Development of mathematical abilities in a preschooler. Diagnostic situation for analysis and synthesis

Olga Vakulenko
Development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 6–7 years old

Development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 6-7 years old.

Preschool institutions solve an important social problem - comprehensive education developed personality. Educators and teachers must prepare a thinking and feeling child who can apply his knowledge in life.

Important role in education children belongs to mathematics. It contains enormous opportunities for development of children's thinking in the process of their education from early childhood.

Formation and development logical structures of thinking must be implemented in a timely manner. You need to choose the right path leading to the acceleration of intellectual child development.

From my experience working with children, I can conclude that successful learning mathematics is determined the degree of formation of the child’s mental operations and speech, the ability and desire to think. Possession of counting skills and the ability to solve counting problems is necessary for children to begin successful education at school. Every child strives to be active. It is important that the desire does not disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to help the child express himself in a more intimate, natural and accessible form of activity - play. It is in this type of activity that intense intellectual, emotional and personal development occurs. child development, which again is the basis for successful schooling.

:In my opinion, development of mathematical abilities occupies a special

place in the intellectual child development, the proper level of which determined qualitative features of children’s assimilation of such initial mathematical representations and concepts,how to count, number, measurement, magnitude, geometric shapes, spatial relationships. Hence it is obvious that the content of training should be aimed at developing children of these basic mathematical concepts and concepts and arming them with techniques mathematical thinking by comparison, analysis, reasoning, generalization, inference.

Guided by an idea developmental education, I strive to focus not on the level reached by children development, but looking ahead a little so that children can make some effort to master mathematical material.

The goal of my work was: create a condition for intellectual and cognitive development of preschool children, formations children's mathematical abilities.

For myself I set the following tasks:

1. Form children's performance about the importance of numbers, space-time relationships, size and shape in human life subject.

2. To carry out the formation of visual-figurative and logical

Conceptual forms of thinking, develop perception, imagination, spatial performance, attention, memory (verbal, semantic, visual).

3. Develop mental abilities, find dependencies and patterns, possess systematic perception, generalized and forms of thinking (generalize objects and actions) and basic logical operations (comparison, classification, generalization).

4. Develop quality of mind: flexibility, criticality, logic and independence.

Based on the identified tasks, I divided the work into 3 stages. On the first

carried out diagnostics mathematical abilities of children 6-7 years old. Assessed skills development of mental arithmetic, the degree of mastery of visually figurative and logical thinking, space-time relations.

At the second stage, I studied and generalized the teaching experience in development of children's mathematical abilities scientists and practicing teachers. Developed a long-term work plan for the following age categories.

3-4 years. The main result should be the formation of children's interest in learning, developing their attention, memory, speech, mental operations. At the same time, they must have developed the following basic knowledge, skills and skills:

1. The ability to identify and explain signs of similarity in the simplest cases

and the differences between the two items(by color, shape, size).

2. The ability to continue a series made up of items or figures with one changing characteristic. The ability to independently compose similar series.

items by length and width.

4. Quantitative and ordinal counting within 1О.

S. Ability to recognize simple geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle). Find in the environment objects similar in shape.

items arranged in a row.

2. The ability to answer questions “how much in total >>”, “which (Which)"according to the account.

3. Learn to compare two groups items and form based on the account

idea of ​​equality(inequality).

4. Improve skills children compare two objects according to

size (length, width, height).

5. Introduce children with rectangle, teach to recognize and name it.

Continue learning to recognize and name a circle, square, triangle.

b. Define direction of movement away from you (right, left, forward,

back, up, down, know right and left hand.

1. The ability to identify and express signs of similarity and difference in speech

individual objects and aggregates.

2. Ability to unite groups items, select part, install

relationship between part and whole.

use ordinal and cardinal numbers.

4. Ability to name each number in within 10 previous and

subsequent numbers.

5. The ability to recognize and name geometric shapes and bodies.

6. The ability to name parts of the day, the sequence of days in the week,

sequence of months in a year.

2. The ability to compare numbers in within 10 using visual material and install, how much one number is greater or less than another.

