J. Verne, “Twelvemonths" by S. Marshak, "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" by A. Pushkin, "20,000 Leaguesunder water" by J. Verne. Indicate their rank.

VI . Homework.

Purpose of the stage: communication and explanation of the content of homework.

Ave. 71, ex. 409 (p.), words. sl.

Optional. Appendix 5.



    Places of cardinal numbers (Russian language lesson in 6th grade)

    Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook for general education organizations. In 2 parts. Part 1./M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova, etc. – M.: Education, 2013. – 191 p.

Appendix 1.

Large artificial pond


Three years old girl

three year old

Land space with defined boundaries


Term of one hundred years


Let's solve a mathematical example: 200 times 2

four hundred

Divide the result by 2

two hundred

Add 108 to the resulting number

Three hundred eight

Subtract 218 from the amount received


Subtract 79 from the result obtained


Subtract 5 from the result obtained


Multiply the result by 100

six hundred

Ten identical items


Large artificial pond


Three years old girl

three year old

Land space with defined boundaries


Term of one hundred years


Let's solve a mathematical example: 200 times 2

four hundred

Divide the result by 2

two hundred

Add 108 to the resulting number

Three hundred eight

Subtract 218 from the amount received


Subtract 79 from the result obtained


Subtract 5 from the result obtained


Multiply the result by 100

six hundred

Ten identical items


Appendix 2.

There were competitions in our gymnasium. There were eighteen participants in the first team. Six of them have been involved in sports for two years. The remaining two thirds of the participants were amateur athletes. However, the class was very friendly, and that’s why the guys won. Of the ten stages of the competition, young athletes won eight, that is, four-fifths. Three participants received m...dali, five received incentive prizes.

There were competitions in our gymnasium. There were eighteen participants in the first team. Six of them have been involved in sports for two years. The remaining two thirds of the participants were amateur athletes. However, the class was very friendly, and that’s why the guys won. Of the ten stages of the competition, young athletes won eight, that is, four-fifths. Three participants received m...dali, five received incentive prizes.

There were competitions in our gymnasium. There were eighteen participants in the first team. Six of them have been involved in sports for two years. The remaining two thirds of the participants were amateur athletes. However, the class was very friendly, and that’s why the guys won. Of the ten stages of the competition, young athletes won eight, that is, four-fifths. Three participants received m...dali, five received incentive prizes.

There were competitions in our gymnasium. There were eighteen participants in the first team. Six of them have been involved in sports for two years. The remaining two thirds of the participants were amateur athletes. However, the class was very friendly, and that’s why the guys won. Of the ten stages of the competition, young athletes won eight, that is, four-fifths. Three participants received m...dali, five received incentive prizes.

Appendix 3.

Tell us about yourself in writing (the numerals that you must write down are “hidden” in parentheses). Write a continuation of the text, indicating the digits of the numerals.

I wake up at (whole) hours. I spend (fractional) hours on washing, exercise and breakfast. Usually I have (a whole) lessons. It takes me (difficult) minutes to get home. About (complicated) minutes I eat lunch. Then I go to music school (to a section, do homework). There is little time left to read books. This is usually (composite) minutes.

Tell us about yourself in writing (the numerals that you must write down are “hidden” in parentheses). Write a continuation of the text, indicating the digits of the numerals.

I wake up at (whole) hours. I spend (fractional) hours on washing, exercise and breakfast. Usually I have (a whole) lessons. It takes me (difficult) minutes to get home. About (complicated) minutes I eat lunch. Then I go to music school (to a section, do homework). There is little time left to read books. This is usually (composite) minutes.

Tell us about yourself in writing (the numerals that you must write down are “hidden” in parentheses). Write a continuation of the text, indicating the digits of the numerals.

I wake up at (whole) hours. I spend (fractional) hours on washing, exercise and breakfast. Usually I have (a whole) lessons. It takes me (difficult) minutes to get home. About (complicated) minutes I eat lunch. Then I go to music school (to a section, do homework). There is little time left to read books. This is usually (composite) minutes.

Appendix 4.

2. Complete the definition.

Test. FI ___________________________________ Date ____________________________

1. Find the correct definition of a cardinal number.

A) A cardinal number is a functional part of speech that denotes the number of objects and answers the question how many?

B) A cardinal number is an independent part of speech that denotes a number.

C) A cardinal number is an independent part of speech that denotes the number of objects or a number and answers the question how many?

2. Complete the definition.

A) Numerals denoting whole numbers are called...

B) Numerals denoting the number of objects as one whole are called...