3. Ability to directly compare items by length, mass, volume (capacity, area.

4. The ability to practically measure length and volume using various standards.

5. The ability to recognize and name geometric shapes and find them in the environment objects similar in shape.

At the third stage I I envision the creation of a subject-development environment. My work is based on the principle from simple to complex. I I offer games to children saturated with logical and mathematical content: "geometric lotto", “choose according to shape”, <<заполни квадрат», “match pictures to numbers”. While playing, children do not notice that they are being taught something, but unbeknownst to themselves, in the game the children learn to compare (didactic games “how are they similar and how are they different”, "find the differences",

"find two identical subject» , analyze ( "find the pairs", "what first, what then", generalize ( "name objects in one word» , "what's in common"), classify items("stripped items no indication» ,

“choose according to shape”, learn to formulate simple conclusions. To enhance mental activity children, I try to ask questions: For what? Why? For what? how else?

My teaching experience was provided in consultation for parents on the topic "features of thinking children 6-7 years old» , in the conversation “games and game exercises in teaching children mathematics».

At the final stage of working with children, I conducted an open frontal lesson and summed up result: 85o/o coped, 15% had difficulties. Thus, the result of my work was the creation of conditions that ensure children's mathematical development, integration of tasks according to development of elementary mathematical concepts in different types of activities. U children a high level has been formed development mental abilities - mastering generalized forms of thinking, the ability to find dependencies and patterns.

Prospects for my professional activity I see:

In the implementation of new projects based on interests and needs children

and their parents.

Dissemination and generalization of my work experience among educators

working under the program "Community".

By the time they enter school, children should have acquired a relatively wide range of interrelated knowledge about set and number, shape and size, and learn to navigate in space and time.

Practice shows that the difficulties of first-graders are associated, as a rule, with the need to assimilate abstract knowledge, to move from acting with specific objects and their images to acting with numbers and other abstract concepts. Such a transition requires the child’s developed mental activity. Therefore, in the preparatory group for school, special attention is paid to the development in children of the ability to navigate in some hidden essential mathematical connections, relationships, dependencies: “equal”, “more”, “less”, “whole and part”, dependencies between quantities, dependencies of the measurement result on the size of a measure, etc. Children master ways of establishing various kinds of mathematical connections and relationships, for example, a method of establishing correspondence between elements of sets (practical comparison of elements of sets one to one, using superposition techniques, applications for clarifying relationships of quantities). They begin to understand that the most accurate ways to establish quantitative relationships are by counting objects and measuring quantities. Their counting and measurement skills become quite strong and conscious. The ability to navigate essential mathematical connections and dependencies and mastery of the corresponding actions make it possible to raise the visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers to a new level and create the prerequisites for the development of their mental activity in general. Children learn to count with their eyes alone, silently, they develop an eye and a quick reaction to form.

No less important at this age is the development of mental abilities, independence of thinking, mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, the ability to abstract and generalize, and spatial imagination. Children should develop a strong interest in mathematical knowledge, the ability to use it, and the desire to acquire it independently. The program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts of the preparatory group for school provides for the generalization, systematization, expansion and deepening of the knowledge acquired by children in previous groups. Work on the development of mathematical concepts is mainly carried out in the classroom. How should they be structured to ensure children’s solid learning?

In the pre-school mathematics group, 2 classes are held per week, with 72 classes throughout the year. Duration of classes: - 30 min.

Structure of classes.

The structure of each lesson is determined by its content: whether it is devoted to learning new things, repeating and consolidating what has been learned, testing children’s knowledge acquisition. The first lesson on a new topic is almost entirely devoted to working on new material. Introduction to new material is organized when children are most productive, i.e. at the 3-5th minute. from the beginning of the lesson, and ends at 15-18 minutes. Repetition of what has been covered is given to 3-4 minutes. at the beginning and 4-8 min. at the end of the lesson. Why is it advisable to organize work this way? Learning new things tires children out, and repeating material gives them some relief. Therefore, where possible, it is useful to repeat the material covered while working on new ones, since it is very important to introduce new knowledge into the system of previously acquired ones. In the second and third lessons on this topic, approximately 50% of the time is devoted to it, and in the second part of the lessons they repeat (or continue to study) the immediately preceding material, in the third part they repeat what the children have already learned. When conducting a lesson, it is important to organically connect its individual parts, ensure the correct distribution of mental load, alternating types and forms of organizing educational activities.

Methodological techniques for the formation of elementary mathematical knowledge, by section:

Quantity and count

At the beginning of the school year, it is advisable to check whether all children, and especially those who have come to kindergarten for the first time, can count objects, compare the number of different objects and determine which are more (less) or equal; what method is used to do this: counting, one-to-one correlation, identification by eye or comparison of numbers? Do children know how to compare the numbers of aggregates, distracting from the size of objects and the area they occupy? Sample tasks and questions: “How many big nesting dolls are there?” Count out how many small nesting dolls there are. Find out which squares are more numerous: blue or red. (There are 5 large blue squares and 6 small red ones lying randomly on the table.) Find out which cubes are more numerous: yellow or green.” (There are 2 rows of cubes on the table; 6 yellow ones stand at large intervals from one another, and 7 blue ones stand close to each other.) The test will tell you to what extent the children have mastered counting and what questions should be paid special attention to. A similar test can be repeated after 2-3 months in order to identify the children’s progress in mastering knowledge.

Formation of numbers.

During the first lessons, it is advisable to remind children how the numbers of the second heel are formed. In one lesson, the formation of two numbers is sequentially considered and they are compared with each other. This helps children learn the general principle of forming a subsequent number by adding one to the previous one, as well as obtaining the previous number by removing one from the subsequent one (6 - 1 = 5). The latter is especially important because children are much more difficult to obtain a smaller number, and therefore highlight the inverse relationship.

Children practice counting and counting objects within 10 throughout the school year. They must firmly remember the order of the numerals and be able to correctly correlate the numerals with the items being counted, and understand that the last number named when counting indicates the total number of items in the collection. If children make mistakes when counting, it is necessary to show and explain their actions. By the time children enter school, they should have developed the habit of counting and arranging objects from left to right using their right hand. But, answering the question how many?, children can count objects in any direction: from left to right and from right to left, as well as from top to bottom and bottom to top. They are convinced that they can count in any direction, but it is important not to miss a single object and not to count a single object twice.

Independence of the number of objects from their size and shape of arrangement.

The formation of the concepts of “equally”, “more”, “less”, conscious and strong numeracy skills involves the use of a large variety of exercises and visual aids. Particular attention is paid to comparing the numbers of many objects of different sizes (long and short, wide and narrow, large and small), differently located and occupying different areas. Children compare collections of objects, for example, groups of circles arranged in different ways: they find cards with a certain number of circles in accordance with the sample, but arranged differently, forming a different figure. Children count the same number of objects as there are circles on the card, or 1 more (less), etc. Children are encouraged to look for ways to count objects more conveniently and quickly, depending on the nature of their location. Grouping objects according to different criteria (formation of groups of objects). From comparing the numbers of 2 groups of objects that differ in one characteristic, for example, size, we move on to comparing the numbers of groups of objects that differ in 2, 3 characteristics, for example, size, shape, location, etc.

Equality and inequality of numbers of sets.

Children should ensure that any collections containing the same number of elements are denoted by the same number. Exercises in establishing equality between the numbers of sets of different or homogeneous objects that differ in qualitative characteristics are performed in different ways. Children must understand that there can be an equal number of any objects: 3, 4, 5, and 6. Useful exercises require indirect equalization of the number of elements of 2-3 sets, when children are asked to immediately bring the missing number of objects, for example , so many pens and notebooks so that all the students have enough, so many ribbons so that they can tie bows for all the girls.

Method of express diagnostics of intellectual abilities of children 6-7 years old (MEDIS)


Currently, a large number of schools have appeared in which education is conducted according to accelerated programs, with in-depth study of certain subjects, under special programs for gifted children, etc. In connection with this, the problem of selecting students capable of such training has arisen. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is often arbitrary, without any psychological and pedagogical justification.

As a rule, an experienced teacher can quite competently determine a child’s readiness to enter the first grade of school and distinguish normally developed children from children with one or another developmental delay. The issue of children's readiness for school education is covered in sufficient detail in the literature.