C) Numerals denoting fractional numbers are called...

3. Remember and write down a work of art whose title contains a cardinal number, and determine its rank. Do you remember how to write titles? ____________________________________________________________


Appendix 5.

FI ______________________________ Read and write down the resulting phrase.


FI ________________________________ . Read and write down the resulting phrase.

Soon the 7th o5 will sit behind 100l, shining with cleanliness. The sisters-40s e2 managed to pre-prepare dinner, to find 100 os3ts that will prepare a whole feast. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Replace numbers with words. FI __________________________________

Tyumen is a working city. 85% of the population is employed in the sphere of material production; 6.9% - in education, science, culture; 5% in healthcare. More than 120 thousand residents are regular library readers.


Lesson objectives:

  • Give the concept of integer, collective, and fractional numbers.
  • Learn to distinguish between whole and collective numbers.
  • Develop skills in using collective and integer numbers, determining the gender of these numerals. Improve the skills of spelling numerals and using b in them.
  • Cultivate interest in the subject through educational tasks.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.


Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Result of the lesson (By the end of the lesson, we must find out: how many digits the cardinal number has, determine the gender of collective numerals).

2. Updating previous knowledge.

Mathematical dictation. "Underwater arithmetic". Write the answer in a column of words.

1). A blue whale calf drinks 600 liters of milk per day. How much milk will such a baby drink in 3 days?

2). The Atlas turtle (now extinct) was the largest known sea turtle. She weighed the same as 60 people weigh (the average weight of a person is 70 kg). What is the mass of this giant?

3). 60 million aquarium fish are sold annually around the world. How many fish will be sold in 5 years?

4). Crabs have as many as 6 pairs of jaws, which they use to process everything they come across - from garbage to small fish. 6 pairs - how much is that?

  • One thousand eight hundred
  • four thousand two hundred
  • Three hundred million
  • Twelve
  • What groups can numerals be divided into? (Compound and simple)
  • What studied spelling did you discover? (b in numerals from 50 to 80, from 500 to 900 and numerals from 5 to 20 and 30)
  • What unites all the written numerals? (Quantitative, answer the question How many?)
  • Which number is redundant? Why? (12 is extra because other numerals contain nouns: thousand, million)
  • Prove that these are nouns. (They have both plural and singular forms)

Vocabulary work.

Historical information. In Ancient Rus' these nouns sounded different:

  • 10.000 - darkness
  • 100.000 - legion
  • 1.000.000 - leodr
  • 10.000.000 -raven

A. Blok, in one of his works about the Battle of Kulikovo, uses the following nouns to show the power of the Russian people:

"Millions of us, we are darkness, and darkness, and darkness:"

Write the sentence in modern language. (There are millions of us, tens of thousands of us.)

3. Formation of general educational skills.

Discharges of cardinal numbers (drawing a diagram).

Make up sentences containing numerals.

  • How many months are there in a year? (There are twelve months in a year.)
  • How many people do you have on duty in the classroom? (We have three people on duty in the class.)
  • Now imagine that you bought an apple in the cafeteria. You managed to eat half of it before the bell rang. How much of the apple did you eat? (I managed to eat one second part of the apple.)

Now check, are all the numbers written on the board cardinal? Why? (They all answer the question How many?)

  • What do these numbers mean? (Integer, collective, fractional; added to the diagram.)
  • Formulate a rule about the ranks of cardinal numbers. (Students' answers)

Physical education minute.

All the guys stand up. Determine the spelling of b in numerals by ear.

If b is written in the middle, clap your hands;

If b is written at the end, sit down.

Fifteen, fifty-five, six hundred seventy-four, three, eighteen, eight hundred forty, nine hundred seven, five.

Compare phrases:

five boys and five girls

1). Determine the categories of cardinal numbers and the gender of nouns. Do you think the use of the collective number is related to the gender of nouns?

2). Formulate a rule about the use of collective numerals?

3). Is it possible to determine who the sentence is talking about? (Use the rule about using collective numerals.)

There were four of us.

There were four of us.

4. Consolidation of general educational skills.

Exercise from textbook 356. Work at the board. Add your own phrases "number + noun."

  • Option 1. Make up sentences with these word combinations.
  • Option 2. Compose the text.

Examination. Reading sentences and texts.

Game "Translators"

Despite the fact that we do not know the Belarusian language, many words spoken in this language are understandable to us. This happens because our languages ​​have common roots - both belong to the Slavic parent language. Translate the sentence into Russian and write it down in your notebook.