The problem of selecting capable and gifted children requires a completely different approach to be solved. This approach should first of all take into account the complexity and versatility of the phenomenon of giftedness itself, which includes both cognitive (intellectual and creative abilities) and non-cognitive (motivational and personal characteristics) factors of development.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clearly formulate the objectives of the training program for which children are being selected, and the requirements that are presented to children within the framework of this program. When making such a selection, the main attention should be paid to the interests of the child: whether studying at a given school will be optimal for his development. To resolve this issue, among many other factors, determining the level of intellectual development of the child is of great importance.

Diagnosis of the level of intellectual development of children requires a thorough and comprehensive analysis by a qualified specialist - a psychologist. However, the practical implementation of such an individual examination of each child upon admission to school is not possible. At the same time, even to make an approximate judgment about the intelligence of children, it is necessary to have a methodology that would allow one to meet a number of conditions required for diagnosing intelligence.

Among them, first of all, we should mention the standardization of tests, which allows, to a certain extent, to avoid subjectivity in the selection of tasks and ensure equal opportunities for all children. The tasks in the method must be selected in such a way that it is possible to assess different aspects of the child’s intelligence and at the same time reduce the influence of his training (“training”). In addition, the technique must be sufficiently reliable and valid with comparative ease of use and little time consumption.

The development of this methodology was carried out on the basis of well-known foreign tests of cognitive abilities - KFT 1-3 by K. Heller and co-workers. KFT tests 1-3, developed at the University of Munich and intended for gifted first-graders.

Each MEDIS form consists of 4 subtests with 5 tasks of increasing difficulty. Before completing each subtest, two tasks similar to the test ones are performed in training. During this training, performing tasks together with the experimenter, the child must understand what he must do and find out everything that is not clear to him. Training tasks can be repeated if necessary.

MEDIS tasks, as in foreign tests, are presented in the form of pictures, which makes it possible to test children regardless of their reading ability. When completing tasks, the child is only required to choose the correct answer (cross out the oval under it) from several proposed ones. Before presenting the tasks, the child is shown an image of an oval, a crossed out oval under the selected picture, and a training exercise is carried out in crossing out the oval on command. All instructions and explanations are given orally by the experimenter.

First subtest aims to identifygeneral student awareness, their vocabulary. Among five to six images of objects, you need to mark the one named by the experimenter. The first tasks include the most common and familiar objects, such as "boot", and the last - rarer and lesser-known objects, such as "statue".

Second subtest provides an opportunity to assess the child's understandingquantitative and qualitative relationshipsbetween objects and phenomena: more - less, higher - lower, older - younger, etc. In the first tasks these relationships are unambiguous - the largest, the farthest, while in the last tasks the child needs, for example, to choose a picture where one object more than another, but less than a third.

The third subtest reveals level of logical thinking, analytical and synthetic activity of the child. Moreover, in tasks to eliminate the superfluous, both images of specific objects and figures with different numbers of elements are used.

Fourth subtestsent for diagnosismathematical abilities. It includes mathematical tasks for intelligence, which use various materials: arithmetic tasks, tasks for spatial thinking, identifying patterns, etc. To complete these tasks, the child must be able to count to ten and perform simple arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) .

Thus, the variety of tasks in MEDIS makes it possible to cover different aspects of a child’s intellectual activity in minimal periods of time and obtain information both about his ability to learn in primary school and about the individual structure of his intelligence. This gives grounds for using MEDIS as the main part of a battery of methods for determining the readiness of children to learn in schools with educational programs of increased difficulty.

MEDIS can be used individually and in groups of 5-10 people. When examining children in groups, the experimenter needs the help of an assistant. The environment during testing should be calm and serious, without unnecessary tension. Each test taker must have his own test book, on the cover of which his first and last name must be indicated. During testing, monitoring of children is of great importance. In group testing, this task is performed primarily by the experimenter's assistant. This observation allows us to avoid cases of the child misunderstanding the instructions and at the same time obtain additional information about the readiness of children to learn at school and the individual characteristics of their behavior.

It should be taken into account that the group testing environment may be extremely unfavorable for some children: those with increased anxiety, confused by the new environment, etc. In such cases, it is recommended to repeat the testing using a different form of test or supplement it with an individual psychological and pedagogical examination.

All MEDIS tasks are completed without a time limit. The pace at which the experimenter reads the tasks should depend on the speed at which the children complete the tasks; it may differ in different groups. At the same time, children should not be forced to complete the task at a certain pace. Children who work quickly need 15 seconds to complete each task. Children who work slowly may need 20-25 seconds. The speed of reading tasks should not remain constant when moving from one task to another in different test parts.

When planning testing, it is important to take into account not only the time required to complete the tasks of the relevant part of the methodology, but also the time required to distribute test materials, explain how to perform the test and work with children on the training examples given at the beginning of each subtest. The total test time is on average 20-30 minutes.

When interpreting the results of this technique, it should be taken into account that, like any other test, MEDIS cannot serve as the only criterion for making a decision about the level of intellectual development of a child, about his selection for training in special programs, about the profile of his abilities. Test results should be considered in conjunction with other indicators: data from an interview with the child, information from parents, indicators of the child’s interests, etc.

Instructions: All test tasks are spoken no more than 2 times!

Task 1 - awareness.

1- show the rodent (correct answerin the 5th picture),

2- acrobat (4),

3- edible (2),

4- plane (2),

5- biceps (4).

Task 2 - mathematical abilities.

1- show the bed where the flowers were planted before everyone else (3),

2- a picture in which the girl stands closer to the tree than the boy and the dog (4),

3- a picture in which a duck flies the lowest, but fastest (2),

4-degree thermometer, in which the temperature is higher than the lowest, but lower than all the others (4),

5- picture where the boy runs fast, but not faster than everyone else (1).

Task 3 - logical thinking.

In all tasks it is necessary to show the “extra”.

(correct answers- 3, 4, 2, 2, 5).

Task 4 - quantitative and qualitative relationships.

1- find a rectangle in which there are more than 6 sticks, but less than 12 (3),

2- We drew a row of dominoes, but forgot to draw one. Which domino do you need to take on the right to continue this row? (2),

3- choose a cube that has one more point than this cube on the left (4),

4- count the sticks in the cubes on the left. Which cube has more sticks? Show how much more (1)

5- show the plate on which the least amount of cake was eaten (3).

Full name ___________________________________________________________

Date of study ________________________________________________

MEDIS subtests

5- high

4- above average

The book meets federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education. It presents the planned results of mastering the “Mathematical Steps” program. The methods used for diagnosis make it possible to obtain the required amount of information in the optimal time frame. The tasks proposed in the book are designed to assess a child’s mathematical preparation for school and promptly identify and fill gaps in his mathematical development.

Diagnostics of mathematical abilities of children 6-7 years old. Kolesnikova E.V.

Description of the textbook

Ability to generalize mathematical material
Quantity and count
Connect rectangles with the same number of objects.
Tell me, which rectangles did you connect? Circle the birds that are the most numerous.
Which birds did you circle? Why?

Quantity and count
Color only the math symbols.
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Geometric shapes
Draw as many leaves on each branch as there are circles on the left.
How many leaves did you draw on the top branch? Why? On the middle one? Why? On the bottom branch? Why?
Connect each twig with a card that has as many circles as there are leaves on the twig.
Which card did you connect with which branch?
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Write the numbers from 0 to 9 in order in the squares.
Color only the numbers.
Name the numbers you shaded.
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Color only the geometric shapes.
Name the geometric shapes that you shaded. Color only the quadrilaterals.
Name the geometric shapes that you shaded.
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Trace the shapes with the fewest corners.
What shapes did you circle and why? Color in geometric shapes that have no corners.
What geometric shapes did you paint?
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Circle the houses of the same height.
How many houses did you circle and why? Connect trees with trunks of the same thickness.
Which trees did you connect and why?
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Time orientation
Color the pictures of morning
How many pictures did you color and why?
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Listen to an excerpt from P. Bashmakov’s poem “Days of the Week.” Under each picture, write a number indicating what day of the week the girl did.
On Monday I did the laundry, on Tuesday I swept the floor, on Wednesday I baked kalach, all Thursday I looked for the ball,
I washed the cups on Friday, and bought a cake on Saturday. I invited all my girlfriends to my birthday party on Sunday.
Name the days of the week in order.
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Which picture did you connect with which and why?
Ability to generalize mathematical material
Time orientation
Match the clocks that show the same time.
What time does the clock you connected show?
Draw the hands on the clock so that they show the time that is written in the squares below them.
What time does the first clock show? Second? Third? Fourth?
Under each square, write a number corresponding to the number of circles in them.
Name the numbers in the first row, in the second. Write the “greater than” (^or “less than” signs) in the circles