Twelve Malays came out, carried out five-ten two falcons, and released six-ten five swans. (Twelve fellows came out, carried out fifty-two falcons, and released three hundred and sixty-five swans.)

Determine the category of numerals. What parts of the sentence are the numerals?

5. Summary.

  • Can we answer the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson?
  • What categories are cardinal numbers divided into?
  • What does each digit mean?
  • Are cardinal numbers not used with nouns?
  • Performing test No. 42.
  • Hand in the work.

D/r. Paragraph 62 (learn the rule), exercise 357 (on assignment)

Additionally. Some numbers are given in the recording system that was used in Russian writing until the beginning of the 15th century. How were the numbers 624, 232,333 written?


  • Demonstrate various forms of testing students' knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Check the level of development of knowledge on the topic.
  • Improve the skills of correct use of cardinal numerals in speech.


  • Control sheets.
  • Notebooks for vocabulary work.
  • Punched cards and blank sheets for working with punched cards.

Lesson progress

Org moment.

Vocabulary dictation.

A dictation “Testing myself” was previously written, which made it possible to repeat the spelling of the soft sign in words to indicate the softness of consonants and word forms. Let's check how effective the repetition was. Dictation is performed in notebooks for vocabulary work.

A thin branch, write less, buy a roll, night racer, beg from mommy, it will begin to bloom, take herring, sweet donuts, throw here, fifteen clouds, better guard, eighty-one hoops, hide away, prickly hedgehog, mighty hero.

After writing the dictation, the notebooks are submitted for checking. The teacher names the type of spelling, the children give examples from the dictation from memory, and explain the spelling of words. In this way, you should work through all the words. Next, students evaluate the quality of their work, and put the grades on control sheets in the “Self-control” column. Children can then compare their score with the teacher's score.

Checking the level of development of theoretical knowledge.

Teacher. What words in the dictation are related to the topic of today's lesson?

Student. Cardinal numbers fifteen, eighty-one.

Teacher. Right. Let's check what you know about cardinal numbers.

We work in pairs. Pupils sitting at the same desk tell each other everything about cardinal numbers as parts of speech, if necessary, correct their friend’s mistakes, and explain what is not understood. In this way, each student has the opportunity to prepare for an oral response. Then the teacher asks you to evaluate your work in pairs and put a mark on the control sheet. Next, the teacher and students listen to the oral answers of 3-4 children. Moreover, the answer’s neighbor at the desk evaluates and summarizes the answer. Other students may participate in the assessment.

Checking the level of development of practical knowledge and skills.

We test the ability to distinguish cardinal numerals from other parts of speech.

Find the fourth extra word and explain your choice.

Five, five-story, five, five-year plan

Seven, seventy-seven, seven-eighths, seventh.

Three eighths, five point three quarters, five, one second.

Come up with your own version of four words with one extra. The words are read aloud, students identify the extra word, and give reasons for their choice.

We check the ability to correctly write unstressed vowels in the endings of numerals in indirect cases using punched cards.

Teacher. What spelling connects cardinal numbers from 11 to 19 and nouns of the 3rd declension? ( unstressed vowels in endings in indirect cases) What should you write in such cases?

The teacher dictates the words, the students enter the vowels e or i into the punched card windows, depending on the choice of vowel at the end of numerals and nouns.

near the mother, at eleven, at the mouse

about twelve, about the tree, about the boy

about thirteen, about five, about the alley

on the palm, about fourteen, near the surface

in the trolleybus, in the gallery, at fifteen

about the idea, in June, at sixteen minutes

without a pipe, at seventeen, about a drop

The works are being collected for inspection. We offer students the task for self-control “Clapperboards”. The teacher reads the text of the dictation again, the students raise both hands up if the ending is written and, clap their hands if the ending should be written e. At the same time, the teacher helps to sort out mistakes, and each student counts the number of mistakes made when working with a punched card . Students then grade themselves on their work with the punch card.

We check the ability to decline cardinal numerals. Game "One for all, all for one."

The class is divided into two teams (according to options). One of the team members (by agreement of the guys) completes the task at the board. The rest of the team works on the spot without looking at the board. Everyone gets the same task. After the guys at the board have finished their work, team members check their friend’s work and, if necessary, take turns helping, prompting, and correcting. Then the teacher checks the work on the board and gives a grade. All team members receive the same rating.

Task: perform the necessary calculations, write them in numerals.

(k) 472+257= (729)

(c) 3586+957= (4543)

(from) 657-56= (601)

We check the ability to correctly use cardinal numbers in a sentence. We develop logical thinking.