Match each card with the example it matches.
Tell me which card you paired with which example.
Divide the squares into 2, 3, 4, 5 triangles.
Divide the squares into 5, 4, 3, 2 triangles.
Color the triangles so that they are all different colors.
Color in the fish, which consists of the geometric shapes drawn on the right.
Why did you paint over this fish?
Color only those geometric shapes on the right that make up the fish.
What shapes did you paint?
Write the numbers from 1 to 6 in the squares, starting from the largest nesting doll.
Write the numbers from 1 to 6 in the squares, starting from the smallest ball.
Circle the objects to the left of the bear and color the objects to the right of it.
What objects have you painted? What objects did you circle?
Color in the objects to the left of the bear and circle the objects to the right of it.
What items did you circle? What objects did you color?
Draw as many objects on the right as possible from the geometric shapes on the left.
Show with an arrow which floor each funny little person lives on. To find out, you need to solve the example he is holding in his hand.
Write the numbers in the empty squares so that when you add them you get the answer that is written at the top.

Seven children played football. One was called home. He looks out the window and counts: How many friends are playing?
Guess the riddle. Write your answer in the square.
Seven tiny kittens, Everyone eats what they are given, And one asks for sour cream. How many kittens are there?
Guess the riddle. Write your answer in the square.
The hedgehog gave the ducklings Eight leather boots. Which of the guys will answer, How many ducklings were there?
Five crows landed on the roof, two more flew to them. Answer quickly, boldly, How many of them have arrived?
Listen and complete the task from Dunno I made beads from different numbers, And in those circles where there are no numbers, Arrange the minuses and pluses, To get the given answer.
Write greater than or less than signs in the empty squares.
Write in the circle the number indicating the number that the bunny wished for. And he thought of a number that is one less than seven, but one more than five.
Answer the questions. How many ears do two mice have?
How many paws do two cubs have?
How many days are there in a week?
How many parts are there in a day?
How many months are there in a year?
Who is bigger: a small hippopotamus or a big hare?
Which is longer: a snake or a caterpillar?
Can summer come immediately after winter?
What is the name of the fifth day of the week?
Which geometric figure has the fewest angles?

Diagnostics of mathematical abilities of children 6-7 years old.

Topic 6.


There is a significant variety of types of giftedness that can manifest themselves already in preschool age. Among them is intellectual talent, which largely determines a child’s aptitude for mathematics and develops intellectual, cognitive, and creative abilities.

Children with intellectual giftedness are characterized by the following features:

    highly developed curiosity, inquisitiveness; the ability to “see” yourself, find problems and the desire to solve them by actively experimenting; high (relative to age-related capabilities) stability of attention when immersed in cognitive activity (in the area of ​​his interests); early manifestation of the desire to classify objects and phenomena, discover cause-and-effect relationships; developed speech, good memory, high interest in new and unusual things; the ability to creatively transform images and improvise; early development of sensory abilities; originality of judgment, high learning ability; desire for independence.

The main areas of work with children with a penchant for mathematics include: determining the child’s aptitude, developing individual programs for the development of the child’s abilities, and additional education.

I want to focus on the first stage - determining the child’s aptitude for mathematics.

In view of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, the issue of monitoring the quality of preschool education has become especially acute. It is necessary to competently approach the issue of diagnosing the levels of development of children. In the modern understanding, pedagogical diagnostics is a system of methods and techniques, specially developed pedagogical technologies, test tasks that allow us to determine the level of professional competence of teachers and the level of development of a preschool child. Its main purpose is to analyze and eliminate the causes that give rise to shortcomings in work, accumulate and disseminate teaching experience, stimulate creativity and pedagogical skill.