Correct errors, if any, continue the sentence, choosing words necessary in meaning and logic.

I carried a basket with ninety-three plums with both hands ( maybe continue"one and a half kilometers" because the sentence uses an integer and a collective numeral, but no fractional numeral).

Come up with and write down a sentence that contains numerals of all three categories. Then the sentences are read aloud, if necessary, corrected by the students and the teacher.

Lesson summary.

Teacher. Look at the control sheets. What overall grade can you give yourself for the lesson? Who can give "5"? "4"? "3"? "2"? ( Students raise their hands according to the chosen grade.) What overall grade can we give the whole class for the lesson? Why? ( Arguments)


Create a task to test your knowledge on the topic “Cardinal numbers”. Get ready to teach it to your classmates in class.

Pilikina Valentina Vladimirovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

MAOU Lyceum No. 1, Kungur

Russian language lesson in 6b grade

Lesson topic: "Digits of cardinal numerals."

Lesson type: a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Forms of work: individual, frontal, group.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, envelope with tasks for group work.

Purpose of the lesson: familiarization with the distinctive features of different categories of numerals, developing the skill of classifying cardinal numerals into integers, fractions and collectives.


    identify the degree to which students acquire knowledge about the signs of a numeral as a part of speech, division into quantitative and ordinal, simple and compound;

    to develop the ability to set an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown;

    organize group work in order to develop the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of a problem, express your thoughts, listen to the statements of others;

    teach students to recognize quantitative numerals in oral and written speech, determine their rank, and distinguish them from ordinal ones;

    develop students' cognitive interest and creative abilities.

Lesson progress

    Motivation (slide number 1)

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. We're in a good mood. This means we can work and make small discoveries. This is what we will do in class today.

    Updating knowledge.

1. Reading a letter (slide No. 2)

Guys, I received an email with the note: “For students of grade 6b of Lyceum No. 1.”

The teacher reads out the contents of the letter.

"Guys! We will tell you a secret. Many parts of speech love to masquerade as numerals so much that it is difficult to determine where the numeral is and where it is a noun, adjective, verb, or adverb. Do you know well all the signs of a numeral name? Help us find the numerals. Special features: precise character, closely related to numbers and counting. We are waiting for your help!!! Sincerely, numbers."

2. Working with text Students read the text (slide number 3).

Class assignment:

Find numerals in the text and give reasons for your opinion. Give characteristics of numerals.

That's it over XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Russian athletes took first place in the team medal standings, having won thirteen gold, eleven silver and nine bronze medals.

First Speed ​​skater Olga Graf added a medal to our team’s treasury.

Three times Russian short track speed skater Viktor An won gold.

Figure skater Adelina Sotnikova for the first time in women's single skating climbed to the highest step of the podium.

Thirteenth brought the Russian team a gold medal four Alexandra Zubkova, winner of the bobsleigh competition.

The cross-country skiing race was a real triumph for the Russian team. fifty kilometers mass start. Alexander Legkov won, Maxim Vylegzhanin finished second, but closed three the strongest Ilya Chernousov.

Suggested answer(slide number 4)

Twenty-second games (ordinal, composite), first place (ordinal, simple), thirteen gold (quantitative, simple), eleven silver (quantitative, simple), nine bronze medals (quantitative, simple), first medal (ordinal, simple), thirteenth gold medal (ordinal, simple), second(ordinal, simple).

All of these names are numerals, as they indicate the number of objects or the order of objects when counting, and answer the question how many? which one?

(Slide No. 4)

Why are other words not numerals? Justify your answer.

Three times- adverb; won how many times? how often? denotes a sign of action)

For the first time– adverb; conquered when? sign of action)

Single- adjective; in what kind of skating? sign of an object)

Four– noun; brought what? denotes an object)

Fifty-kilometer- adjective; what kind of mass start? sign of an object)

Three– noun; shorted what? denotes an object)

III. Statement of the problem.

    Encouraging awareness of contradiction

Answer the following questions and write down your answers.

How many months are there in a year? (twelve)

How many students sit at one desk? (two, two)

Now imagine that they served apples in our dining room. Before the bell rang, you managed to eat half an apple. How much of the apple did you eat? (one second, zero point five).

Twelve, two, two, one second, zero point five.

Now check if these are all numerals. Why? (They all answer the question (how many?) and indicate the number, the number of objects).