Purpose of diagnosis: tracking achievements in a child’s mastery of the means and methods of cognition, identifying gifted children in the field of mathematical development.

Form of organization: problem-game situations conducted individually with each child.

We have proposed several diagnostic situations: “Enter the hut”, “Restore the ladder”, “Correct the mistakes”, “Which days are missed” and “Whose backpack is heavier”.

Diagnostic situation “Enter the hut”

Goal: to identify the practical skills of children 5-6 years old in composing numbers from 2 smaller ones and in carrying out search actions.

On three huts located in a row, the numbers (6, 9,7 respectively) indicate the number of gold coins. Traces lead to the huts. Only the one who opens the door can take the coins. To do this, you need to step on the left and right footprints together as many times as the number shows. (Mark with pencil).

Teacher: Which hut did you choose? What tracks will you step on? If you want, then enter other huts?

Diagnostic situation “Correct the mistakes and name the next move”

The goal is to identify children’s ability to follow the sequence of moves, offer options for correcting mistakes, reason, and mentally justify the course of their actions.

The situation is being organized without practical action. The child watches the adult’s progress, comments on his own move, and corrects mistakes.

Teacher: Imagine that you and I are playing dominoes. Some of us made mistakes. Find them and fix them. The first move was mine (left).

As errors are discovered, the child is asked the question: “Which of us made mistakes? How can I fix them using additional chips?”

As a result, generally low results were obtained for the group. At the beginning of the school year, the use of these methods turned out to be inappropriate. The knowledge of most children is not sufficiently formed, the ability to reason and justify actions is poorly expressed. In addition, the proposed situations are not enough to diagnose all areas of children’s mathematical development.

After the diagnosis, teachers were given the following recommendations:

1. Analyze the subject-game development environment

2. Initiate the creative cognitive activity of individual children (personal participation of the teacher in children's activities, creation of gaming communities, motivation)

3. Select games and gaming materials necessary for independent mastery of the actions necessary in a given period (knowledge of the dependencies between numbers, quantities in the conditions of a serial series)

4. Practice organizing and conducting leisure activities, children's games, projects, and joint events with parents.

5. Develop your own pedagogical creative potential. (accompanied by slide)

To carry out repeated diagnostics in September, the author’s diagnostic methods of Anna Vitalievna Beloshistaya were chosen, since it was her developments, in my opinion, that are most accessible, feasible and understandable to children and teachers. The positive aspects of these diagnostic methods are their simplicity, small amount of handouts, which significantly speeds up the diagnostic procedure, especially since all types of diagnostics must be carried out during scheduled moments, and most of them, according to the instructions, are carried out individually. The author focuses on aspects of developmental learning and the personal-activity-based successive approach.

1. Diagnostic situation of analytical-synthetic activity

(adapted technique)

Goal: to identify the maturity of the analysis and synthesis skills of children aged 5-6 years.

Objectives: assessment of the ability to compare and generalize objects based on characteristics, knowledge of the shape of the simplest geometric figures, the ability to classify material according to an independently found basis.

Presentation of the task: the diagnosis consists of several stages, which are offered to the child one by one. Conducted individually.

Material: set of figures - five circles (blue: large and two small, green: large and small), small red square. (Slide “Circles”)

diagnostic situation

Assignment: “Determine which of the figures in this set is extra. (Square.) Explain why. (All the rest are circles.).”

Material: the same as for No. 1, but without the square.

Assignment: “The remaining circles were divided into two groups. Explain why you divided it this way. (By color, by size.).”

Material: the same and cards with numbers 2 and 3.

Assignment: “What does the number 2 mean on circles? (Two big circles, two green circles.) Number 3? (Three blue circles, three small circles.).”

Assignment rating:

Slide with a photo of a child

2. Diagnostic situation “What is unnecessary”


Purpose: to determine the development of visual analysis skills in children aged 5-6 years.

Option 1.

Material: drawing of figurines-faces. (slide “Faces”)

diagnostic task

Assignment: “One of the figures is different from all the others. Which? (Fourth.) How is it different?”

Option 2.

Material: drawing of human figures.

diagnostic task

Assignment: “Among these figures there is an extra one. Find her. (Fifth figure.) Why is she extra?”

Assignment rating:

Level 1 – task completed completely correctly

Level 2 – 1-2 mistakes made

Level 3 – task completed with the help of an adult

Level 4 – the child finds it difficult to answer the question even after prompting

3. Diagnostic situation for analysis and synthesis

for children 5 – 7 years old (methodology)

Goal: to determine the degree of development of the skill of isolating a figure from a composition formed by superimposing some forms on others, to identify the level of knowledge of geometric figures.

Presentation of the task: individually with each child. In 2 stages.

Material: 4 identical triangles. (slide)

diagnostic task

Assignment: “Take two triangles and fold them into one. Now take the other two triangles and fold them into another triangle, but of a different shape. How are they different? (One is tall, the other is low; one is narrow, the other is wide.) Is it possible to make a rectangle out of these two triangles? (Yes.) Square? (No.)".

Material: drawing of two small triangles forming one large one. (slide)

diagnostic task

Assignment: “There are three triangles hidden in this picture. Find them and show them."

Assignment rating:

Level 1 – task completed completely correctly

Level 2 – 1-2 mistakes made

Level 3 – task completed with the help of an adult

Level 4 – the child did not complete the task

4. Diagnostic test.

Initial mathematical representations (methodology)

Purpose: to determine children’s ideas about relationships more than; less by; about quantitative and ordinal counting, about the shape of the simplest geometric figures.

Material: 7 any objects or their images on a magnetic board. Items can be either the same or different. The task can be offered to a subgroup of children. (slide “Yula”)

diagnostic task

Method of execution: the child is given a sheet of paper and a pencil. The task consists of several parts that are offered sequentially.

A. Draw as many circles on the sheet as there are objects on the board.

B. Draw 1 more squares than circles.

B. Draw 2 less triangles than circles.

D. Draw a line around 6 squares.

D. Color in the 5th circle.

Assignment rating:

Level 1 – task completed completely correctly

Level 2 – 1-2 mistakes made

Level 3 – 3-4 mistakes made

Level 4 – 5 mistakes were made.

During diagnostics, visual material can be provided to children in a multimedia version or on a magnetic board, if the instructions do not require practical actions with it. The material should be colorful, age-appropriate, aesthetically designed, appropriate for the number of children.

The proposed methods No. 1 – 2 are carried out in September, as one of the stages of initial monitoring. Methods No. 3-4 – in May, to determine the result of children’s mathematical development.

Only after carrying out several diagnostics is a conclusion drawn up about the maturity of the child’s knowledge, skills and abilities, the results of which are entered into the table: (slide of an empty table)

As a result of the work carried out over the year in accordance with these recommendations for teachers to enrich the group environment in the field of mathematical development, as well as thanks to the diagnostic methods selected in accordance with the tasks of the educational educational institution in May, we came to the following results: (tables)


Concept of form

Initial mat. submissions

Total for the group

As can be seen from the above data, the level of knowledge, both individually and in the group as a whole, has increased significantly. During the diagnostic process, gifted children were identified who easily coped with the situations proposed by the teacher and quickly and accurately found the right solutions.

In order to further develop the mathematical abilities of gifted children, teachers were asked to continue working with these children individually: in special moments, in joint targeted activities with the teacher in the field of mathematical development.


1. Monitoring in kindergarten. Scientific and methodological manual. – SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2011. – 592 p.

2. Management of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Methodological manual/ , . – M.: Iris-press, 2006. – 224 p.

3. Formation and development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers. Methodical manual. / . – M.: Arkti, 2004.

· Make sure that the child is emotionally positive about communication.

·Tasks are offered in strict accordance with the instructions.

· An assessment of a child’s mathematical development is made based on the results of several diagnostics.

· The choice of a specific diagnostic technique is made in accordance with the basic and basic general education program of the preschool educational institution.

· When summing up, you should take into account the results of short-term observations of the child, his behavior in a new game, in a creative or problematic situation.

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