What do they have in common? (Quantitative)

All these numerals are quantitative, but they differ from each other. Why do you think? (Denote different numbers or the same, but in different ways)

2. Encouragement to formulate the problem as a lesson topic.

What question do you have?

What are cardinal numbers and what groups are they divided into?

What will be the topic of our lesson?

Suggested answer

Places of cardinal numerals.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook (slide number 5).


What do we need to know to solve this problem, what do we need to learn? (formulate the objectives of the lesson).

Suggested answer

Find out into what categories quantitative names and numerals are divided;

Recognize the categories of cardinal numerals in oral and written speech, distinguish them from ordinal numbers.

IV. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children (slide No. 6)

    Search for a solution to a problem (discovery of new knowledge) by students

Work in groups (7-10 minutes)

We are in the “Numeral” laboratory. All of you are currently junior researchers at the laboratory. Scientific discoveries await you.

(Slide No. 7)

Here is a scheme for the classification of numerals, which we compiled in the first lesson on the topic “Numerals”. Does it reflect all the information about numerals that you currently have?

No. The diagram does not indicate the categories of cardinal numbers. The result of your work will be the discovery of new knowledge “Classification of cardinal numerals”

Number places



one hundred thirty-fifth

one hundred thirty-fifth

Assignment for groups (slide No. 8)

Divide cardinal numerals into groups.

On what basis did you divide the numerals into exactly these groups?

- How many groups did you have?

Seven, fifty, five, one eighth, five point one tenth, two hundred, three, three, three quarters, six, two fifths, four, eight million.

    Speech by each group on the classification of cardinal numerals (slide No. 9)

Seven one eighth five

fifty-five point one three

Two hundred three quarters six

Three two fifths four

Eight million

- Did all groups distribute numerals this way? If it's the same for you, pick up the green card. If you disagree, raise your red card.

-What do the numerals of the first group mean? (Integer numbers)

- What do the numerals of the second group mean? (Fractional numbers)

- What is the meaning of the numeral of the third group? What would you call such numbers? I give you options: friendly numerals, collective, capacious.

(Several objects, taken as one whole, united by something common. Not five or six, but five and six).

(Collective, from the verb to collect)

There are few such numerals (two, three, four, five, six, seven, three more, which are almost never used in modern language: eight, nine, ten. And both (both). The form both is used with masculine and neuter nouns, and both forms - only with feminine nouns.

- So, what categories of cardinal numbers have we identified? (Numerals denoting whole numbers, fractional numerals, collective numbers).

3. Filling out the table by students independently (slide No. 10)

Result of work (product)

Number places

by meaning and grammatical features



two fifths


Numerals denoting whole numbers

twenty five

one hundred thirty-fifth

one hundred thirty-fifth

(Slide No. 11)

- Now determine the category of numerals that we wrote down at the beginning of the lesson.

Twelve - whole , two is a whole, two is collective, one second - fractional zero point five– fractional.

V . Application of new knowledge (slide 12).

When I was going to class today and bringing home assignments to you, it suddenly began to snow. He blurred some words in my notebook. Let's restore these words. Let's give them a description.

(Oral work with the board).

    ... measure once, ... cut once.

    Don’t have... rubles, but have... friends.

    ... they are fighting - ... don’t poke your nose in.

    An old friend is better than a new one...

    ... plows, and ... - they wave their hands.

    ... damn it's lumpy.

    Smart and cunning - ... wiped his nose.

    ... I ground it for a day, and in ... I ate it.

Let's check! (slide number 13).

    Measure seven times, cut once.

    Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    Two are fighting - the third one doesn’t interfere.

    An old friend is better than two new ones.

    One is plowing, and seven are waving their arms.

    The first damn thing is lumpy.

    Smart and cunning - he wiped the noses of five people.

    I ground it for three days and ate it in one and a half days.

    One and a half is how much?

One and a half - one point five

- What proverbs that contain numerals do you know? Name them.

VI. Reflection.

What goals did we set for today’s lesson? Did we answer all the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson?

What do you think you succeeded in today’s lesson, and what else do you need to work on?

Today I found out...

It was interesting...

It was difficult...

I realized that...

V. Homework:

1. Exercise 705 (oral statement “Digits of numerals”) pp. 104-105.

2. Extract 6 sentences from the novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” by F. Rabelais with numerals of different categories.

Creative task (optional)

1. Come up with a fantastic device. Describe it using as many numeral digits as possible.

“Knot for memory” - pick up interesting facts about the history of origin, structure, meaning of numerals.

“Task Fair” - come up with or select tasks on the topic “Numeral. The categories of numerals."

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